25 January 2015 FAITH METHODIST CHURCH 25 January 2015, 10AM | Praise@AC Contemporary Service Third Sunday After Epiphany ACT OF PREPARATION Pre Service Prayer ACT OF PRAISE *Opening Worship ACT OF PROCLAMATION *Prayer of Illumination All: Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that as the Scriptures are read and your Word proclaimed, we may hear your Word with joy. Amen. Scripture Text Sermon *Song of Response Revelation 2:18-29 7 Churches (Thyatira) ACT OF PRAYER *Prayer on Behalf *The Lord’s Prayer ACT OF PRESENTATION *Exchange of Peace Welcome/Greetings Offertory Prayer/ Offering Family News Doxology (*) Congregation to stand UMH 95 ACT OF PARTING *Closing Song *Benediction *Congregational Response Altar Ministry Three-Fold Amen UMH 898 Highlights at Faith TO ALL OUR FIRST TIME VISITORS ! 1 We’re so glad you’ve worshipped the Lord with us today and we’d like you to remember this experience with a welcome gift which you can collect at the Welcome Corners. The Welcome Corners are at: Level 1 Faith Corner (8am Service) Level 4 Lift Lobby (9am Service) ACJC CPA Foyer (10am Service) Level 4 Shalom Corner (11am Service) As our guest, you do not need to participate in the offering. GET CONNECTED TO A SMALL GROUP IN 2015! 2 Sign up: the Information Counter OR email [email protected] OR register at www.faithmc.sg/getconnected PRAYER MEETINGS - JANUARY 3 4 Members of the Local Conference, kindly note that the First Local Conference 2015 is scheduled for Tuesday, 10 February 2015 at 8pm in the Board Room (Level 4). This will be followed by the LCEC Meeting. For feedback and comments, please drop us a line at [email protected]. HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH 1 5 Adopt-a-Block Outreach (Chinese New Year) Small Groups are encouraged to visit the residents for Chinese New Year (AAB begins on 1 Feb 2015). This is an opportunity to invite residents to our Chinese New Year Services on 22 Feb - Mandarin Harvest Service at 10.15am, ACJC with guest speaker Rev Oh Beng Kee, as well as our Family Service at 11am, 400 CW. For Small Groups who have yet to Adopt-aBlock, you are encouraged to do so to reach out and care for our community. For all enquiries, please get in touch with Claire at [email protected] COLLECTION OF PALM BRANCHES NEXT WEEK 6 28 Jan Corporate House Of Prayer 7.30pm, Worship Hall, Level 4 FIRST LOCAL CONFERENCE 2015 IT'S TIME TO BLESS THE COMMUNITY! In preparation for Ash Wednesday, we will be collecting palm branches from the previous Palm Sunday service and burn them ahead of time to produce ashes. This year our Ash Wednesday service will be held on 11 Feb at 8pm, a week before the actual date in view of Chinese New Year. For those who have kept your palm branches from last year, please bring it back and deposit it at the information counters next week on Sunday, 1 Feb 2015. COMMUNICATE, ENGAGE & INSPIRE! 7 Have you always wanted to get behind the lens? Ever wanted to tell a story through photographs and videos? Do you have a knack for colours, illustration and typography? The Communications Team wants you! We are looking for willing hearts and hands to serve in the following areas: BE PART OF THE GREETERS TEAM! 8 Ever remember your first visit to church? Create a positive first experience for new visitors and sign up to be a greeter! Responsibilities include: Identifying and welcoming visitors to our church Facilitating the collection of newcomers' details Photo & Film Camera crew Video Editors Photographers Sign up with Timothy [email protected] Visual Art Graphic designers Illustrators FaithActs Seniors is looking for dedicated volunteers to conduct a 10-week WOW Workout exercise. Content creation and management Campaign coordinators Writers If you are keen to develop your skills in the above areas, you are welcome to sign up as well! We welcome all ages to be part of the team. Please send your name, contact number and area of interest(s) to Andrea at [email protected] by 25 Jan 2015. Drop us an email if you have any queries. Tan at VOLUNTEER TRAINERS RECRUITMENT WOW WORKOUT EXERCISE 9 This special exercise programme aims at strengthening muscles and improving the balance of the elderly, thus increasing their quality of life such as daily mobility and functioning. Volunteers are required to undergo a comprehensive two-session hands-on training programme conducted by a trained therapist, followed by an experiential attachment with the elderly. Dates : Sat, 7 Feb, 8.45am to 3.00pm and Sat, 28 Feb, 9am to 12 noon Venue : FaithActs Fees : Faith MC Members (Waived) Non-Faith MC Members ($50) Registration Closing Date: 3 Feb For more information, please contact Sandra or Cally at 6339 7611 or email them at [email protected] or [email protected]. 