ST BERNADETTE CHURCH 5930 S. Abbott Rd. Orchard Park, NY 14127 716.649-3090 Ministerial & Support Staff Pastor:…...Fr. Paul D. Seil TWITTER: @BuffaloPadre Parochial Vicar Fr. Seán Paul Fleming Deacons: …Ed Howard, Steve Schumer Pastoral Minister: Sr. Rosemary Riggie Director of Faith Formation: Sharon Urbaniak Youth Minister.…... Patrick Murphy Parish Business Manager…Patrick Haefner Maintenance….Dave Clarkson Advocate for People w/Special needs: Heidi Mack Trustees: Robert J. McDonnell, and Jennifer DePalma Pastoral Council Leader: Tony LaMarca Mercy Sisters in Residence: 716- 202-1478 Religious Ed: 716-648-1720 PARISH OFFICE: 716 649-3090 Tears often are only correct response to suffering, pope tells youths MANILA, Philippines (CNS) -- The realities of life described by young people, especially the tearful question of a 12-year-old girl about why God allows suffering, led Pope Francis to set aside the first text he had prepared for a meeting Jan. 18 with the young people of the Philippines. "Certain realities in life can only be seen through eyes cleansed by tears," the pope said after listening to Glyzelle Palomar, who used to live on the streets but now has a home thanks to the foundation for street children Pope Francis visited in Manila. Palomar spoke after Jun Chura -- a 14-yearold rescued from the streets by the same foundation -described life on the streets as a struggle to find enough to eat, to fight the temptation of drug use and glue sniffing, and to avoid adults looking for the young to exploit and abuse. Covering her face with her hand as she wept in front of the microphone, Palomar asked the pope, "Why did God let this happen to us?" As some 30,000 young people looked on at the University of Santo Tomas, the pope kissed the top of Palomar's head and pulled her close for a big hug, then embraced her and Chura together. C. Copyright 2015 Catholic News Service. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. WEEKLY REPORT Goal: $500,000 Received so far: $279,355.50 55.9% of goal collected Drive ends August 31, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE Sat. 5PM , Sun. 7:30, 9 ,11 & 6:30PM Mon-Fri - 7:00 & 11:30 AM. Saturday Morning: 9AM Confessions Saturday: 4-4:45PM 6:30 Sunday NIGHT through May Perpetual Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Call for the door Code. Fair Trade Coffee & Scrip Cards in the Vestibule near the Early Childhood Academy ST. BERNADETTE PARISH ORCHARD PARK, NY ...Especially MASS INTENTIONS Joan Violanti, Richard Cohen, Robert Conroy, Laurie Luke, Jonah DeLang, Harold & Barb Dumain, Paul Pietrzak, Howard Benz, Chuck Haefner, Donovan Purdon, Francis Romance, Mary Ann Huber, Fr. Peter Cronin, Fr. Peter Tremblay, John Aldrich, Andrea Bence, Ed Billman, Margaret Birt, Peter Brady, Mike DeBellis, Patrick & Nancy Egan, Diane Erickson, Trisha Hartmayer, Kim Holmes, Cole Huson, Sallie & Kirk Janowiak, Alexis Kaz, Bob Lindenfeld, Audrey Livingston, Christopher LoJacano, Beverly Marcy, John Millen, Jacob Murphy, Tyler Rohauer, Geri Rosiek, Tammy Ross, Jim Schleuter, Tim Sliwinski, Mary Stanton, Candice Tortorice, Christian Tremblay, Joseph Warnes, Ella Wintringer. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 5:00 Richard M. McCarthy (Birth) by Nancy & Children SUNDAY, JAN. 25 - 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 9:00 11:00 6:30PM For the Parishioners of St. Bernadette by Fr. Paul Dr. Eugene Michael Sullivan by Barb Haller Eleanor Jarousz by Phyllis Sindel Life Teen Mass @ St. Bernadette’s MONDAY, JANUARY 26 - STS. TIMOTHY AND TITUS Please pray for all the recently deceased, especially Diana Houseknecht. 