1 9 31 THE CAMBRIAN 5 -20 1 84 Thursday, January 22, 2015 An edition of THE TRIBUNE A BANNER EFFORT ThisWeek ———————————— Vol. 84, No. 13 75¢ C a m b r i a W at e r C r i s i s ————————— The switch is on: CCSD starts up water project By Kathe Tanner The Cambrian ROBERT SHIELDS, the famous mime, will perform in September at Cambria Center for the Arts as part of a new series. Page 15. HECTOR MERLOS is battling cancer, and the American Legion is planning a fundraiser to help his family. Page 5. GEHRIG KNIFFEN scored 18 points for Coast Union’s boys basketball team in a runaway victory over Dunn School. Page 16. INSIDE THIS WEEK Agenda Arts & Events Classified ads Crossword Dates & Data Letters Obituaries Sheriff’s Log Weather 14 15, 17 26-29 30 11, 13 8, 10 10 6 13 CAMBRIAN PHOTO BY STEVE PROVOST Jackson Bruce and Holly McHaffie show off the banner they created with Jonathan Jewel (not pictured) at Santa Lucia Middle School this month. Students in YMCA program have crafted messages for motorists on Main Street By Steve Provost The Cambrian ambria’s adults did C more than their share to conserve water during the past year, but more than a dozen youths in the YMCA program are showing the older set has nothing on them. They’re spreading the message of conservation in a big way, having designed banners that went up this month on Main Street, with a helping hand from the Y and the Cambria Community Services District. The colorful vertical banners bearing catchy slogans cost $100 each, with the CCSD picking up the tab. But the kids in Shawna Volpa’s afterschool STEM See BANNERS, Page 4 After decades of planning and a design-permitand-building process hastened by drought, Cambria’s emergency water supply project went online shortly after 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 20. Just about a year ago, the Cambria Community Services District Board of Directors declared a drought emergency and imposed Stage 3 restrictions on water use, the most severe short of running out of water altogether. The board subsequently approved designing and building the water-reclamation plant, now estimated to cost more than $9 million. The district completed the plant under an emergency permit from the county and is now seeking a permit to operate it permanently. A consultant is preparing an environmental impact report to meet California Environmental Quality Act requirements. Tuesday, Gail Robinette, board president, and district General Manager Jerry Gruber jointly turned two valves so a brackish blend of fresh, CAMBRIAN PHOTO BY STEVE PROVOST CCSD board President Gail Robinette, left, and General Manager Jerry Gruber turn the valve to start water flowing through the Emergency Water Project system just after 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 20. salt and treated wastewater drawn from under the San Simeon Creek Road site could begin to flow through a complex system of pipes, filters and treatments. The gentle whoosh of water soon was overpowered by the thumping sound of a system pump kicking on and running steadily thereafter. “This community has See PROJECT, Page 4 2 Jan uary 22-28, 2015 THE CAMBRIAN ,<:!$#!72;:2 ./ . /29#942;9!" 29 (829 6 #,29 18;5 */?)/;?;-0 :2;8?;280 %,8.82), :)3>7.,/0 '743< 6 %85. 18;5 %;10 $5,,0 6 &33? 18;5 "3-?=->/+;287 !,)84;7;?8?;35 )%-*&'00 . 1'-' 3"=; 8;(+ ,765!:7 . '1<,F ! - *,KA>5 "?15 (?115A !3 #,@?1D> /5!3KA?1) $?J51 &!4?6F "?15> %!1K!AF 0+3E !3 8:CC I4 3?=953> !3 HHHGA,@?1>A5>3!KA!13G=,4 #5>5AJ!3?,1> E?)E6F A5=,4451757 2C-B.0;B-CC; -G7G (3E<4: &ED08 '#=!ED#> '* 79-65 .5G/, 76A)GA56 7IFD+G3 46I85D+G >>+H3C;H &80D+G37+JI8D+G >>+H3>E;H (,A5BD /BDFB5D+G5 "@!'**- !#%$4 =80HB :0) !096J? $*==- $@1: /BB.D+G5 <32=" HHHF<+8@#=!ED#13!F@4= %D:; 3C 4: %#@8!44B " 24??4H 3C 4: $HD<<8EF TOP STORIES Jan uary 22-28, 2015 InBrief THE CAMBRIAN 1 3 T H C A M B R I A A R T & W I N E F E S T I VA L ———————————— Church sets pancake breakfast fundraiser anta Rosa Church will S host a pancake breakfast in the Parish Hall from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 25, as a fundraiser to help send seven Coast Union High School students to the Youth Day portion of the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. The cost for the pancake breakfast is $8 for adults and $4 for children. The Congress is the largest conference of this type in the United States, and more than 30,000 people from all over the world are expected to attend. It is scheduled for March 12 (Youth Day), and March 13-15 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim. For more information, please contact the church office at 927-4816. Cub Scouts plan annual fundraiser The Cambria Cub Scouts will hold their annual Super Bowl Sunday fundraiser Feb. 1, serving up chicken wings to local residents. Wings for Super Bowl parties and general enjoyment can be ordered in drivethrough fashion, with cookies and “desserts by Audrey” available, as well. The chicken wings will be provided by Linn’s Restaurant. The fundraiser will be from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the American Legion Post 432 parking lot, 1000 Main St. in Cambria. Information: 909-9707. — Cambrian staff THECAMBRIANONLINE Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/cambrianews Follow us on Twitter: @TheCambrian CAMBRIAN FILE PHOTO Attendees sip wine and peruse the entries at the 927 Art Show in July 2012 at the Veterans Memorial Building, one of several sites for this year’s 13th annual Cambria Art & Wine Festival. SIGHTS AND SIPS APLENTY AWAIT By Kathe Tanner The Cambrian ambria’s bustling art C community and growing wine industry will be celebrated Friday through Sunday, Jan. 23-25, during the 13th annual Ar t & Wine Festival. Forecasts call for spectacularly warm, dry and sunny winter weather. The 2015 festival, sponsored jointly by the Cambria Chamber of Commerce and Allied Arts Association, is held throughout the village (and at select locations along Moonstone Beach Drive, in San Simeon and at Ragged Point) but especially at the Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St., Cambria Historical Museum at the corner of Burton Drive and Center Street in East Village, and the Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St. Entertainment and special promotions throughout the festival will be capped by a Sunday after- noon filled with raf fle awards and festivities. From noon to 6 p.m. Saturday, the free Cambria Trolley will carry passengers along a half-hour downtown/Moonstone Beach/Burton and Eton Drive loop to make it easier for participants to get from one area to the other and back again. Visitors may flag down the trolley anywhere along the route. The three-day fest starts Friday at 10 a.m. with in-store promotions. (The popular “Art, Wine and All That Jazz” foodand-wine pairing dinner Friday night is sold out.) Friday is also when attendees can exchange at the chamber office each pre-purchased ticket to the festival for passes for the weekend’s Main Event, a wine glass, festival Passport Program and 10 wine-tasting tickets. Demonstrating landscape artist Laurel Sherrie will be there, as will Cambria’s Cutruzzola Vine- yards (pouring tastings). Tickets and presale ticket exchanges also will happen Saturday at the vets hall. Throughout the event, when a festivalgoer stops at any of the 56 participating shops, the clerk is to stamp the attendee’s passport. Each stamp is worth one raf fle ticket. Five more raffle tickets are given each time a festival shopper buys something worth $5 or more from a participating merchant. Raffle tickets must be submitted by noon Sunday; the drawing following at 12:30 p.m. Raffle gifts include the winners’ selection from donated wines and art, and some gift baskets and donations were received from participating businesses. According to chamber Executive Director Mary Ann Carson, 18 wineries will pour tastes at the vets hall Saturday, with 55 artists showing work. The museum’s Satur- day event (complete with tent funded by the Cambria Tourism Board) includes five wineries and one artist. A concurrent event at the Joslyn Recreation Center features five wineries and two artists. Enter tainment and shopping deals will be plentiful throughout the festival. Some separate but related special dinner events (not covered by the Main Event tickets) will be held Saturday night at Robin’s restaurant, Indigo Moon and Ragged Point. An artists’ fair Sunday includes 15 artists showing and selling, seven wineries and a burger barbecue by the Coast Union High School Interact Club. Tickets to the raf fles must be submitted by noon Sunday; the drawing follows at 12:30 p.m. Raffle gifts include the winners’ selection from donated wines and art. Winners need not be present to win. 3 Museum will host artist book signing Artist Pat Hunter will autograph and sell her newest release with author Janice Stevens on Saturday, Jan. 24, at in the parlor of the Cambria Historical Society museum. The book, titled “An Artist and a Writer Travel Highway 1 Central,” covers the local coastal area. Hunter will also have prints and note cards, along with copies of their last book “Remembering the California Missions.” The public also will be able to purchase tickets at the museum for the Historical Society’s Annual Recognitions Banquet, scheduled for Sunday Feb. 22. The banquet at the Cambria Pines Lodge will feature speaker Dan Krieger, Cal Poly history professor emeritus and The Tribune’s weekly historical columnist. Krieger will speak about “Mission Trails to La Playa: Cambria and the San Simeon Ranchos of Missions San Miguel Arcangel and San Antonio de Padua.” The backyard nursery will have heirloom roses and plants for sale, adjacent to the tent for the Art and Wine Festival. Tickets for the Chamber of Commerce event are available in advance only at the chamber’s office, not the museum, located at 2251 Center Street at Burton Drive. For information, call Penny Church at 927-1442. — Consuelo Macedo 4 TOP STORIES THE CAMBRIAN '#$!&"*%!)!(" The Hometown Newspaper of the scenic North Coast of San Luis Obispo County at Cambria, CA. Published weekly by The Tribune, 2442 Main St., Cambria, California 93428. Subscription price: $39 per year in SLO County, $52 per year elsewhere in USA, in advance. Single copy price: 75¢. Advertising rates available upon request. Entered as 2nd class mail matter in Cambria, CA Post Office under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. A legal publication adjudicated Sept. 26, 1932, San Luis Obispo Superior Court File No. 10462. U.S. Postal Service identification No. 086-420. Copyright 2015, The Tribune. No part of this publication may be reproduced or reprinted without permission of the publisher. An award-winning member of the California Newspaper Publishers Association and The National Newspaper Association A McClatchy Newspaper Publisher Bruce Ray 781-7825, [email protected] Circulation Didn’t get your paper? Want to subscribe? Call (800) 288-4128 Advertising Advertising Office Classified Advertising Real Estate Display Ads Retail Display Ads Obituaries Fax 927-8652 781-7811 927-5631 927-5631 781-7834 927-4708 Send advertising copy to: [email protected] Brittany Hensley, Sales Manager 781-7836, [email protected] Ad deadlines* Castles & Cottages: Space — Noon Thursday Castles & Cottages: Copy — 10 a.m. Friday Legal Notice: 10 a.m. Friday Cambrian Display-Space: Noon Thursday Cambrian Display-Copy: 10 a.m. Friday Obituaries: Monday noon Classified Liner Ads: Tuesday noon News Steve Provost, Managing Editor 927-8896, [email protected] Kathe Tanner, Reporter 927-4140, [email protected] News deadlines* Letters to the editor: Friday, noon Press releases/calendars: Thursday, noon *HOLIDAY DEADLINES: Any time a holiday occurs that necessitates closure of the office, all deadlines are moved back one working day. 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It’s a community effort, and the board and district are privileged to be a part of that.” She grinned widely and said, “It’s pretty darn thrilling!” According to Adeliano Servellon, who has headed up the project for contractor CDM Smith, the treatment on those first gallons to officially enter the process should have taken about 30 minutes before the permeate water was automatically injected through a well and back into the ground for its two-month subsurface journey toward the district’s supply wells. Some preliminarily treated water is diverted to the creek’s lagoon. Residual brine from the waterreclamation process flows to a holding pond for the lengthy evaporation procedure that’s nudged along by a series of blowers that spray the brine across the surface of the pond. Gruber had said previously that the plan during a three-month testing period is to run the plant up to 10 hours a day, four days a week. The board’s next meeting is set for 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 29, at the Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St. A continued public hearing about revising enhanced water conser vation measures, restrictions on the use of potable water and maximum water-use allotments are among the items on the board’s agenda. Engineering and Math) did the rest. It wasn’t easy. The 17 youths who developed the project during their meetings at Santa Lucia Middle School had to come up with slogans and color schemes, then used Photoshop to create the designs. “The challenge was getting a good image on it,” said Eder Ramirez, 12, whose group eventually settled on a piggy bank and the slogan “Save water ever y day.” He said the group originally wanted to use the image of a bank building and also considered a broken piggy bank before settling on the intact model shown on the banner. Holly McHaffie, 13, and her partner, Jackson Bruce, created a banner with the slogan “Jack & Jill had no water.” “The original design was kind of long and had a lot of words, and we had it going horizontally,” she said, adding