Grass Valley Moose News Grass Valley Moose Family Center Lodge #2217, Chapter #1767 15694 Allison Ranch Road, Grass Valley, CA 95949 Phone: 530-273-1070 - Office 273-9052 MOOSE—THE FAMILY FRATERNITY: AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF MEN AND WOMEN, DEDICATED TO CARING FOR YOUNG AND OLD, BRINGING COMMUNITIES CLOSER TOGETHER AND CELEBRATING LIFE. JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 Welcome Aboard What's Inside Birthdays/Anniv 7 Calendars 13, 14 Dinner Specials 5 Events 10—12 Lodge Meetings 2 Social Quarters Hours Monday thru Friday 1:00 PM - 11:30 PM Saturday Noon - ??? Sunday 9 AM - 7 PM We would like to extend a warm Moose welcome to the following new LOOM & WOTM. Congratulations and welcome to our family center. We look forward to getting better acquainted with you and seeing you at our dinners and functions. LOOM New Member Allen Baxley Sr. Lyonasl Clodfelder Ken Cornell Gene Ferguson Phil Ortega Donald Fryer Jeremy Stigge WOTM Sponsor Allen Baxley Jr. Leroy Whittle Patricia Dinwiddle Chris Johnson Richard Dandridge Ron Hilger Jeremy Newton New Member Vicki Ortega Ruth Ryback Wendy McCune Kathleen Soga Hours may vary due to attendance or special events. GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS Published Bi-Monthly by Grass Valley Moose Family Center #2217 Loyal Order of Moose 15694 Allison Ranch Road Grass Valley, CA 95949 Editor: Loretta Strom 5 1 Sponsor Cindi Hermosa Amparo Steitz Linda Sacco Patti Wood GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 L.O.O.M. #2217 Officer and Chairmen 2015-2015 W.O.T.M. #1767 Officers and Chairmen 2015-2015 Governor Ron Hilger 444-0849 Senior Regent Vacant Administrator Ron Strom 401-6595 Junior Regent Vacant Jr. Past Governor Bill Chappell 273-7776 Chaplain Loretta Nelson 268-9102 Junior Governor Vacant Jr. Grad Regent Beverly Cramer 265-5534 Prelate Terry Ingram 263-8651 Sec/Treasurer Loreen Chapman 477-8584 Treasurer Don Sander 478-0501 Recorder Rosemary St. John 274-8982 3 Year Trustee Jon Sylvia 477-1142 Guide Charlie Crosby 269-1822 2 Year Trustee Mike Trost 575-4224 Assistant Guide Cindi Hermosa 269-0668 1 Year Trustee Vacant May -Membership Kathy McCammon 272-6289 Applications Review Walt Meek June -Publicity Janet Regusci 272-7858 July-Youth Involvement Myrl Trost 575-4224 273-4727 ASSOCIATION MID-YEAR CONFERENCE Atlantis Casino Resort Spa Reno, Nevada March 26 – 29, 2015 INTERNATIONAL MOOSE CONVENTION 2015 (July 3—7) Nashville 2016 (TBA) St. Louis Aug. -Acdmy of Friendship Nita Jacobsen 477-5003 Sept. -Star Recorder Brenda Abbott 274-0141 Oct. -Mooseheart/Haven Carolyn Sanders 478-0501 Nov. -College of Regents Donna Recker 272-5480 Dec. -Community Service Bonnie Benfield 268-4791 Jan. -Ed. Advancement Joni Holland 269-1822 Feb. -Family Involvement Candy Elliott 798-3619 Mar. -Moose Charities 272-2749 Patti Wood Apr. -Health Awareness Diane Wilson 272-6299 Audit 272-7858 Janet Regusci WOTM 1767 Lodge Meetings JANUARY 6, FEBRUARY 3 LOOM Officers Meeting 6:00 p.m. JANUARY 6, FEBRUARY 3 JANUARY 6, FEBRUARY 3 JANUARY 20, FEBRUARY 17 JANUARY 20, FEBRUARY 17 JANUARY 21 LOOM General Meeting Joint Board Meeting House Committee Meeting LOOM General Meeting Joint Orientation 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. JANUARY 13, FEBRUARY 10 JANUARY 13, FEBRUARY 10 WOTM Officers Meeting WOTM Chapter Meeting 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. JANUARY 27, FEBRUARY 24 WOTM Business Meeting 7:00 p.m. 2 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 Governor’s Message Ron Hilger Governor Hello all, and Happy New Year! During the last few months I’ve thought a lot about “fraternalism” and what it means to support our lodge, and if you don’t mind I’d like to share some of my thoughts with you. A good friend of mine has often compared our lodge to the 1970’s sitcom “Cheers,” you know, the place where everybody knows your name. Where everyone knows each other and has that great feeling of belonging; of being “One of Us.” I think this is a good comparison, but doesn’t go quite far enough. As an organization that supports Mooseheart and Moosehaven, as well as many local charities and community events, Moose members can enjoy the rewards of giving back to our community, of belonging to something greater than yourself. Trust me, you won’t get that feeling at your local bar! When we talk about “Supporting our Lodge” do we mean supporting the building itself, or the grounds? While these things must of course be maintained and improved, what we are