Work Plan of NISE The NISE has inherited fully developed testing facility for small and large size solar thermal systems and Solar Resource Assessment. Among major projects / facilities include: National Solar Thermal Power Testing, Research and Simulation Facility Concentrated Solar Thermal Energy Technology based on Parabolic Dish collectors Solar Thermal Stirling Engine Development of a Modular Central Receiver Concentrated Solar Power Plant for Decentralized Power Generation High Efficiency Solar Thermal Air-conditioning Systems – a collaborative project of Thermax Limited and solar Energy Centre Cold Storage with Solar – Biomass Hybrid System NISE is housing three major R&D projects: 1 MW Solar Thermal power project implemented by IIT Mumbai Central Receiver Concentrated solar power plant implemented by M/s SunBorne Energy Technologies. Hydrogen –SPV project implemented by University of Petroleum and Energy Sciences Long Term Work Plan (2014-22) Proposed Activities at NISE In view the technical responsibilities assigned and requirements of JNNSM, NISE proposes to organize itself in following Five Technical Verticals. Solar Photovoltaic Division Solar Thermal Division Resource Assessment and Information Technology Division Hydrogen Division Training and HRD Division Solar Photovoltaic Division: The SPV division is proposed to have two groups (i) R&D group and (ii) Testing and Design group. The R&D group would have core activityon Basic Research, Applied Research, Pre-commercial Research and the T&D group would have core activity on Design, Testing and Certification. 1 SPV R&D Group Basic Research: “Basic Research” activity group is proposed to work on the development of materials, devices, designs and simulation of new concepts in the device design. The key areas would be of high efficiency silicon wafer based solar cell research, including development of high efficiency (~23%) solar cell using innovative concepts like modified or selective emitter, c-Si and a-Si hetero junctions with thin interfacial layers(HIT), Emitter wrap through, front surface and back surface fields using ultra-thin wafers etc. There are other concepts for high efficiencies such as quantum dots, up-converters or down converters based solar cells using impurities bands. Following would be some of the areas of basic research: High efficiency Silicon solar cells using innovative concepts on lab scale Development and up gradation of characterization facilities for wafers and cells Development of reference devices and facilities for calibrations solar cells Testing and evaluation of solar cells developed by other laboratories Development of new materials, device structures and techniques Applied Research: “Applied Research” activity group is proposed to concentrate their efforts on developmental aspects of large area solar cells, techniques, development PV modules and systems, performance and reliability aspects of PV modules and PV systems under actual field conditions. The group would also work on development of new modelling concepts, innovative system designs to reduce the stresses on the modules during long term field operation under different environments. This group would work with other testing laboratories to gather information and collaborative research. Following are the major areas of research for this group: Technology validation of new technologies Establishment of long term outdoor test beds for performance studies on PV modules Develop PV module performance maps of the country and offer these to the users Creation of new facilities and laboratories for system and component testing Working closely with QCI, NABL and BIS for modification and development of SPV standards Pre-Commercial Research Group: The group on “pre-commercial research” is proposed to work for the up-gradation of the lab scale device to commercial scale, suitable for the industry to take up for the large scale production. Dealing with the issues related with scaling up the process and techniques. This group would work closely with the industry and tries to understand and 2 find solutions for industrial problems associated with the production and process. The major activities are: Study and understand scaling up process Closely interact with the process groups of Industry Monitoring facilities at different process steps and bench mark the performance NISE proposes to partner with the neighbouring PV R&D group of BHEL (located in the same campus) to develop high efficiency silicon solar cells. BHEL has already achieved > 18 % cell efficiency on full size (6 inch) mono Si wafers. Further enhancement of cell efficiency, with a long-term target of 23%, would be brought about using concepts of shallow emitter solar cells coupled with back surface passivation and bi-facial solar cells, both on p-type silicon wafers as well as novel device structures including hetero junctions using n-type silicon wafers. In all these efforts, NISE would have a key role in cell design/ simulation, sourcing of materials, process design and monitoring together with complete test & characterization of solar cells and silicon materials. For cell processing, it would be necessary to procure a few pieces of process equipment such as multi-stack diffusion furnace, pico/nano second laser for patterning of thin films and equipment for deposition of thin films of silicon nitride/ aluminum oxide and integrate these with the existing process facility in BHEL. The cell technologies developed in this set up would be such that these can be easily transferred to manufacturing. Testing & Design Group: Solar Cell and System Testing: The SEC has already established device characterization and performance measurement facilities. These can be used by the research groups for their characterization and also validate their climes made under the R&D projects. These services would be chargeable. The existing power electronics laboratory, lighting system testing laboratory, and water pumping test facility will be up graded to meet the testing requirements corresponding PV standards. These facilities will be NABL accredited to establish suitability and acceptability of the test certificates. NISE will also setup new outdoor test beds for different module technologies at SEC as well as other suitable sites for the data collection, validation and mapping. SPV Module Testing: SEC has also established NABL accredited qualification test laboratory for PV modules performance and qualification as per IEC 61215 and IEC61646. This will be further up graded for testing as per other IEC standards 61730, 61701 and other relevant or useful standards. The indoor qualification, environmental test facilities will be upgraded to be useful to conduct research indoor studies on controlled or simulated conditions. Additional 3 facilities will also be created for new tests as per revised and new standards. All these facilities will be available for the industry, users and other organizations for certification and performance testing purpose at cost. Design Lab: NISE will also setup a system design laboratory with the available design software for the verification and validation of the design developed by EPC contractors and developers for MW scale PV power plants. Following will be major activities of the group: Up-gradation of the cell and module testing facilities Development of module qualification and performance measurement facilities Establish SPV system design laboratory for designing, validation of SPV systems/ power plants Offering the testing services to the industry, users and other organizations Development of new systems designs, applications for rural and urban needs Upgrade and establish PV system evaluation and certification facilities Advisory and consultancy services to user organizations. Solar Thermal Division R&D Group Basic Research: The basic research activity group is proposed to focus on development and optimization of components of various solar thermal technologies such as reflector, collector, receiver, heat carrier, selective coating, storage system and materials. The activities of this group would also encompass development of new end use applications of solar thermal systems to enhance the capacity utilization (use of FPC based water heater for cooling during summer). This division would also be engaged in designing of solar hybrid systems for optimal utilization of solar energy and stabilization of output. It will also be working on the development of new software applications for system designing and optimization. To improve the competitiveness of solar thermal systems in comparison to conventional technologies, poly-generation employing an output management strategy will be researched. This strategy aims at overcoming the thermodynamic limitations in efficiency improvement by optimizing the system in such a way that waste products are converted into useful outputs. 4 Component development & optimization Development of new end use app. Design & optimization of solar hybrid systems with poly-generation Development of software app. Applied Research: The Applied research activity group is proposed to focus on Evaluation of Technologies in field condition, develop end use applications and related activities as follows: Technology evaluation and optimization Performance evaluation, system optimization and development of control system for optimal performance End use application based research, design and development Characterization and preparation of state-of-art of different selective coating materials for different technologies / enduse applications Development of protocol for online monitoring Performance mapping: Performance mapping of different solar thermal technologies and creation of Data Bank for various ranges of applications for different climatic conditions would be the activity of the group. The performance of solar thermal collectors depends heavily on a wide number of factors such as DNI, Ambient temperature, Wind velocity, Latitude and desired temperature. Therefore selection of appropriate & cost effective technology is critical. To facilitate this technology selection and minimizing the payback