Deputy Head Teacher Information to applicants Great Barr Primary and Nursery School Aldridge Road Birmingham, West Midlands B44 8NT Together we will achieve success APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for appointment to the post of Deputy Head Teacher of Great Barr Primary and Nursery School, Aldridge Road, Birmingham, B44 8NT, Tel: 0121 464 2251, Website: Salary Range L13-L17 £51,372- £56,670 A first class opportunity has arisen due to the promotion of our current post holder to Headship. The children, governors and staff of our happy, hardworking, friendly and inclusive school seek to appoint an outstanding practitioner to the position of non-class based Deputy Head Teacher from 13 April 2015 Candidates must: • Be both an inspirational and excellent classroom practitioner. • Have high expectations of children’s achievements and behaviour. • Have proven outstanding leadership at primary level. • Demonstrate the ability to lead, motivate, influence and inspire staff through a proactive, solution-based and collaborative approach. • Have a good understanding of the use of tracking, assessment, monitoring and data analysis as an effective tool to accelerate progress and raise achievement. • Be keen to learn and develop their skills. Main areas of responsibility are: • Organise whole school assessments. • Collate, analyse and track pupil progress. • Manage accountability and pupil progress. • Manage behaviour systems. • Other key areas to be agreed upon appointment. We offer: • A positive enthusiastic staff committed to achieving the best for all pupils. • A caring creative atmosphere, which achieves high standards • A bright cheerful, well-resourced and maintained school. • Happy motivated well behaved children. • A great opportunity to develop your professional skills as a leader. Great Barr is a two form entry converter academy, providing a happy, secure and extremely successful learning environment in which children thrive and have high attainment. We believe that informal visits to the school prior to application are essential and will be warmly welcomed. To arrange a visit, please contact Craig Addison, Business Manager. Great Barr Primary and Nursery School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. An enhanced CRB check is required for all successful applicants. Completed application form should be returned to: Performance, Engagement & Commissioning Services PO Box 16461 Birmingham B2 2DB Or via email to [email protected] no later than 12 noon, Tuesday 20 January 2015 Together we will achieve success ABOUT THE SCHOOL Great Barr Primary Academy is a two form entry school comprising fifteen classes of mixed ability children. Children are organised into seven year groups – Reception to Year 6 – with an additional Nursery class. Their ages range from 3 to 11. Each year 60 children are admitted into the reception classes and we have 26 morning and 26 afternoon part time nursery places. We also welcome children with physical disabilities for whom the school is adapted and equipped. Most children transfer to the local secondary school at the age of eleven. There are, however, a small number who by examination transfer to one of the city’s selective schools. The school is committed to the promotion of justice and racial equality and aims to counter racism and all forms of discrimination. MISSION STATEMENT “We aim to help children become fully developed caring people, capable of working in every way to the best of their ability.” AIMS Our work, as staff, is to continue to build upon those foundations begun at home, playgroup or nursery. We aim: • To create an ethos which provides for maximum learning and effective teaching. • To provide a secure, safe and stimulating environment which enables the children to be healthy. • To encourage children as individuals to develop lively and enquiring minds through all aspects of the curriculum. • For children to be responsible, independent and confident individuals aware of the richness and diversity of their multi-cultural society. • That children will respect and be respected in the world in which they live through their personal development and well-being. We endeavour to achieve these aims in a happy and purposeful atmosphere in which children will be inspired to thrive as excellent role models in our society. Together we will achieve success We are a multicultural school with 440 pupils on roll which has waiting lists for most classes. STAFFING: Head Teacher Deputy Headteacher Assistant Headteacher P/T 17 full time teachers 1 part time teacher School Business Manager 2 Office Staff 23 teaching assistants 1 Behaviour/Pastoral mentor 1 Sports/Learning mentor 1 Site Manager 4 Cleaners 12 Lunchtime Supervisors 9 Before & After School Club staff 5 Kitchen staff Mrs Judy Griffiths – Chair of Governors Mr Allan Williams – Vice Chair of Governors THE CURRICULUM The curriculum consists of all activities within school and also includes the quality of relationships and the values which are important in developing a child’s sense of morality. In Early Years children have learning opportunities in order to achieve Early Years Learning Goals within the Foundation Stage Curriculum. English and Maths are taught as discrete subjects