18-MONTH FOLLOW-UP REPORT TO THE PROGRAM QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCESS AUDIT FINAL REPORT Submitted to: Ontario College Quality Assurance Service Submitted by: Mohawk College Date: December 21, 2010 INTRODUCTION Mohawk College expresses appreciation to the Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS) for the opportunity to take part in the Program Quality Assurance Process Audit in March, 2009. The audit served as a catalyst to allow us to refine and meet our goals for quality improvement. As a result of the comprehensive preparation strategies completed by Mohawk College, the on-campus audit itself, and the Final Report, our awareness of and commitment to program quality has been greatly heightened. Quality processes are taking an ever-increasing place of importance as we build upon the quality framework articulated in our self-study. REPORT ON AUDIT COMMENDATIONS Mohawk College is proud to report that the commendations cited below, which the Audit Team identified as a demonstration of exemplary practice and leadership in the field of quality assurance and improvement, continue to play a prominent role in our quality efforts. “Centre for Teaching, Learning and Research: A resource serving staff on a collegewide basis including Curriculum Development (Program and Curriculum Renewal, Program Mapping, etc.), Faculty/Teaching and Learning Professional Development (group and individual activities), E-Learning, Staff Professional Development and Applied and Institutional Research. “ Post-Audit Action: Staff in the Centre for Teaching and Learning, which includes the above-mentioned areas as well as Library and Quality services, continues to focus their efforts on developing and implementing programs and services aligned with the College’s three strategic priorities of Quality, Innovation and Sustainability. A recent full-day retreat identified several opportunities which will be explored, evaluated and developed appropriately in the 2011 to build further capacity to serve faculty and students in a quality fashion. “Learning Excellence Project: This project focused on the development of a program map and the on-line course outline repository (CORE) for all postsecondary programs balancing standards, accreditation, outcomes, key performance indicators feedback, program hours and financial resources; the development of curriculum expertise to support course and program quality was also the focus of this project.” Post-Audit Action: We are currently pursuing upgrades to the system to ensure its sustainability. Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 1 “Mohawk College Program Review Process Chart: A multi-coloured chart that summarizes the four stages of Program Review at Mohawk including Curriculum Development, Environmental Scan, Program Assessment, Report Summary; team members felt the chart represented an excellent visual aid for a complex process that could, otherwise, be overwhelming to staff members.” Post-Audit Action: Our Program Review Team continues to use the process depicted in the chart to facilitate program improvements. “Curriculum Development Team: The College has put together an impressive New Program Development process that combines the skills of subject and curriculum design experts; a detailed guide outlines an eight-step process that begins with the development of “Program Concept Reports” and ends with “Finalize Marketing Strategy and Program Launch”. Mohawk reviews the New Program Development process on a regular basis for continuous improvement.” Post-Audit Action: We have added a “Statement of Interest” phase to the beginning of the process, and developed and implemented workshops to support Associate Deans and faculty members in the preparation of new programs. “Mohawk-McMaster Collaborative Programs: As indicated in Part I, Section, B, Mohawk developed its Mohawk-McMaster Institute for Applied Health Sciences as a center for a number of certificate, diploma, graduate certificate and collaborative degree programs. Two of these programs, Medical Radiation Sciences and Nursing, are offered as joint diploma/degree and degree programs respectively, through a collaborative arrangement between the College and McMaster University. There was every indication from both Mohawk and McMaster staff that the collaborative processes are working extremely well from all perspectives – program, staffing, facilities and administration.” Post-Audit Action: The Medical Radiation Sciences Collaborative programs consistently score above the provincial and Mohawk averages in most KPI indicators, including Student Satisfaction, Graduate Satisfaction, Graduation Rate, and Employer Satisfaction. Although these programs don’t qualify for the Provincial KPI surveys, they are completed with the same external Consultants that MTCU uses at Mohawk’s cost as a requirement for accreditation. In addition, in 2009-10 the Medical Radiation Sciences programs ranked in the top 10 programs for Mohawk’s Program Performance Indicators Report. The Collaborative Nursing programs consistently score above the provincial and Mohawk averages for the Student