NORTH PLATTE R-I SCHOOL DISTRICT North Platte Panthers Winter 2015 From the Board of Education: On April 7, 2015, the patrons of the North Platte R-I School District will vote to eliminate fully the Proposition C Sales Tax Rollback in its operating tax levy under Section 164.013 RSMo in order to maintain student programs, retain qualified staff, maintain its facilities, maintain adequate transportation services, and meet the operating expenses of the District. This would result in an increase of the operating tax levy ceiling. If this proposition is approved, the adjusted operation levy of the North Platte R-I School District is estimated to increase from $3.65, currently, to $3.7545 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for the 2015 Tax Year and thereafter. It is always our goal for the North Platte R-I School District to continue to provide a quality education so our youth can achieve, graduate, attend college, get good jobs and become productive citizens. The additional revenue from this levy increase is needed to accomplish that goal and avoid continued deficit spending, purchase instructional equipment and supplies, help adequately meet the general operating needs of the district, keep and retain the best teachers, and to keep our present student to teacher ratio. Funds for operating budgets are primarily provided by state aid under Missouri’s formula for funding education and property tax assessments. Under the current Missouri School Foundation Formula, state aid is determined primarily by school district enrollment. The District is in a difficult situation because the amount of state revenue we get is declining as is the revenue from federal sources. However, the total costs of educating our students have increased significantly as a result of higher costs for mandated retirement contributions, supplies, utilities, and basic services. We greatly appreciate the strong parental and community involvement that has allowed us to achieve our successes. North Platte R-I Board of Education (Ballot Language) Shall the Board of Education of the North Platte R-I School District, Missouri, be authorized to eliminate fully the Proposition C Sales Tax Rollback in its operating tax levy under Section 164.013 RSMo in order to maintain student programs, retain qualified staff, maintain its facilities, maintain adequate transportation services, and meet the operating expenses of the District? (If this proposition is approved, the adjusted operating levy of the District is estimated to increase from $3.65, currently, to $3.7545 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation in Tax Year 2015 and thereafter.) (Continued on page 2) In this issue you will find: Tax Levy Information Inclement Weather School News Honor Rolls Student Recognition School Musical (Continued from page 1) The Missouri School and Highway Tax Proposition, also known as Proposition C, was on the November 2, 1982 ballot in Missouri as an initiated state statute, where it was approved. Proposition C is the state’s one-cent sales tax dedicated to education and was approved by voters in 1982. Half the revenue collected from the Proposition C tax is intended to reduce or roll back property taxes. Under Proposition C, half of a Missouri one-cent sales tax now going to schools, is returned to the voters unless voters OK a waiver allowing districts to keep that funding. There are 442 out of 520 (85%) school districts in the state of Missouri that have a full Prop C waiver which eliminates the rollback. Likewise, there are an additional forty-two schools that have a partial Prop C waiver. The North Platte R-I School District currently has a partial waiver. The full waiver expired after a 15 year sunset (2013). The full Prop C waiver was used to construct the current high school facility. What is the District’s plan if the voters do not approve the levy increase? Due to the decrease in state aid and the impact of other revenue reductions beyond local control, the District’s operating fund balance percentage has decreased each of the past five years. For the current budget year, difficult decisions were made resulting in budget cuts of more than $300,000. We worked diligently to minimize the impact of cuts on regular classroom instruction. The budget cuts that have already been made for this year include: Reducing budgets for textbooks, supplies, equipment, maintenance, transportation, and athletics. Postponing maintenance projects. Reducing substitute