iHassjere neste eieiam or woavwigii by 3avarv>ah Coeege of Art arid Oeon _-^.^A^J_ aAL^.^J^ ^kA^klklft 4^ gtfg^^^jtMMA Art exhibit froit) tha A fi^ia^^ «^i» . SmNaieonian < > _^_ Bui oapfoft wH ba flaw at Wp>from 4 to 7 p.m. gaNary hours are 9 to 5 . day through Saajroay Into: Are- Sfc-Sar the rtee of Wack churchee •» eaaisfn U.Q. jpajee nom ine years 1740 through 1887. Included • i* Savarir^'tF^ Afrtean Bapttet %_ChurCjh. Vtowtoo hutini fcre noon to ^^^• l^»' ^^^^^^^gkw^^ g ft £k 4i|eA^fe^h ^^^^^^^'aaW^fc ' ^ p«fffi« faery, iime is no sjofnaioion "WlC ^fc 'MMh ^WMhSSAd ' iiBMftdShS^^h ft^fe ^b^k ^^fA^^^ft^^^^^^^^^ i 'MkMfMA •i flkA 0AAl4t btAlttt't^tt • tw<ft • '^pV^WlB^v ^M^ ^v V^P •v^^^H^^l W W pvPVPVA0V|Py V^Wv ' • ^ff^^» Mft^MMiftmfc eve 'flcceDftttu.. •*trwo? ^^••^^^. ^^f wW ^» ^f^f^B^^fff^&^fm Ww^f 9 t ^234-600X1. > ' • ;*: ^t ' ' '.- " Theexhton^TwoWetisto Smyth" continues through Sept <20 at the TaNaJr Academy of Arts -and Sciences, 121 Barnard St. DIs^p*ayed works by^Ine contemporary sculptor ranges from cast concrete 'to moaaJc, with much of the subject matter Influenced by the HaHan Revnaiaeanoe and tie ancient tetanic arxJ Aaayrtan dvillzattons. Muaeum hours are 2 to 5 p.m. Sundays, dosed Mondays and 10a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays. Admission is free Sundays, At other times it to $2.50 for adults, $1 for students, 60 cents for children ages 6 to 12 and free for children under 6. Into: 232-1177. ,~..MWNWt of handnoolonKi i SCADeiJdent , Is on view through the main ttpJferyfrHhe school'* pen Matt, W Martin LufterrangJr. Blvd. Oaflery houm are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Info: Draylon Qattary, 435 Drayton St» is fseJbuvlfig scsfies of 8a~ vannah b^ watercotofartists T.J. Soypaaakl and LyiHMi Qfajit. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Info: 233-2004. Won OaHery, located on the lighthouse and museum grounds at Old Fort Screveh on Tybee Island, teatures islands art in at media: oil, pastel, acryttcs, mixed media, wetstcotor, drawingSt photography, stained glass, fibers, sculpture, pottery and selected local crafts. Hours are 1050 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. dairy except Tuesday (dosed Tuesdays). An exhibit titled "Special Tttrow Coaetal Phoioyaphlc "•ortfoNoa" - featurtng works by local photographers trie Hsuiley, Curtle HanMM Jr., MJ>^ and Qregery WIMtoma - te on display Birough Saturday at the University of Georgm Marine Extension Service Aquarium on Skidaway teland. Aquarium hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and noon to 5 p.m. Saturday. Into: 598-2496. "Summer Ixhlbrl "sMT - a snow featuring pastels by Robert laley and Jamie Sehftefer, watercolors by Patrlttte Luek and sculpture on canvas by K«ta> Johneon - is on display through Friday at the International Oasis Gallery, 230 Bull St. Gallery hours are 10 am. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Info: 236-4736. The Savannah Art Association's "Spectacular Summer Show" is on view through next Sunday (Aug. 9) in the organization's gallery, 309 W. St. Julian St. The mixed-media exhibit features over 40 works by SAA members. Hours are 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays. Info: 232-7731. S.Morris Gallery, 137 Bull St, is featuring a group show of contemporary Southeastern artists whose works have been exhibited in several national shows. The show Includes abstracts and figures by BINte do La Penha, trains and walls by Stephen Bayteea, landscapes in oil by Ruth Mrrott, oils by Charlee LsNteon, rainforest series watercotors by Rhonda Flommlng Long and acrylic abstracts by Joyco Thontpeon. GaHery hours are 10 a.m, to 5 p.