that it was originally in a comic-strip format. The design had to change because the banner was vertical, and the words were pared back to make the message easier to read from the road. Bright colors and big letters were the order of the day. “I’d say they made a lot of changes” as they went along, said Giovanni Espinoza, a ninth-grader who volunteered to help the students with the project. “I came for a couple of weeks, and I would do tutorials on Photoshop. Some of the kids had done some Photoshop, so they were able to help each other, which was cool.” Volpa, who also teaches at Santa Lucia, said she also learned a lot. Jan uary 22-28, 2015 “I didn’t know Photoshop,” she said after the students got to see the finished product for the first time earlier this month. “The kids are so immersed in technology every day, with iPads — we’re an iPad school — and computers and video games, they can teach me things More photos: I never Check out the other studentknew.” designed Volpa said the students banners. spent about Page 18 two hours brainstorming ideas, then sketched them out on paper and spent the next three sessions working on them in the computer lab. Dan Har tzell, the Y’s Santa Lucia site director, helped ensure the images chosen were the proper resolution and that they would fit the shape of the banners. “Everyone sits down, and you make a lot of mistakes, and then you just figure it out,” Volpa said. She explained that the STEM class, which meets on Wednesdays, is part of a full afterschool program sponsored by the Y at Santa Lucia. Forty students are enrolled in the effort, with more on a waiting list. The week’s scheduled calls for Poetr y Club on Monday, followed by Tech Club on Tuesday, then STEM, Improv Club and a free day to close out the week. Students undertake a variety of tasks. For instance, another STEM activity challenged them to develop a practical strategy for cleaning up an oil spill — helping wildlife and accounting for environmental impacts. One Wednesday, the youths were tasked with using 30 pieces of paper and masking tape to create a weight-bearing structure. The structure able to hold the most textbooks was to be judged the winner. The banner project was the brainchild of CCSD INSIDE Director Gail Robinette and Scarecrow Festival founder/ organizer Taylor Hilden. “I started last year wanting to do an outreach, a partnership involving students and families,” Robinette said. “We had some light posts available for something. The idea came up that maybe we could put some banners up. I said maybe we could use the light posts for banners, and maybe we could have the students design them.” Five light posts on Main Street were available, but the students — who were grouped into a half-dozen teams — came up with six ideas. For tunately, Robinette said, the group that had reserved the sixth post decided not to use it, freeing the space up for the students’ sixth banner. “I wanted to have students and families become our partners, not just in conserving, but in sustaining,” Robinette said. “Let’s get into sustainable solutions.” The students at the unveiling were told that they’d get an opportunity to attend the Jan. 29 meeting of the CCSD board, where their ef for ts would be recognized. The announcement was met with excitement, not least because it meant they’d be able to get out of school to attend. For the Record ————————— The Cambrian is committed to making its news articles accurate and fair. It is the paper’s policy to correct errors of fact and clarify misleading statements. If you see an error, bring it to our attention by calling 927-8895 or emailing cambrian@the tribunenews.com. Jan uary 22-28, 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS Two fundraisers set to help Cambria man fighting cancer Medical bills are piling up for Hector Melos, 18, who has attended school and worked in Cambria By Kathe Tanner The Cambrian Two Cambria fundraisers — a Jan. 25 soccer tournament and a Jan. 31 chicken barbecue — are being held to help pay for medical treatment for Hector Merlos, 18, who was diagnosed with testicular cancer Christmas Day, which has metastasized. He’s been going back and forth between his Cambria home and the Stanford University Medical Center, where he’s being treated with chemotherapy. Friends also have established the Hector Merlos Benefit Fund at Rabobank. Donations can be made at any branch. Merlos was a student at Cambria Grammar and Santa Lucia Middle schools. He attended Coast Union High School until his senior year in 2012. He then transferred to Loma Vista Community School in San Luis Obispo where he graduated. He worked in area motels, including the El Colibri Boutique & Spa, and then at Cambria Drug and Gift. Merlos’ medical bills are mounting quickly, even though he is covered by some health insurance, according to his parents and friends. His father, Salvador “Chava” Aguilar, said his son was to have returned to Stanford for another round of chemotherapy Friday, YEAR PAID VISITS UNPAID VISITS TOTAL VISITS 2012 2013 2014 641,129 689,865 724,409 27,128 28,362 29,998 668,257 718,227 754,407 County’s fortunes rise along with Castle visits The Cambrian COURTESY PHOTO FUNDRAISERS SOCCER TOURNAMENT The benefit soccer tournament will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Coast Union High School, 2950 Santa Rosa Creek Road on Sunday Jan. 25, according to Merlos’ mother Susona Merlos. She said various edibles and drinks will be available, such as pizza, carne asada and tacos. For details, call her at 835-2168. AMERICAN LEGION BARBECUE American Legion Post No. 432, Sons of the Legion and Hector Merlos’ father, Salvador “Chava” Aguilar, are sponsoring a drive-through fundraiser chicken barbecue from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday Jan. 31, at the post and the Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St. The meal will include rice, beans, salsa, bread and drink. Tickets are available now for $10 at the Legion hall, from Aguilar and at a few other locations. They’re selling fast, Aguilar said Tuesday, Jan. 20, but he expects some tickets also will be for sale at the door. For details, call him at 909-7616. Jan. 16, but doctors said his white-blood-cell count was too low. San Luis Obispo physicians will try to bolster that count so chemo can continue, perhaps as soon as Friday, Jan. 23. Both parents said separately they are so grateful for how the community has rallied around their son and the two families. 5 HEARST CASTLE VISITS BY THE NUMBERS By Kathe Tanner Hector Melos was diagnosed with cancer on Christmas Day. His medical expenses are rising. THE CAMBRIAN Attendance at Hearst Castle has been on a steady climb for the past couple of years, with an 11.3 percent increase in the total number of visits in 2014 compared with the 2012 figures. What’s driving the upswing? For openers, the state’s disastrous drought brought mostly beautiful weather for traveling to the hilltop and the Central Coast in 2013 and 2014. “I think visitation is likely up because of falling gas prices and a general feeling that the economy is improving,” Nick Franco, superintendent of the State Park district that includes the Castle, wrote in an email interview Friday, Jan. 16. “People seem to be wanting to go out and take more small trips,” he said. The castle has continued its additional “Building the Dream” tour, and Franco hopes to have “suf ficient funding in the coming year to continue that into next summer. Our biggest issue is the ability to continue to hire enough new guides to meet the demand.” He said the castle is recruiting to ensure there’ll be “a high-quality group of candidates to begin training this spring” to fill out the ranks. Business A countywide cliché says, “As Hearst Castle goes, so goes San Luis Obispo County and the Central Coast.” But are Castle visitors really staying in the area for a while, at least overnight? One measure of that is total-occupancy tax or TOT, the extra fees lodgings charge their guests and pay to the county. Kylee Jepsen is senior communications coordinator for the Visit San Luis Obispo County agency. Her records show that the county’s TOT collections were: • 2011-2012 fiscal year (July 1-June 30): $6,600,912 • 2012-2013: $7,190,873 • 2013-2014: $8,278,369 A separate fee — 2 percent of each bill — goes directly to countywide and community-specific funds (in unincorporated areas) to promote more overnight stays, known colloquially as “heads in beds” tourism. For instance, a visitor who spends the night in a Cambria lodging would pay an additional 1 percent of the bill to the county’s Business Improvement District fund, and 1 percent to the Cambria Tourism Board’s account. According to county records as reported by Nikki Schmidt of the Administrative Office, Cambria’s 1 percent of the add-on fee came to $306,709 in 2012, $340,201 in 2013 and $280,314 for the first nine months of 2014, bolstering the community’s long-held perception that the lodgings in the small coastal town contribute a sizeable chunk of the county’s TOT. Charlie Yates is general manager of Pacifica Hotels in Cambria and a member of the tourism board. He believes local lodging industry statistics “mirror the increases at the Castle,” although he couldn’t reveal specifics. “It’s been a steady increase … and we’re really positive about 2015,” he said. He credited a number of factors, including those mentioned by Franco, but also the “Cambria-San Simeon-Hearst Castle allure from all the articles written nationally and internationally over the past three years.” Yates also said various events contributed to the increases, such as: The Amgen Tour of California bicycle race with stunning, internationally televised aerial shots of the Castle and the coast; the event, Sunset Savor the Central Coast, and Sunset Magazine’s repeated articles featuring of the area as a prime vacation spot; the Best Buddies bike ride; and yes, even the Lady Gaga video production at the Castle. “We really feel that the partnership we’re forging between Cambria, San Simeon, the Castle and the Hearst Castle Theater … are helping to bring us into the tourism limelight,” he said, and helping to re-establish Hearst Castle as a true tourism destination. 6 COMMUNITY NEWS THE CAMBRIAN Elephant Seal News Jan uary 22-28, 2015 Ch r i sti n e He i n r ic h s ————————— Beachmasters aren’t to be trifled with … but challengers will try J anuary at the Piedras Blancas elephant seal beach is a constant soap opera. Newborn pups are born, beginning their saga. Adult male bulls vie with one another for dominance, the key to the big prize of mating with the females. Mothers squabble Christine over territo- Heinrichs ry and, of Cambria sometimes, writes a over pups. monthly Females arrive daily, column on elephant seals. and births happen frequently. More than 5,000 pups will be born in the rookery this year, and anything can happen. Some pups bond with attentive mothers and suckle their way to 300 pounds. But pups sometimes get separated from their mothers, who may lose track of them. The mother may be distracted by another mother or pup coming too close for her comfort. The mother may have to scoot down the beach to escape a bull thundering across the sand to face a challenger. Witnessing a birth is a high point for visitors. Many births occur within easy viewing range, but it’s not always easy to predict who will have a pup next. Docents try to point out possible nativities, but it’s never a sure thing. Even if a female is contorting herself in ways that suggest she’s straining to give birth, the arrival may be hours away. Once birth begins, it’s over within minutes. Look for a female digging out trenches on each side as she shovels sand into the air. A burst of water as the amniotic sac breaks, then a nose or flippers slipping out. Pups may be born head or flippers first. Gulls indicate when a birth has occurred, swarming around to eat the afterbirth. They clean it all up. For them, it’s protein-rich food, part of the biological cycle. Bulls presiding over a harem of females with their pups are called beachmas- TOURS OFFERED PHOTO BY CHRISTINE HEINRICHS This beachmaster reigns in a moment of calm over a harem of mothers and their pups. But when other males decide to challenge him, they had better watch out. ters. Perfect name! See them reclining in the midst of the crowd, their long noses flopped in the sand. Less dominant bulls sneak around the edges, looking for the main chance with one of the girls. It seldom works — the females won’t mate until they come into estrus (heat) at the end of lactation. They bark their objections, which soon brings the wrath of the beachmaster down on the interloper. Somehow, the less dominant bulls never get discouraged. They continue to hang around and make advances, no matter how often they get chased. Most dominance interactions consist of one bull Green meals, carbon footprint to be discussed Sunday Physician to speak at Unitarian Universalist afternoon gathering What we eat affects not only our own health but the health of the Earth, according to San Luis Obispo ear, nose and throat specialist Lisa Molin. At 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 25, Molin is scheduled to launch the 2015 Speakers Series for Greenspace — The Cambria Land Trust. She’ll explain her stance at Unitarian Universalist Church, 786 Arlington Drive. A $5 donation is suggested, and low-carbonfootprint refreshments will be served. A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide humans add to the atmosphere through daily lifestyle choices. CO2 is a primary greenhouse gas that many scientists asser t is contributing to climate change. Molin advocates buying food at a farmers market and purchasing a Community Supported Agricultural farm share box, which she considers ways to “green” our meals and support local food production. CSA’s give subscribers a box of sustainably