The Ch im VOLUME 92 EDITOR - Mikey Foster es NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2015 Inside this issue: Page 2 SPIRITUAL GROWTH/SERVICE Page 3 SPIRITUAL GROWTH/CPK Page 4 SOCIAL OPPORTUNITY/ EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY VOLUME 88 - NO. 10 Page 5 SOCIAL OPPORTUNITIES Page 6 KID’S NEWS Page 7 YOUTH NEWS/ MUSIC MINISTRY NEWS Page 8 IN OUR PRAYERS/ CONGRATULATIONS/ NOTES OF THANKS Page 9 CONDOLENCES/FOOD CLOSET Page 10 ANNIVERSARIES/ BIRTHDAYS Page 11 GREEN TEAM TIP Page 12 CPK VOUCHERS The Season After Epiphany asas we we follow follow the the star. star! The CHIMES January 2015 Saturday, January 10 5:00pm until 7:00pm In Moore Hall Come and join us for Page 2 Messy Church turned into Messy Christmas in December. We told the Christmas story through many of our activities, celebrations and songs. We shared a meal together and ended it with a birthday party for Jesus complete with a cake, games and party favors (The Christmas story characters in finger puppets.) Messy Church is a growing and vibrant ministry. All ages are welcome. Come and worship with us on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 5:00 to 7:00pm. Next month Veggie Tales will help us share the story of Jonah. 2015 BLOOD DRIVE “Save A Life Sunday” Sunday, January 11 8:00am to 2:00pm Give a part of yourself; Be a donor. Sign up Sunday, January 4, BETWEEN services, call the church office at 714.842.4461, OR just show up and we will work you in. NEW WEDNESDAY EVENING STUDY Embracing Alternative Orthodoxy By Fr. Richard Rohr January 14 - February 11 7:00pm in Room 7 Books are $12 and are available in the church office Embracing an Alternative Orthodoxy invites you to explore Christian faith informed by contemplation, mysticism, compassion, justice and centuries of rich Christian history. Fr. Richard Rohr is a globally recognized ecumenical teacher bearing witness to the universal awakening within Christian mysticism and the Perennial Tradition. He is a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province and founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fr. Richard's teaching is grounded in the Franciscan alternative orthodoxy--practices of contemplation and lived kenosis (self-emptying), expressing itself in radical compassion, particularly for the socially marginalized. BROWN BAGGERS Wednesday evenings at 6:30, just before the Wednesday evening study class, we meet for dinner. Bring your own dinner, whether it’s a sandwich or four courses, and come to room 8/9 for dinner and fellowship. The CHIMES January 2015 Page 3 Labyrinth Prayer and Meditation Walk 3rd Thursday of each month. Next session is January 15 from 10:00am to 2:00pm in Moore Hall. Instructions and socks provided. Living the Questions 2.0 Wednesdays January 21 thru February 11 7:00 to 8:30pm Join us in Room 8/9 for LtQ2, which is an open-minded alternative to studies that attempt to give participants all the answers and instead strives to create an environment where participants can interact with one another in exploring what’s next for Christianity. The study features acclaimed scholars, theologians and other experts. There are three major themes covered in this class. The first theme is "Invitation to Journey.” This class will be lead by Rev. Ginny Wheeler and Bonnie Kampmeyer. Wednesday, January 21 11:00am to 10:00pm Join us at The California Pizza Kitchen restaurant in Bella Terra, for lunch or dinner, as we gather for great food and wonderful fellowship with our CUMC family and friends. Just give your server the flyer from page 12 (one for you and one for a friend), or you may pick up a flyer at church on Sunday, January 18, or stop in the church office and pick one up and CUMC will receive 20% of your check. All funds raised from this event go to the CUMC Office Dedicated account from which we have previously purchased a new phone system for the church, new computers, printers, and software. These items were not paid for with monies from our budget, but from the funds earned at our CPK FUNdraisers and matching gifts from generous donors. So, join us at CPK for good food, good service, good fellowship, and the good feeling that you helped your church, all at the same time. We are truly grateful for your support! The CHIMES January 2015 Page 4 Newcomers’ Connection Dinner Sunday, January 25 4:00pm You are invited to get connected with CUMC ministries, programs, and people by