The decision to take me to Hartford Hospital was life-saving, because I b that today the hypothermia the Our son, Charlie, is100 alivepercent and healthy thanks saved my brain to the Maternal-Fetal Medicine team atfunction. Hartford I have no damagelifeatwas all.incredibly I don’t chalremember mu Hospital. Saving Charlie’s lenging, but we always knew we were in expert hands. And everyone was so compassionate and 2011 ANNUAL REPORT kind. You can’t get care like this from just anybody. These doctors gave us the gift of this child—the gift of being able to hold him and smell him and be with him. We were so grateful, we named our son for one of our doctors. A JOURNAL O F PAT I E N T S TO R I E S The radiation therapy kicked the liver tu Contents 2 Stephanie’s Story 6 Luis’s Story 10 Sandra’s Story 14 Steve’s Story 18 Tien-Tien’s Story 1 Introduction 22 Executive Leadership Team 24 Message to the Community 26 Highlights of 2011 Accomplishments 27 Patient Safety and Quality Statistics 28 Teams of the Year 29 Employee of the Year 30 Financials 32 Statistical Highlights 33 Community Benefit 34 Board of Directors Board of Governors Board of Advisory Governors 35 Administration 37 Corporators 39 Trust Funds 42 Affiliations 43 Medical Officers Medical Department Directors 44 Medical Staff 62 Community Involvement 64 Mission Statement Locations (inside back cover) Patients turn to Hartford Hospital for care nearly 300,000 times a year. Each one of them has a unique story to tell. For many patients, the story of their journey to better health could have taken place only at Hartford Hospital. That’s because we are the region’s leading tertiary care center. We have the expertise, experience and technologies to provide the very highest level of care—advanced therapies and complex procedures available only at select hospitals nationwide. In these pages, you’ll read about some of the patients who benefited from Hartford Hospital’s expert capabilities. We thank them for sharing their stories and for trusting us with their care. 1 The decision to take me to Hartford Hospital was life-saving, because I believe 100 percent that the hypothermia therapy saved my brain function. I have no brain damage at all. I don’t remember much about the hospital, but my Mom says the whole staff was pleasant, knowledgeable and supportive. I have a deep appreciation for the way people from all different avenues of health care came together for me. It’s a very humbling experience. My Mom is my rock!! Thank goodness for Doctor Lundbye!! 2 Love my summer job—coordinating weddings at Wickham Park. Bring your A-game when you play with me. I’m working on my doctorate in pharmacy at Mass. College of Pharmacy in Boston. Stephanie Lee Cardiac Critical Care Patient 3 Stephanie’s Team Close collaboration among Hartford Hospital departments, combined with cutting-edge therapy and expert specialists, helped save Stephanie’s life—and her future. Christopher Clyne, MD Interventional Electrophysiology Sarah Knuth, MD Emergency Department 4 James Kallal, MD Cardiology Justin Lundbye, MD Cardiac Intensive Care Stephanie was clinically dead for 14 minutes. Once resuscitated, she was rushed to Hartford Hospital. To prevent brain damage, doctors rapidly cooled her body to 91 degrees. S Stephanie Lee was a 22-year-old college student working at her summer job when she suddenly lost consciousness and collapsed. An undiagnosed heart rhythm abnormality had caused her heart to stop. Her co-worker, Matt, called 911 and started CPR. Emergency medical technicians responded quickly and were able to restart her heart with a defibrillator. Stephanie had been clinically dead for 14 minutes. She was rushed to Hartford Hospital, where she was seen by Emergency Department physician Sarah Knuth, MD, and cardiologist James Kallal, MD. People who survive cardiac arrest face a second, serious risk: brain damage resulting from swelling that occurs when blood flow returns to the brain. If the swelling isn’t controlled, they can be left with damage ranging from mild impairment to a vegetative state. Fortunately, Hartford Hospital pioneered the use of therapeutic hypothermia to prevent brain damage after cardiac arrest. Today Hartford Hospital has the most highly developed program in the region. Hartford Hospital is a leader in hypothermia therapy, a process that reduces brain swelling by cooling the patient’s body to approximately 91 degrees Fahrenheit for an extended period. Led by cardiac critical care specialist Justin Lundbye, MD, Hartford Hospital was among the first in the state, in 2007, to introduce therapeutic hypothermia. Today, the hospital has a specially trained hypothermia team, state-ofthe-art equipment and a systematic approach. Seamless collaboration among Cardiology, Critical Care, Electrophysiology and Emergency Medicine ensures that ED patients who would benefit from hypothermia are identified quickly and the cooling process is begun immediately—because every minute counts. Within two hours of arriving at Hartford Hospital, Stephanie’s body had been cooled to the target temperature, where it was kept for 24 hours. She received constant, one-to-one care by specially trained nurses. Electrophysiologist Christopher Clyne, MD, diagnosed Stephanie’s heart rhythm problem and, within days, implanted a defibrillator to correct it. Today, thanks to uninterrupted care from collapse to discharge and expert care by a multidisciplinary team at Hartford Hospital, Stephanie is back to pursuing a doctoral degree in pharmacy and, when time allows, playing a pretty mean game of golf. 5 The radiation therapy kicked the liver tumor’s butt and kept me alive. About three weeks after radiation ended, I began to feel better. I’ve always been a spiritual seeker. Prayer and meditation are a big part of my life. I believe all healing comes from an unknown force, and doctors facilitate that energy. Healing has two aspects: One is the healer; the other is the willingness to be healed. Preparing myself spiritually to receive healing contributed greatly to the healing process for me. Dr. Baker and his team are smart and caring. A book, a beach—a great day. 6 I’m a Vietnam vet. My doughter, Leticia, is my inspiration. Luis Colon Cancer Patient Tai Chi and yoga help me feel my best. 7 Luis’s Team At Hartford Hospital, Luis Colon found expert medical treatment that saved his life. Just as important, he found compassionate professionals dedicated to enhancing his comfort and well-being. Timothy Boyd, MD Radiation Oncology W. Jeffrey Baker, MD Medical Oncology David Eisenberg, MD Surgical Oncology 8 Marlene Silvas, RN Patient Navigator Michael Karasik, MD Gastroenterology After radiation, CT scans showed that two of Luis’s three tumors were gone and the third had shrunk significantly. W When Luis Colon was diagnosed with liver cancer, his daughter Leticia, a Hartford Hospital employee, knew there was only one place she wanted her father to be treated: the Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center. Leticia and her father, who was very debilitated, met with Cancer Center staff, who helped Luis obtain health insurance and arranged for him to see surgical oncologist David Eisenberg, MD. Dr. Eisenberg recognized that Luis needed immediate surgery to open the bile ducts blocked by his tumor. Gastroenterologist Michael Karasik, MD, performed the surgery and found what the diagnosing hospital had missed on endoscopy: a complete blockage of Luis’s stomach. Dr. Karasik inserted stents to allow Luis to eat again and to keep his digestive system functioning. Hartford Hospital’s Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center was the first facility in New England—and one of only 30 sites nationwide—selected to pilot the National Cancer Institute’s Community Cancer Centers Program. Radiation oncologist Timothy Boyd, MD, recommended radiation therapy to shrink the tumors. He was open to Luis’s desire to consult a naturopath, as well, asking only that Luis keep him well-informed. During his 10 weeks of radiation therapy, Luis says, the staff was unfailingly kind, sensitive and cheerful, which helped him keep his own spirits up. Patient navigator Marlene Silvas, RN, was by Luis’s side at every step. She talked with him about how he was feeling, made helpful suggestions, called him often and met with him every time he came in for procedures. She also helped him take advantage of Hartford Hospital’s Integrative Medicine resources. The Reiki, massage therapy and acupuncture Luis received helped him feel more relaxed and positive—things he felt were crucial to his ability to get better. Dr. Boyd and medical oncologist W. Jeffrey Baker, MD, continued to monitor Luis’s progress. After radiation, CT scans showed that two of Luis’s three tumors were gone and the third had shrunk significantly. A Vietnam veteran and Rutgers University graduate who was always physically active, Luis today is directing much of his energy toward nurturing the spiritual life that gives him strength and hope. 9 In the weeks before my kidney transplant, the doctors, nurses and transplant coordinator explained everything to me and to my sister, who was donating her kidney. On the day of the surgery, I was anxious, but excited. Afterwards, on the transplant unit, the doctors came in a lot, and the nurses were terrific. I couldn’t believe I was up and walking that first night! Now I’m looking forward to traveling again—maybe cruising the Mediterranean. Now I can travel the world again. 10 My sister, Barbara, gave me a new lease on life. I plan to live it to the fullest. I knew I was in expert hands with Dr. Shames and his team. Sandra Vogel Kidney Transplant Patient 11 Sandra’s Team A team of Hartford Hospital transplant surgeons and urologists worked together to plan and perform a complex kidney transplant that returned Sandra Vogel to health. Steven Shichman, MD Urology Anoop Meraney, MD Urology Brian Shames, MD Transplantation Surgery 12 Anne Lally, MD Transplantation Surgery Matthew Brown, MD Transplantation Surgery Collaborative preoperative planning, precise orchestration and extraordinary skill made a complicated kidney transplant successful. B By June 2008, two bouts with cancer had left Sandra Vogel without kidneys or a bladder. Regular dialysis treatments kept her alive, but they were physically and psychologically taxing and prevented her from doing many of the things she enjoyed. She looked forward to the day when she would be three years cancer-free and therefore eligible for a kidney transplant. Sandra’s sister, Barbara Reynolds, wanted to donate a kidney to her sister, but she had a congenital abnormality in her right kidney that could lead it to fail. Both sisters were patients of Hartford Hospital urologist Steven Shichman, MD. Dr. Shichman monitored Barbara’s condition closely, eventually placing a stent in the troubled kidney to preserve it until Sandra could have a transplant. At last, Hartford Hospital’s Transplant Team determined that Sandra was eligible for transplant. Just as exciting, testing showed Barbara and Sandra were identical matches. Dr. Shichman and fellow urologist Anoop Meraney, MD, met with transplant surgeons Brian Shames, MD, Ann Lally, MD, and Matthew Brown, MD, as well as other Tranplant Team members, to plan the surgeries in detail. They decided using Barbara’s right kidney was preferable, because it could be surgically repaired prior to implantation. The doctors met with both sisters, who agreed with the plan. When the big day came, on Feb. 1, 2012, Drs. Brown and Shichman removed Barbara’s kidney laparoscopically. Dr. Meraney repaired the kidney’s defect. In the operating room next door, Drs. Shames and Lally implanted the kidney in Sandra. Dr. Meraney created a conduit to carry urine from the transplanted kidney out of Sandra’s body, completing the complex procedure. Expertise, collaboration and careful orchestration resulted in a successful transplant. Today both sisters are doing well and have an extraordinary bond they will share for life. Hartford Hospital was the first to offer hand-assisted laparoscopic nephrectomy, a minimally invasive procedure that ensures kidney donors have less bleeding and scarring and a faster, more comfortable recovery. 13 Nobody expects to have hip replacement surgery go fine, but then have two heart attacks, angioplasty and open-heart surgery, all within a few days. That’s what happened to me. Good thing I’d decided to have my hip surgery at Hartford Hospital. When my heart problems suddenly cropped up, all the specialists I needed were right there. Would I go back to Hartford Hospital? Without a doubt. In fact, I wouldn’t think of going anywhere else. Cherished moments with Dr. Gallagher, Dr. Shekhman and my grandson. other great Hartford Hospital docs— the reason I’m still here. 14 My dream is to bike through Tuscany. I love to escape to Florida in the winter. I rode 2,000 miles last year. Now, this is what I enjoy doing! As well as spending Passover with my family. Steve Chanin Orthopedic and Cardic Surgery Patient 15 Steve’s Team Hartford Hospital has the expertise and technology to rise to serious health challenges, whether planned or unexpected. That’s why today Steve is enjoying life with a new hip and a healthier heart. Mark Shekhman, MD Orthopedic Surgery Andrew Feingold, MD Cardiology Robert Gallagher, MD Cardiothoracic Surgery 16 Raymond McKay, MD Interventional Cardiology Within only a few days, Steve had a complex hip replacement, emergency angioplasty and advanced open-heart surgery— all expertly performed by his Hartford Hospital team. S Steve Chanin had been to Hartford Hospital’s Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory several times over 15 years for angioplasty to open his coronary arteries. He had taken good care of himself all that time. So when an old hip replacement performed out-of-state failed and he needed a new one, he was a candidate for surgery. Steve’s hip replacement would be complicated. He had plates and screws in his leg from a 1968 motorcycle accident and a bone that had healed oddly. Replacing the joint would require both advanced skill and special equipment. Hartford Hospital and orthopedic surgeon Mark Shekhman, MD, were up to the challenge. Steve’s hip replacement revision surgery went very well. Hartford Hospital’s new chief of cardiac surgery is nationally renowned surgeon, researcher and educator Robert Hagberg, MD, formerly of Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School. But while still in the recovery room, Steve had a heart attack. He was rushed to the Cath Lab, where interventional cardiologist Raymond McKay, MD, cleared Steve’s artery and placed a stent to keep it open. A few days later, when a second heart attack landed Steve back in the Cath Lab, Dr. McKay cleared the blockage, but he and cardiologist Andrew Feingold, MD, recommended open-heart surgery as a long-term solution. Cardiothoracic surgeon Robert Gallagher, MD, repaired six of Steve’s coronary arteries using sections of blood vessels from Steve’s chest and leg. Dr. Gallagher’s extensive experience and the hospital’s advanced equipment enabled him and the surgical team to perform the extremely delicate procedure while Steve’s heart continued to beat, rather than stopping the heart and using a heart-lung machine. This “off-pump” technique reduces bleeding and complications and is physiologically easier on the patient. Dr. Gallagher uses the off-pump approach for 95 percent of the roughly 150 coronary bypass surgeries he performs each year. And Steve? He’s as active as ever, riding his bicycle 2,000 miles a year, exercising daily, taking yoga and, when the weather turns wintry up north, soaking up the sun on a Florida beach. 17 Our son, Charlie, is alive and healthy today thanks to the Maternal-Fetal Medicine team at Hartford Hospital. Saving Charlie’s life was incredibly challenging, but we always knew we were in expert hands. And everyone was so compassionate and kind. You can’t get care like this from just anybody. These doctors gave us the gift of this child—the gift of being able to hold him and smell him and be with him. We were so grateful, we named our son for Dr. Ingardia. I love being an elementary school teacher. Doctor Ingardia was amazing!! We gave Charlie his name. 18 My family’s my pride and joy. Nothing beats a hearty laugh. I love to travel. I studied abroad and backpacked around Europe. Tien-Tien Chen Women’s Health Patient 19 Tien-Tien’s Team Hartford Hospital’s Maternal-Fetal Medicine physicians are experts in caring for women and babies in high-risk pregnancies. The entire team brought their expertise to bear to save little Charlie’s life. Adam Borgida, MD Maternal-Fetal Medicine 20 Charles Ingardia, MD Maternal-Fetal Medicine Deborah Feldman, MD Maternal-Fetal Medicine The baby weighed only 10 ounces. The umbilical cord was only the size of a pencil, and physicians had to reach a single, tiny blood vessel in it. T Tien-Tien was 18 weeks pregnant with Charlie when she learned she’d been exposed to a common virus that can attack the fetus’s ability to produce the red blood cells that carry oxygen. The fetus’s heart then works extra-hard, trying desperately to pump oxygen through the body. Because the heart is working so hard, the baby can die of heart failure. When Tien-Tien’s team of maternal-fetal medicine specialists determined that the baby was showing signs of heart failure, they recommended an intravascular fetal transfusion to try to get the baby’s system to start producing red blood cells. The procedure would be risky. The baby weighed only 10 ounces. If anything went wrong, nothing could save him. But without the transfusion, he would die. Drs. Charles Ingardia, Deborah Feldman and Adam Borgida gathered to perform the transfusion, which is incredibly delicate and requires a team of experts, each with a crucial role. Using ultrasound imaging, they guided a needle through Tien-Tien’s abdominal wall, uterus and amniotic sac. The umbilical cord was only the size of a pencil, and they had to reach a single, tiny blood vessel in it. They then transfused the fetus with highly concentrated blood, taking care to introduce only a small, carefully calculated amount, so as not to overburden the baby’s already-struggling heart. Tien-Tien’s procedure was especially challenging because of the baby’s small size, his compromised health and his unusual position. It took three transfusions over two weeks before the baby improved. But Tien-Tien—and her physician team—never gave up. The doctors monitored Tien-Tien until the day Charlie was born. He came into the world beautiful and healthy. Tien-Tien and her husband were so grateful that they named their son for one of the doctors who had saved his life. U.S.News & World Report recently ranked Hartford Hospital first in the region in Women’s Health. The top ranking reflects the hospital’s positive outcomes, advanced technologies and wide range of services. 21 EXE CU TIV E LE ADERSHIP TEAM FROM LEFT: Cheryl Ficara, RN, MS Vice President, Patient Care Services Douglas G. Elliot Chair, Board of Directors Stuart K. Markowitz, MD Vice President and Chief Medical Officer Jeffrey A. Flaks President and Chief Executive Officer Message to the Community T This year Hartford Hospital took a number of decisive steps that will help us continue to provide superb care to patients such as those profiled in this report. One of the most significant changes was a restructuring of executive leadership. We recognized that to succeed in a challenging health care environment and continue to build a strong, integrated system of care, Hartford Hospital and our parent organization, Hartford HealthCare (HHC), would each need its own dedicated chief executive. Effective Aug. 1, Elliot Joseph, who had served as president and CEO of both entities, became the president and CEO of Hartford HealthCare. Jeffrey Flaks, formerly executive vice president and chief operating officer of Hartford Hospital and executive vice president of HHC, was appointed the 21st president and CEO of Hartford Hospital. Elliot Joseph joined Hartford Hospital in April 2008 and, in his three years at the helm, inspired the hospital community with a renewed sense of purpose and possibility. He set an ambitious goal for excellence hospital-wide and engaged the talents of people at every level of the organization in the drive to achieve it. He has made an indelible mark on this great institution. We look forward to working with him in his role as head of HHC. Hartford Hospital continues to make strides in the all-important areas of quality and patient safety. As you’ll see on page 27, the hospital excelled in key measures while achieving our highest-ever scores in overall patient satisfaction. Our continuous quality improvement initiative, How Hartford Hospital Works (H3W), played a critical role in our success. The hospital’s clinical programs continue to grow, with patient volume up in several areas, including Cardiac Catheterization, Cardiac Surgery, Stroke, Neuroscience and Orthopedics. 24 The Transplant Program is poised for significant growth. We recruited Patricia Sheiner, MD, as the program’s director. Dr. Sheiner is a nationally recognized expert in liver transplantation who was formerly director of liver transplant and hepatobiliary surgery at Westchester Medical Center. The Transplant inpatient unit was expanded to accommodate approximately twice the number of patients. We created a new Department of Cardiac Surgery and recruited nationally renowned surgeon, researcher and educator Robert C. Hagberg, MD, as its chief. Dr. Hagberg comes to us from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School in Boston, where he was an assistant professor of surgery. This year also saw the establishment of Hartford Specialists, a multispecialty surgical group practice. Formerly a private practice known as Connecticut Surgical Group, the new entity is operated by Hartford Hospital. We continue to enhance our facilities in keeping with HH2020, a 10-year master plan to transform our campus. This year’s major accomplishments included expanding the Center for Education, Simulation and Innovation and the Emergency Department. You’ll find other highlights from the year on page 26. All were made possible by countless people in our hospital community. We thank them for all they do every day to help and heal every patient who turns to us for care. Douglas G. Elliot Jeffrey A. Flaks Chair, Board of Directors President and Chief Executive Officer 25 Selected Highlights of 2011 Accomplishments Quality/Patient Safety Cardiovascular Program Regional Expansion > Achieved highest-ever overall > Recruited a chief of the new > Established new ambulatory patient satisfaction scores > Reduced bloodstream infections by 50 percent. > Reduced ventilator-associated pneumonias by 44 percent. Department of Cardiac Surgery. > Extended pre-hospital EKG transmission network to EMS services to allow faster treatment > Achieved lowest-ever prevalence rate of pressure ulcers. > Attained highest-ever overall patient satisfaction top box scores. > More than 6,000 staff members now participate in H3W, our continuous quality improvement process. > Opened Eye Surgery Center in Newington. Physician Recruitment Center for Education, Simulation > Recruited new director of Epilepsy and Innovation (CESI) and Functional Neurosurgery, > CESI, our regional and national Brendan Killory, MD. training destination, moved to a Operational Excellence and Enfield. of patients with heart attack. > Sustained best-practice level in fall prevention. satellites in Farmington Valley > Recruited new chief of the Division larger space created for it in the of Hospital Medicine, Educational Resource Center. Ajay Kumar, MD, FACP, SFHM. > CESI trained more than 3,300 people in 2011, an 86 percent increase. > It became the first in the country to Research > The Institute of Living won $5.5 in new grants. receive the daVinci Si simulator. Philanthropy Operation Improvements > Developed Patient-Centered Institute Model for Cancer, Cardiovascular, Women’s Health and Neuroscience. Transplant Program > Recruited a new Transplant Program director, two transplant nephrologists and a hepatologist and doubled the size of the inpatient transplant unit. > Performed the first successful > Opened 26 new private inpatient Oncology rooms. > Expanded the Emergency > The hospital received $6.4 million in gifts plus over $800,000 in new pledges. > The annual Black & Red Gala Department by 50 percent, raised $637,000, the most in its adding 26 new patient treatment 20-year history. spaces and other features. The expanded area can accommodate 100,000 visits annually. > Completed a new chapel and Central Scheduling spaces and began construction of a new garage. Awards/Recognition > Ranked number one in the Hartford area in U.S.News and World Report’s first Best Hospitals Metro Area rankings. > Named among “Most Wired” heart-kidney transplant and the hospitals in the U.S. for the fifth first successful heart transplant consecutive year. with an HIV-positive recipient. 