Volume 1 Issue 4 > CPA Hot Links CPA PEI Newsletter FOR PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND’S ACCOUNTING PROFESSIONALS Dear Members: We are pleased that a significant step has been achieved with the passing of our new legisla on on November 27, 2014, the Chartered Professional Accountant and Public Accoun ng Act. We thank Government and the Opposi on for the me and effort they put in to making this happen. We especially thank our Legisla on Commi ee consis ng of Denise Lewis Fleming, CPA, CA; George Mason, CPA, CA, CMA; and Lisa Underhay, CPA, CGA for all their hard work over many months to make this happen. WINTER 2015 some me early in the new year. In the mean me, the joint venture CPA PEI will con nue to operate. Tanya O’Brien, CPA, CA Chief Execu ve Officer, CPA PEI Please note there is s ll work to be done to put in place the required regula ons and by-laws, before the legisla on can be proclaimed and come into force, which is expected Latest News: I t’s official! 190,000 PROS , One Designation October 1 marked the final step in the crea on of CPA Canada—Canada’s sole naonal accoun ng body created through the consolida on of opera ons of three na onal accoun ng organiza ons: the Society of Management Accountants of Canada; the Cer fied General Accountants Associa on of Canada; and the Canadian Ins tute of Chartered Accountants. With nearly 400 employees across four loca ons and a member-base of more than 190,000 professional ac- countants, CPA Canada is now one of the largest naonal accoun ng bodies in the world. That gives Canadian professional accountants a unified voice – and one with tremendous influence both na onally and interna onally. The historic occasion resulted in congratula ons from many Canadian and interna onal leaders, including Canada’s federal ministers of Finance and Na onal Revenue and Former Auditor General of Canada Sheila Fraser, among others. View the congratula ons as they appeared in The Globe and Mail, the Na onal Post and Les Affaires Inside this issue: Latest News 1 Member News 2 Student News 2 CPD 3 CPA Canada 3 Important Dates 3 New Publications 4 Page 2 CPA PEI Member News We welcome the following new members into CPAPEI who have completed their education and terms of service: Matthew Adams, CPA, CMA Jennifer Buchanan, CPA, CMA Jenna Lynn Bysterveldt, CPA, CA Stephen Cassidy, CPA, CA Johnathan M. Doiron, MBA, CPA, CMA Chelsey Gorveatt, CPA, CA John Lund, CPA, CMA Angela MacDonald, MBA, CPA, CMA Chad MacGuigan, MBA, CPA, CMA Benjamin MacInnis, MBA, CPA, CMA Chris MacIntyre, CPA, CMA Michelle MacIntyre, CPA, CGA Bruce Matheson, CPA, CMA Jordan McNally, CPA, CA Melissa McRae, CPA, CGA Sam Mugford, CPA, CA Darcy Murnaghan, MBA, CPA, CMA Danette Murray, CPA, CGA Kristina O’Donnell, CPA, CA Ghislain Pigeon, CPA, CGA Alicia Wilbert, CPA, CA Jonathan Wilson, MBA, CPA, CMA University of Prince Edward Island Green Diamond Equipment Ltd. BDO MacPherson Roche Smith and Associates Charlottetown Islanders,QMJHL MRSB Chartered Accountants University of Prince Edward Island TC Media Veterans Affairs Canada Cogsdale D.P. Murphy Inc. MRSB Chartered Accountants Matheson & Associates Arsenault Best Cameron Ellis Sharon R. O’Halloran, CGA Inc. BDO Deltaware Systems Inc. Strait Crossing Bridge Inc. Grant Thornton Province of PEI MacPherson Roche Smith and Associates Province of PEI S tudent N ews Successful PEI Candidates on the 2014 National Uniform CA Exam Graduate Members should mark their calendars for the upcoming ICAPEI Convoca on and Awards Ceremony to be held February 20, 2015 at the Delta Prince Edward Hotel. Christopher Arsenault Douglas Costello Stephanie Fraser Chelsey Gorveatt Andrew Hayes Jamie Lawlor Janell MacDonald Jason MacLean Brianne MacNevin Jason McAlduff Vidhath Shetty Chad Smith Jingshu Zhang Articled With MRSB Chartered Accountants Grant Thornton LLP MacPherson Roche Smith MRSB Chartered Accountants MacPherson Roche Smith Grant Thornton LLP BDO Canada LLP Fitzpatrick and Company BDO Canada LLP Grant Thornton LLP Arsenault Best Cameron Ellis Fitzpatrick and Company Office of the Auditor General Recipient of a Chartered Accountants of Canada Gold Medal for the highest standing in Eastern Canada and the Gerry Gillis Memorial Award for the highest standing in PEI: Janell MacDonald BDO Canada LLP (Charlottetown) Volume 1 Issue 4 Page 3 CPD— C ontinuing P rofessional D evelopment A reminder that members must maintain their CPD requirements under their exis ng legacy bylaws which are essen ally: · · · complete a minimum of 120 hours of CPE over a three-year cycle, including at least 60 hours of verifiable study; complete at least 20 hours of study annually; choose learning opportuni es that provide for the development of new or exis ng competencies that are relevant to the individual member’s overall professional responsibili es and growth. Upcoming CPD Courses January 9, 2015 Tax for Controllers January 14, 2015 Personal tax Refresher (1 day course) January 15, 2015 Management Accoun ng Refresher January 16, 2015 Accoun ng, Audi ng and Professional Prac ce Update (this can be taken as a ½ day accoun ng course or ½ day audi ng update). January 21, 2015 Non-Profit Organiza ons and Chari es: Accoun ng, Audit and Tax If you would like any informa on on the above courses please go to www.cpapei.ca/documents/item80541.pdf CP A C anada New CPA Canada integrated enewsletter and preference centre CPA Canada has introduced a new and easy way to manage your online communica ons from the na onal office. Through CPA Canada’s preference centre, you are now able to iden fy and select the content you would like to receive and the communica ons channels through which it is delivered. Upda ng your account is fast and easy. Visit the My Account sec on on the CPA Canada website (French: Mon compte) and follow the prompts to iden fy your interests and subscripons so you will receive the informa on you want, when and how you want it. CPA Canada has introduced a new and easy way to manage your online communicaons. I mportant Dates Mark your calendar for the following upcoming events: à February 20, 2015 - ICAPEI Convoca on and Awards Ceremony to be held at the Delta Prince Edward Hotel. New Publications from CPA Canada Canadian Professional Engagement Manual (C•PEM), 2014 A NEW offering from CPA Canada, the C•PEM Forms Walkthroughs are prac cal videos are designed to walk C•PEM subscribers through the process of filling out the key C•PEM forms step-by-step. With clear, insigh ul explana ons from the author of C•PEM, Stuart Hartley, these short, five-to-ten-minute videos discuss where each form fits within the audit process, the applicable CAS requirements and how each form should be completed. cpacanada.ca/cpemvideos C•PEM Forms Walkthroughs (Videos) A NEW offering from CPA Canada, the C•PEM Forms Walkthroughs are prac cal videos are designed to walk C•PEM subscribers through the process of filling out the key C•PEM forms step-by-step. With clear, insigh ul explana ons from the author of C•PEM, Stuart Hartley, these short, five-to-ten-minute videos discuss where each form fits within the audit process, the applicable CAS requirements and how each form should be completed. cpacanada.ca/cpemvideos C•PEM Electronic Templates Available exclusively to C•PEM subscribers, the C•PEM Electronic Templates include a Word or Excel template of each of the sample forms, worksheets and engagement le ers contained in Part D of C•PEM. These me-saving prac ce aids allow you to customize forms and le ers to meet the known facts and circumstances of individual engagements and to conveniently complete them electronically. cpacanada.ca/cpemt Suite 600 97 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE C1A 7K7 Phone: 902-894-4290 Fax: 902-894-4791 E-mail: [email protected] Byrd & Chen’s Canadian Tax Principles – Professional Edi on 2014 Turn to this easy-to-understand guide when you need straigh orward answers to common personal, corporate or GST/HST tax ques ons. Wri en for professionals who include tax work in their general prac ce, Canadian Tax Principles contains over 700 pages of relible informa on designed to iden fy the key issues in a tax problem and provide the answers you need to solve them. cpacanada.ca/CTP14 Customers can contact our sales department at 1-855-769-0905, or customer service at 1-800-268-3793 All three professional accoun ng bodies in Prince Edward Island — the Ins tute of Chartered Accountants of Prince Edward Island (ICAPEI), the Society of Management Accountants of Prince Edward Island (CMA PEI), and the Cer fied General Accountants of Prince Edward Island (CGA-PEI) have united under the Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) designa on. This publica on is sent by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Prince Edward Island (CPA PEI) and is also sent on behalf of the Ins tute of Chartered Accountants of Prince Edward Island (ICAPEI), the Society of Management Accountants of Prince Edward Island (CMA PEI), and the Cer fied General Accountants of Prince Edward Island (CGA-PEI).
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