7:00 Joseph Syta by Monday Night Bowling League 11:30 Owen W. Preusch by Patti & Bob Rucker Please also pray for our active deployed military and their families. TUESDAY, JANUARY 27 - ST. ANGELA MERICI 7:00 11:30 Trisha Dunn by The Cleary Family Bernard Gemza (Birth) by Theresa Gemza READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JAN. 25, 2015 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28 - ST. THOMAS AQUINAS 7:00 11:30 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 Monday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday: Heb 10:1-10/Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18/Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: Heb 10:19-25/Mk 4:21-25 Friday: Heb 10:32-39/Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Mk 4:35-41 Next Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 Lena LaMarca by Tony & Adriana & Family Paul Martino by Aunt Connie THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 7:00 11:30 Evelyn Charnock by St. Bernadette Staff Salvatore & Mary Cardella by Daughter, Connie FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 7:00 11:30 GOSPEL REFLECTION Margaret Matarazzo by Ralph & Linda Jeswald Richard Wengewicz by M/M Michael Esford & Family ...A Family Perspective It must have been difficult for Zebedee to watch his sons walk away and follow Jesus. It was the end of Zebedee and Sons Fishing, Incorporated. Our children, were never ours. They are only on loan to us. We raise them to let them go. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 - ST. JOHN BOSCO 9:00 5:00 Ken, Kathy, Sherry & Rachel by Dick & Gloria Lynch Gary Hillyard by Ed & Denise Roliczek SUNDAY, FEB. 1 - 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 9:00 11:00 6:30 PM FOR COUPLES GETTING MARRIED For the Parishioners of St. Bernadette by Fr. Paul Walter & Sophie Pyszczek by Mike & Adele Dec. Mbrs of Seil & Roach Families by Family No Life Teen Mass St. Bernadette’s will be having a Marriage Preparation (Pre-Cana) session on Friday, February 13th at 7 PM & Sunday, February 15th beginning at 9 AM and ending approximately at 3 PM. Sessions take place in the Community Room. You must attend both days. This is a requirement in order for a wedding to take place. If you would like to attend or would like more information, please call Jeff & Barb Benz at 649-5854. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY! The Father Merrick Bednar “Conviction of the Heart” 2015 Scholarship for $1,500 will be awarded on Sunday, June 7th at the 11 AM Mass. Deadline: Sunday, May 3rd. Applications available on our website at 2 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 25, 2015 WORLD DAY OF THE SICK Fr. Paul’s article will appear in next weekend’s bulletin. He is currently in Washington, DC at the March for Life!! On Wednesday, February 11th, Our Lady of Lourdes, there will be the anointing of the sick for anyone who is in need of healing at the 11:30 AM Mass and at a special 7 PM Mass. The Prayer Shawl Ministry will also have prayer shawls for anyone who would like the warmth and prayers that were weaved into every stitch by one of the members. Please invite and help transport family and friends who would like to be anointed. Thanks Father for representing our parish and standing up for Life!! SCOUT SUNDAY BLESSING FOR COUPLES! “A Scout is Reverent.” All boys, girls, and adult leaders involved in Scouting are invited to join us as we celebrate Scout Sunday on February 8th at the 9AM Mass. We will meet in the Adoration Chapel at 8:45 and process in together. Bring your unit’s flag and stand if you have one. Please wear your uniforms. Boy Scout Troop 4 and Cub Pack 4 will host a reception in the Msgr. Nugent Conference Room for all scouts and their families immediately following the Mass. Refreshments will be served. If you have any questions, call Mike Cross at 6486177. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 - 5PM MASS RENEWAL OF VOWS & BLESSING OF COUPLES …We’re all in this together. THE DEACON’S CORNER January 18, 2015 Sunday Collection… $15,660.00 1336 Envelopes mailed; 483 used 32 Electronic transfers “Receive the Gospel of Christ, whose herald you now are. