DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia A/S Company presentation Contact Person Title/Occasion Place/Date About DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia Owned in a joint venture ownership by DB Schenker Rail (D) and Green Cargo (S) Is part of DB Schenker Rail – a comprehensive, European railway transport network Transports annually around 400,000 wagons and more than six million tonnes of freight – which is equivalent to 1,100 fully loaded trucks every day all year round Has recently invested DKK 700 mill. in new locomotives for cross border transport Has almost doubled the productivity per employee since 2007 Has yielded positive results since 2007 2 History of DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia A/S 2001: The Railion group (Deutsche Bahn) buys the former state owned DSB Gods which becomes Railion Danmark A/S 2008: Railion Danmark A/S becomes a joint production company between Railion GmbH (51%) and Green Cargo AB (49%) The company name is changed to Railion Scandinavia 2008: Railion Danmark invests in 17 new BR 185 locomotives equipped for the crossborder traffics between Germany, Denmark and Sweden 2009: Railion brand is replaced into a common recognizable brand: “DB Schenker”. Railion Danmark changes name to DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia A/S 2011: The Combi Terminals in Taastrup and in Taulov are modernised and expanded. 3 Organisation - Management 4 About DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia Primary activities: Provides efficient and competitive freight solutions connecting Scandinavia and the European continent Strives for the highest quality and aims for setting new standards for precision and delivery Breaks boundaries in order to optimise freight transport on behalf of our customers Responsible for execution of freight transport in the rail way corridor between Maschen, Germany and Malmø, Sweden - this includes planning, operations, quality, safety, maintenance and resources The tasks and daily execution is carried out in close cooperation with DB Schenker Rail in Germany and Green Cargo in Sweden as well as infrastructure holders in Denmark, Germany and Sweden 5 Continual provider of national traffic It is our aim to be the most significant provider of efficient rail freight transport in Denmark We strive to obtain involvement in all lucrative railway freight activities in Denmark – where ever they may show We will strive to constantly develop our competitiveness for the benefit of our customers …and the environment 6 About DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia Our goal: Focus on regularity – 80% of all arrivals within 15 minutes of the timetable! We strive to double our market share in the transport sector within the next 5 years. We have already increased the number of driven kilometres significantly: Germ any Denm ark Sw eden Total *2012 2.264.712 3.321.772 590.246 6.176.728 2011 2.404.050 3.647.755 662.870 6.714.675 2010 2.754.486 3.300.776 1.013.990 7.069.252 2009 2.085.720 2.979.199 1.109.520 6.174.439 2008 124.563 3.796.680 490.019 4.411.263 2007 0 3.681.668 245.980 3.927.648 * Budget 7 About DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia The company in numbers Our current locomotive fleet – 59 13 EG locomotives (electrical) (capacity 2,300 t) 17 BR185 locomotives (electrical) (1,700 t) 6 MZ locomotives (diesel) (1,600 t) (+ 2 not currently in production) 15 MK shunting locomotives (diesel) 6 KÖFF shunting locomotives (diesel) Employees - 235 97 locomotive drivers 32 shunters 46 at the terminals 20 in Operations Centre 40 administrative (incl. 7 DBSR Denmark Services staff) 8 Our employees hold the key to our success Our business is reliant on a highly specialised work force At DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia we benefit from having a skilled and experienced team of employees We keep developing our organisation and ourselves Training is a natural and important part of our company We expect reliability and responsibility – and we achieve it with strongly motivated employees Our organisation structure has short, uncomplicated lines of communication Managers are open-minded and straight forward Managers are competent, innovative and goal-oriented 9 Human Capital DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia has variety of resources in the members of staff, and our people are our most valuable asset. 83% are locomotive drivers, shunters, Operations Centreand terminal staff – all with hands on knowledge and large experience on the infrastructure and rolling stock used in the Scandinavian traffic. 17% are administrative employees – many of whom holds a degree in transport related areas and with in-depth knowledge and experience of rail production and planning, customer needs and cargo flows, daily operational obstacles and possibilities. 10 Historic disputes with Labour Union solved In recent years has a long-suffering, strained relationship with the Labour Union – Dansk Jernbaneforbund – been normalised Years of mistrust and negative mental baggage previously halted cooperation at times The mistrust was– mostly based on misinformation and misinterpretations A combination of a learning process, increased dialogue and constructive results over the last years have paved the way for a positive breakthrough with emphasis on mutual interests Cooperation has been steadied. The dialogue and the daily cooperation is now purposeful, flexible and constructive 11 Meeting future challenges The fleet of locomotives provide the basis for cross border traffics realising a substantial potential regarding efficiency and regularity Extensive cooperation, planning and coordination is a key success factor Experienced, enthusiastic staff and new competencies organised in an efficient and dynamic environment German, Danish and Swedish locomotive drivers working across borders in a unified company Continuous training is the basis for our success Rules and regulations are being challenged in order to eliminate inexpedient barriers 12
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