ADVERTISEMENTS APPOINTMENTS/PROGRAMMES/ANNOUNCEMENTS ICSSR DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS CWDS invites Applications for ICSSR Fellowships in Women’s and Gender Studies Full time Ph.D. candidates registered with UGC recognised public institutions including those registered in the AUD-CWDS M.Phil/Ph.D. Programme may apply Forms may be downloaded from: Last Date for Receipt of Completed Applications: within 3 weeks of publication of this advertisement. The completed applications must be sent to: Centre for Women’s Development Studies 25, Bhai Vir Singh Marg (Gole Market), NEW DELHI 110001, Website: No.A-12011/17/2011-ADM Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training, LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ADMINISTRATION, MUSSOORIE Applications are invited for filling up the post of Professor of Economics in Pay Band-4 (Rs. 37400-67000) plus Grade Pay Rs. 8900/- in LBSNAA, Mussoorie. The post is proposed to be filled on deputation including short term contract. Sl. No. Name of the Post No. of posts 1 Professor of Economics 01 Willing candidates are required to submit their application in prescribed proforma latest by 10-2-2015. Applications received after last date or found incomplete will not be considered. Note: Other details including eligibility of the vacancy and prescribed form of application is available at the web site of LBSNAA ( (Roli Singh) Deputy Director (Sr.) RIS Research and Information System for Developing Countries Zone IV-B, 4th Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road New Delhi – 110003, Ph. 011-24682177-80 The Takshashila Institution is an independent, nonpartisan think tank on India’s strategic affairs and a school of public policy. STUDY PUBLIC POLICY Admissions open for the February 2015 intake of our Graduate Certificate in Public Policy course. Take this intensive 12-week course from anywhere and while working. Open to talented graduates from any discipline and profession. Suitable for dynamic individuals who want to make a difference in the public sphere: in government, politics, NGOs, think tanks, media and private corporations. Learn from a top class faculty. Firm up your foundations of public policy analysis, economic reasoning, advocacy and governance by learning from a top class faculty. Join a network of 200+ people who are bridging India’s governance gap. Apply Online for Takshashila’s Graduate Certificate in Public Policy course at Economic & Political Weekly EPW january 24, 2015 vol l no 4 RESEARCH ASSISTANTS AT RIS RIS, an autonomous policy research institute that specialises in issues related to international economic development, trade, investment and technology, recruits Research Assistants on temporary basis from time to time for preparing material relating WRUHVHDUFKVWXGLHVRUVSHFL¿FSURMHFWV RIS invites applications from suitable candidates belonging to the General/SC/ST/OBC categories for their empanelment DV 5HVHDUFK $VVLVWDQWV RQ WHPSRUDU\ EDVLV 7KH PRQWKO\ FRQVROLGDWHGVDODU\IRUWKHDSSRLQWHHVZRXOGEH5V 7KHFDQGLGDWHVDUHUHTXLUHGWRIXO¿OOWKHIROORZLQJFULWHULD (GXFDWLRQDOTXDOL¿FDWLRQ D(VVHQWLDO0$LQ(FRQRPLFVZLWKDWOHDVWPDUNVIURPD recognised university E([SHULHQFHRIZRUNLQJZLWKVWDQGDUGVRIWZDUH Interested candidates are advised to send in their application, DORQJZLWKDSDVVSRUWVL]HSKRWRJUDSKDQG&9WR5,6DWWKHDERYH PHQWLRQHGDGGUHVVODWHVWE\:HGQHVGD\)HEUXDU\ &DQGLGDWHVIXO¿OOLQJWKHDERYHFULWHULDZRXOGEHFDOOHGIRULQWHUYLHZ at RIS and successful candidates would be empanelled for being FDOOHG IRU DSSRLQWPHQW RQ UHTXLUHPHQW EDVLV XSRQ IXO¿OOPHQW of procedural requirements, including submission of a medical FHUWL¿FDWHRIKHDOWK &RQWDFW0U11.ULVKQDQ(PDLOQQN#ULVRUJLQ 81 ADVERTISEMENTS APPOINTMENTS/PROGRAMMES/ANNOUNCEMENTS Research Consultancy Tr a in i n g Management Education Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad - 500 007 Announces Admission for Ph.D. Programme 2014-15 ICSSR / IPE Doctoral Fellowships IPE National Doctoral Fellowships IPE National Doctoral Fellowships provide opportunities to young scholars to pursue full-time research leading to a Ph.D degree in Management or related disciplines. ELIGIBILITY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP Candidates with brilliant academic record, project experience and good publication record from IIMs/IITs or premier management institutions in India or abroad. Executives of Public / Private sector firms with a minimum of 2-3 years of experience. Faculty from Universities from India/abroad, research institutions with 2-3 years of experience having qualified NET / M.Phil. Candidates must not be more than 30 years of age but relaxable in exceptional cases. Registration for Ph.D. must be completed FELLOWSHIP VALUE AND DURATION IPE National Doctoral Fellowships shall carry a stipend of the value of Rs.27,000/- per month in the first year and Rs.30,000/- during the subsequent two years. The scholars will be entitled to an HRA of 30% of the fellowship amount per month. There will be a contingency grant of Rs.15000/-per annum 82 IPE under the aegis of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) offers Doctoral Research Fellowships in social sciences. There will be separate allocation for candidates belonging to SC/ST/ W omen / those from educationally backward areas. IPE Doctoral Fellowships are also instituted for eligible Ph.D applicants. ELIGIBILITY A Master’s degree of a recognized university with a first or second class in Social Sciences with atleast 55% marks. Completion of M.Phil / National eligibility Test (NET) for JRF/ Lecturership is desirable. Registration for Ph.D must be completed FINANCIAL SUPPORT The value of the fellowship is Rs.16,000/- p.m. Contingency Rs.15,000 p.a . Salary Protection is offered in case of employed lecturers working in affiliated degree/PG colleges. Any revisions to this pay will be administered as accorded by ICSSR. NOTE Last date for submission of applications: February 10, 2015 For more details Visit : For queries: [email protected] january 24, 2015 vol l no 4 EPW Economic & Political Weekly
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