Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach January 2015 INTRODUCTION In his book “Kids First,” David L. Kirp wrote, “Children aren’t autonomous…They 1 ! "# $ % &' %( " " ) )" " ) " %( *& & ) ) ' " + " -" " " ' ( " % /0 2 0 % 2 steps need " 4 5 % ( $ "+"" $ " 6 ! (+ " & 2 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach MISSED OPPORTUNITIES 7 ' '# 0 89 )3 however, $ + " & $ ;< "$ " $" " 4 ' " A separation from opportunity > ? " % " ? 5 " @ " "& " + + " % +% 7 <-" ' " + &" A B E9GE H J M N 4 6 @"O& -"2 0 P 2 ! %62 + + R&S9 + + U & " -" G;V9 + ++ " W<999 + XW<Y99 " WS89 E9GEZ "WG+ ++" WGG$ GG 3 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach 6 + [ ( " “I t bears repeating that teachers are not trained and schools are not equipped to make up for societal inequalities. This is why we should commit to doing all done that, we can expand those spheres.” —-- & & "2 ' +[ " \ " " $ " R E9GY 6 N 6 0" ( " "" EV V A separation from school lessons " "" " $ %E9GYM0 2 " E8 GV " > " MH] + " " 8 4 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach 6 _" _ 2 X6__2Z / " " E99; E Y " BE " ; J 8G H 0 ' " " JSE " J + enough.10 0 E9GE 6 % 2 " , “Education isn ! " , We already know that most of the learning that people do doesn ’t happen in the "#$% & ! !'( "" -- )*+/ / % 0! 1 * R&<c "( << EG " 11 7 GE 12 5 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach " O 5 E9GEM 0 2 " Vc ) G< cG 5 SS 13f ' " " " f G < " XEG Z6__2 " X<9 Z " XSE Z XY; Z14 ' ( "" " " " Student engagement while in school Elementary School 76% 61% Middle School 44% High School OOXE9GYZ06Aj0 _ @f_04MO P"?jqqqE9GYq9Gq++A+ + . 6 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER: CONNECTED LEARNING " " " $ $ " & P " 6 jGZ EZ must be made relevant to young people in order to address the opportunity gap 6 " - people understand how lessons learned are relevant to their lives, providing + ( # $ $! ' & $ ' $ " " " ' & Connecting to peer networks R ""6 R? N " $ " $ # " G<f " " 7 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach R ' time, those seeking to promote youth engagement—be they youth organizations, (" ) 2" ' " ! ""! political community.” -- New Media and Youth Political Action Connecting to interests 2 "" & "16 %" 4 " "" " 5 % + + $ ! " 899 <999 " $ "H $ $H H $ $ ++GV!" +" " by messing around and geeking out. The report also illustrates how interest A " ' " Xsee Interest-Engagement-Achievement on next pageZ 8 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach Interest – Engagement - Achievement B' '( 5 >0 A >0 ! B 5 ( f " ? ! >0 ' % ' ->7 600 " %( " f 2 R @" % ( " f A B Web design. % " B 5 "f /20- H/20U " 5 ' % O] ] @ z{ ?)] z{? 06) I might just do that.’” ++ Interview from “Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out.” 9 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach 3 1 " " % " 6 " R & " " " ' " " "?184 $" $( " "$ networks. 6 " " & " 5 " R& $ " $ + " " " "" " '" "G;% +" " " +" " " 10 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach THE ROLE AFTERSCHOOL CAN PLAY %( $ "& & U & ' f " A *& ( ++ + " " %( + " $ " + " " ( " " " their adult lives. O " ( " A 5 j ' " in which young where they are creating, remixing and sharing. TAKEAWAYS: }JA " q" 5 " & }_ $ & "$& 5 }7 " + "" 11 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach 4 Createch Studio > > ' " " " 0 2 2 7 0 2 2 P @ J 0227 60" " "2Y+@ ! ' U & "j" ! & , “Much of what we 4 !"!