26 Facility Enhancements Patient Safety and Quality Statistics Key quality measures show Hartford Hospital’s commitment to excellence in AC U T E M YO CA R D I A L I N FA R C T I O N ( H E A R T AT TA C K ) * H E A RT FA I L U R E S ( P E R C E N TA G E C O M P L I A N C E ) ( P E R C E N TA G E C O M P L I A N C E ) patient safety and clinical care. And even though our scores 100 100 95 80 95 80 90 60 90 60 85 40 85 40 exceed state and national averages, we’re constantly striving to be even better. 80 20 80 20 2011 2010 2011 2010 *A PROCE SS OF CARE MEASU RE IN DICATIN G HOW OFTEN HOSP ITALS GIVE TREATMENTS KN OWN TO ACHIEVE THE BEST RES ULTS. SURGICAL CARE INFECTION PROGRAM (SCIP)** ( P E R C E N TA G E C O M P L I A N C E ) 100 95 80 90 60 85 40 80 20 2011 2010 **SCIP IS A NATIONAL QUALITY PARTNERS HIP FOCUSE D ON IMPROVING THE S AFETY OF SU RGICAL CARE BY REDUCING THE INCIDENCE OF POS T-SURGICAL COMPLICATIONS. 27 Teams of the Year 28 Clinical Team of the Year: < Bloodstream Infection Action Group The Bloodstream Infection Action Group has literally saved lives. This year, thanks to this team’s remarkable efforts, we’ve reduced by 22 the number of patients who developed bloodstream infections while being cared for at Hartford Hospital. That’s a 57% reduction compared to last year. We are now performing at a national best-practice level. BSI steering committee members are: Karyn Butler, Marc Palter, Jamie Roche, Jack Ross, Joyce Sauve, AJ Smally, Lee Steere, Maria Tackett, Stephen Upham and Chris Werner. > Employee of the Year Anne Marie Gorman, LCSW Institute of Living Assessment Center Clinical Support Team of the Year: < Team EXCEED Team EXCEED, made up of 24 members from throughout the hospital, focuses on enhancing the patient experience, which has led to our achieving historic patient satisfaction scores of 67.8%. We moved from the 18th to the 46th percentile in patient satisfaction, which is a magnitude of improvement rarely seen in health care. Team EXCEED members are: Garret Condon, Mike Davis, Laura Dean, Lynn Deasy, Amato DeRosa, Mary Eanniello, Charles Engle, Beatrice Evans, Cheryl Ficara, David Fichandler, Marcia Haytaian, Sarah Hickey, Margaret Julian, Kevin Kenney, Richard Kubica, Jeff Mather, Mike Page, Shauna Pangilinan, Mark Perry, Alison Rapose, Roxann Robinson, Erika Schouten, Amy Schroder and Christine Waszynski. Anne Marie began her career at the IOL in 1972. She earned her MSW in 2000 and moved from Utilization Management to the Assessment Center. She became licensed as an LCSW in 2002. Her commitment to the community extends far beyond her work duties. She leads the Assessment Center’s Backpack Drive, which benefits grammar school children in Hartford. She is also an active member of the Ladies Guild at her church, serving as president and treasurer. While her sons Ryan and Sean were in school, Anne Marie served as an officer of the Bunker Hills Sports Association and PTA. Anne Marie embodies the Hartford Hospital spirit of service through her daily interactions with patients and peers, and in the community. She strives to be innovative in her work, and is always first to volunteer her services. 29 Consolidated Balance Sheet Year Ended September 30 2011 2010 Assets Cash and short-term investments $ Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts 64,109,337 $ 44,299,371 125,443,406 117,359,353 Other current assets 56,334,848 55,203,755 Total current assets 245,887,591 216,862,479 Retricted and Unrestricted investments 453,113,811 403,261,902 Funds held in trust by others 115,839,220 119,917,040 81,481,163 40,644,647 325,855,973 299,013,333 $1,222,177,758 $1,079,699,401 Other assets Property, plant and equipment net of accumulated depreciation Total Assets Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts Payable $ 19,685,830 $ 41,938,359 Salaries, wages, payroll taxes and amounts withheld from employees 18,652,603 22,051,316 Other current liabilities 82,612,858 71,536,643 Total current liabilities 120,951,291 135,526,318 Accrued pension and other liabilities 347,324,571 288,348,215 Bonds payable 191,588,806 62,156,676 Net assets 562,313,090 593,668,192 $1,222,177,758 $1,079,699,401 Total liabilities and net assets 30 Revenue and Expenses Year Ended September 30 2011 2010 Revenue Net Revenue from Services to Patients $ 853,959,278 Other Revenues $ 131,417,344 Total Revenues 800,993,375 131,946,334 $ 985,376,622 $ 932,939,709 $ $ 398,505,926 Expense Salaries 433,339,431 Employee Benefits 128,868,720 100,636,264 Supplies 185,944,354 181,562,261 Purchased Services 157,979,941 158,481,981 Depreciation & Amortization 43,924,697 42,799,056 Bad Debts 12,919,784 37,824,767 1,556,400 614,483 Interest Expense Total Expenses $ 964,533,327 $ 920,424,738 Gain/(Loss) from Operations $ 20,843,295 $ 12,514,971 MEDICARE & MANAGED MEDICARE $ 899,185,521 $ MEDICAID & OTHER GOVERNMENT 301,276,014 MEDICAID MANAGED CARE MANAGED CARE INSURANCE & OTHER Gross Revenue 43.88 82,483,521 90,719,965 $2,049,319,284 $1,901,719,123 Total Expenses (In percentage) Medicare & Managed Medicare Salaries 44.93 43.29 Employee Benefits 13.52 Medicaid Managed Care 4.34 83,088,364 628,979,497 (In percentage) Medicaid & Other Government 14.70 89,029,979 677,344,249 Gross Revenues 44.27 841,854,883 257,076,414 10.93 13.36 Supplies 4.37 19.73 19.28 Purchased Services Managed Care 33.05 33.07 17.22 Depreciation & Amoritization 16.38 Bad Depts Insurance & Other 4.03 2011 4.77 2010 4.55 1.34 0.16 2011 Interest Expense 4.11 2010 4.65 0.07 31 Statistical Highlights DISCHARGES PAT I E N T D AY S (IN THOUSANDS) (IN THOUSANDS) 41,265 40,674 223,555 2011 2010 220,114 AV E R A G E L E N G T H O F S TAY EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS (IN DAYS) (IN THOUSANDS) 5.50 5.33 2011 2010 T O TA L S U R G E R I E S BIRTHS O U T PAT I E N T V I S I T S (IN THOUSANDS) (IN THOUSANDS) (IN THOUSANDS) 3,792 3,760 95,181 94,251 26,442 2011 2010 32 2011 2010 2011 2010 95,405 2011 2010 2011 2010 32,783 95,567 Community Benefit Community Health Improvement Services $2,478,349 Medicaid Shortfall $26,274,854 Health Professions Education $32,301,376 Charity Care $5,295,394 Community Benefit Operations $1,558,665 Community-Building Activities $1,740,172 Financial and in-Kind Contributions $7,218,330 Subsidized Health Services $5,306,450 Research $16,753,971 $98,927,561 T O TA L C O M M U N I T Y B E N E F I T F O R 2 0 1 1 33 Board of Directors AS OF 9.30.2011 Douglas G. Elliot Chair Gregory E. Deavens Joseph C. Henry Gregory M. Jones Roger R. Klene David R. McHale Jarrod B. Post, M.D. Magdalena Rodriguez Andrew L. Salner, M.D. Westley V. Thompson EX OFFICIOS Jeffrey A. Flaks President and CEO Jeffry L. Nestler, M.D. President of the Medical Staff Stuart K. Markowitz, M.D. Vice President of the Medical Staff Board of Governors AS OF 9.30.2011 Ramani Ayer Stewart Beckett, III, DVM* Michael Botelho* James Bowers Gregory E. Deavens Douglas G. Elliot Laura Estes Mary Fox Marilda Gándara Ross Hollander Gregory M. Jones Judith M. Keppelman Brian MacLean Rolando Martinez David McQuade JoAnn Price Richard P. Roberts* Magdalena Rodriguez Susan Rottner Andrew L. Salner, M.D. Paul R.C. Sullivan, M.D. William Trachsel Diann Wienke EX OFFICIO Jeffrey A. Flaks President and CEO Jeffry L. Nestler, M.D. President, Medical Staff Stuart K. Markowitz, M.D. Vice President, Medical Staff The Honorable Pedro Segarra Mayor of Hartford Hospital Erin Healer Co-President, HH Auxiliary Patricia Maciag Co-President, HH Auxiliary *Governor’s Appointees Board of Advisory Governors AS OF 9.30.2011 Stanley Cohen, Esq. Mary Crary H. David Crombie, M.D. James F. English Donald R. Frahm Robert B. Goode Helen B. Gray 34 Dennis Hardcastle William B. Henry, M.D. Marcia L. Hincks Cornelia Hull Michael Z. Lazor, M.D. Merrily Gengras Moynihan Daniel Neiditz Claire M. Pryor Alfred R. Rogers Joseph D. Sargent Frances Seymour DeRoy C. Thomas Martin Wolman Administration Jeffrey A. Flaks President and Chief Executive Officer Thomas Cheryl Ficara, J. Marchozzi, RN, MS CPA Vice Executive President, Vice President Patient Care and Services Chief Financial Officer Stuart Peter Fraser K. Markowitz, MD Senior Vice President, Vice President Human and Resources Chief Medical Officer Betsy Boatman Cheryl Vice President, Ficara,Cardiology RN, MS Vice Program President, Patient Care Services Laurine Bow, PhD Vice President, Research Betsy Boatman Vice President, Cardiology Wendy Elberth Program Vice President, Administration Laurine Bow, PhD Carol S. Garlick Vice Vice President, President, Research Philanthropy Wendy Elberth Karen Goyette Vice Vice President, President, Administration Planning and Marketing Peter Fraser Vice President, Human Resources Donna M. Handley Vice President, Cancer Program Carol S. Garlick Vice President, Philanthropy Lenworth M. Jacobs, MD Vice President, Karen GoyetteAcademic Affairs Vice President, Planning Joseph J. Klimek, MD and Marketing Vice President, Physician Relations Donna M. Handley Vice President, Alan M. LaitesCancer Program Executive Director, Jefferson House Thomas LenworthJ. M. Marchozzi, Jacobs, MD CPA Executive Vice President, Vice President Academicand Affairs Chief Financial Officer Joseph J. Klimek, MD Yvette Vice President, Melendez Physician Vice President, Government and Relations Community Alliances Alan M. Laites Luis Taveras Executive Director, Jefferson Vice President, Information House Services Yvette Melendez Rita Parisi Vice President, Government and Vice President, Rehabilitation Community Alliances Services Rita Parisi Bimal Patel Rehabilitation Vice President, Vice President, Support Services Services Stuart K. Markowitz, MD Bimal Patel Senior Vice President and Chief Vice President, Support Services Medical Officer Jamie Roche, MD Jamie Roche, MD Vice President, Patient Safety Vice President, Patient Safety and Quality and Quality Harold I. Schwartz, MD Harold I. Schwartz, MD Health Vice President, Behavioral Vice President, Behavioral Health Sonal Shah Sonal Shah Chief Compliance Vice President, Vice President, Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer and Privacy Officer Luis Taveras Vice President, Information Services DIRECTORS OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENTS NURSING LEADERSHIP PERIOPERATIVE SERVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY Witold Waberski, MD Cheryl Ficara, RN, MS CARDIOLOGY / CARDIAC CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY SURGERY Robert Hagberg, MD Karen Habig, RN, MS DENTISTRY WOMEN’S HEALTH AND Vernon Y. Kwok, DMD AMBULATORY CARE SERVICES EMERGENCY MEDICINE Janice Cousino, RNC, MSN, CNS Lenworth M. Jacobs, MD MEDICINE / ONCOLOGY MEDICINE Cathy Yavinsky, RN, MS Michael C. Lindberg, MD NURSING INFORMATICS Cardiology Sue Marino, RN, MS Paul D. Thompson, MD NEUROSURGERY / NEUROLOGY / Hospitalist Medicine TRAUMA / ORTHOPEDICS Ajay Kumar, MD NEUROLOGY Maria Tackett, Ed.D, CCRN, CEN Leslie I. Wolfson, MD PSYCHIATRY NEUROSURGERY Ellen Blair, APRN, NEA-BC Inam U. Kureshi, MD EMERGENCY SERVICES / OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY Joel Sorosky, MD OPHTHALMOLOGY Jerry Neuwirth, MD ORTHOPEDICS Bruce D. Browner, MD LIFE STAR Ann Dion, RN, MS, MBA SURGERY / TRANSPLANT / DIALYSIS Cathy Yavinsky, RN, MS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY IMPROVEMENT Greg Bonaiuto, MD Gail Nelson, RN, MS, NEA-BC PATHOLOGY / LABORATORY William T. Pastuszak, MD PEDIATRICS Victor Herson, MD PSYCHIATRY Harold I. Schwartz, MD RADIATION ONCOLOGY Andrew L. Salner, MD RADIOLOGY Ethan B. Foxman, MD SURGERY Orlando Kirton, MD Transplant Patricia Sheiner, MD UROLOGY Steven Shichman, MD 35 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS ACCOUNTING Raymond Kowalski BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Amato DeRosa BUDGET Frederick J. Sorbo, III CARE CONTINUUM Beth Lawlor, RN CFO, EASTERN REHABILITATION NETWORK / HMG Catherine Andersen CLINICAL SERVICES, EASTERN REHABILITATION NETWORK Cynthia DeLaurentis COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING Al Hoffmann DENIAL MANAGEMENT Jennifer Salamone ENVIRONMENTAL AND LAUNDRY RADIATION ONCOLOGY Peter Nagel Susan O’Connell MARKETING RADIOLOGY Lee Monroe Barbara McNeil MARKETING, EASTERN RESPIRATORY CARE / SLEEP REHABILITATION NETWORK DISORDERS CENTER / EEG / EMG Ellen Franks Elizabeth Fowler, RRT, MS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT REVENUE CYCLE BUSINESS Sharon Fried MEDIA RELATIONS Rebecca Stewart RISK MANAGEMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Allison Reynolds Marybeth Scanlon, JD SERVICE Karen E. Welch OFFICE OF PROFESSIONAL VOLUNTEER SERVICES Kelly Boothby Eileen Pelletier Erin McCallom-Estremera PASTORAL SERVICES James Cooke PATIENT ACCESS Becky Peters PATIENT EXPERIENCE David Fichandler PATIENT FINANCIAL SERVICES FOOD AND NUTRITION Shelly McCafferty SERVICES PHARMACY Janice Cannon Michael Rubino FUND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Carla Burgess Mark Cesaro HEALTH INFORMATION PLANT OPERATIONS HEALTH SCIENCE LIBRARIES Shirley Gronholm HUMAN RESOURCES Beverly Sherbondy INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS AND WEB SERVICES Garret Condon IT CLIENT INFRASTRUCTURE Anthony Prete 36 Monica Fowler, LCSW Linda Zizzamia James Baio Cynthia Pugliese SOCIAL SERVICES SERVICES PATIENT SUPPORT SERVICES MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS Jennifer Lewis Kerry Kerr Corporators A Robert P. Albanesi Carol Albert Hilary Allen Carlos Alvarez John Alves R. J. Anderson Raymond S. Andrews, Jr. Arlene S. Angelastro J. Danford Anthony, Jr., Esq. Doris M. Armstrong, RN Philip E. Austin, PhD Ramani Ayer B Ivan A. Backer Louise M. Bailey Michael R. Bangser Gerard Barrieau, Jr. Robert D. Batch Roger S. Beck, MD Ruth Beck W. Marston Becker Anne B. Belanger Jonathan R. Bennett Jenefer C. Berall Rabbi Donna Berman, PhD John A. Berman, Esq. James T. Betts, Esq. Anthony T. Bianca Harold E. Bigler, Jr. Dennis Bisgaard C. Duane Blinn, Esq. Margaret M. Bliss John H. Bloodgood G. Peter Bloom, MD Deborah Blotner Kathleen L. Bolduc David Bordonaro James E. Bowers, Esq. Elizabeth W. Brady, MD Tracy E. Brennan, MD John A. Brighenti Joseph D. Bronzino, PhD Diane F. Brown Donald L. Brown, MD Nannie W.T. Brown Richard A. Brvenik Harold C. Buckingham, Jr., Esq. Judith A. Buckley, MD Ann Bucknam Philip A. Burton John F. Byrnes, Esq. Marla J. Byrnes C Luis Caban Coleman Casey, Esq. Mike Casparino Leon Chameides, MD Jo Champlin Casey David T. Chase Elsie Childs Leslie C. Clark Ruth Clark Brian Clemow, Esq. Sanford Cloud Leonard G. Clough David L. Coffin Jeffrey L. Cohen, MD Naomi K. Cohen H. Bacon Collamore, Jr. Mary Louise Condon, RN Jeanne Conrad Karen P. Conway, Esq. Michael M. Conway, MD Samuel P. Cooley Trygve N. Cooley Timothy H. Coppage John A. Corroon John C. Cosgrove Martin J. Coursey Mary B. Coursey Thomas R. Cox, III James W. Cox-Chapman, MD Mary Crary H. David Crombie, MD Edward B. Cronin, MD Ms. Lillian Cruz D Gerald O. Dahlke Martha G. Dale Brendan Daly, Esq. Michael J. Daly Paul J. Daqui Ethel F. Davis Janet B. Davis Scott K. Davis Nancy G. Dean Greg Deavens Peter J. Deckers, MD Jeannette B. DeJesus Jonathan A. Dixon, MD Kate H. Dixon Jaye Donaldson James E. Dougherty, MD Thomas W. Dugdale, MD Susan B. Dunn E Douglas G. Elliot Shayna Ellovich Susan Ely James F. English, Jr. Linda Estabrook Laura R. Estes Douglas C. Evans F Marcille M. Farr Janet Bailey Faude Wilson H. Faude David R. Fay David S. Federman Joan W. Feldman, Esq. Andrew D. Filler Samuel M. Fingold Hinda N. Fisher Robert L. Fisher, MD John L. Flannery Muriel Fleischmann Garrett S. Flynn Brian J. Foley Evan Fox, MD Mary C. Fox Donald R. Frahm Jean Frahm Arthur W. Frank, Jr. Jerry Franklin Joseph Friedman Sandra Bender Fromson Samuel S. Fuller G Richard F. Gamble Marilda L. Gándara Alexander R. Gaudio, MD Martin J. Gavin Roger A. Gelfenbien E. Clayton Gengras, Jr. Jonathan Gengras Patricia Giardi Robert G. Gilligan, Esq. James Gleason Lynda Godkin Larry Gold Louis J. Golden Maureen Ford-Goldfarb Robert B. Goldfarb William H. Goldfarb Linda Goldman Robert B. Goode, Jr. David Gordon Ellsworth S. Grant Helen Gray Marc A. Green Robert E. Green Arnold C. Greenberg Dolores A. Grenier R. Nelson Griebel Rachel K. Grody Edward Guay H J. C. David Hadden David M. Hadlow Heidi Hadsell, PhD Beverly Hamilton Samuel C. Hamilton Susan S. Hatch Rev. Dr. Barbara E. Headley William B. Henry, MD Alfred Herzog, MD Katherine Herzog J. Gregory Hickey George C. Higgins, PhD Alyce F. Hild David H. Hild, MD Robert L. Hill Faith Himelstein John W. Hincks Marcia L. Hincks Jeffrey S. Hoffman Ross H. Hollander Jeanne Hollister Timothy A. Holt Suzanne M. Hopgood Kathleen M. Hopko Theodore H. Horwitz Cornelia Hull Robert H. Hurwit J Lenworth M. Jacobs, MD Lucille Janatka Arthur N. Johnson Steven A. Johnson Carol N. Jones Gregory Jones James F. Jones, Jr., PhD Jan Jones Richard F. Jones, III, MD Carolyn Joseph K Norman C. Kayser John F. Kearns, III Saundra A. Kee Borges, Esq. Lafayette Keeney Peter G. Kelly, Esq. Jack S. Kennedy Judith M. Keppelman, Esq. Francis J. Kiernan, MD Roger R. Klene Joseph J. Klimek, MD Joan J. Kohn Michael Konover Simon Konover Jack A. Krichavsky Eleanor Krieger Alice Kugelman Thomas P. Kugelman, MD Inam U. Kureshi, MD L Hernan LaFontaine Alan M. Laites Roland H. Lange Sonja L. Larkin-Thorne Christopher Larsen John H. Lawrence, Jr. Margaret W. Lawson Dorothy Lazear Michael Z. Lazor, MD John M. Lee Frank A. Leone, Esq. Robert M. Levin Janet Lewis Paul Lewis F. Peter Libassi Richard B. Lilly, Jr., MD Thomas C. Lincoln Alex Lloyd, Esq. Roger S. Loeb Jerry Long Louise Loomis 37 Worth Loomis Henry B. C. Low, MD Elaine T. Lowengard Tracey L. Lunenburg Joseph G. Lynch, Esq. James B. Lyon, Esq. M William P. Macaulay, MD Anne MacDonald Patricia Maciag Brian MacLean Baxter H. Maffett Jacqueline Gorsky Mandyck Tony March Arthur C. Marquardt Robert S. Martin, MD William B. Martin Gil Martinez Michael J. Martinez Rolando T. Martinez Eric A. Marziali Miguel Matos A. Cynthia Matthews Deborah W. May James McCauley Katherine M. McCormack E. Merritt McDonough, Sr. M. Kathleen McGrory, PhD Catherine Medina, PhD John Meehan Pamela Meehan Judith Melchreit Julio Mendoza Paul E. Mersereau, Esq. Judith C. Meyers Stephen B. Middlebrook Reverend Gary Miller Charles B. Milliken, Esq. Mrs. Mary Mitchell Harold J. Moffie Harvey G. Moger Michael F. Morosky, MD Marjorie E. Morrissey John H. Motley Timothy J. Moynihan, Jr. Thomas F. Mullaney, Jr. Frederick J. Mullen, Jr., Esq. Valentine Murphy N Robert F. Neal Edna N. Negron Arlene Neiditz Daniel M. Neiditz Stacy R. Nerenstone, MD Jeffry L. Nestler, MD William R. Newton Wilfredo Nieves, PhD Stephen L. Nightingale O John F. O'Connell, Jr. Martin J. O'Meara, Jr. 38 Reverend Joanne P. Orlando Rocco Orlando, III, MD Dariush Owlia, MD Cammi Oyabe-Huckman P Daniel I. Papermaster Arlene Parmelee Sam Pasco Robert E. Patricelli David B. Payne Hillary B. Pease Agnes S. Peelle Eddie A. Perez Brewster B. Perkins Judith M. Pinney Jarrod B. Post, MD Rabbi Marshal Press JoAnn Price Claire M. Pryor R Bob Rath John R. Rathgeber Charles Reagan Albert E. Reavill, Jr. William Reis Marilyn Rettig Rodney R. Reynolds Tracy L. Rich John H. Riege, Esq. Ezra H. Ripple, IV Kate Robinson Kenneth Robinson, MD Dr. Galo A. Rodriguez, MPH Lena Rodriguez Alfred R. Rogers Ramon Rojano Lewis B. Rome, Esq. Rabbi James Rosen Robert L. Rosensweig, Esq. Michael A. Rossi, MD Robert S. Rosson, MD Susan Rottner Barbara Rubin Anne Rudder Douglas G. Russell Peter G. Russell S Matthew L. Saidel, MD Andrew L. Salner, MD Romulo Samaniego Joseph D. Sargent Mary Sargent Robert T. Sargent Thomas Sargent Anita Ford Saunders, APR Mark Scheinberg Henry S. Scherer, Jr. Philip A. Schonberger Steven F. Schutzer, MD Cathrine Fischer Schwartz Harold I. Schwartz, MD Adam L. Seidner, MD, M.P.H. Peter Seigle L. Everett Seyler, Jr., MD Allyn Seymour Frances Seymour Anne Shafer Ruben L. Shapiro, MD Patrick J. Sheehan Elena Shichman Steven J. Shichman, MD Richard J. Shima Jane C. Shipp Debbie Shulansky John D. Shulansky Ralph M. Shulansky Steven J. Shulman Glenn A. Sieber Michele Siegel Robert D. Siegel, MD Amy Sills Stephen Sills Robert A. Simons Robert S. Siskin James B. Slimmon, Jr. Alan Jon Smally, MD John J. Smith, PhD Laurence R. Smith, Jr. Robert H. Smith, Jr. Scott H. Smith Jennifer Smith Turner Gwendolyn Smith-Iloani The Honorable Arthur L. Spada Harvey L. Spaunburg, Jr. Marie Spivey, RN Jane P. Springer Peter N. Stevens Dianne Stone John S. Stout Leonard G. Sucsy Edith Gay Sudarsky John R. Suisman Michael Suisman Paul R. C. Sullivan, MD Phillip C. Surprenant T Susan L. Talbott Laurence Tanner Arthur E. Tarantino, MD Lynne S. Tarantino Linda T. Taylor, MD DeRoy C. Thomas Doris Thomas Westley V. Thompson William B. Thomson Samuel H. Title Dr. Humphrey Tonkin Hector Torres William H. Trachsel Stephen J. Trachtenberg, J.D. Pamela Trotman Reid, PhD Richard H. Truex, MD Sharon Truex U Antonina P. Uccello V Douglas H. Viets, MD Priscilla B. Viets Jean B. Vogel Robert J. von Dohlen W Lyn G. Walker Kevin Washington Connie Weaver Morton L. Weinstein Jacqueline Werner Nadine Francis West Edward B. Whittemore Ernest C. Wignall Patricia S. Wildman Wanda D. WilliamsMcCormack James E. Willingham, Sr. Joyce C. Willis Lynn W. Willsey Donald K. Wilson, Jr. Michael Wilson Lisa Wilson-Foley Martin Wolman Y Neil S. Yeston, MD Dona D. Young Roland F. Young, III Z Eric Zachs Henry M. Zachs Paul J. Zimmerman Gordon A. Zimmermann, MD Eugene J. Ziurys, Jr. Trust Funds HELD BY THE TREASURER OF HARTFORD HOSPITAL. FOUNDED ON BEQUESTS AND GIFTS WHICH ARE RESTRICTED TO USE OF INCOME ONLY: Betty Agee Memorial Fund Edwin Aishberg Fund Lucy Brace Allen Free Bed Fund* Marjorie H. Allen Free Bed Fund* Alumnae Association, Hartford Hospital School of Nursing* Mary W. Anderson Fund James P. Andrews Fund Lillian Andrews Free Bed Fund* Harriett Wadsworth Arnold Fund u/w/o Frederick W. Arnold Mary Ogden Avery Memorial Fund Avery-Welcher Free Bed Fund* Beatrice Fox Auerbach Capital Equipment Fund William T. Bacon Free Bed Fund* Eugene Ballard Fund Raphael and Julia R. Ballerstein Free Bed Fund* D. Newton Barney Educational Building Endowment Fund Laura D. Barney Free Bed Fund* Ruth and Roger Beck Fund W. Marston and Katharine Becker Fund Ruth Russell Belding Fund Alice Howard Bennett Free Bed Fund* Samuel Barwick Beresford Free Bed Fund* John M. and Shelly A. Biancamano Fund Helen Sterling Brainard Free Bed Fund for Children* Leverett and Mary Brainard Free Bed Fund* Lyman B. Brainard and Lucy M. Brainard Free Bed Fund Mary B. Brainard Fund* Newton C. and Elsie B. Brainard Fund Amaziah Brainerd Fund* Dorothea H. Brandon Memorial Fund Howard W. Brayton Fund* Alice Stephen Brewster Free Bed Fund* Barbara Bridgman Fund Frances Wood Britton Free Bed Fund* Ruth Talcott Britton Fund John H. Brooks Fund Brooks-Woodford Memorial Fund F.A. and Martha W. Brown Fund Frederick S. and Almera 0. Brown Fund* John D. Brown Fund* Isabel Goodrich Buck Fund i/m/o Francis Goodrich Buck Addie W. Burpee Fund* Angie L. Burr Fund Elsie A. Butler and William N. Butler Fund u/w/o William N. Butler Mary Gleason Camp Memorial Fund Carbone Family Fund Coleman H. and Jo Champlin Casey Fund Natalie Chambers Fund i/m/o Francis Chambers Kathryn Richards Chandler Fund* Mary Robinson Cheney Fund Cheney Brothers’ Free Bed Fund* Children’s Fund* Citizens Endowment Fund Julie J. Gilman Clark Fund for Assistance* Mabel H.P. Clark Social Service Fund Robert J. Clark Endowment