food / form / function - foodRegio Trendtag 2015

food / form / function
9th Trend Day / 25.02.2015
media docks / Lübeck
Welcome to the north German food industry‘s
9th Trend Day in Lübeck.
There are lots of things packaging must do: keep goods fresh, protect them against
external influences, such as wet and dirt, damage and theft - and also make them
much easier to transport.
Packaging also projects a brand image, carries information, provides advertising
space and sets products apart from each other at the point of sale. Its functionality,
colour and form are all key factors influencing the success of brands and products.
The ninth foodRegio Trend Day will focus on this topic, provide definitions,
market research background and showcase the disciplines which are taking on
these business challenges.
We look forward to seeing you at the media docks on 25 February.
Best regards,
Jochen Brüggen
Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Chairman of foodRegio e. V.
Wirtschaftsförderung Lübeck GmbH
10.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
11.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
Reinhard Meyer, Minister of Economic Affairs, Employment,
Transport and Technology of the State of Schleswig-Holstein
Jochen Brüggen, Chairman of foodRegio e.V. &
personally liable shareholder of H. & J. Brüggen KG
Bernd Saxe, Mayor of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck
11.30 a.m. – 12.15 p.m.
A mutually dependent relationship – Food and packaging
A relationship of emotion and cool calculation
Dr. Gundolf Meyer-Hentschel, Meyer-Hentschel Institute,
12.15 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.
Culinary trends from Lübeck College of Hotel Management
1.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.
Workshop 1: Neuropackaging
(1.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m.)
Workshop 2: Sustainability
(1.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m.)
Workshop 3: Roadmap for food packaging
(only 1.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m)
3.30 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.
Winfried Batzke
Managing Director, German Packaging Institute e. V., Berlin
Stephan Pregizer
Moderation & Infotainment, Berlin
4.00 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Get Together
Networking around the espresso bar by
Further information at
The welcoming speeches, talks and final address will be simultaneously translated from German into English.
A mutually dependent
relationship – food and
11.30 a.m. – 12.15 p.m.
Dr. Gundolf Meyer-Hentschel
Meyer-Hentschel Institute,
A relationship of emotion and cool calculation
The Trend Day will kick off with an introductory speech and a brief outline of the history of packaging. When was food first packaged at all, and
why? When did the first icons appear? You will be encountering some
of this great packaging here today. What are the current trends? What
technologies are state of the art? Food packaging is of huge significance
for many business disciplines. We now enter the world of packaging...
7 bits of packaging a day. Our life with packaging. *** From the amphora
to the stand up pouch. The history of packaging. *** A mutually dependent relationship. Brand articles and packaging. *** Serve yourself! The
packaging boom begins. *** I want to eat you, but you‘re all wrapped up.
The convenience mega trend: Make it quick and easy! *** Can packaging
be a bad thing? Aspects of sustainability *** Saving food. Packaging
could help. *** Buy me! Packaging design trends. *** The view of the
horizon. The future of food packaging.
Workshop 1
Workshop 1
1.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m.
„Good packaging wraps up the goods and takes in the buyer.”
(Werner Mitsch, German aphorist)
A product‘s packaging is the first channel of communication with a customer. As it becomes increasingly difficult to tell apart the functionality
and quality of one product from the next an increasingly important role
is played by a product‘s packaging. Precise packaging design ensures
that food producers reach exactly the target group they have set their
sights on. This is where „neuropackaging“ plays an important role. It‘s at
the POS that shoppers decide in a matter of milliseconds whether or not
to add a product to their shopping basket. The processes leading up to
a decision to buy take place unconsciously at the emotional level.
Contents of the workshop:
• How has the customer changed?
• How are purchase decisions made?
• What roles does the packaging play?
• Packaging future: A look at the trends and hypes
Frank Rehme
Managing Director
gmvteam GmbH, Düsseldorf
Workshop 2
Workshop 2
1.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m.
Paul Süptitz
Product Manager Sales,
Smurfit Kappa Wellpappe
The second workshop will deal with the mega topic of „sustainability“.
Do consumers‘ expectations coincide with those of manufacturers of
consumer goods? What role do packaging manufacturers have to play
in this context?
Smurfit Kappa, which is a member company of foodRegio, is one of the
world‘s leading producers of paper-based packaging. The company
focuses on the use of sustainable resources. For Smurfit Kappa sustainability means a definitive commitment to a viable future built around
the three principles of protecting the environment, promoting positive
social development and creating economic value.
Contents of the workshop:
• Smurfit Kappa: Aspects of sustainability
• The lifecycle of products made of corrugated board
• Sustainability trends
• Discussion
Workshop 3
Workshop 3
Roadmap for
food packaging
1.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.
Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
Head of site development
Lübeck GmbH, member of
the Board of foodRegio e.V.
