Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church 6474 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45230 The Beacon November 2014 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 “How could God transform your life and ministry if your every day was infused with joy, prayer, and gratitude?” Since I read this quote in a Children’s Ministry magazine article by Sylvia White, I have been bound by the wonder of its possibilities. Transform and infused are strong, impactful words. What is the first step in the process of transformation? Intentional moments shared in conversation with the God who created us and loves us. Prayer brings joy. The product of prayer and rejoicing is gratitude. Then with grateful hearts we pray. Prayer, rejoicing and gratitude are so interdependent that soon the rhythm has no beginning or end. A cycle of God’s presence penetrates our lives to the very core and changes us in unimagined ways. Prayer does not change the circumstance of our lives. Trials and troubles still find us, but when we face our problems with prayer, joy, and gratitude, our problems become smaller because God shares the burden with us. As Christians, we have long understood the power of thankfulness in our lives. Recently scientists have begun to chart a course of study directed at understanding this concept. From the University of California, Berkley, the project Expanding the Science and Practice of Gratitude has found that people who practice gratitude consistently report a host of benefits: • Stronger immune systems and lower blood pressure; • Higher levels of positive emotions; • More joy, optimism, and happiness; • Acting with more generosity and compassion; • Feeling less lonely and isolated. Let us infuse the benefits of gratitude with the power of prayer and the joy of God into our lives and experience the possibilities! Happy Thanksgiving, Director of Children & Family Ministry Page 2 THE BEACON November 2014 Parents, Join in the Conversation Did you Know … … that at last week’s Mobile Food Pantry, 164 families, a total of 510 people were served?! Thank you to the Common Ground team, Brothers and Better Halves for their warm Ministry of Welcome during October. Welcome to Morning Rays as they create fellowship during the month of November. Butter Braid Pick Up Please pick up Butter Braid orders on Saturday, November 15, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in Davies Hall. Contact Alycia Champion with questions. MWPC Women’s 2015 Retreat Scheduled All women are invited to attend the annual MWPC Women’s Retreat. Save the date: March 14 – 15, 2015. This year’s theme is “A Confident Heart.” The retreat will again be at the Jesuit Spiritual Retreat Center in Milford. Mark your calendars now. Registration will be available in early January. You won’t want to miss this fun, and spiritually uplifting time together. Death is an integral part of life, but if you are concerned about discussing death with your children, you are not alone. Join us Sunday, November 16 at 11:00 a.m. in Room 212. Childcare for children of all ages will be provided. Our conversation will include: developmental stages of understanding and grieving sharing by those who have traveled the journey faith questions take home resource and book lists a time for questions Session Meeting Highlights Keep informed on the work of the MWPC Session; highlights of past meetings can be found at a link on the website home page ( or by going to http:// Caregiver Resource Connection Caregiving is both challenging and rewarding; come learn how to cope with the various stresses involved. The November meeting is Tuesday, November 11 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Lower Level Media Room. For additional information about caregiving, please call the Caregiver CAREline (513) 929-4483). Job Search/Transition Do you know someone who is looking for work or thinking about changing jobs? Cincinnati has a well-developed, organized network of groups for assistance. For more information, contact Steve Long or go to Twisted Stitchers Interested in stitching but not available on Thursdays? Is the possibility of stitching with others every week appealing? Twisted Stitchers is a new stitching group meeting on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month in Room 208. Please give it a try! November 2014 THE BEACON Page 3 Please Join Us! 2014 Advent and Christmastide The 1st Week of Advent Sunday, November 30 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, December 3 7:30 p.m. “Seasonal Reflections “ NKU Choirs Winter Concert Rhonda O’Reilly Sanctuary The 2nd Week of Advent Sunday, December 7 9:30 a.m. & 11: 00 a.m. “Seasonal Reflections “ Communion/Extended Communion An Advent Celebration for All! 5:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Family Advent Activity Dinner Program