Fund Susan S. Clark Free Bed Fund* Fred Cohen Endowment Fund Francis W. Cole Fund Martha Isham Cone Free Bed Fund i/m/o Lillian C. Cone* Charles B. Cook Free Bed Fund* Frank W. Corbin Fund* Florence S. Marcy Crofut Educational Endowment Fund C. Wellington Crosby Fund u/w/o Mathew George Thompson* Daniel P. Crosby Fund Francis Crosby Fund Ralph W. Cutler Free Bed Fund* Ruth Brainard Cutler Fund* Julia W. Ensign Darling Fund Issac B. and Maria Ann Davis Fund u/w/o John 0. Davis Pierpont Davis Fund Calvin Day Free Bed Fund* Edward M. Day Fund L.A. Dickinson Fund* Edward H. Dillon Fund* Austin Cornelius Dunham Laboratory Fund Austin Cornelius Dunham Training School Nurses’ Prize Fund Sarah R. Dunham Fund* Lucius H. Elmer Fund William Ely Free Bed Fund* Endowment 1994 Fund Joseph R. Ensign and Mary P. Ensign Free Room Fund* T.R. Farrell Free Bed Fund* The Maury Ferriter Endowment Fund Anna B. Fischer Free Bed Fund* George H. Fitts Fund Frank J. and Kathryn W. Flynn Memorial Fund George Bushnell Foster Fund James P. Foster Fund Gurdon Fox Fund Moses Fox Free Bed Fund No.1* Moses Fox Free Bed Fund No.2* Emily Fritts Memorial Endowment Fund Bernadine D. Gale Fund u/w/o Philip B. Gale George Gay 2000 Endowment Fund* George H. Gilman, Sr. Fund u/w/o George H. Gilman, Jr. Anna M. Goodwin Fund Daniel M. Goodwin Free Bed Fund* Francis and Mary Goodwin Free Bed Fund* The Rev. Dr. James Goodwin Memorial Free Bed Fund* James Lippincott Goodwin Fund Mary Elizabeth Lincoln Goodwin Bed Fund u/w/o Charles L Goodwin* Rev. Stephen Henry and Helen Woodward Granberry Free Bed Fund* Ella Grasso Scholarship Fund The Neil J. Grey, M.D. Fund for Diabetes C.L. & L.M. Griggs Grohmann Fund u/w/o Carl L. Grohmann Dwight Griswold Lectureship Fund Frank L. and Agnes E. Griswold Fund Christine J. Haas Fund Hannah S. and William P. Haas Fund George Hall Fund No. 1* George Hall Fund No. 2* Harriet Hall Fund Joseph T. Hall Fund Margaret J. Hall Free Bed Fund* Edith May Hart Free Bed Fund* Emma May Hart Fund* Ferdinand Austin Hart Free Bed Fund* Harold and Ethel Hart Endowment Fund Hartford Archdeaconry, Children’s Cot Fund* Norman Hendensted Fund Edward P. Hickmott Free Bed Fund* Elisha E. Hilliard Fund Atbertus S. Hills Fund* Hills Fund u/w/o Carrie E. Hills Knight Frederick W. Hills Fund* J. Coolidge Hills, Ellery Hills and Nancy H. Hills Fund* Drayton Hillyer Fund* Mrs. Henry P. Hitchcock Free Bed Fund* Harold G. Holcombe Fund* Jane Holton Memorial Fund Edward Williams Hooker Free Bed Fund* Hospital Social Service Fund Edmund G. Howe, Willam J. Wood and Frances Howe Wood Fund Charles L. Hubbard Fund Lucius E. Humphrey and Grace H. Humphrey Fund Newman Hungerford Fund No.1* Newman Hungerford Free Bed Fund No.2* 39 Trust Funds Newman Hungerford Free Bed Fund No.3* Institute of Living Endowment Fund Jefferson House Good Samaritan Fund Charles A. Jewell Free Bed Fund* Lyman B. Jewell Fund Katherine W. Johnson Fund The Jonathan Lodge #66 I.O.O.F. and Jonathan Welfare Society Endowment Fund Jennie C. Jones Memorial Fund Edwin B. Judd Fund Junior League of Hartford Free Bed Fund* Keney Fund* Mary J. Keney Fund Edith and Will Kingsbury Fund George W. Klett Fund Robert C. and Leonice M. Knox Fund Henry Kohn Free Bed Fund i/m/o Richard Case Kohn Herman P. Kopplemann Fund Dr. John C. Leonard Fund Hyman Levine Fund James M. Linton Fund Marilyn Lippman Memorial Fund Susan E. Lyon Memorial Fund Morris and Edith Mancoll Fund Augusta M. Manning Free Bed Fund* Edith Oakley Martin Fund u/w/o Richard P. Martin Roland Mather Permanent Fund of the Hartford Hospital Francis T. Maxwell Fund Dr. John Butler McCook Memorial Fund William B. McCray Fund* Harriett Rowley McKown Fund Juliette McLean Free Bed Fund* George J. Mead Fund Charles B. Miller Free Bed Fund* Ella F. Miller Free Bed Fund* Maria L. Moody and Bertram E. Moody Fund for Palliative Care Henry K. Morgan Fund Junius S. Morgan Fund William D. Morgan Fund Grace Root Morris Fund Arnold Henry Moses Fund John C. Niblack Trauma Support Endowment Fund Frederick L. Nichols Endocrine Fund Charles N. Northam Fund* May Rockwell Page Fund Donato Palermino, M.D. Endowment Fund Emma L. Parsons Fund* Emily M.W. Peabody Free Bed Fund* Julia Ripley Pember Free Bed Fund u/w/o Chauncey Pember* Mrs. George C. Perkins Free Bed Fund* Gertrude S. Perkins Free Bed Fund* Lucy Adams Perkins Fund Permanent Fund Charles and Elsie Sykes Phelps Free Bed Fund* Guy R. Phelps Fund Clara Piester Fund u/w/o Everett Piester Ralph and Lula Pinney Fund The Charles Polivy, MD, Surgical Education Fund Charles F. Pond Free Bed Fund* Caroline E. Porter Free Bed Fund* Eliza Storrs Porter Free Bed Fund* John Porter and Caroline E. Porter Fund Camilla Jillson Potter Free Bed Fund* Samuel 0. Prentice Free Bed Fund* William H. Putnam Research Fund Ludwig J. Pyrtek, MD Chair Fund Barbara Coles Ralston Endowment Fund M. Katherine Reis Free Bed Fund* The Ned C. and Janet C. Rice Fund for Excellence Edith Kerr Richards Memorial Fund* Herrick C. Ridlon, MD Fund Charles C. and Emily Cheney Riley Fund Sophia S. Risley Fund No.1 Sophia S. Risley Fund.No. 2 Elvira Evans Roberts Free Bed Fund* Edward K. Root Fund Edward King Root Maintenance Fund Judson H. Root Free Bed Fund* Lewis P. Roraback Fund G. Gardiner Russell Fund Ada Gilbert Russell Fund* Mary I. B. Russell Fund* William C. Russell Social Welfare Fund* William C. Russell and Ada G. Russell Free Bed Fund* William A. Sanborn Free Bed Fund School of Nursing Endowment Fund* Schizophrenia Treatment Fund William G. Sexton Fund Lois and Howard Siegal Endowed Fund for Nursing Excellence Clayton H. Smart Fund for Diabetes Ellen T. Smith Free Bed Fund* Olcott and Lucy Smith Research Fund Dr. Oliver C. Smith Fund No. 1* Dr. Oliver C. Smith Fund No. 2 Dr. Oliver C. Smith Fund No. 3 W. Leslie Smith, MD Fund Joseph S. and Margaret A. Stackpole Fund Staff Memorial Fund Hannah Marcy Starr Free Bed Fund* Melancthon Storrs Fund u/w/o Gertrude S. Perkins Mary Mulready Sullivan Symposium Endowment Fund Frank C. Sumner Fund Alice Taintor Free Bed Fund* The Taylor Fund Madeline Murphy Taylor Fund Isham Terry Fund* Oliver Grant Terry and Amelia Smith Terry Fund u/w/o Mary A. Terry Gertrude D.S. Thompson Free Bed Fund* Hartwell G. Thompson Fund James M. Thomson Free Bed Fund* Thrift Shop Nursing Education Fund Dr. Ralph M. Tovell Fund Nancy and Bill Trachsel Fund The Truex Family Fund for Community Service Grace Tuttle Fund u/w/o Sarah Tuttle and u/w/o William F. Tuttle Jane Tuttle Free Bed Fund for Nurses, etc.* Miles A. Tuttle Free Bed Fund* Sarah Tuttle Free Bed Fund u/w/o Jane Tuttle* William F. Tuttle Free Bed Fund u/codicil to Will of Jane Tuttle* William F. Tuttle Free Bed Fund u/w/o Jane Tuttle* Kate G. Tyler Fund H. Whitney Tyler Fund Bernadette Warren Fund Nathan M. Waterman Free Bed Fund* Ellen M. Watkinson Trust Fund* Arne Welhaven Memorial Library Fund Cassius Welles and Susie Russell Welles Fund u/w/o William C. Russell Mary A. Whaples Fund* Frank L. Wilcox Free Bed Fund* Wildwood Sanatorium Investment Fund Elizabeth W. Williams Free Bed Fund* Eugene Phillips Williams Fund* Josephine Williams Estate Fund i/m/o Lyman B. Jewell Josephine Williams Trust Fund Hattie Johnson Wilson Free Bed Fund* Robert J. Winkler Endowment Fund Solomon and Katie Wohl Free Bed Fund* Bertha B. Woodford Fund Charles G. Woodward Fund Mary S. Woodward Fund Henry I. Wright Fund* * Those starred are “Free Bed” funds which have been given to enable the hospital to provide care to any and all, based on financial need on application. 40 TRUST FUNDS NOT HELD BY THE TRUST FUNDS NOT HELD BY THE TRUST FUNDS HELD BY TREASURER OF THE HARTFORD HOSPITAL. TREASURER OF THE HARTFORD HOSPITAL THE TREASURER OF THE HARTFORD FROM BANK OF AMERICA AS TRUSTEE: JEFFERSON HOUSE. FROM BANK OF HOSPITAL JEFFERSON HOUSE: AMERICA AS TRUSTEE: John G. & Jane M. Austin Trust Edwin H. Bingham Trust Harriet Bundy Est. Trust Willie 0. Burr Trust Elizabeth M. Burt Trust John J. Corning Trust David Crary, Jr, Trust Flora M. Crary Trust Harriet Dickman Trust Emma B. Fehrer Trust George Gay Trust Lelia C. Hunter Trust Charles A. Hunter Trust Emma B. Lane Est. Trust Sarah Pardee Trust Lewis P. Roraback Trust E. Terry Smith Trust Winchell Smith Trust Louise Terry Trust Joseph P. Trumbull Trust Frank W. Weston Trust Anna C.F. Butler Trust George J. Capewell Foundation u/w/o Garafelia Capewell u/w/o George J. Capewell, Jr. u/w/o Mary A. Capewell u/w/o Ida G. Capewell I. Kent Fulton Trust William L. Montogue Ethel Wood Thomas Trust Aaron W.C. Williams Trust Charles G. Woodward Trust Grace Holcomb Humphrey Trust Grace Edith Bliss Trust Grace Edith Bliss Trust u/w/o Frederick S. Bliss David Crary, Jr., Trust Rene H. Hills Trust Sara Pardee Trust Joseph P. Trumbull Trust Frank W. Weston Trust Mary Botsford Trust George J. Capewell Foundation u/w/o Garafelia Capewell u/w/o George J. Capewell, Jr. u/w/o Mary A. Capewell u/w/o Ida G. Capewell William R. Morgan Trust Aaron W. C. Williams Trust Charles G. Woodward Trust Julia S. Reynolds Trust Elizabeth C. Bacon William T. Bacon John F. Baker Fund Alice M. Bartholomew Mary Jane Blackman Fund Brooks-Woodford Memorial Fund F. A. Brown Fund Martha W. Brown Fund Wickliffe S. Buckley Fund Louise S. Bunce Fund Harriet Turner Burnham Fund Silas Chapman, Jr., Fund Mabel H.P. Clark Fund Susan S. Clark Caroline L. Cooley Josephine H. Davis Fund Charles E. Fox Fund u/w/o Frederick K. Fox Bernadine D. Gale Fund Charles S. Goodwin Fund u/w/o Charles L. Goodwin Jessie I. Herriman Fund Elsie M.S. Hills Fund Stephen Hills Fund Mrs. Henry P. Hitchcock Charles L. Hubbard Fund Keney Fund George Rice Lester Fund George S. Lewis u/w/o Cornelia B. Hinsdale Emma Brown Lyman Mary P. Mansfield Fund Eliza F. Mix John Porter and Caroline E. Porter Fund Edward V. Preston and Clara M. Preston Fund Judson H. Root Fund W. C. Russell Fund Ellen T. Smith William L. Sugden Fund Catherine Tuttle Fund u/w/o Sarah Tuttle William Tuttle u/w/o Sarah Tuttle Bertha B. Woodford Fund Charles G. Woodward Fund Mary S. Woodward Fund P. Henry Woodward Fund . 41 Affiliations PRIMARY AFFILIATE OF: AFFILIATE AND PARTNER OF: The University of Connecticut School of Medicine, for both undergraduate and graduate medical education. Hartford Hospital has four residencies plus eleven integrated residencies in conjunction with the Captial Area Health Consortium. The hospital also sponsors eleven Hartford Hospital fellowships and eleven from the integrated program. Dartmouth Medical School for undergraduate medical education. 42 ALLIED HEALTH AFFILIATE OF: Boston University Briarwood College Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Connecticut School of Massage Therapy Goodwin College Ithaca College Manchester Community College Naugatuck Valley Community College New England University Northeastern University Quinnipiac College University of Rhode Island Sacred Heart University Saint Joseph College Simmons College Springfield Technical Community College Springfield College Tufts University Tunxis Community College University of Connecticut University of Hartford University of Vermont Yale University NURSING AFFILIATIONS ASSOCIATE DEGREE Capitol Community College Goodwin College BACCALAUREATE DEGREE Central Connecticut State University Fairfield University Quinnipiac University Saint Joseph College Saint Joseph College of Maine Southern Connecticut State University UMASS – Dartmouth University of Connecticut University of Hartford Utica College Western Connecticut State University MASTER’S DEGREE Boston college Elm College Fairfield University Quinippiac University Russell Sage Sacred Heart University Saint Joseph College State University of NY Stony Brook University Thomas Jefferson University UCONN UMASS – Boston UMASS – Worcester UMASS – Dartmouth University of Hartford University of Phoenix Yale University Medical Staff OFFICERS Jeffry L. Nestler, MD Stacy R. Nerenstone, MD Matthew L. Saidel, MD Jeffrey L. Cohen, MD President Vice President Secretary Treasurer MEDICAL DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS Witold M. Waberski, MD Vernon Y. Kwok, DMD Lenworth M. Jacobs, MD Robert C. Hagberg, MD Michael C. Lindberg, MD Anesthesiology Dentistry Emergency Medicine/Trauma Cardiovascular Surgery Medicine Leslie I. Wolfson, MD Inam U. Kureshi, MD Joel I. Sorosky, MD Jerry Neuwirth, MD Bruce D. Browner, MD Neurology Neurosurgery Obstetrics and Gynecology Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Gregory S. Bonaiuto, MD William T. Pastuszak, MD Victor C. Herson, MD Harold I. Schwartz, MD Andrew L. Salner, MD Otorhinolaryngology Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Pediatrics Psychiatry Radiation Oncology Ethan B. Foxman, MD Orlando C. Kirton, MD Steven J. Shichman, MD Radiology Surgery Urology 43 Medical Staff A Abbate, Darlene F., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Abbosh, Jasmine M., MD; Active, Allergy Abbott, Lincoln F., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Abdelhafiz, Gada M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Abernathy, Evelyn C., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Abraham, Richard I., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Abreu, Joseph E., MD; Active, Cardiology Adamenko, Robert S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Adeniji, Aderonke O., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Aferzon, Joseph, MD; Active, Neurosurgery Aggarwal, Manju, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ahmed, Ayesha, MD; Consulting, Geriatric Psychiatry Ahmed, Batul A., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Ahmed, Irshad, MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Ahmed, Sheikh I., MD; Active, Pediatrics Ahn, William B., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Alba, Jorge, DO; Courtesy, Pediatrics Al-Baghdadi, Yasser A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Albergo, Patrick F., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Albert, Ross H., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Albertsen, Peter C., MD; Courtesy, Urology Alder, William C., MD; Active, Psychiatry Alekshun, Todd J., MD, R.Ph; Active, Hematology/Oncology Allan, Thomas R., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Alleman, Kim M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Allen, Gretchen L., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Alleyne, Kenneth R., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Altman, Arnold J., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Altman, Larisa, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Altonji, Paul F., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Alvarez, James, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Alvaro, Vincent M., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Amato, Kristina M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Ambrogio, Riccardo I., DMD; Courtesy, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Ambrose, Susan M., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Amenta, Sarah L., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Anastasio, George D., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Anderson, Elizabeth A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Anderson, Lisa N., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Anderson, Seren T., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Anquillare, Joseph T., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Anwar, Mohammed S., MD; Courtesy, Pulmonology Anyatonwu, Samuel K., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Apoeso, Olusegun A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Arafeh, Mehadin K., MD; Psychiatry Archambault, Michael B., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Arky, Lawrence M., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Aron, Michael, MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Aronow, Michael S., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Arose, Bruce P., MD; Active, Radiology Ash, Jenifer, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Ashmead, Duffield, MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Ason, Regina, MD; Active, Radiology Assaad, Margaret W., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Athay, Lauren M., MD; Active, Pediatrics 44 Atton, Andrew V., MD; Active, Dermatology Auclair, Mary Eileen, PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Aurin, Gretchen B., MD; Anesthesiology Austin, Duane F., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Avanecean, Donna M., APRN; Adjunct, Neurology Ayers, Amanda S., MD; Courtesy, Colon and Rectal Surgery Ayre, Mary, MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Aziz, Rehan, MD; Active, Psychiatry Aziz, Zeeshan S., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Azocar, Jose, MD; Active, Internal Medicine B Babigian, Alan, MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Baboolal, Brent, MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Bacall, George, MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Bader, Mohammad Y., MD; Neonatology Baginski, Andrew G., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Baginski, Patricia A., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Baker, Lisa S., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Baker, W. Jeffrey, MD; Active, Oncology Balakrishna, Srimathi, MD; Active, Pediatrics Balarezo, Fabiola S., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Balazs, Denes V., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Balcom, Patricia L., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Balla, Robert A., DMD; Active, Endodontics Banack, Sherry, MD; Active, Pediatrics Banas, Robert, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Banco, Leonard I., MD; Active, Pediatrics Banerjee, Arjun, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Banerjee, Sanjay, MD; Active, Psychiatry Banerjee, Saumitra R., MD; Courtesy, Colon and Rectal Surgery Banever, Thomas C., MD; Active, General Surgery Bansal, Anu, MD; Active, Radiology Banta, John V., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Bargielski, Brenda J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Barksdale, Susan B., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Barmpouletos, Dimitrios, MD; Internal Medicine Barnes, Diane M., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Barnett, Dorien S., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Barnett, Peter R., MD; Active, Orthopedics Barrows, Meredith W., MD; Active, Pediatrics Bartus, Christine M., MD; Courtesy, Colon and Rectal Surgery Bash, Jeffrey A., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Bason, Margaret M., MD; Courtesy, Dermatology Bass, David M., MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Basu, Sudeshna, MD; Active, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Baumer, Amy L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Baweja, Harpreet S., MD; Active, Radiology Baxter, Andrew R., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Beam, Harold E., MD; Courtesy, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Beatson, Elizabeth V., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Beaulieu, Brian L., MD; Internal Medicine Becherl, Rohini R., MD; Active, Geriatric Medicine Becker, Gerald J., MD; Active, Orthopedics Bedard, Robert M., MD; Active, Allergy Beebe, Roy D., MD; Active, Orthopedics Beggins, Thomas J., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Bell, David P., DMD; Consulting, Dentistry Beller, Peter J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Bellini, Sandra L., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Bender, Jean M., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Benjamin, Marc A., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Benson, Scott M., DO; Active, Nephrology Benthien, Ross A., MD; Active, Orthopedics Bentivegna, Joseph F., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Bentman, Adrienne L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Berke, Adrienne B., MD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Berkowitz, Samuel, DPM; Consulting, Podiatric Surgery Berman, Elliot S., DDS; Active, Dentistry Bernier, Annmarie, APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Bernier, James A., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Bernier, Maria M., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Berning, Richard A., MD; Pediatric Cardiology Bernstein, Frederic J., DO; Active, Pediatric Cardiology Berry, Cecile D., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Bertsch, Helaine F., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Bevilacqua, Richard G., DMD; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Bezahler, Ronald C., MD; Consulting, Ophthalmology Bhagat, Smita J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Biello, Christina A., DO; Active, Anesthesiology Bilchik, Tanya R., MD; Active, Medicine Binder, Thomas B., MD; Active, Pediatrics Bisanzo, Mark C., MD; Emergency Medicine Bisbee, Susan W., LaC; Adjunct, Medicine Biskup, Joan M., PA-C; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Bissell, Kristin F., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Bissell, Scott A., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Black, James C., MD; Active, Psychiatry Blair, C. Lee, MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Blank, Karen, MD; Active, Psychiatry Blechner, Jack N., MD; Obstetrics & Gynecology Blinder, Jordan L., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Blitzer, Avrum H., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Block, Robert L., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Blomstrom, Sara A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Bloom, G. Peter, MD; Active, General Surgery Bloom, Ronald J., MD; Courtesy, Cardiology Blount, Kevin J., MD; Active, Radiology Bluth, Lawrence S., MD; Active, Neurology Bly, KC, LNM; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Bocciarelli, Paul A., DMD; Courtesy, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Boden, Scott A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Bogli, Carl, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Boisseau, Angela S., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Boland, Carl J., MD; Active, Neurology Bolton, Lauri D., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Bombassei, Gregory J., MD; Active, Endocrinology Bonaiuto, Gregory S., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Bonanni, Craig C., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Bond, Steven D., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Bondi, Laura J., LNM; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Boolbol, Robert J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Borer, Steven M., DO; Active, Cardiology Borgida, Adam F., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Borkowski, Robert, MD; Active, Cardiology Borrus, Daniel S., MD; Internal Medicine Bosso, Anna J., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Bouchard, Amy R., DO; Active, Anesthesiology Bourque, Michel D., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Surgery Bow, Laurine M., PhD; Consulting, Internal Medicine Bower, Bruce F., MD; Consulting, Medicine Bowman, Bruce, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Boyd, Timothy S., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Boyer, Matthew E., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Boynton, Whitney A., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Bozeman, Patricia K., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Bracale, Laura M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Brady, Elizabeth W., MD; Active, General Surgery Brauer, Lee D., MD; Active, Psychiatry Brauer, Rima L., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Brautigam, Robert T., MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Brazell, Hema D., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Breiter, Jeffrey R., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Brennan, Mary T., APRN; Adjunct, Cardiology Brennan, Sean T., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Brennan, Tracy E., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Brennan-Centrella, Mary, APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Brewer, Molly A., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Brewer, Phillip A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Bridburg, Richard M., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Briden, Linda L., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Briggs, Maria G., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Brigham, Margaret W., APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Brodey, James F., MD; Active, Psychiatry Bronkie, Jennifer L., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Brooks, Tameka L., APRN; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Brown, Amy K., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Brown, Colleen M., APRN; Adjunct, Transplantation Surgery Brown, David L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Brown, Edwin J., LaC; Adjunct, Medicine Brown, Jeffrey M., MD; Active, Radiology Brown, Jeffrey R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Brown, Matthew G., MD; Active, Transplantation Surgery Brown, Meredith B., PA-C; Adjunct, Pediatrics Brown, R. Timothy, MD; Active, Radiology Brown, Scott L., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Brown, Seth M., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Brown, Steven H., MD; Courtesy, Colon and Rectal Surgery Brown, Steven J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Brown, Theresa J., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Browner, Bruce D., MD; Active, Orthopedics Bruns, Sarah H., PA-C; Orthopedics Bryant, Michael C., APRN; Adjunct, Surgical Critical Care Bryon, Lori A., PA-C; Adjunct, Pediatrics Buatti, Erika S., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Bube, Nicholas H., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Buch, Peter S., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Buckley, Judith A., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Buckman, Ronald L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Bugliari, Richard A., MD; Active, Cardiology Bullard, Sarah E., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Bundy, Robert J., MD; Active, Pulmonology Bunke, Frederick J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Buonomano, Ronald J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Burgmyer, Leonard J., PA-C; Emergency Medicine 45 Medical Staff Burnham, Robert T., PhD; Psychiatry Burns, Jeffrey K., MD; Active, Orthopedics Burris, Heather H., MD; Courtesy, Neonatology Burstein, David B., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Burton, Kevin J., MD; Active, Orthopedics Burton, Nancy J., LNM; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Bush, Frank J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Bushley, David M., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Bustos, Arsenio M., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Butler, Karyn L., MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care C Cahill, Joan D., LCSW; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Cahill, Johanna B., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Cahill, Theresa A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Calderon, Stephen F., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Callahan, Kara A., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Calnen, Gerald, MD; Active, Pediatrics Campbell, Brendan T., MD, MPH; Courtesy, Pediatric Surgery Campbell, Carol L., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Campbell, Michelle M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Cantin, Jeffrey A., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Cappa, Joseph A., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Cappadona, John T., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Cappelluti, Erika, MD; Active, Pulmonology Cappiello, Angela, MD; Active, Psychiatry Capps, Stephanie D., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Caputo, Andrew E., MD; Active, Orthopedics Cardillo, Jennifer M., PA-C; Adjunct, Urology Cardon, James P., MD; Active, Cardiology Carey, Lindsay N., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Carignan, Eva M., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Carley, Matthew D., MD; Active, Nephrology Carley, Nina H., MD; Active, Infectious Disease Carlton, Richard D., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Carney, Maureen E., CRNA; Anesthesiology Carriero, Lucy, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Carroll, Christopher L., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Intensive Care Carroll, Wendi S., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Carter, Allen L., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Carter, Loni M., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Cartun, Richard W., PhD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Caruso, Jennifer A., PsyD; Consulting, Psychology Caruso-Bergman, Marcia, APRN; Adjunct, Oncology Casey, David M., MD; Active, Cardiology Casey, Zoe C., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Castanon, Lourdes, MD; Active, Trauma Surgery Castiglione, Charles L., MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Castner, James J., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Catalano, Carmen I., LaC; Adjunct, Medicine Cavanagh, Norman J., DMD; Active, Surgery Cavanna, Christopher A., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Cavo, Charles A., DO; Obstetrics & Gynecology Cech, Alex C., MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Ceruzzi, William, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Chacko, Elizabeth M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Chaderjian, Lisa A., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Chagnon, Raymond J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine 46 Chaletsky, David M., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Chamberlain, Robert D., MD; Courtesy, Cardiology Chang, Mary W., MD; Active, Pediatric Dermatology Chartier, Timothy K., MD; Active, Dermatology Chartoff, Stanley E., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Chawla, Gaurav, MD; Active, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Chawla, Surendra K., MD; Consulting, Surgery Cheema, Amber S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Cheema, Faiqa A., MD; Active, Infectious Disease Cheema, Mohiuddin, MD; Active, Vascular Surgery Cheffer, Eric T., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Cherrone, Deanna M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Cherry, Anton R., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology/Pain Management Cherry, David A., MD; Courtesy, Colon and Rectal Surgery Chin, Daniel W., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Chin, Mark T., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Chittoori, Shatya S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Chmael, Susan E., APRN; Medicine Chozick, Bruce S., MD; Courtesy, Neurosurgery Christie, Donna-Marie E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Chrostowski, Violetta M., APRN; Surgery Chu, Chan, PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Chukwumah, Chike V., MD; Active, General Surgery Chung, David Y., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Chung, Kyung H., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Cicchetti, Mary N., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Ciccolini, Darren, PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Cieck, Mindi M., APRN; Adjunct, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Ciesielski, Thomas E., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Ciocca, Cristina L., PsyD; Consulting, Psychiatry Cipolla, Donna M., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Cleary, Francis B., DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry Clerkin, Edward A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Cloutier, Michelle M., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Pulmonology Clubb, Mariann, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Clyne, Christopher A., MD; Active, Cardiology Coates, Amy C., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Coen, John J., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Cohen, Eric D., MD; Active, Psychiatry Cohen, Gary M., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Cohen, Gary P., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Cohen, Jeffrey L., MD; Active, Colon and Rectal Surgery Cohen, Mario, MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Cohen-Abbo, Alberto, MD; Active, Pediatrics Colburn, Jessica L., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Colfer, Jaclyn, PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Coller, David, APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Collins, Sarah A., MD; Obstetrics & Gynecology Collins, Kevin L., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Collins, Rochelle L., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Collins, Seth W., PA-C; Adjunct, Radiology Collins, Siobhan C., MD; Active, Dermatology Cologne, Denise E., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Conard, Frederick U., MD; Active, Radiology Conley, Thomas E., MD; Courtesy, Neurology Connors, Meaghan L., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Conrad, Cynthia D., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Conrad, William D., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Contrino, Josephine, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Conway, Michael M., MD; Active, Pulmonology Conway, Stephen R., MD; Active, Neurology Cookson, Marci A., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Coombes, Barbara J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Cooney, John R., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Cooper, Brian W., MD; Active, Infectious Disease Cooper, Martin M., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Corbett, Helen M., MD; Active, General Surgery Corbett, Lisa Q., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Corcoran, Della M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Corcoran, Patrick J., MD; Active, Cardiology Cordiano, Alexis M., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Cornachio, Christine M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Corrao, Maria K., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Corrow, Cathy L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Cortland, Edward T., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Cortland, Renee C., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Cosgrove, Christine F., APRN; Adjunct, Cardiology Costello, Ruth, CRNA; Anesthesiology Coughlin, Bret F., MD; Active, Radiology Couture, Christine A., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Covello, Mary G., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Covington, Theresa M., PhD; Psychology Cox-Chapman, James W., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Craig, Steven L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Cremins, Michael S., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Crespo, Eric M., MD; Active, Cardiology Croce, Kathleen, PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Crombleholme, William R., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Crone, Margaret B., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Cronin, Edward B., MD; Active, Radiology Crowley, Ellen M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Cullen, Amanda J., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Curiale, Steven V., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Curley, Timothy M., DO; Active, Nephrology Curtis, David E., MD; Active, General Surgery Cushman, Natalie C., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Cusick, Eileen R., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Cusick, Kathleen M., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Cyr, Mary-Ann, APRN; Adjunct, Cardiac Surgery Czarnecki, Gregory R., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Czarnowski, Marc J., DMD; Active, Dentistry Czick, Maureen E., MD; Active, Anesthesiology D D’Agostino, Darrin C., DO; Active, Internal Medicine D’Alessandri-Silva, Cynthia J., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Nephrology D’Alfonso, Kristin J., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine D’alo, Julia M., MD; Emergency Medicine D’Avella, John F., MD; Active, Nephrology D’Occhio, Marzena S., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology DaCosta, Maria M., MD; Active, Psychiatry DaCruz, Jason N., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Daddario, Michelle M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Daggett, Deanne, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Daigneault, Maria S., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Dailey, Mark E., MD; Active, Hematology Dainiak, Sarah G., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Daman, Lauren A., MD; Active, Dermatology Dana, Maureen, MD; Active, Geriatric Medicine Danitz, Mitchell, PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Dardick, Kenneth R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Dayton, Margot H., MD; Active, Pediatrics De Maio, Mara M., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Debin, Adam M., DO; Active, Anesthesiology Decalo, Niv E., MD; Active, Radiology Decker, Jennifer L., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Deckers, Elizabeth A., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Deegan, Patrick S., PA-C; Adjunct, Radiology DeForest, Kelly M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery DeFusco, Patricia A., MD; Active, Oncology DeGiovanni, James C., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry DeGraff, Arthur C., MD; Active, Pulmonology DeJesus, Daniel, PA-C; Adjunct, Radiology Dekker, Paul T., MD; Active, Hematology Delgado, Joao H., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine DeLisa, Abigail L., APRN; Adjunct, Radiation Oncology DeLucia, Orlando, MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery DeMarcaida, J. Antonelle, MD; Active, Neurology deMayo, Richelle L., MD; Active, Pediatrics DeSantis, Carla, MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Deshaies, Michael R., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Deutsch, Larry, MD; Active, Pediatrics Dezi, Cynthia J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Dhingra, Sachin, MD; Active, Pediatrics Diamen, Sharon A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Diamond, Peter H., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Dias, Srianee M., MD; Courtesy, Pathology/Lab Medicine Dibala, Richard P., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Dick, Leslie S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Dicks, Barbara, APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Dicks, Robert S., MD; Active, Geriatric Medicine Dickson, Rolland C., MD; Active, Hepatology Diefenbach, Gretchen J., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Dieterich, Steven R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine DiGiuseppe, Joseph A., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine DiLoreto, Ann Marie, APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry DiLuigi, Andrea J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology DiMario, Francis J., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Neurology Dinowitz, Kevin, MD; Active, Ophthalmology Dintyala, Venkata N., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine DiStefano, Leo J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Divinagracia, Thomas V., MD; Active, Vascular Surgery Dixon, Andrea G., MD; Active, Pediatrics Dixon, Jonathan A., MD; Active, Rheumatology Dizon, Tabor D., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Dobrita, Alina I., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Doelger, Peter J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Dolan, Thomas C., DDS; Active, Dentistry Dolin, Scott L., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Dolinsky, Paul A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Domenichini, David J., MD; Active, Endocrinology Dominguez, Yuri L., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Donahue, Ann S., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine 47 Medical Staff Donahue, George M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Donaldson, James O., MD; Active, Neurology Donnelly, Alyssa A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Donnelly, Susan L., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Donovan, Thomas J., MD; Surgery Donovan, Elaine G., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Donshik, Peter C., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Doody, Amy D., PA-C; Adjunct, Radiology Dornelas, Ellen A., PhD; Consulting, Cardiology Dougherty, James E., MD; Active, Cardiology Dowsett, Robert J., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Drake, Mary-Jo, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Drescher, Michael J., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Dua, Neeru C., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Dubey, Prachi, MD; Active, Radiology Duchesneau, Nicole M., APRN; Medicine Dufel, Susan E., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Duffy, Allyson N., MD; Active, Pediatrics Dugdale, Thomas W., MD; Active, Orthopedics Duggan, William J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Duncan, Brett H., MD; Active, Cardiology Dunn, Nicole, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Durstin, Holly, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Dutta, Ritu, MD; Obstetrics & Gynecology Dworkin, Paul H., MD; Active, Pediatrics Dwyer, Mary Ellen, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Dym, Hal M., DMD; Active, Dentistry Dziedzic, Katie L., APRN; Adjunct, Cardiology Dziedzic, Mark R., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine E Earle, Jonathan S., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Ebbets, Judith A., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Edwards, Martin G., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Edwards, Randolph E., MD; Active, General Surgery Edwards, Shernett M., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Ehle, Leah K., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Ehlers, William H., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Einstein, Margaret H., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Einstein, Michael M., MD; Active, Hepatology Eisen, Marc D., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Eisenberg, David P., MD; Active, Surgical Oncology Eisenberg, Ellen, DMD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Eisenfeld, Leonard I., MD; Active, Neonatology Eisler, Jesse G., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Elaba, Wilfred P., MD; Active, Geriatric Medicine Elaba, Zendee P., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine El-Hachem, Roger R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Elis, Cynthia C., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Elliott, Michelle A., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Ely, Matthew G., MD; Active, Urology Emerick, Geoffrey T., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Emmel, David K., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Engmann, Lawrence L., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Engster, Peter W., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Eppler, Annette L., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Erdil, Michael, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Erickson, Carol J., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Erman, Spencer G., MD; Active, Internal Medicine 48 Ernstoff, Jon J., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Erol, Ali O., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Eror, Ellyssa L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Estime, Pierre H., DO; Courtesy, Medicine Estrada, D. Elizabeth, MD; Consulting, Pediatrics Evans, Elizabeth Y., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Everhart-Caye, Maria A., MD; Active, Nephrology Ewald, Edward M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ezem, Mary C., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology F Factor, Jeffrey M., MD; Active, Pediatric Allergy Fadakar, Parvin, MD; Active, Pediatrics Fagan, Patricia L., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Fagnant, Daniel P., DO; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Falcon, Manuel A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Fang, Yu Ming Victor, MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Fantl, Eugene, MD; Active, Pediatrics Farber, Sharon S., MD; Active, Geriatric Medicine Farquhar, Thomas H., MD; Active, Radiology Farrell, Elisabeth H., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Farrell, John M., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Farrell, William J., MD; Active, Cardiology Farwell, Mary E., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Fasy, Elizabeth A., MD; Active, Endocrinology Faucher, Sue-Ann, PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Fecteau, Scott R., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Feingold, Andrew D., MD; Active, Cardiology Feingold, David A., MD; Courtesy, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Feldman, Deborah M., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Feldman, Thomas A., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Felice, Kevin J., DO; Courtesy, Neurology Feller, Christina M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Femino, Suzanne, APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Fenton, David T., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ferlan, Virginia S., MD; Courtesy, Obstetrics & Gynecology Fernandez, Aida, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Fernandez, Janice L., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Ferrand, Jennifer L., PsyD; Consulting, Psychology Ferraro-Borgida, Melissa J., MD; Active, Cardiology Ferrarotti, Ruth A., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Ferrer, Fernando A., MD; Courtesy, Urology Ferris, Charlene, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Ficara, Robert J., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Fiel-Gan, Mary D., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Fierer, Edwin J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Finck, Christine M., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Surgery Fine, Alan, MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Finelli, Pasquale F., MD; Active, Neurology Fink, Judd B., DDS; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Finn, Heather A., LaC; Adjunct, Medicine Firshein, Stephen I., MD; Active, Hematology Fischer, Nathan R., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Fischer, Richard D., MD; Active, Orthopedics Fischler, Adam H., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Fisher, Daniel G., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Intensive Care Fisherkeller, Mark, MD; Active, Cardiology Fishman, Theodore D., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Flescher, Robert, MD; Active, Gastroenterology Fletcher, Mark C., DMD; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Fletcher, Susan H., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Flowers, Alexandra, MD; Active, Neurology Fogel, Cathryn A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Fogel, Denise L., PsyD; Consulting, Psychology Fogg-Waberski, Joanna H., MD; Active, Psychiatry Folk-Barron, Lori, PsyD; Consulting, Psychology Fons, Anthony L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Ford, Peter A., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Forner, Leonard E., MD; Active, Pediatrics Fortier, Alexander J., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Fortier, Lawrence J., MD; Active, Dermatology Foster, John E., MD; Active, Radiology Foster, Ruth L., APRN; Adjunct, Neurology Fote, John J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Fowler, Gail M., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Fowler, Shelly A., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Fox, Brendan