Background CP5A0109 NACMA (now NCI Agency) Contract • NACMA (now NCI Agency) ACCS LOC-1 Contract (CO/6568-ACCS) signed with ACSI in 1999 – Replication projects included as options to the Contract, General provisions, terms/conditions, specifications, tasks to the Contractor e.t.c. are applicable as described in the contract. – FST (Factory System Test) was chosen as “start” of Replication – Replication implementation is linked to the progress in the validation activities (FST BU-1, STI-2, PSWA) NATO UNCLASSIFIED 1 Framework for Replication ACCS Design Validation Sites Software Development Replication Sites Software Validation ARS Tours C.M. La Pile (FRA) CARS Larissa (GRC) CARS Karup (DNK) ARS Nieuw Milligen (NLD) ARS Torrejon (ESP) ARS Eskisehir (TUR) ARS Veszprem (HUN) ARS Krakow (POL) ARS Stara Boleslav (CZE) ARS Soerreisa (NOR) ARS Monsanto (PRT) Validated Software • • • NACMA is the Procurement Agency for 10 sites (MOU) The 10 sites are awarded sole source to ACSI Options to the NACMA contract. NATO UNCLASSIFIED 2 Replication MOU • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between DNK, GRC, NLD, NOR, ESP, TUR and NCIA (formerly NACMA) in 1995. • MOU updated to include CZE, HUN, POL, PRT and GBR in 2005. • Host Nations requested NACMA/NCI Agency AirC2PO&S to act as procurement agent on their behalf. • Objective: • establishes the planning and implementation arrangements between NACMO and the HN with regard to the replication projects. • Sets forth the terms and conditions under which the HN and NACMO will cooperate in the implementation of the replication projects. • For projects included as options to the NCI Agency LOC-1 contract with ACSI. NATO UNCLASSIFIED 3 ACCS LOC1 REPLICATION Sites Under Contract ARS Sørreisa CARS ARS ARS N. Milligen CARS Karup ARS Krakow ARS S. Boleslav ARS Veszprem ARS Monsanto ARS C.M. La Pile ARS Torrejón CARS Larissa NATO UNCLASSIFIED ARS Eskisehir 4 Replication Project Office Replication Site Manager RSM) • • Site Liaison Consultant Oversee the design, development, installation and verification activities coordinate with NCIA staff, ACSI and HN NATEX Contract A C S I Replication Project Office Programme Management Test & Evaluation Financial Management Project Coordination NCIA Air C2 Engineering Contract Support Cost Analysis Configuration Management MOU N A T I O N S Logictics Support NATO UNCLASSIFIED 5 Contract Links with the ACCS LOC1 Core Programme Special Terms & Conditions STEP I Design/Plans 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Installation preparation Comms and interfaces study Site surveys Site design up to CDR Management plans CTEMP Proposal for long lead items Core: & FST BU-1 STEP II Implementation Preparation 1. 2. 3. 4. Completion of Site design (CDR) Procurement of Long lead Items Hardware Installation Activities Production of Software 5. ADP, Servers, WP selection following the completion of STI-2 STEP II Implementation 1. 2. 3. 4. Completion of HW Installation (SCI) SW Installation Testing of System Provision of support environment (spares, support equipment, documentation, training) & PSWA NATO UNCLASSIFIED 6
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