Water Today’s Water Expo-2015 and WATMAN Conference (9thEdition) Chennai Trade Centre, Nandambakkam, Chennai. Tamil Nadu, India Conference: 26 - 28 February, 2015 Exhibition: 26 - 28 February, 2015 www.waterexpo.biz Call For Abstracts About Water Today's WATMAN International Conference The WATMAN International Conference is a strong educational conference, founded with an emphasis on commercial free discussions on technology. WATMAN presents the latest in scientific advances and practical applications in the water treatment field, cutting across a wide range of industries, technologies and functional areas. As the preeminent international technical forum in the field, the WATMAN brings together end users, researchers, practicing engineers, managers, educators, suppliers and contractors. It is dedicated to advancing new developments in the treatment, use and reuse of water for industrial and other engineering purposes. Attendees come to learn unbiased details about the latest applications available in the industry, get educated on current technology and hold wide ranging discussions with their peers active in water treatment. The technical sessions typically cover current issues in water treatment. Recent sessions have dealt with: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Wastewater & Recycle Membrane Technologies Latest Strategies on Water Management Desalination Principles & Approaches Drinking Water Treatment Innovative O&M of Infrastructure Industrial Wastewater Management Because our Technical Sessions are organized around Functional Areas, they apply to a broad range of industries including (but not limited to): Automotive, Chemical, Paper production, Metals, Semi-Conductor production and Utilities. Typical attendee's job titles often include: Utility supervisors, R&D Personnel, Engineers, Water Chemists, Power Plant Operators, Business Development Managers, Operations Managers, Plant Managers and Facility Supervisors, Academic Research Directors/Professors and Graduate/ Post Graduate Students. Conference Themes and Topics This year, focus area will be “Ensuring Water Sustainability Through Optimal Water Resource Management” The following is a selection of key themes which the WATMAN Conference Committee is seeking contributions; papers addressing these issues from the Indian and international water community are welcomed and encouraged. Day1: 1. Technological Trends in Waste water management 2. Water Harvesting and Water Audit Day 2: 1. Desalination and Membrane Technologies 2. Recycle and Reuse Technologies Day 3: 1. Centralised and Decentralised wastewater management 2. Strategies for efficient operation and maintenance 3. Sewage as a Resource Each submission should contain information on how the submission can be used to inspire and champion responsible water policies and practices, work across all water disciplines to achieve desired results, uphold the highest standards of ethics and excellence and serve the public while protecting the environment through the promotion of clean and safe water worldwide. The Benefits of WATMAN 2014 The programme for WATMAN will be the catalyst toward sharing information and innovation in the water sector to enrich the expertise of global water professionals through experts sharing their findings at WATMAN so that all are aware of the value of the valuable resource -water. When submitting an abstract on one of the topics mentioned above, you will be required to further categorize your submission by one of the following focus areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Call For Abstracts The Benefits of WATMAN 2013 Research and Development Design and Technology Operations and Maintenance Case Study Modelling Construction When submitting an abstract on one of the topics mentioned above, you will be required to further categorize your submission by one of the following focus areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Call For Abstracts The Benefits of WATMAN 2015 Research and Development Design and Technology Operations and Maintenance Case Study Modelling Construction Guidelines for preparation of Technical Paper Presentation 1. Abstracts must clearly define the objectives, status, methodology, findings, and significance of the investigation or study. 2. Submissions on hot topics, regulatory issues and new water or wastewater technologies are especially welcome. 3. The communicating author designated on the abstract submission form will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 1, 2014. Accepted abstracts should submit the completed paper by February 15, 2015. 