Catholic Community in Cheltenham Mass Times this Week

Catholic Community in Cheltenham
Feast of The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Common of Dedication of a Church
Page 192
9th November 2014
„He was speaking of the sanctuary that was his body‟ (John 2:13-22)
“the only true riches are
thoSe that make us rich
in virtue”
St Gregory the Great 10 St James Square, GL50 3PR 01242 523737
St Thomas More Princess Elizabeth Way, GL51 7RA 01242 573128
Parish Priest:
Canon Bosco MacDonald VF
Assistant Priest: Fr Frank Wainwright
Fr David McDonald
Rev. Robin Littlewood
Parish Websites:,
St Gregory‟s RC Primary School, St James Square GL50 3QG
St Thomas More RC Primary School, Lewis Road, Hesters Way GL51 OHZ
All Saints‟ Academy, Blaisdon Way, Cheltenham GL51 OWH
Sacred Hearts Moorend Road, Charlton Kings, GL53 9AU 01242 524932
Pope st Gregory the great
of Jesus and Mary
Parish Priest:
Fr Paul Brandon Parish Website:
Mass Times this Week
Feast of The Dedication of The Lateran Basilica
Remembrance Sunday
St Thomas More
People of the Parish
Sacred Hearts
Christopher Silvanus-Davis RIP
Sacred Hearts
People of the Parish
St Gregory
People of the Parish
Sacred Hearts
War Dead
St Gregory
In Remembrance of those who
Died in the Wars
Sacred Hearts
Mass in Polish
St Gregory
Jack & Delia Kirwan RIP
Memorial of Saint Leo the Great,
Pope and Doctor of the Church
St Gregory
Jim Gallagher RIP
Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop
Sacred Hearts
Stella & Cormac Macnamara RIP
St Gregory
Margaret & Patrick Mullooly RIP
Memorial of Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
St Gregory
Arsenia Cruz RIP
Sacred Hearts
Catholic Women‟s League
Weekday in Ordinary Time
St Gregory
Phyllis Cremins RIP
Sacred Hearts
Sister Quentin Intention
Memorial of the Beatified Martyrs of the Diocese
Sacred Hearts
Margaret Stevenson
St Gregory
Norah Aulton RIP
Weekday in Ordinary Time
St Gregory
Chris Kelly RIP
Sacred Hearts
5.00pm (Sat
5.30pm (Sat)
Private Intention
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Prayer before the
Blessed Sacrament at St Gregory‟s: Saturday 10.00am-11.00am; Thursday
10.00am-3.00pm ending with Benediction; Sacred Hearts: 1st Friday of
month, 9.15am-12.30pm.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: St Gregory‟s Saturdays 10.00am; St Thomas
More 4.15-4.45pm. 1st Thursday at STM 5pm Confessions in Polish. Sacred
Hearts Thursdays 7.30pm and Saturdays 10.30am. Also by arrangement
with the priests.
RCIA Journey in Faith: Every Thursday, 7-9pm in the Presbytery.
Baptisms: By arrangement with the Parish Office.
Cheltenham Catholic Adults: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Contact
Margaret 07515 805015 or Damian 07908 105787.
55 Club: After 9.30am Mass, in Old Priory (alternate Thursdays). Next
meeting: 20th November - Talk by Mrs Jane Williams, Mercy Ships and a
flower display.
Choir Practice: In Church, Thursdays at 7.00pm. New members welcome.
Contact John on: 07769 675323.
We are God’s Temple
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Dedication
of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. St John Lateran is
the “mother church” of all Catholics around the world.
It is the Pope‟s parish church, the Cathedral of Rome.
It is an enormous basilica built over 300 years ago on
the site of the former church built in the 4th century on
land donated by the Laterani family. Within the building are representations of Pope‟s going all the way
back to Peter. There is also, statues of each Apostle
holding the instrument by which they died a martyr‟s
death. These are visual reminders of our connection
to the history of the Church and that God dwells
among us in spite of all persecution. Heaven cannot
contain God, but neither can earth. Solomon said
after building the very magnificent Temple, that it cannot contain God. Saint John Lateran reminds us of
the real Temple which Jesus laid a foundation for and
Saint Paul and other preachers built upon - God‟s
people. The structure of God‟s people, like any
church building requires constant upkeep. We are the
Temple of God and the spirit of God dwells in us.
