WELCOME FROM THE PRINCIPAL OF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUVA Parents, guardians and teachers have one important trait in common, that being that we all want the best for our children and students. These young people spend much of their life in school and at International School Suva we strive to make this a happy place where they want to come every day. Whilst academic achievement is important, and we are proud of the achievement of our students, this is not the only measure of success. We want students at International School Suva not to go through life watching from the sidelines but instead to take on new challenges head-on with courage and commitment. They are taught to question their actions and to reflect on what they want to achieve, and to then take action to achieve these goals. We believe that all students from our youngest to our eldest have the potential to bring about positive change at home, in their communities and further afield. We work to make International School Suva a safe place where students can test out their ideas with the support of their teachers and friends. Whether it is in the classroom, on the sporting field, as part of service, on camp or on the stage we believe in providing opportunities for students to stretch themselves and for them to realise their potential. We expect a lot from our students and through this they start to expect a lot from themselves. Everyone can do more than they think and we aim to show our students what is possible. Thank you for your interest in International School Suva and I hope you want to find out more. Anna Marsden GENERAL INFORMATION A. General (i) School Uniform It is an expectation that all students wear correct uniform. Students will receive warning letters if they are not in the correct uniform; they may also be sent home if this continues. School sandals should have a back strap and provide support over the top of the foot. Black shoes and white socks may also be worn but sandals must be worn with sulus. Shorts may be worn as an alternative to the sulu and skirt except for formal school functions such as Secondary Presentation Evening. (ii) Timing of the school day Secondary Bell Times Time Activity 07:50 Pastoral 08:00 Lessons start 10:00 Recess 10.20 Lessons start 12.20 Lunch 13.10 Lessons start 14:30 End of school Primary Bell Times Time Activity 07.55 Warning bell 08.00 Lessons start 09.45 Recess 10.15 Lessons start 11.45 Lunch 12.40 Warning bell 12.45 Lessons start 14.30 End of school (iii) Policy on the use of Mobile phones/iPods/head-jacks/Electronic devices in school 1. Mobile phones and electronic devices must be registered at the primary or secondary office. 2. Mobile phones must be switched off, out of sight and inactive during the school day unless permission is given by classroom teacher to have the device on. The mobile phone must then be used for the express purpose of aiding student learning and data use should comply with the conditions set out within the Acceptable Use Policy for electronic devices at school. Any student found using a mobile phone between 7.45am and 2.30pm for purposes other than student learning will have the phone confiscated. This may result in the student not being permitted to bring a phone to school again. A confiscated phone must be collected by a parent. 3. Students needing to use their mobile phone during the school day should do so in the primary or secondary office, once permission has been obtained from one of the Heads of School. (iv) Canteen There is a small canteen at the school where students can order and purchase hot and cold snacks and meals. The opening hours are from 6.30am to 3.30pm. Primary students fill in lunch orders in the morning and their order is brought to their classroom. Secondary students are advised to order lunch before recess. Page | 2 B. Primary Karen Whittaker is the Head of the Primary School, she is assisted by Shelly Forbes as Deputy Head of Primary, Rosi Uluiviti as PYP Coordinator and the Area Coordinators. Timetable Discovery The Discovery programme runs from 8am – 11.00 am, Monday to Friday. Early Childhood 1 The Early Childhood 1 programme run from 8am – 1pm, Monday to Friday. Early Childhood 2 to Year 5 These programmes run from 8am – 2.30pm Monday - Friday Primary Stationery and school materials All primary stationery and school materials are supplied through the classroom teacher. There is no need for parents to make separate purchases for exercise books, text books or writing materials to start the year. C. Secondary Megan Navunisaravi is Head of High School and she deals with all student matters related to the high school (Years 9 to Year 12). She is assisted by the Year Coordinators, Heads of Department and Curriculum Coordinators: Alexandra Karountzos (IBDP Coordinator), Jeshneel Chandra (ACT Coordinator) and Apisalome Damuyawa (IGCSE Coordinator). Mere Fong is Head of Middle School. She is assisted by the Middle School Coordinator and Year Coordinators. Secondary Textbooks Students will receive textbooks through the Library. Students are expected to return