teachers. Reducing technology upgrades and device purchases. Reducing one-half maintenance position, pre-school driver, and one-half custodian position. Combining junior high and high school libraries. For 2015-16 - combining 7-12 principal position. Further decreases in state aid and other major revenues will force us to continue the cuts already made and likely make additional expense reductions that will have a significant impact on the educational programs and services we are able to provide to our students. Preserving Success In the past three years the District has received one of the top five scores on the Annual Performance Report (APR) earning Accredited with Distinction honors under the standards of the Missouri School Improvement Program. Our students have won many local and state awards in academic, practical art, shop, and athletic competitions. Not many districts can claim that kind of success for its students. The bottom line is the North Platte R-I School District wants to continue and improve the educational opportunities that are provided to our students. (Continued on page 3) Page 2 Why Now? The District has attempted to make up for the lack of revenue by cutting expenditures. The District is heavily reliant on state funding to maintain its programs and services for students. Due to the weakened economy the District has seen significant cuts in state funding and projections are that these cuts will continue in the coming years. Enrollment projections show an additional reduction of 5-8% over the next five years. The District’s cash flow toward the end of the calendar year forced the securing of a Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) to meet obligated expenditures. Total Tax Levy Comparison Area Districts’ total tax levy comparison: Park Hill Mid-Buchanan East Buchanan North Platte R-I Platte County R-III West Platte Page 3 $5.5650 $5.3714 $5.3000 $4.6400 $4.5989 (has a $.43 ballot issue in April) $4.1000 (receives significant tax dollars from Iatan Plant) NEWS FROM THE SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY Second quarter began with the PTA Trunk and Treat which was highly attended. On October 17th, it was great seeing all the students making memories with their fathers and family members at Donuts for Dad. The Kindergarten visited the Mid-Continent Library. The Literature Day Celebrations were full of smiles and laughter. The Kindergarten Thanksgiving Celebration ushered in the holiday season. Our second quarter Character Education Assembly focused on good citizenship and compassion. In November, the elementary celebrated November birthdays. Third Grade Art Club and Third Grade Club took place. Dr. Naler, his assistants, and volunteers did fluoride treatments for those students who were signed up. The elementary enjoyed the opportunity to attend the Veteran’s Day Assem- bly at the high school. Students sang and waved their flags with pride for our country. Second quarter progress reports went out. In December, the elementary collected canned goods and non-perishable food items for the Dearborn food pantry. Students and staff also collected coats, gloves, hats, and scarves for the Tree of Warmth for those in need. First Grade Club and Third Grade Club took place in December. The PTA Santa Store was a huge success. We appreciated the time and effort our volunteers put in. The elementary celebrated December birthdays. On December 10th, the Mad Science assembly took place. The students were captivated by his science experiments. The students sang with gusto at the Winter Concert on December 11th. The High School Drug and Alcohol Free Student Mentors spoke to each grade level about making good choices. The FFA Panther Pals visited the elementary and brought holiday cheer. We appreciated our Living History Readers coming to read to the students. The first graders celebrated with the Living History Readers during Pumpkin Day. The first graders weighed pumpkins, counted pumpkin seeds, planted pumpkin seeds, created Jack-OLantern sacks, made JackO-Leaf Men, and ate pumpkin pie. The third grade enjoyed Tall Tales Day with the Living History Readers. The students made bear stew, snake rolls, corn husk dolls, and apple cinnamon ornaments. They also enjoyed water dousing, square dancing, and the story telling. Fun was had by all. The students enjoyed Bank Days every other Wednesday. EB Pick A Prize took place every Wednesday. Nutrition Club took place every Friday. Tutoring took place (Continued on page 