School year 2014/2015
Conditions of Enrolment
Children who may be enrolled have completed their third year of age or do not exceed the sixth
year of age within December 31, 2014.
There will be the enrollment of children who complete three years old by January 31, 2015. In this
case, their admission is subject to the exhaustion of the municipal waiting list of children who have
turned 3 years old by December 31, 2014 as well as the exhaustion of the list relating to
applications submitted after the deadline (the day after the March 10, 2014) of children who will
turn 3 years old by December 31, 2014.
At the request of the families can be enrolled in the Nursery School Capitolina also children who
turn three years of age by 30 April 2015. In order to ensure educational quality, flexibility and
specificity of educational provision in line with the particular age group concerned, the inclusion of
children admitted to the anticipated frequency is arranged under the following conditions:
a) availability of places;
b) assessment of the exhaustion of any municipal waiting list and the list of children who have
applied out of time, as well as the list of children who will turn three years old by January
31, 2015;
c) the availability of rooms and amenities suitable in terms practicability and functionality, such
as to meet the diverse needs of children under the age of three years;
d) evaluation of pedagogy and didactics, by the college of teachers, lasts and mode of
Can apply for enrollment children whose family resides in Rome Capital with at least one parent,
guardian or carer resident in the municipality in which the school is located in one of the
municipalities chosen or designated in the application. The family may be composed of both
parents, a single parent, a guardian or carer.
Are accepted subject to enrollment applications:
• children whose families are waiting residence (from other municipalities);
• children whose families are waiting to transfer of residence from another municipality.
In both cases, the family will have to self-certify, pursuant to Presidential Decree 445/2000, the
transfer of residence in progress. The children will be placed in reserve in the rankings. By August
31, 2014, the Office of Management Childhood verify that the new residence is effective.
May be enrolled all children temporarily in the territory of the City of Rome, though deprived of
residence, in relation to current international standards and national regulations, the allocation to
the classes of foreign children is carried out, where possible, by grouping children in the same
group language, which shall not exceed, as a rule, the number of 5 for each class. The Directors
shall ensure, also through network arrangements and interrelationships between different areas,
the better integration of children of different nationalities from the Italian.
The application form
When and how to apply
The application form must be submitted exclusively online from 9 January 2014 until March 10,
2014 through the portal of Roma Capital (www.comune.roma.it) following the path: List of On-line
Services - Academic Services - Rankings municipal Preschools - Application online.
To perform the on-line registration you need to be identified to the portal for accessing services
provided by Roma Capital.
Should Parents interested in enrolling were not yet identified, it is advisable to start the
process immediately by following the link "identification to the portal" section services online on the left side of the home page of www.comune.roma.it, which concludes, in general,
within 3 working days from dispatch of documentation.
Each Town Hall with public notice will announce the list of places available for enrollment in each
kindergarten. This list is, however, susceptible to changes that will be made known to the user
along with any other relevant information.
Choose the school
In the application form the family must indicate the school they want to enroll the child in
consultation with the appropriate list published on the portal of Roma Capital
(www.comune.roma.it) following the path: Organizational Structure - Department of Educational
Services and School, Youth and Equal Opportunities - Nursery school - Municipal Preschools list.
You can have only one application form with the indication of a single school, choosing one of
the options shown in the model on-line application (municipality residence of the family, or
grandparents, or place of business of a parent, etc.).
Only in the case of the municipality of residence of the family or one of the foster parents or
guardian is entitled to 5 points allocated for the catchment area.
The Administration Capitolina favors the choice of school closer to home, to ensure integration with
the social environment of the child.
For this purpose, the municipalities define the division of the territory into "catchment areas". If the
family chooses a school that is located in the catchment area where the family resides or
where he intends to transfer his residence, the application will be assigned a score of 5.
In the case where the nearest school to the residence does not have enough places available than
the demand, the municipality has the right to assign 5 points for the school which is located
in the neighboring basin. This school will be specified in the relevant Public Notice.
The timetable of the school, where they are active both sections of full-time and morning session
as follows:
• Antemeridian-AM sections: from Monday to Friday with hours from 8.00 am to 13.20
• sections of full-time from Monday to Friday with hours from 8.00 to 17.00
The choice of morning session time or full-time is binding for the entire school year.