their textbooks at the end of the school year and will be charged for missing or damaged books. Secondary Stationery Secondary students are expected to provide their own stationery. A list is available from the Business office on enrolment. Secondary locker procedures Each student is responsible for the security of his/her locker and must ensure it is locked at all times. Lockers which are found unlocked will be locked. Students will be required to pay a re-opening fee of $3. FEE SCHEDULE DETAILS 2015 The School Fee is mainly an inclusive fee meaning most charges are covered by the fees. There are no additional costs associated with attendance at the school other than enrolment fee, bus fees, building levy, personal stationery, some school activities and school uniforms. Page | 3 PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES The full years fees can be paid in advance or according to the payment schedule. PAYMENT SCHEDULE FULL YEAR TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 - Payment due by Tuesday, 20th January 2015. Payment due by Tuesday, 20thJanuary 2015 Payment due by Friday, 27th March 2015 Payment due by Friday, 19th June 2015 Payment due by Friday, 18th September 2015 The school fees can be deposited directly into the school bank account, as per details below. Account Name: Account No: Bank: Swift Code: BSB: International School Suva 1233831 ANZ Bank, 25 Victoria Place, Suva ANZBFJFX 010 890 The school may terminate the enrolment of a student if school fees remain unpaid for more than 21 days after the due date. The School Council may grant an extension of time only under exceptional circumstances. Furthermore, the school reserves the right to withhold school reports and Year 12 exit certificates if fees remain unpaid at the end of the term or year. WITHDRAWAL OF A STUDENT When a student is to be withdrawn from school or if an enrolment is to be cancelled, parents are required to give 3 months notice, in writing, before the withdrawal or cancellation date. Parents who do not give such period of notice will be liable to pay the school an amount equal to one term’s fees in lieu of such notice. Tuition fees will be refunded if the student leaves the school with adequate prior notice. TERM 1 OR FIRST TERM OF ENROLMENT FOR NEW STUDENTS The first term of enrolment for all students (regardless of the date they start at school) is higher because the fee includes all the above levies plus the tuition fee. DEFINITION FOR FIJI CITIZEN The definition for Fiji Citizenship is where the students hold Fijian Citizenship or dual citizenship (Fijian and other). DEFINITION FOR NON-FIJI CITIZEN The definition for non-Fiji Citizenship is where the student does not hold Fijian Citizenship. BUILDING LEVY An annual building levy is charged to both Fiji Citizen and non-Fiji Citizen fee payers. This fee is charged from the year level ECH 1 to Year 12. A sibling discount of 50% will be given to the 3 rd and subsequent child under both fee payer categories. The former corporate payers will continue to pay $3000 annual building levy. The former Individual payers will pay $500 annual building levy. Page | 4 The annual amounts building levies are as follows Non-Fiji Citizen Non-Fiji Citizen Fiji Citizens - $3,000 per student. (Reception - Year 12) $500 per student. (Discovery - ECH 2) $500 per student. (Discovery - Year 12) ENROLMENT A non-refundable, enrolment fee is required to be paid for each newly-enrolled student before they start in class. A copy of the passport and birth certificate must be attached with the enrolment form. Non-Fiji Citizen Non-Fiji Citizen - Fiji citizen - $5,000 per student. (Reception - Year 12) $2,500 per student. (Discovery - ECH2) however upon commencing reception, full enrolment fee is to be paid. $2,500 per student. (Discovery - Year 12) EXAMINATION FEES All examination fees and registration fees for IGCSE (Cambridge), PYP, IB Diploma and ACT are paid by the school. Please note that fees for ICAS examinations or any other competitions are not covered by school fees. SCHOOL FEES School fees for 2015 are set out on the attached Fee Schedule. If you have any queries or require further information please contact the Business Manager or the Principal by telephone, 339 3300, or by email to [email protected] Please note that the school fee is made up of several components: Tuition Fee Education Levy - Materials Levy Technology Levy Textbook Levy ESL Levy - for class tuition which varies between year levels. this levy covers all other expenses incurred as part of the Education program. This includes such things as camps, excursions, school magazine, school diary and examination fees. materials for school are supplied for the development and ongoing upgrade of technology services. the school supplies textbooks for students. 