This Temple is meant to be holy and a very evident
sign of God in the world. But if we are not this, then
we are a dilapidated Temple, where others find it difficult to see God. The place of God‟s dwelling has a
communal dimension, but also a personal dimension.
Our bodies are a Temple of the Holy Spirit. God
wants to dwell in us, and walk the corridors of our
hearts. So, there is always a continued need to
cleanse the Temple and for Jesus to overturn the
tables of what is lacking. We look to Jesus with hope
that our openness to his spirit would cause a zeal
within us for others that is like him. Saint Cesarius of
Arles once said, “When you come to Church you must
prepare your heart to be as beautiful as you expect
the church to be. Do you wish to find the church
clean? Then do not soil your soul with the filth of sins.
Do you wish the church to be full of light? God too
wishes your soul not to be filled with darkness, but
with that light that enables our good works to shine in
us, so that He who dwells in the heavens would be
glorified. Let us allow our God to cleanse us, first by
coming to Mass early to pray, to quiet our hearts, and
to acknowledge our sins that we may bring them to
the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Then let us build
our community, not by rushing off, but by staying,
receiving God‟s blessing and enjoying fellowship with
one another.
Last week‟s offertory collection came to: £1229.15 (STG);
£274.71 (STM) Bingo £90.00 Thank you for your support .
Congratulations and welcome to Henry Albert Gould, Emily
Edwards, Lena Antkowicz who will be baptised this weekend
at St Gregory‟s. We welcome these children into the family of
the Church, and offer our love and prayers to them and their
Remembrance Sunday
Today is Remembrance Sunday when we remember all those
who died during the wars of the last century and since. The
11.15am Mass will be offered for the repose of the souls of
servicemen and women.
November Memorial List
November is a special time of prayer for Holy Souls. Please
use the purple slips of paper on the table at the back of
church to add the names of loved ones whom you wish to be
remembered at Mass throughout November. Simply place
the list in the box in front of the Lady Chapel.
Liturgy of the Word: 11.15am Sunday Mass
Several readers have had to withdraw recently from the 11.15
team, and we are now down to only seven on the rota. If you
regularly attend the 11.15am Mass, and would like to join us
in this valuable Ministry, please have a word with Canon
Bosco and/or hand in your name and contact details to the
Presbytery Office.
Mass of Remembrance
A Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated in St Benedict‟s
Chapel, All Saints‟ Academy on Wednesday, 12 th November
at 7.00pm. This Mass will be offered for all deceased
students, parents, teachers, governors and staff of St
Benedict‟s School, Christ College and All Saints‟ Academy.
The celebrant will be Canon Bosco MacDonald.
Refreshments will be served afterwards. For further details,
please contact All Saints‟ Academy on 711234.
First Holy Communion 2015
The First Holy Communion Programme commenced
yesterday and we welcome the children and families to our
9.30am Mass here at St Gregory‟s on Sunday.
Calling All Singers
For Christmas
We are going to sing some well known carols and music by
Walton and Vivaldi this year. There will be one practice a
week in the church on Saturday afternoon (2-4pm). The first
practice will be on the 15th November. All singers are
St Gregory’s Young Catholic Adults
St Gregory‟s Young Catholic Adults will lead the Rosary and
other devotions in Church, followed by a social get-together at
approximately 8.30pm. We normally meet socially in the
Quaish Pub (across the road from St Gregs). All are
welcome to come for all or part of our evening. The next
meeting is on Tuesday, 11th November. For more
information, contact Damian/Margaret on 07908 105787 or
07515 805015 or speak to Fr Bosco.