Satisfaction KPI Survey. Although these programs qualify for the Student KPI Survey do to an agreement between the colleges and MTCU, they do not for the Graduate and Employer Satisfaction KPI Surveys and are currently not surveyed at Mohawk. As a result, the Collaborative Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 2 Nursing programs do not receive a complete Mohawk Program Performance Indicators Report since they are missing two of the five indicators, but for those indicators that they have results they do well. “Gap Analysis and Work Plan: A key outcome of the PQAPA process at Mohawk was the preparation of a “Gap Report” outlining 15 areas requiring further work, identified either as requiring “Quick Fixes” or a “Work Plan” for resolution. The College is to be commended for being clear and open in identifying the gaps and, further, commended for developing Work Plans to address each of the identified issues. Work Plans included a description of the issue, a proposed series of steps to address them, assigned responsibility and provided a timeframe for resolution of the issue. Timeframes appeared to be reasonable and realistic in most cases (exception noted in Recommendation #3).” Further Action: Please refer to our comments in the following section, “Affirmations”. REPORT ON AUDIT AFFIRMATIONS As noted above, Mohawk identified 15 areas, arising out of the PQAPA process, which require further work. We are pleased to report that we have addressed several gaps in their entirety and are now in a straightforward quality maintenance phase for these areas. With other gaps, we are either well underway or, at a minimum, in the early stages in the development and implementation of realistic solutions intended to close the gaps consistent with PQAPA criteria and to ensure future processes are in place to prevent recurrence of the gaps. In all cases, action plans are being developed and assigned for accountability purposes to appropriate staff via Annual Performance Plans. The areas identified include: Preparing a schedule to ensure that all Ontario Credential (OC) programs have gone through a comprehensive program review process, which includes program mapping. Ensuring that all course descriptions are available on the Web. Updating some Corporate Policies and Procedures that are outdated. Establishing a committee to deal with exceptions to standard requirements of the new Program Promotion and Graduation Requirements Policy. Establishing a formal annual review process informed by Program Reviews, KPI Reports and other operational planning inputs. Ensuring that the Program Maps are updated to ensure currency. Establishing a consistent process for dealing with PLAR issues. Ensuring that all program Handbooks are prepared on a consistent basis and are available to all students. Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 3 Ensuring that complete listings of Program Learning Outcomes are readily available to all students and applicants. Ensuring consistency in the development of Learning Plans (prepared for guidance of students). Ensuring that all OC programs are compliant in meeting General Education requirements. Develop a consistent and college-wide framework to provide students with consistent and early feedback leading to course evaluation. Full implementation of the “Academic Staff Performance Feedback Program”. Establish a plan and process to assure assessment methods are appropriate and linked to course outcomes. Establish quality processes for OC programs run exclusively through Continuing Education. REPORT ON AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS The Audit Team identified several areas that will assist in improving program quality at the College. A short description and rationale for each of these items follows. Recommendation #1: “Students expressed concern about the lack of “quiet space” in the College, particularly within the Learning Resource Centre. Students felt they needed the space to pursue their own, individual studies as well as small group work which is integral to many of their programs. Audit Team Members concurred that the provision of quiet study spaces within the College is consistent with PQAPA criteria and understands and supports the need for students to do some of their “homework” on college premises.” Action Taken: Mohawk is thrilled with the construction of new facilities and improvements to our existing facilities at Fennell Campus. The focus throughout all construction and renovation was to create a student friendly environment which will contribute to students’ academic success and overall college experience. Please refer to the following article, published in The Hamilton Spectator, November 18, 2010, which attests to our accomplishments in this area. http://www.thespec.com/news/local/article/277075--mohawk-construction-turns-thecollege-around With specific reference to increased study space, as cited in the recommendation, Mohawk has developed a tracking report to document on-going improvements to student study space. Of particular note is the increase in quiet spaces from 29 in June 2010 to 65 by November 2010; greater