DEQ EVENTS - the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality

February/March 2015
Published: January 26, 2015
Next Deadline: February 18, 2015
February 3, 2015
Oklahoma Hazardous Materials Emergency Response
Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): Ongoing discussion of
response to chemical emergencies. 1:30 p.m.  Location:
DEQ, 5 Floor Library, 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK
[email protected]
February 4, 2015
Meets every Wednesday through March 25, 2015
Downtown Recyclers Toastmasters
Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s) This is where leaders are
made. Chartered in 2000 by employees wanting to develop
communication and leadership skills to promote environmental
programs, the Downtown Recyclers Toastmasters Club is
open to the public and to DEQ employees. Guests are
welcome at no cost and may participate if they wish; the cost
February 20, 2015
of membership is $42.00 per six-month renewal period. The
Environmental Quality Board Meeting
state holidays. 12:00
Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): Rulemaking includes: club meets every Wednesday except nd
Floor Training Room,
Chapter 4 Rules of Practice and Procedure, Chapter 606
Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (OPDES) 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK For more information
Standards, Chapter 627 Water Reuse, Chapter 631 Public please visit, or contact:
Water Supply Operation, Chapter 650 Underground Injection J. Paul Davis  405/702-5132 or 405/401-7624
Control, Chapter 656 Water Pollution Control Facility [email protected]
Construction Standards, Chapter 410 Radiation Management, February 18, 2015
Chapter 515 Management of Solid Waste – Used Tires – Air & Waste Management Association/DEQ Green Team
Emergency Rulemaking, Chapter 515 Management of Solid Joint Meeting
Waste – Permanent Rulemaking  9:30 a.m. Location: Sponsored by: DEQ/AWMA
Topic(s): Jeffery
DEQ, 1 Floor, Multi-Purpose Room, 707 N. Robinson, Richardson, Commodity Manager for Major Projects at OG&E
Oklahoma City, OK Contact: Martha Penisten  405/702- will make a presentation on the fate of the electric utility poles
7100  [email protected]
and the management of “wood piles” in an environmentally
innovative way. The meeting is free and open to the public.
March 12, 2015
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Location: DEQ, 1 Floor MultiRadiation Management Advisory Council
MEETING Purpose Room, 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK
CANCELLED. Contact: Mike Broderick  405/702-5155 Contact: Saba Tahmassebi at 405/702-5100
[email protected]
February 25, 2015
Tulsa Fuel and Manufacturing Superfund Site Public
Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): The U.S. Environmental
February 3, 2015
Protection Agency (EPA) and the Oklahoma Department of
Tulsa Emissions Inventory Workshop 2015
Environmental Quality (DEQ) invites public comment on the
Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): The 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Proposed Plan to address contamination at the Tulsa Fuel and
p.m. workshop will focus on the basics of emissions Manufacturing (TFM) Superfund Site located in Collinsville,
inventories, how to calculate your annual emissions, and Oklahoma, Tulsa County. DEQ will hold a public meeting at
submitting your data using Redbud, ODEQ’s secure web- the Collinsville City Hall, 106 N 12th St, Collinsville, OK 74021,
based reporting application. 9:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m.  from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 26, 2015, to
Location: Tulsa Technology Career Services Center, 3420 S. provide information and answer questions regarding the
Memorial Drive, Tulsa, OK 74145 Contact: Cody Lathrop Proposed Plan.
at 405-702-4212 or Michelle Horn at 405-702-4176  6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.  Location: Collinsville City Hall, 106
[email protected] or [email protected]
N. 12 St., Collinsville, OK 74021
Contact: Rachel
Hanigan at 405/702-5196 or Amy Brittain at 405/702-5157
Board and Council agendas often differ from this early calendar description.
Please call the contact person a week prior to meetings listed for more definite information.
If you have any entries for the Calendar of Events, please email to [email protected]
March 24-26, 2015
Visible Emissions Evaluation Training (Smoke School)Oklahoma City
Sponsored by:
CENSARA/DEQ Topic(s): The
Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division in
conjunction with CENSARA, is again offering the Visible
Emissions Evaluation Training Courses for the Spring of
2015. In addition to the field certifications, a classroom lecture
describing visible emissions evaluation procedures will be
offered at both locations. These courses will meet EPA
Method 9 and Method 22 training requirements. Individuals
successfully qualifying at the field certification will be certified
to make valid visible emission readings. 8:30 a.m. 
Location: Hampton Inn – South, 920 SW 77 St., Oklahoma
City, OK (405) 602-3400 AND Wiley Post Park, SW 17 and
Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK Contact: Ron Hensley,
[email protected]
[email protected]  405/378-7377 or 405/7024100
Board and Council agendas often differ from this early calendar description.
Please call the contact person a week prior to meetings listed for more definite information.
If you have any entries for the Calendar of Events, please email to [email protected]