attending the Newcomers’ Connection Dinner. This is a great way to get better acquainted with our pastor and get the inside scoop on what’s happening at CUMC. Join us for a delicious soup dinner at Rev. Ginny’s home in Laguna Beach. Please RSVP to 714.842.4461 by Thursday, January 22. SOLOS If you are single, eat lunch, like to have fun and be in fellowship with other singles, then join us for lunch. Each month, usually on the last Sunday of the month, we meet at a local restaurant after 2nd service (about 11:30am) for lunch. This month we will meet on Sunday, January 25, at Claim Jumper Restaurant, 18050 Brookhurst Street, Fountain Valley. For more information and reservations, please call Shirley LaBounta @ 714.847.4354. Parenting Matters Monday, January 26 Room 8/9 6:30pm to 7:30pm A time when parents can come together and share concerns or parenting issues with each other in a casual setting. This is not like a traditional parenting class where you only sit and listen; there will be a leader/facilitator with information from a child development perspective. This should feel more like a group of friends sitting around, chatting about their kids while having coffee and dessert. Child Care Provided. BOOK CLUB All are welcome to join us at our January 2015 Book Club meeting. There is never any registration fee or dues. This month we will be gathering on Tuesday, January 27, at 7:00pm to read Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda at the home of Anneke Dodge. Call the church office at 714.842.4461 or Anneke at 714.846.7382, for more details or if you have questions. The CHIMES January 2015 Page 5 FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON CLUB Our monthly potluck luncheon will be held on Wednesday, January 28, in Moore Hall. We gather at 11:30am for light conversation and will have lunch at noon followed by a fantastic program. This month, January, our program will be on SCAM artists and the scams they use to get our money. You do not want to miss this important information presented by the Community Services Division of the Huntington Beach Police Department. Bring a dish to share and your own table service. Start the new year off right by joining us for lunch on January 28, 2015! All are welcome! Women’s Night Out Thursday, January 29 7 to 10pm Join us for our first women’s night out event of 2015! We are planning a private Painting and Vino workshop at Don The Beachcomber, in Sunset Beach on Thursday, January 29, from 7 to 10pm. The cost is $45, plus your purchase of food/wine. This event is open to all women of CUMC and their friends - a great time to bring someone new with you. You don’t need to be artistic, just willing to try something “out of your realm of expertise.” This will be a great night of fun and fellowship while learning (trying) to paint; and bring out the “inner artist” in you! We need a good headcount of those coming, so please contact Lisa Brewer or Suzanne Morgan with your prepayment, by January 19. Questions, just ask Lisa or call the church office at 714.842.4461. SUPPER CLUB We are looking for new Supper Club members! Supper Club is a gathering of adults in small groups (usually eight to ten) meeting in different homes, once a month, for fellowship and a meal. It is a great way to make new friends and establish life-long friends of faith. Both couples and singles are welcome. Contact Chuck Morelock at 714.848.2420 to sign up. January 2015 st di Ch ur m un ity ho ch Co m Page 6 SUNDAY SCHOOL et M Un ite d The CHIMES Nursery School In Sunday school, during December, our focus was the Christmas Story. We spent December making Advent wreaths, Chrismons and hearing the Christmas story. We had our own Advent wreath and the children took part in the reading and lighting of the candles. This month we will learn how Jesus touched many people through his healing. Every week we have approximately 20 smiling kids eager to learn about God’s love. Our wonderful Sunday school teachers come prepared to share this message every week. It is a fun and exciting place to be on Sunday mornings. Come by and see what is happening. Where we learn to play, share and grow together. 