10% of the total fee based on the year level for new students requiring Stage 1 and 2 of the intensive English course. TUITION FEES All new students entering the school will be expected to pay the Standard Fee. However, consideration for a concessional fee, currently standing at 70% of the tuition fee with all other fees and levies paid at the full rate, will be given to families who apply to the Principal. However, please note that the full fee is to be paid while the application is under process. Application for the concessional fee will only be considered on the production of the necessary financial information and documentation as supplied by the applicant and all fee concessions are reviewed annually. Please note that NO concession is available on fees for Discovery, ECH1 and ECH2. Page | 5 FEE SCHEDULE 2015 (FJD) Year Level First Term of Enrolment for new Students Discovery $ 1,227 ECH 1 $ 2,214 ECH 2 $ 2,862 Reception $ 3,755 Year 1 $ 3,755 Year 2 $ 3,755 Year 3 $ 3,988 Year 4 $ 3,988 Year 5 $ 4,009 Year 6 $ 5,790 Year 7 $ 5,790 Year 8 $ 6,841 Year 9 $ 7,066 Year 10 $ 7,103 Year 11 $ 8,539 Year 12 $ 8,539 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,227 2,214 2,862 3,755 3,755 3,755 3,988 3,988 4,009 5,790 5,790 6,841 7,066 7,103 8,539 8,539 Enrolment Fees Enrolment Fees Enrolment Fees Fiji Citizen Non-Fiji Citizen Fiji & Non-Fiji Citizens Building Levy Building Levy Building Levy Building Levy Fiji Citizen Fiji Citizen Non-Fiji Citizen Non-Fiji Citizen Building Levy Building Levy Building Levy Fiji & Non-Fiji Citizen Staff Fiji & Non Fiji Citizen 1,227 1,696 2,011 2,857 2,857 2,857 2,857 2,857 2,857 3,826 3,826 4,371 4,596 4,596 4,596 4,596 1,227 1,696 2,011 2,857 2,857 2,857 2,857 2,857 2,857 3,826 3,826 4,371 4,596 4,596 4,596 4,596 1,227 1,696 2,011 2,857 2,857 2,857 2,857 2,857 2,857 3,826 3,826 4,371 4,596 4,596 4,596 4,596 Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,908 7,302 8,895 12,326 12,326 12,326 12,559 12,559 12,580 17,268 17,268 19,954 20,854 20,891 22,327 22,327 (Reception - Year 12) (Reception - Year 12) (Discovery - ECH 2) Former Individual New Former Corporate Payers New $ 500 $ 500 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 (Discovery - ECH 2) Sibling Discount $ 2,500 $ 5,000 $ 2,500 (3rd Child or more) $ 500 $ 500 50% ESL Levy - 10% of total levy based on year level for new students requiring stage 1 & 2 of the new intensive English course. Note: Non-Fiji Citizens will need to pay the difference in enrolment fees when they move into reception. Page | 6 TERM DATES 2015 Term 1 (10 weeks) Teacher Only Day for new teachers with HOD’s, Area Coordinators Teacher Only Day Teacher Only Day Teacher Only Day Primary, Year 6 and all new students start All students start Term ends - Wednesday 14th January - Thursday 15th January Friday 16th January Monday 19th January Tuesday 20th January Wednesday 21st January Friday 27thMarch Term 2 (10 weeks) Teacher Only Day (ACT Year 11 and 12 AST Mocks during normal school hours) All students begin Term ends - Monday 13th April Tuesday 14th April Friday 19th June Term 3 (10 weeks) Teacher Only Day Teacher Only Day (ACT Year 11 and 12 AST Mocks during normal school hours) All students begin Term ends - Term 4 (9 weeks) Teacher Only Day All students begin Term ends for students Term ends for Teachers - Monday 13th July Tuesday 14th July Wednesday 15th July Friday 18th September Monday 5th October Tuesday 6th October Thursday 3rd December Friday 4th December Page | 7 UNIFORM PRICE LIST 2015 SECONDARY BOYS SULU Sizes: 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 - 40 BOYS BULA SHIRTS All Sizes WRAPAROUND SKIRTS Sizes: 6 – 8 Sizes: 10 – 12 30.00 Sizes: 14 – 18 Sizes: 20 – 26 BLOUSES All sizes PE UNIFORMS NAVY T/Vest Sizes: 32 – 34 Sizes: Small – XXL NAVY PE SHORTS Sizes: S – XXL PRIMARY $FJD 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 BOYS SULU Sizes: 22 24 $FJD 27.00 27.00 BULA SHIRTS All sizes 24.00 DRESSES All sizes 26.00 30.00 BERMUDA SHORTS Sizes: 22 – 28 Sizes: 30 – 34 Sizes: 36 27.00 27.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 PE UNIFORMS GREEN POLO T-SHIRT Sizes: 24 – 36 20.00 24.00 NAVY PE SHORTS All sizes: 24 – 34 12.00 HOUSE T/SHIRTS All sizes: 24 – 34 36 – XXL 15.00 18.00 TRACK PANTS 25.00 TRACK JACKETS Sizes 6 to 12 Sizes 14 to 20 33.00 35.00 JUMPERS Sizes 4 to 16 Sizes 18 to 20 35.00 38.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 NEW PE SHORTS (BERMUDA SHORTS) Sizes: S – Large 30.00 HOUSE T/SHIRTS All Sizes: S – XXL 18.00 TRACK PANTS TRACK JACKETS 30.00 42.00 JUMPERS All sizes 38.00 SECONDARY SHORTS Sizes : 20 – 26 : 28 – 34 : 36 - 40 30.00 35.00 36.00 CAPS HATS Sizes: Adjust 61cm to 59cm Adjust 57cm to 55cm Adjust 55cm to 53cm 15.00 READER BAGS UTILITY BAGS RECORDERS 9.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Page | 8 PRIMARY/SECONDARY SWIMMING TOGS School swim togs for boys and girls are now available and the prices are as listed. It is compulsory wear for all ISS students representing the school in all swim competitions. These can also be worn for PE swim lessons. GIRLS Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: Size: 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 BOYS $FJD 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 Sizes :4 Size : 6 Sizes : 8-10 Size : 12 Size: 14 – 16 $FJD 24.00 24.00 24.00 30.00 30.00 GENERAL Mouth Guard ISS Recycle Bags ISS Polo Shirts (Adult) The fabric is chlorine resistant, similar to what Speedos are made of, therefore it is expected that the togs will last longer. 