Hunks and Chunks s – h, sh, sh, sh. s – h, sh, sh, sh. (ship, wish) ship c – h, ch, ch, ch. c – h, ch, ch, ch. (chip, watch) • cherry t – h, th, th, th. t – h, th, th, th. Chant the soft “th” first (tongue out). Repeat saying hard “th” (tongue behind the teeth) (thorn, thistle) • three Say “o – w, ow. Going down, going down, d-o-w-n. That’s the way to get down.” (cow, meow) • cow Say “o – u, ou. O-u-t, o-u-t get out of here you bumble bee.” (mouse, south) • mouse Say “o – o, oooooo.” (book) • book Say “o – o, ooooooo” (boot) • boot Say “i-n-g, ing, ing, ing. i-n-g, ing, ing, ing.” (sing, king) • king Say “a-l-l, a-l-l, all, all, all.” (call, tall) • ball Say “car, car, c-a-r, you stick your hand in a jar of stars. A-r, ar, ar, ar.” (jar, start) • car Say “ o-r, or, or, or. O-r, or, or, or. I want more fish please.” (for, more) • core Say “o “ said to “a”, Oh I love you and “a” said absolutely nothing. So when you see oa you say “o” (Long o sound like in boat and coat) • coat Say “i-g-h, i-g-h, I, I, I.” • knight Say “ you take a scaredy cat “e”. You take a scaredy cat “a”. You put them together and what do they say? EEEEEEEEE !!! • Teacher When you see the double e you say ee, ee. It’s a bumble bee party! When you see the double e you say ee,ee. It’s a bumble bee party! (see, three) • tree “Some letters a-y, ay, ay, ay. Hey do you want to play? Swish, score, hooray! Yay! But don’t forget this……….. Some letters a-y, ay, ay, ay. That’s at the end of a word and don’t you forget it! (play, day) • play “A” said to “i,” hey “i” get out of my way. I’m saying “ay” today! So when you see a-i you say “ay”. (rain) • rain E-i-g-h, “ay, ay.” E-i-g-h, “ay, ay.” (eight, sleigh) • sleigh “Let’s take a ride on a motorcycle. I-r, ir and u-r, ur in the middle of a word. But it’s e-r, er, e-r, er at the end of a word.” • bird surf mother “0-i, oi, oi, oi in the middle of a word. But it’s o-y, oy, oy, oy at the end of a word.” point boy “T-i-o-n, tion, tion, T-i-o-n, tion, tion. Take it low s-i-o-n, sion, sion, s-i-o-n, sion, sion.” (question, television) • question television “When you see p-h, you don’t say p-h, you say f….F, F, F. When you see p-h, you don’t say p-h, you say f…F, F, F.” (phone) • phone “When you see k-n, you don’t say the k, you say n, N, N, N.” (knock) • knot “Shh, don’t wake the w. Shh, don’t wake the w. Wr says RRRRRR.” •wreath “When you see e-d at the end of a root word say t, “t”, d, “d”, also say “ed”. • Jumped, whispered, waited W-h, w-h, wh, wh, wh. It’s a question word – who, what, when, where, why and which. whistle A-w, aw. (paw) • paw A-u, au. A-u, au, au, au, au. (automobile) • automobile A-u-g-h-t, aught. A-u-g-h-t, aught. (daughter) • daughter O-u-g-h-t-, ought. O-u-g-h-t, ought. (bought) • thought E-w, oooooo. They are so in love. (few) •stew U-i. Put them together they say “oooooo”. (fruit) fruit I-o-n, i-o-n, “ion, ion, ion.” I-o-n, i-o-n, “ion, ion, ion.” (onion) • onion Sometimes you say “ow” but sometimes you say “o” when you see o-w at the end of a word. Sometimes you say “ow” but sometimes you say “o” when you see o-w at the end of a word. • cow, snow I-c-e, i-c-e, ice, ice! I-c-e, i-c-e, ice, ice! (nice) • dice A-c-e, a-c-e, ace, ace! A-c-e, a-c-e, ace, ace! (face) • space
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