of Music Steve & Stacey Shadix; Brian Mitchell Choir Room Davies Hall Davies Hall The 3rd Week of Advent Sunday, December 14 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. “Seasonal Reflections “ Carol Adams; Kandy Stone The 4th Week of Advent Sunday, December 21 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. “Seasonal Reflections “ Christmas Joy Offering Wednesday, December 24 Christmas Eve Services 5:00 p.m. Steve Long; Rhonda Juliano Join the children of our church as they share the Good News of Christmas in story and song. Music by our children’s choirs. All children & youth worship with family. Candlelight Christmas Eve Services 9:00 p.m. All children & youth worship with family. Sanctuary 11:00 p.m. Sacrament of Communion All children & youth worship with family. Sanctuary Page 4 THE BEACON November 2014 Sunday Evening, December 7, 2014 5:00‐6:15 Families spend time together creating an Advent wreath and devotional booklet. 6:15‐7:00 Fundraising dinner in Davies Hall supporting our Junior and Senior High Groups. 7:00‐7:30 Enjoy music presented by our children, youth, and adults in Davies Hall Enjoy the entire evening with us or come for any part. Reservations requested by Wednesday, December 3 Completed form, with check payable to MWPC, may be placed in the box in the Communication Center or mailed to: MWPC, 6474 Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45230. Call the church office (231‐2650) with any questions. Name: ____________________________________________________________ Family Advent Activity /1 per family suggested Dinner Adult Dinner Child 3-12 Child Under 3 Meat Lasagna @ $3/ea.$_______________ #________@ $8/ea. $_______________ Vegetable Lasagna #________@ $8/ea. $_______________ Meat Lasagna #________@ $5/ea. $_______________ Vegetable Lasagna #________@ $5/ea. $_______________ #________@ free TOTAL $_______________ $_______________ November 2014 THE BEACON Page 5 Looking at a mid-summer garden, so green and lush brings to mind immediately how much a garden reflects human life. In the beginning, there is a tiny dependent individual, much like all those around it, but having potential for being unique from those around it in some way. Both humans and plants need intensive and tender nurturing to mature and become productive. The cycle of growth and assimilation leads to maturation, blossoming, and the sharing of gifts. The gifts, of course, come in many descriptions. There are always surprises! For three years in a row in a garden, there may be only two zucchini per plant, making us wonder if it is really worth the effort of planting, feeding and watering. During the silent debate the fourth year at planting time, the decision was made to plant just one more time before giving up on zucchini. The surprise, of course, is that each of the four plants produces bushels of zucchini, and toward the end of the season, you hear neighbors whispering to each other, the only word you can repeat is “zucchini.” A similar situation occurred the year my spouse planted ninety-six tomato plants. They all lived. They all produced. That same summer, our second son was born. We were a little busy. I learned to make ketchup and also green tomato relish to share with friends in order not to waste the bounty. That adorable baby (as well as his older brother) turned out okay, too. It’s fall, again, and harvest time. If we have gardened for ourselves, the time of growth and tending has been completed. The time to share the “fruits” of our labors has come. Even if we work in an office and “gather” our food at a supermarket or produce store or stand, or some from each, we cannot escape knowing that the harvest has arrived! Nature’s Bounty is here and is ready to be shared. Whether we are sharing meals, individual food items, a kind word or smile, or giving someone our complete attention for five minutes, our gifts are needed. The Holiday Food Drive is a concerted effort of our congregation to make sure our neighbors share in the bounty of harvest. Many families don’t have enough food to eat, no matter how hard they try. Joblessness or underemployment, medical bills, and other special needs keep many from providing for their families what the rest of us take for granted. The improved economy has not reached everyone, as we know from the ever-increasing numbers of families served by the SEM Pantry, the Batavia Y Food Pantry and our own Mobile Food Pantry. Please donate generously to the Hunger Fund! The lists accompanying the grocery bags for the Holiday Food Drive are made up of foods not available for purchase by the food pantries at their regular volume-discount sources. Please give generously to The Hunger Fund, or fill a grocery bag with the listed items and return it to the Pantry Shelf in the Gathering Area, or both! Remember to make a dessert for the Community Meal on