2 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH 10 FELLOWSHIP MEALS We are happy to announce that we will be starting our Fellowship Meals every first Sunday* at ACJC with effect from February. We have a new co-ordinator, Richard Tan, who will help to make our fellowship lunch at ACJC a sumptuous one. The purpose of the fellowship lunch is for fellowship over a meal after the service has ended. Hence we hope that the meals will be consumed at the ACJC canteen and not brought home instead. We would like to thank the following small groups who have readily offered to serve lunch at ACJC Feb Mar Apr May Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov - LCEC, led by Lee Gee Aik - FLAME, led by Ron Awe - Oikos, led by Andrew Tan - KEWL, led by John Kan - Jedidiah, led by Humphrey Hum - M633, led by Lee Chong Min - d'Light, led by Lee Bock Khoon - River of Life, led by Jason Tan - Cross Gen, led by Benny Lim *No fellowship meals in June & December Here's your opportunity to play a part: The Hospitality Team is now planning to organise fellowship meals at 400 Commonwealth for 8am after service breakfast and 11am after service lunch on the first Sunday of each month. We are looking for co-ordinators for the two services as well as small groups to help order and serve the meals. A budget will be given by the church. If you wish to serve in this area, please send your name and contact number to [email protected]. HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH 3 SECOND OFFERING NEXT WEEK 11 A second offering will be received on 1 February at all services, as our Chinese New Year gift to our full-time ministry workers (Pastors, Local and International workers, Theological students, Pastoral and Admin Team of Faith and FaithActs). PERSONAL RECORD UPDATE 2015 12 We will be conducting a personal details record update in Feb 2015. This will be an online form for members/worshippers to update their personal records. Look out for more details coming your way. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BELONGINGS 13 There are many people coming through our church building on Sundays. Please be reminded to be vigilant and take care of your personal belongings. GREECE/TURKEY PILGRIMAGE 2015 14 Date Cost : Mid-April 2015 : Estimated $4200-$4500/person (twin-sharing basis) Closing date for registration is TODAY. For enquiries, please email Peh Oon Thian at [email protected]. UPDATE ON FILIPINO FELLOWSHIP 15 There will be NO Filipino Fellowship on 1 Feb but all Filipinos are encouraged to join the 10am Holy Communion Service at CPA. Do encourage your Filipino domestic helpers to join us every 2nd to 5th Sunday for our Filipino Fellowship at ACJC, Room 3.13, Level 3 at 10.15am to 11.45am. Contact person: Esther Ong, 91782951 16 FAITHACTS’ MARRIAGE@WERKZ Marriage Preparation Course 8th Run starting from Apr to May 2015! Commencing on 11 Apr 2015, 10am - 1pm “A wedding is for a day but a marriage is for a lifetime.” The upcoming course from Marriage@Werkz aims to equip couples for a fulfilling and blissful marriage...one that is beyond the wedding ceremony. The course offers practical skills to couples through the principles below: 1. DiSC For Couples (Marriage inventory/ instruments) 2. Exploring your Family of Origin, Your Roles & Expectation as Husband and Wife and Managing In Laws Relationships. 3. Discovering Love Languages, Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution 4. Understanding Sexuality Intimacy and Family Planning 5. Financial Management and Wedding Planning 6. Practical- Preparing for the Journey 7. Biblical Basis (Mandatory for couples from Faith Methodist Church. Open to all who are interested.) For more details, please contact: Michael Tiew at 63397611 [email protected] or email THE HIDING PLACE SALE OF NEW YEAR COOKIES! The Hiding Place is a Christian Home set up for the spiritual rehabilitation of ex-drug addicts, glue sniffers, alcoholics, delinquents and individuals with related problems. Place your order now at 6483 5348. Free delivery for 10 tubs and above. Last day of delivery is 17 Feb 2015. Mr & Mrs Ken Chai Yuen Chuen on the demise of his father, the late Mr Chai Toon who passed away on 15 January 2015. Mr & Mrs Liaw Chun Huan on the demise of his grandmother, the late Mdm Wang Xu Qing who passed away on 10 January 2015. 20 FLORAL THANKSGIVING With loving memory of our father the late Mr Ng Cheng Swee from Meng Eng, Meng Suan and family. In loving memory of our beloved Mr Gopalakrishnan from Mrs Gopal, Vairam & Rachel, Varni & Winston and family. PASTORAL TEAM MOVEMENT 21 Duty Leave Pauline Shan : 31 Jan - 2 Feb (Cambodia) 22 ATTENDANCE 17 It’s a new year, time to go green! Start using the online version of our weekly bulletin. Visit www.faithmc.sg/haf or scan the QR code located outside the Service locations. 19 CONDOLENCES TO… 18 Jan ONLINE BULLETIN 18 8am 9am 10am 10.15am 11am TOTAL 783 288 292 129 702 2,194 4 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH
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