growth has occurred in the amount of group study space available – from 226 to 312 in the Fennell Library and Collaboratory, and 0 to 178 in the C-wing Hub. There is a total increase of 288 study spaces for students in Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 4 the last 5 months. Please see Appendix A for our 2010 report. Progress will be monitored on an annual basis. Recommendation #2: “Students expressed concern about overcrowding in the open access computer laboratories and their inability to gain access to a computer within a reasonable waiting period. They observed that some students misused their computer time by accessing programs outside of the scope of their studies, e.g. Facebook. Students also noted that there is no organized “wait line” for computer resources resulting in some students waiting much longer than others. Audit Team Members concurred that the requirement to have reasonable access computer resources is consistent with PQAPA criteria. It was suggested, at the very least, that a process be put in place to monitor computer use and to establish an organized wait line process.” Action Taken: As in Recommendation #1, our new and renovated facilities at Fennell Campus have increased student access to computing, with a focus on increasing our wireless capabilities. We have developed a tracking report on computer space at all campuses and will monitor student satisfaction over the coming year to determine if further actions are required. Please see Appendix B for our 2010 report. Recommendation #3: “The Gap Report identifies that not all of Mohawk’s Ontario Credential programs are compliant in meeting General Education requirements. The associated Gap Report and Work Plan indicates a time frame of 2013/14 for implementation and also expresses reservations that budget constraints may further constrain implementation. It is the opinion of the Audit Team that the Framework for Programs of Instruction and the Credentials Framework require colleges to ensure adherence to General Education requirements without exception. The Audit Team suggests that the College pursue a more aggressive implementation schedule and also suggests that budget constraints should not be used to delay such implementation.” Action Taken: The Mohawk Executive Group (MEG) has mandated that our corporate policy on General Education (AC530) be reviewed and revised to ensure clarity of definitions of General Education courses and hours/credit requirements. The policy will also ensure clarity on the mandate and authority of the General Education Committee. Additionally, MEG has authorized that a new internal General Education audit be done to baseline changes to General Education courses since the PQAPA audit. This work is underway and expected to be completed by end-December, 2010. Future work, beginning in January 2011, will involve the application of the revised policy AC530, General Education, to all courses currently identified as General Education to ensure compliance. Recommendation #4: “One of the programs interviewed by the Audit Team indicated that they did not have a dedicated Program Advisory Committee but, rather, a schoolwide Advisory Committee advising on a number of programs. It is the opinion of the Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 5 Audit Team that input from the professionals that hire College graduates is essential to maintain currency and relevancy in programs and that this advice can only be provided by an Advisory Committee that is focused on a particular set of skills, i.e. a program. The College is encouraged to review its Advisory Committee structure to ensure that each program has an Advisory Committee with membership related to its area of expertise.” Action Taken: We have developed a reporting mechanism to track the status of all Program Advisory Committees (PACs) to ensure compliance with MTCU’s Framework for Programs of Instruction regarding Program Advisory Committees: “The board of governors is to ensure that an advisory committee for each program of instruction or cluster of related programs offered at the college is established and is made up of a cross-section of persons external to the college who have a direct interest in and a diversity of experience and expertise related to the particular occupational area addressed by the program. The board of governors is to establish in by-law the structure, terms of reference, and procedures for program advisory committees.” Please refer to Appendix C for our 2010 report. Mohawk’s Vice President Academic will ensure annual monitoring of the status of our PACs to ensure compliance with MTCU policy. CONCLUSION The quality journey continues at Mohawk College and we remain committed to a comprehensive quality assurance and improvement process. As recently as November 30, 2010, Mohawk’s President announced that a new President’s Advisory Council will convene in January, 2011, to provide Mohawk’s Executive Group with valued advice and guidance on issues that matter to students and staff. The 36-member council will play a key role in strengthening strategic decision-making at Mohawk and driving continuous improvement across our College. Students are the central focus for our ongoing quality initiatives, as articulated in our umbrella Vision statement: “Students and learning are at the heart of all we do”. Achievements are many and activity is intense, with significant effort dedicated to sustainability of quality initiatives. With constant attention to our quality agenda, Mohawk College intends to advance its well-deserved reputation for quality and excellence. Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 6 APPENDIX A REPORT ON AVAILABILITY OF “QUIET SPACE” PQAPA RECOMMENDATION #1 IN AUDIT REPORT, MARCH, 2009: “Students expressed concern about the lack of “quiet space” in the College, particularly within the Learning Resource Centre (LRC). Students felt they needed the space to pursue their own, individual studies as well as small group work which is integral to many of their programs. Audit team members concurred that the provision of quiet study spaces within the College is consistent with PQAPA criteria and understands and supports the need for students to do some of their “homework” on college premises.” PROGRESS TO DECEMBER 1, 2010 STATUS OF ACTIVITY AS OF MARCH, 2009 (PQAPA AUDIT DATE) Number of student study spaces: Number of student study spaces: Note - No change from PQAPA audit date. FF FF BF STARRT IAHS eLIB EVIDENCE DATA PROGRESS TO JUNE 23, 2010 BF STARRT IAHS eLIB Number of student study spaces: Total Total Quiet 29 0 0 0 0 29 Quiet 29 0 0 0 0 29 Quiet Individual 184 55 115 205 135 694 Individual 184 55 115 205 135 694 Individual Group TOTAL 226 70 63 37 0 396 1119 Group TOTAL 226 70 63 37 0 396 1119 Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report FUTURE PLANS TO CONTINUE PROGRESS Group TOTAL FF Lib& Coll ab 65 172 312 BF STARRT IAHS eLIB 0 0 0 0 55 115 205 135 70 63 37 0 C Hub 0 Physical count Total 65 682 178 660 1407 No future Quiet study plans Sept 2011 – additional School Learning Hubs will be added to the learning landscape. Distinction between Group and Individual becomes blurred in new learning landscape – either/or. Page 7 APPENDIX B REPORT ON AVAILABILITY OF COMPUTER SPACE PQAPA RECOMMENDATION #2 IN AUDIT REPORT, MARCH, 2009: “Students expressed concern about overcrowding in the open access computer laboratories and their inability to gain access to a computer within a reasonable waiting period. They observed that some students misused their computer time by accessing programs outside of the scope of their studies, e.g. Facebook. Students also noted that there is no organized “wait line” for computer resources resulting in some students waiting much longer than others. Audit team members concurred that the requirement to have reasonable access to computer resources is consistent with PQAPA criteria. It was suggested, at the very least, that a process be put in place to monitor computer use and to establish an organized wait line process.” STATUS OF ACTIVITY AS OF MARCH, 2009 (PQAPA AUDIT DATE) Number of computer stations: PROGRESS TO JUNE 23, 2010 PROGRESS TO DECEMBER 1, 2010 Number of computer stations: EVIDENCE DATA Number of computer stations: Physical count PCs Laptops Express DS Open Access FF 40 5 3 1 BF 18 5 3 1 STARRT 19 0 2 1 IAHS 45 0 2 1 eLIB 49 0 0 4 Total 171 10 10 8 129 PCs Laptops Express DS Open Access FF 40 5 3 1 BF 18 5 3 1 STARRT 19 0 2 1 IAHS 45 0 2 1 FUTURE PLANS TO CONTINUE PROGRESS eLIB 49 0 0 4 Total 171 10 10 8 129 PCs Laptops Express DS Wireless FF 80 70 4 1 BF 18 5 3 1 STARRT 19 0 2 1 IAHS 45 0 2 1 eLIB 49 0 0 4 Total 211 75 11 8 Average 2500 Monitor wireless capacity . Monitor bandwidth capacity. Adjust as required. PCs added to School Learning Hubs for Sept 2011 simultaneous users TOTAL 328 TOTAL Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report 328 TOTAL 305 + wireless Page 8 APPENDIX C REPORT ON PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEES FACULTY OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM STAND-ALONE PAC (Check if yes) Mechanical Engineering Technology PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Programs clustered under Mechanical /NDE Advisory Committee Quality Engineering Technician - NDE Chemical Engineering Technology Chemical Engineering Technology – Environmental Environmental Technician Programs clustered under Chemical / Environmental / Biotechnology Advisory Committee RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Both Programs are accredited to National Standards. CTAB for Mechanical, and NRCan for NDE. Investigating with CINDE the possibility of a separate PAC for NDE. There may not be enough industry support to enable a separate Quality Engineering Technician – NDE PAC Present PAC members cover all these program specialties. Insufficient Industry Support for separate individual Program Advisory Committees Biotechnology Technician Biotechnology – Health Technician Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 9 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STAND-ALONE PAC (Check if yes) Aviation Technician – Aircraft Maintenance Aviation Flight Technology (waiting MTCU funding approval) Aircraft Structural Repair (In