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.” This is what the Bishop says to the deacon during his ordination to Holy Orders. The Catholic Church has three groups (orders) of clergy, Bishops, Priests and Deacons. Each is ordained with the sacrament of Holy Orders, with specific duties in service to the Church. The deacon is ordained to a threefold ministry of the Word, Liturgy and Charity. He proclaims, teaches and practices the Gospel. He participates in the holy sacrifice of the Mass, and may preside over the sacraments of Baptism, Marriage and Christian burial. He is the servant minister to the body of Christ in hospitals, prisons, and homeless shelters. The deacon is a helper and a resource to the people of God. He is equipped to offer counsel, blessing and consolation. Because the deacon lives and works among the laity, he is especially present and available to the people he serves. Have a question? Ask the deacon. Need some help? Ask the deacon. Want to talk? Ask the deacon. This is what he is ordained to do. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO’VE RESPONDED TO THE URGENT NEEDS APPEAL THROUGH August 31, 2015. Please support Scrip and our Fundraisers for the strength of the Parish. ADULT CONFIRMATION Any adult who has not been Confirmed and would like to be can call Sr. Rosemary at 649-3090 ext. 109 for more information. We will be preparing to celebrate the sacrament in the Spring. SCRIP Cards are available in the Rectory Office You can help support our parish with every purchase of SCRIP!! Peace and Blessings, Deacon Steve Schumer 3 ST. BERNADETTE PARISH ORCHARD PARK, NY SCRABBLE FEST 2015!! A MINISTRY IN NEED OF WORKERS Do you love playing Scrabble? Then join us on Friday, February 6th at 10:00 AM in the Msgr. Nugent Conference Room to play Scrabble and help Literacy New York (Buffalo-Niagara) at the same time! Let Sr. Rosemary know if you plan on coming (649-3090 ext. 109). Each year at this time people all over WNY are invited to play Scrabble and make a small donation to Literacy. Nearly 30% of the City of Buffalo residents read at the lowest literacy level. And very often illiteracy means a life of poverty. So, let’s have fun and make a difference at the same time! Are you looking for a way to share your gifts with our parish which requires some time and physical exertion? Then come and join our MASH Team! Mash stands for Ministry Assisting Service and Hospitality. We help with set-up, break-down and clean-up after large parish gatherings. We have several events coming in the near future: Mardi Gras; Saint Joseph’s Table, Holy Name Fish Fry; Friendship Supper; Easter Vigil Party. You may choose to help at one or at all. It’s a great way for young folks to complete their service-hour requirements. If you can help, please call Ann at 6498081. God bless you! LENTEN STUDY COMING SOON! ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY Jesus, the ultimate priest, prophet and king, is foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Join us as we journey through Lent with Fr. Robert Barron’s new DVD-based Study Program: Priest, Prophet, King. We will explore the biblical archetypes of priest, prophet and king and see how Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of each one. Through this experience, we seek to better understand who Jesus really is and also realize our own priestly, prophetic and kingly mission. Members will attend 9:00 AM Mass on Sunday, February 1st followed by a Dutch treat breakfast at Denny’s, 5092 Camp Rd. at Southwestern Blvd., Hamburg. For six Thursdays, beginning February 19, we will meet at 7 PM in the Community Room. Registration is highly recommended. To find out more information, call Linda at 667-9536 or pick up a flyer located a any church exit or download it from the church website. Refreshments will be served. To view a trailer of the study, go to: Our next Lunch Bunch will be at David’s Grille, 4247 N. Buffalo Rd., Orchard Park, this Tuesday, January 27th at 12:30. Please call Sister Rosemary at 649-3090 ext. 109 in order to reserve your place at the table. All are welcome! HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OPEN DOORS MINISTRY Want to make a difference in the world by helping to provide decent housing for families? Then you are invited to join with other parishioners from St. Bernadette’s on Saturday, February 28th. Call Tim Mullins at 425-8742 for more