M., MD; Consulting, Urology Fox, Evan, MD; Active, Psychiatry Fox, Yolanda B., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Foxman, Ethan B., MD; Active, Radiology Fradkin, Yuli, MD; Active, Psychiatry Frallicciardi, Alise, MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Fram, Daniel B., MD; Active, Cardiology Frattini, Julia A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Freedman, Eileen, MD; Active, Pediatrics Freeman-Bosco, Linda S., APRN; Adjunct, Cardiac Surgery Freess, Daniel B., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Freilich, Cecille R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Freund, Jennifer S., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Friedman, Matthew, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Friedman, Meir, MD; Active, Cardiology Friedman, Traci A., MD; Active, Pediatrics Fritts, Lori L., MD; Active, General Surgery Fromson, Thomas N., MD; Active, Pediatrics Frontera, Yolanda P., DDS; Courtesy, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Fulco, Michael N., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Fulkerson, John P., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Fuller, Robert P., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Furnelli, Victoria P., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Fusco, Daniel S., MD; Active, Cardiac Surgery G Gabow, Andrew G., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Gagne, Kelli P., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Galati, Kimberly R., CRNA; Anesthesiology Galbraith, David A., DMD; Courtesy, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Gallagher, Carol W., APRN; Adjunct, Gastroenterology Gallagher, James J., MD; Active, Vascular Surgery Gallagher, Robert C., MD; Active, Cardiac Surgery Gallegos, Rafael, PsyD; Consulting, Psychology Gallucci, Nicholas T., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Galvin, J. Robert, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ganeles, Andrew, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ganeles, Carolyn, MD; Active, Pediatrics Ganga, Harsha V., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Gange, Robert J., DDS; Active, Dentistry Gannon, Shanna M., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Garcia, Dawn M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Garrett, Audrey L., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Garrison, Beth A., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology/Pain Management Garrison, John M., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Garvin, Vicki L., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Gaskell, Alexis M., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Gaudio, Alexander R., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Gaudio, Paul A., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Gauthier, Kathy D., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Gaynor, Mark, LCSW; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Gelb, David A., DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry Gelber, Barry J., DDS; Active, Periodontics Gelwan, Jeffrey S., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Gemayel, Carol Y., MD; Active, Cardiology Genser, Stuart S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Gerace, James R., PA-C; Adjunct, Neonatology Gerace, Joseph F., DO; Active, Anesthesiology Ghiglia, Christine K., LNM; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Gianferrari, Elisa A., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Giannelli, Kyla E., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Gianoli, Daniel J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Gianoli, Dennis S., DDS; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Gigstad, Joan E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Gilbert,, MD; Active, Ophthalmology Gildersleeve, Kristin S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Gildersleeve, Robert K., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Gilliam, Christina M., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Gingold, Michael P., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Gionfriddo, Robert J., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Girard, Alyssa B., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Glasmann, Ross A., MD; Obstetrics & Gynecology Glazer, Catherine S., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Gleason, Ellen E., APRN; Surgery Gleason, Patricia D., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Gletzakos, Peter, DMD; Active, Dentistry Glickstein, Marc F., MD; Active, Radiology Gluck, Jason A., DO; Active, Cardiology Glucksman, William J., MD; Active, Radiology Glynn, Tammy L., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Goethe, John W., MD; Active, Psychiatry Goldberg, Frank E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Goldberg, Morton H., DMD; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Goldblatt, Steven B., MD; Active, Cardiology Goldenberg, Steven A., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Goldman, Jonathan F., DMD; Active, Dentistry Goldstein, Laurence J., MD; Active, Psychiatry Golioto, Michael J., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Goller, April L., DO; Active, Hospital Medicine Golub, Robert J., MD; Active, Cardiology Gonzalez, Kimberly, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Gonzalez, Marbelia C., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Googel, Fredric R., DMD; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Gooneratne, Tilak C., MD; Pediatrics Gordon, Donald E., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Gordon, Jennifer L., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Gorenbeyn, Aleksandr, MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Gorski, Kelly A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology 49 Gorusu, Madhavi, MD; Active, Hematology Goslee, Julie M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Goss, Bennett S., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Goupil, Michael T., DDS; Courtesy, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Gowd, B.M. Pampana, MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Goykman, Karina, DDS; Active, Periodontics Grady-Benson, John C., MD; Active, Orthopedics Graham, Gerard F., DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry Graham, Neville J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Graniero, Richard A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Granquist, John D., MD; Active, Cardiology Grant, Robert J., MD; Emergency Medicine Grant, Jennifer H., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Grant Kels, Jane M., MD; Active, Dermatology Graves, Virginia L., APRN; Pediatrics Graydon, R. James, MD; Active, Urology Grayson, Richard J., DPM; Consulting, Podiatric Surgery Graziani, Catherine C., DO; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Greco, Deedee S., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Green, Logan L., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Greene, Ira M., DDS; Courtesy, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Greene, John F., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Greene, Judith K., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Greenfield, David N., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Greenspan, Beverly N., MD; Active, Neurology Greenstein, Robert M., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Greenwood, Martha M., MD; Active, Radiology GRIFFIN, JENNIFER L., LNM; Obstetrics & Gynecology Grimes, Edward P., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Grindle, Christopher R., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Grindle, Cynthia, APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Grinspan, Gregg H., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Griss, Melina E., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Griswold, Pamela C., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Grodofsky, Marshall P., MD; Active, Pediatric Allergy Groff, S. Kathleen, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Grogan, Brian J., MD; Active, Radiology Gross, Erica R., MD; Surgery Gross, Jeffrey B., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Guanco, Basilio M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Guardino, Paul A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Guay, Nancy J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Guerin, Elizabeth T., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Guerin, Erik R., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Guerra, Arthur J., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Guertin, Cheryl L., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Guertin, Danette C., APRN; Adjunct, Cardiology Guida, Kristen M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Gupta, Ankur V., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Gurtman, Frances B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Gurtowsky, Nathan P., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Gwozdecke, Steven N., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Gwozdz, Theresa H., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology H Habelow, Wendy F., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Haber, Lawrence C., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Hackman, Janet T., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Hadi, Syed U., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine 50 Hagadorn, James I., MD; Active, Neonatology Hagberg, Robert C., MD; Active, Cardiac Surgery Haggerty, Bryan P., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Haider, Jawad, MD; Active, Cardiology Hall, William C., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Hallisey, Michael J., MD; Active, Radiology Hamel, Wallace J., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Hameroff, Harvey J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Hammond, Jonathan A., MD; Active, Cardiac Surgery Hanjan, Kawal, PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Hannan, Scott E., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Harding, Richard H., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Harrington, Corinne E., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Hartnett, Janice M., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Harvey, Richard C., MD; Active, Pediatrics Hashmi, Ali I., MD; Medicine Hassan, Mohamed N., MD; Active, Neurology Hauser, Stephen H., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Hawley, Samya H., MD; Active, Psychiatry Hayes, Gail A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Haymes, Michael, PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Heath, Lorissa R., APRN; Adjunct, Orthopedics Hein, Debra L., LNM; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Heller, Cynthia B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Heller, Felice A., MD; Active, Pediatric Cardiology Heller, Gary V., MD; Active, Cardiology Hellreich, Jay E., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Hemnani, Ramesh K., MD; Active, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Hemphill, Michael P., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Heney, Alison L., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Henken, Eleanor C., DMD; Active, Dentistry Henry, Kerrie M., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Hepner, George R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Herbst, Meghan K., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Herlands, Stuart E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Hernandez, Debra B., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Herr, J. Michael, DO; Active, Internal Medicine Herr, Jill A., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Herson, Victor C., MD; Active, Neonatology Herzog, Alfred, MD; Active, Psychiatry Hidalgo, Abigail M., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Higgins, Alicia A., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Higgins, Gina M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Hight, Donald W., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Surgery Hildebrand, Judith A., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Hill, David A., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Hirst, Jeffrey A., MD; Active, Cardiology Ho, Leon, PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Hoang-Skawinska, Monika, PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Hochman, Howard I., MD; Active, Urology Hoffman, Deborah S., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Hoffman, Herbert S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Hoffman, James S., MD; Courtesy, Obstetrics & Gynecology Hoffman, Martin G., DO; Active, Gastroenterology Holder, Jaime A., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Holmes, Paula S., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Holsbeke, Timothy J., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Holtman, Allison G., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Medical Staff Hong, Joy E., MD; Active, Pediatrics Hong, Sung Chil, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Hong, Timothy J., MD; Active, Oncology Honsinger, Kelly E., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Horman, Kathryn M., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Hornbeck, Nieves L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Horowitz, Steven M., MD; Active, Cardiology Hortvet, Laurel A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Hosain, Harini, MD; Courtesy, Allergy Hosley, Catherine M., MD; Active, Neurology Houle, Jerome L., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Howlett, David R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Hryniszyn, Ewa, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Hu, Lorraine V., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Huggins, Leslee S., DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry Hughes, Sandra M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Huhn, Nicole M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Hull, David, MD; Active, Transplantation Surgery Hull, Sharon S., APRN; Adjunct, Orthopedics Humphrey, Chester B., MD; Active, Cardiac Surgery Hussain, Naveed, MD; Active, Neonatology Hussain, Shahnaz, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Hyams, Jeffrey S., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Gastroenterology Hylwa, Catherine E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine I Iacobello, Salvatore, MD; Active, Psychiatry Ianello, Joseph L., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Illescas, Fernando F., MD; Active, Radiology Immerman, Barry H., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Imtiaz, Aized A., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Inchalik, Kenneth R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Indelicato, Mark G., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Ingardia, Charles J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Interlandi, Elsa W., APRN; Surgery Ionita, Cristian M., MD; Active, Pediatric Neurology Isaac, Shiji A., MD; Active, Pediatrics Isakoff, Michael S., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Israel, Jonathan L., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Izard, Mark W., MD; Nephrology J Jack, Kathryn E., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Jacobs, Allan M., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Jacobs, Henry E., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Jacobs, Lenworth M., MD; Active, Trauma Surgery Jacobs, Rose E., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Jacunski, Ewa M., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Jacunski, Joanna E., MD; Active, Radiology Jadlowiec, Caroline C., MD; Active, General Surgery Jaffe, Adam J., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Jajoo, Devika N., MD; Active, Radiology Jambor, Clinton A., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics James, Diana M., MD; Active, Radiology Jannuzzi, Peter J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Jaremko, Marcin, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Javornisky, J. Gregory, PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Jenner, Laura L., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Jermin, Ernest R., MD; Active, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Jhunja, Rashma, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Jimenez, Michael J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Jimenez, Ramon E., MD; Active, Surgical Oncology Johar, Sandeep K., DO; Active, Emergency Medicine Johnson, Amy M., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Johnson, Fielding, MD; Active, Pulmonology Johnson, Kristina H., MD; Active, Colon and Rectal Surgery Johnson, Lori B., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Johnson, Sandra C., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Johnson-Arbor, Kelly K., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Jones, Merwood M., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Jones, Thomas G., MD; Active, Endocrinology Joseph, D’Andrea K., MD; Active, Trauma Surgery Joseph, Indramattie, PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Joseph-Banks, Brooke, CRNA; Anesthesiology Joughin, William L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Joyner, Andrea B., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Ju, Won Hae, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Judson, Peter H., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Justin, Joyce K., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine K Kabbash, Christina A., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Kadakia, Ankita S., MD; Active, Infectious Disease Kafer, Sheldon, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kagan, Jeffrey M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kage, Barbara A., MD; Active, Rheumatology Kage, Reinhard K., MD; Active, Allergy Kahan, Robert W., MD; Active, Cardiology Kahn, Michael D., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Kaliney, Ryan W., MD; Active, Radiology Kallal, James E., MD; Active, Cardiology Kallor, Scott M., DO; Active, Pediatrics Kaloudis, Paul J., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Kamanitz, Joyce, MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Kamin, Richard A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Kamradt, Jeffrey M., MD; Active, Hematology Kamuzora, Paul L., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Kanev, Paul M., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Kapadia, Pragna, DO; Active, Hematology/Oncology Karak, Prasanta K., MD; Active, Radiology Karasik, Michael S., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Kari, Patricia A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Karrenbauer, Camtu N., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Kasaraneni, Devika R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kastoff, Stephen J., MD; Active, Cardiology Kates, Richard J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Katsetos, Manny C., MD; Active, Cardiology Katz, Mitchel G., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Kavanagh, Katherine R., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Keating, Herbert J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Keating, Kevin P., MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Keckley, W. Dale, PA-C; Adjunct, Radiology Keenan, Michael E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kehoe, Fiona C., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Keibel, Martin M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Keightley, Deborah A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kellerman, Kathleen M., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery 51 Medical Staff Kelliher, Kathleen L., PA-C; Adjunct, Pediatrics Kelliher, Kristine, MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Kellner, Marian F., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Kelly, Christopher J., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Kelly, Martin J., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Kels, Barry D., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Kern, Nicole E., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Kernisan, Gregory L., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Kesler, Stuart S., MD; Active, Urology Khaliq, Abdul H., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Khalique, Mujeeb A., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Khan, Ahmed M., MD; Courtesy, Neurosurgery Khan, Angabeen S., MD; Active, Radiology Khanna, Parveen, MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Khera, Anjum S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Kiehl, Kent A., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Kieltyka, Andrzej P., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Kiernan, Francis J., MD; Active, Cardiology Kilbourn, Kent J., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Kilgannon, Michael A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Killory, Brendan D., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Kim, Chi, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kim, Christina, MD; Courtesy, Urology Kim, Kimberly J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Kim, Susan Y., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Kime, Charles B., MD; Active, Orthopedics Kimmel, Jay A., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics King, Shawn T., CRNA; Anesthesiology Kirschenbaum, Gene D., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Kirton, Orlando C., MD; Active, General Surgery Kissling, Albert R., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Kleiman, Michele D., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Neurology Klein, Maxine J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Klein, Stephen V., MD; Active, Radiology Kleinberg, Jeffrey A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Kleinhen, Ian D., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Klimek, Joseph J., MD; Active, Infectious Disease Klipstein, Arnold L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kluger, Jeffrey, MD; Active, Cardiology Knauft, R. Frederic, MD; Active, Pulmonology Knuth, Sara G., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Koff, Arnold M., MD; Active, Cardiology Kolodziejczak, Leszek A., MD; Active, General Surgery Komaiszko, Natalie S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Koncewicz, Kristina A., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Kong, Benjamin, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Kope, Walter R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kordansky, Daniel W., MD; Active, Allergy Korn, Brian M., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Kornbrust, Amy M., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Korus, Paul D., DMD; Active, Dentistry Kosofsky, Eric M., DPM; Consulting, Podiatric Surgery Kost, Jonathan A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology/Pain Management Kota, Venkata P., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Kozar, Albert J., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Kozar, Christina A., DO; Active, Pediatrics Krall, Michael L., MD; Active, Pediatric Allergy Kratzer, Allan S., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology 52 Kreisman, Rhoda L., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Krenicky, Peter T., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Kritzman, Marilyn G., MD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Krompinger, W. Jay, MD; Active, Orthopedics Kruger, David M., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Krumperman, Leroy W., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Kueck, Angela S., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Kugelman, Lisa C., MD; Active, Dermatology Kugelman, Thomas P., MD; Active, Dermatology Kuiper, Odin K., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Kulicki, Leonard E., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Kumar, Ajay, MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Kumar, Gubbanna