Kristen Seward › B.A. in English Education • 3 years in middle and high school › M.S. in School Counseling and Guidance 5 ½ years in middle schools 9 years in high school › In progress--Ph.D. in Gifted Education Now for you….. Warm-up Defining “underachievement” Types of Underachievement Characteristics of Gifted Underachievers Contributing Factors of Gifted Underachievement What Can We Do To Turn Gifted Underachievers Around? What would you like to discuss related to underachievement in gifted education or in gifted education in general? Please feel free to ask questions throughout the presentation as they come to you. “It is not impossibilities which fill us with the deepest despair, but possibilities which we have failed to realize.” Robert Mallet How does this apply to our students? … to us as educators? On one side of your notecard, write down everything you can think of regarding underachievement. Complete sentences not necessary. Be prepared to share your ideas. You have 3 minutes. GO! 50% of high-ability students do not achieve well (Schultz, 2005). Between 18-25% of high school dropouts are identified as gifted (Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement, 2008) Concerning gifted students and college (Peterson, 2000) Attend College Finish in 4 Years Gifted Achievers 100% 83% Gifted Underachievers 87% 53% Thirteen years after high school, the educational and occupational status of high school underachievers paralleled their grades in high school, rather than their abilities. (McCall, Evahn, & Kratzer, 1992) “…a discrepancy between potential (innate ability; gifts) and performance (achievement)” (Heacox & Cash, 2014). Must NOT be the result of a diagnosed learning disability and must persist over a period of one school year. On the other side of your notecard, write down the name of the first student who comes to your mind after you hear each of the following descriptions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Lacks self-confidence as a learner Teacher-pleaser Gifted learner Fails homework, but passes tests Completes schoolwork with little effort Bored Lazy but capable Needs to be more challenged in school Doesn’t persevere when the learning task is difficult Doesn’t seem to have any goals Displays feelings of inferiority Loves to learn almost anything Non-producers › Fail to do daily work yet still pass tests and perform well on standardized tests. › Probably knew material already or learned it more quickly than other students. Selective producers › Not motivated by grades, these underachievers will engage in learning only when it is interesting to them. › Know they are smart and capable of high performance. Heacox & Cash (2014) Disruptive, delinquent, hostile, touchy, temperamental, frustrated Anxious, perfectionistic, worries about failure Procrastinates, easily distracted, seems unconcerned about work Reis & McCoach (2000) Now, who is coming to your mind? High academic self-perception, but underachievement determines › the types of activities, › the amount of challenge, and › the level of persistence Usually has negative attitudes toward teachers, classes, and school in general Motivation and self-regulation (thoughts, feelings, and actions related to attaining goals) is negatively affected Goal valuation (degree to which task is important, interesting, and attainable) is also a factor (Heacox & Cash, 2014) The LARGEST DIFFERENCE between achievers and underachievers is in MOTIVATION and SELFREGULATION (i.e., disengage or make haphazard, shallow attempts at work ) and in GOAL VALUATION (i.e., have to value the work or the outcome). (Heacox & Cash, 2014) Achievers are in a success cycle. › Belief that they deserve success Positive feelings about school and learning Desire to achieve Achievement Belief that they deserve success › Setbacks are temporary. Underachievers are in a cycle of failure. › Confidence as a learner is weak Belief that they do not deserve success Negative feelings about school and learning Limits desire to achieve Failure Confidence as a learner weakens › No control over whether they succeed or fail. Both impacted by self-fulfilling prophecy Socio-emotional Factors › › › › › Perfectionism Fear of Failure/Procrastination/No Risk-taking Peer Influences/Conformity Depression/anxiety Social immaturity Classroom and Curricular Factors › › › › › One Learning Goal for All/No Differentiation One Learning Pace for All/No Differentiation One Learning Path for All/No Differentiation One Learning Choice for All/No …. One Learning Expectation for All/No…. Family Factors › Inconsistent and/or extreme parenting styles and techniques › Instability due to any kind of abuse or neglect › Treating gifted child as an adult at too young of an age › Pressure to succeed Cultural Factors › “Achievement” is culturally defined and may › › › › › conflict with school’s definition Values are culturally specific Attitude-achievement paradox may exist Intimidated by dominant culture Language may be a barrier to school achievement Inequity in educational opportunities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. An unusual or unexpected event Power and control issues Conflicting or unclear messages from significant adults Lack of an intellectually stimulating environment and support for students’ passions Fixed mindset of intelligence Problematic beliefs (competition, perfectionism, etc.) Gender Family dynamics (parenting styles, trust issues, substance abuse, health issues, conflict, etc.) Peers Look over the list of students you identified earlier. › Who needs to be added to your list of potential gifted underachievers? › Which students have not been identified as gifted and probably should be considered? Create a list of students that you will talk to your principal or school counselor about. Let’s After take a 10 minute break! the break, we will discuss what we can do to turn around underachievement in the classroom Everyone please stand up. You may take your seat if you have NEVER THOUGHT, SAID, OR HEARD…. › “My students are so unmotivated.” › “I know my students can do better; they just › › › › › need to