ETSI M2M / oneM2M and the need for semantics Joerg Swetina (NEC) ([email protected]) Outline of this presentation ▐ A simple picture of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications ▐ Where do standards apply to in M2M ? ▐ The creation of oneM2M global Partnership Project ▐ ETSI TC M2M – working on a Standard for M2M Service enablers ▐ The study on “Semantic support for M2M Data“ in ETSI TC M2M ▐ Summary Page 2 A simple picture of M2M M2M Area Network M2M Application DIRECT CONNECT Service Enablers (Capabilities) M2M Core M2M Gateway Client Application DIRECT CONNECT 3 ▐ A simple picture of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications ▐ Where do standards apply to in M2M ? ▐ The creation of oneM2M global Partnership Project ▐ ETSI TC M2M – working on a Standard for M2M Service enablers ▐ The study on “Semantic support for M2M Data“ in ETSI TC M2M ▐ Summary Page 4 Many standards want / need to play in the M2M arena e-health Automotive, ITS M2M HEMS, Smart House BEMS The standards landscape related to M2M is very large. e.g. the Global Standards Collaboration Machine-Machine Task Force (GSC MSTF) identifies 143 organisations with a direct or indirect interest in M2M standardisation ! Page 5 1 - Standards for Wide Area Networks Standards for Wide Area Networks (3GPP, fixed NW, WiMax…): Target: protect networks against negative effects of M2M traffic (many devices, non-human traffic …) Page 6 2 - Standards for Local Area Networks Standards for Local Area Networks (ZigBee, Bluetooth,.) Target: foster use of LAN technology by supporting services of multiple verticals Example ZigBee: 802.15.4 phy/link layer optimized for low bitrate Support of vertical industry segments: Application Profiles Page 7 3 - Standards and fora of ‘vertical’ industries Standards / fora of ‘vertical’ Industries (applications) Target: enable interoperable, cost-efficient Solutions … eventually will create a part of … Page 8 4 - Standards for M2M Service enablers Standards for M2M Service enablers: Target: (a) end-to end enablement across servers, gateways, devices (b) standardized service interfaces Page 9 ▐ A simple picture of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications ▐ Where do standards apply to in M2M ? ▐ The creation of oneM2M global Partnership Project ▐ ETSI TC M2M – working on a Standard for M2M Service enablers ▐ The study on “Semantic support for M2M Data“ in ETSI TC M2M ▐ Summary Page 10 Latest news: the oneM2M global Initiative ▐ To avoid creation of competing M2M standards the 7 SDOs, that publish telecom standards: TTC, ARIB (Japan), ATIS, TIA (USA), TTA (Korea) CCSA (China), ETSI (Europe) are now finalizing set-up of the oneM2M Global Initiative. ETSI TC M2M (Europe), TIA TR-50 (USA) and CCSA TC 10 (China) will give up individual work and join their efforts to create a single M2M standard! ▐ Objective: oneM2M Global Initiative Page 11 Develop one globally agreed M2M specification, initial focus on Service Layer Consolidate current M2M Service Layer standards activities into the oneM2M initiative Partner/Collaborate with wireless and wireline SDOs and fora responsible for developing standards • for Core and Access Networks. • the vertical markets (i.e., domain-specific) • auxiliary specifications (e.g., OMA DM, W3C for Device APIs). ▐ A simple picture of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications ▐ Where do standards apply to in M2M ? ▐ The creation of oneM2M global Partnership Project ▐ ETSI TC M2M – working on a Standard for M2M Service enablers ▐ The study on “Semantic support for M2M Data“ in ETSI TC M2M ▐ Summary Page 12 ETSI TC M2M - the ETSI M2M Vision 13 Lower CAPEX for M2M Services Lower OPEX for M2M Services Faster time for new M2M services to markets Reduces investment barriers to new markets Interoperable solutions push cost down Simplifies M2M for users and Apps developers M2M is inverting - ‘horizontalizing’ - the pipes Pipe (vertical): Horizontal (based on common Layer) 1 Application, 1 NW, 1 (or few) type of Device Applications share common infrastructure, environments and network elements Business Application Business Application#1 Business Application#i