Kundalini Surjhee Japa 29 April ‐ 03 May 2015 Jinho baat nischal dhru jaanee, tayee jeev kaal tay bacha. Tin tario samundar rudar khin ek meh, jalahar bimb jugat jag rachaa. Kundalini surjhee satsangat, paramanand guru mukh macha. Siri guru sahib sabh upaar, man bach karam sayveeai sacha||5|| Those who realize the Eternal, Unchanging Word of God, like Dhroo, are immune to death. They cross over the terrifying world‐ocean in an instant; the Lord created the world like a bubble of water. The Kundalini rises in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation; through the Word of the Guru, they enjoy the Lord of Supreme Bliss. The Supreme Guru is the Lord and Master over all; so serve the True Guru, in thought, word and deed. ||5|| Kundalini Surjhee Japa with renowned yogi and healer Guru Dev Singh Guru Dev Singh invites you to a Japa Retreat in Europe. We will be reciting the Kundalini Surjhee 11.000 times. The Kundalini Surjhee is from the scripts of Guru Ram Das. This recitation gives the practitioner an understanding of the flow of the Kundalini Energy and has a rejuvenating effect on the body through toning the inner organs. JAPA means RECITATION: It used to be custom in the old yogi traditions to retreat for a certain time. The Sikh lineage has created a perfect Naad Yoga system that allows the practitioner to manifest persistent, powerful changes in body, mind and soul. This Retreat is a deep blessing and opportunity for everyone who wants to take her/his yoga, spiritual and meditation practice to a new level of depth and perfection. Time: 29th of April, 5 pm until 3th of May 2015, ca. 1 pm Costs: 300 Euro plus accommodation (basic) and meals (220 € ): 520 € Location: Kasteel de Berckt near Venlo (Netherlands), 50 km from Düsseldorf (Germany) www.kasteeldeberckt.nl Information: www.satnamrasayan.de/japa German: Carmen Smida, +49(0)2331.340 2923, +49(0)178.522 2229, mail@carmen‐smida.de Information (in French, English and Dutch): Guru Hans Kaur, +33(0)143 29 36 68, kundalini‐yoga‐[email protected] Please find the formal application enclosed. To apply sign it and send it via post, mail or fax to: Carmen Smida, Emster Str. 54, 58093 Hagen (D) carmen.smida@sat‐nam.de, fax: +49(0)3222 374 037‐0 www.satnamrasayan.de page 1/3 Kundalini Surjhee Japa 29 April ‐ 03 May 2015 Spiritual Name ______________________________________________________ Legal Name ______________________________________________________ Complete Address ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Mobile ______________________________________________________ eMail ______________________________________________________ ________________________ Female (___) Male (___) Date of Birth Have you been to Kundalini Surjhee Japa or Reman Japa before? If so when and where? ________________________________________________________________________ What do you expect to achieve by attending the Japa? ________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a personal meditation practice? If so can you tell us about it in 2 lines? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ I am under medical/psychological treatment: no (___) yes (___) Reason: ___________________________________________ Date and time of arrival: _______________________________________________________________________ Other information: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ www.satnamrasayan.de page 2/3 Please send us page 2+3. RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF ALL RISKS The person signing this “release and assumption of all risks” form agrees that the Sat Nam Rasayan Foundation are all herby released from any and all claims, obligations, damages, losses, injuries and/or causes of action arising, from participation by the undersigned in the Kundalini Surjhee Japa, Baarlo, 2015. The person signing this release further agrees and understands that nobody has made any guarantees or warranties about the safety and protection of his or her person and possessions during participation by the undersigned in the Kundalini Surjhee Japa. The person signing this release is aware of the possibility that physical and psychological injuries could result from participation. The person signing this release voluntarily takes part in the Kundalini Surjhee Japa. At his or her own peril, assuming all risks. I declare to be in my full physical and mental faculties, at the time of my participation in the Kundalini Surjhee Japa, Baarlo, 2015. I accept, in case of necessity, to abide by the judgement of the organizers and withdraw from the meditation at any time. Place and date of birth _______________________________________________________________ Printed legal name __________________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________________________ To apply sign it and send it via post, mail or fax to: Carmen Smida, Emster Str. 54, 58093 Hagen (D) carmen.smida@sat‐nam.de, fax: +49(0)3222 374 037‐0 More information and the mantra: www.satnamrasayan.de/japa/japa_mantra.htm www.satnamrasayan.de page 3/3
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