proposal stage) Avionics (pre-concept stage) Computer Systems Technician Network Systems, (447), Optional Co-op Internship Program (455) PAC includes programs 447/455/555/548/558/559 Computer Systems Technology Network Engineering & Security Analyst, Co-op (555) PAC includes programs 447/455/555/548/558/559 Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Programs clustered under Aviation Advisory Committee RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS All Programs require Transport Canada Approval and Canadian Aviation and Aerospace Council (CAAC - formerly CAMC) Accreditation. Strong Aviation Advisory committee with members covering all these program specialties. Network Engineering & Security Analyst Software Support Software Development All programs (447/455/555/548/558/559) share a common first semester. Network Systems Software Support Software Development All programs (447/455/555/548/558/559) share a common first semester. Semesters 2 to 4 are common for (447/455) Computer Systems Technician - Network Systems Semesters 2 to 4 are common for (447/455) Computer Systems Technician - Network Systems and (555) Computer Systems Technology - Network Engineering & Security Analyst. Advisory Committee members represent both Networking and Software programs. Page 10 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STAND-ALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS and (555) Computer Systems Technology - Network Engineering & Security Analyst. Advisory Committee members represent both Networking and Software programs. Computer Systems Technician Software Support, (548), Co-op (558) Computer Systems Technology Software Development, Co-op(559) PAC includes programs 447/455/555/548/558/559 PAC includes programs 447/455/555/548/558/559 Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Network Engineering & Security Analyst Network Systems Software Development All programs (447/455/555/548/558/559) share a common first semester. Network Engineering & Security Analyst Network Systems Software Support All programs (447/455/555/548/558/559) share a common first semester. Semesters 2 to 4 are common for (548/558) Computer Systems Technician - Software Support and (559) Computer Systems Technology - Software Development. Advisory Committee members represent both Networking and Software programs. Semesters 2 to 4 are common for (548/558) Computer Systems Technician - Software Support and (559) Computer Systems Technology - Software Development. Advisory Committee members represent both Networking and Software programs. Page 11 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STAND-ALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) No Energy Systems Engineering Technology – Clean and Renewable Energy, Co-op (260) Electrical Engineering Technology - Control Hydro One Partnership Program, (536), Co-op PAC includes programs 536/537/552 Electronics Engineering Technology Telecommunications (537), Optional Co-op Internship Program Computer Engineering Technology, Co-op (552) PAC includes programs 536/537/552 PAC includes programs 536/537/552 Industrial Woodworking Techniques (107) Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Electronics Engineering Technology – Telecommunications Computer Engineering Technology Electrical Engineering Technology – Control Computer Engineering Technology Electronics Engineering Technology – Telecommunications Electrical Engineering Technology - Control Industrial Woodworking Technician RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS PAC under development. All programs (260/536/537/552) share a common semester 1, 2 and 3. Semester 1 and 3 in program 260 include an optional Clean and Renewable course that can be taken at anytime during the program. These courses are not prerequisites for future program courses. All programs (536/537/552) share a common semester 1, 2 and 3 as well, as courses in each of semesters 4, 5, and 6. All programs (536/537/552) share a common semester 1, 2 and 3 as well, as courses in each of semesters 4, 5, and 6. All programs (536/537/552) share a common semester 1, 2 and 3 as well, as courses in each of semesters 4, 5, and 6. Programs share a common first year Page 12 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STAND-ALONE PAC (Check if yes) Industrial Woodworking Technician (464) Construction Engineering Technician (451) Construction Engineering Technician – Building Renovation (462) Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Industrial Woodworking Techniques Civil Engineering Technician (421) Civil Engineering Technology (534) Architectural Technician (420) Architectural Technology (531) RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Programs share a common first year Construction Engineering was originally clustered with Civil Engineering under the change to an apprenticeship-technician model. Current program of studies remains under the purview of the Civil/Construction Program Advisory Committee. Approximately 50% of the Construction Engineering Technician POS is considered equivalent to Civil Engineering Technician. Documented pathways exist between 451 