Business Application#N Common Application Infrastructure Transport Network (mobile, fixed, Powerline ..) Transport Network 2 Transport Network 1 Gateway Local NW Device 14 IP M2M Applications providers run individual M2M services. Customer is Device owner M2M Service provider hosts several M2M Applications on his Platform. Wide Area Transport Network operator(s) Customer is the M2M service provider Gateway End user owns / operates the Device or Gateway Local NW Device Device Device Device Value of a standardized horizontal M2M service layer Reduced complexity, Standard APIs and protocols, Scalable solution, Lower CAPEXhorizontal for Reduced initial investment costs. M2M Services Re-use of platform to test and roll out new services, Faster time for new Simplified applications development. M2M services to markets Standard interfaces, protocols opens vendor ecosystem, Interoperable Reduces solution cost and improves interoperability. solutions push cost down 15 Better network efficiency Single service layer for all verticals Lower OPEX for M2M Network independent, use best networks for deployment needs. Services Simplicity of deployment, Allows to trail new services, Less expensive to roll outinvestment than Reduces dedicated solution. barriers to new markets Hiding the complexity of underlying networks to Simplifies M2M for Applications developers foster innovation of new services. users and Apps developers A bit more technical on ETSI M2M ▐ Defines a “Service Capability Layer” (SCL) on top of connectivity layers SCL in network server, gateways and devices. SCL does registration, access rights, security&authentication, data-transfer (containers), subscribe / notify, groups … ▐ API for applications is based on REST principles allowing Scalability (stateless, idempotent) Unreliable connections Binding to e.g. HTTP, CoAP ▐ Re-uses TR-069 (from BBF) and OMA DM (from OMA) for device management ETSI M2M Release 1 has been finalized this year! All specifications and reports openly available at: Page 16 The ETSI M2M Specifications Work Use Cases [Stage 0] TR 102 691 Smart Metering TR 102 935 Smart Grid impacts on M2M TR 102 966 TR 102 732 TR 102 857 TR 102 898 eHealth Connected consumer Automotive P TR 102 897 City automation TS 102 689 TR 102 725 after this overview on M2M standardization… M2M Service Stage 1 Requirements P M2M Definitions This is what you may be waiting for .. Stage 2 Interworking with M2M Area Networks TS 102 690 M2M Functional Architecture TR 101 531 P TR 102 167 Threat analysis & counter measures to M2M service layer Re-use of 3GPP nodes by M2MSC layer P TS 102 921 TS 101 404 17 OMA DM compatible Management Objects Page 17 Stage 3 M2M Communications; mIa, dIa and mId interfaces P TS 101 405 TR 101 584 BBF TR-069 compatible Management Objects Semantic support for M2M Data ▐ A simple picture of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications ▐ Where do standards apply to in M2M ? ▐ The creation of oneM2M global Partnership Project ▐ ETSI TC M2M – working on a Standard for M2M Service enablers ▐ The study on “Semantic support for M2M Data“ in ETSI TC M2M ▐ Summary Page 18 Why think about semantics in M2M ? M2M needs to cope with heterogeneity ... Complexity Dimension: M2M connects heterogeneous entities administration effort for M2M services becomes huge Example: Buildings come in all kind of formes and sizes configuring / adapting building management systems is tedious CAPEX/OPEX many, many new M2M applications for various end users – many buildings: Is automatic adaptation feasible? Can we reduce manual integration work? How can the M2M system cope with heterogeneous subsystems? Page 19 M2M needs to adapt to Changes ... Time Dimension: Real World is changing fast sources of information for M2M services change over time Space Dimension: Real World is moving – M2M services receive information from various places How can the M2M system capture the real-world changes? Page 20 A secondary Market for M2M Data may evolve ... Common Interface Data Transport M2M Service Provider Smart City Data Analysis Data Transport M2M Service Provider Primary M2M Market vertically connected sensor/applications