Food packaging protects products, informs customers, ensures products can be transported and stored safely, even when products are
required to meet tough requirements for functionality, sustainability,
efficiency and legal requirements.
foodRegio will address the complex issue of food packaging much more
intensively in the future and, as a first step, will produce a technology
roadmap for the „food packaging of the future“, outlining the key topics
which businesses and foodRegio will need to address in the future.
Contents of the workshop:
• Brief introduction to the roadmapping method
• Presentation and discussion of market drivers for the food packaging
of the future
• Identification and presentation of future packaging properties
• Joint identification of the technologies required in order to achieve
these packaging properties
After beginning the day with a brief look into the history packaging, we
will take a peak into the looking glass. What will packaging be like in the
future? What kinds of packaging can we imagine that don’t exist yet?
A visionary, somewhat tongue in cheek, and perhaps slightly crazy look
into the future – but definitely entertaining and gripping.
Introduced and set in scene by our discussion leader Stephan Pregizer
and the Managing Director of the German Packaging Institute, Winfried
Online registration at
• Free for foodRegio e.V. and foodactive e.V. members
• 190 euros standard price (plus 19% VAT.)
The price includes beverages, lunch and the foodRegio FOOD-BOX. Your registration
is binding. Guests paying the standard price will receive an invoice on payment.
Event location:
media docks Lübeck / Willy-Brandt-Allee 31a / 23554 Lübeck
(A limited number of free parking spaces are available for guests attending the trend
day. Please heed the signs.)
Stay in touch:
Jörg Ahrens
Head of PR and event management
Tel.: +49 (451) 7 06 55-19
[email protected]
Premium partnerS
Jung Process Systems
DACHSER Food Logistics
Jung Process Systems Gmbh is a renowned supplier of
hygienic twin screw pumps made of stainless steel for
discerning customers in the food, drink, pharmaceuticals
and cosmetics industries.
The Greater Lübeck area has an established reputation
for topclass foodstuffs which are popular and in demand
in the region and well beyond. Dachser Food Logistics
is a strong partner for the food industry. Over 80 years
of experience and a closely-knit transport network make
Dachser a highly proficient specialist in temperaturecontrolled logistics. The company’s complete service chain is
certified in accordance with the most stringent international standards.
Jung Process systems, Jung & Co. Gerätebau GmbH
and FAS Füllanlagenservice GmbH together make up the
Jung Group. We have built up 40 years of experience in
the field of stainless steel processing and have our own
state-of-the-art specialised installed base.
Jung Process Systems GmbH
Auweg 2
25495 Kummerfeld/Pinneberg
Tel.: +49 (4101) 7958-140
Fax: +49 (4101) 7958-142
[email protected]
Premium partnerS
Our HYGHSPIN twin screw pumps move the widest
possible range of viscous products gently and contact
free. Our pumps can be used to transport diverse media
with high suction performance and extremely low pulsation. We emphasise quality and flexibility to fulfil all our
customers‘ individual requirements.
Our core competences include national and international
procurement and distribution as well as warehousing
and finishing. From northern Germany to all points in
Europe – DACHSER Hamburg offers intelligent logistics
solutions. Whatever the latest food trend might be, we
make sure it reaches its destination. Reliably, safely and
in good time.
Logistikzentrum Hamburg
Food Logistics
Rungedamm 34
21035 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (40) 78 10 42-185
Fax: +49 (40) 78 10 42-189
[email protected]
Premium partnerS
foodactive is the nutrition initiative launched by the
metropolitan region of Hamburg. The initiative’s target
groups are businesses operating in the food industry as
well as scientific institutions and players along the supply
chain for the nutrition sector.
LEBENSMITTELTECHNIK is written with the information
requirements of its target readership in mind. This includes all professionals who are responsible for production
processes in the food and beverage industry. Its core
target group is made up of owners, plant, operational
and production managers as well as heads of laboratory,
product developers and management quality representatives.
foodactive fosters network links between companies
operating in the nutrition sector as well as with academics and policymakers. Its services and projects provide
support in the fields of procurement, process optimisation, market research and recruiting.
Süderelbe AG
Dr. Annika B. Schröder
Project leadership foodactive
Veritaskai 4
21079 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (40) 3 55 10 34 15
Fax: +49 (40) 35 51 03 30
Mobil: +49 (160) 90 85 87 17
[email protected]
MediA partnerS
The objective is to enhance the value and performance
of participating companies. foodactive achieves this by
helping individual companies tackle critical competition
issues faster and more economically.
LEBENSMITTELTECHNIK provides professional insights
into product manufacturing, from the arrival of raw materials and ingredients through all intermediary stages to
packaging, storage and transport. Special topics, including all complementary measures such as measuring and
control technology or operational hygiene, are featured
at regular intervals.
LT Food Medien-Verlag GmbH
Mareike Bähnisch
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Bugdahnstraße 5
22767 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (40) 38 60 93 21
Fax: +49 (40) 38 60 93 85
[email protected]
The foodRegio Trend Day is organised by:
foodRegio is sponsored by:
With kind support from: