3rd Sunday in OT

Catholic Community in Cheltenham
Served by the Diocese of Clifton Registered Charity Number 233977
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Psalter Week 3
Page No. 129
25th January 2015
‘Repent, and believe the good news’ (Mark 1: 14-20)
“the only true riches
are those that make us
rich in virtue”
St Gregory the Great 10 St James Square, GL50 3PR 01242 523737
St Thomas More Princess Elizabeth Way, GL51 7RA 01242 573128
Parish Priest:
Canon Bosco MacDonald VF
Assistant Priest: Fr Frank Wainwright
Fr David McDonald
Rev. Robin Littlewood
Pope st Gregory the great
Parish Websites:
www.stgregorys.org.uk, www.stthomasmorechurch.org.uk
St Gregory’s RC Primary School, St James Square GL50 3QG
St Thomas More RC Primary School, Lewis Road, Hesters Way GL51 OHZ
All Saints’ Academy, Blaisdon Way, Cheltenham GL51 OWH
Sacred Hearts Moorend Road, Charlton Kings, GL53 9AU
01242 524932
of Jesus and Mary
Parish Priest:
Fr Paul Brandon Parish Website: www.sacredhearts.org.uk
Mass Times this Week
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today's gospel is crafted on the image of
nets. Andrew and Simon were casting
St Thomas More People of the Parish
their nets; James and John were mending
Sacred Hearts
Nora Hernon RIP
theirs. Jesus promises them that if they
Sacred Hearts
People of the Parish
follow him they will net men and women.
St Gregory
People of the Parish
Taken in one way, this can be seen as a
Sacred Hearts
Michael Valentine RIP
call to evangelisation, to go out and catch
St Gregory
Private Intention
as many people as possible for Christ. It
Sacred Hearts
Mass in Polish
was no doubt in this way that the great
St Gregory
Private Intention
missionaries over the years saw their
Memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops
work. They travelled to the ends of the
St Gregory
Edward & Doris Joyce RIP
earth to win souls for Jesus. Others spent,
St Thomas More Requiem Mass for Terry Ruck RIP
and still spend, many cold hours on street
Weekday in Ordinary Time
corners preaching to passing shoppers.
Even though these groups sometimes
Sacred Hearts
Agnes McCourt RIP
seemed to equate the work of God with
St Gregory
Tony Simpkins RIP
the number of converts, they were
Memorial of Saint Thomas Aquinas,
responding to a valid reading of today's
Priest and Doctor of the Church
gospel. Other people see in today's
St Gregory
Elizabeth Brown RIP
gospel the fact that we are all sinners who
Sacred Hearts
Bryan Keating RIP
deserve death by drowning, and the nets
29th Thursday
Weekday in Ordinary Time
are safety nets which prevent us from
St Gregory
Bryan & Frank Keating RIP
sinking to the depths of the sea. In fact,
Sacred Hearts
John Parry RIP
sinking beneath the waves has long been
30th Friday
Weekday in Ordinary Time
a religious way of describing what
Sacred Hearts
Requiem Mass for Daphne Garman RIP happens when we lose all sight of God
St Gregory
Requiem Mass for Geoffrey Garvey RIP and goodness. So the nets not only catch
31st Saturday
Memorial of Saint John Bosco, Priest
people, they save them and bring them
St Gregory
James & Margaret Doran RIP
together. In fact, the Church, and that
Sacred Hearts
Private Intention
means us, is both the fishermen and the
catch. We are called to be so imbued and
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Prayer before the Blessed on fire with what Jesus promises, that we
Sacrament at St Gregory’s: Saturday 10.00am-11.00am; Thursday 10.00am- are the "bait" which attracts others to him.
3.00pm ending with Benediction; Sacred Hearts: 1st Friday of the month, 9.15am- And yet we are also the catch. We have
ourselves been caught. We know what it
Sacrament of Reconciliation: St Gregory’s Saturdays 10.00am; St Thomas More would be like to live a life without faith,
4.15-4.45pm. 1st Thursday at STM 5pm Confessions in Polish. Sacred Hearts without the hope held out to us by Jesus's
Thursdays 7.30pm and Saturdays 10.30am. Also by arrangement with the priests.
death and resurrection. And we are happy
RCIA Journey in Faith: Every Thursday, 7-9pm in the Presbytery.
to be in the net. Today, of course, we
Baptisms: By arrangement with the Parish Office.
also use "net" in another way. We speak
Cheltenham Catholic Adults: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Contact of the Internet, the network of modern
Margaret 07515 805015 or Damian 07908 105787.
technology which brings people from all
55 Club: After 9.30am Mass, in Old Priory (alternate Thursdays). Next meeting: over the world together in communication.
5th February. Talk by Mrs Joanna Vials: ‘St Gregory’s People who built the Steeple’. The net is really millions of people
(Part two of this interesting topic).
engaged on a common enterprise. Just
Choir Practice: In Church, Thursdays at 7.00pm. New members welcome. like the Church.
Contact John on: 07769 675323.
5.00pm (Sat
5.30pm (Sat)
Last week’s offertory collection came to: £1289.25
(STG); £284.27(STM) Bingo £88.00. Second collection
for Pax Christi (STG) £234.37; (STM) £143.08. Thank
you for your generosity and support.
Education Sunday
Next Sunday is a special day of prayer for all those
involved in Education, and we pray in particular for
those who work in and support our Catholic Schools.