4.50 1.50 35.00 (White/Navy Blue) BUS PROCEDURES AND FEES 2015 There are 4 types of bus passes available which can be purchased from the Business Office. Full Bus Pass Morning Pass Afternoon Pass Occasional Bus Pass 1. The school observes a strict 'no pass, no bus' policy. Passes will be checked each morning and afternoon by the teachers on duty. Secondary school students who do not have a pass will not be allowed on the bus. They will need to make alternative transport arrangements or purchase an occasional bus pass from the Business Office. Names of primary school students who do not have a bus pass will be recorded and referred to the primary office for follow up. Please be aware that students who use the bus service occasionally must purchase the Occasional bus pass tickets in advance of use. 2. If a student loses their pass they should see Mrs Fong (Secondary) or Mrs Whittaker (Primary) to obtain a note which they should take to the Business Office where replacements can be obtained for $1.00. 3. The cost of bus passes for 2014 will be: One Way Fare (Full Term) Full Fare (Full Term) One Way Pass - $ 85.00 $170.00 $ 2.50 Page | 9 4. Please note bus fares are subject to change whenever there is a change in the rates by the Bus Company. 5. Please note that buses run in the morning and afternoon and bus tickets are available for purchase from the Business Office. The bus fee schedule and the existing bus routes are enclosed with this notice. Please note that the bus schedule will be reviewed early in the year, when new enrolments have stabilised. SCHOOL BUS ROUTES 2015 - MORNING AND AFTERNOON BUSES Bus 1 (Lami, Bus 2 (Wailoku, Bus 3 (Gladstone Rd, Bus 4 (Rt Sukuna Rd, Bus 5 (Denison, Princes Rd, Bayview Heights) Tamavua, Namadi Heights) Domain and Fletcher Rds) Muanikau, Suva Point) Flagstaff, Rewa St) * Pick-up point at 7am * Pick-up point at 7am * Pick-up point at 7am * Pick-up point at 7am * Pick-up point at 7am *Uduya point Queen’s Road Naimawi St Waimate St Waivote St *Naranji St *Marion St *Duncan Rd Qomati St *McGregor /Desvoeux Rd Thurston St Knolly St Denison Rd Wailoku Rd Princes Rd Rokuboulevu Rd Gladstone Rd Rt Cakobau Rd Domain Rd McGregor Rd Bau St Rewa St Qauia St Naimawi St Nakula St Naivurevure Rd Matanikutu Rd LDS School Richards Rd Service St Rt Sukuna Rd Solomoni St Queen’s Rd Princes Rd Upper Ragg Avenue Lower Ragg Avenue Vunakece Rd Laucala Bay Rd Varani St Pender St Cakobau Rd Queen Elizabeth Drv Rt Sukuna Rd Charlton Ave Queen Elizabeth Drv Vuya Rd Rt Sukuna Rd Amy St Pathik Crescent Vunakece Rd Padam Lala Rd Rifle Range Rd Jerusalem Rd ISS Marou/Muanikau Rd Queen Elizabeth Drv Laucala Bay Rd Aquatic Centre Beach /Statham Rds Fletcher Rd Rifle Range Rd Jerusalem Rd ISS ISS Reservoir Rd Princes Rd Mead Rd Bayview Rd Sam Lal Place Mead Rd ISS Salato Rd/Salala Rd Vunakece Rd Mead Rd ISS Laucala Bay Rd Fletcher Rd Nailuva Rd Rewa St Brown St Augustus St Toorak Rd Waimanu Rd Borron Rd Belo St Gaji Rd / Karsanji St Fletcher Rd The bus schedule and routes will be re-designed to take into account new enrolments early in term 1. Page | 10 CONTACT DETAILS 1. International School Suva Lot 59 Siga Road, Laucala Beach, P.O. BOX 10828, Laucala Beach Estate, Suva, Fiji. Telephone: (679) 339 3300, Fax: (679) 334 0017, Email: [email protected] Website: www.international.school.fj 2. Contacts for the Principal and Heads of School Anna Marsden, Principal, email: [email protected] Megan Navunisaravi, Head of High School (Years 9 to 12), email: [email protected] Mere Fong, Head of Middle School (Years 6 to 8), email: [email protected] Karen Whittaker, Head of Primary School (ECH to Year 5), email: [email protected] Michelle Forbes, Deputy Head of Primary School (ECH to Year 5), email: [email protected] 3. Office Hours during the holidays The office will be open from 8.00am until 4.00pm from the 13 thJanuary onwards and will only be closed on public holidays. Page | 11 Attach Photo APPLICATION FOR ENROLMENT ANTICIPATED STARTING DATE _____________________ YEAR LEVEL APPLIED FOR _______ THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY: 1. AN ENROLMENT FEE OF $2,500 (per student – for Fiji Citizen & Non-Fiji Citizen) - Discovery to ECH 2 rd 2. BUILDING LEVY OF $500 (per student – Fiji Citizen); $3,000 (per student – Non-Fiji Citizen); A sibling discount of $1,500 for the 3 rd child or more- Non-Fiji Citizen); A sibling discount of $250 for the 3 child or more – Fiji Citizen) BUILDING LEVY OF $500 (per student - for Fiji Citizen and Non-Fiji Citizen - Discovery to ECH 2) 3. THE MOST RECENT SCHOOL REPORT; 4. A COPY OF THE FIRST PAGE OF PASSPORT AND BIRTH CERTIFICATETO BE ATTACHED FOR BOTH FIJI CITIZEN AND NON-FIJI CITIZEN; 5. 