5) Page 4 (Continued from page 4) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Everyone enjoyed seeing students and staff at North Platte PTA Subway and Burger King Nights. The elementary wishes you and your family a very safe and successful 2015! Mrs. Cathy J. Hubble INTERMEDIATE The North Platte Intermediate School students were kept busy this past quarter with academics, club meetings, PTA activities, and special events. The Running Club sponsored by Mrs. Puckett was a success again this year. Sixteen students and helpers were seen running or walking around the Edgerton area on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in October and November. Math Club, Reading Club, Art Club, and Computer Club are in full swing and help enrich academics after school several days a week. The students enjoyed a trip to B & J Skate Center on the afternoon of November 14, in celebration of the fall holidays. The students had an afternoon of fun. Page 5 Deputy Jason Penix visited sixth grade classrooms during August, September, October, and November for the Show Me Character Program. The Culmination Ceremony was held November 25 in the intermediate gym. Parent-teacher conferences were held the afternoon and evening of October 23. Teachers and parents had the opportunity to review student progress or ask questions about the new school year. Thanks to the PTA for sponsoring Randy Nadler’s visit on October 29. His presentation this year was on the country of Germany. On Veteran’s Day the students traveled to the high school for a special day to honor the veterans in our community. The students enjoyed waving their little American Flags and singing songs in the program. Under the leadership of Coach Derek Colburn, a goal of 2,000 hours of ac- tivity for this year’s Play 60 was set. Students were pleased to learn that they had exceeded their goal by seven hundred seventy hours. Mrs. Head and the Student Council encouraged participation for “The Power of Eleven Cents” for Veteran’s Day and encouraged classmates to donate nonperishable food items during the month of December. The intermediate school collected just over 1,000 nonperishable items. Those donations went to the local food pantry in Dearborn. The Santa Store was open on December 10th and 11th for students to visit and purchase items for their family members. The students had a great time selecting that special gift for each family member. The volunteers wrapping the presents experi(Continued on page 6) (Continued from page 5) enced seeing the excitement in the kids’ faces on those two days. The students couldn’t wait to get the gifts home. The Winter Concert was held on the afternoon of December 16 at the intermediate building. Under the direction of Mr. Chris Kauffmann, the fifth and sixth grade band members played several songs. All three vocal classes sang several songs under the direction of Mr. Kyle Minx. A large crowd enjoyed the program. The EB Bash was held on the morning of December 19th. The students watched movies, had snacks, danced, and played in the gym. Sixth Grade Second Quarter Honor Roll 3.0 Hailey Armstrong, Brianna Bridger, Samantha Brown, Shaleigh Corbett, Hanna Hale, Halle Hartell, Ethan Manar, Dalton Manville, Tessa Morse, Samantha Munsterman, Mason Rose, Jace Stubbs, Kaitlynn Tolbert, and Lane Williams 3.5 Jessie Addison, Tatum Green, Hali Hord, Ryan King, Madison O’Neill, Loren Patee, Ryann Smith, Teagan Sumy, and Trinity Wrightfield. 4.0 Daniel Fleshman, Jonas Pelot, Jakob Scroggins, Shelby Stapleton, Cameron Thompson, Emily Vernon, and Alyssa Zion. Thanks to all of you for your support of our school and programs. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2015. Michelle Johnson JUNIOR HIGH The junior high has recently completed the first semester with grade cards being sent home on January 5th. Eleven junior high students made the 4.0 honor roll, twenty-two students made the 3.5 honor roll, and twenty students made the 3.0 honor roll. The North Platte Junior High Student Council sponsored the annual penny drive during the month of December. The junior high students and staff raised over $1,200 which went to help several area families. The junior high students received a fun day on Friday, December 19th as a reward for their efforts. Students had Junior High raised over $1,200 in their penny drive the opportunity to participate in a dodge ball tournament or watch a movie, along with enjoying pizza and pop for lunch. In continuing the Character