Student Organization Management Workshop A STEP-BY-STEP INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT, BUDGET AND EVENT PLANNING AT THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Introduction What is the Center for Student Engagement? What is your role as the financial officer? Who is there to help? Nick Hudson (Coordinator, DOS Financial Services) Orlando Dozier (Accounting Analyst) [email protected] [email protected] Your Advisor! What is SOMA? Student Organization Registration Use your GW email username and password to log into the bottom right side of the screen at and click on the "Awaiting Registration" link next to the name of the organization that needs to be re-registered. If you are registering a new org, click on "Register New Organization" at the top right side of the screen to begin. Fill in all requested information and submit. Online registration includes the following steps in addition to entering basic information about your org: Student Org Town Hall Student Org Management Workshop Responsibility Statement Constitution Budget Online Quizzes Financial Quiz Tutorial Quiz Await final SAT Advisor review and approval Upon completion of these steps, your SAT (Student Advisory Team) Advisor will review the documents you have submitted. Please allow at least five business days from the day your organization completed their steps to hear about approval. You will know that your organization has been approved when you receive an email from your advisor stating your registration is complete. Financial Accounts CSE Accounts Student Association Account SA allocation: Must submit budget request (when registering organizations) to be eligible to receive funding Not all organizations receive funding SA will distribute allocations to organizations for all expenses for the entire year! SA EAF (white form) Sign and submit to SA Office Blank EAF’s are located at the CSE Office, SA Office Must be fill out every time a financial transaction is made • Three primary types: o o o • • Revenue Account: Funds generated by the organization (fundraisers, member dues, ticket sales, etc.) Gift Account: Money typically obtained through corporate or individual donations Campus Recreation Account: Money provided by Campus Recreation for Club Sports***DOES NOT ROLL OVER Roll Over from year to year Revenue EAF (white form) Sign and submit to CSE Office Must be signed by SAT advisor Blank EAF’s are located at the CSE Office, SA Office or under the “Forms” link on the left side of the Student Org’s web page. Must be fill out every time a financial transaction is made Band TRAiLS Types of Payments on EAFs Student Association EAF CSE EAF PETTY CASH PETTY CASH CREDIT CARD CREDIT CARD CHECK TO VENDOR CHECK TO VENDOR REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT UNIVERSITY TRANSFER UNIVERSITY TRANSFER SODEXO CATERING SODEXO CATERING MARVIN CENTER/LISNER MARVIN CENTER/LISNER ENTERPRISE CAR RENTAL ENTERPRISE CAR RENTAL TRAVEL TRAVEL OTHER OTHER Expenditure Approval Forms (EAF) Student Association CSE SA ACCOUNTS Administrative Programming Memberships Events that occur on Subscriptions NON-GW Office Copying Miscellaneous Office Conferences Postage Office Supplies Uniforms Miscellaneous Supplies Advertising Athletic/Game Officials GW Printing/Graphics annual basis (i.e. Recruitment, Fall Speaker Series, etc.) Events that you are planning on having the upcoming year Events for members and student body at large SUB-ORGANIZATIONS Each sub-organization provides umbrella organization with a budget request Umbrella organization is allocated funds for all suborganizations Umbrella organizations must re-allocate sub-organization funding to each sub-organization with SA allocation Umbrella organizations must sign off on each SA EAF Umbrella groups with sub-organization funding: Club Sports Council Engineer’s Council GSEHD SA MBAA Medical Center Student Council Trachtenberg Student Organization Student Association Who is the Student Association? Julia Susuni – Student Association President Kostas Skordalos– Student Association Executive Vice President Scott Lauerman– Vice President of Financial Affairs ([email protected]) What do they do for student organizations? Should your student organization ask them for money? Important dates for budget submission: All budgets are due on March 24th , 2014 by close of business How do you receive funding for the SA? How does the appeal process work? Any questions regarding your budget or allocation should be directed to your SAT Advisor or Ryan Counihan ([email protected]) Questions? Important Financial Dates Fall Organization Registration Period……………… 9/25/13- 10/16/13 Spring Organization 2014-2015 Registration Period….......... 2/24/14- 3/24/14 Organization Management Workshops……..……................ 8/28; 9/3; 9/5; 9/30; 10/4; 10/9; (2 HOUR MEETINGS) Fall Town Halls …………………………………. 