Roskear SportRoundup Writtenbychildrenfortheschoolcommunity ROSKEAR Callum R Football Roundup On the 4th December 2014 there was a football match on home ground. Roskear’s 6 a side team versus Connor Downs 6 a side team. Unfortunately we lost 3-5 but both teams played really well. The team that played for Roskear was Callum, Cailen , Adam, Kyle, Narimatas, Logan and David. David and Logan played in defence, with Callum and Cailen in mid-field. Our strikers were Kyle and Adam with Narimtas in goal. Callum and Kyle both scored goals for us, with the third an own goal by one of their players. TERMLY TABLOID Swimming Gala On Wednesday 12th November 2014, a group of Year 5/6 children went to Redruth School to compete in a swimming Gala. Firstly, it was the warm up they had to swim a length of the pool. Next, was the breaststroke, Taylor came first winning the first gold medal. ACer that was the backstroke race, luckily Roskear managed to accomplish another gold medal by Daisy. Next was the front crawl scoring another gold medal by Finlay and 2nd place from Isobel. Meanwhile was the bu5erfly race fortunately Roskear managed to win another gold medal by Abbie. As me went by it was the relay race, Roskear came 3rd. We are looking forward to playing more games in the future. Abe K, Jay F, Ma5hew W Kerenza T Mul Skills When year 2 went to mul-skills we needed to take our drinks because it was very hard and was very ring ! Roskear Golf Goodies Wednesday 3rd December 2014 Roskear school Golfers went to Illogan school for a Golf compeon, compeng against Portreath and Illogan school. We took part in six different challenges. At mul-skills we got sweets because we were very well behaved. Some of us thought it was unfair but it was fair because we did lots of exercise and we did earn them. I loved mul-skills it was be5er than when I went last me because there was a person dressed up as santa called Santa Harris... Its so nice to do mul-skills outside of school, it was such an adventure and it made me feel amazing! I really like being healthy! These included pu,ng a Golf ball into the hole and hi,ng a ball on to a giant fake pizza. The first school to do all the challenges was Illogan school. Next was Portreath and then Roskear. Date: December 2014 RoskearPrimaryandNursery School Edion No: 3 Online edion at Children’sworkpublishedinabook Where pupils are encouraged to be independent, imaginave, creave and resourceful. TheNewsTeam Editor EdenC Sub-Editor EmilieT Reportersthisissue MeganA TaraP BrookeR MadelineD CiaraD EmilieT LukeA DaisyR MorganC JacobBH PaigeP ChloeR SadieL TylerG CaitlynR MadelineM MiaG ChloeS PaigeM EdenC KyleR AmyM JonasM KerenzaT CallumR KadyG ArwenT LucyN JayF ShaneW AbeK MatthewW Saf*ireW BethP Recently the children in KS2 at Roskear Primary and Nursery School entered a Young Writers’ Let’s Get Wring Superhero Stories compeon. All the children in KS2 at Roskear entered the compeon. Ninety three of Roskear’s entries were successful and have been selected for publicaon within a special anthology to be published in December. The copy of the pupils work will appear in, Superhero Stories – Devon & Cornwall. A copy will be sent to the Brish library, providing a lasng record of this achievement. The editorial team will now go on to select the best schools across the series to win 1st prize a creave Wring workshop package with Roger Stephens,2nd prize £500 of educaonal resources, and 3rd prize £250 of DK books. The winners will be announced once the books in the series have been published. Mrs Thomas who organised the schools entry said ‘ I’m exceponally proud of all the Roskear children who entered this compeon. This has been a fantasc opportunity for our children to see their wring published and hard work rewarded.’ For more photos see page five. How many images of Roskear’s shield can you spot in this issue? Author Visit Insidethis issue: Editor’s page 2 Author Visit 1,3 and 10 Meet the teacher 11 Author and playwright Christopher William Hill came to Roskear School to visit the children who read his book ‘Osbert the Avenger’ over the summer holidays. The children took part in an author interview for the Guardian Children’s Book site. For more photos see page 10. Editor’sPage Puzzles by Megan and Tara Instrucons W I O E P C A T L R elcome to the third edion of our school newspaper ’Roskear Termly Tabloid’. Thank you to our reporters for helping to write the arcles in this newspaper. There is so much to read in this issue. The Golf compeon, the e-safety interview, it’s very important to stay safe on line. There is also a very interesng interview with Mrs Harvey our school cook. The school council have also been busy, read about what they got up to. I hope you share this newspaper with your friends. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Eden C Editor Headteacher Year6 Shane W Truro Trip On Tuesday 9th December 2014 the year 6 class went to Truro to explore and to have a life lesson. Any adult reading the report would know what a life lesson is, but for the younger readers a life lesson is where year 6 children had to organise the transport and everything else on a budget of £7.00 per person. No one reading this paper will fail to see the incredible amount of learning opportunies that our children have experienced this term covering sports, compeon entries, visits from authors and excing trips. What a busy school! Make sure you take the me to sit and read all about it. With Christmas approaching the corridors of the school have rung to the fesve sound of Christmas Carols and anything that has stood long enough has been covered in nsel by Mrs Crocker. It has brought me great pride and pleasure to see all the children in the school growing in confidence and parcipang in good spirit in our three Christmas plays. Children I would never have imagined to have the courage, have spoken, sung and smiled, capvang and enthralling the audience. Our Choir have also been busy in the community, bringing carols to the residents of Blackwood House and represenng our school in our CroCy Learning Trust carol concert. Thank you children you have made this Christmas in school a memorable one. I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to welcoming you all back in the new year – who knows what excitement 2015 will bring? Mrs Lamb RoskearTermlyTabloidDec2014 There was a teacher in every group, for example my group had Mr Walsh. We began our trip by catching the train at Camborne staon, where we were responsible for buying our own ckets. Each group was allowed to go into any shop they wanted to, the Cathedral, bakeries and so on, which my group did. We had challenges to complete; we had to take pictures of our group outside the cathedral, paying for something and a picture of our group on the train. It was the best school trip I have ever a5ended! How many words can you make out of the le5ers? You can only use the le5ers once in each word. Can you make a word using all of the le5ers? 3 Le5ers = 5 points 4 Le5ers = 10 points 5 Le5ers = 15 points 6 le5ers = 25 points Year1 Mrs Lawrence asked the children in Marazion what they had been learning and this is what they came up with! ♦ We can tell and write The Three Li5le Pigs story. ♦ We go to Read Write Inc every day and get be5er at reading. ♦ We made wolf masks but we had to draw them first. We had to use tape to make the noses stay on. ♦ In Maths we have been adding and this week we have been shopping with money. ♦ In ICT we had to use the mouse to draw and we learnt to change colours and brush sizes. ♦ We looked at aerial photos of Camborne in Geography and talked about what is natural and what is man-made. ♦ In indoor PE we have been balancing and making shapes on the apparatus. ♦ We’ve been to the library to get new books and share stories. ♦ In outdoor PE we have learnt to throw using two hands. ♦ In music we matched the animals to the instruments in ‘Peter and the Wolf’. ♦ We go to assembly and get cerficates. ♦ If we try really hard we move up the flower and get a prize. ♦ We choose a superstar of the week and they have help the teachers. IntheKitchenwithMrsHarvey Paige M We interviewed Mrs Lamb to see what she thought of the producon ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Do you like cooking? A Absolutely, I love it! Q Mrs Lamb, what did you think of the play? Q What is the hardest thing to cook? A I thought it was very noisy! A Definitely our Christmas dinner! Q Why do you like M & M producons? Q What is the easiest thing to cook? A Because I watched them perform when I was li5le and they were amazing! A Pastries. Q What is your favourite M & M show? Q When did you start working in the school kitchen? A The Wizard of Oz. I also enjoyed Cosmic Crew, a play they wrote themselves. A 1990. Q What do you think they might do next? Q Is there a food item that you didn’t like, but do now? A Treasure Island and Robin Hood. Q What producon would you like to see them do the most? A Um…..Alice in Wonderland. Yes, Sweetcorn. Kady G Dates for your diary… Beauty and the Beast Spring Term 2015 6th January - 27th March Half Term: 16th - 20th February INSET day: 13th February Summer Term 2015 • • ● George Eustice MP Design a Christmas Card 2014 Well done and congratulaons to Safiyah who entered the “Design a Christmas Card” compeon. Her drawing was chosen as one of the runner up designs. The judging panel consisted of local majors and her award was presented in assembly on Friday 12th December by Mr. Barnard on behalf of George Eusce, MP. Safiyah’s design will be displayed on the reverse of their constuency Christmas Cards. Well done Safiyah PantoatRoskear • • • RoskearTermlyTabloidDec2014 Arwen T and Lucy N Q A DesignaChristmascardCompetition Year4 13th April - 23rd July Half Term: 25th - 29th May INSET days: 22nd June & 23rd July New term starts 6th January My favourite part was when Belle was singing. The characters are Belle, Scamper, Gaston, Gormless and Prince Allen. My favourite song was ‘happy’. This is what happened , an enchantress put a spell on the prince that turned him into a beast. The end was when the spell was broken and Allan said ‘will you marry me?’ and Belle said ‘yes’. My favourite part was when Gormless said ‘bye’ and kicked Gaston. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to our third edion of ‘Roskear Termly Tabloid’. Year2/3 Year5 Jay F Miss Curnow’s class Ian Thomas Author Visit Ian talked to us about all the adventures that that he has been on. There was lots of amazing wild life, nature and wild life animals. He swam in the sea with humpback whales and wrote a book called Emily and her Pharoh The Dress and now he has wri5en a second book called Emily and her PharoahThe Golden Dragon. The children in year two and three’s topic last half term was ‘Why are humans animals too? Ian Thomas showed us a DVD about a whale, he was in it and was so ny, compared to the whale he was the size of a mouse. We then wrote stories about all the places he visited. The children were very excited when Mr Eva discovered two stone age skeletons in the school grounds. The children wrote; Mr Eva was cleaning up the rubbish outside. He came and told us that he had found two skeletons. We dropped everything in shock! Then we all rushed outside to look for ourselves. The class were really excited. Looking closely we saw tools and skeletons. Miss Curnow found the stone age tools under the skeletons hand. Then we lined up, as we walked past we were very happy. We talked about the discovery. Lilly said ‘Sooooo! Excing’. Some children were quite scared. Mr Eva rang the museum to tell them about our discovery. Joinaclub Creave Wring Club Netball Would you like to know what we do in We meet every Wednesday at 3:15 where Creave Wring? It happens every week on Mrs Williams puts the teams together; we a Monday, from 3:15 unl 4:15. It is only currently have three teams. Then we go for KS2. outside and play matches. The winners stay In Creave Wring we get to write in a on and play the next team. Finally, we calm and concentrated atmosphere. Our pracse shoong goals .ACer we have numbers have grown so we no longer fit in finished we return to the classroom where the library, where it was previously hosted. we find out who was the player of the However, the angelic Mrs Williams kindly match. lent us her classroom! We will be playing matches against other During our club we accept the challenge of schools in the New Year. parcipang in a four minute warm up. This is when Mrs Thomas reads out a We welcome all abilies, so why not join mystery acvity; we write it down and then even if you’ve never played before? focus on it. When the 4 minutes are up Mrs Thomas asks people if they want to read their work out. If they do, they get to tell everybody else, whilst we listen. Then we say what we like about it and occasionally we say what they can improve. Then we go onto the main part of the club. By Emilie T RoskearReviewers There are usually two other schools there and we compete against each other. by Daisy R Boxing Club When we go to boxing club we pracse boxing, but no real punching. Mr Thomas will tell us what to do; we then copy him and do a move called the jab. Although we wear real boxing gloves we only punch into people’s hands. Boxing club is on every Wednesday; do not worry if you are shy because Mr Thomas will help you. By Morgan C Construcon club Construcon club is where you learn how to connect things together and build. It is not dangerous but not suitable for children under 5! In addion to this we do some amazing things such as wring Halloween and We have made waving hands, an electric Christmas stories and parcipang in com- fan, a Lego house and a very big marble run. It is a great way to build your peons. imaginaon and be creave. If you lack The only way to find out more is to join us. confidence it doesn’t ma5er you can just In order to do this ask Mrs Thomas, who is build anything you can think of. usually in the Mousehole classroom. We meet every Wednesday at 3:15 in St. By Madeline D and Ciara D Piran’s classroom, if you’d like to join us why not speak to Mrs Mitchell? Swimming at Redruth School By Luke A Swimming at Redruth School is where you have swimming lessons and earn badges Maths Challenge at Pool like the 25 meter badge. It’s really great Academy fun and you can improve your swimming Every other Thursday four year six pupils skills. (Madeline D, Nathan P, Dean D and Daisy We meet at Redruth School at 6.30pm and R) take part in an excing and exhilarang it lasts for an hour and a half. The people maths challenge at Pool Academy. there are really friendly and they teach you Each session consists of our wonderful dives and how to float on the water. teacher, Mr Williams, se,ng us a task; if Don’t worry if you can’t swim, you can sll you win you get sweets! Somemes we use go because they will teach you. If you like Smart Answers which are machines that the water and enjoy having fun, why not you type your answer into; this is then join our club? shown on the board for everyone to see. By Brooke R We need your help! Would you like to write for our school newspaper? Write an arcle about something that has happened at school or about a topic that you are interested in. RoskearTermlyTabloidDec2014 book is for people with creave minds. I Let’s Get a Pup by Bob rate this book 5 out of 5, this is one of the most magical and mythical books full of Graham The book I think you should