really supporting is the membership; in other words, we are supporting each other. And not just some of the members, but all of them . . . men and women, old and young. We need to make our lodge someplace where we can all feel comfortable and enjoy each other’s company. So come on in and support your lodge proudly, bring in your friends and family, you will always be welcome here. After all, you are One of Us! Fraternally yours—Ron Hilger-Governor Phone: 444-0849 From the Administrator Ron Strom Administrator Fellow Members, Greetings one and all. It’s sure plain to see that the season has changed. Now that we will all be spending more time indoors. Come in and enjoy your membership more by playing on our newly covered pool tables or play our new juke box while playing the latest in electronic gaming or watch our new Direct T.V. with the NFL package while enjoying your favorite beverage and remember you may use your credit cards now for your convenience. I’d like to give a special shout out of Thanks to Candy, Mike, Ben, Stephanie, Amy, Charlie, Brenda, Laz, Joni, Mike T, Ron Hilger, Walt and Chris for all those extra efforts you put forth to show a fine example of fraternity. Your endeavors include cooking, cleaning, serving, donating, what ever is needed. Thank you. If you were a NFL team, we’d win the Super Bowl. Remember a well fed Moose is a happy Moose and there is no reason to go hungry around here Thank you for supporting your Lodge. Administrator, Ron Strom Moose Legion Activities Committee Chris Johnson Moose Legion Secretary Well here we are again coming to the end of another year. And we need to ask what have we done to improve our lodge? We have a new unfinished walk way (weather delay), new ideas for the railing in front of the offices. New plans for the horse shoe pits and a new Bocce court. But all these ideas are great on paper and in the minds of a few, what we really need is volunteers to help build some of these projects, and for some help on clean up days, once a month on Saturday morning for about an hour, so come on down and enjoy your fellow brothers and help make the lodge a better place to be a part of. We also have plans for better Legion dinners in the future, please come and enjoy. The Legionnaires are working on getting a Deep Sea Fishing Trip together and also River Cats games. If you have suggestions for activities please contact your nearest Legionnaire. Hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Holiday Season. Chris Johnson Moose Legion Secretary 3 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 EVERY THURSDAY 6pm POOL LEAGUE Dinner by Brenda Message from the Social Quarters Manager Walt Meek Social Quarters Manager Happy Holidays to I look around our lodge remembering all the hard work and professional members we are lucky to have, I know that we have members that pay there dues but don't enjoy the dinners or the Social Quarters. Please make it a point to come down this year. If there is anything we can do to make you more comfortable we have a suggestion box or please tell me or one of the Officers. Our Karaoke Nights on Friday are really taking off, we need spectators as well as singers. It's really a lot of fun. The Toy Run was a great success, great job Moose Riders. Thanks—Your Social Quarter Manager, Walt Meek Weekly Activities Monday—Taco Night Tuesday—Moose Hour and Snacks Wednesday—Free Pool and Gourmet Burgers $9 Thursday—Moose Hour and Food $5/plate Friday—Friday Night Dinner Specials & Karaoke Saturday—Lodge Events Sunday—Sunday Breakfast Specials 4 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY JULY/AUGUST 2015 Friday Night Dinner Specials JANUARY JANUARY 2 BBQ Chicken JANUARY 9 Chicken Parmesan JANUARY 16 Jim’s Pork Chops JANUARY 23 Grandma’s Pot Roast JANUARY 30 Salmon $12.00 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 6 Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas FEBRUARY 13 Mike’s Meaty Meatloaf FEBRUARY 20 Chicken Fried Steak FEBRUARY 27 Liver n’ Onions n’ Bacon In addition to the above specials, we have a full Menu. If you haven’t tried us out, come down and see what you have been missing. Folks that know they will be taking leftovers home, if they can bring in their own containers. To -go boxes prices are climbing. Thanks. Remember we are a Family Fraternity not a bar and our survival depends on our members! Come and participate in one of our many upcoming events! We now except credit/debit cards for all your purchases Family Activities Dinner Breakfast Dogs & Football