* 56 1"! !6 7 "8!! a lot of interest around hanging out by simply putting this technology in a room ""!9 '' ;<; 1 ;! % ! " 60 @ " "" U $ "" " $ " AR& & % 5 12 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach 6" )AU 2A " & A 0 >> $ S<9 c9 ? $ H Fostering an openly networked experience where young people , can share projects, as well as learn from others ’ work, inside and outside of their program. TAKEAWAYS: ~ Providing a forum for youth to showcase their work not only gives them a goal to strive for, but allows them to share their work with a wider audience that can include parents, friends and the community. }6 " " $ 5$ " students. ~ Finding ways for youth in the program to connect with others who share $ & ' $ & The 6 2_ 2?2 ! " ! " ! & "" 5 0 " A " 5 " 0 HP P 2?4> 13 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach =7 >’s after-school programs began with a focus on arts experiences$ ' ""?! arts because that’’s where our student’s’ interests were. We’4 " ! @ 7 " " 3 ' ' experiences that bring the kids together with experienced, adult mentors who can bridge out-of-school and in-school learning.” -- 1257 > ! " " A " ? " R & -+- 7J6 6 7 2? "" ' + 2?4>' A E9GE ? J 4 f 0 " U 5'"+ & '% " ! $" % " "& & 6 7 "$ 2?2 66J@& 7% 6 f @667 ( " " & R& @67 O$@+ ' ! " " " "" $ @ <9 ! @ A(" 14 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach 7 (! ( @ ! " " shared purpose. TAKEAWAYS: }4 " " " " % $ $ " }% " ? " " }_ " " " ? ? % (& R 318) ( O N4 & ' " $ + " 6 " A ' " A " 0 ! " $ " " " "%0YG8$ " $H king.”200 "? 0YG8 ( & Through the program, students, parents and other program supporters have 15 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach 5 'HO 6 A " 2"' ? 21 " I gained the ability to be patient through sitting down at the chess board and just being able to sit there for hours analyzing the different positions I was presented with. Also, I gained the ability to plan. I can plan ahead and plan how * ? !@ * > " " *4" " "4 ">"" ) with my friends after a hard day’s work in the classroom. All of these key skills I learned from the game of chess, and the chess program at I.S. 318 helped me become who I am today.” --Pobo Efekoro, former I.S. 318 student 16 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach CONCLUSION % " A HA 23% + &" " +"" 6 ") " " interests and their peer networks, and tying their interests and peer networks to % % " 5 24 " # > ( $A *& " %( U ' " ( A "+ 17 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach RESOURCES 6 7 j% % P @ % ! " % " ) ) " 6 7 PN % A" U 6 7 % %5& * & +" ! ! " U _ " % N f 25 young people to be innovators. 18 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. < 6. V 8. ; 10. 11. 12. 19 @7XE9GGZ“Kids First: Five Big Ideas for Transforming Children’s Lives and America’s Future.” 2%AjN4N4 _ 0 XE9GSZ N 6 _ 0 %" 2j f @6 P" ?jqq "q"qq E9GEqE9GE G 2 XE9GYZ!" #$%"" &'(! &!)*!" _& > J j7" 2%( 07 0 0f @6 2 P 25 XE9GEZ ! 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GV > XE9G9Z “Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out.” The > 2j 6 >% P" ?jqqEqq q9EcE9GYYcYG. 18. M P ! 7! <= +0 5'$ 5 5!. 6 N 6 0"JP 2@" f @6P"?jqq ""qq9V 9<9c . G; 6 6B B XE9GEZ "* 0 #$ > @! >%PN 422P" jqq qqqq q2 2 N > 4 2 % E9GE. 20. E9GEH0YG86 %" !9DP"?jqq 5q qq0OG999GSES9<EV9EY9Y<GYS9S<VVY<SEGG<S9EVEGV8. 21. O 6@@P> > 6 _2E9GE@@ 22. OOXE9GYZ06Aj0 _ @f_04 MOP"?jqqqE9GYq9Gq++A+ + 23. MXE9GEZ>*31;!" 9P Washington, @6P"?jqqqqG<c8G8q+ ++ &. Support for this paper was provided by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Opinions expressed are those of the Afterschool Alliance and do not necessarily represent the views of the MacArthur Foundation. to ensure that all children and youth have access to quality afterschool programs. More information is available at 20 | Afterschool Programs: Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach 1616 H Street NW . Suite 820 Washington . D.C. . 20006
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