target a specific business need collect and manage data through the M2M platform Secondary Open M2M Market Re-use the data collected in the primary market – semantics will help understanding the original data Provide Data Analysis (aggregated, anonymized, processed information, e.g. for Smart City administration) A new role for the M2M Service provider Data Aggregator and Data Broker Page 21 Study “ Semantic support for M2M Data“ in ETSI M2M ▐Study Item on „Semantic support for M2M Data“ in ETSI M2M (M2M(12)18_006r2) Agreed at M2M#18 (January 2012), NEC is rapporteur Strong interest by operators and vendors (Supporters: Telecom Italia, France Telecom, KDDI, NEC, Gemalto, Interdigital, Huawei) ▐TR 101 584 (DTR/M2M-00017), currently at version 0.2.0 Since ETSI M2M Rel.-2 is expected to be a short release (6 – 9 month) only little normative work is envisaged in Rel.-2 after the study is finished. ▐Current discussion Use cases, definitions, basic questions ... If and how „ Data Source Abstraction“ needs to be considered in the study. • Data Source Abstraction is using the semantic information that devices, defined by different vertical standards, are semantically equivalent (e.g. both, a lightswitch specified by ZigBee and a lightswitch specified by KNX are semantical equivalent “lightswitches“) Page 22 Scope of Study on „Semantic support for M2M Data“ • pre-normative study in order to facilitate normative specification work in ETSI M2M Rel.-2 or later. • Study will analyse benefit, feasibility and potential requirements for the support of semantic information on application related M2M Resources in the M2M system. The ETSI M2M system would, however, only provide a means to create and handle such semantic information in the ETSI M2M system; ETSI M2M shall continue to stay independent of ‘vertical’ markets who in general would define the semantics of M2M data related to their field of expertise. • use cases that illustrate provisioning and usage of semantic information. • investigate on the kind and amount of semantic information that would become available in the M2M system, keeping in mind a trade-off between complexity and usability. • discovery mechanisms for semantic information in the ETSI M2M System. This should take into account how existing solutions from other standards or research could be used within the ETSI M2M architecture. • consider on issues of ownership/responsibility for application related M2M Resources in the case that the M2M system can provide semantic information on them. This needs to take into account the need for support of different levels of data privacy and confidentiality.. Page 23 Vision of the new ETSI M2M study item M2M application 1 M2M app 2 ... ▐ Overall goals: Enable the M2M System to hold (semantic) description of the M2M data that are handled in the system (e.g. by annotations that reference an ontology) Decouple M2M applications from concrete device installations (horizontalization) Page 24 ▌ 3 steps towards these goals: (1) Make M2M data understandable without prior knowledge about the data or devices that produced them (2) Make M2M data / devices discoverable by their description (3) Offer interaction on higher level of abstraction (physical / virtual entity modeling) ▐ A simple picture of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications ▐ Where do standards apply to in M2M ? ▐ The creation of oneM2M global Partnership Project ▐ ETSI TC M2M – working on a Standard for M2M Service enablers ▐ The study on “Semantic support for M2M Data“ in ETSI TC M2M ▐ Summary Page 25 Summary ▐ IN the area of M2M many standards will play in the market ▐ ETSI TC M2M created specifications that covers end-to-end Service Enablement across many networks and for all kinds of ‘vertical’ markets. ▐ By the end of the year ETSI TC M2M and similar SDOs in China and USA will stop working individually and join efforts to create a single standard under the name of “oneM2M Global Initiative”. oneM2M will strongly encourage participation of ‘vertical’ markets. ▐ ETSI TC M2M identified the need for “Semantic support for M2M Data”. A study has been started this year, however it is still at its initial