4. Each abstract should be submitted one time only. The Conference Committee Panel policy encourages each speaker to be limited to one presentation on the programme and strongly discourages presentation of more than one paper from the same organization or company in the same session. Abstract Requirements and Paper Guidelines 5. All participants must register for WATMAN 2015 and are responsible for their travel and lodging expenses and registration fees for the conference. Registrations are open. 6. The official language of WATMAN 2015 is English. When submitting an abstract on one of the topics mentioned above, you will be required to further categorize your submission by one of the following focus areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Call For Abstracts The Benefits of WATMAN 2015 Research and Development Design and Technology Operations and Maintenance Case Study Modelling Construction Guidelines for preparation of Technical Paper Presentation 1. Abstracts must clearly define the objectives, status, methodology, findings, and significance of the investigation or study. 2. Submissions on hot topics, regulatory issues and new water or wastewater technologies are especially welcome. 3. The communicating author designated on the abstract submission form will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 1, 2014. Accepted abstracts should submit the completed paper by February 15, 2015. 4. Each abstract should be submitted one time only. The Conference Committee Panel policy encourages each speaker to be limited to one presentation on the programme and strongly discourages presentation of more than one paper from the same organization or company in the same session. 5. All participants must register for WATMAN 2015 and are responsible for their travel and lodging expenses and registration fees for the conference. Registrations are open. 6. The official language of WATMAN 2015 is English. GUIDELINES FOR PAPER PRESENTATIONS: A) Oral Presentation: Not more than twenty –twenty five slides of the paper should ideally be prepared to honour time constraints. The slides should discuss the procedure and main findings in sufficient detail for others to understand, interpret and verify, if desired so, the work. B) Poster Presentation: Only one poster of A 2 size should be complied discussing the procedure and main findings in sufficient detail for others to understand and verify the work. Paper Guidelines PAPER PREPARATION GUIDELINE 1. Paper Size: Paper should be formatted for A-4 standard paper format. 2. Page Layout: All papers must follow the following layout: 1. 2. 3. 4. A-4 paper Top and bottom margins: 1.00" Left and right margins: 1.00" Single-spacing in a single column 3. Paper Title and Author Data: The following Information should be placed at the top of the first page: Paper title: 16 point Times New Roman bold, centered Author listing: 12 pt. Times New Roman, bold, centered Author names; department or college; university or company; city, state and zip, country. Authors with the same affiliation must be grouped together on the same line with affiliation information following in a single block. E-mail id: Times New Roman, 10 points, below the Author listing. Corresponding author: Please clearly indicate who is responsible for correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, including post-publication. Please ensure that telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk and footnote. Cover letter to the editor: All submissions should accompany cover letter to the conference editor, the content for which is indicated below: 4. The cover letter must state: 1. That all the authors mutually agree that the paper should be submitted to WATMAN 2015. 2. That the content is original, unpublished, and has not been submitted elsewhere. Prior written permission to reproduce all copyrighted has been taken from the copyright owner. 5. Submission language: English It is within the conference editor's prerogative to return papers that do not conform to the instructions for paper preparation, as well as papers that do not fit the scope of the conference, prior to refereeing. 6. Paper Preparation: General: Authors must follow the instructions for paper preparation very carefully. Conference Editorial team reserves the right to adjust the style to certain standards of uniformity. MS Word to be used for preparing the text of the paper. Structure of the paper: The papers should contain, in this order: Paper Guidelines 1. Title 2. Authors 3. Affiliations 4. Abstract 5. Keywords 6. Introduction 7. Materials and Methods All other footnotes (except for table footnotes) should be avoided. Acknowledgements should be in a separate section at the end of the article. Abstract: Each paper should be provided with an Abstract of about 100-150 words, reporting concisely on the purpose and results of the paper. Keywords: Right next to the abstract, please provide a maximum of five keywords (avoid, for example, 'and', 'of'). Avoid abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible. Symbols: Abbreviations for units should follow the suggestions of the British Standards publication BS 1991. The full stop should not be included in abbreviations, e.g. m (not m.), ppm (not p.p.m.), '%' and '/' should be used in preference to 'per cent' and 'per'. Where abbreviations are likely to cause ambiguity or not be readily understood by an international readership, units should be put in full. Units: Follow internationally accepted rules and conventions: use the international system of units (SI). If, in certain instances, it is necessary to quote other units, these should be added in parentheses. Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius. The unit 'billion' is ambiguous and must be avoided. Symbols: Authors should make clear any symbols (e.g. Greek characters, vectors, etc.) which may be confused with ordinary letters or characters. Duplicated use of symbols should be avoided. Symbols should be defined as they arise in the text and a separate. Nomenclature should also be supplied. References: All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the paper. Text: All citations in the text should refer to: 1. Single author: the author's name (without initials, unless there is ambiguity) and the year of publication; 2. Two authors: both authors' names and the year of publication; 3. Three or more authors: first author's name followed by 'et al.' in italics, and the year of publication. Citations may be made directly (or parenthetically). Groups of references should be listed first alphabetically, then chronologically. Examples: "as demonstrated (Anil, 1996a, 1996b, 1999; Aamir and Arbaaz, 1995). Kapoor et al (2000) have recently shown” List: References should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters "a", "b", "c", etc., placed after the year of publication. Examples: Reference to a journal publication: Tom,A.,Dick,B.C., and Harry, D.E., 2009. The art of scientific research, Journal of Reporting. 163, 51-59. Paper Guidelines Reference to a book: Ram,P., Shyam,Q.T.,2009. A Good Book, fourth ed., Cogent, New Delhi; 330p. Reference to a chapter in an edited book: Obleix, A. and Aesterix, B., 2009. How to prepare a publishable paper, in: Brown,C.,Lucy , G. (Eds.), Introduction to the Reporting of R&D. Elsevier, New York, pp. 281-304. Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively; 'Table' and its number should be in bold typeface followed by the caption. The caption should be in lower typeface except the first character which should be in capital letter. if any proper nouns occur in the caption they should have their first character in capital and given suitable captions and each table should begin on a new page. No vertical rules should be used. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the paper (for example, in graphs). Table captions should be placed at the top of the table but footnotes to the tables, if any, should be typed below the table in italics and should be referred to by superscript lower-case letters. Figures: Please make sure that figure files are in an acceptable format (TIFF, EPS or MS Office files) and with the correct resolution. All figures must be numbered sequentially and submitted one per page, with captions placed at the base of each table. The style of the caption should be similar to the one specified for tables above. Conclusions: State here the inferences drawn from the results, preferably in running text form, in maximum 100 words. No results should be given here. 7. Electronic Annexes: Submission of electronic annexes, such as short videos, computer-enhanced images, audio clips and large databases is encouraged. In the text of your article you may wish to refer to information annexed with the paper. This is not mandatory, however, if the same is desirable to improve the understanding of the paper, then the authors are welcomed to do so. 8. Spelling and Grammar: It is recommended that the authors take utmost care in checking the spellings and the grammar prior to sending the manuscript. The spelling and grammar should follow UK (British) convention/dictionary. 9. Submission of the Manuscript: Authors can submit the manuscripts by any one of the following ways. I) Submission of hardcopy through surface mail: Send three hardcopies and one soft copy of the synopses and the papers to: Editor Water Today Pvt Ltd., 3D, IIIrd floor Bhaghreetha Residency, 125, Marshall's Road, Egmore, Chennai Tamil Nadu - 600 008, India. II) Submission of Manuscripts through E-mail: Authors can also submit the manuscripts in advance through E-mail for faster processing of the paper and printing. Manuscripts can be sent through E-mail as an attachment to: [email protected] or [email protected] While sending through E-mail please follow the instructions below 1. Please mention the subject of E-mail as "Submission of manuscript to WATMAN 2014". 