produced fresh produce every week, giving farmers continuing financial suppor t and consumers delicious vegetables, fruits and other local products. The doctor also recommends eating less meat and less processed food to reduce the carbon footprint. Consuming more fresh products means less plastic, paper, Styrofoam and cardboard in the landfills. The nonprofit Greenspace is dedicated to protecting the local environment. Call 927-2866 for details. — Kathe Tanner challenging another by advancing toward him. One or the other backs down and moves away. You’ll see a lot of that on the beach, as one bull moves forward, another moves toward him, then a third bull moves toward the territory vacated by the challenger. Occasionally, displace- Friends of the Elephant Seal offers its annual Exploratory and Rookery Tours, free Saturday morning seminars on elephant seal life and times. Experts explain what’s going on for 90 minutes and answer questions, then the group heads to the rookery for a tour. With information fresh in mind, you can observe the seals with a more knowledgeable eye. Tour leaders are there to answer more questions that arise. Meet at 9:30 a.m. for coffee at Cavalier Plaza, 250 San Simeon Avenue in San Simeon. Birthing and nursing are the focus on Saturday mornings in January. In February, the focus is mating and weaning. ment doesn’t settle it, and the bulls come to real blows. They bump their massive chests and rip and tear with long canines at each other’s chest shields — the pink calloused skin around their necks. Christine Heinrichs’ column is special to The Cambrian. Sheriff’sLog ———————————— From Jan. 12-18, there were 46 entries in the sheriff’s log for the Cambria/San Simeon area. Reports were written on four, including: Thursday, Jan. 15 3200 block of Main Street, 9:01 a.m.: Assist another agency. Schoolhouse Lane and Eton Road, 2:29 p.m.: Someone cited after traffic stop. Friday, Jan. 16 2400 block of Burton Drive, 9:39 a.m.: Incident report about field interview. Sunday, Jan. 18 2200 block of Main Street, 8:50 p.m.: Someone arrested on misdemeanor charge of being drunk in public. Jan uary 22-28, 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS S c h o o l M at t e r s ————————— THE CAMBRIAN 7 Ted Siegler Trustee issues a progress report for Coast Unified School District A t the start of the 2012-13 school year, American Institutes for Research (AIR), a partner in the California Comprehensive Center at WestEd, identified six highperforming districts in California. The districts’ success is a model from which others across the state can learn. Coast Unified was one of the six. Recently, Sue Nash, a district trustee, issued a report on a Ted Siegler sampling of programs in- of Cambria writes a corporated monthly throughout column on the district. education. Arguably, CUSD’s success stems in part from these programs. Following are excerpts from Nash’s report. • The November school board meeting highlighted the Peace Leaders from Cambria Grammar School. They led us in reciting the Peacemakers’ Pledge, a statement of philosophy so strong that our Grammar School alumni report that as adults, they “make amends and get back in the game.” • Santa Lucia Middle School students described achievements in the afterschool YMCA program. The YMCA’s award-winning (!+ )'# *$%$,'"&& 1$0%%-)/, "%0*+(# !''&(% . 1-())0 2-++(% documentaries and technical skills landed them an invitation to film the Q&A for the SLO Film Festival. They have taught Cal Poly students and teachers how to better use technology in the classroom. • The Lions Club, the Salvation Army and the Slabtown Rollers (a local bicycle club) presented Santa Lucia Principal Kyle Martin with checks to fund two new classes already being taught: eighth-grade algebra and environmental education, a new science class. • Psychologist and Special Education Director Adam Helfand thanked the team that gives the compassionate help that students need. From providing speech therapy and occupational therapy to crafting individual educational plans, these educators, aides and health professionals give their all to those in need. • Superintendent Victoria Schumacher and trustees enjoyed a tremendous Thanksgiving feast put on annually by the students and staff at Leffingwell High School. • Grant Phillips is leading students on kayak expeditions at San Simeon Cove; a “schoolroom” where you might see an otter enjoying a snack or a humpback breaching. Students experi- ence the magic of San Simeon Cove through scientific information provided by the Ocean Discovery Center’s director, Dr. Carolyn Skinder. Skinder’s programs, aligned with the new Common Core standards, provide a learning environment unique to the Central Coast. • High school Principal Dr. Jonathan Sisson expressed his gratitude to Cuesta College for a successful College Night that introduced students to avail- able higher education. Students are being advised by high school counselor Cheryl Seay about the Cuesta Promise, a scholarship that guarantees each high school graduate in the county the full year of tuition for their first year at Cuesta. • The tech team, led by Henry Danielson and Dr. Sisson, reported on plans to update students’ iPads in the most prudent way. They continue a commitment to have each student gain ex- perience on PCs and Macs, too. • We also applauded school libraries and the dedicated librarians and library technicians. They help create avid readers by suggesting just the right books for each student. Nash expressed thanks to the trustees — president Del Clegg, Judith Hillen, Cindy Fratto, newly elected trustee Lesli Murdoch, and retiring trustee Dianne Brooke — as well as Shu- macher and student trustee Courtney Castle for their leadership. This group sets policy and is responsible for the rich offerings in our small district. The result of their efforts is a district recognized for excellence, directly benefitting the young people in their charge. Ted Siegler’s “School Matters” column is special to The Cambrian. Email suggested topics to him at [email protected]. ".$ %$2&$.0 +)#, !#) -)+$(% *)& $(. '&/1. )* )+. 30 9,# &3.- #+ 4#'3-. %52 /,-%5 ,0 "7-#7'9( *82! $9/ /2/62'& ,-19) "-)%3(0 76,%& 417''0' &,27# 7& $#/8-0 +.!5* '#%!"'$& "')$(!"& #&(%)$ #!" !1'&$ (-## / %-## "33 .4",. 023* +) '/' *#$$# ,)+ ,%-(! "".&.''' '&55 D76E03 -F) ED*) '(' 9 1764FC7/ 17 +><&. 9 %.(8: +&2,<+5' 9 G?"$;=BA@!GB#H)=$A 8 THE CAMBRIAN THE CAMBRIAN Send letters by noon Friday or hand-deliver by 5 p.m. Thursday to: Email: [email protected] 2442 Main St., Cambria, CA 93428 Slice of Life Fax: (805) 927-4708 Phone: (805) 927-8895 Letters to the editor may be edited. Shorter letters on local topics appear sooner. K at h e T a n n e r ————————— Second fiddles make beautiful music that deserves to be heard I t was 7 p.m. on a Tuesday, my last-gasp deadline for finishing my assignments. I had just inherited an important story to do, with about 10 minutes for research and writing. The topic was the decision made at an out-of-town governmental hearing late that afternoon. I wasn’t there, because I had about five other significant stories to write that day, and neither was another reporter who had been going to cover the meeting but was pulled away for another assignment. Welcome to my job. I hastily phoned and emailed some of the people who attended the session. (I love my cadre of sources!) They told me what happened at the meeting, approxiKathe Tanner mately how many concerned folks attend- writes for ed, how many of them spoke and about The Cambrian. what. I even found out who made the motion to approve the action being discussed. But nobody could remember who seconded the motion. Nobody. Not even the motion maker. Seconding a motion is like being the second child, the silver medal winner, vice president or the guy who almost made it to the top of Mount Everest … an also-ran, Costanza on “Seinfeld” or Doc on “Gunsmoke.” And that’s not fair, you know. A motion without a second is an idea that’s all dressed up with no place to go. The person who seconds the motion is the one who really takes it to the most important level: The vote. Poor second banana. Maybe it would be better to be third. At least then you’re at the end of the sentence about the medal winners, and lots of people remember the very last thing they read. Please see SLICE, Page 10 OPINION ‘A good newspaper is a community talking to itself.’ Let te r s to th e Editor ————————— Fundraiser thanks Kathe Tanner wrote a great article about our great-grandson, Phoenix Wilkinson, who was born with a severe compromised immune deficiency syndrome (SCID), commonly called “bubble boy syndrome.” The name originated in the ’70s when a boy, David Vetter, was forced to live 12 years in a plastic bubble. Following the article, we received a call from Katie Chasteen, manager of the Westside Beauty Supply at 2307 Theater Drive (by Target), Paso Robles. Katie read the article and felt a strong desire to do something for our great-grandson, Phoenix. Chasteen decided to hold a fundraiser, and on Jan. 10, after bringing many businesses on board, raised more than $3,000 for Phoenix and made a raffle winner happy with $1,500, who very generously donated back a third of it. We are very humbled at the generosity of Chasteen and her employers, who before this we had never met. It is amazing what one caring soul can accomplish, and we would like to thank Tanner and Chasteen, as well as each one who participated in the fundraiser. Donations are being accepted at any Heritage Oaks Bank “For the Benefit of Phoenix Wilkinson.” Don and Mary Anderson Cambria Jan uary 22-28, 2015 Vi ew From Th e Beac h ————————— Hardly a triumph I’d like to respond to recent letters to The Cambrian about Golden Rice. Golden Rice (GR) includes a gene to produce beta-carotene, inserted through genetic engineering. GR is intended to boost Vitamin A intake for the poor in countries such as the Philippines, where the primary food source is rice. Work to produce GR began in Europe in 1989, supported in part by the Rockefeller Foundation. More recently, work was transferred to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines. In March 2014, IRRI announced additional work must be done to produce a GR for government approval. Meaning: Proponents of GR have spent 25 years and millions of dollars with no GR in use and no diets improved by it. This is hardly a triumph of genetic engineering. Consider this: Had some of the dollars spent on the development of GR been spent instead providing beta-carotene-rich fruits and vegetables, at least some people would have been helped. And, if GR is ever put into production, it will do little to fight poverty — the root cause of Vitamin A deficiency GR is intended to alleviate. For more information, please read Golden Rice Myths by Dr. Michael Hansen (http://perma culturenews.org/2014/03 BY ART VAN RHYN In which our little town reacts to possible copyright infringement. /27/golden-rice-myths). Jesse Arnold Cambria Why cut down trees? The state is in a severe drought that has impacted the entire county. Not all areas have been impacted evenly. No one can predict when or if the drought will cease. Yet the powers that be allow building to continue with the ridiculous solution to offset water use by cutting down trees. Some have presumptuously expressed the idea that the water problem is not as bad as they have been led to believe, and also areas least impacted by the drought should be allowed to continue to build. They are gambling the drought will reverse itself before the water availability here is in dire crisis. What has happened to old-fashioned common sense? Since this is the first time such a situation has existed, it might be prudent to wait and see what happens before any further building is allowed. Because water is a limited See LETTERS, Page 10 Letters: Email letters to [email protected] Jan uary 22-28, 2015 OPINION Viewpoint THE CAMBRIAN 9 Ji l l Tu r n bow ————————— Pacific Coast Wine Trail provides a tasteful adventure ow fortunate we are to H live in this beautiful community, especially we wine lovers! Did you know that you can enjoy some fine wineries and tasting rooms without driving all the way to Paso Robles? Just follow the Pacific Coast Wine Trail. From San Simeon to Morro Bay, nine wineries have come together to promote the beauty of the Central Coast and diversity of its wines. Each boutique winery features wines produced in small lots from local vineyards. “It’s been fun working together to create a unique experience for North County visitors,” said Maria Stolo Bennetti, general manager at Stolo Family Winery. “These award-winning wines, coupled with our picturesque trail, are going to put us all on the map,” added Todd Clift, owner and winemaker at Moonstone Cellars. Beginning in San Simeon, you can drop by Hearst Ranch Winery, directly across from the gates of Hearst Castle. Hearst Ranch shares a space with Sebastian’s Deli, along with some breathtaking ocean views. Entering Cambria from the north, three tasting rooms can be found on Main Street: Black Hand Cellars, with its mysterious Mafia ties (ask Tom about that!); Moonstone Cellars, where there’s a party every day; and Twin Coyotes, owned by twin brothers who’ve put their own unique twist on their wines. Venturing up Santa Rosa Creek Road, you’ll reach Stolo Family Vineyards. The beautiful tasting room is located on a thriving with the winemakers,” Saturday, Jan. 24, at Indigo Moon Restaurant. This event is in conjunction with the Cambria Art & Wine Festival. Chef Jay Somers will prepare a delectable multi-course dinner, paired with wines from all nine locations. Tickets are $100 per person and available at Moonstone Cellars or on www.PacificCoastWine Trail.com The weekend of Feb. 21 and 22, the Pacific Coast Wine Trail will host its first-ever Passport Weekend to benefit the Marine Mammal Center of San Luis Obispo. Grab a pass- TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE ILLUSTRATION vineyard where you can relax and enjoy their handcrafted, estate-grown wines. Just south of Cambria is Harmony Cellars, in the tiny town of Harmony, population 18. Harmony, the largest and oldest of the coastal wineries, offers guests a variety of wines, a gourmet gift shop and hilltop patio perfect for picnicking. Keep heading south, and you’ll find Cayucos Cellars, a fun, family-owned winery in Cayucos. You can drink a flight of whites, big reds and blends beachfront. The trail continues into Morro Bay, home to two of the newest wineries on the trail, Chateau Margene and Cuatro Dias. Chateau Margene is a well-established winery that has recently moved its tasting room from Vineyard Drive in Templeton to the Morro Bay Embarcadero. Cuatro Dias opened a tasting room inside the old Miner’s Hardware building on Highway 41. Owner Greg Allen named his winery for the “four days” he has off from his job as an Los Angeles firefighter. If you would like to meet the winemakers all at once, plan to attend a “Pacific Coast Wine Trail dinner The weekend of Feb. 21 and 22, the Pacific Coast Wine Trail will host its first-ever Passport Weekend to benefit the Marine Mammal Center of San Luis Obispo. Each winery will be offering special food and wine pairings, discounts and fun. port at any of the nine wineries and follow the trail. Each winery will be offering special food and wine pairing, discounts and fun. Those who collect a stamp from all nine wineries by March 15 will be eligible to win a Wine Weekend Lifestyle Package including accommodations, dining and more wine. There’s so much to see and do along the coast. No need to stray far from home to enjoy Central Coast wines. See you on the trail. Jill Turnbow is in charge of Pour Relations at Moonstone Cellars, but Cambrians might also know her from her many stage appearances at SLO Little Theatre, Allied Arts, and the Pewter Plough Playhouse. 