6652 Heil Avenue Huntington Beach 714.842.1630 Happy New Year from our staff to you! January is a very busy time around the nursery school. Besides our teddy bear days and the gingerbread man running around and hiding all around the nursery school, we are hosting a parenting class. The class will be on Monday, January 26, at 6:30pm in Room 8/9, and is not the traditional parenting class where you sit and listen. This will be a time when parents can come together and share concerns or parenting issues and perhaps give some advice/support/ suggestions that have worked for their family. Our Open House will be on Monday, March 30, at 6:00pm – Our big annual fundraiser is our Used Book Fair, which will be the week of April 19. And at that same time, we are having a shoe drive. So please save your gently used books and shoes. The shoes will be cleaned and sent to a third world country. Registration for the next school year starts in February for our CUMC families, this includes our messy Church families. Come by and pick up a packet. Calendar Alert!!!!!! In January, Faith Friends’ schedule will be a bit different than our normal schedule. We will meet on Sunday, January 11, at 11:00am on CUMC’s playground. On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 19, Faith Friends and their families will be volunteering in the morning with the Organization, OneOC. This will be a great opportunity to take our faith out into the community, to honor Martin Luther King Jr., and to be with our families! Watch the Message Pages for details to follow. We will not meet on Sunday, January 25. If you have any questions about Faith Friends, please contact Marty Drake through email at [email protected] or call the church office at 714-842-4461. The CHIMES January 2015 Page 7 Youth CoS Update Whew! December was really busy! We sold hot, fancy drinks, wrapped lots and lots of gifts, sang in the Candlelight Christmas Concerts, and we did a whole lot of other fun things. In January, welcome to 2015!!! We will have our usual Sunday night gettogethers from 5:00 to 7:00pm, which always includes dinner and other good stuff. Here’s what’s coming up: January 4 - Welcome back night of FUN January 11- Parent Night - for planning January 17 - Youth Leader Training at Biola University January 18 - Getting our act(s) together January 25 - Game Night at Good Shepherd UMC - bring a friend! February 1 - Youth Sunday @ CUMC February 7 - Variety Show/Fundraiser February 14-16 - Winter Retreat April 18 - District Dodgeball Tournament . . . just to name a few! WELCOME BACK If you have thought about joining one of our choirs, now is the time! It’s not too late to be a part of the fabulous Music Ministry at CUMC. We have many choirs for all ages. We need singers, ringers, instrumentalists, and of course, Music Ministry supporters. If God has given you musical talent, he expects you to use it to his glory! You may call the church office, 714.842.4461, or email Kevin, our Director of Music, at [email protected] for more information. The CHIMES In our Prayers Congratulations to: Thank You! January 2015 Page 8 Don Almy, Louise Almy, Bruce Baldwin, Dorothy Baldwin, Cecil Birnbaum, Katie Bernhoff, Liz Berry, Cary Gray, Zyl Gritz, Kathleen Hagey, Joe Hazelett, John Kodrich, Bill Lueck, Ally Miller, Mark Munro, Phyll Page, Maggie Richardson, Dale Skerik, Mary Kay Smith, Lavetta Snyder, Bruce West, Kay Winter, Priscilla Wolz. Kristin and Harish Kavirajan on the birth of their daughter, Katherine Sophia (Kate) on Monday, November 24. Bill and Kathie Lueck are the very proud grandparents. Thank you to everyone who donated gifts for the Senior Santa program for seniors and disabled persons, and for children of the Family Literacy Group at Oak View Library. Over 100 gifts were collected and will be distributed by OC Social Workers to those in need. Thank you for your kindness and generosity; always appreciated. A big THANK YOU to all who supported the Food Closet Thanksgiving Basket Project this year. With your help, we were able to serve over 50 families (236) people this Thanksgiving. The recipients of these food baskets were overwhelmed with emotion at times and several shared how much the CUMC Food Closet helped them. Thank you for making this possible. Your generosity reflects the spirit of the season. Thank you for your donation to the Beach Cities Interfaith Services. We are blessed to have you as a partner in our mission to make the world a better place for the less fortunate in our area. BCIS is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization. We have been serving those in need in Huntington Beach for the last 30 years. Thank you for caring and sharing. Sincerely, Nancy Brandt