Tacos Moose Hour and Snacks Free Pool Mike’s Gourmet Hamburgers Bingo Moose Hour Lodge Food Special/$5.00 plate Pool League Karaoke Moose Riders Meeting Family Cards Lodge Clean-up Karaoke Contest Lodge Moose Legion Meeting Mighty 190 Golden Ball @ Elkhorn Mighty 190 Celebration Conferral @ Elkhorn Joint Orientation All you can eat Crab Feed District Meeting @ Auburn District Karaoke Contest Folsom Lodge Super Bowl Every Friday Every Sunday Every Sunday Every Monday Every Tuesday Every Wednesday Every Wednesday Every Wednesday Every Thursday Every Thursday Every Thursday Every Friday JANUARY 4, FEBRUARY 8 JANUARY 4, FEBRUARY 1 JANUARY 17 FEBRUARY 21 JANUARY 10 & 17 JANUARY 17 FEBRUARY 21 JANUARY 17 JANUARY 18 JANUARY 21 JANUARY 24 JANUARY 25 JANUARY 31 FEBRUARY 1 6 to 7:30 p.m. 9 to 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to Closing 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. After Dinner 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 7 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Noon Afternoon Tea Party Valentine’s Day Dinner District Meeting @ South Sacramento FEBRUARY 8 FEBRUARY 14 FEBRUARY 22 2:30 pm 6:00 p.m. Noon 5 Noon GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 2014—2015 Youth Awareness Program—Students Wanted Can teenagers persuade younger children to make positive choices in life? “YES!” say the teens and adults who work together in the MOOSE YOUTH AWARENESS PROGRAM. For more than 25 years, we have organized high school students into a highly effective “speakers’ bureau” with the goal of educating preschool and elementary school children on a variety of topics, such as drug and alcohol abuse, child abuse, “stranger danger”, bullying and peer pressure and healthy habits and nutrition. At the Association Student Congresses, students focus on creating Moose KidsTalks, which are presentations to be given to 4 to 9 year-olds in their communities. Adults may provide information and inspiration, but the ideas for the students’ KidsTalks are all their own. They develop ways to empower children to make healthy choices or resist danger, and go home determined to put them into practice. Each year, approximately 60 students, who attended Association Student Congresses and completed the minimum of three (3) Moose KidsTalks, are selected by their peers to attend the International Youth Awareness Congress. Grass Valley was honored to have two local students selected for the 2015 International Youth Awareness Congress held earlier this year in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The 2015 International Youth Awareness Congress will be held in Orlando, Florida from April 30 – May 4. At the conclusion of the International Congress, five students will be selected by the attendees to receive scholarships. The awards are: 1st Place - $12,000, 2nd Place - $8,000, 3rd Place - $5,000, 4th Place - $3,000, and 5th Place - $2,000. The exact dates of the Youth Awareness Congresses are still being “firmed-up” and will be posted when made available. For more information please contact the Administrator. IS IT YOUR BIRTHDAY MONTH? COME IN ANY WEDNESDAY OR FRIDAY NIGHT FOR DINNER OR SUNDAY FOR BREAKFAST AND ENJOY A FREE MEAL JUST SHOW I.D. & MOOSE CARD 6 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 Bir thdays JANUARY 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 Mary Bebout Ed Cuff Dave Stewart Ron Strom Dave Robinson Barry Scicluna Candy Elliott Sal Mercurio Nancy Schulba Kathy MacCammon Audrey Abbey Babe Byer Gary Wright FEBRUARY 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 9 Paul Baily Gary Hoover Sylvia Karnes Veronica Morales Maxine Barnett Robert Jaramillo Paulette Aebersold Bill Chappell Michael Zimmerman Bill Thompson Michelle Eckels 8 Walt Meek 10 Lynn Miller 10 Annette Oftedal 10 De De Weaver 11 Aaron Hicks 12 Heather Hoekstra 12 Barbara Wilson 13 Glen Erdmann 13 Edgar Jones 13 John Mincks 13 Paul Wright 14 Marla Burnham 15 Susan Mincks 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 Denise Martin Linda Honore’ Maria Angulo James Berry Joshua Dandridge Gene Ferguson Al Flores Ron Daughterty Richard Crandall Edward Beck Leroy Bakelmun Juanita Flowers 15 16 16 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 21 Jeannine Watson Jimmy Coleman Sonny Curto David Pile Clint Wallington Cherry Pittman Traci Barton Jon Ferguason Rick Dandridge Gerald Poliskey Rob Spjut Dan Wiles Jeanne Hiebert 19 19 23 23 24 24 24 26 27 27 Lada McKee John Miller Shari Roberts Tom Williams Rod Eckels Jo Farrugia