10 OPINION THE CAMBRIAN David Lee Odell David Lee Odell, 86, of Harmony passed away on Jan. 10, 2015, in San Luis Obispo. David Odell was an invaluable member of California’s health care system for many years. He worked for Olive View Hospital, UCLA Harbor Medical Center, and USC LAC General Hospital during the course of his career as a Hospital Administrator. He also served as the director of Health and Human Services in Alameda and Orange County, and was President of the California Hospital Association. David was not only a Health consultant here at home, but also worked internationally. David and his wife, Betty, were able to enjoy many years of traveling the world together, visiting more than 30 countries. Their favorite Obituaries ———————————— travel destination had always been Bali, Indonesia, where David had a hospital consulting job that lasted many years. After retirement, the Odells moved from Southern California to the Central Coast, where David continued to be an active member of the health care system, serving on the Health Commission Board and Board for the Homeless. David enjoyed the company of friends and family; he was a sports enthusiast and avid tennis player. David is survived by his wife of 61 years, Betty Odell, and two daughters, Karen Morgan of Albuquerque, N.M., and Kim Mulligan of Templeton. He is also survived by six grandchildren: Nathan Wilkes, Kyle Wilkes, Nisha OBITUARY POLICY Cambrian obituaries are charged by the line and must be prepaid. Photos and emblems may be included for an additional fee. All obituaries are edited for grammar, spelling and taste and are posted at sanluisobispo.com for 30 days. The deadline to submit an obituary is noon Monday for a complete obituary published Thursday. The deadline to submit death notices is 2:30 p.m. Tuesday for a death notice to be published Thursday. For details, call 781-7834 or 781-7816 during business hours. Shah-Benevidez, Kevin Mulligan, Brian Mulligan and Tricia Mulligan, and six great-grandchildren. He will be greatly missed by all. Sign his guestbook at sanluisobispo.com/obituaries Jan uary 22-28, 2015 Slice could stay up later, and — from my younger vantage point — she had a lot more From Page 8 control over her own life. Fiction, I know. But And then there is sibling that’s how it seemed to me birth order. In a way, I grew up as an at the time. However, being second only child, the youngest of banana wasn’t nearly as two kids and the baby in a bad as being the “little kid” trio of relatives. in a group of three. Confused yet? Try it Kate also has a nephew, from my side. I am the only offspring of John, who is four years oldmy mother, who was an on- er than she is. We three weren’t together all that ofly until she was 19, when ten, although his Long her half sister Kate was Island home base wasn’t all born two years before I that far away from southwas. In some ways, Kate and I eastern Westchester County, where Kate and I were as close as many sisters, but we didn’t have the grew up. But, as my kids love to daily sibling battles about tell me, car travel wasn’t as sharing the toothpaste, easy in the dark ages. fighting over who got to Whenever John, Kate use the shower first or even sharing school experi- and I were in the same household, mayhem often ences each night — she ensued. Two against one. was in a private school. Guess who was usually Even so, I got a taste of the “one.” what it was like to be secIt never failed, whether ond fiddle. we were playing Scrabble, Kate always got to do croquet or hide-and-seek, things I couldn’t or wasn’t fighting over the dictionary allowed to do. She got the or the last cookie. Two gifts I wanted that weren’t against one. Monkey in the yet “appropriate for a girl middle. Third fiddle. your age” or were too exAnd it never ends. That’s pensive for our budget. She Letters restaurants, a Walking Bunch, bird watchers and lawn bowling. From Page 8 There is dancing every resource and a basic need, Sunday at the Las the supervisors need to im- Cambritas Restaurant at 1 plement an immediate p.m. And for your early cup building moratorium. of coffee there is the Any other action puts the Village Bean. county in a precarious posiIn San Simeon, there is tion. the San Simeon Bar and This should not be. Grill and the renowned Hearst Castle, which has Susan Levine world famous painting and Templeton where, once a year, people get dressed up in period Tour of Cambria costumes. Cambria is a wonderful Cambria also has a very place to live, with many fine active Lions Club, which features some fine speakers at meetings that occur ICYMI: In case you missed it, find Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. Coast Union High has a archived Letters to the Editor sports program that has online at thecambrian.com. OK. I’m getting my revenge. These days, when I’m feeling sibling evil, I send them birthday cards that flaunt the fact that now, when it really matters, I’m still younger than they are. But back to that lastminute assignment I had to write about the meeting I hadn’t attended. Did I ever find out who seconded the motion? Yes. I was so doggedly determined to find the answer that to find out, off deadline, I watched an interminable video of the meeting, which I hadn’t had time to do in researching for the 11th-hour, deadline’s-here writing of the story. But my hard-fought discovery never made it into print. Sorry, second fiddle. Maybe next time. Kathe Tanner is a reporter for The Cambrian and The Tribune. Her “Slice of Life” column appears biweekly. Email her at ktanner@thetribune news.com and follow her on Twitter@cambriareporter. every sport you may want to watch. Tin City, located near our hardware store, has every tool you might need. And right in back of those businesses are places to get your car lubricated, and body work is available, too. The walk on the East West Ranch, which I do seven days a week and where I see 40 or so Cambrians a day, is great fun, and you get some exercise too. And in the back of the Cambrian newspaper, there are many people who paint and do repairs on your homes. Clive Finchamp Cambria DATES & DATA Jan uary 22-28, 2015 THE CAMBRIAN 11 Cambria+Events ———————————— THISWEEK THURSDAY Story time for preschoolers. 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. Thursdays. Ages up to 6 welcome. Cambria Library, 1043 Main St. 927-4336. FRIDAY Cambria Farmers Market. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Fridays. Sponsored by Cambria Lions Club. Veterans Memorial Building parking lot, 1000 Main St. Cambria. 924-1260. Adventures With Nature. Rain or bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Hike the Coon Creek Loop. 9:30 a.m. Hike on the Rattlesnake Flat and Coon Creek trails. Meet in the Montaña de Oro State Park at the end of the Pecho Road in the Coon Creek parking lot. 3 miles, 2-3 hours. SATURDAY Beach Clean Up. 9 a.m. to noon. Bring water, gardening gloves and buckets or reusable bags. Montaña de Oro Sand Spit. 544-1777. Adventures With Nature. Rain or bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • White’s Point Vistas. 11 a.m. A short, but steep walk to view the estuary and learn about the forces that have created this watery world that serves as home to hundreds of marine and terrestrial animals. Meet at Morro Bay Natural History Museum entrance. 0.5 mile, 45 minutes. • Black Hill Trail. 2 p.m. Walk the most accessible of the volcanic sisters, learn their history and enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding geography from atop the hill. Meet at the overlook parking lot above Morro Bay Golf Course. 0.5 mile, 1-1.5 hours. Jude Johnstone in Concert. 7:30 p.m. Cambria Center for the Arts, 1350 Main St., Cambria. $20. 805-8190. SUNDAY Adventures With Nature. Rain or bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Los Osos Oaks Reserve. 10 a.m. Shaded stroll through ancient forest. See native plants and evidence of Chumash habitation, learn colorful historical background. Meet at reserve entrance, 0.7 mile east of South Bay Boulevard on Los Osos Valley Road. 1 mile, 1.5 hours. • Plant of the Month — Fuchsia-Flowered Gooseberry. 2 p.m. A short walk to see the first WANT YOUR EVENT LISTED HERE? Email dated events to calendar @thetribunenews.com (with a copy to cambrian@thetribune news.com) at least two weeks before the event date. flowers of the new year. Learn about their habits. Meet at the north end of 15th Street in Los Osos. 1 mile, 1.5 hours. Jude Johnstone in Concert. 3 p.m. Cambria Center for the Arts, 1350 Main St., Cambria. $20. 805-8190. MONDAY Adventures With Nature. Rain or bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Mind Walk — Serpent in Eden: Early Colonial Impacts on the Human Ecology of Coastal California. 10:15 a.m. A presentation addressing the early colonial impacts on coastal native Californians and their environmental relationships. The current assumption will be challenged, and alternative interpretations entertained. Veterans Memorial Building, 209 Surf St., Morro Bay. $3. 1.5 hours. Cambria’s Rough Writers. 1 to 4 p.m. Creative writing group meetings. Guests with a serious interest in writing are welcome. Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. Go to www.Rough Writers.org, then email Rough [email protected] to set a date. Line Dancing. Mondays. Beginner class at 5:30 p.m., no experience or partner required. Latin, contemporary, country western. Learn to dance and exercise at the same time. $2. Ongoing class at 6:15 p.m., $5, or take both classes for $5. Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St., Cambria. 903-3241. TUESDAY The Cambria Chorale meets for rehearsals from 9 to 11:15 a.m. Tuesdays and periodically from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Fridays. All singers welcome. Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. 927-2989. WEDNESDAY The Cambria Walking Bunch. 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Meet at Shamel Park, Cambria. darlene [email protected]. Cambria Couples Dance and Social Club. 6 to 9 p.m. second and fourth Wednesdays. Live music and a potluck dinner. Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. 927-0527. STAGE Pewter Plough Playhouse Readers’ Theatre. 7:30 p.m. Jan. 24; 3 p.m. Jan. 25. “84 Charing Cross Road.” Pewter Plough Playhouse, 824 Main St., Cambria. $10. 927-3877, www.pewterplough playhouse.org. Photography. Through Feb. 12. Seven Sisters Gallery, 601 Embarcadero, No. 8, Morro Bay, 772-9955. “For the Birds.” Paintings, photography, drawings and 3D work. Through Feb. 23. Morro Bay Art Gallery, 835 Main St. 772-2504. TALENT CALL ART ONGOING Don Doubledee. “Morning Walk.” Mixed media. Through Jan. 29. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero, Suite 10, Morro Bay. 772-1068. Kathleen VanHyfte. “Painting in Paradise.” Acrylic painting. Through Jan. 29. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero, Suite 10, Morro Bay. 772-1068. Bob Kennedy and Mike Weakley. “Two Photographers, Two Perceptions.” Photography. Through Feb. 1. Cambria Center for the Arts, 1350 Main St., Cambria. Margaret Ambrosavage. “Horizons.” Pastel. Through Feb. 4. Cayucos Art Gallery, foot of the pier. 995-2049. Ronnie Goyette. “Fleeting Moments — New Works.” San Luis Obispo’s Concerts in the Plaza series is accepting applications for bands to perform from 5 to 8 p.m. Fridays, June 12 through Sept. 11 at Mission Plaza. The deadline for submission is 4 p.m. Jan. 30. Applications can be found at www.DowntownSLO .com. PLANAHEAD Adventures With Nature. Rain or bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Quarry Trail to Morro Vistas. 9 a.m. Jan. 31. Participants will hike to the foot of Cerro Cabrillo to view quarry site and learn about formation of the Morros. Explore seasonal wildflowers and enjoy vistas of the Chorro Valley. View the web of estuary waters on the return. Meet at Quarry Trailhead off South Bay Boulevard. 