* Monday through Saturday. Info: 233-7712. Gallery Alexov, 25 E. Bay St., features an international exhibit of fine art by artists from the United States and the former Soviet Union, including original paintings, sculpture, Russian lacquered-wood art, and the Savannah Maritime Festival poster and other limited-edition prints. Gallery hours are 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday and 10 a.m. to 6p.m. Monday through Saturday. Info: Featured this month at Gallery 209,209 E. River St., are Jamie Mcllhlney, a painter in egg tempera, watercotor and acrylic; and Bob McCarthy, a specialist in fine woodworking. Hours are noon to 5:30 p.m. Sunday and 30:30 am to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday, info: 236-4583. Turmoils off IINtese," a TheofficiaJ Maritime Peathral print is available, at a cost of $25, at several Jocal oalteries. Proceeds from Patrick McCay's colorful work wifl fund entertainment to be presented by the galleries during the festival, which runs from Sept. 10 through 13 and celebrates the passage of the Olympic torch through Savannah. Participatlng galleries include City Market Art fJerrter, Cotton Factors Gallery, Drayton Gallery, Exhibit A GaHery, Ganery Alexov, GaJery 209, GaHery 307, International Oasis GaHery, Rrverworks Gallery, S. Morris Gallery and Silver House Gallery. Info: Joanne at 233-2004. oavauraanii inenoan.p ano .me s aim- 'jhAi^AuMilffcM ^^AAKjA^kkt —— -* •«»'-• — .la— m* pmaurea, * running mm «tS^L £|^^Kk^§t^U4fl^B^M Idh '^M MJMUUMJ^Jtt OB^fe^^feA BBBBMBW house, Dunnagan's AMey at Arrow •%^—^j -4-h 'UMkuTiJAA^i •—«—.'-• A f% fioao on rva0n naaa ajajnn, o.v. Shows are Tusadayi through Saturdaya at 8^0p.m. |na play m the •toryofme '*^npBoyst who run a oaa stallon on HnHway 57 near cNiiwiauifB^ ana vie umaaes, wno ruriiia Dotage Cupp.Dinar next <foa. Tlcltets areS/60 for adults and $10 for cNkfren. Info and reservatk)ns: (803) 786-4878. aaialeejjeia^ai Iftdh dka^jv Alih^ ^\&^^^^^*^ kA^kk^h Audltlofw The Savannah Theatre Company wW hold auditions for its Mlnda" at 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the Savannah Theatre, 222 Bui StRdee are available for two men and one woman, all three age 20 to 40. Those auditioning will read from the script. The play, to be directed by David Schafler, opens on Sept 4. Info: 233-7764. Music John Cotbtone and Frlenda, with vocaHst Donna Taylor, wHI perform today from 6 to 8£0 p.m. (they did not play last Sunday, as was erroneously listed In last Sunday's Around Town calendar) at the Hltton Resort at Palmetto Dunes on Hilton Head Island, S.C. The concert, $5 for general admission and free tor members of the Hirton Head Jazz Society, is part of the HHJS's First Sunday Jazz series. Info: (803) 842-4457, Concerts In Johnson Square - a summertime series of free performances by local jazz, dance and Dixieland bands In a historic setting - continues this week wtth appearances Wednesday by MHoh Dodo* and the Savannah talnta and Friday by the Ken Mime* Quintet. All concerts begin at 11:30 a.m. and conclude at 1:30 p.m. Johnson Square is located downtown on Bull Street City Market Art Center, between Bryan and Congress on the upper levels of the Franklin streets. The series is co-sponsored Ward North and South buildings in by the American Federation of MuCity Market, houses the working sicians and the city of Savannah. studios of potters, painters,fiberart- Info: 651-6417. ists, woodcarvers, photographers and giass designers, who create, Country music star Earl exhibit and demonstrate their art. Thomas Conloy will perform at 8 Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday p.m. Friday in the Savannah Civic through Saturday and 1 toSjxm. Center's Martin Luther King Jr. AreSunday. Free. Info: 234-f na Tickets are $17 if purchased at the Civic Center box office, $17.60 if ordered by phone and $18 if bought Drama at the Civic Center's ticket outlets Starship Records and Tapes stores in Savannah and Hinesviile, and at City Lights Theater CompaDisc Jockey Records in Savannah ny's production of Terrence McMail. Info and credit-card orders: NaW/s "Frankle * Johnny In 651-6566. the Clalr do Lune" concludes this week, with performances today The public is invited to an orand Thursday through next Sunday gan recital and hymn festival by (Aug. 9) at the Yorklane Theater, 15 W. York Lane. AH performances Roger B. Byrd at 4 p.m. next Sunday (Aug. 9) at Calvary Baptist are at 8 p.m. The play chronicles Temple, 4625 Waters Ave. The conthe romance between a jaded waitcert will include works by Pachelbel, ress and a persistent cook. City Bach, GuinakJo, Langlais and Lights artistic director Jim Holt and Mouret There is no admission Grace Tootle star. Tickets are charge, but an offering will be taken. $7.50. Info and reservations: Info: 351-2288. 