11/18; 11/19 SA Mid-Year Review……………………….. 1/28/14 Spring Town Halls ………………………… 1/22/14; 1/30/14 Organization Management Retreat …………… 1/31/2014 Budgets Due…………………………..….. 3/24/14 SA Budget Decisions (emailed) …………… 4/6/14 SA Allocation Appeals ………………… 4/7/14-4/12/14 SA Co-sponsorship Request Due………..…… 4/11/14 EAF final submission due date….…..………… 4/25/14 2013-2014 Registration Expires…………….... 5/1/14 SA Finance Policy Manual Details SA Allocation process Details rules and regulations regarding SA Funding Details prohibited items Details allocation appeals process Criteria the SA considers when deciding allocations Refer to the SA’s senate finance committee policy manual if you have questions Contact Ryan Counihan, Senate Finance Committee Chair, with questions at [email protected] or your SAT Advisor Now what? Make certain you keep up with the amount of money you have in all of your accounts by looking it up online Only the Financial Officer (you) has access to view your organization’s Revenue & SA Account balances (updated weekly) Keep accurate records of all financial transactions for your organization’s account (copy everything!) Contact the Coordinator, DSA Financial Services in CSE with any questions How to Access & View your account: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Start at and click on log-in Login with personal username & netid Click on organization name link Scroll down to the “About this Organization” Text box Click “financial officer click here to view your budget(s)” link View your budget! Questions Q: What are the types of accounts? Q: What accounts roll over each year? Q: Who has access to view your organization’s accounts? Answers A: SA Account, Revenue Account, Gift Account, Club Sports Account A: Revenue and Gift- NOT SA or CLUB SPORTS A: The Treasurer Creating Budgets Budget Document All student organizations requesting SA funding for 2014-2015 academic year MUST complete the SA Budget Excel document Creates uniformity amongst student organizations Adds further details for the SA Finance Committee Differentiates between Administrative, Programming, and Suborganization Expenses Creates an overview sheet for the SA Finance Committee Student organizations NOT requesting funding do not have to create/submit budget Budget Document Four main components Administrative Memberships Subscriptions NON-GW Office Copying Miscellaneous Office Conferences Postage Office Supplies • • • • • Uniforms Miscellaneous Supplies Advertising Athletic/Game Officials GW Printing/Graphics Programming- Create as many tabs as you have programs Suborganizations- Use each suborganization tab for each org Revenue- List dues, fundraising, etc. to determine actual request amount Budget Document Tips You can only edit WHITE CELLS- everything in blue or buff is locked Do not change the format Be as explicit and detailed as possible CSE Financial Services and CSE will be available every Monday and Wednesday for specific budget office hours from 1:30-3:00pm during Student Organization Registration (March 1-March 24) Sub-organizations DO NOT have to fill out this document Questions about document see CSE Financial Services or SA Finance Committee SUGGESTIONS? GW FOR GEORGE EXAMPLE Go to organization-forms-and-documents to access instructions for completing budget document and template Student Organization Creates Budget Should cover full year’s fiscal spending FALL EVENT Food Decorations Entertainment GWPD Fees OFFICE SUPPLIES Paper Tape/Pens/etc HP Printer 580.00 250.00 50.00 200.00 80.00 SPRING EVENT Food Decorations Entertainment GWPD Fees 580.00 250.00 50.00 200.00 80.00 200.00 GENERAL BODY MEETINGS 400.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 Food Publicity Grounds Fees Entertainment 100.00 100.00 20.00 180.00 Create Budget for Event Co-sponsorships Amount Residence Hall Association 1000.00 Student Dining Board 1300.00 Colonial Army 150.00 Interfraternal Council 300.00 Panhellenic Council 300.00 Total: Difference: Expenses Amount Catering Food 2665.00 Tiffany’s Cake 150.00 GW Jazz Band 150.00 DJ Premier Services250.00 Decorations: Balloons 53.77 Tickets 10.00 Supplies 19.13 University Police 161.00 $3050.00 $ 3733.60 $683.60 The difference will be paid from the student organization’s budget Financial Policies CSE Quick Guides Quick Reference Guides on policies, procedures for all student organization transactions Available on Student Organization Forms and Documents website: Quick Guide on Contracts Quick Guide on Payments Quick Guide on SA EAFs Quick Guide on Tax Exemption Quick Guide on Travel Quick Guide on Vendors Account Basics Four types of accounts: SA Account (allocated by SA, once/academic year) Revenue Account (funding generated by organization, roll over) Gift Account (donations from outside donors) Campus