St Joseph Catholic Church Mansfield Louisiana St. Ann’s Catholic Church Stonewall, Louisiana Third Sunday in Ordinary time Saturday January 24th & Sunday January 25th, 2015 St. Joseph Church St. Ann Chapel Our Parish Mission Statement We, the Catholic Church of Desoto Parish, embrace the universal mission of the Church. As members of the Body of Christ, the Holy Spirit calls us together to worship the Father: By celebrating God’s presence among us in both Word and Sacrament; by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus’ redemptive death and resurrection and by expressing God’s unconditional, liberating and healing love in our service to others in the world. Father Mathew Long - Deacon Bill Kleinpeter Then they abandoned their nets and followed Him. RCIA: (Convert Instructions): Call Church Office for information Funeral arrangements made with office Marriage: Call office for appointment Baptisms: by appointment Adults: Require RCIA Program Infants: Require Parent Instructions Reconciliation: St. Joseph: Saturdays 3:30PM Secretary: Jo Ann Beason 305 Jefferson St./PO Box 760 Mansfield, LA 71052 Phone: 318-872-1158 Fax: 318-872-1161 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Office Hours– Mon.-Fri. 9AM-3PM Religious Education Coordinators St. Joseph– Ramel Fields RCIA Instructor: Deacon Bill Kleinpeter St. Ann: James Trammel RCIA Instructor: Leroy Poston Music Ministry Carol Paga 318-465-2400 John Martinez 318-315-2325 New Parishioners: Call the Church office The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass January 24—January 26 24-Saturday 25-Sunday 25-Sunday 25-Sunday 26–Monday 4:00 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am 3:00 pm 8:00 am St. Joseph St. Ann St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joseph +Roger Lopez brother of Janis Canton People of the Parish Leland Pataniere by Lisa Ruiloba Hispanic Community Special Intentions of Tanya Dufour ST. JOSEPH CHURCH Mansfield, Louisiana Offerings January 17/18 Regular Collections $2152.00 Lighthouse Ministry $24.00 Building Fund $2005.00 2nd Collections $723.00 Flowers $205.00 PSR $20.00 Stipends $5.00 St. Jude Candles $25.00 Total Collections $5168.00 LECTOR Jan. 24: Bonnie Ibarra Jan. 25: Tanya Dufour & Marie Steelman Jan. 31: Martha Calvert Feb. 1: Ken & Amy Nichols EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST Jan. 24: Lucy Binning Jan. 25: Donnie Dufour Jan. 31: Janis Canton & Jo Ann Murray Feb. 1: Charles & Gloria Miller ALTAR SERVER Jan. 24-31: James Foshee Jan. 25: Tristian & Jakob Varnell Feb. 1: Buddy Hesser & Connie Deers If you know of someone that is unable to attend Mass and would like to receive the Holy Eucharist please contact the office and leave a message for Deacon Bill. He will put their name on our homebound list and make sure that someone visits and provides them with the Eucharist. ST. ANN CHURCH Stonewall, Louisiana Offerings January 18 Regular Collections Building Fund Cemetery Flowers Stipends 2nd Collections Total Collections $1077.00 $25.00 $25.00 $35.00 $15.00 $367.00 $1544.00 LECTOR Jan. 25: James Trammel & Rachel Simar Feb. 1:Diane Ward & Skip Manint EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST Jan. 25: Mary Mouser & Marcos Villalba Feb. 1: Frank Thornton USHERS Jan. 25: Rodney DeLatin & Tommy Carter Feb. 1: Kevin Ward & Mike Simar Altar Server Jan. 25: Diane Ward & Sam Ward Feb. 1: Ethan Ortez & Justin Ferguson Events ST. JOSEPH MANSFIELD Isaiah 22:15-24, 5-6, Micah 6:1-8 Saturday, Jan. 24 Book of Revelation Class Reconciliation @ St. Joseph 3:30 PM Mass @ St. Joseph 4:00 PM Class Monday Jan. 26. Reconciliation 2:30 PM Misa in español 3:00 PM Mass in Spanish 3:00 PM Ofrenda de navidad $290.00 Sunday, Jan. 25 SAN JOSE Mass @ St. Joseph 11:00 AM Mass in Spanish @ St. Joseph 3:00 PM On 2nd and 4th Sundays MINISTERIO HISPANO St. Joseph’s Altar Society meets 1st Tuesday of the month Sunday, Jan. 25 Sunday, Jan. 25 St. Joseph/St. Ann Pot Luck Sunday, February 15 after the 11:00 am Mass Next meeting February 16 @ 10:00 AM We will be preparing the church for Lent. St. Joseph RCIA Class Tuesdays @ 6:00 PM Next class Jan 27. St. Joseph RCIC Class Thursdays @ 5:00 PM Please bring dishes according to the first letter of your LAST NAME. A-I Main dish J-Q Side dish/Salad R-Z Bread/Dessert Drinks will be provided by the church. Next class Jan 29. The Great Adventure: A Journey through the Bible Mondays after Mass will continue with the Divided Kingdom—Part 2. 1 Kings 12-22, 2 Kings, 1 Kings 14:21-15:8, 2 Chronicles 11:5-12:1, Deuteronomy 30:15-20, St. Joseph Altar Volunteers for January Ramel Fields & Mary Laffitte ST. ANN STONEWALL Living the Eucharist Again this year, we will continue having Living the Eucharist during Lent. Hopefully we will have three classes at St. Joseph’s on Monday mornings, and Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Reconciliación 2:30 PM Mass @ St. Ann’s 9:00AM St. Ann’s Scriptural Rosary 1st Sunday of the month @ Anyone interested in leading the Scriptural Rosary on the 1st Sunday of the month please contact James Trammel or Carol Living the Eucharist Please contact James Trammel or Leroy Poston if you are interested in participating in Living the Eucharist during Lent. No days or times have been set up yet. SAVE THE DATE! St. Joseph’s Day Altar Thursday, March 19, 2015 Get your recipes ready! Remember no meat dishes! 