3 miles, 2.5 hours. &3#'3 2-) %-(+ !"4,$ . - 0 / - ( + - / * 0 / 3 4 - 1 1 ( / 0 ) % ") 12 THE CAMBRIAN COMMUNITY NEWS A W o rt h w h i l e L i f e ————————— Jan uary 22-28, 2015 L a dy T i e D i May you be amazed: All for awe, and awe for all “Try to see more of your world in this way, as if you are seeing it for the first time, perhaps through the eyes of a child if not a caveman. Beginner’s mind, Zen mind. If you’re not amazed, you’re not paying attention.” — Rick Hanson (bit.ly/1KWvqid) fect harmony or you witness the perfect sunset? Judging by all the Dianne Brooke photos on of Cambria has Facebook of served on the recent stunCoast Unified ning skies, School District you are apboard. Her uch has been preciating column written on the importhe importance of this appears weekly tance of connection. in The “awe,” of havAwe may Cambrian. ing our minds blown. You be signaled know, that feeling when by the hairs on your head you walk through the redstanding up, or that feeling wood forest and notice its of electricity bolting immensity, or hear a group through you or a sense of of children singing in percalm and oneness. I have M Awe puts us back in touch with ourselves, of the Grand Canyon for the first time). It is a sensation that find center. awakens emotions of all sorts, from inspired to melancholy, if you let it been in awe when meditat- health and well-being,” take you down an existening and tuning out all else states a study in Psychotial path to the finite nature but a white light ahead of logical Science (bit.ly/1E of it all. But while you may me; while lost in the intrilyKQ). cate little lines in a stone The authors of that study be running on standby mode by closing yourself while imagining the miner- found that “participants off to wonderment, you are als and pressure and eons who felt awe, relative to also denying yourself the of time it took to make it, other emotions, felt they gift of awakening the and when holding my new- had more time available, senses. born sons. were less impatient, were Am I making sense? Awe puts us back in more willing to volunteer Sometimes words spark touch with ourselves, retheir time to help others, awe in me: They come flyarranges time to our bene- and more strongly preing out and some times fit and helps us find center. ferred experiences over they work. Sometimes they “People increasingly rematerial goods.” port feeling time-starved, I believe we move so fast don’t, but that’s OK! Go to an art museum. which exacts a toll on and think we are learning Take a moonlight walk and so much that we don’t allow ourselves to be open to look at the stars. Meditate and notice how many all the possibilities life has to offer. Experiencing awe, thoughts are going through your mind at once in my life, comes as a surprise and may bring either and how you can jettison them. Go out in nature utter joy or a bit of fear again. Listen to a grand (like standing on the edge rearranges time to our benefit and helps us 81+*',*#& 4$6". )7#&% -1/0 %30 &1!0 *5 *#' '*2/&.( piece of music — really listen to it. Express that awe in your own words, images or other way. Sit in silence. Obviously, there are countless ways to find yourself in awe, but you must allow yourself to feel it, to let tears come, to let yourself laugh out loud, to pay attention to yourself and your place in it. “Fleeting and rare, experiences of awe can change the course of a life in profound and permanent ways.” — Dacher Keltner of UC Berkeley and Jonathan Haidt of New York University, (“Approaching Awe, A Moral, Spiritual And Aesthetic Emotion”) Dianne Brooke’s column is special to The Cambrian. Email her at ltd@ladytiedi .com, or visit her website at www.ladytiedi.com. 96,5 &%6'%& 7/!'&06: "6+!6': ##+0 - $54'!6': ##+02 #8)1 #1( *33 .12888 #8( *33 .)2888 %* .12888 )1( *33 .)88 %* .)2888 We’ll deliver the most current news and information directly to you! A s l o w as $ 1 7 . 9 4 a m o n t h NOW is the perfect time to start home delivery of The Tribune! 1-800 -288-4128 o r SanLuisObispo.com (click on Customer Service) 0!/! $%*'-1 8*5#2 7'2+ ( "634*56 /&0.,()) DATES & DATA Jan uary 22-28, 2015 PLACES TO GO Cambria Historical Museum. Local and regional history in the former Guthrie-Bianchini House, a home dated from 1870. Rotating exhibits and displays. Bookstore with gifts and mementos, nursery with heirloom plants. Corner of Burton Drive and Center Street. 1 to 4 p.m. Friday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday. Free admission, but donations welcome. Museum and gardens available for small parties, meetings and other events. 927-2891, www.cambriahistoricalsociety.com. Hearst Castle. Daytime tours, daily, $25 adults, $12 children (5-12 years old). 800-444-4445, www.hearstcastle.com. Piedras Blancas Light Station Tours. Sept. 1 to June 14: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. June 15 to Aug. 31: Mondays through Saturdays. Meet at 9:45 a.m. at the former Piedras Blancas Motel, 1.5 miles north of the lighthouse. $10 for adults, $5 for ages 6-17, no fee for 5 and younger. Call 927-7361 to make arrangements for groups of 10 or more; no tours on federal holidays. 927-7361. Artist paintout days. Second Wednesdays. $10. To make arrangements, call 927-8574. SENIORS Adult day care. Care and enrich- ment for clients and respite for families and caregivers. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Cambria Adult Resources, Education and Support (CARES), at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2700 Eton Road, Cambria. 927-4290. Senior Nutrition Program lunch, 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2700 Eton Road. $2.75. 927-1268. Free transportation around Cambria for seniors and the disabled on the Cambria Community Bus on weekdays. Weekly trips to Morro Bay and San Luis Obispo; monthly trips to Paso Robles, Templeton and Atascadero. Call 927-4173 from 9 to 11 a.m. two days before the day a ride is needed. Free health screening is offered monthly by the Community Action Partnership to anyone 18 years old and older, including monitoring blood pressure, pulse and weight and a finger-prick blood test for anemia, diabetes and high cholesterol. No appointment is necessary for the screening. 9:30 a.m. to noon the second Monday of each month at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2700 Eton Road, Cambria. RECREATION BulletinBoard ———————————— AND EDUCATION Belly dancing. A soft aerobics workout for the abdomen and spine. Classes are offered two Fridays a month from 5 to 6:15 p.m. at the Joslyn Center, 950 Main St. Free to members. 785-0476. Cambria Lawn Bowls Club meets at 9 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Free lessons are offered for all ages. Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. 924-1696, 559-281-6633, or email [email protected]. Cambria Writers’ Workshop meets from 9:30 a.m. to noon Wednesdays at the Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St. Anyone serious about writing and publishing can come and bring original unpublished works. No charge. Guests are welcome. Call Ivon at 927-8172 for details. Drop-in Tennis. All skill and age levels welcome. 9 to 11 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays at Coast Union High School, 2950 Santa Rosa Creek Road. Sponsored by the Cambria Tennis Club. GymOne, 1266 Tamson Drive, Suite 101. 927-4961. 1 Hi1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Lo1 Rain1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Hi2 Lo2 Rain2 66 43 0.0 66 43 0.01 66 41 0.0 68 41 0.0 72 47 0.0 69 47 0.01 70 50 0.01 ————————— Observations Pleasant, sunny winter day. Clear and cool. Ditto. Repeat. Another lovely day. Where’s the rain? Sun’s out again, sky is blue, air temp is ideal. For summer. Some high clouds; warmer. Light fog off and on at the beach; partly cloudy, humid. Mostly clear with high clouds. CCSD Water Quality Control Plant, 5500 Heath Lane, northeast side of Park Hill. 2 Whispering Pines, London Lane, east of Top of the World, Lodge Hill January rainfall: 0.02”1, 0.07”2. 2013-14 rain season to date: 9.38”1, 8.97”2. Weather Service forecast (as of Tuesday): Thursday: Sunny. Highs from the mid-60s to around 70 at the beaches; mid-70s to around 80 inland. Thursday night and Friday: Mostly clear. Lows in the low to mid-40s. Highs in the 70s. Friday night: Mostly clear. Lows in the mid-40s to around 50. Saturday through Sunday night: Clear. Highs from around 70 at the beaches to the upper 70s inland. Lows in the mid-40s to mid-50s. Monday: Sunny. Highs from the mid-60s to around 70 at the beaches to the mid- to upper 70s inland. Updated forecast: www.thecambrian.com. CCSD’s San Simeon Creek wells averaged 20.49’ on Jan. 12, up 0.36’ from 20.12’ on Jan. 5. CCSD’s Santa Rosa Creek SR4 well measured 51.50’ on Jan. 12, down 1.90’ from 53.40’ on Jan. 5. CCSD’s WBE monitoring well measured 4.98 on Jan. 12, up 0.35’ from 4.63’ on Jan. 5. www.gymonecambria.com. Activities include: • Introduction to Spinning. 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Gentle introduction to indoor cycling. Participants can build muscle and cardio endurance. • Yoga — All levels welcome. Hatha, 9:30 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Flow, 12:15 p.m. Wednesdays, 7:30 a.m. Saturdays, 10 a.m. Sundays. Gentle, noon Tuesdays and Thursdays. • Active Aging — older adult exercise: Senior Sneakers, 11 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; 1:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Joslyn Recreation Center, home to more than a dozen clubs. All club members must be Joslyn Recreation Center members $35 annual membership fee. 950 Main St. 927-3364, http://joslyn rec.org, Labyrinth and Meditation Garden. Daylight hours daily. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church; lower level, 2700 Eton Road, Cambria. Free. 927-3239, www.stpauls cambria.org. Mahjong. 1 to 4 p.m. Mondays at classes, 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays. “Art Is Fun” classes, 2 to 5 p.m. Thursdays, free shuttle to the Morro Bay bus. Admission: $15 per session. Jacque Brackett, 927-5965. Mind-body movement class using elements of martial, dance and healing arts. 5 to 6 p.m. Fridays. All ages. Instructor: Calico Hauser. $8. Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. 927-5405. Yoga with Joanna: Call 927-YOGA (9642) for schedule. Pickleball. The club welcomes drop-in play for all those interested. 8 a.m. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays on the back two tennis courts at Coast Union High School, 2950 Santa Rosa Creek Road. Enter through side gate by baseball diamond, not through front tennis courts. Information: 909-9000. Zumba. Latin-based music dance for fitness. 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays, 5 to 6 p.m. Thursdays, 7:30 a.m. Fridays. Admission: $3 for class members, $5 for guests. Gym One, 1266 Tamson Drive, Suite 101. 927-4961, www.gymone cambria.com. Shorin-ryu karate. Children, 8 to 14 years old, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.; adults, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. $25 a month. 927-5856. Stretch and tone: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St. No classes offered on the fourth Thursday of each month. Cost: $6 a class or $45 monthly. 927-4550. Watercolor “Yes You Can” Jan. 23 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Low tide Height High tide Height 4:47 a.m. 1.7 10:48 a.m. 6.0 5:42 p.m. -0.9 -------------------5:46 a.m. 1.6 12:17 a.m. 4.9 6:25 p.m. -0.5 11:41 a.m. 5.4 6:52 a.m. 1.5 1:04 a.m. 5.0 7:11 p.m. 0.1 12:40 p.m. 4.8 8:08 a.m. 1.4 1:55 a.m. 5.1 8:00 p.m. 0.8 1:51 p.m. 4.1 9:33 a.m. 1.2 2:50 a.m. 5.2 8:56 p.m. 1.4 3:19 p.m. 3.6 10:58 a.m. 0.9 3:49 a.m. 5.3 10:01 p.m. 1.9 5:01 p.m. 3.3 12:11 p.m. 0.4 4:49 a.m. 5.4 11:11 p.m. 2.2 6:33 p.m. 3.4 --------------------5:46 a.m. 5.5 1:09 p.m. 0.0 7:43 p.m. 3.6 Sunrise: 7:11/7:07a.m. Sunset: 5:22/5:29 p.m. First-quarter moon: 8:49 a.m. Jan. 26 Yoga with Patti. Yoga Flo at 4:30 p.m. Mondays, Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St. 927-1661. Recreation and Education listings appear the first Thursday of each month; Help Is Available listings on the second Thursday; undated Club Meeting information on the third Thursday; and Volunteers Needed listings on the fourth Thursday. Want your listing to appear here? Items for Bulletin Board should be submitted at least a week before the requested publication date. Email items (fliers are welcome) to [email protected]; drop by The Cambrian at 2442 Main St.; mail to PO Box 67, Cambria CA 93428; or fax to 927-4708. Haiku ————————— Date Jan. 22 13 the Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. $1 donation to the center and a $3 purse buyin. Visitors welcome. Sharon, 927-5155. Tides W e at h e r — W e l l s Date Jan. 6 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 THE CAMBRIAN ————————— Moonrise/set 8:33 a.m. 8:20 p.m. 9:14 a.m. 9:29 p.m. 9:53 a.m. 10:36 p.m. 10:32 a.m. 11:41 p.m. 11:11 a.m. ------------11:52 a.m. 12:45 a.m. 12:36 p.m. 1:46 a.m. 1:22 p.m. 2:44 a.m. View from fishing boat Seal, porpoise, bird, whale, fishing They catch, I just fish — Thomas Pope Send haikus to [email protected] Gas Prices ————————— Gallon of regular gas (Jan. 20): Cambria Chevron $3.19 Diesel $3.59 Cambria General Store $3.17 Cambria Shell $3.19 Diesel $3.59 Atascadero Circle K $2.45 MORE LISTINGS AT WWW.SANLUIS OBISPO.COM/GASPRICES 14 AGENDA THE CAMBRIAN Unless indicated, all meetings are open to the public. Some are available for later viewing on Charter Cable channel 21. Check www.slo-span.org THURSDAY, JAN. 22 County Planning Commission. 9 a.m. Board of Supervisors Chambers, County Government Center, 1055 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. 