HIGH TECH HUMAN TOUCH UTWENTE.NL/BACHELOR STUDIES Technische Geneeskunde Advanced Technology Creative Technology TECHNISCHE GENEESKUNDE UTWENTE.NL/BACHELOR/TG TG - EEN VOORBEELD TG - DE PIJLERS Geïntegreerd onderwijs Geneeskunde Technologie Professioneel Gedrag & Stage Anatomie, pathofysiologie, principes van beeldvorming, meten en verwerken van signalen Stage TG - STUDIEOPBOUW Bloedvormend- en immuunsysteem Wiskunde, communicatie, consultvoering, professioneel gedrag Spijsverteringssysteem Cardiovasculair en Respiratoir systeem Neurale systeem Bewegingsapparaat Wiskunde, consultvoering, professioneel gedrag, gezondheidsrecht, methoden en technieken, ethiek Consultvoering, methoden en technieken Stage Zintuiglijk systeem Urogenitale systeem Biomaterialen, human body interaction Professioneel gedrag, gezondheidsrecht, ethiek Multidisciplinaire Bachelor afstudeeropdracht TG – THEMA’S Anatomie & Beeldvormende Techniek Regulatie & Integratie TG - BEROEPSPROFIEL Als Technisch Geneeskundige in het ziekenhuis: • Werk je in een behandelteam • Kun je geavanceerde technologie op de patiënt toepassen • Ben je vernieuwend in de gezondheidszorg • Ben je uniek! Andere beroepsmogelijkheden: • Onderzoeker • Bedrijfsleven ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY UTWENTE.NL/BACHELOR/AT AT - AN EXAMPLE AT - THE DISCIPLINES Engineering Science Business AT - THE BACHELOR Year 1 Man & Machine Energy Materials Dynamics System Engineering Field & Waves Master preparation Bachelor assignment Year 2 Signals, Systems & Models Materials Engeneering Year 3 Master preparation Master preparation AT - THE FIRST YEAR Year 1 Man & Machine Thermodynamics Materials Dynamics Theory: Analysis of Technology in Society, Math A and B Project Methods & Techniques: Problem Based Learning Skills: Project, Working together in teams AT - THEMES Science Business AT - CAREER PROSPECTS Research Organize Design …at the government …for large multinationals …as a PhD student …at crime scenes …R&D department …in the business environment …as a project manager …for large technological enterprises …as an engineering consultant …in the chemical field …environment systems …new applications …as a robot designer Brigitte is researcher in the field of forensic microfluids at the University of Twente. She designs and develops applications of lab-on-a-chip technology for use at the crime scene. Maarten runs a spin-off company which uses techniques involving magnetic steering systems for medical purposes such as drug delivery and surgery. This takes a lot of organization. Jeroen is an engineer at DOW chemical. He designs, optimizes and monitors the oil decomposation processes for the production of synthetics such as plastic. CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY UTWENTE.NL/BACHELOR/CREATE CREATE - EXAMPLES Create smart ideas Use smart tools Be motivated by the impact of design Understand impact of technology on humans CREATE - THE DISCIPLINES (Smart) Technology Visualization & storytelling User Interaction CREATE - THE FIRST YEAR Year 1 We Create Identity Smart Environments Living and Working Tomorrow Have Fun and Play CREATE - THE FIRST YEAR Year 1 We Create Identity Smart Environments Living and Working Tomorrow Theory: Smart environments, mathematics Methods & Techniques: System Design Skills: 3D drawing, working together in teams Project: Build a smart environment Have Fun and Play CREATE - CAREER PROSPECTS Research Organize Design …at the government …for large multinationals …as a PhD student …as a creative genius …in the business environment …as a project manager …for large technological enterprises …as an engineering consultant …as a gamedesigner …environment systems …new applications …as a robot designer Vanessa works at the University of Twente. She researches the interaction between humans and robots. Marcello is project manager at Xsens, which deals with developing motion capturesolutions. Edwin is a lecturer, who designed a robot for pipe inspection. TOELATINGSEISEN Opleidingen NT NG EM Technische Geneeskunde Bio WiB, Na - - Advanced Technology + Na, WiB - - Creative Technology + + + + CM STUDIEOPBOUW Middelbare school Bachelor jaar jaar 4 3e 4e 5e 6e klas klas klas klas jaar jaar jaar 1 2 3 jaar 4 5 STUDENTENLEVEN THUIS OP DE UNIVERSITEIT ENSCHEDE DE CAMPUS DE STAD OP KAMERS In de stad Op de campus VERENIGINGEN 65 20 sportverenigingen cultuurverenigingen 5 16 gezelligheidsverenigingen studieverenigingen KICK-IN 9 dagen Kick-In KOM JE NAAR DE OPEN DAG? 14 - 15 november Aanmelden via: www.utwente.nl/opendagen MEER INFORMATIE utwente.nl/bachelor Of neem contact op met het Studie-Informatiecentrum: t. e. fb. 053-4895489 [email protected] facebook.com/UT.studievoorlichting TOT ZIENS! UTWENTE.NL/BACHELOR/TG UTWENTE.NL/BACHELOR/AT UTWENTE.NL/BACHELOR/CREATE
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