St Thomas More Christmas Fayre
The Christmas Fayre will take place at St Thomas More on
Saturday, 29th November between 11am-1.00pm. We need
good quality items for prizes, and items to sell (bottles, toys,
chocolates, jewellery, bric-a-brac etc) and your help to cover
a stall on the day. Items can be left at St Gregory‟s
Presbytery, and St Thomas More‟s Church. To volunteer,
contact Philippe Watine on 260966 or Marianna Thomas
528427. Help us to help our Church: all together we are a
‘The Pilgrim Route to Compostela’
A talk on „The Pilgrim Route to Compostela‟ will be given
by Dr Steven Blake on Monday, 17th November at
7.30pm. Venue: the Teaching Block, Park Campus; cost:
£3. Further details from
If you would like to purchase Traidcraft Christmas cards or
gifts this year, please fill in an order form enclosed in the
catalogues, at the back of the church and put through the
Presbytery letter box. Orders taken by 20th November should
be available for collection at our next sale on Sunday, 30 th
November. Thank you for your support.
Easter Pilgrimage
HCPT group 15 are beginning to prepare for their next Easter
Pilgrimage. The group take children with disabilities or those
in need of a break because of social/family issues. A nurse
travels with the group to support any medical needs. If you
know of any children (aged 5-18) who would benefit from a
pilgrimage to Lourdes, please let group leader, Charlotte
Blanch know by emailing [email protected] before 15th
Music and Dance Night
An evening of music and dance is being held at St Thomas
More church hall next Saturday, 15th November from 8pm. It
will include live music from our resident music maestro,
Michael (Nobby) Clarke. Bring your own drink &
nibbles. Tickets £5 or pay on the door.
The Repository
2015 Catholic calendars and diaries/Mass/Prayer books/and
also Christmas cards are now available from the Repository.
Palestinian Lunch
This lunch will take place on Saturday, 22nd November at
12.30pm in the Old Priory. Admission £10 per person and
tickets must be purchased before the day, enabling us to
cater properly. All proceeds will go to the needy families in
Bethlehem. There will also be goods to purchase and a
raffle. The stall will also be open on Sunday after morning
Masses. Thanks to those who have offered to help with food
and please confirm with Joanne on 243207. Tickets available
from Joanne or the Parish Office.
"Carried on the Wind"
Pays tribute to the people of Gloucestershire whose lives
were changed by the 1st World War and are still being
changed by conflicts to this day. It is full of the songs.
laughter and courage that these brave people show. The
Gloucestershire People‟s Theatre is directed by Sheila
Mander. Sheila and the other members are from the Church
communities. Performances are at 8pm each evening on
Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 12th, and Thursday 13th
November, at the Guildhall, Gloucester. Tickets £8 and £5.
Concessions from the Box office 01452 503050 or on line.
Parking is free at Kings Walk Car Park and the top floor has
direct access into the venue. Please support us.
Our Prayers are asked for:
Sick: Liz Sawaf, Sue Ball, Claire Young, Sean Murphy, Helen
Stanbury, Grace Stevens, Olive Whelan, Bruce Francis,
Jenny Dabrowska, Teresa Patterson, Bernie Warner, Deirdre
Kelleher, Helen Dorothy Gorry, Denise Ellis, Kevin Dunn,
Peter Lucassi, Christopher & Clifford Brown, Margaret Ellis,
Julia & Danny Barr, Teresa & Paddy O‟Kelly, Bridie & Terry
Ruck, Angela Savidge, Pauline Crosbie, Emily Cousins, June
Edwards, Rey Lluisma, Lilian Martin, Bridget Garvey,
Geoffrey Garvey, Pat Donovan, Maddie Read, Dan Perry,
Pete Thacker, Mary Costello, Adrian Davis, Lisa Partridge,
Norma Greener.
Anniversaries: Jenny Spring, Winifred Mitchell, Lucy Curtis,
Albert Forde, Brian Martin, Bernard Weitz, Peter Joseph
Cullen, Jane (Jenny) Boag, Francis Beattie, Norah Aulton,
Amy Elliott.