234-9860. The Savannah Theatre Company's production of "Big River," a musical by Roger Miller (songs) and William Hauptman (book), based on Mark Twain's 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," continues, with performances today, Friday through next Sunday (Aug. 9), and Aug. 14 and 15 at the Savannah Theatre, 222 Bull St All shows start at 8 p.m. except today's and next Sunday's, which begin at 3 p.m. Tickets are $12 for general admission, $10 for senior citizens and $6 for students. In addition, the play's cast and crew will host Family Day activities at the theater from 1 to 3 p.m. today and next Sunday. Hamburgers, hot dogs and old-fashioned fun wW be served up prior to the matinee performances. Info and theater reservations: 233-7764. "Pump Boys and Dinettes,* a down-home musical vannah Theatre 7^0 and willaat about an hour. Info: 234-6127. shown at 1 and 3p.m. Saturday at the Unrveretty of Georgia Marina Extension Center Aquarium on Skidaway Wand. Tharo Is no charge. Regular aquarium hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p,m. Monday through Friday and noon to 5p.m. Saturday. hfo: 598-3474 (596-FISH). Class**, Workshops QemotogtetRohart An<ar eon II WPI present ^Jojweary Stiver Soware" - a workshop designed to leach participants how to recognize quaWy In precious metals, diamonds, paans and colored stones - from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the Coastal Georgia Center for Continuing Education's downtown conference center, 305 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. The fee Is $15. Info and registration: 651-2767. "Babyeittlng Males," a workshop for young people ages 12 to 16, wl be heldfrom3 to 430 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday at the Ogiethorpe Mall branch of the Chatham-Etnngham-Uberty Regional Library. Topics will include safety, first aid, entertaining children and care and feeding of small children. Upon completion, participants will be certified as babysitters by the Chatham County Extension Service. There is no fee for the sessions, which are part of the library's Summer Reading Club, but pre-registration is required. Info and registration: 925-5432. The Armstrong State College Community Music School offers children and adults private music lessons in voice, piano and band instruments. The program features 30-, 45- and 60-minute lessons once a week through September 1 in the school's Fine Arts Center. Call for fees and schedules. Info: 927-5381. of femffy oriented . held today from' tto 4 p.m. at the Telfsjr Academy of Arts and 8c4ences, 121 Barnard 8i AdMHes many of tarn Hed ID'*** muet; urn's current exhtoH, 'Two Worlds Apart The Sculpture of Ned Smyth" -w« include handt-ori workshops for children In sculpture and moeeiemaMna the creation of a temporary work of public art in Terfair Square, and videos doc«meiitingJ5mytrfs commissioned works in Savannah, New York and other ctttes. There is no charge lor the city sponsored event Info: 232-1177. Trie Savannah Science Mudaya programs of ton and educational activities tor children condudes this week with a reprise of last week's program, "atoneter Metlnoo* i no presentation., OT- , fered at 10 and 11 a.m., focuses on the beasts that roamed the prehistoric Coastal Empire, ft features lively original music and lyrics and is designed to hold the attention of both children and parents. The cost is $1.50 per person. The museum is located at 4405 Paulson St info and reservations: 355-6705. "Women of the Colonial Frontier" will be the focus of a special program from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Wormsloe Historic Site, 7601 Skidaway Road. Interpreters in authentic 18th-century attire will demonstrate many of the skills of women of that era. Admission is $1.50 for adults, 75 cents for children ages 6 to 18 and free for children 5 and under. Group rates are available. Info: 353-3023. A dirty dog dip will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday at Animal Appeal, 113 Eisenhower Drive. The cost is $5 for a bath and dip, and proceeds benefit the Pet Assistance League of Savannah (PALS). Dogs should be leashed, and pet owners should bring a towel. Parkina will be Talks, Readings available at Coastal Transmission and Phar