8:20AM Diocesan Events & Announcements Our deepest sympathies go out to Martha Calvert in the passing of her brother, Walter Calvert. May the perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in peace. Deepen Your Faith!!! Lighthouse Catholic Media Suggested Donations CDs $3.00 Booklets $2.00 Books $4.00 or as marked Items located on bookcase in front of the cry room Mary’s House is a Catholic Pregnancy Help Center for the Diocese of Shreveport. It is in its infancy. One of its greatest needs is PRAYER. We have been asked to become PRAYER PARTNERS FOR MARY’S HOUSE. Please take a yellow prayer card from the basket underneath St. Teresa and when you have finished your prayers indicate how many and return it to the basket next time you’re at church. Your Prayers are greatly appreciated. Readings for the week of January 18 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 Monday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday: Heb 10:1-10/Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: HEB 10:11-18/Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: Heb 10:19-25/Mk 4:21-25 Friday: Heb 10:32-39/Mk4:26-34 Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Mk 4:35-41 Next Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 2nd Collection this weekend Jan. 24 & 25 Collection for the Church in Latin America Today, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Your gifts to the collection will fund catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and seminarian education in Latin America and the Caribbean. The support you give today will provide opportunities for years to come. Please support the Church in Latin America and be generous in today’s collection. Sick Among Us and Prayerful Needs Maegan Adams, Lesley Bear, Marie Bedsole, Nan Bedsole, Maxine Binning, Shirley Bullard, Lillian Calhoun, Dave Campbell, Millie Campbell, Ricky Craver Jr., Jerry Desoto, Betty Jo Ebarb, Carla Ebarb, Josephine Ebarb, Pauline Ebarb, Alex English, Anna Fisher, Brenda Fisher, John Flores, Jeff Goodman, Angela Mosley Grooms, Pattie Habetz, James Hay, Verdine Holder, Bill Holm, Lonnie Irvin, Ben & Kathy Johnson, Erma T Johnson, Ginger Keebler, Michele Kitchen, June Kitchen, Robert Kitchen, Ike Laffitte, Sherry Laffitte, Sally Lee, Sherry Leon, Lucas LeBlanc, Roy Love, Kelly May, Bobby Middlebrook, John Mills, Judi Moraw, Terry Niette, Sonny Nunley, Jean Onishea, Mildred Osbourne, Joshua Page, Leland Pataniere, Mike Parker, Mary Poston, Patsy Procell, Alice Prudhome, Kristen Rachelle, James Roblow, Eddie Ross, Ida Russell, Oscar Saffel, M/M Virgil Sims, Cecilia Snyder, Karen Stewart, Regina Suhummeek, Sue Walraven, Ayanna White, Josh Wolf Please let the church office know if a name needs to be added OR removed from this list!!! St. Joseph & St. Ann Parish School of Religion PSR Sundays St. Joseph 9:30-10:45 AM St. Ann 10:15-11:15 AM St. Joseph Youth Group Last Thursday of the month 6:00 PM St. Ann Youth Group 3rd Sunday of the month 11:00 AM St. Ann’s youth grades 8-12 on the first three Wednesday nights of the month from 7-8 explore and enrich your Catholic faith! We are seeing how we are all "Chosen" to be children of Christ in all aspects of our lives. All teens are welcome to check it out! (Dinner is served from 6:30-7) Questions? Please feel free to contact Michelle Higdon at 318-470-3916. St. Joseph and St. Ann youth groups will have a joint retreat at St. Joseph Parish Hall on January 25th from 1-5 PM. Supper will be provided! Bring an open heart and wear comfortable clothes. Be prepared to move around and to proclaim your love for the Lord! This is open to all youth 6th –12th grade! St. Joseph Youth $8 Dinner! Sat. Feb. 7 after 4 PM Mass Sun. Feb. 8 after 11AM Mass Dinner includes: Hamburger/Cheeseburger, Chips, Dessert Dine in or carry out! Drinks available on request for an additional charge. See St. Joseph Youth for tickets! Knights of Columbus-Broadmoor Council 3407 Catholic Youth of Louisiana SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Do you know a young Catholic adult who is a faithful role model to others in their school, church or community? As the State Boy or Girl Winner - each is awarded $4,000 to recognize them as a promising future Catholic leader! The Knights of Columbus truly care about the Catholic values these students possess. We know these outstanding students have already made wonderful contributions to their communities, church parishes, and to their schools. By participating in the CYLA Scholarship program, a Senior student is offered an opportunity to be recognized as one of the best Catholic students in their respective school! HOW TO GET STARTED The student application form for current year High School Senior Boys and Girls is available on the state website: under the CYLA section. An online application and instructions are included on the application. Please note the deadline and required signatures must be obtained in order for your application to be considered in good order. Once filled out online, please print and return the form with signatures by the deadline of midnight on January 31, 2015 to Knights Of Columbus Broadmoor Council 3407 CYLA application 220 E Stephenson Street, Shreveport, LA 71104 Local winners will be awarded $250.00 and eligible for the $4,000.00 state scholarship. Visit: for dates and location of the State Competition and other CYLA information. Please contact Cliff LeBlanc at [email protected] or 318 470-2299 for more information.
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