Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15

Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)
Lesson #3
Technical Proficiency
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
Provide guidance concerning the specific duties of
a Cadet Sergeant in the South Carolina Corps of
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
Technical Proficiency
• In order for you to be an effective
Sergeant in your assigned position, you
must know your job and how to perform
your job.
This is known as Technical Proficiency
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
Technical Proficiency
Your specific job description can be found in
the White Book Chapter 1.
Have you read your job description?
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
Technical Proficiency
• Do you think it is important for you to be
familiar with the jobs of other NCOs in the
Corps of Cadets?
• Yes…Becoming familiar with other NCO
positions helps further define your specific
lane of responsibility and how to effectively
work with other NCOs for the purpose of
mission accomplishment.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Command Sergeant Major (CSM)
• Reports directly to the Regimental Commander.
• Responsible for monitoring all activities, policies and performance and appearance of
all cadets.
• Makes recommendations to the commander concerning the Corps.
• Enforces appearance and performance standards of individual cadets.
• Focuses on individual training of the Fourth Class and cadet NCOs and prospective
• Ensures that subordinate NCOs understand and support the training priorities set by
the commander.
• In coordination with the Commandant, conducts Primary Leadership Development
Training (PLDT), Basic NCO Training (BNCOT), and Advanced NCO Training (ANCOT).
•Performs other duties as required by the commander
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Command Sergeant Major (CSM)
• Reports directly to the Battalion Commander.
• Responsible for monitoring all activities, policies and performance and
appearance of all cadets.
• Makes recommendations to the commander concerning the battalion.
• Enforces appearance and performance standards of individual cadets.
• Focuses on individual training of the Fourth Class and cadet NCOs and
prospective NCOs.
• Ensures that subordinate NCOs understand and support the training
priorities set by the commander.
• Supervises the battalion clerks. Responsible for the care, inventory, and
storage of the battalion colors.
• Performs other duties as required.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet First Sergeant
• Serves as the senior non commissioned officer in a cadet rifle company.
• Advises and assist the commander in managing unit activities and exercises
general supervision over assigned cadets.
• Advises and assists the commander in maintaining discipline and standards.
• Provides guidance to cadets on matters of leadership, military courtesy,
personal appearance, and self-discipline.
• Ensures that all cadet NCOs set an appropriate example for subordinate
• Corrects conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline.
• Supervises care and upkeep of barracks area.
• Coordinates and schedules unit functions and duties, leaves and passes
and other absences from duty.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Master Sergeant
• Serves as the Administrative non commissioned officer in a cadet company.
• Responsible for the administrative tracking and posting of:
• Performance Reports
• ERWs
• Class Absence Reports
• Delinquency Reports
• Consolidated Reports
• Punishment Orders.
• Coordinates w/the Company Commander, Executive Officer, and Company
TAC to conduct a Discipline hour.
• Performs other duties as required.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Sergeant First Class
• Serves as the supply sergeant for a cadet rifle company.
• Responsible for the issue and turn-in of individual clothing and
organizational property within the company.
• Responsible for the Over Short and Damage reports.
• Submits and approves the daily work orders.
• Determines and assigns responsibility for all damage not due to fair wear
and tear.
• Responsible for daily rifle accountability within the company.
• Assumes duties of the company First Sergeant in his/her absence.
• Performs other duties as required.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Sergeant / Corporal
• Serves as the Human Affairs Non commissioned Officer for a cadet rifle
• Assists the Human Affairs Officer in promoting a social climate of equal
opportunity, fair treatment and awareness of social issues impacting the
leadership development of the company.
• Serves as the commanders representative for complaints involving sexual or
cultural harassment, assault or hazing.
• Assist in training the company in human affairs topics as designated by the
• Serves as an extension of student services by referring cadets with academic,
military, physical or interpersonal problems to the appropriate resource for help.
• Performs other duties as required.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Sergeant / Corporal
• Serves as the recruiting Non Commissioned Officer for a cadet rifle company.
• Assists the battalion Recruiting Sergeant and Admissions Office with recruiting
activities and Overnight Visitors.
• Conducts Friday Campus tours as required for the Director of Public Affairs and
Admissions Office.
• Performs other duties as required.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Staff Sergeant
• Serves as Platoon Sergeant for a cadet rifle platoon.
• Responsible for personnel accountability of the platoon (i.e. getting a good
head count from his 4 Squad Leaders).
• Directs and supervises the activities of the platoon’s squad leaders.
• Exercises general supervision over assigned cadets.
• Advises and assists the platoon leader in maintaining discipline and
• Ensures that all cadet NCOs set an appropriate example for subordinate
• Corrects conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline.
• Keeps the platoon leader informed of all platoon activities and corrective
actions taken.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Sergeant
• Serves as a Squad leader of up to 10 cadets.