Mor. Info: 925-7257 or "Cave Biology" will be the 354-4529. topic of a slide show and lecture by Tickets are on sale now for a Dr. Ken Relyea of Armstrong "Chef e Table" featuring celeState College at 7 p.m. Tuesday at brated Cajun cook Justin Wilson, the Ogiethorpe Mall branch of the Chatham-Efnngham-Uberty Region- to be held at 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22, in the ballroom of the Hyatt Real Library. The program win explore gency Savannah, 2 W. Bay Street. the plants and animals that inhabit The black tie-optional event, a fund the dark recesses of caves in the raiser for the Second Harvest Food southeastern United States, Info: Bank's Second Servings program, 598-2325. will feature a champagne reception, specialties by celebrated local chefs, a cooking demonstration by The city of Savannah Leithe folksy Wilson (host of PBS telesure Services Bureau's series of vision's "The Louisiana Chef"), dinpublic meetings to aaaoaa ner and music. Second Servings is 5 the) community's recreation a program that provides prepared facility needs continues this week, food for hungry children in Savanwith meetings at 7 p.m. Wednesday nah. Each $100 ticket will supply at the YMCA, 6400 Habersham St.; enough food to feed 100 hungry and at 7 p.m. Thursday at Southchildren for one week. Seating is side Fire Department station No. 1 limited and reservations are reon White Bluff Road. Info: quired. Major credit cards will be ac351-3837. cepted. Info and reservations: 236-8779. Will Hon, an educator with The city of Savannah is the University of Georgia Marine seeking professional artists Extension Service, will present a to participate in the Weave-Aprogram titled "Birds: Maximum Dream program, which allows Rap star Hammer will perMobility In Finding Pood" at 8 groups unaffiiiated with major arts form at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 4, p.m. Saturday in the auditorium of in the Savannah Civic Center's Mar- Tybee Island City Hall as part of the organizations to present plays, concerts, classes and other activities to tin Luther King Jr. Arena. Tickets Tybee Island Marine Science Cenare $22 for the first 1,000 sold, $23 ter's Evening Adventure series. The target populations - particularly in advance and $24 on the day of free events are audio-visual presen- those that are underserved by established arts groups. Artists are the show if purchased at the Civic tations and discussions pertaining needed in crafts (basketry, weaving Center. A $1 service charge will be to the natural and historical reand needlework), painting, drawing, adddd for tickets purchased at other sources of the Georgia coast. The dance, theater, flower arranging and outlets (Starship Records and series continues through Aug. 29. other areas. Artists interested in Tapes stores in Savannah and Info: 786-5917. seeking Weave-A-Dream grants Hinesvilte, and Disc Jockey Recshould send resumes with referords at Savannah Mall). Info: ences to the Office of Cultural Af351-6556. Comedy fairs, PXX Box 1027, Savannah GA __ 31402. Community aroups interestPlnkard S Bowdon will be the ed in sponsoring a Weave-A-Dream headliners this week at the Comedy project can write to the same adHouse, 317 Eisenhower Drive. Also This summer's final Family dress, or call the Office of Cultural Affairs. Info: 651-6417. Film Night at the main branch of on the bill is Dicky Palmer. Showthe Chatham County Public Library, times are 8:30 p.m. Tuesday The city of Savannah is through Thursday and 8 and 10:30 2002 Bull St, Is Tuesday. Films to p.m. Friday and Saturday. Tickets sponsoring a variety of free sumbe shown are "Magic Sonool Bus Adventure,'7 "Morris mer programs for children at are $9 for shows Tuesday through city parks and community centers, Thursday and $10 for ail the weekOooa to School" and "Truck including performances by the Saend performances. Info: 356-1045. Song." The program will begin at and Treasure trunks" outoeaohjptograma, dnjnt music sndH and rounolwet tours • the Coaetal HarHaQS) 8 .. . , •^ by BsM South, and __ »aur.