Pediatric GI Sheila Gentry,MSN,RN Development Begins 3rd week of gestation Mouth to Anus Includes the liver, gallbladder and pancreas Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small intestines Large intestines Rectum Function Digestion and absorption of nutrients and water, secretion of substances and elimination of waste products Digestion: circular muscles churn and mix food. Longitudinal muscles propel the food bolus. And sphincter muscles control passage of food Enzymatic activity: aids in breakdown of foods General Assessment Assess pain(seven variables) Normal bowel habit Assess for changes in appetite Identify thirst level Food intolerance Belching, vomiting, heartburn, flatulence Identify routine eating habits Ask about PMH related to GI Height/Weight Hydration status I, A, P, P of abdomen Common Diagnostic Studies Blood chemistries, liver profile, sed rate, C-reactive protein, thyroid function Stool exams for ova and parasites, blood, WBC’s, pH, cultures, fecal fat collection(72 hr test to r/o fat malabsorption) Bowel studies: UGI, BE, biopsy, rectosigmoidoscopy, Abd. Xrays. US of abdomen and pelvis Congenital GI Anomalies Cleft lip/palate Esophageal atresia Tracheoesophageal fistula Omphalocele Gastroschisis Pyloric stenosis Imperforate anus Celiac disease Hirshsprung’s disease Intussusception Hernia’s Cleft Lip Affects 1 in 800. More common in boys Etiology: hereditary, environmental, teratogenic factors. Occurs around 7 weeks gestation Readily apparent Degree affected may vary. Small notch to complete separation Surgical closure 1-2 months or Rule of 10 Cleft Palate 1-2800 affected. More girls affect Occurs at about 9 weeks gestation May involve soft palate alone to hard palate /more severe maxilla Surgical repair between 6-18mo. Will have long-term care with HCP Plastic surgeon, ENT, Nutritionist, Speech Therapy, Orthodontist, Pediatrician Major Nursing Diagnoses Ineffective airway clearance Alt. Nutrition-LBR Potential for Alt. in parenting Risk for infection Pain Management /Nursing Care Pre-op Assess degree of cleft Assess Respiratory status Assess ability to suck(will see difficulty with sucking and swallowing) Assist with feeding: head upright/special nipples/ESSR Continuous monitoring during feeding Remove oral secretions carefully Reaction of parents-guilt, disappointment, grief, sense of loss, anger. Encourage verbalization of fears/concerns Encourage bonding/touching Inform parents of successful surgical intervention Nursing Care Post-Op Maintain patent airway. Lung assessment before/after feeding Cleft lip proper positioning Cleft palate-side or abdomen Upright, or on unaffected side. Never prone Liquids from side of cup or spoon NO ORAL TEMPS No straws, pacifiers, spoons, or fingers around mouth for 7-10 days Encourage family participation in care PROTECT SURGICAL SITE!!! Elbow restraints Minimize crying Maintain Logan Bow if applied No toothbrushes 1-2 weeks Monitor site for infection Assess pain Resume feedings as ordered Care of site after feeding Esophageal Atresia with Tracheoesophageal Fistula Congenital anomalies rare Clinical and Surgical Emergency Assessment Three C’s of TEF Choking, coughing, cyanosis Plain water at birth Management/Nursing Care Surgical correction(thoracotomy) Monitor Resp. status Monitor/Remove excessive secretions Elevate infant into anti-reflux position 30 degree incline Provide O2 NPO(non-nutritive sucking ok) IVF’s Provide gastrostomy care/feedings Education/Family involved in care Pyloric Stenosis Assessment Characteristic projectile vomiting(bile free) Hungry, fretful, irritable,dehydration Weight loss/failure to gain weight Metabolic alkalosis Palpable olive-shaped mass in RUQ Diagnosis: US/UGI delayed emptying and elongated pyloric canal May require surgical intervention: Pyloromyotomy Nursing Care Monitor respiratory status Hydration status IVF’s, electrolytes, NG tube care, Daily WT, I/O hrly , small frequent meals(clears)NPO prior to surgery. 4-6hrs. After surgery may begin small frequent feeding with lytes solution or glucose Place on R side/Semi-Fowler’s after feeding Burp frequently Congenital/Aganglionic Megacolon Also called Hirshsprung’s Disease Congenital 1 in 500 Absence of parasympathetic ganglion cells in distal portion of colon and rectum Lack of peristalsis Fecal contents accumulate Mechanical obstruction Management/Nursing Care Correction- series of surgical intervention(Temporary colostomy with reanastamosis and closure later) Pre-op care Post-op care Same as for any abdominal surgery NPO Routine ABC’s (axillary temps) Monitor colostomy..note stoma color Monitor bowel function, abdominal circumference Teach family ostomy care Toilet-training after age 2 Intussusception Telescoping of a portion of bowel into another(usually ileum to colon) Partial or complete bowel obstruction. May require Emergency Surgery