781-5600. www.slo county.ca.gov/planning.htm. Agenda includes: Hearing to consider removing mini-storage warehouse facilities as an allow- able use on land zoned residential multifamily. Study session on the county’s Renewable Energy Streamlining Program, designed to encourage development of certain renewable energy projects in suitable, inland unincorporated areas of the county. On TV: Cablecast on Charter Cable Channel 21, replayed at 6 p.m. Thursday and Monday. TUESDAY, JAN. 27 County Board of Supervisors. 9 a.m. County Government Center, 1055 Monterey St., San Jan uary 22-28, 2015 PublicMeetings ———————————— Luis Obispo. 781-5450. www.slo county.ca.gov/bos. Agenda includes: Hearing to consider forming special taxing district and set an election for road improvements to Leonard Place. On TV: Live on Charter Cable Channel 21. Replayed at 6 p.m. Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday. On the Web: http://bit.ly/UFW1Z3. Cambria Community Healthcare District Board of Trustees. 6 p.m. Rabobank, 1070 Main St. 927-8304. www.Cambria-Healthcare.org. Agenda includes: Quarterly budget review; review lease with Community Health Center of the Central Coast; discuss vehicles that respond to 911 calls; consider capital reserve resolution; approve billing agreement with new vendor; review 2015 goals and current committee assignments; resolution supporting “Go Red for Women” February campaign about women’s heart health. Closed session at the beginning of the meeting, to discuss an employee evaluation of Administrator Bob Sayers and status of employee litigation against the district. THURSDAY-FRIDAY, JAN. 29-30 Regional Water Quality Control Board. 8:30 a.m. Santa Barbara County Offices, Supervisors’ Board Hearing Room, fourth floor, 105 East Anapamu St., Santa Barbara. 549-3147. www.waterboards.ca.gov/central coast. Agenda includes: Report on drought conditions; report on Low Impact Development requirements (on-site stormwater management approach for development projects, using site design and decentralized stormwater control measures). County Planning Commission. See AGENDA, Page 17 "$##%$! *%'#)$')% *%'!($")&'"# "-**%1,'$ !" "!*4(,! 8)+5 )3 %/5 7209'-*%/ 6#-5% "2'.5* ##226-4)16*+)3 7#,06! "+/+).( 81.)6 "%0.14, "4%.)2/ !((- 3 ")#.'()*+)%4, 5$&%.1+ '*$(#&* '5& $)/1,3%+, 7%* 2. 1'. ,-0(%&,$.) !+/. *+,- %&) "(( 1'. #.(0+/.) +3#2) &/2.0#22 "@:2!< $5/:):, "0/>)80- 33699 !A A+0 %5-?<: '0:A0/4 7.9 $!): "A14 '!=;/)! %%%,&0+'$3")!*+",3.) 2#1-/(2-1(/1 "/# !0)$*1. 3/% #*', & 4/)(,*!0)$*20(+ #!"" )(%&'*$& 45'!-*1 $/'-&% 09 ,)!-*1 )%/5'&( ('32'). 4#8! 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Cambria’s Johnstone will perform at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 24, and 3 p.m. the following day at the center. Tickets, priced at $20, are available at the center or online through www.brown papertickets.com. Johnstone’s songs have been covered by artists including Laura Branigan, Emmylou Harris, Bette Midler, Johnny Cash, Bonnie Raitt and Stevie Nicks. The Johnstone-penned song “The Woman Before Me” was a No. 1 hit on country ar tist Trisha Year wood’s debut release. Nancy Green, theater director for CCAT, said the idea for the Cabar-esque series came from close at hand. 2015 IN THE GALLERY • Jan. 8-Feb. 1 — Photography show: Bob Kennedy and Mike Weakley. • Feb. 5-March 1 — “Color and Light,” Live Johnson and Robert Lahr. Opening reception Feb. 7 • March 3-22 — Youth Art Show. • March 26-May 3 — Spring Juried Show: Cultural Heritage. Opening reception March 27. COURTESY PHOTOS Famed mime Robert Shields, above, will perform a single show in September as part of the Cabar-esque series at Cambria Center for the Arts Theater. Jude Johnstone, right, will kick off the series with a pair of concerts Saturday, Jan. 24, and Sunday, Jan. 25. “We did a cabaret: My daughter and I had worked up a little act,” Green recalled. That led to the idea of putting on occasional performances at the theater. “It’s kind of an experiment to see how the town handles it,” Green said, adding that she’s optimistic about the results: “I think it will draw because it’s music, and people love to be entertained with music.” Johnstone’s concert at CCAT will be her last in North America for at least a few weeks. Beginning Feb. 6, she’ll play a series of concerts in the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany. Her • May 5-31 — “Petals & Palettes,” Cambria Garden Club. Opening reception May 6. • June 4-July 5 — “Junk Art,” found object art of Richard Morriss. Opening reception June 5. • July 9-Aug. 2 — “Coastal Impressions,” Linda Huggins and Gayle Sewell. Opening reception July 10. • Aug. 6-30 — “Soft & Spicy, a Blending of Two Artists,” Sally Seago and Page Graeber. Opening reception Aug. 7. • Sept. 3-Oct. 4 — “Words in Art,” Annie Lawrence, calligrapers. Opening reception Sept. 4. • Oct. 8-Nov. 15 — Fall Juried Show. Opening reception Oct. 9. • Nov. 19-Jan. 3, 2016 — “Little Gems for the Holidays.” Opening reception Nov. 20. sixth and latest release, bring his talent as a mime to “Shatter,” in 2013 includes 11 the stage in Cambria. Shields started out worktracks and is available from ing as a street mime and BoJak records. per forming at the HollyMime’s appearance wood Wax Museum at age Three other shows are 18. He discovered by Marplanned for the 2015 Cabar- cel Marceau, who offered esque season, including a him a full scholarship to his one-night-only appearance school of mime in Paris. Shields soon returned to by mime Robert Shields, famous as half of the Shields California, where he worked in San Francisco, and met and Yarnell mime duo. Shields, who lives in Se- Yarnell. The pair were feadona and spends the month tured in their own comedyof September in Cambria variety show, “The Shields each year, will per form and Yarnell Show,” on CBS in 1977, and appeared on Sept. 26. Shields, credited with de- more than 400 national televeloping “The Robot” mime vision shows in the United technique (made famous in States. Shields also wrote his duo with Lorene their television special Yarnell), approached CCAT “Toys on the Town,” which last year with an of fer to received an Emmy award. • Jan. 24, 25 — Cabar-esque: Jude Johnstone in concert, 7:30 p.m. Jan. 24 and 3 p.m. Jan. 25. • March 14, 15 — Cabar-esque: MaryAnne Anderson & Steve McCann, “Tribute to Steve and Edie,” 7: 30 p.m. March 14 and 3 p.m. March 15. • April 17-May 3 — “Death Trap.” Preview April 17; Fridays and Saturdays, 7:30 p.m.; Sundays, 3 p.m. Opening gala, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 19. • July 31-Aug. 23 — “Evita.” Preview July 31. Fridays and Saturdays, 7:30 p.m.; Sundays, 3 p.m. Opening gala, 5:30 p.m. Aug. 2. • Sept. 12, 13 — Cabar-esque: “Helen Mandlin, Chanteuse: A Musical Memoir,” 7: 30 p.m. Sept. 12 and 3 p.m. Sept. 13. • Sept. 17-20 — “Three Sopranos and a Piano: Seasons,” Friday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, 3 p.m. • Sept. 26 — Cabar-esque: Robert Shields, mime, one show only. • Oct. 16-Nov. 8 — “Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike.” Preview Oct. 16. Fridays and Saturdays, 7:30 p.m.; Sundays, 3 p.m. Opening gala, 5:30 p.m. Oct. 17. The two were married from 1972 to 1986; Yarnell died in 2010. The two shows rounding out this year’s Cabar-esque schedule are: • March 14, 15 — Mary Anne Anderson and Steve McCann will present “A Tribute to Steve and Eydie.” Anderson is a Cambria resident who has lived in Please see CCAT, Page 17 16 THE CAMBRIAN SPORTS BASKETBALL ROUNDUP Coast Union boys in control Jan uary 22-28, 2015 High School Soccer ————————— Boys and girls varsity teams defeat Dunn School, head into home stretch of league competition By John FitzRandolph Special to The Cambrian The Coast Valley League basketball season is in its final weeks, and while Coast Union’s boys hold down first place in league play at 5-0, they also are playing well against nonleague foes. On Friday, Jan. 16, Gehrig Kniffen picked up 18 points and dished out seven assists as the Broncos defeated Dunn School 55-23. Jack MacKinnon scored nine points, Auggie Johnson chipped in with seven points and center Nahum Hernandez grabbed 13 rebounds for Coast Union. Kniffen talked about the Broncos’ success. “Our team dynamic this year has been really good,” he said. “Ever yone is accepting their role, and a lot of the sophomores have come on to become really good shooters. Plus we have guys providing good defense. “Jez Lawson has become a monster this year on the court, really carr ying us. Nahum Hernandez has been helping us on the boards, rebounding like crazy; so we don’t have a bunch of superstars, but we have a good team dynamic where everyone helps the team win,” Kniffen said. The senior guard said var- PHOTO BY MERLE BASSETT Senior midfielder Remy Corbet scored the only goal in Coast's 1-1 tie Saturday, Jan. 17, against Santa Maria. Here Corbet controls the ball against Tranquillity earlier this season. Boys shut out; girls battle to a 1-1 draw Remy Corbet scores the only goal of the game for Lady Broncos on a penalty kick By John FitzRandolph Special to The Cambrian PHOTO BY MERLE BASSETT Sophomore guard Jack MacKinnon scored nine points against Dunn School on Jan. 16. The Broncos won the nonleague contest 55-23. sity coach Bobby Youngs has done a good job keeping the players sharp in practice: “We practice at game- time speed. We practice a lot ally proud of the sophoof shooting, so when we mores, the way they play: step on the court for a game we’re ready for it. We’re re- See HOOPS, Next Page The boys varsity soccer team was blanked 2-0 by Cabrillo on Saturday, Jan. 17, bringing their season record to 7-7-1. Head coach Luis Plasencia said the team made mistakes on defense early in the game and couldn’t recover. Meanwhile, the girls varsity played a make-up game against Santa Maria on Saturday, and ended up with a 1-1 tie. Senior Remy Corbet scored the Lady Broncos’ only goal on a penalty kick. Because of several key injuries, Coast Union’s offense is suffering, head coach Tamara Corbet said. “We are working on making adjustments,” Corbet said. The next home game for the boys soccer team is at 4 p.m. Jan. 26 against Cabrillo High School of Lompoc. The girls play 5:30 p.m. at home Friday, Jan. 30, against Midland High School of Los Olivos. Jan uary 22-28, 2015 ETC. THE CAMBRIAN Hoops Agenda They have stepped up to the plate at a higher level than last year.” On Tuesday, Jan. 20, Kniffen led the team with 19 points in the Broncos’ 65-45 win at Shandon. The next home game for the boys is against secondplace Valley Christian Academy, set for 6:30 p.m. Jan. 30. The Broncos defeated Valley Christian earlier this month. 9 a.m. Board of Supervisors Chambers, County Government Center, 1055 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. 781-5600. www.slocounty.ca.gov/ planning.htm. As of Monday, Jan. 19, no Cambria, San Simeon or Harmony issues were on the agenda. On TV: Cablecast on Charter Cable Channel 21, replayed at 6 p.m. Thursday and Monday. From Previous Page From Page 14 GIRLS Coast Union 38, Dunn 32 Coast Union’s girls basketball team defeated Dunn School 38-32 Friday, Jan. 16, but head coach Emilie Foster wasn’t satisfied. “We should have won by a lot more: We should have won by 20 points,” Foster said, adding that the girls were not physical enough against the Earwigs. Interviewed after the Lady Broncos’ morning practice on Monday, Jan. 19 — Martin Luther King Day — Foster said, “Our practice today was all about being physical.” “It’s not just about being physical under the boards,” she stated. “We need to be more physical everywhere on the court. (Dunn School) did everything but put a red bow on the basketball. We need to spend more energy going after the ball.” Rima Panchal led Coast with 11 points against Dunn, and Reagan Kniffen added 10 points. On Tuesday, Jan. 20, Kniffen scored 20 points CCAT From Page 15 Europe and Brazil. A singer, songwriter, poet and playwright, she speaks and sings in several languages. During these performances, she’ll be accompanied by PHOTO BY MERLE BASSETT Junior guard Rima Panchal led Coast Union with 11 points against Dunn School on Friday, Jan. 16. Coast Union won the game 38-32. to help Coast (3-1 in the Coast Valley League) to a 4534 win over Shandon; Crystal Nunez added 14 points in that game. The next home game for the Lady Broncos is set for 6:30 p.m. Jan. 30, against Valley Christian Academy. suffered a tough loss against Flamson Middle School of Paso Robles on Tuesday, Jan. 13. The Warriors were down to six players (an injury, an ineligibility and a family emergency depleted the roster), and the result was a 5033 loss. MIDDLE SCHOOL However, Coach Ayen The Santa Lucia Middle Johnson said, the team School boys basketball team “fought hard” in the defeat. McCann and several local jazz musicians. • Sept. 12, 13 — Singer Helen Mandlin presents “So Far … A Musical Memoir.” A New Yorker who calls herself a part-time permanent resident of Cambria, Mandlin spent her summers during college doing musical theater in summer stock. She has performed at Reno Sweeney’s Greenwich Village and has performed her cabaret act in various New York City clubs. Also coming at CCAT Other events coming at Cambria Center for the Arts Theatre include the following performances in the Fa- Johnson added that seventhgrader David Amodei had a big game in a losing cause, scoring 21 points. Santa Lucia was scheduled to host a tournament this week. The girls basketball team at Santa Lucia Middle School is beginning its season, and results of those games will be covered in The Cambrian. mous Jazz Artist Series. • Feb. 1 — Flugelhornist Dmitri Matheny with bassist Dylan Johnson and drummer Paul Kreibich. • Feb. 15 — Saxophonist Tim Armacost and his Standards Quartet. • March 8 — Pianist Terry Trotter with bassist Dylan Johnson and drum- Cambria Community Services District Board of Directors. 12:30 p.m. Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St. 9276223. www.cambria csd.org. Draft agenda includes: Continued public hearing about revising enhanced water conservation measures, restrictions on the use of potable water and maximum water-use allotments; 2012-13 fiscal year financial audit presentation; consider when to start levying the operational rates for the emergency water supply project, especially during the plant’s three-month test period; review 2014 and 2015 board goals, objectives and committee assignments; possible bylaw changes and likelihood of holding occasional evening CCSD meetings; agreement with Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve about donations and merchandise sales on the preserve; presentation to students who created banners to encourage sustainable conservation practices (along with Dan Hartzell, director of Cambria’s YMCA after school program, Shawna Volpa and community volunteer Taylor Hilden). Adjourn to mer Darrell Voss. • March 22 — Guitarist Frank Potenza with bassist Luther Hughes. • April 5 — Solo piano concer t with Grammy Award-winner Gill Cunliffe. Tickets to performances in the Famous Jazz Artist Series are $20 for each performance or $30 for both by 17 closed session to confer with labor negotiators on the contract for Cambria Firefighters/ International Association of Firefighters 4635 (Cambria Fire Department). On TV: Charter Cable Channel 21, 6 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. Saturday, 6 p.m. Monday and 9 a.m. Thursday. On the Web: http://bit.ly/slospanccsd. Cambria Community Services District Board of Directors. 12:30 p.m. Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St. 927-6223. www.cambriacsd.org. Tentative agenda includes: Report actual costs to date of emergency water system; discuss how to allocate the $4.3 million in state drought grant funds; consider not levying the operational-expense surcharge for the emergency water supply project during the plant’s three-month test period; review 2014 and 2015 board goals and objectives; possible bylaw changes and likelihood of holding occasional evening CCSD meetings. On TV: Charter Cable Channel 21, 6 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. Saturday, 6 p.m. Monday and 9 a.m. Thursday. On the Web: http://bit.ly/slospanccsd. MONDAY, FEB. 2 North Coast Advisory Council Traffic and Land Use committees meet concurrently. 3 p.m. Rabobank, 1070 Main St. 927-1662. www. north coastadvisorycouncil.org. TUESDAY, FEB. 3 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commission of the Cambria Community Services District. 10 a.m., Veterans Memorial Building dining hall, 1000 Main St., Cambria. 927-6223. an artist, with tickets available at the box office in the center’s gallery or on the Internet at brownpaper tickets.com. The CCAT gallery is open from 1 to 4 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays. Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. 18 Jan uary 22 - 28, 2015 THE CAMBRIAN Y M C A C O N S E R VAT I O N B A N N E R S After-school program lets students educate Cambria about water Pictured are five of the six banners (the other is seen on Page 1) designed by students in the YMCA program to encourage water conservation. The banners were put up on Main Street this month. • Top left: Principal Kyle Martin and Cambria Community Services District Director Gail Robinette display a banner featuring the image of Uncle Sam. • Above: Jorge Merced, Eder Ramirez and Jose Diego show off their banner, with its message “Save water every day.” • Near left: Martin unfurls a banner created by Braedon Riley (pictured), along with students Gary Lyons and Darian Jewel (not shown). • Far left-center: Fabian Garcia, Juan Garcia and Claudio Romero designed a banner that proclaims “Every Drop Counts.” • Far left, bottom: Christian Castillo, Carson Woeste and Caden Linn urge Cambrians to “keep calm and save water.” CAMBRIAN PHOTOS BY STEVE PROVOST Jan uary 22 - 28, 2015 THE CAMBRIAN 19 )%' *#$&$!(" ),$*.%," /&0"( *00# !%-+%"'- +. ,%-$ )&(*$.'#"! *''2<4)!4# W:XXVT Y(4V ,T4:M3V6 *KV44 )<:4V Y(88VK/ BVT:SK H:2:T= 'ST6384(T46 *<)2 ,%0*!,-+%,;!'%+ GS..:L6 B(8SST '<VK:6< '(KV %V$K( JSTV6Z 'D, PP.V '@ZT@2 GT2@@Ta 'Q* Y/<8<V;B '@\\c Y/<8<V;B ;B;; *N2TWZ %2_L@a GN_T@ XPa 'Q* YBY8V;PB *2@TT+9_T@d(\\@2F4eW[ ?B< ,@2WL_1T( M\(e@ XVBRa GSO <;<8<YBV JJJ4G@Z_W2S_L_Z:'WZ1N\T(ZT14eW[ YVK$VKL6 ,34S BVK2:"V6 *KST.VZ B:82VK & YS8X Y(88VK/ S_e XB/RBV;R 'Q* YP/8VB<V JJJ4e9@2_19e(2@e(["2_(4eW[ *+),282#%,+ P;PV8# -_\\(:@ S(Z@a 'Q* YP/8?;;; JJJ4:@2"@21(NTW1@2L_e@14eW[ PP.P Q(_Z GTa 'Q* YP/8;/./ JJJ4[WDD_11(\WWZ4eW[ Y8VT DS44VK (%*&+ '*,0%4),7-$!4!+" 92,: !(K7VKZ W(KK/ '(7$K:( *V(X6 IN B7:4< 'ST64K3"4:ST 'Q* YP/8VY?P YVSK=V Y CS66 'D, D!B '!D PR<B Q(_Z GT2@@Ta //P8P?B? 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RENTAL SERVICES 2415 Village Lane, Unit E, CMB 927-5511 540 Atascadero Rd., MB 772-3335 604 Main St, CMB 927-3000 Oasis Equipment Rentals CMB 927-0323 barbarasnydercambria.com Aron Hill Vineyards The Real Estate Company of Cambria 2080 Main St., CMB 927-3200 www.TheRECC.com Vandenheuvel, Kelly — Broker Associate, GRI Patterson Realty 471-1046 Cell: 471-1046 www.centralcoastsales.com VanDuzer, Mac Sand Shell Realty, Associate Broker 555 Main St, CMB. 927-1511 Cell: 909-7630 www.REcentralCoast.com Warren, Rick Coldwell Banker Kellie & Assoc. 746-A Main St., CMB 927-8616 Cell: 395-0668 Warren, Sue Coldwell Banker Kellie & Assoc. 746-A Main St., CMB 927-5270 or 927-8616 Cell: 769-6339 Whitfield, Gregg The Real Estate Office 555 Main St, CMB Home Office: 927-1604 Cell: 235-7412 www.RealtorCentralCoast.com Williams, Kellie - Owner/ Broker Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate 702 Main St., CMB 927-2269 www.CambriaRealEstate.com Williams, Sheron Gold Coast Realty 723 Main St., CMB 927-3883 Cell: 674-3160 www.goldcoastrealtyonline.com Wilson & Co. Sotheby’s International Realty 3590 Broad Street, Suite 130, SLO 543-7727 WilsonandCoSIR.com REMODELING A.D.S Corporation Richard D. Low, Jr. Architect/General Contractor 788 Arlington St., CMB 927-8138 Built-Rite Construction CMB 440-5970 Kelly Cannon Construction Serving Cambria Since 1985 CMB 927-0232 Robin’s Restaurant 4095 Burton Dr, CMB . 927-5007 www.robinsrestaurant.com Sand Shell Realty 555 Main St, CMB 927-1511 Home Office: 927-1735 www.sandshellrealty.com Snyder, Barbara, Real Estate Broker THE CAMBRIAN Oasis Equipment Rentals RESTAURANTS 3745 Highway 46 West, TMPLTN 805-434-3066 Cell: 805-610-5751 www.aronhillvineyards.com Black Cat Bistro 1602 Main St, CMB 927-1600 www.blackcatbistro.com Black Hand Cellars 766 Main St., Suite B, CMB Cell: 712-WINE www.blackhandcellars.com Cambria Beer Company Micro-Brewery & Tap Room 821 Cornwall, CMB 203-5265 www.CambriaBeer.com Cambria Cafe 2282 Main St., CMB 927-8519 Cambria Pines Lodge 2905 Burton Dr., CMB 927-4200 www.cambriapineslodge.com Cambria Pub & Steakhouse 4090 Burton Dr., CMB. 927-0782 www.TheCambriaPub.com Dragon Bistro Chinese Restaurant 2150 Center St., CMB 927-1622 Indigo Moon Cafe 1980 Main St., CMB 927-2911 JBJ’S Roundup Pizza & Grub 815 Main St, CMB 927-4115 JJ’s Pizza 2380 Main St, CMB. 927-3084 Las Cambritas 2336 Main Street, CMB 927-0175 Linn’s Easy as Pie Café 4251 Bridge St,, CMB . 924-3050 Linn’s Restaurant 2277 Main St,, CMB 927-0371 Lombardi’s Pasta & Pizza 4158 Bridge Street, CMB 927-0777 Madeline’s Restaurant 788 Main St., CMB 927-4175 www.madelinescambria.com Manta Rey Restaurant 9240 Castillo Dr, SS 924-1032 www.mantareyrestaurant.com Moonstone Beach Bar & Grill 6550 Moonstone Beach Dr, CMB 927-3859 www.moonstonebeach.com Sandy’s Deli & Bakery Tea Cozy 4286 Bridge Street, CMB 927-8765 Treebones Wild Coast Restaurant and Sushi Bar 927-2390 www.treebonesresort.com Wild Ginger 2380 Main St., CMB 927-1001 www.wildgingercambria.com RETIREMENT LIVING Cambria’s Senior Solutions 2150 Main St., Suite 8, CMB 927-1051 www.cherishcarecambria.com Cherish House Assisted Living (Two Homes) Lic #405801566, Lic #405801741 1155 Warren Road & 1405 Berwick Drive, CMB. 927-1051 www.cambriaassistedliving.com ROOFING CenCal Roofing Lic# 369343 2030 Main St., MB . 772-6808 www.cencalinc.com RUBBER STAMPS Paws On Main 816 Main St., Suite C, CMB 927-PAWS (7297)SCHOOLS Cambria Grammar School 3223 Main St, CMB 927-4400 www.coastusd.org/cusd/cusd_012.htm Cambria Montessori Learning Center FPCS - A California Public Charter School CMB 927-2337 [email protected] www.cambria-montessori.org Coast Unified School District Office 1350 Main St, CMB 927-3891 www.coastusd.org Coast Union High School 2950 Santa Rosa Crk. Rd., CMB 927-3889 www.coastusd.org/cusd/cusd_010.htm Leffingwell Continuation School 2820 Santa Rosa Creek Rd., CMB 927-7148 www.coastusd.org/cusd/cusd_009.htm Santa Lucia Middle School 2850 Schoolhouse Lane, CMB 927-3693 www.coastusd.org/cusd/cusd_011.htm SCREENS Poly Pro Window & Door www.polyprowindow.com CMB 927-POLY (7659) SEAMSTRESS TOWING Bernadene Morgan Cambria Towing CMB 927-0237 SENIOR LIVING Cambria’s Senior Solutions 4363 Bridge St., CMB 927-HELP (4357) TRACTOR SERVICES 2150 Main St., Suite 8, CMB 927-1051 www.cherishcarecambria.com Big Tree- Buddy Campo Big Tree Lic #967479 Lic #405801566, Lic #40580741 1155 Warren Road & 1405 Berwick Drive, CMB 927-1051 www.cambriaassistedliving.com Clint Winsor & Hounds Construction — Cherish House Assisted Living (Two Homes) Senior Living Consultants 805 Aerovista Place #103, SLO 545-5901 www.SeniorLivingConsultants.com SHARPENING Spartan Precision John Poulos CMB 927-5307 SHEET METAL D. Lafferty Heating 2515-H Village Lane, CMB . 927-4487 SIGNS Art Ink Signs & Graphics Jen Mathieson (Cannella) CMB 927-5907 SPAS/SWIMMING POOLS Spa Guy CMB 927-5611 [email protected] STEREO Coast Electronics 510 Quintana Road, MB 772-1265 STONE Cambria Rock 2000 San Simeon Creek Rd, CMB 927-1685 TAX PREPARATION/SERVICES Debra Jones, CPA CMB 927-1982 George G Ross CPA PFS CFP 2350 Main Street, MB 772-2808 www.georgerosscpa.com Preferred Tax Service 792 Arlington, CMB. Cell: 748-7952 Singer, Lynne F. CPA 4070 Burton Dr, Suite 5, CMB 927-2507 Tamara L. Corbet, EA 909-1210 TELEVISION - AUDIO/VIDEO Coast Electronics 510 Quintana Road, MB . 772-1265 TILE CONTRACTORS Cannon Custom Tile Serving Cambria Since 1985 Lic. # 589903 CMB 927-0232 Marathon Tile P.O. Box 668, CMB 927-4746 2075 Main Street, CMB 927-2277 Cell: 550-2525 License# 863869 CMB 927-7268 TRANSPORTATION/TAXI SERVICES Cambria Community Council Bus P.O. Box 486, CMB . 927-4173 TRAVEL AGENCY Gulliver’s Travel 81 Higuera St., Suite 150, SLO. 541-4141 www.slogull.com San Simeon Travel 1253 Knollwood Cir, Suite 102, CMB 927-4696 TREE SERVICES Big Tree Buddy Campo, License #967479 2075 Main Street, CMB 927-2277 Cell: 550-2525 Cambria Pines Tree Service Dennis White 927-4414 Cell: 434-8287 McCormick’s Tree CMB 927-1749 North Coast Tree Service Lic #736407 Tim Radecki P.O. Box 2, CMB 927-8525 Cell: 235-1889 www.northcoasttree.com Sigurdson’s Tree & Landscape Maisons de Cambria Vacation Rentals Deborah Berk, Owner 1912 Pierce Ave, CMB 927-0306 www.maisonsdecambria.com Scenic Coast Property Management www.sceniccoastrentals.com 712 Main St, CMB 927-6163 www.cambriacoastrentals.com The Pickford House 2555 MacLeod Way, CMB 1-877-300-4449 www.thepickfordhouse.com Cambria Animal Medical Center Ennis J. Ogorsolka, DVM 2501-A Village Lane, CMB 927-7000 www.CambriaAnimalMedicalCenter.com Cambria Veterinary Clinic 1500 Main St., CMB 927-9700 www.cambriavet.com VIDEO All American Video & Electronics 1306 Tamson Dr., CMB 927-5162 aavideocambria.com WATCH REPAIRS Once Upon a Tyme Watches & Watch Repairs 555 Main St., CMB 927-5554 WATER Culligan 355 Quintana Place, MB 927-8165 www.kitzmanwater.com Riptide Alchemy CMB 927-3357 www.riptidealchemy.com WEBSITE DESIGN AzureFire Web & Graphic Design CMB 223-5430 805 706 2812 www.azurefire.com UPHOLSTERY WEDDING SERVICES Harry’s Fine Quality Upholstery 1312 Main St., MB 772-6156 Bridal Artistry T-Line Upholstery Shay Jacobsen 2150 Main Street, Suite A, CMB 707-771-9238 Auto and Furniture CMB 909-8350 Cell: 909-8350 Center for Spiritual Living 2535-C Village Ln, CMB. 927-4065 Linn’s Admin Office / Catering / Cakes Village Upholstery VACATION HOMES/RENTALS Big Red House 370 Chelsea Lane, CMB 927-1390 www.thebigredhouse.com Breen Vacation Station 768 Main St, CMB 927-1303 Toll-Free: 800-927-1303 www.BreenVacationStation.com Cambria Vacation Rentals 784 Main St., Suite A, CMB 927-8200 www.cambriavacationrentals.com Debbie Markham Photography CMB 235-7151 www.debbiemarkhamphotography.com Harmony Wedding Chapel Town of Harmony HMY 927-1028 www.HarmonyChapel.net Old Santa Rosa Chapel 2353 Main St.; P.O. Box 316, CMB 927-5212 www.santarosachapel.com Robin’s Restaurant 4095 Burton Dr, CMB 927-5007 www.robinsrestaurant.com WEED ABATEMENT Buddy Campo, License #967479 2075 Main Street, CMB 927-2277 Cell: 550-2525 Clint Winsor & Hounds Construction — Lic# 863869 CMB 95 927-7268 Mike Rice- Since 1984 Lic#859364 P.O. Box 204, CMB 927-3310 WELDING The Bodyman 2531 F Village Lane, CMB 927-5436 WINDOW CLEANING Cambria Window Cleaning Andy Loveless 1900 Saint James Road, CMB 927-8876 Cell: 927-0880 Jose Reveles Repair & Service Lic#0705566 P.O. Box 1665, CMB 927-5473 Cell: 909-7187 Paradise Professional Window Washers Bob & Jonathan Herzog CMB 927-5251 Cell: 748-5315 [email protected] WINDOW COVERINGS Bonded Electric Systems CMB 927-2607 www.ComeToYourCenter.org MB 772-3302 Cell: 435-640-1895 www.bondedsystems.com 2415 Village Lane, Suite A, CMB 927-1499 linnsfruitbin.com 2535-C Village Ln, CMB 927-4065 927-3488 P.O. Box 171, CMB 927-8040 WEDDINGS WINDOWS A Central Coast Wedding Central Coast Glass Reverend Judith Peterson CMB 927-2222 ACentralCoastWedding.com Cambria Bride & Finery CMB 927-0237 Cambria Pines Lodge 2905 Burton Dr., CMB 927-4200 www.cambriapineslodge.com Village Upholstery WINDOW WASHING Jon Boon-Jones 440 Quintana, MB 772-5080 Estero Glass 1560 Main St., MB 772-2288 www.EsteroGlass.com Poly Pro Window & Door 23 www.polyprowindow.com CMB 927-POLY (7659) WINE SHOPS Indigo Moon Cafe 1980 Main St., CMB . 