Lee Roberts Kenneth Hiebert Heather Johanson Shannon Samsky 21 22 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 30 30 31 31 31 31 Larry Lason Tim Braaten Bev Freeman Jeremy Stigge Michael Wilkey Betty Anderson Bobby Anderson Amy Maehler Dick Spring Stephanie Pearson Jeannette Conner Rick Kirchner Ken Brose Sandy Castle Tim Drainville Steve Spujt Anniver saries JANUARY 10 20 27 29 FEBRUARY Aaron & Jessica Walker—1997 David & Doris Haralson—1990 Dennis & Marcia Edie —1968 Martin & Linda Honore’ 2 14 17 21 21 Mike & Myrl Trost —2004 Ron & Loretta Strom—2012 Joe & Pat Cadwallader—1960 Rich & Nancy Schulba—1959 John & Susan Mincks —1976 Family Card Day 1st Sunday every month at 2pm THURSDAY’S 7 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 Important Information for All Members as a result of the 2015 International Moose Convention 1. Key changes that impact most Moose members include: a. The option of reducing the number of Lodge Officers. Currently, the General Laws provide for three Trustees to be on the Board. The revision gives our lodges the choice between the current officer configuration and reducing the number of Trustees from three down to one. Dispensation from the General Governor’s Office is required prior to reducing the number of Trustees. b. Co-sponsorship between men and women. Members of the Loyal Order of Moose can now sponsor women into the Women of the Moose, and vice versa. Despite this change, the sponsorship rules still require an endorser from the lodge or chapter, as well as the review and approval of all candidates. Further, with the change in sponsorship policy, all individuals over the age of 21 are now considered candidates; therefore the guest policy of two visits before membership is required applies to all individuals, including lady friends of male members and gentlemen friends of female members. The only exceptions are spouses of current members, who still have no limits to the number of times they may visit. c. Expired Members can now re-enroll after six months. Expired members who do not wish to retain their prior years of service in the Fraternity may now re-enroll into a Lodge after six months. They must complete an application, mark it as a re-enrollment and submit it with all applicable fees. Only a Lodge vote is needed to re-enroll back into their previous Lodge; while an application review and Lodge vote is needed to re-enroll into a different Lodge. 2. A New Member Orientation Program is now available. a. The program, complete with a new 15 minute video, was previewed during several breakout sessions during the International Convention. Also to be included are video presentations of the Lodge and Moose Legion Rituals. b. The entire package, including outline, scripts, videos (DVD format), etc. will automatically be sent to all Lodges. The video is also posted to the Moose International YouTube video site. Orientation NEXT JOINT ORIENTATION Our next orientation will be held on Wednesday, JANUARY 21st, at 7:00 p.m. This JANUARY 21, 2015 is a very relaxed, and informal social gathering. If you are a sponsor, it is strongly 7:00 P.M. suggested you join your new member at orientation, if you’re a new member and have not attended an orientation, this is a good way to find out more about the Moose Organization and your lodge and chapter. The program is followed by a social featuring finger food and light snacks. New members will be contacted and invited to attend. 8 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 TO THE WOMEN OF THE MOOSE A sincere thank you to the Women of the Moose. To the following: Gary McCrae: Turkeys for basket. Moose Riders: Perishable food for the Thanksgiving & Christmas baskets for the needy, they were able to have a nice dinner! John & Susan Mincks: Donation to Purchase Christmas presents for our kids Christmas with Santa. Don & Caroline Sanders: Donation to Purchase Christmas presents for our kids Christmas with Santa. To all who donated the other items, Thank you very much! We were able to help four families for the holiday as we all know. Groceries are very expensive. Thank you again for all you do. Rosemary St. John Grass Valley Moose Riders Happy New Years, your Moose Riders. We would like to thank all who volunteered their time and helped with the Thanksgiving Dinner. Dinner was absolutely delicious and the Moose Riders adopt a family raffle was a great success. Congratulations to those who won the raffles. Huge thanks to all who participated in the Toy Run whether on a bike or waving