Recreation (Club Sports teams) Payment Methods: - Direct payment to vendors (invoices) - Credit Card payment to vendors - Reimbursements - Petty cash Off campus bank accounts Not allowed or supported Payment to Vendors Registration/Tournament Fees Individual and Sole Proprietorships Commercial Vendors Prizes, Awards, and Scholarships Reimbursement Policy IBUY REIMBURSEMENTS All student employees are NOT required to create IBUY profile All staff and/or faculty who receive student organization funding must still create IBUY Profile All reimbursements will be electronic for Accounts Payable Reimbursements & EAFs All reimbursements MUST be submitted within 30 days of ORIGINAL purchase! Org must have sufficient funds to cover the expense Must submit paperwork within 30 days of original purchase Original receipts must be attached to an EAF Must be taped to an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper (no staples) Reimbursement request must equal or be less than receipt amount Follow all guidelines on the EAF form (incomplete EAF’s will delay reimbursement time) Complete the Individual Reimbursement section of the EAF Must have appropriate signatures Must submit to the correct location (different depending on type of EAF) ADDRESS MUST MATCH BANWEB!!!! Note: You will be contacted by your student organization to find out if you can work with staff to put charges on a University credit card Reimbursements & EAFs Individual being reimbursed MUST be the same person that made the original purchase Individual being reimbursed MUST have direct deposit RECEIPTS FOR REIMBURSEMENT SHOULDNOT INCLUDE ANY ITEMS EXCEPT WHAT IS BEING REIMBURSED Students CANNOT/WILL NOT be reimbursed for personal (out of pocket) money spent for services requiring contracts (i.e. performer payment with personal money = NO REIMBURSEMENT) Each individual may only request $600 in reimbursements per academic year (any amount over $600/individual may be taxed to that individual). ALL ADDRESS MUST BE UPDATED AND ACCURATE IN BANWEB (where you register for classes) Questions Q: What are the four payment methods? Q: What is the maximum for reimbursements in one year before being taxed? Q: How many days do you have to turn in a receipt? Q: Where do I turn in the reimbursement request? Answers A: Credit Card; Petty Cash; Direct Payment (check); Reimbursement A: $600 A: 30 A: Student Association (white copy and receipt) Center for Student Engagement (yellow and receipt) TRAVELLING NEED TO TRAVEL? MUST NOTIFY CSE in advance CSE books all travel that is fully paid for with university funds (reimbursements are available for portions of travel expenses) There are three forms for travel: Vehicle Request Form; Hotel Request Form; Air Travel Request Form Fill out forms and turn in with EAF LOCATED IN CSE TRAVEL POLICIES iBuy Travel All travel reservations are to be made through at CSE UNLESS special rate through CONFERENCE OR TOURNAMENT Driving Policy 21 years old and above drivers Authorized student drivers will be required to purchase insurance through Enterprise Authorized student drivers can drive 300 miles per day but must take a break somewhere within that radius 20 year old drivers Authorized drivers will be covered under GW’s insurance Authorized drivers are limited to 200 mile radius around Washington, D.C. All authorized drivers are required to be registered and approved to drive through the CSE and Risk Management All minivans have 250 free miles per day, $.25/mile above 250 miles IF AN ACCIDENT OCCURS, MUST NOTIFY CSE AND RISK MANAGEMENT IMMEDIATELY Travel Travel Form 1- Registration and Emergency Contacts (This form needs to be completed and submitted to your SAT Advsior at least (10) business days before leaving for the trip.) Travel Form 2 – Participation (EVERY person traveling must fill out this form. Submit all participant forms together at the same time to your SAT Advisor before leaving for the trip.) Driver Registration Form (EVERY driver needs to complete this form to become a registered driver. After completing the form, take it to you SAT advisor and have them sign and fax to the Office of Health and Safety) 20 Year Old Driving Radius 20 Year Old Driving Radius Locations 20 year old drivers can drive to: New York City Pittsburgh, PA Philadelphia, PA Raleigh, NC Roanoke, VA Morgantown, WV All of NJ, MD, DE Most of VA Questions Q: How do you get registered to drive? Q: How far can 21 and above drivers drive? Q: How far can 20 years drivers drive? Q: How many free miles do you get with a minivan per day? Q: Who is covered under GW’s insurance? Answers A: Contact student organization advisor, fill out application, pass test A: 300 miles per day, MUST TAKE A BREAK A: 200 MILE RADIUS FROM DC A: 250 FREE MILES PER DAY A: 20 year old drivers (21+ drivers under Enterprise) Deposits Deposit Slip