Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church 6474 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45230 The Beacon January 2015 Annual Congregational Meeting and Potluck Dinner This year’s Annual Congregational Meeting will be Sunday, January 25, in Davies Hall. A potluck fellowship meal will begin the evening at 5:30 p.m. Please bring a food item to share for approximately 12 people according to the first letter of your last name: A to K main dish L to R side dish/salad S to Z dessert The meeting will convene between 6:15 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Electronic copies of the Congregational Meeting Packet will be available only by request (231.2650 or [email protected]). A limited number of hard copies of the Congregational Meeting packet will be available in the Communication Center prior to the meeting. In our continuing support of Hunger Ministry, please bring a food/nonfood item for the Pantry Shelf the evening of the dinner and meeting. 2015 Per Capita Contributions Gratefully Accepted: Every PCUSA church contributes to the organization yearly – based on how many confirmed members the church currently lists. MWPC’s Per Capita amount for 2015 has been set at $30. Per capita funds are a fundamental way in which all of the nearly 11,000 congregations and governing bodies of the Presbyterian Church are connected and participate in the work of the church around the world. Help us cover our expenses here at home by making a per capita contribution for each member of your family – please mark your check with ‘Per Capita’ on the memo line. For more information on the missions of PCUSA, go to The building will be closed Monday, January 19 in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The Beacon Deadline for February is Monday, February 2 by 9:00 a.m. to the church office ([email protected]). Pick Up Your Pictorial Directory! If you are one of our MWPC families who had your photo taken last fall by Lifetouch Directories and have not yet picked up your directory, please stop by the church office to obtain your copy. Chancel Flowers: Someone in your family celebrating a significant birthday or anniversary, a wedding or baptism this year? A date coming up when you could honor a deceased loved one(s) birthday or anniversary? If you would like to beautify our sanctuary while celebrating a loved one or a significant event/date in 2014, you may contact the church office (231.2650 or [email protected]) to reserve your date. Snowbirds: For you “snowbirds” who are heading south this winter, please remember to give the office (231.2650 or [email protected]) your winter address and dates you will be gone. This will enable us to keep in contact with you during these months. Page 2 THE BEACON January 2015 Did You Know … That last month over 60 Christmas stockings were crocheted by Sue Wehmeyer, filled by Presbyterian Women and made Christmas a little merrier for clients of SEM and House of Peace? Thank You to Common Ground Team Grounds Crew for their warm Ministry of Welcome during December. Welcome Brothers and their Better Halves as they create fellowship and welcome in the New Year. If you like the fellowship that is created by Common Ground, please consider joining a team; we are currently looking for help to continue this ministry. Contact Carol Hartman. Long Term Marriage and Covenant Recognition On Sunday, February 8, we will give thanks for God's sustaining grace, and for the loyal commitment to promises made by those who entered marriage or a similar covenant relationship twenty-five years ago or more. (This is not a renewal of vows service.) If you began life in marriage or another covenant relationship prior to February 8, 1990, please contact the church office (231.2650/ theoffice@mwpc-church,org) with the date you exchanged vows so we can list that in our bulletin. We want to recognize all anniversaries, not only those whose services were held at MWPC. If we listed your names and dates last year, you do not need to contact the office to be included in the list. When you’re already on Amazon making purchases, don’t forget to smile – Amazon Smile, that is! MWPC receives 0.5% of your Amazon order when you smile, very much like the MWPC Kroger program. Details of this new program are on the church website; just search Smile or go to Resources tab. IT’S BLOOD DRIVE TIME! Your help is again needed for our Winter Blood Drive in support of the Hoxworth Center. Sunday, January 11 from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m in the Hoxworth Donor Bus, which will be located in the MWPC parking lot. Please schedule your appointment today ( or call Hoxworth directly (451.0910). L.P. & Nancy’s CarePages LP and Nancy have established a CarePages site that will be updated periodically. This can be found at: You need to establish an account with CarePages to read and comment on these updates. For those without access to internet or choosing not to create a CarePages account, periodic summaries will be in the bulletin, Beacon and Beacon Lite. January 2015 Page 3 THE BEACON Recommendations from the Church Nominating Committee Your Congregational Nominating Committee (CNC) has been hard at work discerning which leaders God is calling to serve as Ruling Elders on session, Deacons on Care Ministry, and at-large members of the CNC for 2015. These nominees will be proposed for your vote at our Annual Congregational Meeting on January 25, 2015. Additional nominees may be proposed from the floor, but be certain you have obtained the person’s agreement to serve before nominating them. Those who have agreed to be nominated for Ruling Elders are: Marianne Beard, Jill