927-2911 Fermentations 2306 Main St., East Village, CMB 927-7141 www.fermentations.com WINE TASTING Aron Hill Vineyards 3745 Highway 46 West, TMPLTN 434-3066 Cell: 805-610-5751 www.aronhillvineyards.com Black Hand Cellars 766 Main St., Suite B, CMB 927-9463 Cell: 712-WINE www.blackhandcellars.com Fermentations 2306 Main St., East Village, CMB 927-7141 www.fermentations.com Harmony Cellars 3255 Harmony Valley Rd., HMY . 927-1625 Fax: 927-0256 www.harmonycellars.com Hearst Ranch Winery A Legacy of Quality 442 SLO San Simeon Rd., SS 927-1400 www.HearstRanchWinery.com Madeline’s Wine Shop 788 Main St., CMB 927-0990 www.centralcoastwineshop.com Moonstone Cellars 801 Main St., CMB 927-9466 Stolo Family Vineyards & Winery 3776 Santa Rosa Creek Rd., CMB 924-3131 www.stolofamilywinery.com Twin Coyotes WineryCome howl with us! 2020 Main St., CMB 927-9800 www.twincoyotes.com YARN Ball & Skein & More 4210 Bridge Street, CMB 927-3280 www.cambriayarn.com YOGA Gym One 1266 Tamson Drive, Suite 101, CMB 927-4961 www.gymonecambria.com Raw Curry Yoga Vivian Curry 4251 Bridge Street, CMB . 610-2548 24 Jan uary 22 - 28, 2015 THE CAMBRIAN Nine out of ten county residents looking for real estate rely on The Tribune’s advertising. To advertise, call 927-8652. Real Estate Sundays in The Tribune. Source: 2001 ABC READER PROFILE AND MARKET STUDY Conducted by: Clark, Martire & Bartolomeo THE CAMBRIAN 0#// "1!("1!! =' !(1&&(%""(1"** 3:"// 4(#%*/(+, !((,% !UI# ',*UG#BX P "3J3$ \a.-]T cXB _B>:ZP1:_>_P BUH#DX 9["N2.39-] cXB _B>:ZP1:_>_P +")--!#!&' *).$&,/")(&% "!!! &"+!# ("! &"$* +*!#$*!# -%)""%%))%'-%), #4)0#4)) !2 5<'8I <DD.8,,I MG:=8 =?'78. @2 B:M%I 0*<,,A4A0<KA:= # D<K8, K: .?= F2 B:=K<0K =<'8 # MG:=8 =?'78. 4:. )8.A4A0<KA:= !.&.1* 2.+*% CBF-#X a]a(T$ )]-(7$ [aJa3$ [9(aT cXP> _B>:PR_:=_PP +FDJ *#G'W$ Q97Y.-$ P=HXRHRX cXB _B>:ZP1:_>_P -3.8 .8/ 3#?='6;.3=# %/:=- ;#@ -/ -3:: 2/. %;9> .= +=( %/?='/ @/;@:3#/! $,7. 8 #,7,&2 8 '4"(-.2*: 6,7< 3,021 BA* ]9?.a3 ?Y3 29(7$ a]"a3]FT cPBBT _B>:=_X:_ZZ> "#-+,-)1 3.$*&-.+% 4"0##+*+$21$""#!.-$.'+3%/$,$5#(&)6 3. 9$( /H O &"!C&;1& +,GB#%Z CG#% AOO% !#Q'# *O,I%G *N9]"9[< - [aJ ?a[(a5 %Y[4. 7[YJ J;-. .Y "Y J9.; FYN3 Y]" ?a[(a5 `? 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Responsibilities include: - Assist with month-end close - Process various transactions in the advertising system and Peoplesoft financials - Support finance and sales teams with process and inquiries - Daily audit/measurement of applicable publications Requirements: - Superior computer skills - 1 to 2 years of finance/bookkeeping experience and demonstrated knowledge of basic accounting principles - AA degree preferred The Tribune and SanLuisObispo.com are San Luis Obispo’s leading information sources. We’re at the forefront of what’s happening in our County and our employees are educating, engaging and entertaining its residents each and every day. Our team takes pride in strong local news, features and sports coverage and in the innovative marketing solutions and results we provide to our advertisers. We’re looking for talented people who thrive in a fast paced, creative, deadline driven environment and who are invested in providing our community with quality news, information and advertising. Send resume, cover letter and salary requirements to: Human Resources, The Tribune P.O. Box 112, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406. Or email materials to: [email protected] EOE Call today for home delivery 1-800-288-4128. Legals We’ll deliver the most current news and information directly to you! A s l o w as $ 1 7 . 9 4 a m o n t h NOW is the perfect time to start home delivery of The Tribune! 1 -8 0 0 -2 8 8 - 4 1 2 8 o r S a n L u i s O b i s p o . c o m (click on Customer Service) Legals Legals Legals NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. CA-14-620771-JP Order No.: 733-1400406-70 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 8/24/2004. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): Terry Mc Veigh and Noreen Mc Veigh, husband and wife as community property Recorded: 8/30/2004 as Instrument No. 2004076552 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of SAN LUIS OBISPO County, California; Date of Sale: 1/29/2015 at 11:00:00 AM Place of Sale: In the breezeway adjacent to the County General Services Building located at 1087 Santa Rosa St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $534,609.06 The purported property address is: 364 LANCASTER ST, CAMBRIA, CA 93428 Assessor’s Parcel No.: 022-292008 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 714-730-2727 for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit this Internet Web site http://www.qualityloan.com , using the file number assigned to this foreclosure by the Trustee: CA-14-620771-JP . Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Date: Quality Loan Service Corporation 411 Ivy Street San Diego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 714730-2727 Or Login to: http://www.qualityloan.com Reinstatement Line: (866) 6457711 Ext 5318 Quality Loan Service Corp. TS No.: CA-14-620771-JP IDSPub #0075332 1/8/2015 1/15/2015 1/22/2015 Jan. 8, 15, 22, 2015 1477890 Legals Legals Legals T.S. No.: 9448-4659 TSG Order No.: 1617052 A.P.N.: 065-032-052 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 02/22/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NBS Default Services, LLC, as the duly appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded 02/26/2007 as Document No.: 2007013289, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of San Luis Obispo County, California, executed by: CHERISE RENEE HANSSON, A SINGLE WOMAN AND TRAVIS LEAGE, A SINGLE MAN AS JOINT TENANTS , as Trustor, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable in full at time of sale by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and state, and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. Sale Date & Time: 02/06/2015 at 11:00 AM Sale Location: In the breezeway at the entrance to the County General Services Building located at 1087 Santa Rosa Street, San Luis Obispo, CA The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 465 WHIDBEY STREET, MORRO BAY, CA 93442 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made in an "AS IS" condition, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to-wit: $804,723.70 (Estimated). Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call, 916-939-0772 for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit this Internet Web site, www.nationwideposting.com, for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, T.S.# 9448-4659. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. NBS Default Services, LLC 301 E. Ocean Blvd. Suite 1720 Long Beach, CA 90802 800-766-7751 For Trustee Sale Information Log On To: www.nationwideposting.com or Call: 916-939-0772. NBS Default Services, LLC, Vanessa Gomez, Foreclosure Associate This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. However, if you have received a discharge of the debt referenced herein in a bankruptcy proceeding, this is not an attempt to impose personal liability upon you for payment of that debt. In the event you have received a bankruptcy discharge, any action to enforce the debt will be taken against the property only.NPP0240418 To: CAMBRIAN 01/15/2015, 01/22/2015, 01/29/2015 Jan. 15, 22, 29, 2015 Call today for home delivery. 1-800-288-4128. 1502896 J a n ua ry 2 2 - 2 8 , 2 015 Legals Legals THE CAMBRIAN Legals Legals T.S. No.: 9550-2231 TSG Order No.: 00261190 A.P.N.: 068-312-003 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 04/26/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NBS Default Services, LLC, as the duly appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded 05/03/2005 as Document No.: 2005035312, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of San Luis Obispo County, California, executed by: RUBY LEE LOPERENA, AS HER SEPERATE PROPERTY, as Trustor, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable in full at time of sale by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and state, and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. Sale Date & Time: 01/30/2015 at 11:00 AM Sale Location: In the breezeway at the entrance to the County General Services Building located at 1087 Santa Rosa Street, San Luis Obispo, CA The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 2145 BAYVIEW AVENUE, MORRO BAY, CA 93442 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made in an "AS IS" condition, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, towit: $109,104.44 (Estimated). Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call, 916-939-0772 for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit this Internet Web site, w ww.nationwideposting.com, for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, T.S.# 9550-2231. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. NBS Default Services, LLC 301 E. Ocean Blvd. Suite 1720 Long Beach, CA 90802 800-766-7751 For Trustee Sale Information Log On To: www.nationwideposting.co m or Call: 916-939-0772. NBS Default Services, LLC, Nicole Rodriguez, Foreclosure Associate This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. However, if you have received a discharge of the debt referenced herein in a bankruptcy proceeding, this is not an attempt to impose personal liability upon you for payment of that debt. In the event you have received a bankruptcy discharge, any action to enforce the debt will be taken against the property only.NPP0240197 To: CAMBRIAN 01/08/2015, 01/15/2015, 01/22/2015 Jan. 8, 15, 22, 2015 1488613 This Weekend Stay at Home We’ll deliver The Tribune Thurs.-Sun. editions to you! Just $12.08 a month! 1-800-288-4128 or SanLuisObispo.com (click on Customer Service) The Tribune! We’ll deliver the latest news and information to you every day. Subscribe to The Tribune every day. For as little as $1794 a month. Call 1-800-288-4128 or go to SanLuisObispo.com (click on Customer Service) We’ll deliver the most current news and information directly to you! A s l o w a s $ 1 7. 9 4 a m o n t h NOW is the perfect time to start home delivery of The Tribune! 1- 8 0 0- 2 88 - 4 12 8 or S anLuisO bispo. com (click on Customer Service) 27 28 J a n ua ry 2 2 - 2 8 , 2 015 THE CAMBRIAN 6 5 7 8 11 10 9 12 13 54 55 53 21 22 19 18 23 52 17 16 24 14 20 15 39 28 27 49 26 25 38 29 30 41 42 37 36 31 32 33 51 40 34 35 48 47 46 43 50 45 44 4 3 2 1 62 61 60 59 56 57 58 J a n ua ry 2 2 - 2 8 , 2 015 THE CAMBRIAN 29 30 J a n ua ry 2 2 - 2 8 , 2 015 THE CAMBRIAN "&'$%#& "!$' )$& *'!! ("!,&. #- +!!% '$%!&#"& " !%/&(*20)$(10 ",0-1# .+) 20-(+)' ACROSS 1 Casals or Neruda 6 Bow or Barton 11 “Green —” 16 Mystical card 21 Shocking 22 Cargo ship 23 Bungalow 24 Kind of skirt (Hyph.) 25 Wear away 26 Silly 27 Stopped 28 Varnish ingredient 29 Sheep’s cry 30 Loosen 31 Visage 32 Height (Abbr.) 34 Print measures 35 Most senior 38 Sherpa 40 Celebes ox 41 Wedding notice word 42 Chick sound 44 Aftermath 45 Cloth for cleaning 47 Exclaim 49 Saccharine 52 Steer clear of 54 Lightning flash 56 Formerly, of old 60 — -in-a-mist 61 Seawater 62 Furtive look 63 Creature of myth 65 “— Got a Secret” 66 Main force 67 Multicolored 68 Vehicle 69 Expire 70 Private room 71 River in France 72 Attention 73 Orchestra’s place 74 Layers of paint 76 Rhapsodize 78 Loud sound 79 Walk through water 80 Weedy plants 81 India — 82 For fear that 83 Conduct 84 Coach 85 Caught sight of 88 Season 89 Telegram 90 Make stronger 94 Lavin or Ronstadt 95 Twisted 96 Seaweed 97 Profit 98 Notice on a marquee 99 Carpenter or leafcutter 100 Flightless bird 102 Scottish garment 103 Throb 104 Bit of money 105 Wandered 107 Place of confinement 108 Italian poet 109 Essential thing 110 Foot 111 113 114 115 117 118 119 121 124 126 128 132 133 134 135 139 140 142 144 145 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Heavy Practical judgment Gear cogs Summit Vim Fair Picnic spoiler — poetica Matted fabric Kind of white wine Enroll for service Dead lang. To and — Kind of bean Badgerlike animal Roman god Sun-dried brick Guy Scarecrow stuffing Per aspera ad — Punctuation mark Muzzled dog Tranquility Remedied Work dough Baking need Garden feature Tantalize DOWN 1 Military trainee 2 Of hearing 3 Expansive 4 Top 5 Poem 6 Invent 7 Yarn fuzz 8 Jai — 9 Turncoat 10 Exist 11 In front 12 Involving joint action 13 Ill-mannered 14 Native of (Suffix) 15 Car type 16 — sauce 17 Pub quaff 18 Gone up 19 Cat- — -tails 20 Term in grammar 30 Western Indian 31 Old exclamation 33 Case on a necklace 36 Sword 37 Harden 39 Stringed instrument, for short 40 Period 43 Read 44 Desire 46 Big boat 48 So far 49 Playground attraction 50 Interlaced 51 Occurrence 53 Climbing plant 54 Farming need 55 Sharp 57 Speeder’s undoing 58 Retinue 59 Lock of hair 61 62 64 66 67 68 72 73 75 77 78 79 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Speedy Landing place Composition for piano Limit Earthy fuel — -de-camp Emcee Knight’s attendant Hops dryer Hastened Depend Make distorted Pasternak heroine Lose freshness Idaho city Cut Spotted pony Musical section, for short Scandinavian Healthy Go unsteadily 91 92 93 96 97 101 102 103 106 107 108 109 112 113 114 116 118 120 121 122 123 125 Publish Rime Time of life Oven Squirt and spray Assistant Mementos Breathe heavily Fore and — B-F connection AWOL soldier Fix Likely Off-road vehicle (Abbr.) Can Insult Blue bird Be sickly Cry of sadness Gaseous element Pilfered Building part 127 129 130 131 134 136 137 138 141 143 144 145 146 Not hidden Ne plus — Concerns Commerce — bene Bedouin Fast-food item Pitcher Feather scarf Rest Mineral spring Behave Take legal action PUZZLE ANSWERS PAGE 27 J a n ua ry 2 2 - 2 8 , 2 015 THE CAMBRIAN ;#A 4 -H( +H<?$H1 -#( ?C ABH A?'H A# 4$A?<4AH &#>F :4% />?C E2?C!# 8F?2>%H "?D?A47 4$$#>%A* 0%25'56<" "5956/2 /$$<88 58 5%$24"<" (567  3/% +458 :,58!# !;5%6 84,8$;5!65#%* 16)8 </8& 6# 8<6 4!  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