and a thematic approach is used for all other subjects with an emphasis placed on children acquiring new skills. Throughout school consideration is always given to pupils’ learning styles. Opportunities are provided for Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic and Tactile learning. Children learn from each new experience we are able to provide. We have the responsibility as parents and teachers to make all of a child’s experiences appropriate and worthwhile. COLLECTIVE WORSHIP & RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Great Barr Primary Academy follows Birmingham Education Authority’s agreed syllabus. Our school is not affiliated to any particular religion or religious denomination. Collective worship at school is mainly or broadly Christian in ethos. Pupils take part in a daily act of collective worship which incorporates a prayer or thought and this is usually as part of an assembly. Together we will achieve success Parents are advised of their right to withdraw pupils from RE teaching and collective worship in accordance with the Education Reform Act 1988. BEHAVIOUR & PASTORAL CARE We encourage children to be independent, self-disciplined and self-motivated members of the school community. Good behaviour is rewarded, personal achievements both in and out of school are also recognised. We have a Pastoral Mentor in school for the children should they need someone to talk to. Copies of the school Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy are available on request. PARENTS AS PARTNERS We operate an open door policy and welcome parents into school. There are many ways in which we encourage our parents to be involved in school life. Parents are warmly invited to concerts, plays, sports day, workshops, class and seasonal assemblies. Help is always appreciated. PARENT CONSULTATIONS Consultations are arranged each term when there is the opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher. We encourage parental involvement and support in the children’s education. Parents will receive a written report at the end of the school year. HOME/SCHOOL COMMUNICATIONS We communicate with parents by letter, telephone and text message. The school also has a website that is regularly updated. PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION (PTA) We have a successful Parent Teacher Association which organises events such as discos for the children and the summer fayre to raise money for school funds. They also arrange quizzes and other social events for families. New members are always very welcome. Information concerning the PTA is sent home with the children. Together we will achieve success DEPUTY HEAD TEACHER - JOB DESCRIPTION This School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. An enhanced DBS check is required for all successful applicants. Salary scale: Group 3, Pay Scale L13 – L17 As required by Paragraphs 50-53 of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. 1. Job Purpose To promote the general educational progress and well-being of pupils in the school 2. Duties and Responsibilities 2.1 General 2.1.1. To undertake the professional duties of a teacher other than a Head Teacher, as set out in paragraphs 50-53 inclusive of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document, including those duties particularly assigned by the head teacher; 2.1.2 As required by paragraph 50.1 of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document, to play a major role under the overall direction of the head teacher in: (a) formulating the aims and objectives of the Academy; (b) establishing the policies through which they are to be achieved; Together we will achieve success (c) managing staff and resources to that end; (d) monitoring progress towards their achievement; in accordance with the policies of the Education Committee and the City Council and the school improvement plan determined by the Governing Body; 2.1.3 To undertake any professional duties of the Head Teacher reasonably delegated by the Head Teacher; 2.1.4 To undertake, to the extent required by the Head Teacher or the governing body, the professional duties of the Head Teacher in the event of the Head Teacher’s absence from the Academy. 2.2 Specific 2.2.1 To ensure, together with the Leadership team, the development of policies and quality practice, throughout the whole Academy. 2.2.2 To support the Head in the general management of administration and discipline throughout the Academy. 2.2.3 To be responsible for the co-ordination and review of Equal opportunities throughout the Academy and to understand the needs of pupils from a variety of heritage backgrounds. 2.2.4 To assist the Head and Governing Body in the Performance Review process. 2.2.5 To be responsible for checking invoices and payment authorisations regarding our delegated budget and school fund. Together we will achieve success 2.2.6 The organisation of students and work experience pupils 2.2.7 To ensure learning and teaching standards are consistent and progressive throughout the whole Academy. 2.2.8 To take responsibility for booking and supervising relief staff for course/CPD development. 2.2.9 To carry out teaching duties specifically assigned by the Head. 2.2.10 To ensure appropriate CPD match with individual staff development needs and SIP/Performance Management Review Targets. 