Assessment Usually infant under 1 yr. Parent may relay acute, intermittent abdominal pain Child may present screaming with legs drawn up Management/Nursing Care Vomiting “Currant Jelly” stools Sausage shaped mass in RUQ while RLQ is empty(Dance sign) Management/Nursing Care Medical treatment: Barium enema Monitor VS Monitor for shock or bowel perforation IVF’s, I/O, prepare child for barium enema…monitor stools pre/post BE Anorectal Malformations Congenital Surgical repair based on extent Imperforate Anus Will see unusual anal dimpling No passage of meconium Meconium appearing from perianal fistula or in urine Suspicion in newborn for failure to pass meconium in 24 hrs Or if emesis is bile stained Abdominal assessment Chronic constipation in toddlers May alt. With diarrhea “Ribbon-like” stools. Foul-smelling Management/Nursing Care Requires surgical correction Discovered with newborn 1st temp rectally Assess passage of meconium Assist family to cope with dx Will usually see other high-level defect Celiac Disease Genetic: Inability to tolerate foods with gluten(wheat, barley, rye, oats) Life-long dietary modification Diagnosis: Biopsy Celiac crisis Assessment symptoms appear 3-6mo. After introduction of gluten(grains) frequent bulky, greasy, malodorous stools with frothy appearance (Steatorrhea) 72 hr.fecal fat study Management/Nursing Care Gluten free diet Read labels Hernias Protrusion of an organ through abnormal opening Results in organ constriction and impaired blood flow Diaphragmatic Hiatal Abdominal Diaphragmatic Hernia Congenital Abdominal content protrude into thoracic cavity through an opening in the diaphragm Findings depend on severity diminished/absent breath sounds bowel sound may be heard over chest Cardiac sounds may be heard on right side of chest Dyspnea, cyanosis, nasal flaring, retractions, sunken abdomen and barrel chest Management/Nursing Care Surgical correction Medical emergency Chest tubes Maintain airway(ventilator)ECMO HOB^ Position on affected side NG tube IVF Post-op Monitor for infection, respiratory distress Activities to promote lung function Hiatal Sliding Protrusion of abdominal structure(stomach) through the esophageal hiatus Management/Nursing Care Depends on severity Diagnosis: Fluoroscopy Assessment See dysphagia, Failure to thrive, vomiting, GER Nursing care: HOB elevated Small frequent feedings Manage GER symptoms Monitor respiratory status pre/post feedings Umbilical Hernia Soft, skin covered protrusion of intestine around umbilicus See in premature infants and African American infants more often Spontaneous closure 3-4 (most by 1yr.) Management/Nursing Care Surgical repair if >1.5-2cm or if not spontaneously closed by age 2 May be reduced with a finger Nursing Care: Monitor for change in size or for incarceration(hyperactive bowel sounds or inability to reduce) Education Binding not effective Discourage home remedies Omphalocele and Gastroschisis Omphalocele: abdominal contents herniate through the umbilical cord Covered with translucent sac Gastroschisis: bowel herniates through defect in abdominal wall. Usually to the right of the umbilicus No covering of on exposed bowel Degree is varied in both Management/Nursing Care Surgical Repair necessary Nursing Care: Will be obvious @ delivery Caution not to rupture sac Place in warmer immediately Sterile treatment Immediately cover with sterile gauze saturated with warm saline and wrap with plastic Minimize movement of the infant and handling of sac Continuous temperature monitoring ABC’s NG tube Wt, I/O, IVF’s, TPN as ordered Monitor for signs of ileus… Assess parents coping, encourage grieving, and parental participation in care, refer to support group Biliary Atresia Unknown cause Intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile duct obstruction Liver becomes fibrotic, cirrhosis and portal HTN develops..Leads to Liver Failure and death without treatment Surgical(Kasai procedure) temporary measure Liver Transplant Healthy @ birth Jaundice --2 weeks to 2 month Acholic stools ^Bilirubin Abdominal distention Hepatomegaly ^bruising ^ PT Intense itching Tea-colored urine Infections Thrush Acute Gastroenteritis Appendicitis Pinworms Thrush Monilial (yeast) infection of mouth May or may not have symptoms White coating in oral cavity Fussy and gassy Treatment: If breast fed: treat mother and baby Anti-fungal cream to nipples after feeding Nystatin orally x 7 days Careful hand washing to prevent spread Gastroenteritis Vomiting/Diarrhea Common in childhood, usually selflimiting No specific treatment Management/Nursing Care Prevent dehydration Assessment Note onset/ ALWAYS inquire about associated signs/symptoms Color Green-think bile obstruction Curded, stomach contents several hrs. after eating-think delayed gastric emptying Coffee ground- think GI bleeding Nursing Care Monitor hydration status/ IVF’s Vital signs/ no rectal temps Daily wts, I/O, weigh diapers, Diet: NPO, Pedialyte 1-3 tsp q 1015 minutes, clear to bland, milk free. Progress to BRAT diet No juices, carbonated drinks, or caffeine Standard precautions Appendicitis Most common reason for surgery in childhood Diagnosis: US show incompressible appendix CBC..