Case Report National Journal of Medical and Dental Research, Jan-March 2014: Volume-2, Issue-2, Page 74-80 Direct Pulp Capping With MTA - A Case Report Ankur VatsA, Anjali S.VatsA ASenior Lecturer, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Bhojia Dental College & Hospital, Baddi (H.P) Abstract: Manuscript Reference Number: Njmdr_225_13 Pulp capping in carious teeth has been considered unpredictable and therefore contraindicated. A recently developed material, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), resists bacterial leakage and may provide protection for the pulp, allowing repair and continued pulp vitality in teeth when used in combination with a sealed restoration Key Words: Reversible pulpitis; direct pulp capping; mineral trioxide aggregate; sodium hypochlorite Natl J Med Dent Res 2014; 2(2) : 74-80 Introduction: Preservation and maintenance of pulpal vitality is one objective in endodontics. Historically, the placement of a medicament or material against a direct pulpal exposure during caries excavation has been considered controversial, and instead conventional endodontic therapy has been recommended [1-5]. Date of submission: 15 October 2013 Date of Editorial approval: 22 November 2013 Date of Peer review approval: 29 January 2014 Date of Publication: 31 March 2014 Conflict of Interest: Nil; Source of support: Nil Name and addresses of corresponding author: Dr.Ankur Vats, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Bhojia Dental College & Hospital, Baddi (H.P) PH: 09876064652 The reluctance to place a direct pulp cap on an exposure in a carious field is based on unpredictable outcomes using traditional materials and treatment protocols. Moreover, when bacterial by products induce pulpal inflammation, compromise immune responses and impede cellular differentiation and recruitment, normal pulpal repair mechanisms may not function properly. To date, researchers have been unable to identify a reliable non-absorbable bioactive pulp capping material that consistently stimulates cellular repair mechanisms, seals the dentin and promotes formation of a biologically stable reparative dentin bridge. Clinicians 74 have used many materials and techniques for direct pulp capping, including calcium hydroxide, hydrophilic resins, resinmodified glass ionomer cements, tricalcium phosphates and, more recently, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Other innovative technical advances to halt the carious process and initiate the repair of potentially damaged tissue include the use of lasers, ozone technology and bioactive agents that induce and stimulate pulpal defenses [6-8]. Success rates with direct pulp capping in a carious field have varied depending on the technique and materials. In humans, success rates range from 30 to 85 percent in two- to 10-year retrospective studies [4, 9-13]. Recent advances in our understanding of pulpal physiology, caries progression, inflammatory mediators and pulpal defense mechanisms have changed the clinical approach to caries removal and protocols for direct pulp capping [14]. Direct pulpal exposures can be a challenging problem during excavation in a carious field. A diagnosis of reversible National Journal of Medical and Dental Research, Jan-March 2014: Volume-2, Issue-2, Page 74-80 pulpitis before treatment is necessary for a successful outcome, but a definitive pulpal diagnosis often is difficult to establish [9]. In 1966, Fusayama and colleagues [15] made significant advances in the field of caries research and pulpal protection. They were the first to show that the upper layer of two distinctive carious layers could be stained selectively and that subsequent objective caries removal would allow for pulpal preservation and repair when teeth were sealed with bonded resin-based composites [16-18]. In 1996, Matsuo and colleagues [13] assessed factors that affect the success of direct pulp capping. They placed direct pulp caps on teeth in a carious field using a caries detector, 10 percent sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for hemostasis and fast-set calcium hydroxide. The patient’s age, exposure size, responses to percussion or thermal stimulation, and type of tooth and location had no reflection on the success rate. When adequate hemostasis using 10 percent NaOCl could be attained, success rates increased. Thus, uncontrolled hemorrhaging may be directly proportional to the concentration of inflammatory mediators and the degree of intrapulpal pressure, which may affect the probability that hemostasis, can be achieved. Nakanishi and colleagues [19] reported evidence that inflammatory mediators such as immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin A, immunoglobulin M, elastase and prostaglandin E2 were present in higher quantities in clinically inflamed pulps [19]. Calcium hydroxide—once considered the standard for pulp-capping materials—provides an option for reparative dentin formation, but long term studies have shown results to be variable and somewhat unpredictable [9-12]. The material does not provide close adaptation to dentin, does not promote consistent odontoblast differentiation and has been shown to be cytotoxic in cell cultures; the resultant reparative dentin formation can be characterized by tunnel defects [20-22]. Tunnel defects within dentin bridges may provide a pathway for the penetration of microorganisms to activate circulating immune cells, induce pulpal irritation and produce subsequent dystrophic calcification. Investigators using hydrophilic resins and resin-modified glass ionomer cements as direct pulp-capping agents have reported promising results in nonhuman primates [23,24] but have not determined predictable outcomes when these agents are used in humans [25-28]. Researchers using inventive modalities to test alternative pulp-capping agents also have been unsuccessful in stimulating pulpal repair and healing in cases of direct carious exposures [29,30]. MTA is bioactive silicate cement that has been shown to be an effective pulp-capping material in canine models and in nonhuman primates [31-33]. The material is successful because of its small particle size, sealing ability, alkaline pH when set and slow release of calcium ions [34]. Investigators have reported that MTA induces pulpal cell proliferation [35,36], cytokine release [37], hard tissue formation [22] and the synthesis of an interface with dentin that resembles hydroxyapatite in composition [34]. The material is non-absorbable, sets in the presence of moisture, has a