sl*q orqidq (dFffiS) Phone: 28305300 REGIONAL OFFICE {TAMILNADU) tn{qlfi rrq diqT ftrrq EM PLOYEES, STATE I NSURANCE CORPORATION 143, e-mail : [email protected] €ftq te, **-SOO (100 lines) Fax : 28238559 0il. 143, STERLING ROAD, CHENNAI.SOO 034. (sd t'o rn 9001:2008 gqlftrd) (lSO 9001 :2008 CERTIFIED) website : Eneaeement of Assistant Eneineer (Civil/Electricallfi unior Ensl Contract basis Applications are invited from the retired Engineers for engagement on contract basis as Assistant Engineer (Civil/Electrical) and Junior Engineer (Civil/EleArical) in the ESIC Regional Office, Chennai; Medical College Hospital, K.K. Nagar, Chennai; Medical College, Coimbatore and ESIC Hospital, Tirunelveli for the current and future vacancies as detailed under: Educational and other qualifications: Essential llFor Assistant Engineers a) Degree/Diploma in Civil/Electrical Engineering from recognized University/lnstitution b) Only persons who were Asstt. Engineer or above at the time of retirement from Central/State PWD Department/Central or State Public Sector undertaking will be considered 2lFor Junior Engineers a) Degree/Diploma in Electrical/Civil Engineering from recognized University/lnstitution b) Only persons who were Junior Engineer or above at the time of retirement from Central/State PWD Department/Central or State Public Sector undertaking will be considered Maximum Ase: 64 years as on closing date of application i.e.10.2.2015 Remuneration/emolument and other conditions a) Remuneration/emolument shall be fixed at Rs.28,000/- per month for AEs and Rs.21,000/ per month for JEs (Consolidated). In addition, they can be allowed T.A/D.A for tour undertaken for official work at rates applicable to regular AEs/Es The above remuneration would be subject to the condition that their pension + remuneration should note exceed the last pay including DA drawn by the official. b) No other perks /benefits such as HRA, CCA, Transport allowance, medical re- imbursement shall be allowed. c) They will be entitled for a maximum of one day leave for every month of completed services in addition to Government Holidays. No other leave with pay is admissible. d) The employment will be purely contractual in nature and may be termlnated with one month's notice or remuneration in lieu thereof, wlth out asslgnlng reasons thereof. Number Place of Engineers of AE (Civil) posting Chennai Coimbatore Tirunelveli Total required is as under: AE (Elec) 2 7 7 3 JE JE (Elec) Total + 2 2 1 4 J. 2 t I (civil) 7 .9rtglEv|r,r,||lrdgf|soneyearorti||theprocess" rufe or contl act is one Vear or 4 9 15 completed, whichever is earlier. Mode of sefection: The selection is to be made through personaf interview. In case of large number of applications received, ESI corporation wilr shortrist the candidates for interview based on some objective criteria How to applv and conditions Interested candidates are requested to send their arong with copies or certiricates regardins ase, qualification, experience and copy of pension pay corporation, Regionar office, 143 sterring Road, Nungambakkam, chennai_34 by post or in person on or before 5 pM, J.Oth Feb, :::ff:::::':j::.:j:::'lo_::*'mat orders,"il';";;;;:i;,;"i#;, 201.5. Paste your self attested Application format Contract basis Application form for engagement of Engineers on (Adv. No.01/zots/AEIJE ESlc TN) recent PassPort size colour photograPh Name of Post aPPlied 1. Name of the Candidate (ln Block Letters): 2 3 Father's/Husband's 4 CatgegorY Name Gender (Male/Female) 5 (UR/SC/ST/OBC/PH) : : : ..(in figures) Date of birth (in Christian era) ,......(in words) ..........days .....'......months """.' years 6. Age as on loth Feb 2015 7. Areyou a citizen of India by birth and /or domicile 8. Details of Qualification & g. which retired (Attach the copy of PPO) Name of the office/Dept. and last post from 10. Experience : : Mailing Address (in Block letters with Pin Code) E-mail Mobile No. 5 Preference Order for Posting 1" znd 3td 6 List of enclosures: 1. 2. 3. 4, Dato Placo Slgnature qf the aPPllcant (Namel
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