V., MD; Active, Pediatrics Kumar, Mandeep, MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Kunac, Anastasia, MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Kuntz, Joanne G., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Kuntz, Richard L., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Kupracz, Betty, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kurbanov, Aleksandr, MD; Courtesy, General Surgery Kureshi, Inam U., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Kurth, Pamela A., MD; Courtesy, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Kurtz, Matthew M., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Kurz, Kenneth R., MD; Active, Urology Kvam, David A., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Kwok, Vernon Y., DMD; Active, Dentistry L Laakso, William B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Labinson, Paul T., DO; Active, Endocrinology Ladda, Shawn M., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Ladenheim, Sydney, MD; Active, Pediatrics Lafrenier, R. Kenneth, MD; Active, Psychiatry Lageman, Jill S., PA-C; Adjunct, Neonatology Lahrmann, Philip H., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Lainwala, Shabnam, MD, Ph.D; Active, Neonatology Laird, Lisa A., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Lally, Anne, MD; Active, Transplantation Surgery LaMar, Debra M., APRN; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Lamarr, Deborah G., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery LaMonica, Rachel, DO; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Lamphere, Elizabeth, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Landry, Arthur B., MD; Active, Cardiology Lane-Reticker, Alison, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lange, Stephan C., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Langeland, Leena K., DMD; Active, Dentistry Langevin, Christina M., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Langlois, Sharon A., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Lantner, Howard, MD; Active, Neurosurgery Lapin, Craig D., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Pulmonology LaPointe, Jennifer M., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Lapuk, Seth L., MD; Active, Pediatric Cardiology LaSala, Anthony F., MD; Active, Cardiology LaSala, Christine A., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Laut, Jeffrey M., MD; Active, Nephrology Lautenbach, Richard, PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Lavalette, John H., MD; Active, Pediatrics Lawlor, Michael T., MD; Active, Infectious Disease Lawrence, Denise M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Lawson, John A., MD; Internal Medicine Lazor, Lawrence Z., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Leach, C. Edward, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Leach, Stephen J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Leahy, Brendan T., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Lebatique, Mary E., PA-C; Adjunct, Trauma Surgery Lederman, Marc A., DPM; Courtesy, Podiatric Surgery Lee, Hyun S., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Lee, Janice L., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Lee, Jason O., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lee, Mark C., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Lee, Nora S., MD; Active, Neurology Lee, Steve Y., MD; Active, Radiology Leggitt, Beverly A., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Lemieux, Lisa A., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Lena, Christopher J., MD; Active, Orthopedics Lenz, Geraldine, PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Leon, Allen, PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Leopold, Harris B., MD; Active, Pediatric Cardiology Leopold, Jodi M., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Leopold, Kenneth A., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Lesser, Robert L., MD; Consulting, Ophthalmology Letendre, Michelle T., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Leung, Jason S., DMD; Courtesy, Pediatric Dentistry Levinbook, Wendy S., MD; Active, Dermatology Levine, Michael S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Levine, Tracy E., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Levitz, Robert E., MD; Active, Infectious Disease Lewinter, Jody R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lewis, Courtland G., MD; Active, Orthopedics Lewis, Gretha R., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Lewis, Myra J., DO; Active, Emergency Medicine Lewoc, Rayna J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Li, Ling, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Lieblich, Stuart E., DMD; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Lien, Lindsey E., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Lieu, Steven C., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Ligato, Saverio, MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Lilly, Richard B., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Lim, Kelly S., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Limaye, Deepa P., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Lin, Carole, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Linburg, Richard M., MD; Active, Orthopedics Lindberg, Michael C., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lindberg, Nancy H., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lindenberg, Leslie B., MD; Active, Pulmonology Lipkowitz, George S., MD; Courtesy, Transplantation Surgery Lippman, Leonard, MD; Obstetrics & Gynecology Litwin, Kathryn E., MD; Active, Pediatrics Liu, Holly Z., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Livadiotis, Panos A., MD; Consulting, Surgery Livingston, Robert, MD; Internal Medicine Livingston, Karen E., APRN; Adjunct, Orthopedics Lloyd, Jennifer L., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Loewenthal, Theodore L., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Loftus, Mirela, MD; Active, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Logan, Jennifer C., MD; Active, Radiology Logsdon, J. Daane, DO; Active, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Lomeli, Gabino, MD; Active, Anesthesiology London, Raymond G., MD; Active, Internal Medicine London, Shawn R., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Long, Jennifer C., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Long, Joan E., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Lopez, Janice M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Lopreiato, Matteo J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Lord, Wendy R., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Lothstein, Leslie M., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Lothstein, Mary Anne, PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Lotterman, Seth A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Lovejoy, David W., PsyD; Consulting, Psychology Lovell, James H., DDS; Active, Orthodontics Low, Henry B C., MD; Active, Cardiac Surgery Lowe, Robert, MD; Active, Thoracic Surgery Lowenstein, Penny A., MD; Active, Dermatology Lowery, Susan I., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Luciano, Danielle E., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Luckey-Percy, Alison L., APRN; Adjunct, Urology Ludwig, Mark E., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Luger, Steven W., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lui, Eric, DPM; Active, Podiatric Surgery Lundbye, Justin B., MD; Active, Cardiology Luskind, Roger D., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Lussier, Robert G., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Luszcz, Jason M., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Luxemburg, Maury R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Lynch, Christine K., PA-C; Adjunct, Cardiology Lynch, Daniel J., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Lynch, Dolores A., APRN; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Lyon, Jacqueline M., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology M Macainag, Joyce G., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Macchiarolo, Denise C., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology MacGilpin, Douglas H., MD; Active, Pediatrics Machon, Timothy J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Madan, Jennifer E., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Neurology Madonick, Steven H., MD; Active, Psychiatry Magin, Andrew, PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Maglio, Joseph R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Magnavita, Jeffrey J., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Magnuson, Karen, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Mah, John W., MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Mailloux, Nichole M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Maine, Margo D., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Makari, John H., MD; Courtesy, Urology Maki, Amanda J., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Makowski, Gregory S., PhD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Malik, Salma, MD; Active, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Malkin, Robert D., MD; Active, Cardiology Malloy, Priscilla B., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Mamuya, Komsu F., MD; Active, Cardiology Manaktala, Asha, MD; Active, Pediatrics Manandhi, Aswathnarayan R., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Mancini, Danny J., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Mandavilli, Srinivas R., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Mandel, Liza A., LNM; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Mangini, Lynn M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Mangual, Theresa Y., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology 53 Medical Staff Mannuru, Devendranath R., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Mansoor, Mohamed R., MD; Active, Cardiology Manthorne, Christine M., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Manton, Janelle S., MD; Active, Dermatology Mara, John J., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Marcello, David, MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Marcelynas, James J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Marcous, Kristin J., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Maresh, Henry R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Margolis, Ron, MD; Active, Ophthalmology Mariano, Dean J., DO; Active, Anesthesiology/Pain Management Marinelli, David L., MD; Active, Radiology Marinelli, Kathleen A., MD; Active, Neonatology Markowitz, Stuart K., MD; Active, Radiology Marmer, Ellen L., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Maron, William R., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Marousis, Jordin D., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Marra, Robert E., DPM; Courtesy, Podiatric Surgery Marshall, Daniel, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Martin, Jonathan E., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Martin, Richard J., DMD; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Martin, Thomas J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Marvasti, Jamshid A., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Mascarenhas, Kristy G., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Maselli, Anthony J., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Mastella, Daniel J., MD; Active, Orthopedics Master, Shahena, DO; Active, Internal Medicine Mastroianni, Linda R., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Mastronunzio, Kate B., PA-C; Emergency Medicine Mathew, Anil, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Mathews, John, MD; Active, Pediatrics Matson, Adam P., MD; Active, Neonatology Matson, Scott D., MD; Courtesy, Urology Maurer, Brian, PA-C; Adjunct, Pediatrics May, Thomas J., DO; Active, Anesthesiology Mayeda, Francis J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Mayer, Allan R., DO; Courtesy, Obstetrics & Gynecology Mazzara, James T., MD; Active, Orthopedics Mbewe, Alexander, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Mbewe, Christina, MD; Active, Geriatric Medicine McArdle, John R., MD; Active, Pulmonology McAvoy, Elizabeth C., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics McCarroll, Lisa A., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine McCarter, Yvette S., PhD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine McCarthy, Maureen F., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine McClure, Mitchell H., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine McComb, Robert, PhD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine McCormick, Michael J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology McCrary, Christine T., MD; Active, Rheumatology McCullough, Louise D., MD; Active, Neurology McDermott, Patrick H., MD; Active, Endocrinology McDiarmid, Susan T., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine McDonagh, John C., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine McDonald, G. Todd, APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry McDonald, Patricia A., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology McDonough, Catherine P., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology McGowan, Tonia L., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery McGrath, Denise M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine 54 McGrath, Kevin P., MD; Courtesy, Allergy McGregor, Kristin, MD; Active, Pediatrics McGuire, Barry R., DMD; Courtesy, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery McGuire, Kerry E., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine McGuire, Stephanie F., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology McIsaac, Joseph H., MD; Active, Anesthesiology McKay, Charles A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine McKay, Raymond G., MD; Active, Cardiology McKell, Bernadette S., DO; Active, Internal Medicine McLaren, Margaret J., MD; Active, Pediatrics McMahon, Kevin D., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology McNab, John, PA-C; Adjunct, Transplantation Surgery McNamara, Susan, MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Meehan, Lindsey R., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Mehendru, Radhika, MD; Active, Geriatric Psychiatry Mehendru, Raveen, MD; Active, Geriatric Psychiatry Mehldau, Craig A., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Meisterling, Leah D., DO; Active, Anesthesiology Melamud, Polina M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Mellen, Colleen E., APRN; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Memmo, Pietro A., MD; Active, Orthopedics Memon, Mohammed A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Mendelson, Louis M., MD; Active, Pediatric Allergy Mendes, Beverly A., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Menick, Suanne M., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Menkes, Daniel L., MD; Active, Neurology Menkes, Jeffrey S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Menon, Mohanakrishnan V., MD; Active, Oncology Meraney, Anoop M., MD; Active, Urology Merced, Wanda I., MD; Active, Pediatrics Merkatz, Kenneth A., MD; Active, Cardiology Merkelson, Scott J., DMD; Active, Dentistry Migliorato, Marcie, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Milanese, Ann, MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Milburn, William M., CRNA; Anesthesiology Miles, Melissa J., PA-C; Emergency Medicine Miller, Douglas T., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Miller, Joel M., MD; Active, Endocrinology Miller, R. Keith, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Miller, Richard J., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Millican, Timothy Z., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Mintell, David F., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Miranda, Kendra L., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Miranda, Michael A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Miranda, Michael A., MD; Active, Orthopedics Mirza, Tahira F., MD; Active, Surgery Miselis, Karlyn M., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Misiak, Joseph M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Mitchell, Paul R., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Mnayer, Laila O., PhD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Mobley, Lakisha Y., APRN; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Moeller, Carl W., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Mohnani, Arpana, MD; Active, Neonatology Molk, Richard, MD; Active, Ophthalmology Monforte, Ellen, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Mongeon, Roxanne M., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Montefusco, Mary Ellen, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Montgomery, Douglas D., MD; Active, Radiology Monti, David A., MD; Active, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Montminy, John M., DO; Active, Emergency Medicine Moore, Elizabeth L., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Moore, Rachel M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Moote, Douglas J., MD; Active, Radiology Moquin, Kristin N., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Morales, Arturo E., MD; Active, Psychiatry Morales, Donna Chelle V., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Morales, Tracy M., DO; Courtesy, Trauma Surgery Morgan, Harry E., MD; Active, Psychiatry Morgenstern, Jeffrey H., MD; Active, Urology Morosky, Christopher M., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Morosky, Jigisha P., MD; Active, Allergy Morosky, Michael F., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Mort, Thomas C., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Moss, Roberta J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Motta, Sandra I., MD; Active, Pediatrics Mucha, Theodore F., MD; Active, Psychiatry Mulka, Laura, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Mullaney, John F., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Muller, Richard, MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Mulukutla, Rajyalakshmi V., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Murphy, Dianne, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Murphy, George A., DMD; Courtesy, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Murphy, Keven A., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Murphy, Sheila A., APRN; Adjunct, Geriatric Medicine Murray, Cheryl L., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Murray, James H., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Murray, L Nicole, MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Murray, Paul B., MD; Active, Orthopedics Mushtaq, Yaser, MD; Psychiatry Muska, Leslie A., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery N Nagarkatti, Durgesh G., MD; Active, Orthopedics Nair, Sanjeev U., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Nalepa, Agnieszka M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Namerow, Lisa B., MD; Active, Psychiatry Nanavati, Vipul N., MD; Orthopedics Napoletano, Robert S., MD; Courtesy, General Surgery Naqvi, S. Johar A., MD; Internal Medicine Nascimento, Jeffrey C., DO; Active, Pulmonology Nathanson, Robert B., MD; Active, Dermatology Neal, Amy, PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Negrich, Susan M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Nelson, Beth E., MD; Courtesy, Obstetrics & Gynecology Nelson, Eric D., MD; Active, Urology Nerenstone, Stacy R., MD; Active, Oncology Nesta, Joseph M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Nestler, Jeffry L., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Neubecker, Karl S., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Neuharth, Kristen L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Neuwirth, Jerry, MD; Active, Ophthalmology Newell, Joseph A., MD; Active, Pediatrics Newlin, Kelley H., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Newman, Richard A., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Nguyen, Thoa T., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Nguyen, Tuyen D., DMD; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Nicastro, Olivia M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Niego, Sara H., MD; Active, Psychiatry Nissen, Carl W., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Nobert, Gary F., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Nog, Rajat, MD; Active, Infectious Disease Nolasco, Helena C., MD; Active, Rheumatology Notghi, Joan L., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Nowicki, Thomas A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Nugent, James F., DPM; Active, Podiatric Surgery Nugent, Patricia A., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Nwigwe, Ezechi, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology O O’Bara, Lynn F., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine O’Brien, James W., MD; Active, Gastroenterology O’Brien, Kandi H., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine O’Brien, Karen T., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology O’Brien, Richard A., MD; Courtesy, Neurology O’Brien, Timothy J., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology O’Connor, Frederick V., MD; Active, Pediatrics O’Connor, Jeffrey M., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery O’Connor, Robert W., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics O’Connor, Thomas, MD; Active, Internal Medicine O’Loughlin, Michael T., MD; Active, Radiology O’Neill, Margaret M., MD; Active, Pediatrics O’Neill, Melissa A., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine O’Toole, Kevin A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Oakes, Howard J., PsyD; Consulting, Psychology Oberstein, Robert M., MD; Active, Endocrinology Ocampo, Florabel E., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Oder, Terrence F., MD; Active, Nephrology Ogbonna, Onyechela, MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Ogundipe, Nnenna C., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Ohki, Stephen K., MD; Active, Radiology Ojha, Bhawani S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Olivar, August C., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Oliveri, Janice A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ollenschleger, Martin D., MD; Active, Radiology Olofinboba, Trudy R., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Omrani, Aziza, MD; Courtesy, Obstetrics & Gynecology Ona, Sharon M., CRNA; Anesthesiology Oncken, Cheryl A., MD, MPH; Courtesy, Obstetrics & Gynecology Onyiuke, Hilary C., MD; Courtesy, Neurosurgery Opalacz, John P., MD; Active, Radiology Orlando, Rocco, MD; Active, General Surgery Osley, Robert P., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Overman, Lillian, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Owitz, Sherri L., PsyD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Owlia, Dariush, MD; Active, Cardiology P Pachucki, Debra A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Packer, Andrew J., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Palozie, Jessica L., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Palter, Marc D., MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Panchal, Hemant K., MD; Active, Pediatrics Pandika, Emilio H., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Panetta, Randolph A., MD; Active, Cardiology Panigrahi, Rabi K., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Pannullo, Ava M., MD; Active, Geriatric Medicine 55 Medical Staff Papasavas, Pavlos K., MD; Active, Bariatric Surgery Papernik, Morris, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Pappas, Maryanne S., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Paquette, Mary T., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Paradis, Marc A., MD; Courtesy, Anesthesiology Pareles, Lawrence M., MD; Active, Cardiology Parikh, Nehal S., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Parker, Lewis