and other BCS diploma programs Concept and program of studies for the Building Renovation Technician program first proposed through the Architectural Program Advisory Committee. Current program of studies remains under the purview of the Architectural PAC due to the nature of the learning Page 13 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STAND-ALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Architectural Technician (420) Architectural Technology (531) Construction Engineering Technician – Building Renovation (462) Architectural Technology (531) Architectural Technician (420) Construction Engineering Technician – Building Renovation (462) Civil Engineering Technician (421) Civil Engineering Technology (534) Construction Engineering Technician (451) Civil Engineering Technology (534) Civil Engineering Technician (421) Construction Engineering Technician (451) Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS outcomes. Documented pathways exist between 462 and other BCS diploma programs. 420 and 531 clustered for first year and share other course curriculum. Documented pathways between all three programs and other BCS program offerings 420 and 531 clustered for first year and share other course curriculum. Documented pathways between all three programs and other BCS program offerings 421 and 534 clustered for first year and share other course curriculum. Documented pathways between all three programs and other BCS program offerings 421 and 534 clustered for first year and share other course curriculum. Documented pathways between all three programs and other BCS program Page 14 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STAND-ALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS offerings Transportation Engineering Technology (543) Urban & Regional Planning Technician – GIS Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 15 APPENDIX C REPORT ON PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEES FACULTY OF SKILLED TRADES AND APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Manufacturing Engineering Technician – Automation (413 and 473) Manufacturing Techniques Electrical Engineering Technician - Power Manufacturing Techniques (115) Manufacturing Engineering Technician – Automation Electrical Engineering Technician - Power Electrical Engineering Technician – Power (403 and 433) Manufacturing Techniques Manufacturing Engineering Technician – Automation Motive Power Fundamentals (187) Motive Power Technician Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Programs share many common courses, common first year, all three are Co-op Diploma Apprenticeship (CODA) programs with special Advisory Committee requirements for apprenticeship employers. Same employers hire graduates. Programs share many common courses, common first year, all three are Co-op Diploma Apprenticeship (CODA) programs with special Advisory Committee requirements for apprenticeship employers. Same employers hire graduates. Programs share many common courses, common first year, all three are Co-op Diploma Apprenticeship (CODA) programs with special Advisory Committee requirements for apprenticeship employers. Same employers hire graduates. PAC under development Programs share a common first Page 16 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Motive Power Technician (446) Motive Power Fundamentals Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (HRAC) – (180) Utility Systems Operator Gas and oil Burner Technician Power Engineer Techniques Utility Systems Operator (486) HRAC Gas and oil Burner Technician Power Engineer Techniques Gas and oil Burner Technician (049) Utility Systems Operator Power Engineer Techniques HRAC Power Engineer Techniques ( 482) Utility Systems Operator Gas and oil Burner Technician HRAC Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS semester. Same employers will hire our graduates. PAC under development Programs share a common first semester. Same employers will hire our graduates. All programs are one year certificate programs. All programs share common courses and curriculum is similar. Same employers on the PAC will hire our graduates. PAC under development All programs are one year certificate programs. All programs share common courses and curriculum is similar. Same employers on the PAC will hire our graduates. PAC under development All programs are one year certificate programs. All programs share common courses and curriculum is similar. Same employers on the PAC will hire our graduates. PAC under development All programs are one year certificate programs. All programs share common courses and curriculum is similar. Page 17 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Same employers on the PAC will hire our graduates. PAC under development Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 18 APPENDIX C REPORT ON PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEES FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES PROGRAM Bridging For Internationally Educated Nurses Bridging Program For Medical Laboratory Technology Food Services (CE and DE) STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Bridging