Word Program at the Junior High this year, each month two students are chosen as the student of the month for representing the word of the month well. During the month of November, the students focused on the word “citizenship.” Citizenship Congratulations to Kadilynn Kelley and Nick Blanton for being selected as outstanding examples of citizenship. The students focused on the word (Continued on page 7) Page 6 (Continued from page 6) “compassion” during the month of December. Congratulations to McKenzie Brockhoff and Caleb Hodge for being selected as the students showing compassion towards others. Compassion The Veteran’s Day Assembly was held in the High School on Tuesday, November 11th. In conjunction with the assembly, an art contest is held each year. Congratulations to Jesse Duran for placing 1st, Lindsey Byrd for placing 2nd, and Amelia Britting for placing 3rd among the junior high art students. On December 15th, the junior high band, directed by Mr. Chris Kauffmann, and choir, directed by Mr. Kyle Minx, performed at the Winter Concert, which was held in the high school gymnasium. Our students did an outstanding job representing our school district with outstanding performances. The Junior High Band will participate in the KCI Conference Band performance on February 21st, and the Junior High Choir is scheduled to perform in the KCI Conference Choir on Saturday, February 7th. The basketball season concluded before Winter Break. The players and coaches are to be commended on their seasons. Congratulations for the fine effort and sportsmanship exhibited throughout the season. On December 16th, the junior high students participated in our Geography Bee. Congratulations to Jordyn Smith for her 1st place finish, and Brianna Spiers for achieving runner-up. Jordyn will now take a test to see if she qualifies to participate at the state level. The Junior High Academic Bowl teams will begin their season on January 22nd with a match at home against West Platte. Fifteen students have signed up to participate and will compete against the seven conference opponents. The aca- Page 7 demic bowl teams are sponsored by Mrs. Denise Scarlett. On February 11th and 12th, the Junior High will hold ParentTeacher Conferences. Conferences will run from 4:00 - 7:30 p.m. on the 11th, and 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. on the 12th. Parents will be able to meet with individual teachers in their classrooms. Please take this opportunity to discuss the progress your child is making in their learning process this year. Janey Hoeffner HIGH SCHOOL We have just completed another first semester at the high school. After having a snow day in late December, student grades were finalized the first week of January and report cards were handed out on January 6th. Our winter sports seasons have begun to heat up, as our boys and girls teams are beginning play in the Lawson Tournament this week. Our North Platte Invitational Tournament will begin on January 26th and Courtwarming will be held on February 6th. We also have five (Continued on page 8) (Continued from page 7) wrestlers traveling to MidBuchanan to join with the co-op between our two schools. These students are representing us well and we encourage everyone to travel to their meets to cheer these boys on as well. Our academic bowl team has begun their practices and will open their season next month with a few weekend tournaments before heading into KCI Conference competition. Coach Shelly Meyer will lead our scholar bowl team once again this year. On December 15th, our choir and band performed at the winter concert. Everyone who attended enjoyed another quality performance by our groups, led by directors Kyle Minx and Chris Kauffmann. Our music students will now begin preparing for the KCI Conference performances. The choir will hold conference on January 31, and the band will have theirs on February 21. Rayanne Daniel represented our fine music department well by qualifying to audition for All-State Band in Columbia on December 13th. The High School will hold Parent/Teacher Conferences on February 11th and 12th. Parents are encouraged to attend to meet with their child’s instructors to improve student learning and development. On March 20th and 21st, the high school will perform “Little Shop of Horrors.” Tickets will be available through the high school office. The high school recently held a canned food drive with a goal of providing 3,500 cans to area needy families. We are proud of the