GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT No.03iTDlRTOl2014 puducherry, dt. Rp , | , a-Dl{ 'fo The Senior Executive. Mis.TVS Electronics Limited, South Phase 7A, Second Floor, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai-600 032. Sir. Sub: TD - Allotment of Fancy Registration Numbers through E-Auction - Work Order - Issued. -o0o - With reference to the letter cited on the subject mentioned above, I am to inform that the Work Order is hereby placed with your firm M/s.TVS Electronics Limited, Chennai to conduct E-Auction through wr, from 2l-01-2015 to 03-02-2015 from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM daily (inclusive of both days) for allotment of Fancy Registration Numbers for the series of "PY-0l-CG" to the public, in the Union Tenitory of Puducherry. Hence, I request you to kindly arrange to issue the Advertisement Notice, Terms and Conditions & Application format requesting for Username and Password, in the website also (copy enclosed). Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the Work Order and arrange to send the Username and Password to this department, to distribute the same to the participant who remits the E.M.D. to participate in the E-Auction. Yours faithfully, o ,l. ( ".rro*ffiiro!ft^"1 coMMtsstoNER DY. TRANSPoRT I r<.a.el r Encl: As above. (r fAA\,\' lc'de'r R' .. ir. / ii: ii ANNEXURE - I CATEGORIZATION sl. No 1. Categories of Reqistration Numbers Super Fancy Registration Numbers 2. Fancy Registration Numbers 3. Semi-fancy Registration Numbers 4. Choice Fancy Registration Number other than the above cateqories. Details ffingle digit numbers e9.0001,0002, etc. ii; OeRnite numbers with four digits e9.1000, 2000, etc. iii) Four digit numbers with same numericals eg' 1111,2222, etc., and iv) 0786 il fr,vo Orgltnumbers with same numericals eg' 0011. 0022, etc. ii) Definite numbers with three digits eg'0100, 0200, etc., iii) Three digit numbers with same numericals eg' 0111,0222, etc. il ffrree Orgit numbers in ascending order e9.0123,0234, etc. ii) FJur digit numbers in ascending order eg'1234, 3456, etc. Any regstratton number preferred by the applicant in idvince apart from the above categories' ANNEXURE _ II BASE PRICE sl. DETAILS No T 2. 3. 4. Super Fancy Registration Numbers Fancy Registration Numbers Sem i-fancy Registration Numbers Choice Fancy Registration Number other than the above cateqories Base Price of e-auction with Above 1800 CC Upto 1800 CC Rs 2s^ooo Rs'So,ooo Rs.20.000 Ks'4u'uuu Rs.10.000 Ks'zu'uuu Rs^b"ooo- Rs'1o,ooo TRANSPORT COMMISSIONER GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT -o0oDate: APPLICATION FOR OBTAINING USER NAME AND PASSWORD (for PY-01-CG) Application No. From To The Transport Commissioner, Puducherry. Sir, Sub: T.D, PDY - Allotment of Fancy Registration Numbers(PY-01-CG ) - Remittance of Application Fee & EMDUser name and Password to participate in the E-Auction.- Reg. Ref: E-Auction Press Release dated With reference to the above, , drawn Rs. I a Demand Draft for vide at dt. No. have enclosed towards the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for the Super Fancy/ Fancyl Semi-Fancy/ Choice Fancy Registration Number No. &a PY-01-CG dated Demand Draft for Rs. 2501- vide towards the cost of Application Fees. I agree to purchase the Fancy Registration Number at the rates quoted in the E-Auction and accept all the terms and conditions set-forth in the E-Auction schedule, as prescribed by the Govt. of Puducherry. Kindly arrange to give the User Name and Password to participate in the E-Auction for Fancy Registration Numbers. Yours faithfully, SIGNATURE (With contacU Mobile No.) Encl: 3. E.M.D vide Demand Draft for Rs. 4. Application Fee vide Demand Draft for Rs. 2501-. TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT PUDUCHERRY TERMS AND CONDITIONS (for E-Auction of Fancy Registration Numbers) 1. Auction for allotment of Fancy Registration Numbers shall be conducted through online at from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM' tvr.vr.r,.auctionindia.corn from 21.01.2015 to 03.02.2015 (for PY-OI-CG) tenderers should enclose a Demand Draft for an amount of Rs.250/- in favour of .'senior Accounts Officer", Transport Department, Puducherryo', payable at Puducherry, towards the cost of application fees. Z. The intending 3. The intending tenderers should enclose the Earnest Money Deposit (E.M.D.) in the form of Demand DraftforthebasepricementionedinAnnexure-IIforeachnumber,infavourof..@ Officer". Transpori Department. Puducherrv", payable at Puducherry, to participate in the Auction. 4. On remitting the prescribed cost of Application Fee and E.M.D., which is the base price fixed in Annexure-Il, the t".rd.r.rr shall obtain the Username and Password for participating in the Auction. the username and password. If the application happens to iose the username and password allotted to him/her, he/she may obtain a fresh one on remittance of the Application Fee & EMD once again. 5. lt is the responsibility of the applicant to safeguard 6. The last date for remittance of EMD is upto 3.00 pm on the last auction date fixed. Only if the applicant remits the EMD before the stipulated date & time, he/she would be permitted to participate in the auction. 7. The intending tenderers should quote the bid amount above the starting price mentioned according Fancy Number specified in the Annexure-l and the specified in the Annexure-ll. g. The Earnest Money Deposit of the unsuccessful tenderers, will be refunded on the next day, the EMD for selected tenderers will be adjusted at the time of billing. g. The successful bidder should pay the balance amount within 3 working days, failing which the Earnest Money Deposit amount will be forfeited and communication will be sent to the 2nd highest bidder giving opportunity to pay the amount within 3 days from the date of receipt of our communication. '10. Each bid will be in multiples of Rs.1 ,000/- above the base price. 11.lf for any reason, the vehicle for which a particular number has been reserved is not produced for regiitration within a period of one month from the date of reservation of the number, such reservation shall cease to have effect and the right of the person in whose favour the number is reserved shall be forfeited. 12. The registration numbers reserved as aforesaid shall not be transferable or allotted to any other person except to the person to which the number is reserved to be assigned. 13.The intending tenderers should indicate the address and phone/mobile number legibly for correspondence. 14. ln case of any dispute the decision of the Transport Commissioner, Puducherry will be final. 15.The Transport Commissioner, Puducherry reserves the right tenders without assigning any reason thereof. to accept or reject any or all
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