P., MD; Active, Rheumatology Parker, Mary Erin, PA-C; Surgery Parsch, Cornell, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Parsons, Julian, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Pascal, Peter E., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Pasciucco, Peter F., DDS; Active, Dentistry Pasternack, James J., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Pastizzo, Gary F., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Pastuszak, William T., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Patel, Anal C., MD; Active, Radiology Patel, Mahesh I., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Patel, Nishant B., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Patel, Payal G., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Patel, Sarit M., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Patel, Shutish C., MD; Active, Neurology Paternostro, Gina M., APRN; Adjunct, Gastroenterology Paulekas, Wayne C., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Pauli, Maura, APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Paulin, Michael H., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Payne, Amy R., MD; Active, Dermatology Pearlson, Godfrey D., MD; Active, Psychiatry Pedneault, Kevin L., PA-C; Adjunct, Urology Peloquin, Sarah E., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Pennoyer, William P., MD; Courtesy, Colon and Rectal Surgery Pepe, Vincent H., MD; Obstetrics & Gynecology Pepe, Judith L., MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Pepper, David A., MD; Active, Psychiatry Perez, Alberto, MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Pericat, Elizabeth T., MD; Active, Pediatrics Perks, Kenneth, MD; Active, Pediatrics Perks, Susan O., MD; Active, Pediatrics Perry, Lisa C., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Pescatello, Linda S., PhD; Consulting, Cardiology Pesce, William J., DO; Consulting, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Petashnick, Daniel E., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Peter, Lori M., CRNA; Anesthesiology Peters, Susan K., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Peters-Gee, Jill M., MD; Active, Urology Peterson, Shannon C., DO; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Petronio, Angela M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Petrucelli, Michele, MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Phillips, Barbara L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Phillips, Christopher R., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Phillips, Jinnah A., MD; Active, Radiology Phillips, Robin L., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Pianta, Teresa J., MD; Active, Orthopedics Pickett, Erin K., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Pickett, Laura J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Piechowicz, Kelley S., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Piecuch, Joseph F., DMD, MD; Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery 56 Piekarz, Elzbieta L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Pier, James W., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Pierce, Michael J., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Pierz, Kristan A., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Pilecki, Marek K., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Pinou, Anne E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Piorkowski, Robert J., MD; Active, Surgical Oncology Piserchia, Gerald G., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Pitegoff, John G., MD; Active, Pediatrics Plancher, Kevin D., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Platt, Cathleen M., APRN; Adjunct, Orthopedics Polio, John, MD; Active, Gastroenterology Polk, Donna M., MD; Active, Cardiology Polke, Nicolle E., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Pollack, Ira A., MD; Active, Neurology Pool, Sharon K., DO; Active, Pediatrics Poole, William S., MD; Active, Radiology Pope, James S., MD; Active, Pulmonology Pope, Preston C., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Poppiti, Terry M., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Porter, Ross W., MD; Active, Pediatrics Portereiko, Heather A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Portereiko, Joseph V., DO; Active, Surgery Post, Jarrod B., MD; Active, Nephrology Post, Leah G., MD; Active, Pediatrics Potsko, Kristina L., PA-C; Adjunct, Cardiac Surgery Powers, Dianne M., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Prasad, Avinash, MD; Active, Neurology Pratt, Daniela C., PA-C; Adjunct, Urology Preissler, Paul L., MD; Active, Cardiac Surgery Preston, Mark R., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Preysner, Linda A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Price, Ann L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Price, Cynthia L., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Primiano, Charles A., MD; Active, Cardiology Proxee, Bryan T., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Psarakis, Helen M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Pugliese, Erin M., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Pulido, Carlos A., MD; Anesthesiology Q Quadri, Ishrat I., MD; Active, Pediatrics Querim, Damon C., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Quilter, Priscilla E., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Quinlan, Rosemary, MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Quintero, Sandra M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Quintiliani, Richard, MD; Active, Infectious Disease Qureshi, Osman, MD; Active, Psychiatry R Rader, Christine M., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Surgery Radojevic, Joseph A., MD; Active, Cardiology Raducu, Elena R., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Ragaisis, Karen M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Raghavendra, Sree, DMD; Active, Dentistry Rahman, Mohammad M., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Ramanan, Aruna S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Ramsby, Melinda L., MD, Ph.D; Courtesy, Rheumatology Ranade, Vinay R., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Ranade-Kapur, Rekha, MD; Active, Psychiatry Randazzo, Birgit, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Raskin, Sarah A., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Rasoulpour, Mina R., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Ratchford, Mary G., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Ratzan, Richard M., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Ratzan, Susan K., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Endocrinology Rau, Frederick J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Ravin, Anatoliy, DDS; Active, Dentistry Rawlins, Wayne S., MD; Consulting, Internal Medicine Raycroft, John F., MD; Active, Orthopedics Raymond, Matthew P., DO; Active, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Reaback, Richard I., DPM; Consulting, Podiatric Surgery Reagan, Louise A., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Reardon, Jane Z., APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Reardon, Mark, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Reddy, Usha, MD; Pediatrics Regan, Adine F., MD; Courtesy, Urology Regan, Thomas J., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Reik, Louis, MD; Active, Neurology Reiner, Steven, DDS; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Reiser, Ruth M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Reiter, Laura, LCSW; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Rendock, Deanne E., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Renstrom, Karen, APRN; Adjunct, Surgical Critical Care Rentas, Angel M., APRN; Adjunct, Cardiology Rezuke, William N., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Rheiner, Jacqueline A., DO; Internal Medicine Rhodes, Cristina M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Ricci, Andrew, MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Rice, Margaret L., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Richards, Barbara E., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Richards, Kyle A., MD; Active, Cardiology Riddle, Cara D., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Ridyard, Herbert W., MD; Active, General Surgery Riege, Deborah S., APRN; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Rifkin, Lawrence S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Rinaldi, Maria, APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Ringer, Rochelle L., MD; Active, General Surgery Rios, Clifford G., MD; Active, Orthopedics Riotte, Adrienne L., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Ripepi, Francisco A., MD; Active, Psychiatry Ritchie, Agatha T., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Rivera, Stephanie, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Rizk, Roula G., MD; Internal Medicine Rizvi, Asad A., MD; Active, Cardiology Rizzo, Camielle A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Robbin, Mark A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Robbins, Jeffrey S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Robertson, Russell W., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Robinson, Ellen J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Robinson, Kenneth J., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Robson, Kenneth S., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Roche, Jamie M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Rock, Reuben, MD; Active, Radiology Roden, Edward A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Rodriguez, Alberto J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Roman, Robin, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Rosati, Dennis L., MD; Active, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Roselli, Anthony M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Rosen, Elaine E., LCSW; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Rosen, James P., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Allergy Rosenberg, Eric L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Rosenberg, Ralph, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Rosenberg, Ronald J., MD; Active, Radiology Rosenblum, Carla S., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Rosenbush, Emily J., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Rosengren, Sally S., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Rosenkrantz, Ted S., MD; Courtesy, Neonatology Rosenkranz, Barry M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Rosenlicht, Joel L., DMD; Courtesy, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Rosenlieb, John W., DMD; Active, Dentistry Ross, Jack W., MD; Active, Infectious Disease Rossetti, Robert A., DMD, MD; Courtesy, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Rossetti, Valerie A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Rosshirt, Werner, MD; Active, Radiology Rossi, Antoinette D., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Rossi, Arnold J., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Roth, Shari M., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Rothenberg, Robert A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Rothwell, Marcia D., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Rouleau, Christine M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Ruano, Gualberto, MD, Ph.D; Consulting, Medicine Rubin, Karen R., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Endocrinology Rubin, Stacey, APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Rubin, Viviann M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Rubino, Laureen F., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Ruby, Steven T., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Ruddat, Michael S., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Rudnicki, Robert D., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Ruffin, Richard T., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Ruser, Tilla F., MD; Active, Psychiatry Russell, Mark L., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Russo, Michael J., PA-C; Adjunct, Trauma Surgery Russomanno, John H., MD; Active, Pulmonology Rutkowski, Gregory A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Rutstein, Robert D., DPM; Consulting, Surgery Ryan, Jessica E., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Ryan, Lawrence P., DDS; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Ryan, Timothea A., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Rzepski, Barbara R., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry S Saad Pendergrass, Dahlia A., MD; Active, Psychiatry Sabo, Mark A., MD; Active, Pediatrics Sachdev, Kiran, MD; Active, Gastroenterology Sacheti, Bhavna, MD; Active, Pediatrics Sacheti, Vandana, MD; Active, Pediatrics Sadiq, Immad, MD; Active, Cardiology Safer, Robert H., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Sahakyan, Marine T., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Sahl, Robert A., MD; Active, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Saidel, Matthew L., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Sajkowicz, Tammy L., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery 57 Medical Staff Salerno, Edward L., MD; Active, Pulmonology Salesky, Sharon N., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Salierno, Anthony L., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Salm, David S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Salner, Andrew L., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Salvietti, Ralph, MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Salzberg, Donald J., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Sanchez, Donna M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Sanders, Marilyn R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Sanders, Ricky L., DO; Active, Anesthesiology Sanderson, Karen M., LNM; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Sansing, Lauren H., MD; Active, Neurology Santos, Melissa M., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Sardegna, Kathleen, MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Nephrology Sardella, William V., MD; Active, Colon and Rectal Surgery Sarkar, Shikha M., MD; Active, Neonatology Saunders, Ashley M., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Savinelli, Thomas J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Sawant, Viren S., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Sawyer, Jeffrey A., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Scarangella, Stephen F., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Scavetta, Melissa J., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Schachter, Andrew, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Schauer, Peter K., MD; Active, Oncology Scheinblum, Anne R., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Scheiner, Laurie A., MD; Active, Pediatrics Scherzer, Larry N., MD; Active, Pediatrics Schiff, Evan L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Schlegel, Sarah E., MD; Active, Pediatrics Schmetterling, Jack A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Schmidt, Marlie D., PA-C; Medicine Schmidt, Benjamin H., MD; Active, General Surgery Schmidt, David W., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Schneiderman, Henry, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Schoem, Scott R., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Schott, Eric, PA-C; Adjunct, Trauma Surgery Schramm, Craig M., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Pulmonology Schreiber, Jonathan S., MD; Courtesy, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Schuck, Elizabeth G., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Schuck, J. Christopher, MD; Active, Pediatrics Schutzer, Steven F., MD; Active, Orthopedics Schuyler, Erica A., MD; Active, Neurology Schwab, Jennifer L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Schwartz, Daniel S., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Schwartz, Doniel L., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Schwartz, Harold I., MD; Active, Psychiatry Schwartz, Lester R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Schwartz, Marlene, MD; Active, Pulmonology Schwartz, Paul J., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Schwarz, Gavin, MD; Active, Allergy Scola, Christopher J., MD; Active, Rheumatology Scoles, Marc H., DMD; Active, Dentistry Scoles, Matthew P., DMD; Active, Dentistry Scott, D. Dawson, PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Scrivano, Sharon M., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Seawell, Duncan R., PsyD; Consulting, Psychology Sebastian, Mark W., MD; Active, Trauma Surgery 58 Seeley, Brook M., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Seetharama, Subramani, MD; Active, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Segool, Richard A., MD; Active, Pediatrics Selden, Michael A., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Selden, Steven E., MD; Active, Orthopedics Selzer, Gerard B., MD; Active, Psychiatry Senatus, Patrick B., MD; Courtesy, Neurosurgery Senn-McNally, Molly H., MD; Active, Pediatrics Seremet, Martin C., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Sereny, Peter, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Seyler, L. Everett, MD; Active, Endocrinology Shack, David M., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Shafer, Aaron, MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Shafer, David M., DMD; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Shafer, Myron E., MD; Active, Orthopedics Shafer, Susan L., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Shafi, Shamsa N., MD; Pediatrics Shafi, Ijaz, MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Shahmohammadi, Kaveh, MD; Courtesy, Trauma Surgery Shames, Brian D., MD; Active, Transplantation Surgery Shamsi, Mohammad Ali A., MD, MS; Active, Psychiatry Shaneyfelt, Kristin M., DO; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Shangold, Gregory L., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Shapiro, Paul A., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Shapiro, Philip E., MD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Shapter, Robert K., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Shastri, Munish K., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Shaw, Kevin M., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Shaw-Quinn, Leeanne E., APRN; Adjunct, Geriatric Medicine Shea, Michael D., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Sheetz, William J., CRNA; Anesthesiology Sheiner, Patricia A., MD; Active, Transplantation Surgery Shekhman, Mark, MD; Active, Orthopedics Shelsta, Heather N., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Shen, Peter U., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Shepard, Ashley K., DPM; Active, Podiatric Surgery Sheppard, Richard, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Sherburne, Bradford J., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Sherwood, David R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Shichman, Steven J., MD; Active, Urology Shieh, William, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Shlamovitz, Gil Z., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Shoemaker, Sheila E., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Shore, Eric T., MD; Active, Pulmonology Shriver, Peter A., DO; Active, Ophthalmology Shukla, Ajay K., MD; Neurology Siani, Amelia T., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Siegel, Robert D., MD; Active, Oncology Sierra, Jessica, PhD; Consulting, Psychology Sigmund, Stefanie L., APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Silver, David M., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Silverman, David I., MD; Active, Cardiology Silverman, Isaac E., MD; Active, Neurology Silverman, Samuel M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Silverman, Sheila R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Silvers, David S., MD; Active, Neurology Silverstein, Eric A., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Silverstein, Eric W., DPM; Active, Podiatric Surgery Silverstein, H. Robert, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Simao, Jessica E., PA-C; Adjunct, Neonatology Simmons, Carissa L., LNM; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Simon, Mary A., MD; Active, Pediatrics Simon, Richard H., MD; Courtesy, Neurosurgery Simonowicz, Patricia J., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Singh, Joseph U., MD; Active, Nephrology Singh, Satesh C., MD; Active, Cardiology Singleton, Matthew C., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Sink, David W., MD; Active, Neonatology Siraco, John F., MD; Active, Pediatrics Siracusa, Francis, MD; Active, General Surgery Skalski, Arthur H., MD; Internal Medicine Skoog, Mariana, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Slater, Richard, MD; Active, Gastroenterology Slim, Hanna B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Slivka, Hilda, MD; Active, Pediatrics Sloan, Jacqueline M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Smally, A. Jon, MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Smedley, Michelle V., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Smirnoff, Alan M., PsyD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Smith, Evelyn F., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Smith, Karen P., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Smith, Karin L., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Smith, Kira L., LNM; Adjunct, Obstetrics & Gynecology Smith, Matthew L., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Smith, Steven S., MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Smith-Slatas, Candra L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Smyth, Blaise E., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Snyder, Gail, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Sobelman, Steven J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Solak, Carolyn K., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Solinsky, Alan E., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Song, Xianyuan, MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Songco, Martin B., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Sorak, Matthew M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Soroka, Alan, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Sorosky, Joel I., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Spada, Daniel L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Spada, Michael P., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Spector, William B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Sperling, Arthur L., DMD; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Sperry, Susan M., APRN; Psychiatry Spiegel, Gary R., MD; Active, Radiology Spiegelman, Kenneth N., MD; Active, Pediatrics Spillane, Robert M., MD; Active, Radiology Spira, Ernest B., DDS; Active, Periodontics Spiro, Jeffrey D., MD; Otorhinolaryngology Sprague, Roxanne R., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Spurrell, Timothy P., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Srinivasan, Prasad, MD; Active, Pediatric Allergy St. Onge, Cindy L., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics St. Pierre, James F., MD; Active, Cardiology Stacer, Christopher J., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Stahl, Kent I., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Stannard, Judith M., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Starkey, Noah H., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Starr, Carol W., MD; Active, Psychiatry Steadman, Ursula A., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Steben, Kimberly E., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Steele, Michelle C., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Stein, Barry, MD; Active, Radiology Stein, Jeffrey E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Stein, Neil D., MD; Active, Pediatrics Stein, Russell H., MD; Active, Cardiology Steinberg, Adam C., DO; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Stephen, Siobhan