Brokaw, Steven Bruening, Peg Hallman, Ben Keeling (Trustee), Karen Looman, Paul West and Steve Shadix (2 year term). Nominated Deacons to serve on Care Ministry are: Rich Feil, Anne Fertitta, Sarah Gibson, Sandy Lane, Tracey Martin, Marcie O’Neil, Toni Pestro, Susan Sargent, Missy Speed, and Nichelle Trigg. Those nominated to serve on the CNC for the coming year are: Scott Crowley, John Hamilton, Charles Mace, Susie Ryan, and Eleen Svanas. Be sure to thank these leaders for their service as they rotate off the church boards. Session: Bob Brokamp, Tim Gibson, Lauren Huizenga, Gail Kiley, Dave Martin, Vince Mauer, Scott Robertson. Deacons: Sarah Bish, Pat Boggess, Scott Crowley, Betty Estes, Eva Hinterlach, Helen Hummel, Chris Nicholson, Toni Pestro, Nancy Shaeffer, Janey Shestina, and Eleen Svanas. CNC at-large members Sandy Goheen, Barb Jaymont, David Legg, Charles Mace, Lisa Prather and Susie Ryan. New Adult Education Classes for a New Year Beginning Sunday, January 11: 9:30 a.m. Class: "The Holy Land Revealed” These lectures from the Great Courses Series feature archaeologist Professor Jodi Magness and explore life in the ancient Holy Land as viewed through the lens of archaeology. 11:00 a.m. Class: “Jesus and the Gospels” Professor Timothy Luke Johnson’s far-ranging course examines not only the canonical Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John, but also the many other apocryphal narratives that contribute to our perceptions of Jesus, Mary, and Christianity. Super Wednesday Opportunity! Make the New Year complete, exciting, and fun! Kids in Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to join Super Wednesday for the second half of the year. Contact Kandy Stone ([email protected] or 231-2650) or Becky Burkhart ([email protected]). Come to the 2015 Women’s Retreat! All Are Welcome! All women of MWPC and their friends are invited to join together for a spirit-filled and fun weekend retreat on Saturday, March 14 and Sunday, March 15, 2015, at the Jesuit Spiritual Center in Milford. Registration forms are available in the Gathering Area. The cost is $90, which includes a private room, three meals, and program. The theme is “A Confident Heart,” based on a book by author Renee Swope. In addition to the formal sessions, there will be ample opportunity for individual meditation and prayer through a variety of media and the use of the labyrinth on the grounds of the Center. There will also be time for relaxation and conversation, as well as the ever-popular community jigsaw puzzle. Pick up a registration form for more details; registration deadline is Sunday, March 1. Page 4 THE BEACON January 2015 Pledge Envelope Labels Any members who requested either monthly or weekly labels when they returned their pledge cards can now pick up their labels in the Communication Center. Please note that each set of labels include your name and envelope number; be careful not to inadvertently pick up someone else’s labels. Thank you for using these labels for your pledge contributions! From the Finance Office: January 2015 Page 5 THE BEACON It’s a new year and a chance to create a new beginning! We make resolutions to do those big tasks that we’ve kept putting off. Alternatively, we can resolve to make a few small changes in our life. The effect can accumulate, just as an avalanche does. Consider that for a moment. One simple change, one small footstep in a new direction can make a world of difference. We can’t predict in advance whether it will be our own life that will be changed or that of someone close to us, or whether it will be someone we’ve never met—yet. Opportunities are everywhere. For a “hands-on” experience to start the New Year positively, consider one of the following: Tender Mercies — Saturday, January 10. Prepare food in the church kitchen, bring a suggested item, carpool to the facility downtown, serve and dine with the residents—any or all of the above; contact Steven Breuning MWPC Winter Blood Drive — The Hoxworth Donor bus will be in the church parking lot from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm on Sunday, January 11. Please schedule an appointment to minimize waiting time ( or call Hoxworth (451-0910). Walk-ins will still be welcomed. Bring friends, relatives, or neighbors, or some of each. What gift could be more precious? Community Meal — Sunday, January 17. Doors open at 5:45p.m. The meal is open to the community: congregation, neighborhood, youth, and families, anyone who would like to share a meal in a warm, safe environment with other friendly faces. Meal begins at 6:00 p.m. Mobile Food Pantry — Friday, January 23. Volunteer to help set up, visit or shop with clients (or both), assist clients with getting food items to their vehicle, assist in cleanup. 10:00ma.m.— 11:30 a.m. Contact Jill Brokaw for information or to volunteer. First Lutheran Lunch, downtown — Monday, January 26. This meal is open to anyone who would like a hot meal. Volunteer to help serve or assist in cleanup. More information is available on the MWPC website or in the Mission Center. This is part of the schedule for January. Which is the right opportunity for you? MWPC WiFi Availability Caregiver Resource Connection MWPC now has WiFi capability in the Sanctuary and most areas of the church, with the exception of the preschool area; that will come as we move forward. Please use this communication service appropriately; it is being provided as a convenience for those needing more access to the electronic world. The password to access the WiFi is mwpcpublic. Caregiving can be especially challenging this time of the year; come learn how to cope with the various stresses involved. The January