1 PASSPORT-SIZED PHOTOGRAPH; 6. TRANSFER LETTER FROM PREVIOUS SCHOOL IF IN FIJI, and 7. ESL LEVY: 10% OF THE TOTAL LEVY BASED ON YEAR LEVEL FOR NEW STUDENTS REQUIRING STAGE 1 & 2 OF THE NEW INTENSIVE ENGLISH PLEASE COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS IN BLOCK CAPITALS 1. STUDENT INFORMATION Surname First Name Age Gender Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Country of Birth Citizenship Passport(s):[Please indicate Religion[if none, please write ‘no religion’] Languages spoken at home country/ies of issue] Fluent in English: [Please circle]Yes / No Postal Address: Home Address [if different from postal address]: Telephone: Mobile (if any): Email: Explain transportation to and from school 2. FAMILY SITUATION Student lives with: Father Mother □ □ (Optional) Tick any that may apply: stepfather stepmother □ □ other ___________________ Father deceased Mother deceased □ □ Parents separated Parents divorced Names of brothers / sisters Full Name Date of Gender School Birth(dd/mm/yy) 3. PARENTS'/GUARDIANS' INFORMATION: Please provide the following information on the persons legally responsible for the applicant. A. Relationship to child: Mother/Father/Guardian Surname: Occupation: Telephone (H): First Name: Employer: Email: Office Address: Citizenship: Country of birth: Postal Address: Telephone (W): Fax: Mobile: Please state the preferred email address for receiving ISS communication ISS Alumni? Yes / No Years attended □ □ B. Relationship to child: Mother/Father/Guardian Surname: Occupation: First Name Employer: Telephone (H): Office Address: Email: Citizenship: Country of birth: Postal Address: Telephone (W): Fax: Mobile: Please state the preferred email address for receiving ISS communication ISS Alumni? Yes / No Years attended 4. ADDITIONAL EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Please name an adult other than parents to be contacted if parents are unreachable. Name: __________________________________________ Name: ___________________________________________ Relationship to the child/parent: ________________________ Relationship to the child/parent: _______________________ Telephone: _______________ Telephone: _______________ Mobile: ______________ Email: __________________________________________ Mobile: ________________ Email: ____________________________________________ 5. ACADEMIC INFORMATION Please list ALL schools that your child has previously attended beginning with the most recent school (Include kindergarten and pre-school experiences) Name of School Town/State& Country Language of Instruction Type of Curriculum (e.g. Australian, NZ, etc.) Dates Attended (MM/YYYY) Grade Level(s) to to to Please list any extracurricular activities in which your child has participated. If he/she has received any award or special recognition, please mention it. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. STUDENT MEDICAL DETAILS (It is essential to let the school know of any medical conditions that your child has) Family Doctor’s Name Address Telephone Allergies Other medical conditions Medication 7. PLEASE STATE ANY OTHER INFORMATION THAT YOU FEEL IS IMPORTANT THE SCHOOL SHOULD KNOW ABOUT YOUR CHILD, INCLUDING ANY SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS. 2 8. ENROLMENT FEE The school’s offer of a place is conditional upon payment of an enrolment fee of $2,500 (Fiji Citizen) or $5,000 (Non-Fiji Citizen). A full refund of the enrolment fee is given if the enrolment does not proceed for any reason. No student may commence classes until this is paid. 9.BUILDING LEVY A Building levy of: □$3,000 per student is charged for Non-Fiji Citizen □$500 per student is charged for Fiji Citizen □$500 per student is charged for Fiji Citizen & Non-Fiji Citizen - (Discovery - ECH 2) □Sibling discount of 50% for both Fiji Citizen and Non-Fiji Citizen 10. SCHOOL FEES □ Fiji Citizen Non - Fiji Citizen □ All school fees must be paid in advance of a student commencing school. Parents/guardians are responsible for the payment of school fees for their children, irrespective of any arrangements with an employer.It is preferable that the school fees are directly deposited to the school’s bank account. Bank Details: ANZ Bank Level 7 ANZ House 25 Victoria Parade Suva Fiji BSB-010-890 Swift Code ANZBFJFX Account Name: InternationalSchoolSuva Account Number: 1233831 OR You can pay at the school’s Business office. A full term's school fee is payable for any part of a term attended. There are no refunds on term school fees. Refunds are only given for whole terms not attended where the annual school fee has been paid. Refunds are made to the person/company paying the school fee. Parents are asked to give a term’s notice in writing. Mailing address for fee invoice ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________ Mobile: ______________ Email: _____________________________________ Office Use Only Year Starting Date House Enrol ID Receipt No. Paid By Bus Registrar sign Date Office sign Date ACCEPTANCE OF ENROLMENT The enrolment of ____________________________________ is accepted to commence classes on __________ Signed _______________________________________________ Principal / Head of High/ Head of Middle/Head of Primary Date_______________ dd/mm/yy WASC Accredited, Centre of CIE, ACT and IB v100613 11. AGREEMENT - Please read carefully then sign below I hereby make application for admission of the student to the International School Suva in accordance with the terms, rules and regulations of the school. Unless notified in writing to the contrary, the agreement shall remain in effect throughout the period of attendance at the school. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. VISA: All non Fiji citizens must have an appropriate valid visa before enrolment is accepted and throughout the period of enrolment. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS OF STUDENTS: It is expected that students will live with a parent or legal guardian at all times. When the parent or legal guardian of the child is away, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school of the name and contact details of the person who will be looking after the child. ATTENDANCE: Students should arrive at school no more than 30 minutes before the first bell. Students should leave the school within 30 minutes of their last class unless working in the library or taking part in an organised activity. Students must leave the premises by 4:00 p.m. Students arriving early or staying late may be at risk. Students are expected to attend as regularly as possible and parents are asked not to arrange holidays outside of normal school breaks other than in extenuating circumstances. RECOGNITION: Parents will recognise and support the authority and responsibilities of ISS staff and administration to carry out their education work. PEACEFUL RESOLUTION OF CONFLICT: There will be no bullying, harassing or intimidating members of the school community. EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES: Whilst parents’ views are always welcome; parents will not intervene in the ISS educational processes or interfere with ISS personnel as they carry out their duties and/or responsibilities. HOMEWORK: Suitable conditions will be supplied at home for doing homework and parents will monitor its completion and sign the appropriate records. SCHOOL REPORTS: Parents will cooperate with the school to maintain high standards of work and behaviour, especially by discussing school reports with their child(ren) and attending parent meetings. TUITION FEES: All fees for each term must be paid before a student commences classes. DRUGS, ALCOHOL, and CIGARETTES: Drugs, alcohol and cigarettes are not permitted in the school, on school excursions or at school activities at any time. The possession and/or use of any of these may result in a student's enrolment being terminated. DISCIPLINE: Parents will support the school by explaining to their child(ren), the importance of abiding by the school rules and informing the school of any problems or difficulties which may arise. UNIFORM: All students are required to wear the appropriate school uniform at all times. A student may be sent home if inappropriately dressed. EXCURSIONS: All students are required to participate in school excursions. These are normally in Suva and sometimes in the nearby country area, and normally take place during school hours. Some return later in the day, particularly when connected with sporting events. Parents will be notified in writing of any excursion of a special nature. SWIMMING: Your child is expected to participate in a swimming program at some time during the year. This involves travelling to an available pool somewhere in the city. SPORT/PHYSICAL EDUCATION/COMMUNITY, ACTION AND SERVICE: This is an integral part of the school curriculum, and except for reasons of ill health, students are required to participate. SCHOOL PUBLICATIONS: Often photographs and work material are used for promotional and educational purposes. PARKING: being community minded when parking outside the school perimeter is essential. FIJI DATA BUREAU: ISS is a member of Date Bureau and as such will use their services should a parent/guardian default on payment of school fees. I agree to the above terms of enrolment concerning visa (non Fijian students), tuition fees, enrolment fee, living arrangements, drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes, uniform and school publications. I agree that my child, in terms of general health, is fit to participate in physical activities and I give my consent to the participation of my child in curriculum or extra-curricular activities on or off the ISS premises (within or outside school hours) which may involve school trips, excursions, programs, recreational activities, sports, physical education, inter school activities orother related activities (the Activities) except as follows: (Insert exceptions) I, on behalf of my child, voluntarily accept the risks inherent in participating in the Activities and expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all such risks. In consideration of ISS providing the Activities in which my child may participate, I the undersigned parent(s) or legal guardian(s) agree to hereby release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue ISS, its Council, Committees, officers, employees, agents, or representatives including supervising parents and volunteers (“Released Parties”), from