M., DMD; Active, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Stepney, Brandy R., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Stepnowski, Roxanne R., PsyD; Consulting, Psychology Stern, Alan L., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Stevens, Michael C., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Stewart, Kurt R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Stewart, Stephanie, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Stielau, Jean B., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Stiffle, Kate E., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Stocker, Ralph P., MD; Active, Rheumatology Stoddard, Ann L., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Stoj, Marion J., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Stoll, Frank J., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Stone, Richard I., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Stone, Susan M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Straub, J. John, MD; Active, Radiology Streim, Carrie S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Striebel-Oberly, Cindi M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Stuart, Kathryn A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Sturrock, Kelley L., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Su, Yanjun, MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Suchecki, Jeanine, MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Sullivan, Eugene D., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Sullivan, Raymond J., MD; Active, Orthopedics Summa, Michael J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Summerfield, Alan K., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Suozzi, Brent A., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Suozzi, Theresa M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Suski, Edmund T., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Sussman, Steven K., MD; Active, Radiology Sutay, J. Bruce, MD; Active, Pediatrics Swales, Colin T., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Swales, Heather H., MD; Active, Cardiology Sylvester, Francisco A., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Gastroenterology Sylvester, S. Russell, MD; Active, Pediatrics Szabo, Ronald S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Szafranski, Maria G., CRNA; Anesthesiology Szerejko, Margaret K., MD; Active, Radiology Szydlo, Jon, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Szymaszek, Susan M., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics T Tabaka, Mark, PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Taboada, Ricardo J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology/Pain Management Takata, Hiroyoshi, MD; Active, Cardiac Surgery Taliercio, Joseph G., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Tally, Kevin J., MD; Active, Cardiology Tandon, Manish, MD; Active, General Surgery 59 Medical Staff Tandy, Bruce J., DMD; Active, Dentistry Tarantino, Arthur E., MD; Active, Urology Tarasiewicz, Izabela, MD; Active, Neurosurgery Tarre, Eve R., MSW; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Tartar, Sarah J., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Taylor, Heather E., CRNA; Anesthesiology Taylor, Amy M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Taylor, Linda T., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Teiger, Michael B., MD; Courtesy, Pulmonology Teitelbaum, Caren B., MD; Active, Psychiatry Tessema, Belachew, MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Thayer, Elizabeth S., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Thibeault, Susan M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Thielman, Mary J., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Thomas, Latesha D., MD; Active, Pediatrics Thomas, Leonora P., APRN; Adjunct, Cardiology Thompsen, Jeffrey P., MD; Active, Cardiology Thompson, Judy J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Thompson, Paul D., MD; Active, Cardiology Thompson, Sara M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Thomson, Jeffrey D., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Thorevska, Natalya Y., MD; Active, Pulmonology Tiernan, John F., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Tilden, Fred F., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Tilton, Dorey E., CRNA; Anesthesiology Timms, Brian D., DO; Internal Medicine Tingey, Ian C., DDS; Courtesy, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery Tinnesz, Peter J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Tishler, Darren S., MD; Active, Bariatric Surgery Tocci, Michael J., MD; Emergency Medicine Toevs, Christine C., MD; Trauma Surgery Tolin, David F., PhD; Consulting, Psychology Tolsdorf, Christopher C., PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Torabzadeh, Ali, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Toro-Salazar, Olga, MD; Active, Pediatric Cardiology Tortland, Paul D., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Toscano, Robert R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Towers, Marlene W., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Tran,, PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Tray, Kory A., MD; Active, Nephrology Trehey, Patricia, APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Tress, Jonathan H., MD; Active, Infectious Disease Trono, G. Thomas, MD; Courtesy, Urology Troy, Patrick J., MD; Active, Pulmonology Truex, Richard H., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Trymbulak, Helen F., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Trzaski, Jennifer M., MD; Active, Neonatology Tsang, Kevin K., PsyD; Consulting, Psychology Tucker, Joseph W., MD; Active, Pediatrics Tulchinsky, Amir, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Tulchinsky, Clarisse F., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Tulikangas, Paul K., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Turner, Gregory T., MD; Active, Radiology Twigg, Michele C., MD; Active, Internal Medicine 60 U Underhill, David J., MD; Active, Cardiac Surgery Underwood, Michael J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ungar, Martin J., DMD; Active, Dentistry Upham, Stephen, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Uphoff, Dean F., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Urbanski, Steven R., MD; Active, Radiology Uyekliong, Marc Madison C., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine V Valdez, Tulio A., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Van Duinen, Michelle L., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Van, Rochelle R., DO; Active, Emergency Medicine Van Niel, David E., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Vashist, Aseem, MD; Active, Cardiology Veale, Christopher J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Vella, Paul M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Venkatesh, Jayashree, MD; Active, Pediatrics Venkatesh, Peruvamba R., MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Venti, Rozann F., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Vergara, Cunegundo, MD; Active, Hospital Medicine Verhoest, JoAnna L., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Viets, Douglas H., MD; Active, Urology Vignati, Paul V., MD; Active, Colon and Rectal Surgery Vine, Hugh S., MD; Active, Radiology Vischio, John A., MD; Active, Rheumatology Vitale, Marie P., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Vithala, Anil K., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Vodovskaia, Nailia, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Volpe, Brett T., MD; Active, Pulmonology Volpe, John P., MD; Active, Radiology Voodarla, Anupama, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Vora, Niloni H., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Votto, Amanda F., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Voytek, Theresa M., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine W Waberski, Witold M., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Wagner, Joseph R., MD; Active, Urology Wainscoat, Booth, DO; Active, Infectious Disease Wakefield, Andrew E., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Walden, Jeffrey H., MD; Active, Cardiology Walden, Peter G., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Walden-El, Dawn D., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Walker, Deborah A., APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Walker, Nelson C., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Walker, Scott J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Wallace, Deborah, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Wallace, Keri A., MD; Active, Pediatrics Walsh, Daniel P., PA-C; Emergency Medicine Walters, David L., MD; Courtesy, Colon and Rectal Surgery Wand, Martin, MD; Active, Ophthalmology Wang, Alicia, MD; Active, Pediatric Cardiology Ward, Thomas P., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Warren, Matthew S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Warrington, Amy B., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Washburn, Carl F., MD; Active, Psychiatry Wasserstein, David A., MD; Courtesy, Pulmonology Waszynski, Christine M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Watson, Carol L., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Watson, H. Kirk, MD; Active, Orthopedics Wawrzyniak, Irene, APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Weaver, Richard A., DO; Active, Anesthesiology Weber, Elizabeth W., MD; Orthopedics Weidner, Deborah A., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Weinerman, Harry C., MD; Active, Pediatrics Weinreb, Steven L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Weinstein, Nancy J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Weinstein, Robert J., PhD; Consulting, Psychiatry Weiser, Jeffrey S., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Weiss, Alyssa B., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Weiss, Linda, DO; Active, Internal Medicine Weiss, Richard G., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Surgery Welch, John P., MD; Active, General Surgery Wellner, Murray I., MD; Internal Medicine Wells, Kenneth H., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Welsh, D’Anna M., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Wencker, Detlef, MD; Active, Cardiology West, Paul B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Wethered, Michelle C., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Whitaker, Charles H., MD; Courtesy, Neurology White, Edward J., MD; Courtesy, General Surgery White, Jonathan A., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Whitehead, David E., DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry Wickwire, James C., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Wiebel, Joan H., APRN; Surgery Wiese, Chester A., Jr., MD; Surgery Wilbert, Denise L., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Wiley, Catherine C., MD; Active, Pediatrics Wiley, James F., MD, MPH; Courtesy, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Wilion, Felicia M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Wilken, Joel L., DO; Active, Hospital Medicine Willets, Jenny A., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Williams, Rebecca N., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Wilson, Heather L., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Winchester, Eugene A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Windels, Mary H., MD; Active, Vascular Surgery Wink, Margaret R., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Winnick, Frieda, APRN; Adjunct, Trauma Surgery Winokur, Andrew, MD; Active, Psychiatry Winters, Kristen E., DPM; Courtesy, Podiatric Surgery Wiseman, Dana, MD; Medicine Wisniewski, John S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Wolf, Scott A., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Wolfberg, Carrie A., MD; Active, Cardiology Wolfson, Leslie I., MD; Active, Neurology Wolkoff, Leslie I., MD; Active, Neonatology Wolpaw, David W., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Wong, Jean F., MD; Active, Urology Woodley, Anthea F., MD; Cardiology Woods, Scott W., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Woodson, Susan M., PA-C; Adjunct, Trauma Surgery Worgaftik, Brigitte P., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Worthley, Catherine A., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Woythaler, Melissa A., DO; Courtesy, Neonatology Woznica, Margaret E., MD; Active, Pulmonology Woznica, Zbigniew A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Wright, Stephanie A., MD; Active, Infectious Disease Wrubel, Gregory L., MD; Active, Radiology Wrzesinski, Tamara J., MD; Pediatrics Wu, Amy C., MD; Active, Pediatric Cardiology Wycherly, Benjamin J., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Y Yannopoulos, Aris D., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Yasuda, Thomas J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Ye, Xiaoyi, MD; Active, Nephrology Yeston, Neil S., MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Yetil, Turgut, MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Yi, Vanessa H., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Yost, Allison R., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Youmans, Erik L., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Young, Penny B., APRN; Psychiatry Young, Mary C., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Young, Richard S., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Neurology Yuan, Stephen B., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Z Zablocki, Wieslawa, MD; Geriatric Medicine Zabrensky, Karen, MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Zafian, Ruthann B., APRN; Adjunct, Cardiology Zahedi, Sohrab, MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Zahner, Shawn D., DMD; Active, Dentistry Zahradnik, Janet, MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Zakko, Salam F., MD; Active, Gastroenterology Zalneraitis, Edwin L., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Neurology Zamstein, Jacob, MD; Courtesy, Urology Zande, Michael L., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Zanker, Michael F., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Zavoski, Robert W., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Zelman, Marvin, MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Zeman, Peter M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Zhou, Xun C., MD; Active, Obstetrics & Gynecology Zianio-Mihon, Lela, APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Zimmerman, David L., MD; Active, Radiology Zimmerman, Jeffrey, PhD; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Zimmerman, Jessica L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Zimmermann, Gordon A., MD; Active, Orthopedics Ziogas, Barbara F., MD; Active, Pediatrics Zubkov, Bella, MD; Active, Dermatology Zweibel, Steven L., MD; Active, Cardiology Zweig, Elliot C., MD; Active, Dermatology 61 Community Involvement Each year Hartford Hospital contributes to the community in the form of support for other non-profit organizations. The hospital makes donations, forms partnerships, offers financial support or supplies in-kind services to a large number of agencies. In addition, Hartford Hospital staff serve the community by working with local agencies and taking part in the events sponsored by these organizations. The following is a list of those agencies that have both benefitted from the hospital and, in turn, brought benefit to the hospital. 62 Achieve Hartford! Alzheimers Association American Diabetes Association American Lung Association American Red Cross Amistad Foundation Analeh Show Anti-Defamation League Association for Community Health Improvement (ACHI) Aurora Women & Girls Foundation BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society) Blue Wave Printing Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford, Inc. Bulkeley High School Bushnell Butterfly Bliss Productions Camp Courant Capital Community College Central Area Health Education Center (CAHEC) Charter Oak Cultural Center Children’s Museum Chrysalis Center, Inc. City of Hartford Health & Human Services City of Hartford/Office of Youth Services Community Health Services Connecticut AIDS Resource Coalition Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology Connecitcut Children’s Medical Center Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice Connecitcut Forum Connecticut Puerto Rican Forum Connecticut Science Center Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame Cystic Fibrosis Easter Seals Greater Hartford Rehabilitation Center, Inc. Family Life Education Girl Scouts Greater Hartford Arts Council Guakia Harriet Beecher Stowe Hartford Action Plan Hartford Areas Rally Together Hartford Business Journal Hartford Marathon Hartford Multi National Lions Club Hartford Stage Hispanic Health Council Hospital of Central CT at New Britain InterCommunity Inc Interval House ITNNorth Central CT Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Latinas & Power Symposium Leadership Greater Hartford Leukemia & Lymphoma Society LEVAS Mandell JCC March of Dimes Maria Sanchez Mary’s Place Mercy Housing & Shelter Metro Hartford Alliance Midstate Medical Center Muslim Coalition of CT My Sister’s Place Northern CT Black Nurses Assoc Natchaug Hospital National Conference for Community & Justice National Multiple Sclerosis Society Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters Our Piece of the Pie Parent Academy (LAP La Academia de los Padres) Project Night Night Puerto Rican Day Riverfront Recapture, Inc. Salvation Army Scleroderma Foundation Society of Latin American Firefighers South Side Institutions Neighborhood Alliance Spanish American Merchants Association UCONN UCONN Health Center United Way Urban League of Greater Hartford, Inc. Village for Families & Children VNA Walk for PKD West Indian Social Club Windham Hospital Women’s Health YMCA of Greater Hartford YWCA of Greater Hartford SUPPORT GROUPS* Addiction Self Help Groups Advanced Prostate Cancer Support Group Bereavement Support Group Brain Tumor Support Group Breast Cancer Support Group Breathe Easy Support Group Cancer Wellness Support Group Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System Diabetes Life Care Support Group Focus On Healing Support Group Healthy Aging Heart Transplant Support Group Latina Women’s Support Group Look Good, Feel Better Major Mental Illness Support Group New Beginnings Support Group Ovarian Cancer Support Group Prenatal Support Group Prostate Cancer Support Group Schizophrenia Rehab Intensive Program Smoking Cessation Support Group Spanish Bereavement Support Group Spanish Look Good, Feel Better Spouse Prostate Cancer Support Group Transplant Patient Support Group Young Women’s Support Group EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS* Advanced Cardiac Life Support Allied Health Collaboration An Introduction to Schizophrenia Anxiety Disorders: Diagnosis, Theory and Treatment Basic Cardiac Life Support Bipolar – An Introduction to the Disorder College Students and Substance Abuse Colon Cancer: Preventing It, Detecting It, Treating It Communication Techniques and Behavioral Health Depression Diabetes and Healthy Eating Diabetes and Your Diet Dietary Supplements and Diabetes Dual Diagnosis in Mental Illness Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Family and Friends CPR and First Aid for Children Family Response to Alzheimer’s Diagnosis Healthy Living with Diabetes after Transplant Knowing and Lowering Your Risk of Diabetes Legal Issues Facing Seniors Life After Breast Cancer Life Star Safety Program Medication Compliance Strategies OCD and Related Disorders Overview of Alzheimer’s Disease Overview of Diabetes Parenting Classes Pediatric Advanced Life Support Perinatal Depression Preventing Heart Disease Prostectomy for Prostate Cancer Psychopharmacology Salud Latina Programs Sexually Transmitted Diseases Stroke Education Strong Woman Program The ABC’s of Back Care The Safety Net: What the Future Holds Treatment of Heart Rhythm Disorder Understanding Diabetes and Your Body Women at Risk for Breast Cancer Throughout the year, Hartford Hospital, supported by paid and volunteer staff members, participated in the following health fairs or special events, providing health screenings and education: African American Affairs Commission An Expressive Art Experience – A Healing Journey for Cancer Survivors Antioch Baptist Church Asylum Hill Congregational Church Wellness Fair Avery Heights Senior Health Expo Beauty from the Inside Out Beta Sigma Lambda Education Foundation Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Camp Courant Health Day Capitol Region Mental Health Center Celebrate West Hartford Charter Oak City of Hartford Employee Health and Welness Fair City of Hartford Health Department Healthy Women, Beautiful Women Wellness Fair Colt Defense Community Health & Fitness Fair Community Resource Fair DAS Diabetes Expo Elm Senior Center Health Fair Executive Square House Senior/Disabled Faith Assembly of God Family Recreational Family Worship Center Fire and Safety Day with Hartford Fire Department First Baptist Church Wellness Fair First Cathedral First Church of the Nazarene Global Youth Day Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Goodwin College Governor’s Committee on Physical Fitness Grace Worship Center Church Fair Hartford First Church of Nazarene Annual Gospel Festival Hartford Marathon Foundation Hartford Step Off & Health Expo Health and Wellness Hispanic Health Council Holiday Fair with State Rep Minnie Gonzalez Hope Point Charities Martin Luther King Day Celebration HPL – Immigrant Welcome Event LEVAS (Lift Every Voice and Sing) Wellness Fair Mi Casa Mount Olive Church Ministries Wellness Fair Multicultural Health Fair at Pope Park Muslim Coalition of CT NBC 30 Health and Wellness Festival Northend Senior Center Phillips Metropolitan CME Church Sanctuary of Faith and Glory Church – Friends and Family Day SINA Community Career and Spanish American Merchants Association St. Anne Immaculate Conception Church Strawberry Festival Thirman Milner School Trauma After Care Fall Gathering Underwood Apartments Elderly Complex Wellness Fair United States Postal Service UPS Wellness Fair Urban League of Greater Hartford Carnival Day Upper Albany/Main Street Weaver High School Health Fair West End Community Services Health Fair West Hartford Senior Center Wellness Fair When Mama’s Happy, Everyone is Happy Windsor Locks Town Hall Women’s Expo at Indian Hills *partial listing 63 Mission To offer comprehensive services in an environment where innovation and teaching are integral to care; where we are proud to serve patients and one another; where meeting the challenge of complex medical needs is viewed as a defining competency; and where quality and safety of care are a constant. Values 64 > INTEGRITY > CARING > EXCELLENCE > SAFETY Locations HARTFORD Hartford Hospital 80 Seymour Street, Hartford, CT 06102 AVON Avon Cancer Center Fisher Road, Avon, CT 06001 Avon Family Health Center 339 West Main Street, Avon, CT 06001 Hartford Hospital Avon Wellness Center 100 Simsbury Road, Avon, CT 06001 ENFIELD Hartford Hospital Health Care Center 100 Hazard Avenue, Enfield, CT 06082 GLASTONBURY Glastonbury Endoscopy Center 300 Western Blvd., Glastonbury, CT 06033 EDITOR : Lee Monroe WRITER : Noreen Kirk DESIGN : Ritz Henton Design Group PRINCIPAL PHOTOGRAPHY : Lanny Nagler Hartford Hospital Wellness Center – Glastonbury 704 Hebron Avenue, Glastonbury, CT 06033 NEWIINGTON Eye Surgery Center in Newington 505 Willard Avenue, Newington, CT 06111 WEST HARTFORD Hartford Hospital Wellness Center Blue Back Square, 65 Memorial Road, West Hartford, CT 06117 West Hartford Surgery Center Blue Back Square, 65 Memorial Road, West Hartford, CT 06117 WETHERSFIELD Hartford Hospital Health Care Center – Wethersfield 1260 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield, CT 06109 WINDSOR Hartford Hospital Health Care Center – Windsor 1060 Day Hill Road, Windsor, CT 06095 80 Seymour Street Hartford, CT 06102-5037 860 545-5000
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