meeting is Tuesday, January 13 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Lower Level Media Room. For additional information about caregiving, please call the Caregiver CAREline (513) 929.4483). Page 6 THE BEACON January 2015 MWPC Pastor Search Process Acting Head of Staff The terms of call for part time Associate Pastor, Rhonda O'Reilly were changed to call her to full time as Acting Head of Staff until January 31. This was accomplished by vote of the Congregation on November 16. Her term is until the Congregational meeting in January, with provisions to extend it beyond; the intention is to have Rhonda in that role until an Interim Minister is in place. Interim Pastor Presbyterian policy provides for an Interim Pastor for a church in transition to a new full time Head of Staff. A committee was appointed by session on December 1 to begin a search for such a person. The committee members are: Pat Limbach, Joan Sigmund, Jim Huizenga, Stacey Shadix, and Dave Martin. They have started the process; the hope is that an Interim Pastor will be in place in the February/ March time frame. This person will be hired by session with a one year renewable contract. Full Time Head of Staff Presbyterian policy provides a procedure for searching for and securing a new pastor. When the Interim Head of Staff and the session find it appropriate, they request Committee on Ministry (COM) approval to elect a Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). The MWPC Nominating Committee will provide a suggested list of people to serve on the PNC. The congregation, not session, elects the PNC for this task at a specifically called congregational meeting. In total it could be 16 to 24 months before a new Pastor is installed. Fortunately, MWPC has a head start on the process since the congregational input and discernment conducted as part of the Thrive process will fulfill much of the COM requirement for a Congregational Mission Study normally required before a PNC can be elected. So why does calling a pastor take this long? MWPC is an excellent opportunity for a pastor. We have a talented congregation, an excellent facility and a great community with excellent schools and numerous sports and arts opportunities. We should expect to receive 100 applications for our Pastor/Head of Staff position. And the right pastor for MWPC may not be currently searching for a new opportunity. It will take time to evaluate the applications (Pastor Information Forms), listen to sermons, conduct multiple interviews with each top candidate, check references and host the candidate on visits to Cincinnati. And then it’s possible we may need to wait for the pastor to arrive after being called. You may recall we waited three to four months for LP to arrive after being called by the congregation so that he didn’t leave his former congregation just prior to Advent. Complete Details of the Process for Interim and New Head of Staff The Presbytery has a comprehensive flow chart available on their website for those interested in viewing the details. Visit MWPC Website MWPC website has this document with a few more details about the length of the Full Time Head of Staff search. Visit Pastor Search Process January 2015 THE BEACON Page 7 Contributions to: THE HUNGER MINISTRY: In honor of Evan Bentley, Aundrea Bentley & Spencer Bentley by: Rich & Cyndi Bentley In honor of Alison Bushman & Jim Bushman by: Barbara Bushman In honor of L.P. & Nancy Jones by: Bill & Peggy Davis Les & Sue Reichard Susan Yund Peter & Debra Ruehlman Ann & Tom Hayden and family on the death of Tom’s father, Joe Hayden, who died November 29. Former member, Dick Dewey & family on the death of his wife, Bev Dewey, who died December 27. Dottie Hehn, Darlene & Dave Dorsey and family on the death of husband/father, Ed Hehn, who died January 3. In memory of George & Jessie Hopper by: Kevin & Debra Hopper Memorials Dedicated To God: In loving memory of Samantha R. Toberman by: Samantha J. Toberman In loving memory of Al Robinson by: Susan & Lee Federle Our Blessings, Interest and Gifts (B.I.G.) Survey tells us these folks celebrate milestone anniversaries in January. Your church family sends congratulations and the wish that God continue to bless your life together. 2015 ** 40 years ** Jim and Vicki Abend—January 11, 1975 Let’s warmly welcome our guests in worship. Help us textend that welcome by filling in our own contact information legibly on the Fellowship Pads, and encouraging others to do the same. Also, please take time to direct visitors to the Welcome Center, located to the left when exiting the sanctuary. A Care Ministry representative will be available after both worship services to answer questions and present the visitor with a welcome gift. As you learn about their interests, introduce them to others around you. Look forward to greeting our recent first-time visitors again: Sally Bickett Aaron Dorfman Mike & Sue Dresch Peggy & Jean Pierre Frassard Sheri Kennington The Kepfs Ruth Keyon Lauren & Jim Martin Barbara Olszewski & Family Audrey Platt Blessed by the grace of God, following Jesus Christ and inspired by the Holy Spirit, we: CELEBRATE with joy and gratitude — God’s abundant love. LEARN and grow as disciples of Christ. CARE for each other and our neighbors. SERVE God’s people with compassion, sharing the Good News. Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church 6474 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45230-2092 (513) 231.2650 Fax 624.2300 [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Dr. Rhonda J. O’Reilly Return Service Requested Dated Material: Mailed January 9, 2015
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