work harder.” “I’m tired of hearing students’ excuses for their failure.” “Some capable students are just lazy.” “Students have poor attitudes toward school.” “My students are not working up to their potential.” “You can lead a horse to water….” “There are three important things to remember about education. The first one is motivation, the second is motivation, and the third is motivation.” Terrell Bell Former Secretary, U.S. Dept. of Education Think of a time when you were extremely motivated to learn. It might have been in preparation for your driver’s license or the winter you learned to ski. › Why were you motivated to learn? › What supported you in your learning? › What made it a successful experience? Try to relate your experiences to what you do every day in your classroom. All students, especially underachievers, need 5 C’s: › Control—student-centered learning and › › › › instruction emphasized Choice—student interests and learning preferences are part of learning experiences Challenge—flexible, differentiated learning experiences are provided Complexity—novel, authentic, abstract, openended experiences are provided in a variety of forms including in-depth studies, contests, & higher-level-thinking skills **Caring—fair, flexible, humorous, nonjudgmental, respected and respectful Control Choice Challenge Complexity Caring Flexible Grouping X X X X XX Curriculum Compacting X X X X XX Tiered Assignments X X X X XX Independent Study X X X X XX Honors Classes X X X XX Pre-assessment X X X Higher-level Thinking Tasks X X X X XX Creative Thinking Tasks X X X X XX Project-based Learning X X X X XX XX 1. Flexible 2. Grouping Interest Achievement level Activity Learning preference Special needs Curriculum Compacting (skill work) Used in conjunction with pre-assessment Skills already mastered are removed Time for independent study/projects Tiered assignments are used in lessons when all students are focused on the same content, essential understandings, or key skills, but students work on parallel tasks that vary based on readiness, interests, or learning profile. Tier A – structured, teacherdirected Tier B – little prompting to organize ideas Tier C – challenging, openended, student-selected Frequent assessment guides instruction. Formal and informal Pre-, formative, and summative Types of Pre-assessment The T-W-H Chart (Think I know, Want to know, How I would like to learn about it) Open-ended Writing (5-minute time limit) End-of-unit or chapter assessment as pretest Learning Preference and Interest Inventories Five Most Difficult Questions (timed, of course) Exploration of student interests Pre-assessment of student content knowledge Career exploration Real-world experiences Study and organizational skill instruction Educational time spent with other capable students Show acceptance and caring Focus on the positive and on strengths. Keep problems private. Maintain contact with parents/guardians. Keep student involved and interested; focus on process as well as the product Provide variety and choice Keep your expectations high and the learning rigorous. › › › › › › Provide models of work expected Provide descriptive feedback Teach student to self-assess Use recovery, redo, and do-over points Enlist student in record-keeping Utilize one-on-one conferences Adjust your curriculum to make learning appropriate and relevant. Create challenge, variety and opportunity for students to utilize strengths and interests to improve school performance and facilitate in-depth learning. In pairs or on your own, create a cinquain poem that reflects what you have learned, will implement, or will think more about as a result of your participation in this session. FORMAT: one word two words three words four words one word Promote extra-curricular participation Mentoring Counseling › Goal: To reverse counterproductive habits and thinking. › Focus on Student’s strengths “Making sense” of the factors involved and reframing as necessary Moving forward Empowerment—living “on purpose” Counseling (continued) › Family counseling may be in order when serious family issues are involved Teach positive communication strategies Re-establish healthy family hierarchy and roles Strengthen family leadership Teach positive parenting skills Help parents understand themselves and child Clarify personal boundaries Raise awareness of parental messages Help parents “give permission“ to achieve “Children are not born underachievers. Underachievement is learned, therefore it can be unlearned.” (Davis and Rimm, 2004, p. 317) Kristen Seward [email protected] Purdue University, Educational Studies Gifted Education Resource Institute Beering Hall of Liberal Arts and Education 100 N. University Street, Room 5113 Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 Tel: (765) 494-7241, Fax: (765) 496-2706 Like us on Facebook: GERI Heacox, D. and Cash, R. (2014). Differentiation for Gifted Learners. Hoover-Schultz, B. (2005). Gifted underachievement: Oxymoron or enigma? In Johnsen, S. & Kendrick, J. (Eds.) Teaching Strategies in Gifted Education . Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. Long, C. (2013). Are we failing gifted students? National Education Association. McCall, R.B., Evahn, C., & Kratzer, L. (1992). High School Underachievers: What Do They Achieve As Adults? Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Peterson, J.S. (2000). A Follow-Up Study of One Group of Achievers and Underachievers Four Years After High School Graduation. Roeper Review, 22(4), 217-224, Peterson, J.S. & Colangelo, N. (1996). Gifted Achievers and Underachievers: A Comparison of Patterns Found in School Files. Journal of Counseling and Development, 74, 399-407. Reis, S. M., & McCoach, D. B. (2000). The underachievement of gifted students: What do we know and where do we go? Gifted Child Quarterly, 44, 152-170. The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement. (2008). Issue brief: Gifted and talented students at risk for underachievement. Washington, D.C.: Learning Point Associates and SEDL for the U.S. Department of Education.
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