information and to find out about volunteer opportunities with Habitat for Humanity. Thyroid disease is more common than diabetes or heart disease. However, many symptoms hide and mimic other diseases and conditions which makes it difficult to recognize. The best way to now for sure is to ask your doctor for a TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) test, or a simple blood test to verify your thyroid gland’s condition. And because thyroid disease often runs in families, examinations of your family members and a review of their medical histories may reveal other individuals with thyroid problems. Additionally, taking prescription medications such as Lithium, or Amiodarone may make you consider a thyroid evaluation. Next week, I will explain the importance of the thyroid to your wellbeing and what happens if it is untreated. ( Blood Drive Sunday, Feb. 22 8AM - 1PM Community Room Walk-ins welcomed! 4 ST. BERNADETTE PARISH ORCHARD PARK, NY MINISTRY SCHEDULES LOOK AT THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 - 5:00 P.M. MONDAY, JANUARY 26 Faith Formation, 3:45 p.m., School St. Joseph’s Table Mtg., 6:30 p.m., Sm. Music Rm. Cenacle of Life, 7 p.m., Chapel Edge, 7 p.m., Gym, Café, C-Rm., CR, Library Edge Parent Meeting, 7 p.m., Msgr. Nugent Conf. Rm. Altar Servers: Euch. Min. Lectors: Music: TUESDAY, JANUARY 27 D. Janak, N. McMillan N. LaFalce, D. & D. Garfoot, V. Bueme, J. Arlotta G. Cranston, J. Swistowski Lisa SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 - 7:30 A.M. Girl Scouts, 7-8 p.m., Art Rm. Basketball, 6-9 p.m., Gym Baptism Prep., 7 p.m., Fr. Carey Conf. Rm. St. Monica’s Moms, 7 p.m. Altar Servers: Euch. Min. Lectors: Music: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28 T. Nawotka M. Savage, C. Benson, K. & J. Chwojdak, S. Jantzi M. Ingelfinger Gary SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 - 9:00 A.M. Music Lesson, 4 p.m., Music Rm. Early Childhood Academy Open House, 6 - 8 p.m. Stewardship Mtg., 6:30 p.m., Msgr. Nugent Conf. Rm. Rosary for Peace, 7 p.m., Chapel Boy Scouts, 6-8 p.m., Café, Community Rm. Girl Scouts, 7-8 p.m., Art Rm. Altar Servers: Euch. Min.: Lectors: Music: THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 E., J. & O. Bembenista M. Ingelfinger, B. Dumain, L. Nalbach, G. Lynch, P. Eberle, M. Cross J. Patterson, G. Rzeszutek As per schedule SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 - 11:00 A.M. Music Lesson, 2:30-6 p.m., Music Rm. Faith Formation, Gr. 7, 8, 9, & 10 Confirmation, 7 p.m., School, Gym, Community Rm. Witness, 7:15 p.m., Church Altar Servers: Euch. Min.: Lectors: Music: FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 Basketball 6-9 p.m., Gym S., R., J. & E. Schuler P. Howard, G. Smith, L. Barone, T. Rebelo, P. & B. Rosenhahn, G. Cranston L. Dubill, J. Heraty As per schedule PLEASE GET A REPLACEMENT IF YOU CANNOT SERVE SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 FAITH MOMENTS REFLECTION Faith Formation, 9 a.m., School Mental Health Group, 9:30 a.m., Msgr. Nugent Conf. Rm. Children’s Choir, 10:30 a.m., Church Confessions: 4 p.m. ...provided by Christ the King Seminary Today’s Gospel speaks about the disciples who left everything behind to follow Jesus. Our own commitment to a Christ-centered life does not necessarily have to be so drastic. But there may be things we need to leave behind so we can better follow Jesus and his example of service to others. In society today, there are so many distractions that hold us back from living the Gospel message and helping others. We work too much. We focus on material things. We act selfishly. SUNDAY, FEB. 1 - 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mass Times: 7:30, 9, & 11 a.m. Babysitting, 11 a.m. Mass, Msgr. Nugent Conf. . Rm. Baptisms, 12:30 p.m. No Life Teen Mass or Meeting LIFE TEEN & EDGE The 6:30 PM Life Teen Mass and 7:35 PM Life Night have moved to St. Bernadette’s. We’re super excited about the change, and hope you will continue to join us. And if you haven’t been to a Life Teen Mass yet, make sure to stop in sometime and check it out! Same