Wednesday 21 January 2015 19:00 Workshop on the Rule of Law, Governance and Natural Resources Programme Pre-Conference Dinner Mappa, Nes 59, 1012 KD Amsterdam, +3120 528 9170 Registration and Coffee Introductory Remarks Panel 1: Extractive Industries and Local Communities David Szablowski (Department of Social Science, York University, Canada), New Extractivisms and Indigenous Governance: Struggles over Indigenous Consultation Legislation in Canada and Peru Jewellord T. Nem Singh, Jean B. Grugel and Pascale Hatcher (Sheffield Institute for International Development, University of Sheffield) Can Extractive Industries Deliver Poverty Reduction? Lessons from Mongolia and the Philippines Javier Tous (Universidad del Norte, Colombia) Human Rights and the Exploitation of Natural Resources: Mining's Nightmare in Colombia Panel 2: Agriculture and Land Michael Fakhri (School of Law, University of Oregon), What Does Food have to do with Global Law and Governance? Ana Elizabeth Bastida (School of Law, University of Dundee), Evolving Rightsbased Approaches to Land Access and Use under Resource Tenure Regimes: A Critical Appraisal Elizabeth Fortin (School of Law, University of Bristol), Stakeholder Engagement in Producing ‘Hybrid’ Governance; Resolving ‘Sustainability’ in Standards Processes Law School, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Room A.009 09.00 09.15 09.15 09.30 09.30 11.00 Coffee Break Chair: Koen de Feyter (University of Antwerp) Thursday 22 January 2015 Chair: Koen de Feyter (University of Antwerp) University of Amsterdam 22 – 23 January 2015 11.00 11.30 11.30 13.00 13.00 14.00 14.00 15.45 Lunch Panel 3: Governance, Law and Natural Resources Chair: Celine Tan (University of Warwick) Annegret Mähler and Almut SchillingVacaflor (GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Hamburg) Site Fights: Explaining Varying Levels of Contestation over New Gas Projects in Indigenous Territories in Bolivia Recardo Pereira (Westminster Business School, University of Westminster), Developing the Principles of International Law for Interstate Cooperation and Governance of Shared Natural Resources Ellen Desmet (Law and Development Research Group, University of Antwerp, and Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, Belgium) Natural Resources Legislation In Peru: A Critical Analysis from A Socio-Legal Perspective Felix Conteh, Deval Desai, Nat King, Nick Menzies, Jared Schott (World Bank/SOAS), Community Development Agreements and the Rule of Law: From Law to Governance of Extractive Industries 15.45 16.15 16.15 17.45 Friday, 23 January 2015 Law School, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, C 1.17 09.00 10.30 Deborah Isser, Catherine Anderson and Jared Schott (World Bank), Toward Equitable Natural Resource Management in Liberia: A Focus on Citizen-Engagement Daniëlla Dam-de Jong (Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, University of Leiden), The role of informal normative processes in improving governance over natural resources in conflict-torn states Aoife McCullough (Overseas Development Institute, UK), Increasing Civil Society Participation in Concession Negotiations in Liberia Panel 4: Local Communities, Resistance and Rule of Law Chair: Celine Tan (University of Warwick) 19.00 Conference Dinner Krua Thai Restaurant, Staalstraat 22, 2011 JM, Amsterdam, +31206229533 Panel 5: Conflict and Rule of Law Chair: Ronald Janse (University of Amsterdam) Coffee Break Sam Adelman (Law School, University of Warwick), The Rule of Law, the Rule of Capital and Mining in Post-Apartheid South Africa Rodrigo Gutierrez (Institute of Legal Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico)The Struggle for Social Rights and Indigenous Rights in the Framework of Neo-Extractivism in Mexico Mirza Satria Buana (From), Development and Access to Justice: Enigma of Natural Resources Disputes: A Comparative SocioLegal Study in South Kalimantan, Indonesia University Rotterdam) Participation and Compensation in the Context of an Expanding Extraction Frontier: The Case of Oil Exploration in the North of La Paz, Bolivia David M. Ong (School of Law, Nottingham Trent University), Ensuring Public Accountability of Private International Financing of Natural Resource Development Projects: The Equator Principles (Mark III) 10.30 11.00 11.00 12.30 12.30 13.00 13.00 14.00 Closing session Lunch Workshop funded by: Coffee Break Panel 6: Oil and Infrastructure Finance Chair: Ronald Janse (University of Amsterdam) Susann Handke (School of Law, University of Rotterdam), The Feasibility of Non-Interference in Internal Affairs: The Chinese Legal Discourse on SinoSudanese Oil Cooperation Lorrenzo Pellegrini (International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus An activity of the Network on International Law, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development organised by: Paul Scholten Center for Jurisprudence (University of Amsterdam) Center for the Law, Regulation and Governance of the Global Economy, Warwick Law School Research Group on Law and Development, Law School, University of Antwerp
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