relatively high compressive strength and has a sustained high alkaline pH [38]. Recent studies examining partial pulpotomies or direct pulp capping using MTA in humans have shown favourable short-term results [39-43]. This case report evaluated the use of a caries detector dye, NaOCl hemostasis, direct MTA pulp capping and bonded composite placement in a two-visit protocol. Case Report: A 26-year-old female patient reported to the department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. The patient’s medical history was non-contributory. No spontaneous pain was reported by the patient and her main complaint was sensitivity to cold and sweets. The pain and sensitivity were localized on the right side in the lower jaw. Clinical examination revealed gross occlusal caries on her lower right first molar with no signs of extraoral or intraoral swelling or sinus tract formation. The lower right first molar tested negative to percussion and palpation tests and the mobility was within normal limits. Pulp vitality tests using tetrafluoroethane (Endo-Ice, Hygenic Corp., Akron, OH, USA) showed a normal positive response, with no lingering sensation. The adjacent teeth also responded positive and within normal limits to cold stimulation. Radiographic findings revealed caries in close proximity to the distal pulp horn and no evidence of periradicular pathology. IBased on the results of clinical and radiographic examination, the pulpal status of the lower right first molar was determined as vital with reversible inflammation due to caries. The initial treatment plan included the removal of the carious lesion and clinical evaluation of the pulp exposure(Fig 1). Vital pulp therapy including either direct pulp capping or partial pulpotomy with mineral trioxide aggregate was planned for the anticipated pulp exposure. Following administration of local anaesthesia the tooth was isolated with rubber dam. Caries removal was performed using a no. 4 sterile round bur on a low speed handpiece with copious water irrigation. 75 National Journal of Medical and Dental Research, Jan-March 2014: Volume-2, Issue-2, Page 74-80 Caries indicator (Seek, Ultradent, South Jordon, UT, USA) was used to ensure removal of all infected dentin and prevent undue removal of affected dentin. After removal of caries, exposure of pulp horns with moderate bleeding was observed (Fig 2). A sterile cotton pellet moistened with saline was used to apply moderate pressure to the exposed pulp for 5 min and hemostasis was achieved. Sodium hypochlorite (5.25%) was then utilized as a rinse for 2 min to disinfect the surgical exposure and the dentin. The cavity preparation was again gently rinsed with sterile water to remove the superficial clot and debris. The cavity was lightly dabbed with a moist pellet to remove the excess moisture. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA; Pro Root MTA, Dentsply Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, USA) was mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and a 1–2 mm thick layer of MTA was placed over the exposure site and adjacent dentinal surface with a plastic carrying instrument (Fig 3). The mix was then padded with a moist cotton pellet to ensure optimum contact of MTA with exposed pulp tissue. A moist cotton pellet was then placed over the MTA and the rest of the cavity was restored with temporary filling material (Cavit, 3M) (Fig 4). The patient was scheduled after 48 h to evaluate the setting of MTA and also to follow up on any abnormal symptoms. At the 48 h follow-up appointment the patient was asymptomatic. Under rubber dam isolation the provisional restoration and cotton pellet were removed and the complete setting of the MTA was confirmed by probing its surface (Fig 5). A light-cured nano-hybrid resin composite restoration (Tetric Cream,Ivoclar) was incrementally placed over the MTA and the cavity was permanently sealed and restored (Fig 6,7,8). The patient was scheduled for a 3-month follow-up in order to evaluate tooth and to monitor for any signs or symptoms (Fig 9). Four months later, clinical examination revealed an intact restoration and absence of any abnormal signs or symptoms. The lower right first molar tested positive and normal to thermal pulp stimulation with cold. At 12 months, no abnormal findings were observed and the pulp tested within normal limits. (Fig 10) Fig. 1- Pre-Operative Radiograph Fig. 3 MTA application Fig. 2 – PULP Exposure Fig. 4 – Temporary restoration with moist cotton pellet 76 National Journal of Medical and Dental Research, Jan-March 2014: Volume-2, Issue-2, Page 74-80 Fig. 8 – Post Operative Radiograph Fig. 5 – Set MTA Fig. 9 – Radiograph after 3 months Fig. 6 – Etched Cavity Fig. 7 – Composite Restoration Fig 10. Follow up after 1 year Discussion: MTA has been compared with various capping materials including calcium hydroxide, which is the historical panacea of endodontic therapy [33]. The deficiencies of calcium hydroxide include poor adherence to dentin, inability to form a long-term seal against bacterial microleakage and a porous dentinal bridge formation [18]. However, despite these issues, some studies reported that partial pulpotomy of cariously exposed immature teeth with calcium hydroxide have a long-term success rate of 93% [34, 35]. In contrast, pulps capped with MTA consistently demonstrated complete tubular bridge formation and lack of pulpal inflammation [16-18]. The dentinogenic effects of MTA can be attributed mainly to its sealing ability and biocompatibility with subjacent tissues, which facilitates restoring normalcy to the pulpal and periradicular tissues. In cases where a permanent seal is placed over the direct pulp capping material and the therapy proved successful during the follow-up evaluation, there is no further need for barrier verification or immediate endodontic treatment. 77 National Journal of Medical and Dental Research, Jan-March 2014: Volume-2, Issue-2, Page 74-80 Conclusion: Dent Traumatol 1985;1(1):29-34. The use of MTA has been proven clinically and by various in vivo and in vitro studies to allow pulp healing after injury .The outcome for carious exposed pulps is questionable and in case of failure, endodontic therapy should be considered. References: 1. Tronstad L, Mjör IA. Capping of the inflamed pulp. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1972;34(3):477-485. 2. Langeland K. Management of the inflamed pulp associated with deep carious lesion. J Endod 1981;7(4):169-181. 3. Bergenholtz G. 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