2.2.11 To be responsible for co-ordinating assessment and effective MER systems. 2.2.12 To be responsible for tracking pupils attainment and achievement.. 2.2.13 Liaise effectively with Senior Management Team. 2.2.14 To oversee pastoral aspects. 2.2.15 To be responsible for community cohesion and community initiatives. 2.2.16 Liaise with outside agencies to co-ordinate out of hours/extended schools activities. 3. Line Management - responsibility to and for 3.1 Responsible to the Head Teacher 3.2 Responsible for the supervision of designated teaching and support staff Together we will achieve success 3.3 Responsible for supporting Assistant Head Teacher and Senior Management Team. 4. Conditions of employment 4.1 The above responsibilities are in accordance with the requirements of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document in terms of duties and working time, also any local agreements and LA guidance on interpreting teachers’ conditions of service. 5. Review and Amendment 5.1 This job description is normally subject to annual review. It may be amended at the request of the Head Teacher or the post holder but only after full consultation with the post holder. It will be signed if agreement is reached. 6. Complaints 6.1 If, following review and amendment, agreement is not reached, the appropriate procedures should be used for the settling of any disputes. Job description issued after consultation ............................................... Signature of the Head Teacher Copy received by ............................................... Signature of the Postholder Date ............................................... Together we will achieve success PERSON SPECIFICATION: DEPUTY HEAD TEACHER GREAT BARR PRIMARY is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. An Enhanced DBS check is required for the successful applicant. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT* ESSENTIAL INITIAL QUALIFICATIONS FURTHER QUALIFICATIONS/ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE SKILLS AND ABILITIES Qualified Teacher status. AF, I Recent, relevant in-service training in current educational practice, including leadership and management. AF, I Experience in the leadership and management of the curriculum and/or other aspects of provision. AF, I Demonstrate a good understanding of School Improvement Planning. AF, I Demonstrate a good understanding and experience of implementing Performance Management. AF, I Experience of partnership working with parents, the wider community and other schools. AF, I Successful and varied teaching experience across primary phase. AF Ability to monitor, evaluate, and plan for School Improvement. AF, I Ability to manage the implementation of change effectively. AF, I Ability to work to high professional standards, strategically and operationally. AF, I Ability to manage and motivate individuals and teams effectively. AF, I, To deal effectively with under performance, in accordance with relevant policies and procedures. AF, I Ability to use authority appropriately to maintain discipline AF, I To understand and interpret complex data, both school and national to inform effective decision-making. AF, I To have an understanding of financial planning and Together we will achieve success budget monitoring in schools. AF, I To demonstrate a focus on innovation, creativity and a willingness to work in a context of resource generation and appropriate risk-taking. AF, I Demonstrate a wide range of high level communication skills including new technologies. OTHER To promote and foster a positive school image. Evidence of motivation for working with children. Evidence of ability to form and maintain appropriate relationships and personal boundaries with children. AF, I Evidence of emotional resilience in working with children exhibiting challenging behaviour. AF, I Ability to effectively implement safeguarding legislation and support a culture of safeguarding awareness, risk assessment and management. AF, I Ability to coach and develop all school staff appropriately. AF, I Evidence of the promotion of positive behaviour strategies and constructive handling of problems. AF, I Evidence of actively involving all staff, parents, Governors and the community in the life and work of the school. AF, I Willingness to undertake CPD and/or other appropriate professional development, including NPQH or any other accredited programme that may be developed. AF, I Evidence of implementing Equal Opportunities and other legislation essential for the health, safety and well being of the school community. • • • AF, I AF, I *Those elements marked A- will be assessed in your Application. *Those elements marked A/I/P - will be assessed in your Application and during the selection process e.g. Interview, Presentation. *Those elements marked I/P - will be evaluated during the selection process e.g. Interview, Presentation NB: If shortlisted, any relevant issues arising from references will also be taken up at interview. References will be used to support the selection panel’s assessment. Together we will achieve success
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