read over fairies and elves that I’ve ever read. The book I think you should read over Christmas is the Horrid Henry Joke Book By Emilie T. Christmas is called Let’s Get a Pup by Bob by Francesca Simon. All the usual Graham. It is about puppies. A child asks characters are in here; Moody Margaret, Billy Bonkers by Giles Andreae her mum and dad for a pup so they go to Peter, Rude Rolf, Sore Susan. the dog shop. It is so funny to read if you like dogs. I loved the book, my favourite The book I would recommend you read My favourite bit was when Horrid Henry part is when the pup cries because it is over Christmas is Billy Bonkers Not my called Peter a name, all children should Pants by Giles Andreae. The characters are cute. I recommend it and it is a great read this, but no adults! Billy Bonkers , Mr Bonkers, Mrs Bonkers book. I rate this book 10/10 because it is By Brooke R and Polly Bonkers. My favourite character good. is Mr Bonkers because he is really funny. By Paige P Horrid Henry Joke Book by Francesca Simon The Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton Billy Bonkers has old pants and he tries to get rid of them. It wasn’t just funny it was awesome. This heart-warming tale by Enid Blyton is great to read over Christmas because of I loved this because it was funny and the freezing weather predicted. The book made me feel very happy. is full of magic and different types of By Jacob BH dimensions and worlds full of enthralling enchantments and strange sorcery. This SummerReadingChallenge2014 Our editorial team will then check it for publicaon. Make sure you include your name and class. We have regular meengs to work on our stories which you are welcome to a5end. You can also submit your arcle to one of our adult helpers. Mrs Bond, Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Thomas. They will make sure that we receive it for consideraon. The Editor. Well done to all the children who took part in the Summer Reading Challenge. The children worked hard over the holidays to read at least six books. Cerficates and medals were handed out in a special assembly. Children signing their Published stories The children in year 4, 5 and 6 took part in their play ‘Silent night’. Year 1, 2 and 3 ‘Baubles!’. EYFS Nursery and Recepon classes ‘Shine Star Shine’. Roskear Termly Tabloid Dec 2014 SchoolCouncil SchoolCouncil MeettheTeacher Tyler G, Kaitlyn R, Madeline M, Mia G and Caitlyn S By Amy M, Chloe S and Kyle R Roskear Primary and Nursery school have their own school council which gives us the chance to say our views on things. A boy and girl are chosen from each class (year 1 - 6). Mr Lord - Year 5 teacher Recently we had a meeng about Children in Need. We decided to dress up for the day as super heroes and have a cake bake sale. We helped to write the school e- safety rules and we also went to Pool school to make things out of li5le bits. We also decided what the school logo would be. Picture - from our very successful bake sale on Children in Need Day. We raised over £317.00 on the day. Thanks to everyone who brought in some yummy cakes especially Mrs Mitchell’s Banana Cake. What is your favourite book? Legacy by James Kerr. Q A What inspired you to be a teacher? Having a chance to make a difference to young children. Q Why do you wear es? A It is because I like to set an example and look smart at school. Your school council are arranging many more fun acvies for you and your child to take part in soon. Year2/3 Q A RoskearTermlyTabloidDec2014 Q A job. Why did you come to this school? I really wanted to work here and was very lucky to get the Q A How long have you been a teacher? A year and a half? Q A Do you like your job? Yes I love my job, it is very rewarding. Q A What is your favourite sport? Rugby Year2/3 Saffire W Mr Savages, Mr Thomas and Miss Curnow’s class have been using e-schools to enable children from their classes to safely message and chat to one another online inside and outside of school. SchoolLibrarian e-schools By Kiera S and Taylor F Saffire W Year 2 Posted: Today at 2:28pm Beth P Year 2Posted: Today at 2:28pm Have you heard about e-schools lately ? I think it is amazing, do you? You can send messages to your class mates and your teacher! We’re very lucky in year 2 and 3 because we are the first classes to use it. But be very safe because the teacher's can see every thing...So be safe and don't put silly things up! Also you can change the theme, mine is Manchester United at the moment. It can make you learn because we can pracce all our English skills and it's fun to write not in your wring journal. You can even use it at home, I used it last night. Did you see our school play? It was absolutely amazing. It was called ‘Baubles!’ and it was about Bethlehem. We even had school children in our play and we also had teachers. In my opinion, my favourite part was when I went on to the stage because I had a really funny line that I had to say. It was ‘well the lady does look quite fat’. Everyone in the crowd was laughing their head off when I was about to say my line. I was laughing a bit myself. I do hope EVERYONE LOVED our school play! Being a Librarian is all about helping people find what they would like to read and making the library dy each day and scanning the books in and out. You have to return the books you borrow and then you can borrow a new one. We rush to get the scanner because it’s our favourite job. Being a library monitor is all about having fun and encouraging children to read. We have a set of library rules to follow whilst in the library that the children in the school have wri5en. How do you become a Librarian? First you have to write Mrs Bond a le5er telling her why you want to be a librarian. Next you have six weeks of training to be able to know what you need to do so that you can help people. Then when you have completed the training you are presented with a badge and cerficate in assembly. Christingle2014 The Year 4 and 5 children enjoyed a morning of fun making their Chrisngle’s whilst learning what it represents to Chrisans. Our Chrisngle service was held later in the day at The Centenary Chapel in Camborne, we were delighted that so many of our parents were able to join us for the celebraon. RoskearTermlyTabloidDec2014 Christopher William Hill Visitcontinued……………. We are looking for more book reviews to feature in our next edion. E-Safety Acceptable Usage Rules Chloe S and Luke A If you would like to write a review that would be fantasc! I will ask an adult if I can go on a computer and only use the acvity they have told me to use. Please submit to the editor or one of the reporters on the front page. I will not ignore a teacher when she or he tells me to do something on the computers. History 100 years ago - End of World War One Chloe, Ciara, Madeline, and Sadie On Tuesday 11th November the prefects (Sadie, Chloe, Madeline and Ciara) went to the church in order to celebrate Remembrance Day. It is one hundred years this year since the end of World War One. People wore poppies to represent the people who died in the war. Our school wasn’t the only one there. Rosemellin, Gooseberry Bush Nursery, Camborne Science and Internaonal Academy, St Michaels and more were also there. Madeline and Ciara went up to the front. Madeline said a speech that said’ We present these poppies from children to say thank you to all those who gave their lives so we can live and be free’. Ciara laid down a posy of poppies on a beauful statue designed by Kimberley age fourteen from St Michaels secondary school. Once we had finished we had to wait for Mr Eva to collect us from the church to take us back to school. Q What are the e-safety rules at our school? I will respect the computer and headphones. A The rules are all about how you should use your computer safely. When you are in school it’s monitored to make sure you’re safe. Q How many computers are there in the school? I will tell an adult if something goes wrong on the computer or I do not know what to do. A Over two hundred and forty computers. Q How long have you been at Roskear? And what did you do before? A I’ve been at Roskear for three years, before that I worked at Bath university. Q What training do the staff have on e-safety? A All staff, Governors a5end an e-safety presentaon, so that they understand what we need to keep safe. This will be carried out once a year. I will tell an adult if I see something that I don’t like on the computer. I will not send mean messages to people on the computer. If I do not follow these rules I may not be allowed to use a computer. Wri5en by Pupil council, Sept 2014 Roskear Termly Tabloid If you have something you would like to submit for our next publicaon please make sure it reaches us by our deadline of 18th March 2015. Roskear Termly Tabloid Dec 2014 Once upon a Christmas The children in years 2 to 5 took part in a story writing competition called Once upon a Christmas. The children had a chance to write a story about Christmas and were judged using the following criteria: The competition was very strong and made it very hard to find winners. The following pupils were highly commended: Callum R, Mathew B, Ryan H, Finley C, Jimmy S, Tyler G, Eden C, Phoebe H, Arwen T, Scarlett K, Kiera S and Leia B. Beginning - had to hook the reader in. The winners were: Jonas MD and Kerenza T Middle - how they developed their story. End - was everything tied up nicely or did they have a cliff hanger ending? Once upon a me there was a spy that helped Santa Claus and she was called Skye the Spy. One night Evil Mr Savage gave everyone an exploding present!!!!!! Next door there was a CRASH, BANG, SCREAM, SHOUT. A present EXPLODED...Evil Mr Savage laughed “No one can stop me with my laser gun”. Then, Skye ran in and shouted “you stop right here Mr Savage”. So evil Mr Savage started to fight on milk chocolate melted mountain and evil Mr Savage trapped Skye the spy! Finally an Elf with awesome, cool and outstanding powers, turned Mr Savage into a incy wincey speck of dust and saved Skye. Skye found Santa and helped Santa deliver amazing, crazy, cool, pre5y, awesome, fabulous, fantasc and outstanding presents to lovely and pre5y children to have a lovely jolly and Merry Christmas to all. Jonas MD Kerenza T
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