fact that our students reached this goal and helped many in our community with basic needs in the process. Our FBLA chapter has begun preparing for their competitions. The district FBLA Contest will be held on February 7th, and the state contest will be on April 13-14th. We are confident our students will once again perform well and we hope to have a student qualify for nationals again this year, as Jamie Byergo did a year ago. The School Musical will be presented March 20-21, 2015 See page 15 for more information Our yearly End of Course Testing will begin in April. This year, high school students will be assessed in Algebra I, English II, Government, and Biology. Teachers will be giving the new on-line practice assessments in January and February. We are confident that our students will once again perform extremely well on these exams. (Continued on page 9) Page 8 (Continued from page 8) New guidelines have also been put in place this year by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) regarding the ACT Test. All juniors will take the exam at North Platte during the school day, paid for by DESE. Our eleventh graders have been busy this year in the ACT Prep class and we hope to duplicate the strong performance of our graduates of last year, who had an ACT Composite of 23.9. Karl Matt CALENDAR UPDATES Jan. 24: NHS Recycling 8:30-10:00 a.m. Feb. 7: KCI Conference Choir at Lawson Feb. 21: KCI Conference Band at Lawson Feb. 21: NHS Recycling 8:30-10:00 a.m. Mar. 20-21: Musical Apr. 25: NHS Recycling 8:30-10:00 a.m. Apr. 25: Prom and After Prom at Missouri Western State University Page 9 PAST YEARBOOKS OFFERED We have a limited supply of yearbooks from past years available for purchase. These items are new and unused, and therefore in excellent condition. They will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Contact the Superintendent’s office at (816) 450-3511 if you desire to purchase one of these yearbooks. Postage will be added if the item is to be mailed. $5.00 each: 1975 1981 1982 1983 1985 1987 1988 1989 $10.00 each: 1991 1992 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 $20.00 each: 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 $50.00 each: 2011 2012 2013 2014 HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL SECOND QUARTER Principal Honor Roll 9th Grade Caleb Crumley Miranda Daniel Page Folck Van French Kortney Maxwell Bart Owens Gracie Roach Bailee Romaker Katie Sanders Robin Skaggs Austin Snook Remington Wilson 10th Grade Sarah Addison Matthew Crawford Abby Fisher Shelby Fisher Devin Golden Samantha Harmer Mikayla Kerns Will McKern Jenna Morelock Hunter Oliver Katie Parkhurst 11th Grade Eric Brown Bryntin Crockett Rayanne Daniel Brittney Gerling Samantha Gray Victoria Haugsness Kaitlynn Heese Tristen Johnson Madilyn Lashbrook Madelynn Lee Erin Manville Hailey Manville Callie Pataluna Austin Reynolds Andrew Roberts Holly Sanders Joshua Schank Zachary Schank Dylan Stockman Kaleb Tolbert Sydney Wagle 12th Grade Jeremiah Copenhaver Ryann French Sarah Johnson Courtney Kipping Scout Montgomery Sarah Morelock Regan Nash Kaleb Odle Robert O’Neill Blake Romaker Chelsi Sams Austin Shanks Baylie Wilson Honor Roll 9th Grade MaKayla Blanton Gideon Bledsoe Stephanie Clymer McKenna Fulton Landon Montgomery William Morse Allena Rickel Sian Rodriquez Caleb Sample Jacob Williams 10th Grade Sophie Beatty Shiann Campbell Zoey Dutcher Mark Fisher Bennett French Grace Harkness Reece Henke Gabby Kidwell Garrett Lamar Holden Love Lauren Payne Parker Rotterman Carah Sage Patrick Sutton Andrew Teague Callie Vernon Victoria Wolf 11th Grade Ashley Bacon Elijah Bledsoe Mackenze Daniel Elle Hartell Anthony Hernandez Kaycee Hodgson Jacob Holden Emmaline Lee Takoda Lucker Hannah Muetzel Jordain Pack Derek Payne Kailey Pike Abigail Poepping Blake Smith Brock Wenzel 12th Grade Aykarakoz Abzhan Kyle Bledsoe C.J. Brockhoff Dillon Crockett Claire Everett Elijah Love Mikaylah Mullendore Sarah Munsterman Kassidy Neilson Shelby Paden Bobbi Stalker Madison Stills C.J. Winship Tristan Wolf HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL FIRST SEMESTER Principal Honor Roll 9th Grade Caleb Crumley Miranda Daniel Page Folck Van French Kortney Maxwell Bart Owens Gracie Roach Bailee Romaker Katie Sanders Robin Skaggs Austin Snook Remington Wilson 10th Grade Sarah Addison Matthew Crawford Abby Fisher Shelby Fisher Devin Golden Samantha Harmer Mikayla Kerns Will McKern Jenna Morelock Hunter Oliver Katie Parkhurst 11th Grade Eric