At the 9.30am Mass next Sunday, we extend a special
welcome to children and staff from St Gregory’s School
and All Saints Academy. Our thanks go to the many
parishioners who serve/have served our schools as
governors and staff, and we remember teachers,
auxiliary staff, pupils and parents who make our
schools communities of faith, learning and nurturing.
There will be a second collection next week for the work
of the Catholic Education Service.
Thank You
The Proteen Group and The Open Door Project for the
Homeless would like to say a big thank you to the
parishioners of St Gregory and St Thomas More for
your great generosity in contributing to our collection for
the Homeless. We were able to give over 50 bags of
warm clothes and toiletries to provide for the homeless.
Altar Server Training
The next training session will take place at 11.00am
next Saturday, 31st January, starting in the Old Priory
and will last around an hour. It is intended for current
servers who have been on the altar for less than a year,
or anyone who would like to start serving. Anyone who
has taken their First Holy Communion can serve.
Contact Owen Holbrook on 01242 352033 if you require
any more information.
Stitch and Pray Raffle
A chance to win a beautiful, patchwork quilt, handmade
by many of our parishioners. The second prize is four
placemats and a table runner constructed using fabrics
from Monze. All proceeds will be shared equally
between the Parish Projects, therefore please buy a
ticket for £1 to win something made with prayer and
love as well as demonstrating your support for Angal,
Monze, Mannar and Bethlehem. The prizes will be
displayed after all Masses today.
The team will be holding its first sale of the year in the
Old Priory after the 9.30 and 11.15am Masses on
Sunday, 1st February. If you have not tried our
products before, why not come along and have a look
at our stock, or browse our catalogues?
CYMFed Flame2
There are still places to join Bishop Declan and over
200 young people from the Clifton Diocese, at CYMFed
Flame2 on Saturday, 7th March in Wembley Arena. If
you are in school year 9 or above, visit
www.cliftondiocese.com/youthministry and follow the
links to the booking form, or talk to your parish priest.
Newman Talk
There will be a talk on Tuesday, 3rd February at
2.30pm in the lounge of Sacred Hearts Hall, Moorend
Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. Mr John Huntriss
will speak on “What sort of God is presented to us by
the Old Testament” Please bring a Bible. All are
welcome. Admission is £3 (members and students
free). Enquiries to Stephanie Jamison on 539810.
Retreat to Buckfast Abbey
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Churchdown are
organising this retreat on Thursday, 19th February to
Saturday, 21st of February 2015. The coach will be
leaving Churchdown at 10.15am; there is plenty of
space in the church car park to park cars. We hope to
arrive at the Abbey by 2.15pm having had a lunch stop
on the way. The cost of the retreat is £130, though we
are offering a discount for young people under the age
of 16. There is a full programme for the time we are
there. Further details may be obtained from Margaret
and Adrian West-Sadler, on 01452 857388
[email protected]
40 Days for Life
From the 18th February through to the 29th March, you
are invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life;
40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortions.
You are also invited to stand and peacefully pray during
a 40-day vigil in the public right of way outside the
Western Entrance to Gloucester Royal Hospital and
also to help spread the word about this important
community outreach.
If you would like more
information, and especially if you would like to volunteer
to help, please contact James Tranter, Campaign
40da ysf or lifeglouc es ter @gm ail.c om W ebs ite:
Fish & Chip Supper
On Friday, 20th February at 7.30pm in St Thomas More
Centre. A fish and chip supper and a small quiz for
£7.50. Tickets on sale after STM Mass or from
Marianna on 528427.
Catechists’ Formation Course
This could be for you! Running monthly throughout
2015 at St John’s, Bath, the series seeks to encourage
and enthuse those engaged in handing on faith to
others. You would be more than welcome, all you need
to be is keen to know more, keen to understand, and
keen to bring others into the life of our communities of
faith and hope. For more details, please contact the
Adult Education Department on 0117 902 5595/
[email protected]
Celebrating Marriage
All are welcome to join Bishop Declan for a special
Mass celebrating the sacrament of marriage in Clifton
Cathedral, Clifton Park, Bristol, on Saturday, 14th
February at 12noon. If you are celebrating a significant
anniversary, newly married, or looking forward to
marriage in 2015, please contact Clifton Diocese
Marriage and Family Life on 0117 9025595 or at
[email protected].
Our Prayers are asked for:
Sick: Liz Sawaf, Sue Ball, Claire Young, Sean Murphy,
Helen Stanbury, Grace Stevens, Olive Whelan, Bruce
Francis, Jenny Dabrowska, Teresa Patterson, Bernie
Warner, Deirdre Kelleher, Helen Dorothy Gorry, Denise
Ellis, Kevin Dunn, Christopher & Clifford Brown,
Margaret Ellis, Julia & Danny Barr, Teresa & Paddy
O’Kelly, Bridie Ruck, Angela Savidge, Pauline Crosbie,
Emily Cousins, Rey Lluisma, Lilian Martin, Bridget
Garvey, Pat Donovan, Maddie Read, Dan Perry, Pete
Thacker, Mary Costello, Adrian Davis, Lisa Partridge,
Dillon Bright, Sheila Deneher, Margaret Byrne.
Anniversaries: Edward Joyce, Hugh Fitzpatrick,
Dennis Danaher, Ernest Lawrence.