Student must come into the CSE and fill out and meet with an authorized staff member who will confirm deposited amount Where does it go? The deposit will be credited to the student organization Revenue Account The deposit will be subject to reduction should a check be returned for nonsufficient funds All checks must be written to “The George Washington University” or must state clearly in the “TO” line “GW STUDENT ORGANIZATION” OVER NIGHT DEPOSITS ARE AVAILABLE Questions Q: Where do you hand in overnight deposits? Q: Which account does you student orgs deposit go into? Q: When depositing a check, who must the checks be written to when to? Answers A: Fifth floor Marvin Center. A: The student organization’s Revenue Account. A: All checks must e written to “The George Washington University,” or must state clearly in the “To” line “GW Student Organization.” Petty Cash Available to all student organizations and staff Must first fill out a Petty Cash Request Form and an EAF Takes a few days for request to be processed & approved Limited to $150.00 per request Cannot be used for tobacco, alcohol, or to pay vendors Petty cash receipts and left over cash Turn back into CSE within 5 business days of pick up Penalties: Organization will be charged for full amount/unable to request money for the remainder of the year Pick up petty cash at CSE 5th floor Marvin Center – Nick Hudson or Orlando Dozier Donations Donations can be made with funds from your Revenue Account Submit a memo to the CSE with: Organization’s name, address, contact person, amount you wish to donate Copy of the organization’s W-9 International Organization Donations require: Name of organization Bank name, bank account #, bank routing #, bank address Type of entity (corp, partnership) Domicile of entity (name of country) Copy of organization’s W-9 Takes time to complete donation SA funds are NOT allowed to be used for donations Questions Q: What’s the Maximum amount of money a student or g can requesting petty cash? Q: Petty cash and left over receipts must be returned in how many business days from pick up? Q: Are SA Funds allowed to be used for Donations? Answers A: One can request up to $150. A: Left over petty cash and receipts must be returned within 5 business days? A: No, donations can only be made with funds from your revenue account. CSE Credit Card Payment Website Available on August 30th Members of student organizations can make payments for various items with a credit card Dues T-Shirts Event Registration/Tickets Other Purchaser must select student organization Student organization’s Revenue Account will be credited at least once per month Student organization can contact CSE for a report on who made payments Purchaser will receive a receipt and email confirmation Event Planning GEORGE’S FALL BALL GW for George Presents: George’s Spring Fling What is the purpose of the event? Where will you host the event? When is the best time for the event? How many people are you anticipating? Who can co-sponsor the event with you? Music? Publicity? Theme? Decorations? The earlier you plan the better! Marvin Center Event Scheduling Changes and new policies All forms can be found online The George Washington University has hundreds of rooms that can be booked for various events – therefore be sure to print out the receipts to avoid confusion Lisner Auditorium is booked through contacting them directly: Developing Date and Location Look at event calendar to make sure your student organization is not planning an event that will coincide with a major university event or holiday Make certain you choose both an ideal location and a rain/alternative location In this case, we want U-yard and will use Marvin Center Great Hall/Columbian Plaza in case of rain Campus Spaces & Payments Marvin Center & University Conferences Marvin Center Space, Outdoor Space, E Street, Alumni House: Marvin Center 204, 202-9947470 Space fees apply [if less than 75% of your audience is GW affiliated] Space fees always apply with events in E Street space Technology/equipment fees apply Requests GWPD for student organization use Must identify whether funding for event will come from SA or Revenue Account Mount Vernon Hand Chapel, Post Hall, Pelham Commons, Eckles Auditorium, The Quad: [email protected] Space fees may apply [if less than 75% of your audience is GW affiliated] Technology/equipment fees apply Requests GWPD for student organization use Summit payment fees applicable Jack Morton Auditorium: 202-994-7736 Space fees always apply with events; $750 Equipment fees apply Campus Spaces Continued Academic Space: 202-994-4915 or [email protected] Fees apply Rental Request Form must be submitted to Academic Scheduling Office (electronic form) Contact Coordinator, DOS Financial Services afterwards to initiate payment Policies: Academic Technologies: 