as bikes rode by. We would also like to thank those of you who donated toys and stuffed animals for the Moose Riders Christmas sleigh. The Toy Run was wonderful and it is really just a beautiful thing to see hundreds of bikers with so many gifts at one time all for the sake of giving to help children and families in need. After all that is what the spirit of Christmas is all about. Thank you all so much. January Moose Rider’s taco nights are Monday, January the 5th and Monday, February the 8th. Signup sheet for volunteers is in the Social Quarters if interested. A warm welcome to our new members, Bill Coaker, Brenda Abbott, Charlie Crosby, Janet Regusci and Candy Elliott. See Moose Riders wall for future runs or you can google Thunder press. Written and submitted by your Secretary/Recorder, Denise Clark Questions call Amy (President) at 530-263-1590 For upcoming events, see our bulletin board in the Social Quarters at the Moose Lodge. Moose Riders President email: Amy Benfield: [email protected] 9 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 Moose Legion Dinners Mouth-Watering Entrees’ With all the fixin’s Saturday JANUARY 24th 6 p.m. Crab Feed Legion & WOTM Saturday FEBRUARY 14th 6 p.m. Valentine’s Dinner Contact the Lodge for Details Sign up sheet and tickets in Social Quarters Saturday January 10th & 17th Final January 31st at District Contest at Folsom Lodge Moose Legion Crab Feed SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 2015 POT LUCK (Bring a dish or pay $7) Saturday Game Day starts @ NOON January 24th, 2015 6 p.m. $35 Clam Chowder—Salad—Garlic Bread Sign up sheet and tickets in Social Quarters 10 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 WOTM Afternoon Tea Party February 8, 2015 2:30 pm You are cordially invited to an Afternoon Tea Enjoy a quiet afternoon in the company of friends and family. Freshly baked scones with mock Devonshire cream, lemon curd and jam. Plus an assortment of delicious tea sandwiches and a variety of delightful desserts. Don’t forget to wear a hat! $12.50 per person Moose Legion & WOTM Valentines Day Steak Dinner n’ Fixins $15 6 p.m. 11 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 COLLEGE OF REGENTS CHAPTER NIGHT . November 11, 2014 marked a milestone for two very special Collegians. We had a celebration to change Kathy McCammon’s tassel from green to red. We also honored Illa Meek with her red stole. They are seen in this picture with a group of Collegians who also have celebrated these same milestones in the past. We want to thank all of you who attended this event especially members of the LOOM. Congratulations! In October we had our Annual Bake Sale during the Yard Sale. LAP ROBES I want to thank the ladies who helped crochet/knit lap robes for the Wolf Creek Care Center on Catherine lane in Grass Valley. These are much appreciated by the folks at the Center and it is good way to give back to our community. I delivered 20 laps robes on December 10, 2014 just in time for the big storm that was to hit on December 11, 2014. Donna Recker I made some phone calls to some of our coworkers for baked goods and the response was overwhelming. From homemade pies to cakes, cookies, brownies and more we had plenty to sell. This was a very successful bake sale for my charity "Youth Involvement". I would like to thank everyone for their support. Some of the leftovers were given to our local fire department and they were very appreciative as they were actually having a dinner with two other stations that night and the timing was perfect. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that on Taco nights we are always looking for baked goods as well as volunteers to sell them. I know for a fact we have some terrific cooks out there and this is another opportunity to help out. Please let us know if you would be willing to help in any way. Once again, Thanks to all that made our Bake / Yard Sale a huge success. Myrl Trost 12 Reser ved for 13 Reser ved for 14 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 15 GRASS VALLEY MOOSE NEWS LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE GRASS VALLEY MOOSE FAMILY CENTER #2217 15694 ALLISON RANCH ROAD GRASS VALLEY, CA 95949 Non-Profit org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Grass Valley, CA 95945 Permit No. 76 FORWARDING SERVICE REQESTED Address Label We are in the people business and without people we are Out of Business! Jan. / Feb. 2015 Newsletter $1.00 TACOS Every Monday 5:30 p.m. 16
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