stage. This study would profit from results in related research! Please contribute expertise from your research project! Page 26 Backup Page 28 Another reason for “Semantics”: Device abstraction ▐ Current (Rel-1) ETSI M2M has not specified interworking with ‘verticals’ ▐ To make ETSI M2M System useful to ‘verticals’ it needs to interwork with existing Local Area Networks and existing vertical standards (data and functions). “Device Abstraction”: ETSI wants to offer common functions abstracted from several similar interworked standards (e.g. a lamp is just a “lamp”, not a Zigbee lamp, BacNet lamp…). => The application doesn’t need to understand individual standards ... this kind of interworking already exists in ETSI M2M for BBF TR-069 and OMA DM Currently several SDOs (HGI, BBF, OMA, OSGI, ETSI) are working on “Abstraction layer” for Smart Home. Clearly “Abstraction” introduces semantic concepts into ETSI M2M (the concept of a “lightswitch” introduces semantic information) => How will this fit to a more general semantic description of M2M data? Page 29 Questions to be solved by ETSI M2M Semantics (I/II) ▌ How should data be annotated in order to be understandable? should data be universally understandable, or only inside specific vertical domains? Where is the borderline? what is the best way to create extensible annotations, i.e. from minimal semantic information (simple ontology) towards more elaborate? ▌ Where do the semantic descriptions (ontologies) come from? Who defines the ontologies? defined fixed catalogue of ontologies vs toolbox for publishing/using ▌ Where will resources for virtual entities be stored a. as M2M resources by the M2M system? (similar to resources from sensors..) or b. rather in applications? I.e. the M2M system only maintains resources for physical entities (sensors, actuators) that are semantically linked to virtual entities in the applications Page 30 Questions to be solved by ETSI M2M Semantics (II/II) ▐ What needs to go into the standard, what should be out of scope (e.g. as unique features for NEC products)? Geofencing Example: Standard interfaces, but technology proprietary ▐ How can ETSI M2M discovery functions be extended to enable semantic discovery? ▐ Entities need to be linked (e.g. relationships like „A contains B“, „A is a B“, „A observes B“). How can such a linkage be done in the ETSI M2M system? ▐ ... and many more... Page 31 Features offered by ETSI M2M ▐ Identification of the M2M Application and the M2M Devices ▐ Asynchronous and synchronous communication ▐ Store and forward mechanism based on policies for optimizing the communication ▐ Location information ▐ Device management based both on OMA DM (wireless) and BBF TR-69 (wireline) ▐ Mutual authentication between Network Service Capability Layer and Device/Gateway Service Capability Layer that are connected ▐ Secure channel for transporting data over mId reference point ▐ And much more …. 32 32 Page 32 M2M Security ▐ R1 provides standardized security mechanism for the reference point mId ▐ The device/gateway needs to have keys for securing the connection. ▐ The device/gateway is provisioned with the key M2M Root Key. ▐ The high level procedure are to Perform mutual mId end point authentication Perform M2M Connection Key agreement Optionally establish a secure session over mId. Perform RESTful procedures over the mId 33 33 ETSI M2M further keywords Release2 Ongoing work for additional fonctionalities expected publication in 2012 Main items discussed for Rel2: Page 34 Protocols mapping to ETSI M2M methods (linked to TR 102966) Putting the basis for further abstraction work (linked to Draft TR 101584) Charging/billing with appropriate data recording Service discovery QoS Service discovery Security extensions Next steps ▐ Next ETSI M2M 2012 meetings: 16-20 July, in Sophia-Antipolis (France) 17-21 September, Sophia-Antipolis 3-7 December, in China ▐ ETSI “M2M workshop” 23-25 October, Sophia-Antipolis ▐ Also for your information, OneM2M Technical Plenaries: First OneM2M Technical Plenary 24-28 Sept, Sophia-Antipolis OneM2M#2 Technical Plenary 10-17 Dec, in China Page 35
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