period, a data bank of different technologies for different operating conditions would be undertaken. Testing and Design Group Development and up gradation of test facility: Development of test protocol Thermal performance Optical performance Component testing Standardization of system Establishment of test standards Testing and characterization of Solar thermal technologies and their components & materials: Characterization and evaluation of Solar thermal storage systems/materials (PCM, Sensible, Chemical) Selective coatings Thermic fluid System Design :Evaluation and optimization of systems and enduse applications 5 Design and optimization of Solar Thermal/Hybrid power plant System design for industrial process heat/cooling Thermal energy audit Resource Assessment and Information Technology Division Resource Assessment Group Resource assessment would be an important activity of NISE. 119 Automatic Solar Radiation Monitoring Stations have been installed and commissioned in 11 States under the Ministry’s project on Solar Radiation Resource Assessment (SRRA) through National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai. Each station houses various equipment / instruments to measure Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI), Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI), Diffuse Irradiance (DIF) along with temperature, relative humidity (RH) wind direction and speed, pressure (weather meteorological data) in automatic mode and is transferring the data through GPRS to a Central Receiver Station at NIWE. There is a need to calibrate and maintain these equipment for authenticated data. Therefore calibration and maintenance of equipment located in north India will be undertaken by National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE). NISE would create a Solar Radiation Calibration Laboratory along with data analysis activities and mapping of solar resources in India. It would have following three activity groups: Data validation and Documentation Data analysis and modelling Mapping Information Technology Group The primary objective of this group is capitalize on the enormous power that IT and ITES has to offer by integrating all aspects of IT with the day to day functioning of the organization, making it more effective, economic and efficient. The group therefore shall be responsible for all IT related support, services and technological development required to support and strengthen the organization. On a high level, the group shall be logically divided into a software division, responsible for procurement, licensing, maintenance, installation etc. of software and tools used across the organization besides suggesting improvisation on the software used based on the latest advances in the domain across the world; a hardware division responsible for networking, infrastructure setup, IT assets management and maintenance etc.; a services division responsible for IT related developments including website creation and maintenance, database management, customized software/program development to implement the latest technical advancements as applicable to the organization etc. 6 Hydrogen Energy Division A facility for production of Hydrogen through electrolysis of water has been established by University of Petroleum and Energy Sciences (UPES), under MNRE sanctioned project. The facility includes a 120 kWp roof mounted PV power plant, a 30KW electrolyze, high pressure (550 Bar) storage facility, and a dispenser unit. M/s Mahendra & Mahendra offered 4 vehicles run on Hydrogen as fuel. It is proposed to take over the facility and operate, maintain and evaluate the feasibility of such Hydrogen generation and utilization projects in the country. NISE has submitted a project proposal to MNRE for operation, maintenance and evaluation of the project. UPES is in the final stage of completing the trial runs and stabilized the process. The staff working in the project is proposed to appointed in NISE as much as possible to maintain continuity. The total outlay of the project is about Rs. 80 lakhs. It is proposed that a separate vertical of Hydrogen Energy would be developed in NISE. Training & HRD Division NISE has been carrying out training programmes on various aspects of solar energy and renewable energy including national level training programmes. NISE has also developed specialized training programmes for chartered engineers, professionals, and designers of solar power projects. It has also been carrying out international training programmes on solar photovoltaics and solar thermal activities. The solar PV and solar thermal technologies have been developed in the Institute which is used as a live demonstration for the trainees. It is proposed to develop the training activity as one of the major and regular activity of NISE. 12 training programmes are being organized during 2014-15 on various aspects of solar thermal and solar photovoltaic activities for which MNRE has provided funds. A Solar Energy Training Network (SETNET) is proposed to be established by NISE in collaboration with USAID / India’s partnership to Advance Clean Energy Development Technical Assistance Programme (PACE-D). Activities 2014-15 and 2015-16 The year 2014-15 is the first year of NISE to function as autonomous institution. In line with the technical responsibilities assigned to NISE and requirements of JNNSM, it would become inevitable to upscale various facilities at NISE and create new facilities. Following activities are proposed to be taken up during 2014-15 and 2015-16: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Up-gradation of SPV module test facility Up-gradation of solar cell test facility Expand of battery test facility Enlarge SPV water pumping test facility and other labs. Up-gradation of Solar Thermal Labs Establishment of IT cell 7 (vii) (viii) (ix) (i) Renovation of work shop facility Establishment of R&D monitoring cell Setting up of 500 kW SPV power plant &Solar collector of 60 m2 area. Up-gradation of SPV module test facility SEC has established NABL accredited qualification test laboratory for PV modules performance and qualification as per IEC 61215 and IEC61646 for module size 1mX1m. During 2014-15, this facility will be further up graded for testing as per other IEC standards 61730, 61701 and other relevant or useful standards. The facility for testing SPV modules of size 2mX2m is under commissioning. The indoor qualification, environmental test facilities will be upgraded to be useful to conduct research indoor studies on controlled or simulated conditions. Additional facilities will also be created for new tests as per revised and new standards. The upgraded test lab is proposed to be accredited by NABL during the current year. Among the new equipment proposed to be procured is PV Sun Simulator, large size environment Chamber and Electroluenence system. (ii) Up-gradation of solar cell test facility: The Solar cell Characterization facility is proposed to be renovated and upgraded during the year. It is proposed to add Spectral Response Measurement system, lock in thermography (IR Camera) and Wide range Spector radiometer to take up advanced research in the Characterization of various technology solar cells. (iii) Expansion of battery test facility Storage is a very important component of SPV technology. Solar Energy Centre had established a battery test facility in the year 2002. The facility is equipped with a life cycle network (LCN) of 8 channels, a reserve capacity network (RCN) of 600A and a charger of 20V 200A.The facility is fully computer controlled and network adapter links the LCN and RCN with the computer which has loaded LCN software. Different algorithms can be developed to simulate actual field conditions for battery operations and to evaluate its performance. This facility can also be used to develop suitable algorithms of a charger controller of a battery, which can help in design and development of a suitable charge controller for various applications of the batteries. The facility has also been augmented with an environmental chamber to keep the battery at constant temperature and temperature cycling during testing. In the existing test facility, a battery is tested only for a very limited parameters dealing with its physical characteristics such as, capacity and charge efficiency. To have proper analysis of battery, the facility needs to be suitably upgraded by establishing a chemical lab, vibrators and other related equipment. It is proposed that the existing facility will be augmented with the inclusion of one more life cycle network of 10 circuits with provision of automatic specific gravity measurement, and a vibrator for testing the 8 endurance, and establishing a chemical room. It is proposed that actual performance analysis of lithium ion and vanadium redox batteries be undertaken for a long term. (iv) Enlarge SPV water pumping test facility and other labs. The water pumping test facility, existing power electronics laboratory, and lighting system testing laboratory will be up graded to meet the testing requirements corresponding PV standards. These facilities will be NABL accredited to establish suitability and acceptability of the test certificates. NISE will also setup new outdoor test beds for different module technologies for the data collection, validation and mapping. The process of accreditation with NABL for these laboratories has started and would be completed during the current year. (v) Up-gradation of Solar Thermal Labs (a) Solar thermal system test lab: It is proposed to design new modern test beds for Flat plate Collector system, Evacuated Tube Collector system, parabolic solar cookers and solar cookers as per BIS Standards. The lab would start testing new materials and develop low cost industrial application for process heat and boiler feed water requirements. (b) Solar thermal R&D and Resource Assessment activity: In collaboration with various R&D institutions and industry, a number of R&D projects on various aspects of Solar thermal technologies such as 1 MW solar thermal power plant, Solar cooling 100kW high efficiency absorption prototype, 5 kW