any and all liability including negligence, for any and all damages, losses or injuries to my child or his or her property, which arise out of, occur during or result from my child participating in the Activities. In the event of the absence of the preferred doctor, I authorize the school to seek medical assistance from any other doctor for my child in an emergency. Signed ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date ________________ dd/mm/yy 4 STUDENT NETWORK AND INTERNET USE AGREEMENT 2015 As we educate our students for a rapidly changing world, we at International School Suva believe it is important for our students to learn how to use information technology constructively and responsibly. Our goal in providing access to the Internet is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing and communication. The Internet is a global network linking computers at universities, schools, government departments, business and homes. On the Internet, one can access information and communicate with people all over the world through web sites and discussion forums, as well as through electronic mail (e-mail). The use of the Internet will provide many direct and indirect benefits to our students. Although the Internet is of significant educational value, care needs to be taken with its use in order to utilize it efficiently, effectively and appropriately. The use of the Internet at International School Suva will be developed as part of the students’ learning program. This will be carried out as far as is reasonable, under the direct supervision of and instruction by a teacher or in a supervised environment such as the school library or computer laboratory. Due to the size and dynamic nature of the Internet, many kinds of materials, some unsuitable for young people, find their way onto the system. Whilst the school will take all reasonable precautions to prevent inappropriate materials being accessed, and all sites visited by all users at the school are monitored and recorded, responsibility for their internet usage also lies with the student. Each student /family will have different views about access to all material on the Internet and the use of e-mail. Thus, it is important that families read and discuss the Student Network and Internet Use Agreement together. This agreement, below, must be signed by both students and parents/guardians and returned to the School. As a user of International School Suva computer network: I realise that access to the Internet is a privilege not a right. I accept that inappropriate use of the Internet will lead to penalties. The severity of the penalty will be determined by the Head of Primary, Head of Middle School, Head of High School and the Principal in consultation with the IT Coordinator. I realise that the use of the School’s Internet connection is for educational purposes. I will not use the Internet to access unacceptable material. If I happen to find material that is inappropriate, I will notify the teacher-in-charge immediately and not share or identify the location of this material to other students. I will not harm the computer network by deleting or corrupting files or applications, by downloading files and software programs without authorization or by introducing computer viruses etc. I will not harm the computer systems by deliberately damaging or removing any parts of the computer without permission. I realise that I am a representative of International School Suva when I am on the Internet. I may be alone with the computer, but what I say and do can be viewed globally. I will therefore be polite and use appropriate language. I will use the Internet safely by not giving out personal information that I would not want any stranger to have, such as my name, address, phone number, birth date, student number, school attending, or any other “bio-data”. I will not break copyright laws and/or redistribute another’s work nor will I use another person’s work without correctly acknowledging them. I will log-on using only my “username” and I will keep my password secret. I will not use a computer that has been left logged on by mistake. I will not save any games, programs or inappropriate files in my home folder, or on the “CDrive”. I will not download games, pictures, music or material not related to my school work from the internet. Printing – toner, especially colour, and paper are expensive, so I will only print one copy and only when I have to, to stay within my printing quota. I will not ask other students to print for me, using their quota. I will not change printer setting in the computer or on the printers. I will come to the Computer Centre /Computer Rooms to work and not to play computer games or for entertainment. I realize many games can and do corrupt settings on the networked computers making them unusable for students and teachers wishing to do work. I will not remove any of the plugs or leads on the computers. Unplugging cables could lead to hardware malfunction. I will not damage any of the computer equipment. I will not change or delete any of the program files or settings