Sunday, November 16, and bring it and your best warm smile to share while dining there! All are welcome…. And the crowds asked him, “What then should we do?” In reply he said to them, “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.” Luke 3:10-11. Page 6 THE BEACON November 2014 From the Church Office: † The office will be closed on Thursday, November 27, Friday, November 28 and Saturday, November 29 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. † The bulletin/announcement information for Sunday, November 30 is due to the office by Friday, November 21. † December Beacon deadline is Monday, December 1 by 9:00 a.m. † Friendly Reminder—Regular Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Celebrating with ... Congratulations to: ☺ Grandparents Paul & Susie Hammer on the birth of Douglas K. Konechny born September 25 to Sara & Ryan Konechny in Denver, CO. ☺ Grandparents Su & Scott Randall on the birth of Olivia Catherine Randall, born October 13 to J.R. & Michelle Randall. ☺ Grandparents L.P. & Nancy Jones on the birth of John (Jack) Forbes McCostlin, born October 20 to Elizabeth & Ryan McCostlin in Nashville, TN. Kate Martin & Jay DeLandy who were married October 11 in Vienna, VA. Joe Pestro & Stephanie Wu who were married October 11 in Mountain View, CA. Eric Hann & Amarinthia Bell who were married October 12 in Edisto Island, SC. Lauren Sylvester & Chris Nicholson who were married here October 25. Let’s warmly welcome our guests in worship. Help us to extend that welcome by filling in our own contact information legibly on the Fellowship Pads, and encouraging others to do the same. Also, please take time to direct visitors to the Welcome Center, located to the left when exiting the sanctuary. A Care Ministry representative will be available after both worship services to answer questions and present the visitor with a welcome gift. As you learn about their interests, introduce them to others around you. Look forward to greeting our recent first-time visitors again: Sally Bickett Florence Danley Barbara Olszewski & Family Our Blessings, Interest and Gifts (B.I.G.) Survey tells us these folks celebrate milestone anniversaries in November. Your church family sends congratulations and the wish that God continue to bless your life together. 2014 ** 45 years ** Jon & Nancy Droste—November 1, 1969 Evelyn & Armando Fusaro—November 28, 1969 ** 35 years ** Jim & Robbin Brewer—November 24, 1979 November 2014 Page 7 THE BEACON Memorials Dedicated To God: In loving memory of Art Ehrnschwender by: George & Sally McIlveen Contributions to: THE HUNGER MINISTRY: In honor of the marriage of Lauren Sylvester & Chris Nicholson by: Larry & Nancy LaGue Mary Esther Higgs Chuck & Jan Anderson John & Barb Jaymont Greg & Eleen Svanas In honor of L.P. & Nancy Jones by: Bill & Theo Tucker Chuck & Jan Anderson Mike & Jill Gartner Mary Esther Higgs Garnet Curee Bill & Susie Ryan Joan Sigmund Dee Dee Butcher Steve & Kim Long Sandy Lane Pat & Kay Limbach Ed & Clairanne Hann Laura Hovland Les & Sue Reichard Dean & Karen Violetta Ray & Bettie Shrader Sherry Navaro Lori Hartman Lynette Armstrong Dan & Susan Earley Helen Hummel Alex & Connie Rodriguez In loving memory of George & Jessie Hopper by: Kevin & Debra Hopper In loving memory of Art Ehrnschender by: Ted & Katherine Emmerich Abraham & Eveline Tegum & family on the recent death of Evaline’s brother, Lawrence Mbah, in Washington, D.C. Nancy & Larry LaGue on the death of Nancy’s aunt, Ann Mallin Boneau, who died October 10 in Bethesda, MD. Claire & John Kroger on the deathof Claire’s aunt, Eunice Noack, who died October 18 in Eureka, CA. Barry Ehrnschwender & family on the death of his father, Art Ehrnschwender, MWPC member since March 1958, who died October 20. Bev Robinson & family on the death of her husband, Al Robinson, MWPC member since June 1961, who died October 23. Contributions to: PASTORS’ DISCRETIONARY FUND: In honor of the great service of Rev. Dr. L.P. Jones & Rev. Dr. Rhonda O’Reilly by: George & Sally McIlveen THE MUSIC MINISTRY: In loving memory of Carl Shadix by: Lois Shadix & Family L.P. & Nancy’s Carepages LP and Nancy have now established a CarePages site that will be updated periodically. That can be found at: LPandNancyUpdate. You need to establish an account with CarePages to read and comment on these updates. For those without access to internet or choosing not to create a CarePages account, periodic summaries will be in the bulletin, Beacon and Beacon Lite. Page 8 THE BEACON November 2014 From the Finance Office: Mariners – November Winter Gathering of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery The next Mariners event will be Tuesday, November 18 - lunch at the Brio Tuscan Grille at Newport on the Levee. Following lunch, the group will go to the Cincinnati Museum Center for the 3:00 p.m. showing of Jerusalem; ( A carpool