*jence and drug prevention prooratns from the SeWiNWi Op* •net museum, rnfo: 661-6417^ Tr»e dty o^ Savannah Leisure Servtees Bureau's ongoing Art In tlio Pawk programs am destanad to serveyoutf»sages3to 18. Contact names are: drama camps, Rob Mapottf datico caiTwa, Aup^ay Bland; Art to the Partc, Lawrence Carson; ceramics camp*, Harris Nathan. Info and registration: r 651-6783, The Cfty of Savamiali'a ARTSUMI, 233-2787 (233-ARTS) off ersweeWy updates on local cultural events via a 24-hour taped telephone message. Out of Town "Family Affair," amultimedia exhfoft tfwx^ byarfl^^ skilled members of the same family, opens with a reception today from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and wttl be on dteptay through the end of the month at the Coastal Center for the Arts, 2012 Demere Road on St. Simons island. Featured are wood sculpture bv Ray Dumas, conceptual art by Carol Dumas, furniture by Noelte Dumas, paintings by Rusty Dumas and needlepoint by Flo Anderson. Admission to tonight's wine-and-food reception Is $10, with proceeds benefiting the center. Admission to the exhibit during the center's regular hours will be free. Info: 1-912-634-0404. 1 H A photography exhibit titled "lack Homes ReflectIon»t>f Afrlcan-Amorloan Cofitimiftltfaa" is on display through Oct 16 at the High Museum of Art, 133 Peachtree St. NE in Atlanta. Included in the show, which features works from the museum's collection, are portraits by James Van Der Zee taken during the Harlem Renaissance, chronicles of the Great -' Depression by Walker Evans and character studies by Prentiss Polk. There are also contemporary works, such as Paul Kwitecki's studies of life in Decatur County, and handcolored family photographs by Christian Walker. Regular hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The museum also will be open from noon to 5 p.m. today, Saturday and next Sunday (Aug. 9) in conjunction with the National Black Arts Festival. Admission to the exhibit is free. Info: (404) 577-6940. The Georgia Shake* speare Festival continues through Aug. 16 in a 400-seat outdoor theater tent on the campus of Ogiethorpe University in Atlanta, This year's productions, presented in rotating repertory, are "Lowe's Labour's Lost," 'The Tempest" and "Hamlet, Godfather of Brooklyn" - the latter a modem adaptation of the classic tragedy. Shows are at 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays (grounds open at 630 p.m. for picnickers). Singleticket prices are $16 for performances Sunday through Thursday, $18 for Friday shows and $20 for Saturday performances. Student, group ana senior citizen rates are available. Info: (404) 264-0020. Items to be considered for inclusion in this column must be received in writing no later than Monday, 5p.m. Please include the date, time, exact location, a brief description of the event, the admission price and a telephone number tor readers to call for information. Send all information to Around Town, Features Department, Savannah News-Press, P.O. Box 1088, Savannah, GA 31402. Photographs submitted cannot be returned. 9 Clint Black Must Take the Blame for His Bland 'Hard Way Album An Analysis By MICHAEL CORCORAN ' dint Black's career is in trouble. He's embroiled in suits and countersuits with his powerful former manager BIB Ham, but that's not the main problem. Neither is his recent marriage to actress Lisa Hartman ("Knot's Landing"), who came complete with a mom who's a National Enquirer taadHne wtittog to happen. Nope, the Roy Rogers look-alike from Houston is •bout to take a dip to popularity because he Just has released a relatively bland, unexciting album called 'The Hard Way." With only ntoe cuts, this is the aural counterpart of the old jece: It's not very l°od **** **'* *" abort * Expect the album to enter the Billboard charts hi the Top S anyway - maybe even at No. 1. Considering that the first single, "We Tefl tittwNes," has be« out tor two months and that -« Black's first two albums hive sold a combined five million copies, country audiences are ready to pounce on a new product from the singer who looks as if tr\e sun's air ways in his eyes. Watch for sales to drop off considerably after a couple of weeks, however, when listeners discover that "We Tell Ourselves'* is the only great song on the album. A couple of others, including the title track and "A Woman Has Her Way," sound like possible hits, but nothing on this album really jumps out at