on the computers. I will not bring any food or drink into the computer labs. I will not run around or call out etc. in the computer rooms I will not interfere with the work, files or the computer of any other student or teacher. I will not send “pop-up” messages over the network. When I have finished computing, I will log-off correctly, switch my computer off, and push my stool in. Students found not to log-off correctly are liable to have their “Account” disabled. Lost Property – I will hand in any property I have found to one of the computer lab staff. I will not visit any inappropriate web sites (e.g. pornography, violence etc.) I will report any inappropriate web site I may find by accident and leave it immediately. I will not send inappropriate, offensive, snail/chain email messages. I will not download or transmit any inappropriate material. I will not play music without my teacher’s permission and accept that I may lose music access if I do. I will never play music without headphones or so loudly I disturb others near me. I will not engage in cyber bullying activities and will report any occurrence to the teacher in charge. I understand and agree that my personal account is an International School Suva property. It can be audited or cleared at any time as part of Network Security and maintenance. PENALTY: The consequences of engaging in inappropriate use of the Network will vary according to the seriousness of the breach. Students breaking this agreement put their use of the School Network at risk. Student Agreement: I accept the conditions of the Student Internet Use Agreement at International School Suva Student Name (please print): _________________________________ Form _______ Student Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________ Parental Consent: I do give/do not give (please cross one out) permission for my son/daughter to use the Internet in accordance with the conditions of the Student Internet Use Agreement. Parent/Guardian Name (please print): ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________ Please return the above consent form to the general office in the specially marked box. Access to the School’s Internet service will not be given unless this permission slip is returned. PTFA WELCOME MESSAGE Dear Parents and guardians, The PTFA committee of ISS and I would like to welcome you to this 2015 school year! I am sure what will strike you immediately when you enter the school are the happy, welcoming smiles of our students, teachers and parents. Here at ISS, we are all happy to work and live together and it shows. It is of ultimate importance that everything is done to enhance the learning environment of our children as they are our future. For that we need to build a strong community of support and it begins on the first day you enter the school. We are here to welcome you and to answer your questions whether they are about Fiji, the school, the activities you or your child can do, or anything of concern to you. We are here to help you to make new friends within our community and help you make a great start in Fiji. We believe that building a bridge between our families and our school is the key to our children’s academic success. We are the point of contact between teachers, staff and your child and your child’s voice is a priority. We value the new ideas you can bring to the school. The faster you will get involved in the community, the better it will be for the well being of your child. Quickly becoming familiar with his/her new environment will help you and your family settle better and at the same time show your child that you really care about his/her education and friends. Whether small or big, your assistance is always appreciated. The PTFA needs volunteers to assist throughout the year with its many activities and projects. No matter where your talents or interests lie, there is a place for you at ISS. We invite you to attend our next meeting or/and event. Please check the PTFA webpage on the school website as it is regularly updated, as well as our dedicated column in the school newsletter, Talanoa. Thank you in advance for your support, dedication, and for entrusting us to help create a positive school experience for your child and unforgettable moments in Fiji. I am looking forward to meeting you soon and creating another rewarding year for all of us. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or by phone on 9364802. Sincerely, Patricia Evers ISS PTFA President. Please indicate your name and phone contacts and return the following information : NAME : .............................................................................. PHONE Number ....................................................... Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Would you like to be contacted to represent your country in some events? If yes, which country? Would you like to join the PTFA committee? YES NO Would you like to bring your direct support to the teachers and how? Any special talent you would like to share with us later? MAYBE
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