2. Please check for virus before sending using an updated version of a reputed antivirus program. Send three hardcopies and one soft copy of the manuscript along with original illustrations to the above address. 10. Notification: Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their paper by the Conference editor. ConFErEnCE CommIttEE For WAtmAn 2015 Dr. S. Rajamani Dr S Rajamani is Chairman of the International Union of Environment (IUE) Commission covering 30 countries including China, Japan, India, USA, Brazil, Argentina and European countries. A UN Expert with a Doctorate in Environmental Engineering, Dr Rajamani specialises in Water & Wastewater management has and implemented many major Common Effluent Treatment Plants with Water Recovery and Reuse. There are several awards and credentials to his credit including Indo-Dutch Award for Environmental Protection, Technology Award for Cleaner Production. Mr. N.K. XXXXXXX Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Dixit Mr Rajeev Mr. Vishwas Kale Mr Vishwas Kale is Managing Director of Klean Environmental Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. A member of Water Environment Federation(WEF), USA/Air & Waste Management Association, USA, Life Fellow of Indian Water Works association (India) and Past President of Indian Environmental Association (2001-2003), Mr Kale provides consultancy to Water, Sewage and Industrial waste all over India and North Africa. Mr. N.K. Kuttiappan NK Kuttiappan is currently xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. He has a wide experience of working on Turnkey Environmental Engineering projects. Mr Kuttiappan has served as Environmental Engineer with the National Productivity Council (NPC), Ministry of Industry, in various capacities till 1995. He has assisted the government and the ministry in the formulation of policies in setting environmental standards and technological solutions in total water management. Dr. B. Chakravorty Dr. B. Chakravorty a Fulbright Fellow and Research Professor at the Centre of Membrane Science and Technology, University of Kentuky, Lexington, USA, He founded the Indian Desalination Association in 1991 in Madras, which was affiliated to the International Desalination Association. he has more than 50 publications in journals on Membrane Technology to his credit. Dr Chakravorty is a PhD in Membrane Technology from IIT Bombay. He began his career as a Research Scientist and went on to become a General Manager of Chem-Fab Group of Industries Dr. S. Sundaramoorthy Dr S Sundaramoorthy is a PhD in Environmental Engineering from IIT, Madras and former Engineering Director of Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board. He has assisted the World Bank, JBIC, UNIDO, UNDP, ODA of UK; USTDA, GTZ and ASEM. He has guided sewage reuse projects for cooling water in MFL, CPCL, GMR Vasavi, New Delhi T3 and Mumbai airport and ZLD projects in textiles, tanneries, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, insecticides, pesticides, distilleries, sugar mill, pulp & paper etc. A Fellow of Royal Society for Promotion of Health, London and an invited member of the American Chemical Society, he is the first International Professional Engineer in Environmental Engineering of the Institution of Engineers, India. Visit At : www.waterexpo.biz ProGrAmmE sCHEDulE Theme for WATMAN International Conference 2015 is- “Ensuring Water Sustainability Through Optimal Water Resource Management.” WATMAN Conference Committee welcomes papers on cutting edge water resource and water environment issues. Global perspectives are encouraged on all topics. This year, the conference has been divided into seven sessions. Details of the session and chairperson are given below: Day ‐ 1 Technological Trends in Wastewater Management Water Harvesting & Water Audit Chairperson ‐ Dr S Rajamani Duration: 90mins Chairperson ‐ xxxxxxxxx Duration: 90mins Day ‐ 2 Desalination and Membrane – Technologies Chairperson ‐ Mr Rajeev Dixit Duration: 90mins Recycle and Reuse Technologies Chairperson ‐ Mr Vishwas Kale Duration: 90mins Day ‐ 3 Centralised & Decentralised Water Management Chairperson ‐ Mr Kuttiappan Duration: 90mins Strategies for efficient operation and maintenance Chairperson ‐ Dr B Chakravarti Duration: 90mins Sewage as a Resource Chairperson ‐ Dr Sundaramoorthy Duration: 90mins WORKSHOP The focus of the workshop this year will be on technologies that are easily sustainable in these industries to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge to the extent possible. It will also focus on the rights of industries which they can follow without offending the Pollution Control Board. Chairperson: Dr S Sundaramoorthy Visit At : www.waterexpo.biz
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