per Carol Sneary, Program Administrator I feel so blessed to belong to this church. I really appreciated your healing thoughts and prayers as well as cards during my recent surgery. I should be running a marathon soon. Trudy Roe Thank you to everyone who helped make the Advent Workshop and Messy Church a perfect way to start the Advent season. Many people helped supervise the different crafts, made soup, and helped with the clean up. A special thank you goes to Lionel Grove and Don Van Winkle for the many hours they gave measuring and cutting wood for both of these events. The children’s handprints look great on the hearts and all the families enjoyed making the Christmas tree yard stake. Your time and talent is very much appreciated. The CHIMES January 2015 Condolences to Page 9 . . . The friends and family of Donald Bolton who passed on Sunday, November 16, 2014, at St. Luke’s Inpatient Hospice Unit, Cedar Rapids, IA, after battling cancer for 26 years. Services were held on November 21, in Central City, IA. . . . the family and friends of Victor Pluznick who passed on Friday, November 21. Vic was a long time attendee at CUMC and very active with the Chancel Choir, the Music Ministry program, our Church and Society Committee and more. A service was held at CUMC on Friday, December 5, at 1pm. . . . the family and friends of Shelly Macy. Shelly lost her battle with cancer on Thursday, November 27. Shelly was a dance instructor, vocalist, wife, and mother of three. A service was held at CUMC on Tuesday, December 9 at 1:00pm. . . . the family and friends of Velda McBride who passed on Saturday, December 6, in her home. Velda was a long time member of UMW Deborah Circle and CUMC. No services are pending at this time. The family and friends of Alicia Adams who passed on Sunday, December 21. Services were held at CUMC on Friday, December 25, 2014. Alicia was 94 years young. ... By God’s light we are led. . . With God’s grace we are fed. . . May God grant you peace. CUMC FOOD CLOSET Thanks to everyone who contributes to our food closet with their time and efforts. Any donations of non-perishable food products, gift cards to grocery stores, discount stores and fast food restaurants (for those with no cooking or storage facilities) is always appreciated. Your donations are what keeps our food closet open and help us to help those in our community who need our assistance. Without donations like yours, our food closet would be closed. Thank you and God bless you! On Patio or Church Office: Shampoo Conditioner Soap Deodorant Shaving Cream Combs Church Office only: Eye Glasses Blankets Sleeping bags Back packs Gift Cards - $5 fast food restaurant Men’s shoes Men’s clothing Bus Passes or donations to purchase bus passes The CHIMES January 2015 Page 10 January Wedding Anniversaries Walter and Janet Schulz Kim and Jeff Lorenz Mark and Elizabeth (Liz) Smilor Day Years 25 13 25 46 25 18 January 1 4 6 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lita Fifita Saburo Hatada Steven Mundine Homer Weeks David Falzon Paul Arnold Sierra Cavano Louise Simpson Evan Nelson Vivian Clodé Robert Cook Emma Puffpaff Jo Carrozzo Joseph Mundine Philip Patsel Janet Yee Vartio Donald Hohl Fred Locarnini Nathan Nakagawa Hovannes Daniels Alexander Delgleize Kathy Garland Philip Talbert Birthdays 18 19 20 21 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 John Lindauer Matthew Yavorsky Katie Logsdon Madeline Rozint Nuha Salibi Jasmine Vartio Amanda Brown Emery Wilson Mary Colvin Matthew Hohl Phyllis Still Gillian Waldenfels Bruce Baldwin Nicholas Ball Zachary Ball Bill Gordon Harold Hill James Schulz Karen Kodrich Skip Murray Grace Zark The CHIMES January 2015 Page 11 Green Team Tip Up to 95 percent of old clothing can be recycled and reused again. In 2010, 13.1 million tons of textile waste wound up in a landfill. As you go through and clean out closets and drawers, send your used clothing and household goods to places such as the Assistance League of Huntington Beach, Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries, just to name a few. Watch your door for informational flyers about charitable organizations that will pick-up your unwanted items. Plus, you may use them as a tax donation. I think that’s what we call a “WIN-WIN!” 6652 HEIL AVENUE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647-4359 January 21, 2015 January 21, 2015
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