In the choice of full-time, family may indicate additional options in the timetable output as specified
in the application.
The activation of the sections is linked to the achievement of a number of enrollments that allow
their effective start.
The School Council, based on the needs of parents highlighted in the application forms,
establishes the operating time bands.
How does the school?
The municipal school of childhood is organized in geographical areas that include one or more
The service of each kindergarten is divided into sections composed of 25 children.
Notwithstanding the inclusion of the child in their class group, activities will be implemented in
specific laboratory section and interclass.
The responsibilities and co-ordination of the school and the school environment are assigned to
the Educational Service Officer who has an office in one of the schools the territorial scope.
The preschool follows the school calendar established annually by the Lazio Region, the closing of
the school year is scheduled for June 30 of each year.
The School Council, before the end of the previous school year, has the power to anticipate the
opening/closing in compliance with the minimum number of days of educational activities annually
determined by the Lazio Region.
Participation fee tuiton
School attendance of children Capitolina is free, except for the bridge sections.
Rome Capital reserves the right to require the payment of a reasonable amount as a contribution
to the subscription.
Instead, it is made for the payment of the contribution rate in the event that it is receiving the meal
service and/or school transport where required and used.
The use of school transport is only allowed to the nearest school to the residence.
Receving inclusion
The entrance into kindergarten for your child is a particularly delicate moment in its growth especially if he has not attended the nest - because it is the first separation from family and the first
meeting with a wider community.
The school promotes the acceptance of every child, organizing space and time for acceptance and
acclimatization through collective and individual meetings with parents before opening school and
time spent planning for children, progressive and personalized.
Children with disabilities
To make it more effective inclusive education of children with disabilities, there is a pedagogical
model interactive and targeted organizational well-being and individual and collective growth,
including through the use of teaching staff in addition to that already provided in the organic.
On this occasion, but no later than the deadline of March 31, 2014, families are required to submit
a certificate issued by a psychologist or a psychiatrist ASL, or at least from a public facility, which
explicitly contemplates the need to support teaching and possibly also cultural educational
assistant. They can also be accepted certificates of other specialists (orthopedic, etc.). For the
single request for assignment of teaching assistant culture.
Respect of the deadline for the delivery of all documentation will allow proper organization.
To improve the integration will be given to families the opportunity to choose, if
appropriate, alternative schools surroundings.
Rankings and waiting lists for admission
Based on enrollment applications received and eligible municipalities carry attribution of the overall
score for each child, according to the table and scoring criteria contained in the appendix to this
notice to families. Based on this score, the organization chosen, and of any express option of
places available, the Departments UOSECS (Organizational Unit Socio Educational Cultural and
Sports) of the Municipalities formulate provisional rankings for each school, indicating their
admissions and waiting lists. These lists will be published, in its schools, municipal offices and are
available on-line, by 14 April 2014.
If the family find of the results indicating errors of assessment may appeal this decision to the
Executive UOSECS municipal addressing it within 10 days from the date of publication of the list.
The Executive UOSECS will involve them within the next 10 days.
The final lists approved by the Manager, after consideration of the appeal, will also be published
in the locations mentioned above not later than 21 May 2014.
The families of the children admitted to the frequency will receive an e-mail communication of
useful position in the ranking and are required to accept exclusively in on-line mode, the place
offered, by June 5, 2014, under penalty of forfeiture. Users who use the service of school meals
will be able to simultaneously submit the Declaration Single Substitute (DSU), which is necessary
to quantify the payment. The deadline for submission of the DSU is September 30, 2014. In case
of failure to submit documentation proving the income situation will be charged the
maximum fare.
The children twins is given a specific score. In the event that the score allows the use of only one
of the twins, the family is given the opportunity not to attend the child admitted without losing the
right acquired, pending the scrolling list for the insertion of/of brother/twins.
In the event of a tie, it gives priority to the first baby born in the case of a further tie, we take into
consideration the date of submission of the application, proceed to the last draw.
Waiting lists
Children not allowed, are included in the lists of waiting for the school of their choice on the basis
of marks obtained and taking into account the time required in the sections of morning session or
in chambers of full time.
Before the start of the school year and up to the unification of the waiting lists of all schools in the
Town Hall, in those which have places available priority will be able to access the children placed
in the waiting lists of the schools belonging to the same schools or to those surroundings.