Program For Medical Laboratory Technology, Medical Laboratory Technician Studies in Aging (CE and DE) Health Continuing Education PartTime (CE and DE) Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Dementia Studies Gerontology Personal Support Workers Palliative Care for Personal Support Workers Working With Dementia Clients Working With The Aged Bridging Personal Support Worker to Practical Nursing Diabetes Education Disability Management Return to Work Medical Device Reprocessing Psychosocial Rehabilitation Palliative Care Registered Nurse - Advanced Cardiac Care Nursing Registered Nurse - Critical Care Nursing Registered Nurse - Nephrology Nursing Registered Nurse - Neuroscience Nursing Registered Nurse - Occupational Health Nursing Registered Nurse - Oncology Nursing Registered Nurse - Operating Room Registered Nurse - First Assistant Registered Nurse – Perinatal Nursing Post Graduate Certificates Post Graduate Certificates Page 19 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Registered Nurse – Refresher Registered Practical Nurse - Maternal Newborn Nursing Registered Practical Nurse - Operating Room Registered Practical Nurse - Mental Health Nursing Registered Practical Nurse – Refresher Practical Nursing to RPN Diploma Completion: RPN Diploma completion BScN Practical Nursing Personal Support Worker Nursing Education Advisory Full-Time Medical Radiation Sciences Cardiovascular Technology Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography √ Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist Pharmacy Technician √ Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography Cardiovascular Technology RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Full Time Nursing Employer base is the same for program graduates for both of these programs. √ Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 20 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS REPORT ON PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEES FACULTY OF COMMUNITY AND URBAN STUDIES PROGRAM STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Advanced Police Studies (graduate certificate) Police Foundations Law & Security Admin-Private Security Pre-Justice Pre-Justice (Ontario college certificate) Police Foundations Law & Security Admin-Private Security Advanced Police Studies Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS All lead to various law enforcement careers; advisory committee sees the ‘fit’ (May and November, 2010) ; LASA and PF share a common first year program of studies and programs ladder from college certificate to diploma to graduate certificate All lead to various law enforcement careers; advisory committee sees the Page 21 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Law & Security Admin-Private Security (LASA) (diploma) Police Foundations Pre-Justice Advanced Police Studies Police Foundations (PF) (diploma) Law & Security Admin-Private Security Pre-Justice Advanced Police Studies Health, Wellness and Fitness Autism & Behavioural Sciences Child & Youth Worker Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS ‘fit’ (May and November, 2010) ; LASA and PF share a common first year program of studies and programs ladder from college certificate to diploma to graduate certificate All lead to various law enforcement careers; advisory committee sees the ‘fit’ (May and November, 2010) ; LASA and PF share a common first year program of studies and programs ladder from college certificate to diploma to graduate certificate All lead to various law enforcement careers; advisory committee sees the ‘fit’ (May and November, 2010) ; LASA and PF share a common first year program of studies and programs ladder from college certificate to diploma to graduate certificate Advisory Committee requested a crossover report between the separate advisory committees as a standing item (November, 2010) Page 22 APPENDIX C PROGRAM Educational Assistant STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) Early Childhood Education Instructor for the Blind & Visually Impaired Recreation & Leisure Services PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS IBVI – O & M IBVI – Rehab. Advisory Members are from the same common agencies Developmental Service Worker Apprenticeship Concurrent Disorders Advisory Members are from the same common agencies Social Service Worker Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 23 APPENDIX C REPORT ON PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEES FACULTY OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES PROGRAM Gas/AC (Changing to gas - EAP) General Arts and Science STANDPROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER ALONE PAC PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (Check (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) if yes) TBA New PAC to be formed for GAS - EAP program pending MTCU approval of program Pre-Health Pre-Health General Arts and Science CONTINUING EDUCATION Not For Profit Sector Studies (CE) Library and Information Technician (CE) Creative Arts (CE) Labour Studies (CE) Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Not for Profit