will leave the church parking lot at 12:30 p.m. for Brio. Please RSVP and send Nancy Jenkins $7.50 per person for the Omnimax so the ticket can be reserved. Otherwise, you need a museum membership to reserve a ticket. Note: Parking is $7.00 at the museum. You don’t want to miss seeing this fil! Rev. Chris White, Christ Presbyterian Church in Milford, will share her recent trip to the Middle East (Israel/Palestine). The Winter Gathering is Tuesday, December 2, here at Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church. Please bring baby items (newborn diapers, sleepers and crib sheets) to donate to Carolyn's Kids. Registration is at 9:30 a.m., the program and worship follow at 10:00 a.m.; the luncheon is at noon. For registration, please contact Laura Hovland or Betty Estes with your reservation by Friday, November 28. Kick off the Christmas season learning about Advent, Christmas and the Holy Land, as well as sharing fellowship with other Presbyterian women. November 2014 THE BEACON Page 9 Dinner 6:00 p.m. ($3) Fellowship 6:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. All MWPC Youth (and their friends) entering 7—12th grades welcome. Sunday, November 9 - Sky Zone Trip Jr. & Sr. High—Wall to wall trampoline madness. We will leave at 2:00 p.m. and return approx. 5:00 p.m. Cost is $14. RSVP’s should be in to Brian. Sunday, November 16—MWPC Community Dinner Jr. & Sr. High—We will be helping and serving at our second MWPC Community Dinner. Look for details in a future email. We will need you to arrive a little earlier than usual, so we can assign tasks; be at church at 5:30 p.m. (If you cannot arrive until a little later, that is OK.) This is an great opportunity for you to serve our community. Come be part of it. Sunday, November 23 Junior High—Braid and Groom (games and etiquette lessons). Yeah, Happy Bunny and proper etiquette! What a combination. Senior High.—”That’s Your Opinion” It’s Debate Night :-) No presidential election this year, but we all love a good healthy respectful debate. We’ll be talking about life and God. November 30—Thanksgiving— No Fellowship Sunday, December 7—Church Wide Advent Dinner Jr. & Sr. High—We’ll be working the meal. Look for details coming soon Sunday, December 14 - Christmas Partaaaaay It’s that night, bring a $5 gift and bring food for your pot luck meal. Jr. High & Sr. High will party on in their own room. Sunday, December 21—Community Meal & Carol Singing Jr. & Sr. High—We’ll serve at the Christmas Community Dinner and then go brighten up a few folks Christmas with some carol singing. December 28—Christmas Holidays—No Fellowship (but be on the look out for a movie trip) Other Activities: Our midweek boys middle school groups meet on Wednesdays from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. We would love to see our 7-8 graders. We Play Video Games and Talk about God for boys in the LL Game Room. Our middle school girls group, Wonderfully Made, meets on the last Sunday of each month in Rooms 202/203 at 10:45 a.m. for a mid-morning tea party. Our midweek senior high group, Fusion, meets each Wednesday from 7:31 p.m.—8:46 p.m. at Brian and Sara’s home. Midweek chill atmosphere with good snacks and conversation. BZ meets on the first and third Fridays of each month—7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. - Lower Level. November Community Meal – Sunday, November 16 Would you like to be a part of the second MWPC Community Meal, scheduled for Sunday, November 16, when a Thanksgiving theme dinner will be served? The congregation is invited to bring in their favorite fall/Thanksgiving dessert that will end this meal in style! Desserts can be brought in that Sunday morning, November 16, placed in the kitchen and labeled "Community Meal." Thanks for your participation in this community outreach opportunity. MOBILE FOOD PANTRY UPDATE When you’re already on Amazon making purchases, don’t forget to smile – Amazon Smile, that is! MWPC receives 0.5% of your Amazon order when you smile, very much like the MWPC Kroger program. Details of this new program are on the church website; just search Smile or go to Resources tab. At our latest mobile pantry on October 31, we provided for 164 families, a total of 510 people. This is our best turnout yet! We gave away a ton and a half of food in less than two hours. Thanks to our 40 volunteers, we made it look easy, despite the delivery truck arriving over an hour late! Many thanks to the staff and our volunteers. Look for the next pantry some time in January. Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church 6474 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45230‐2092 (513) 231.2650 Fax 624.2300 theoffice@mwpc‐ www.mwpc‐ Pastor: Rev. Dr. Rhonda J. O’Reilly Return Service Requested Dated Material: Mailed November 7, 2014
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