you. I spent the first few listens trying to put my finger on the major aongwrittng and singing inspiration, then it finally hit me: John Denver. On "When My Ship Gomes In," Btacfc even mixes two of Denver's favorite subjects when be stogi about''salting out of Colorado." Yeah, right Then there's that long drive to Hawaii When Black, who beat out Garth Brooks for both the prestigious Country Musk Association Hortoo Award to Hit and the Male Vocaha* trophy to 1M, fails to come doae to Garth's sales, critics will say that RCA failed to promote it properly or that Black's image had been tarnished by his legal battles or that the product wasn't marketed to the right demographics. Maybe his junior slump wifl be credited to the neo-Yoko bashlash following his marriage to an ambitious woman. Yeah, boy, when Clint hits the high notes, you can almost see Lisa tightening the vice grips. The simple truth, however, is that 'The Hard Way" isn't very exciting. What is marketing, anyway? Doesnt that mean stacking apples so the bruises are hidden? Isn't it marketing when the big girt to Wilson Phillips is photographed wearing green in a field of waving grass? How did such a concept become applicable to music that's meant to strike a glorious connection with the fan? Cynics of the Garth Phenomenon tare to point out that he majored to marketing at Oklahoma State, at if be apent tettr years of coUegt drawtog tile perfect cowhoy hat and telling Mmaetf that if he could just put a chunky face on the Western musical mythology of Chris LeDoux, he'd make a million dollars. The reason Garth Brooks sells so many albums is because they're good. That's it Good songs, good singin', good playin': "Do you take American Express?" That's how it works. If you've ever spent an hour or so talking to Jimmy Bowen, the president of Brooks' label, Liberty Records, you know Garth's not the beneficiary of some master plan. Bowen, who;teeters between being the most powerful man in Nashville and an inside joke, is the kind of visionary who would've tried to steer Hank Williams away from sad songs: "We just can't market that lonesome sniff, Hoss. Now go write me a song about the O.K. Corral." As Nashville catches up to the pop music world, in both sales and aetf-fenportaaee, you hear a tot of talk of marketing, promotion and management decisions. Pay someone HMtt a year, and their first task is to try and make you think they're warm $. Ham, who owns almost all of Black's publishing and received 20 percent of all other earnings, had a real hard time persuading his client he was worth it. Many music bizzers nave credited Ham with launching Black into the stratosphere of popularity; they say he's worth every penny Black ever squeezed out of him. When Black first auditioned for Ham, he was working construction part time to support his fledgling music career. Elvis drove a truck. Frank Sinatra worked as a singing waiter. Jimi Hendrix was in the Air Force. They all started somewhere, but once they got to the right place, there was no question that they were going to be huge. Although a brilliant manager (look bow far he's taken the barely competent ZZ Top), Ham had only a speck of influence on Black's career compared to such tunes as "A Better1 Man" and ''Nobody's Home ' and the expressively tough and tender voice that delivered them. Anyone with ears could tefl that the *99 debut LP, 'KiUin' Time," and its handsome young Country music star CHnt Black finds Ns career in trouble creator would be wildly successrul. In his case, marketing meant putting out the darn thing. The people Robert Blake used to call "the suit-and-tie Johns" will try to make "The Hard Way" Clint Black's best-setting album so far. Because Black refused their suggestion to use a couple of radiofriendly outside writers and instead co-wrote every song hfanself, the suits win put him on the airplay campaign trail. He'll do tens of interviews, star in yet another Bob Hope special, embark 00 a massive, high-profile tour and keep releasing stogies. The listening public will keep sales retpectabie, but they wont be raft TheyII hear the record for what4t b, a big step back. And no one Is to blame but er-eougwrto Clint Black.
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