Mass, same meetings, different location. What’s holding you back? Only by leaving those things behind and following Jesus more closely will we find the path leading to true peace and lasting happiness. PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO Life Teen Mass or Meeting on Sunday, February 1st. 5 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 25, 2015 PRAYERS FOR LIFE ...By Mary Ann Kuharski, Director of Pro-Life Across America The Breath of Life Relay For Life of the Southtowns Kickoff. Learn how to get involved with the fight against cancer here in the Southtowns and the Relay For Life event this June in Orchard Park! All are welcome. Stop by Tuesday, January 27th between 5:30-7:30PM at the West Seneca Senior Center, 4620 Seneca St., West Seneca. Activities, door prize, and light refreshments to be served. R.S.V.P. to [email protected] or call 689-6982 x65255. Reflection: In today’s culture, we confront many so-called experts who claim that human existence is mere chance or biological happenstance. Pope Benedict XVI eloquently reminds us, “We are not some casual meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary.” At ten weeks from conception, the unborn baby’s body is sensitive to touch. He/she squints, swallows, puckers up the brow, and frowns. Eyelids, fingerprints, and even fingernails are evident. Night at the Races at St. Francis High School, Saturday, February 7th at 7 PM in the school gym. Admission is $12 pre-sale by calling the school office at 627-1200. $15 at the door and includes beer, wine, soft drinks, finger foods and desserts throughout the event. Other attractions include a basket auction, 50/50 split, and more. Must be 21 years of age to attend. Let Us Pray: Dear Father in heaven, your creation of a human being is a sacred masterpiece - each person infused with a soul and the breath of life - unique and unrepeatable! Thank you for the gift of my life. Thank you for all those who loved and cared for me. Thank you for the teachers and mentors who helped instill the gift of faith and a sense of awe at the beauty of your creation. Most especially, thank you for all of those who helped me to know you. Amen. Marriage Encounter. Husbands and wives spend an immense amount of time on their jobs/careers/children/ leisure. How much time do you spend just for the two of you as a couple? You deserve more time together on a priority basis. Make a Marriage Encounter soon! The next Marriage Encounter weekend is February 6-8 at Notre Dame Retreat House, Canandaigua, NY. For more information, call 877-697-9963 or visit MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP MEETS HERE EVERY SATURDAY! A weekly mental health self-help support group meets every Saturday at St. Bernadette’s from 9:30-11:30 AM in the Msgr. Nugent Conference Room. If you or anyone you know is suffering from mental illness, you are encouraged to attend. If you have questions or would like more information about this support group, please call Jim at (716) 392-7026. Our Daily Bread for February will feature host Rev. Paul Seil joined in the kitchen by three ladies, each from a different parish community, who talk to him about the importance of service ministries that are found in the parishes of our eight counties of Western New York. Tune in Saturday, February 14th at 5:30AM and Noon on WKBW-TV Channel 7 and repeats on cable. It’s Tax Time Again! In an effort to limit parish expenses, statements for your taxable contributions to St. Bernadette Church for 2014 will not be sent out in a general mailing this year. If you need a receipt, please fill out and return this slip or send an email request to [email protected] (A direct “click&send” email link may also be found on our website) Env No: ______ Name: ______________________________ Phone: __________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Please check one: ___Please email to: _________________________________________________ ___Regular mail to above address ___I will pick the statement up from the office 6
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