^ WBC’s and left shift/symptoms Treatment: Surgical removal Assessment Findings: Abdominal pain/rebound tenderness/ peri-umbilical pain N/V, fever, chills, anorexia, diarrhea or acute constipation Management/Nursing Care Pre-op care NPO, IVF’s,Permit Semi-Fowler’s or right side lying Do nothing to stimulate peristalsis No heat application Sudden relief of pain…BAD Post-op care VS Monitor for abdominal distention, wound care, ambulation within 6-8h, T, C, DB Pain assessment D/C education Necrotizing Enterocolitis Cause: intestinal ischemia, bacterial or viral infection, and premature birth Onset: first 2 weeks of life Diagnosis: Xray- dilated bowel loops/thickening or free air(Medical Emergency) Assessment History prematurity, SGA, maternal hemorrhage, preeclampsia, or umbilical catheter Stage I: nonspecific findings that may represent physiologic instability Stage II: nonspecific findings + severe abdominal distention, abd. Tenderness, gross bloody stools, absent bowel sounds and palpable bowel loops Stage III: Acutely ill, Septic shock, DIC, Death Pinworms Enterobiasis Caused by a nematode It is the most common helminthic infection Eggs ingested or inhaled..hatch/mature in upper intestine..then migrate through the intestine to mate and lay eggs at the anal opening Management/Nursing Care Symptoms Intense Diagnosis: Tape anal pruritis test early AM DOC: Vermox if >2yrs of age Treat entire family Hepatitis Same as in adult A,B,C,D,E Anicteric phase 5-7 days Icteric phase last up to 4 weeks Hep A Control spread(standard precaution) Hep B prevent with vaccine Failure to Thrive IBW falls below 5th percentile on growth charts Organic: Non-organic Gastroesophageal Reflux Typically self-limiting by 1 yr Severe may require surgery Nissenfundoplication Assessment frequent vomiting, melena, hematemesis, hiccuping, heartburn and abdominal pain Management/Nursing Care keep upright, rice cereal added to formula, no fatty foods or citrus juices Asses breath sounds before and after feeding Suction @ bedside Prone head elevated after feeding avoid placing in infant seat administer meds: Antiacids, H2 blockers, Assess hydration I/O, Monitor IVF’s, Daily weights Small frequent feedings Solids first then liquids Burp often Monitor for dumping syndrome 30 minutes after feeding (if post-op) Constipation/Encopresis Three or more days without BM Painful BM’s Encopresis is fecal soiling or incontinence Can be secondary to GI disorder, certain medications or psychosocial factors Management/Nursing Care Investigate cause Promote regular bowel movement Increase fiber and fluid in diet Stool softeners Provide a non-threatening environment Do not push child during training Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance Infants and younger children have greater need for water and are more vulnerable to alterations Greater BSA(body surface area) Increased BMR(basal metabolic rate) Decreased kidney function (immaturity) Fluid requirements depend of hydration status, size of infant/child,environmental factors and underlying disease Management/Nursing Care Daily maintenance based on weight in kilograms ml/kg for 1st 10 kg 50 ml/kg for 2nd 10 kg 20 ml/kg remaining of kg 100 Then divide total amount by 24 hrs This will be the rate in ml/hr Nursing Care: Be alert to potential problems Accurate I&O’s are vital Daily weights Weigh diapers Assess mucous membranes, fontanels Poisoning/Foreign Bodies Major health concern Most occur in children less than 6 90% occur in the home Most commonly ingested poisons Cosmetic products Cleaning products Plants Foreign body ( toys, batteries) Gasoline Management/Nursing Care Emergency treatment may or may not be necessary Assess victim Terminate exposure Identify poison Call poison control Remove poison/Prevent absorption Syrup of Ipecac Do not induce vomiting if patient has absent gag reflex Or if poison is corrosive Place child in side-lying, sitting or kneeling position Administer activated charcoal with cathartic usual dose 1gm/kg Education: PREVENTION is key… Colic Persistent abdominal pain characterized by loud crying, drawing up legs to abdomen lasting greater than 3 hrs. Common in infants less than 3 months Possible causes Too rapid feeding, excessive air Overeating, milk allergy Parental tension, or smoking Management/Nursing Care Try to identify causative agent Medications: Atarax and Simethicone Obtain detailed diet history of baby and mother if breast baby Try to identify relationships to crying episodes Parental coping
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