In schools without waiting lists Municipalities will offer places available to users placed on waiting
lists of other neighboring schools, taking into account the organization chosen.
After these transactions, not later than 1 October 2014, the municipalities will proceed unification
of the waiting lists of all the schools in the area to offer admission to places that have become
available exclusively based on the position in the ranking of the child.
Children with disabilities and children referred by social services authorities may be admitted to
the frequency with priority at any time of the school year subject to the availability of
places. Included in this series even children reported by social services as a result of
integration of the documentation.
May also be allowed at any time of year, although with lower priority compared to children with
disabilities and reported by social services, children already in school, that is attending a preschool
or equal state during the school year in progress 2014/2015 and from other municipalities or from
other cities as a result of family transfers to the household registry change.
The Administration reserves the right to take any action aimed at facilitating access to places that
may still be available, in order to ensure the most effective match between demand and supply of
the service.
Additional admissions will be made until the deadline of 31 January 2015.
The place offered with special communication from the Town Hall will be formally accepted,
under penalty of forfeiture, within 2 days from the date of the letter, with a simultaneous
presentation, where possible, of the Declaration Single Substitute (DSU), to quantify the
rate of service cafeteria, which still must be done within 15 days after acceptance of the
place. Failure to submit the required documentation within the time allowed, involves the
application of the maximum fare.
Waiver of service - absences and forfeitures
It will be considered a no-service, resulting in forfeiture of the place, the child that after 10 days
from the opening of the school, has never attended, and for that absence, were not provided formal
Will be excluded even kids allowed "during the year" who have never attended for 10 consecutive
days from the date of admission fixed by the Town Hall and that this absence has not been
provided formal justifications.
It should be noted, moreover, that the child's absences during the year in excess of five
consecutive days require submission of the medical certificate for the readmission frequency.
The unjustified absences exceeding 30 consecutive days will result in forfeiture of the place.
It is considered grounds for revocation formal acceptance by the failure to perform on-line by June
5, 2014.
Note on filling in the application
You need to pay particular attention to the completion of the application indicating all the data
required and all relevant documentation for the allocation of scores.
• the application form will be considered unacceptable if devoid of all data and
information required. Any necessary amendments must be submitted in any case within a
maximum period for the submission of applications (10 March 2014);
• the Municipality has the right to request any documentation proving that the statements
made in accordance with local regulations.
For more information
More detailed information is present in the POF to be requested at the school. In addition, the
Regulations of the Municipal School of Childhood and the "Plan for Integration of disabled children
attending municipal schools of childhood" are available to families for consultation at each school
and on the website http://www.comune.roma.it/dipscuola.
The Educational Service Officer is available at the school on the days and at the times, to provide
additional information and clarification to the families.
• For any further information or assistance please contact our Contact Center ChiamaRoma
• technical aspects relating to the application on-line, contact the help-desk Mesis at the
following number: 06/671 070 123;
• For more information, contact the Public Relations office of the Department of Educational
Services and School, Youth and Equal Opportunities at the following number: 06/671 070
353 Offices and municipal management Childhood listed below.
1 (ex 1- ex 17)
Via Luigi Petroselli, 50/
Circonvallazione Trionfale, 19
2 (ex 2 – ex 3)
Via Tripoli, 136
Via Goito, 35
3 (ex 4)
Via Umberto Fracchia, 45
4 (ex 5)
Via Tiburtina, 1163
5 (ex 6 – ex 7)
Via dell’Acqua Bullicante, 28 bis
Viale Palmiro Togliatti, 983
6 (ex 8)
Via Duilio Cambellotti, 11
7 (ex 9 – ex 10)
Via Tommaso Fiortifiocca, 71/73
Piazza Cinecittà, 11
8 (ex 11)
Via Benedetto Croce, 50
9 (ex 12)
Via Ignazio Silone, 2° ponte
10 (ex 13)
Viale del Lido, 6
11 (ex 15)
Via Lupatelli, 7
12 (ex 16)
Via Fabiola, 14
13 (ex 18)
Via Aurelia, 470
14 (ex 19)
Piazza Santa Maria della Pietà, 5
15 (ex 20)
Via Flaminia, 872