H O M E B U I L D E R S A S S O C I AT I O N O F G R E AT E R AU S T I N A Presented by NN UAL NN NN UAL A G R E AT E R A HOUSING FORECAST MEMBER TICKETS $85 each or $750 tables of 10 UAL UAL NN 2015 A Realtors receive member pricing! Use code: ABOR AU S T I N JANUARY 20, 2015 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Renaissance Hotel PURCHASE TICKETS AT HBAAUSTIN.COM | $100 each or $900 tables of 10 PURCHASE TICKETS AT HBAAUSTIN.COM N OO GS CIN UN NO AN KEN PERLMAN, SENIOR VP ELDON RUDE, PRINCIPAL AMAZING SPEAKER NAME John Burns Real Estate Consulting 360º Real Estate Analytics Amazing Speaker’s Company Mr. Perlman has 15+ years of experience in the Real Estate Industry and has directed analyses of residential and commercial projects throughout the U.S., including master planned communities, active adult housing, high-rise and urban projects and commercial and retail developments. He began his career as a residential land broker with Grubb & Ellis. He San Diego and has an M.B.A. from the University of San Diego. He is a full member of the Urban Land Institute. Eldon Rude advises clients in housing, development, banking, commercial real estate and the government sector. He has worked in real estate in Texas for nearly 30 years, earning a reputation for thorough analysis and candid insight. Amazing bio informaiton goes here. Amazing bio informaiton goes here. Bio informaiton goes here. Amazing bio informaiton goes here. Bio informaiton goes here. Amazing io informaiton goes here. Bio informaiton goes here. Amazing bio informaiton goes here. Amazing bio informaiton goes here. Amazing bio informaiton goes here. Amazing bio informaiton goes here. Amazing bio informaiton goes here. Amazing bio informaiton goes here. Amazing bio informaiton goes here. PROMOTIONAL PARTNERSHIPS AVAILABLE | In addition to moderating the event, Rude will deliver an overview of the region’s economy and housing market in 2014, and present his forecast of what Central Texas can expect for 2015. SEE BACK FOR DETAILS | QUESTIONS: DEBBIE HORRIDGE AT 512-982-9173 OR [email protected] BUILDING CENTRAL TEXAS COMMUNITIES ONE HOME AT A TIME. P R O M OT I O N A L PA R T N E R S H I P S Presented by 2015 HOUSING FORECAST G R E AT E R PLATINUM $5,000 Table for ten (10) in a key location Recognition on event signage AU S T I N POWERPOINT $3,000 SOLD Full page advertisement in event handout (provided by advertiser) SOLD SOLD Bonded Bonded Builders Builders Warranty Group Group Warranty EXCLUSIVE TO YOUR INDUSTRY PROGRAM $2,000 GOLD $2,500 SILVER $1,000 Two (2) tickets to the event Recognition on event signage TICKET $750 SOLD 1/4 page advertisement in event handout (provided by advertiser) PLATINUM PARTNER PEN & NOTE PAD $750 COFFEE $750 PROGRAM PRINT ADS SOLD SOLD PLATINUM PARTNER Inside front cover & back cover, $750 each Full page ad (7.5” w x 10” ), $500 Half page ad (7.5” w x 4.5” h), $350 Quarter page ad (3.5” w x 4.5” h), $225 PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS AT THE MOST POPULAR HBA EVENT OF THE YEAR! PROMOTIONAL PARTNERSHIPS ARE PURCHASED ONLINE AT HBAAUSTIN.COM | QUESTIONS: DEBBIE HORRIDGE AT 512-982-9173 OR [email protected]
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