Brown Bryntin Crockett Rayanne Daniel Brittney Gerling Samantha Gray Elle Hartell Victoria Haugsness Kaitlynn Heese Tristen Johnson Madilyn Lashbrook Madelynn Lee Erin Manville Hailey Manville Callie Pataluna Austin Reynolds Andrew Roberts Holly Sanders Joshua Schank Zachary Schank Dylan Stockman Kaleb Tolbert Sydney Wagle 12th Grade Aykarakoz Abzhan C.J. Brockhoff Jeremiah Copenhaver Katelin Dillee Ryann French Sarah Johnson Courtney Kipping Elijah Love Scout Montgomery Sarah Morelock Mikaylah Mullendore Regan Nash Kassidy Neilson Kaleb Odle Robert O’Neill Shelby Paden Blake Romaker Chelsi Sams Austin Shanks Madison Stills Baylie Wilson Honor Roll 9th Grade Ty Blackburn MaKayla Blanton Gideon Bledsoe Stephanie Clymer Hollie Finnell McKenna Fulton Benjamin Heese Landon Montgomery William Morse Allena Rickel Sian Rodriquez Caleb Sample Jacob Williams 10th Grade Shiann Campbell Zoey Dutcher Mark Fisher Bennett French Zachary Fretwell Grace Harkness Reece Henke Andrew Johnson Gabby Kidwell Halen Knapp Garrett Lamar Holden Love Lauren Payne Parker Rotterman Carl Ruppert Carah Sage Patrick Sutton Andrew Teague Callie Vernon Victoria Wolf 11th Grade Ashley Bacon Elijah Bledsoe Mackenze Daniel Joshua Dutcher Kyle Ewing Anthony Hernandez Kaycee Hodgson Jacob Holden Emmaline Lee Takoda Lucker Hannah Muetzel Samantha Neaves Jordain Pack Derek Payne Kailey Pike Abigail Poepping Blake Smith Blake Toliver Brock Wenzel Martina Williams 12th Grade Mason Barnett Kyle Bledsoe Dillon Crockett Claire Everett Melissa Harris Breanne McClung Sarah Munsterman Bobbi Stalker Tristan Wolf JUNIOR HIGH HONOR ROLL SECOND QUARTER 7th Grade 4.0 McKenzie Brockhoff Ty French Jordyn Smith 3.5 Nicholas Blanton Christine Crawford Madison DeBord Lillian Fretwell Blake Gibson Cameron Leupold Savannah Lingle Hunter Odle Paulina Pena Benjamin Shewey Destiny Thomas Hollee Webb Josephine Williams 3.0 Thomas Beale Dayne Carpenter Frankie Davis Haylie Hensley Andrew Hernandez Nelson McCracken Joel Smyser 8th Grade 4.0 Chase Bridger Truman Byergo Tyler Meadows Emily Paden Kendall Schank Brianna Spiers 3.5 Amelia Britting Lindsey Byrd Jordyn Goetz Sumer Green Kadilynn Kelley Hannah Lashbrook Janell Manville Jessica Meadows Kelsey Reynolds Chandler Tabor Clarissa White 3.0 Matthew Carter Jesse Duran Caleb Hodge Zachary Lee Cade Lucker Kasie Newton Grace Rice Bailee Smith JUNIOR HIGH HONOR ROLL FIRST SEMESTER 7th Grade 4.0 McKenzie Brockhoff Blake Gibson Jordyn Smith 3.5 Thomas Beale Nicholas Blanton Dayne Carpenter Christine Crawford Madison DeBord Ty French Lillian Fretwell Cameron Leupold Savannah Lingle Hunter Odle Paulina Pena Destiny Thomas Hollee Webb Josephine Williams 3.0 Frankie Davis Haylie Hensley Andrew Hernandez Nelson McCracken Justin Roth Benjamin Shewey Joel Smyser 8th Grade 4.0 Chase Bridger Truman Byergo Sumer Green Jessica Meadows Tyler Meadows Emily Paden Kendall Schank Brianna Spiers 3.5 Brittnie Deppen Jordyn Goetz Caleb Hodge Kadilynn Kelley Hannah Lashbrook Kelsey Reynolds Chandler Tabor Clarissa White 3.0 Amelia Britting Jayden Brooks Matthew Carter Chance Chesnut Jesse Duran Sara Hale Zachary Lee Cade Lucker Janell Manville Caitlyn Morrison Kasie Newton McKenzie Sams Bailee Smith VOLLEYBALL AWARDS ALL KCI CONFERENCE 1ST TEAM Katelin Dillee, Senior Katie Heese, Junior 2ND TEAM Baylie Wilson, Senior HONORABLE MENTION Holly Sanders, Junior ALL DISTRICT 15 TEAM 1ST TEAM Katie Heese, Junior Baylie Wilson, Senior 2ND TEAM Katelin Dillee, Senior FOOTBALL AWARDS ALL KCI CONFERENCE 1ST TEAM Jordan Hendricks, Junior, Safety 2ND TEAM Kyle Bledsoe, Senior, Linebacker Aron Burke, Junior, Defensive End MUSIC AWARDS ALL DISTRICT BAND HIGH SCHOOL Rayanne Daniel, 1st Chair Alto Sax Caleb Crumley, 8th Chair Trombone ALL DISTRICT CHOIR HIGH SCHOOL Page Folck Ryann French Madilyn Lashbrook Page 14 NORTH PLATTE Presents Book and Lyrics by Howard Ashman Music by Alan Menken Based on the film by Roger Corman, Screenplay by Charles Griffith Originally produced by the WPA Theatre (Kyle Renick, Producing Director) Originally produced at the Orpheum Theatre, New York City by the WPA Theatre, David Geffen, Cameron Mackintosh and the Shubert Organization LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 MARCH 20 & 21, 2015 7:00 PM North Platte High School Dinner Theater 6:00 p.m. $15.00 reserved (dinner, drink, dessert included) Performance only at door Adults $5.00, Students $3.00 Tickets available now (816) 450-3344 Page 15
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