202-994-7900 or [email protected] Fees apply Contact Coordinator, DOS Financial Services afterwards to initiate payment Technology Request Form must be submitted to Academic Technologies Solution Center Note: Plan on additional fees for a/v tech equipment, grounds crew (if outdoors and large attendance, etc.) Finding Co-sponsorships SA Co-sponsorship (through SOMA) GW Student Dining Board (through SOMA) Marvin Center Governing Board (through SOMA) Residence Hall Association (contact RHA directly) Co-sponsorships Criteria varies for each department, committee, association, or council that provides funding Other funding opportunities may exist that are specific to individual groups. How to apply for a Co-sponsorship: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Start at and click on log-in Login with personal username & netid Click on organization name link Click “Co-sponsorships” on the right side Follow the steps to apply Our arch nemesis- CONTRACTS Contract Information Sheets (CIS) must be filled out with anyone who is will be participating in the event that is not affiliated with the university. The form must be processed before the event occurs The contract process takes 8 weeks for process. Do not allow your student organization to let this form slip their mind. It is very important and if they want their vendor to be approved or paid on time. Students are not allowed to sign the CIS so be in constant contact with your students until it is fully processed. Contracts When do you need a contact? Anytime a student organization wants to hire a vendor/performer regardless of payment What is the timeline of a contact? Takes at least 8 weeks PRIOR to event to fully process a contract Payments occur AFTER service is provided (typically 4-6 weeks after) What do I need to submit to begin the contract process: Completed Contract Information Sheet (CIS) Signed EAF(s) If vendor has their own contract, attach vendor’s contract to the CIS Students are not allowed to sign contracts Contracts: The Advisor’s Role → Advisor works with vendor to reach a contractual agreement for services requested → Advisor works with vendor to complete additional documentation with vendor (tax form, registration, & payment procedures) → Contract is reviewed by a number of Administrators (SAT Advisor, Associate Dean - CSE, General Counsel, & Chief Financial Officer) → A typical contract exchanges hands 5-6 times before it is complete! TIPS: → Keep in contact with student organization → Don’t wait for the “uh-oh” Questions Q: When do you need a contract? Q: What is the timeline of a contract? Q: When is the vendor/performer paid? Q: What do I need to begin the contract process? Q: Are students allowed to sign contracts? Answers A: Anytime a student organization wants to hire a vendor/performer regardless of payment. A: It takes at least 8 weeks prior to the event to fully process a contract. A: Payments occur 4-6 weeks after service is provided. A: You need a completed Contract Information Sheet (CIS), Signed EAF(s), and attach the vendor’s contract to the CIS. GIVE TO ADVISOR! A: No, students are not allowed to sign contracts. Risk Management Center for Alcohol and other Drug Education University Police Department If requesting GWPD in Marvin Center & University Conferences governed space, MC Event Planners will submit request per your notification/request. MC Event Planners will include UPD cost in your MC invoice If requesting GWPD for non Marvin Center & University Conferences supervised activities/events: urityServicesRequest/ Online request required Must identify whether funding for UPD will come from SA or Revenue Account Transportation Vendors Entertainment Vendors Marketing and Publicity Make certain that your student organization is using their resources for creating posters and making their event known on campus. A co-sponsorship with a student organization can be fiscal, manual assistance, or spreading the word. Generate a poster for the event and be very careful to include all of the logos of the student organizations and other university departments that are co-sponsoring. QUESTIONS ABOUT CREATIVE MANAGEMENT- visit Use current and up to date logos QUESTIONS ABOUT T-SHIRTS, LOGOS- contact [email protected] Jessyka Castillo Catering Foggy Bottom Colonial Catering (Sodexo): Marvin Center 204, 202-994-7472 EAF required Submit catering contract with EAF DO NOT SIGN CONTRACT Mount Vernon Colonial Catering (Sodexo): 202-242-3923 EAF required Submit catering contract with EAF DO NOT SIGN CONTRACT If you need to seek and outside caterer for an event in a GW building you will need to ask for permission. Otherwise, it will always be Sodexo who caters for your events. Questions? CONTACT YOUR STUDENT ORGANIZATION ADVISOR WITH ANY FUTURE CONCERNS!
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