Leadership Development Certificate Program Volunteer Management Certificate Program Fundraising/Development Associate Certificate Program Workplace Leadership Certificate Program Library and Information Technician Diploma Records and Information Management Certificate Program Photography Certificate Program Performing Arts Certificate Program Visual Arts Certificate Program Labour Studies Certificate Program RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Both programs share same course availability – difference is in elective courses taken to satisfy Pre-health requirement These are certificate programs in the School of Continuing Education and members are selected from across the community to represent these sectors. These programs enlist the support of individuals from the same employment and vocational areas. Members from various creative arts organizations comprise the membership of this committee Page 24 APPENDIX C STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM Bereavement and Counselling (CE) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Bereavement Counselling Certificate Program Concepts in Bereavement Support Certificate program Counselling Techniques Certificate Program Career Counselling Certificate Program RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS These programs enlist the support of individuals from the same employment and vocational areas. REPORT ON PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEES FACULTY OF BUSINESS, MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM Advertising Business - Accounting STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Business - Accounting Co-op Business - Accounting Co-op Business - Accounting Business - Financial Services Business - General Insurance Business Administration Business Foundations Human Resources Management International Business Management Small Business & Entrepreneurship Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Same program, different delivery model Same program, different delivery model Complementary industries Same employer group Page 25 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Business - Marketing Business - Marketing Co-op Business Administration Business Foundations Event Management Human Resources Management Insurance International Business Management Office Administration Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Business - Marketing Co-op Business – Marketing Business – General Business Foundations Human Resources Management International Business Management Small Business & Entrepreneurship Business – General Business Administration Human Resources Management International Business Management Small Business & Entrepreneurship Tourism & Travel Business – General Business Administration Business Foundations International Business Management Small Business & Entrepreneurship Business - Financial Services Business – General Business Administration Business Foundations Human Resources Management Small Business & Entrepreneurship Office Administration General RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Same program, different delivery model Same program, different delivery model Same employer group Same employer group Complementary industries Same employer group Complementary industries Same employer group Same employer group Page 26 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) Executive Office Administration Legal Office Administration Medical Office Administration Executive Office Administration Legal Office Administration Medical Office Administration Executive Office Administration General Office Administration Medical Office Administration Executive Office Administration General Office Administration Legal Office Administration - General Office Administration - Legal Office Administration - Medical Public Relations Small Business & Entrepreneurship Tourism & Travel Broadcasting Radio Broadcasting Television Journalism: Print and Broadcast Pre Media and Entertainment Applied Music Graphic Design – Integrated Media Graphic Design Production – PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Same employer group Same employer group Same employer group Business – General Business Administration Business Foundations Human Resources Management International Business Management Event Management Same employer group Prep Music Prep is a feeder to Applied Complementary industries Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report Page 27 APPENDIX C PROGRAM STANDALONE PAC (Check if yes) Packaging Graphic Design – Digital Media Graphic Design – Creative Studio Art and Design Foundations Graphic Media Foundations Mohawk College – 18-Month PQAPA Report PROGRAM CLUSTERED WITH OTHER PROGRAMS UNDER ONE PAC (If yes, list other programs in cluster.) Graphic Design – Creative Studio Graphic Design – Digital Media Graphic Media Foundations Art and Design Foundations RATIONALE FOR PAC WITH CLUSTERED PROGRAMS Employment through same industry reps Employment through same industry reps Two programs are merging into one Two programs are merging into one Page 28
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