absorption type air cooling, solar –biomass hybrid cold storage for remote village application, solar Stirling Engine, Solar water distillation, etc. have been set up and are being studied. New and innovative ideas are being tried in these projects to develop new products. The 1 MW solar thermal power project will be taken over by NISE from IIT Bombay from 1st January, 2015. (vi) Establishment of IT cell, Renovation of work shop facility and Establishment of R&D monitoring cell It is proposed to set up an IT group in NISE. The primary objective of this group would be to integrate all aspects of IT with the day to day functioning of the organization, making it more effective, economic and efficient. The group shall be responsible for all IT related support, services and technological development required to support and strengthen the organization. This group would also see the work of Solar Resource assessment and interact with NIWE. The work shop facility is proposed to be renovated. R&D monitoring cell has been set up at NISE (MNRE has provided a sum of Rs. 1.00 crore for this). 9 (Vii) Setting up of 500 kW SPV power plant &Solar collector of 60 m2 area 47. It is proposed that the NISE campus would be made as “Smart Campus” by making it into a ‘Net zero electricity consuming centre’ and use solar energy for lighting of building and for cooking. In this direction the new building of NISE is a solar passive building. It is proposed that the electrical load of the entire building would be met through in-house power generation from solar thermal power project, SPV power projects and a large part of cooking in the cafeteria would be done through solar steam cooking. 500 kW Photovoltaic power plant for New Building NISE falls under a “Composite “climatic zone of the six climatic zones of India. It is at Latitude 28025' N, Longitude 7709' E. After a detailed analysis of the radiation pattern and weather parameters, it is observed that the optimum tilt angel will be 25 042'. It has been found that the range of global radiation on the tilted surface vary from 50 to 950W/m2 and the maximum percentage of annual energy fall in the 600-900 W/m2 irradiance range. The average range of ambient temperature at NISE is vary from 25-35 °C, the range of humidity is from 25-40 %, and the wind speed is from 1 to 3 m/s. Technology demonstration, validation and performance comparison of different solar technology is an important part of NISE activities. Being a newly established organisation, and to show case the strength of solar technologies, it is proposed that a 500 kW solar PV power project be set up in the campus of NISE with different PV technologies. Accordingly six PV technologies are selected; the proposed capacities of PV arrays of each technology are given below: Mono-crystalline- 100kWp, Multi-Crystalline100kWp, HIT-solar cells 50kWp, Sun power maxeon- 50kWp, Thin films-CiGs 100 kWp Thin films CdTe100kWp The arrays of the proposed technology PV modules will be installed on the roof of Admin block having an area of 500m2, exhibition block with an area 100m2, central court yard 150m2, shaded parking 170m2, and guest house approximately 500m2. Thus the total available area for PV array installation will be 3500m2. It will be possible to accommodate about 350kWp PV array and balance of 150kWp PV array can be installed on some portion of ground. 10 It is also proposed all three inverter configurations centralised, string and hybrid inverters to make it operational. In this way a customized PV technology based smart grid will be set to handle all types of loads of Admin block, exhibition block, central court yard, guest house and shaded parking. This serves not only a technology demonstration but also provides highly stable and quality power supply at NISE. The above power plant of different PV technologies is expected to generate approximately 0.7 million units of electrical power annually which is more than the expected consumption of NISE. This amounts to a generation of 1400 units per kWp of installed PV array capacity. Solar steam cooking system for NISE It is proposed to set up a Solar Cooking System at NISE. Steam and direct (roti or fry) both type of cooking are proposed here. It is proposed to go for a hybrid and fully automatic system for harnessing maximum solar energy. Fossil fuel (LPG) will accomplish only the deficit of solar output during the cloudy and non-sunny days. The system will consist LPG and Solar hybrid boiler, thermic fluid, microprocessor-based tracking mechanism, parabolic collector, insulated oil storage container, steam cooking vessel and hot plate (for Roti). Solar collector of 60 m2 area is requisite to cook three meal/day for 200 people. 113 Kg of steam @1500C is required for the same. The solar cooking system will reduce use of LPG and bring in savings for the institute. The table below details the upfront investment needed by the institute and the payback period. For better efficiency of system, a solar LPG hybrid system is being proposed. 11
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