• Responsible for the accountability, drill, discipline, personal appearance and
academic proficiency of all members of the squad.
• Ensures that proper standards of personal appearance and maintenance of
individual equipment is maintained by all squad members.
• Ensures standards are met/exceeded and maintained by each squad member
during MRI and SMI.
• Counsel’s members of the squad on their performance in such areas as
conduct, attitude and academics.
• Keeps the Platoon Sergeant current on status of all squad members.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Corporal
• Serves as assistant squad leader for a squad consisting of up to 10 cadets.
• Under direct supervision of the Squad Leader assists with the accountability of
squad members and conducts training and inspections of the squad.
• Has no unsupervised interaction with fourth-class cadets.
• Performs other duties as required.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Master Sergeant
• Serves as the Operations Sergeant for the South Carolina Corps of
Cadets consisting of approximately 2100 cadets.
• Reports to and performs duties as directed by the Regimental
Operations Officer.
• Directly supervises the Regimental Operations clerks.
• Coordinates with the cadet operations advisor in the Regimental
Operations Center for administrative matters related to the Corps
training missions.
• Responsible for the layout and marking of the parade ground for all
• Performs other duties as required.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Master Sergeant
• Serves as the Supply Sergeant for the South Carolina Corps of Cadets
consisting of approximately 2100 cadets.
• Reports to and performs duties as directed by the Regimental Supply Officer.
• Responsible for accountability of all rifles assigned to the Corps of Cadets.
• Takes daily inventory of unassigned rifles in the Arms Room. Assists the
Commandant‘s supply personnel in the issue and turn in of weapons.
• Coordinates and assists in the issue and turn in of individual uniforms and
equipment. Directly supervises the Regimental Supply Clerks in their assigned
areas of responsibility. Responsible for coordinating the work of all subordinate
unit supply personnel.
• Serves as a member of the mess council.
• Performs other duties as directed.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Master Sergeant
• Serves as the Human Affairs Sergeant of the South Carolina Corps of
Cadets consisting of approximately 2100 cadets.
• Assist the Regimental Human Affairs Officer in the overall management of
the cadet human affairs education and training program to include
maximum awareness of and compliance with federal, state and college
regulations on issues of equal opportunity, hazing, and all forms of
• Monitors the status of the social climate within the Regiment.
• Promotes the various seminars, panel discussions and guest speakers
scheduled during the year to educate the Corps about social issues.
• Assist in the overall planning and organization of community service days
and blood drives.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
•Cadet Master Sergeant
• Serves as the Recruiting Sergeant of the South Carolina
Corps of Cadets consisting of approximately 2100 cadets.
• Assist the Regimental Recruiting Officer in the overall
management of the cadet-recruiting program and recruit
sergeant training program.
• Monitors the status of the recruiting program within the
• Assist in the overall planning and execution of Overnight
Visitor Programs.
• Performs other duties as required
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Master Sergeant
• Serves as the NCO for the Regimental Activities and Regimental Spirit
• In that regard, assists both staff officers in the planning, coordination, and
conduct of Activities and Spirit related events.
• Serves as a member of:
• Cadet Activities Advisory Committee,
• Spirit Committee
• Bonfire Committee
• Cadet Talent Show Committee
• Serves as the Editor of The Guidon and assists the Director and Deputy
Director in the conduct:
• of social development training
• Fine Arts programs
Coordinates cadet details for:
• the Ring Ceremony
• the 4th Class Recognition Dinner.
• Performs other duties as required.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Master Sergeant
• Serves as the Supply Sergeant for a battalion of the South Carolina
Corps of Cadets consisting of approximately 500 cadets.
• Reports to and performs duties as directed by the Battalion Supply
• Responsible for accountability of all rifles assigned to the battalion.
• Supervises the issue and turn in of weapons assigned to the battalion.
• Coordinates and assists in the issue and turn in of individual uniforms
and equipment. Responsible for coordinating the work of all subordinate
unit supply personnel.
• Serves as a member of the mess council.
• Performs other duties as directed.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
• Cadet Master Sergeant
• Serves as the Recruiting Sergeant of a battalion of the South
Carolina Corps of Cadets consisting of approximately 500 cadets.
• Assist the Regimental Recruiting Officer in the overall management
of the cadet-recruiting program and recruit sergeant training program.
• Monitors the status of the recruiting program within the Battalion.
• Assist in the overall planning and execution of Overnight Visitor
• Performs other duties as required.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
Practical Application
• Each Cadet will develop his approach to
performing his/her roles and
responsibilities using Honor, Duty and
Respect as their foundation.
• The approaches they develop will be
handed in and used to evaluate their
progress and success.
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15
Roles and Responsibilities
Cadet Leader Development Training (CLDT) SY 2014-15