GET CONNECTED T H I S W E E K AT C A LVA R Y Mon 1/26 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Tues 1/27 10:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm Tuesday Morning Bible Study/Sanctuary Grief Share/Room 401 Marriage Essentials/Library 6:00am 6:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Men’s Prayer Meeting/Prayer Room Prayer Meeting/Prayer Room Mid Week Bible Study/Children’s Church Jr High/Elementary Music Room Sr High/CPAC 1/30 7:30pm CrossWalk Jr High Vertical Praise/Movie Sat 1/31 8:00am Men’s Prayer Meeting/Library Wed 1/28 Christian Alternative to Addiction/CPAC Over 50’s Bible Study/Sanctuary Young Adults Ministry/Auditorium Thur 1/29 Fri PICK UP A FLYER IN THE HALLWAY FOR MORE INFORMATION Sun 2/1 7:00am 8:00am 9:45am 9:45am 11:45am 11:45am 1:15pm 6:00pm 6:00pm Prayer Meeting/ Prayer Room Sunday Morning Service/Children’s Church Sunday Morning Service/Children’s Church Spanish Speaking Service/401 Sunday Morning Service/Children’s Church Russian Translation Available /In the Sanctuary Throne of Grace/HS Auditorium Sunday Evening Prayer/Sanctuary Sunday Evening/Children’s Church Prayer Requests Prayer Request:: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Do they attend Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia? Yes No Is this person saved? Yes No Unsure? Your Full Name_________________________________________________________________________ Street Address______________________________ City____________________State______ Zip_________ Cell # ______________________________________Home #____________________________________ Email_______________________________________________________________________________ 1/25/2015 ABOUT US S E RV I CE T IM E S ANNOUNCEMENTS Sunday Mornings: Sunday Evenings: Wednesday Evenings: 8:00 AM 9:45 AM 11:45 AM 6:00 PM Prayer 7:30 PM Verse by Verse * Psalm 147-149 * Spanish Service in Rm 401 Russian Translation Available IN F O RM AT IO N Church Address: 13500 Philmont Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19116 Tel 215-969-1520 Fax 215-969-1656 Emergency # 215-601-2035 Monday: 10:00AM-5:00PM Tuesday - Friday: 9 AM-5 PM CCA Elementary School 215-969-1579 CCA High School 215-969-2404 Monday-Friday: 9 AM-5 PM Saturdays: 10 AM-2 PM Sundays & Wednesdays: 30 min before and after services Tel 215-969-1580 ASSISTANT PASTORS Mike Focht Tim Patrick Carlos Kalczuk Tom Schmied Rob Paoletti Trevor Steenbakkers Jerry Paradise Tom Swope Joe Focht SENIOR PASTOR MINISTRY LEADERS Gary Gordon Financial Ministry Ray Holmes Spanish Ministry Dave Miller Children’s Ministry Bill Milacci Marriage Ministry Jose Ortiz Hospitality & Prison Ministry Josh Sorensen Bookstore & New Believers BRO ADC AST Children’s Special Needs Sunday School Bookstore Hours: Email [email protected] PASTORAL STAFF RADIO Interpreter for the Deaf & hard of hearing Church Office Hours: Gilbert Trusty Brian Weed THE PASTORS AND CHURCH LEADERS ARE UP FRONT AT THE END OF EACH SERVICE to meet you, answer questions or pray with you. Straight from the Heart with Pastor Joe Focht WFIL 560 AM Hope FM 90.5 Mondays to Fridays 7:30 AM & 2:00 AM Mondays to Fridays 7:00 AM & 7:30PM (NJ) CALVARY CHAPEL has been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and be conformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are not a denominational church, nor are we opposed to denominations as such, only their over-emphasis of doctrinal differences that have led to division of the body of Christ. We believe that the only true basis of Christian fellowship is His (Agape) love, which is greater than any difference we possess and without which we have no right to claim ourselves Christians. FOR OUR FULL STATEMENT OF FAITH PLEASE GO TO SANCTUARY SETTING ADULT ONLY POLICY: Our services in the Sanctuary are designed for adults only. Our goal is to teach the Bible and to worship God in an atmosphere free of all distractions where people can focus on the Lord. For this reason, ONLY CHILDREN AGE 12 OR OLDER ARE PERMITTED IN THE SANCTUARY. We gather to hear from God as He speaks through His Word. Most people are distracted by others moving around during the services or doing things that bring attention to themselves. We ask that if you do leave your seat during the teaching of the Word (to use the bathroom, etc.) that you quietly return to your seat. If your seat is in the first 10 rows, please take a seat in the lobby or near the back of the sanctuary. If you have a health issue that requires you to leave the sanctuary please choose a seat near an exit and in the rear of the sanctuary. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: Our Sunday School is designed as a quality, age-appropriate Children’s Ministry. Each teacher spends time in study and prayer before your child enters the classroom. The exciting classes and activities reflect the love and care of the Lord. We also provide a room for nursing moms in the nursery area, as well as an overflow room in the Fellowship Hall for those parents who cannot be separated from their children. Please help us to stop the spreading of illness within the Sunday School. If your child is sick or has a runny nose and/or cough, etc, please do not bring them to their Sunday School class. Please use the Fellowship Hall until they are well. Thank you! PLEASE, no backpacks in the Sanctuary. Thank you for your co-operation! TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY 2 Samuel on Tuesdays at 10:00am, in the Sanctuary. Everyone welcome! OVER 50’S BIBLE STUDY & FELLOWSHIP Monday 1/26, 7:00pm, Sanctuary. Copy Cat – Revelation 13. HOME FELLOWSHIPS If you are looking for a fellowship in the Levittown area, stop by the home fellowship kiosk and meet HF leader : Andy Potens. CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS were emailed. If you did not receive it, call or stop by the church office with your email address or you can update your email address at [email protected] SENIOR HIGH MINISTRY The Event is Friday 2/27 must sign up to be put on a team. Flyers and December / January Calendar in the Hallway Racks or go to Any questions contact Mike Focht at 215-969-1520 ext 289. CROSSWALK JR HIGH MINISTRY Get a Grip Thru the Bible Devos-for 6th-8th graders @ the info racks. Special Music Guest Artist SOS (Son of Savior) flyers @ the info racks. Winter Retreat 2015 (2/13-2/15) @ Refreshing Mtn Camp-see brochure 4 info. SPECIAL NEEDS MINISTRY is looking for volunteers to serve in the ministry. If you are able to volunteer one Sunday a month during the 9:45 service, please see Cindy at the Children’s Ministry office. GET CONNECTED DIVORCE CARE & DIVORCE CARE 4 KIDS will be starting again on MONDAY, 2/16, 7:00pm, Library with an Open House on Monday, 2/9. Sign up at kiosk in the main foyer. Contact Tom Holcomb at [email protected] for more information. ROCK MINISTRIES The Rock ministry in Kensington is looking to implement a Computer Education Ministry for the under privileged so if anyone hears of a company looking to get rid of 10 laptop computers, please see Jerry. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Cobham will be hiring 100 to 150 new positions in 2015. Their address is Cobham Advanced Electronic Solutions, 305 Richardson Rd, Lansdale, PA 19446. Inquiries and/or questions can be directed to Carl Richards at (215) 996-2178. WOMEN’S MINISTRY Please join us for prayer on 3/3, 7:00-9:00pm in the Bride’s Room. This is an open time of prayer, so feel free to come and go as you are able. We will be praying for the Women’s Seminar on 4/24 & 4/25, as well as any personal prayer requests that you might have. Ladies high school age & older are invited. No childcare provided & children are not permitted to attend. Pick up a flyer for more information. SHARING HOPE IN CRISIS SEMINAR The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team invites you to attend this one-day seminar to help you provide appropriate spiritual care and emotional support for people struggling with grief following a personal crisis. This will take place on Saturday, 3/21 from 8 am to 4:30 pm in our sanctuary. Cost is $40 per person, register online at This training is required by the BGA to become one of their Chaplains. Please contact Mary Thompson with any questions, [email protected]
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