C2M and Customer Engagement Issue 2 7th July 2014 Openreach makes every effort to ensure the information in this report is accurate at the time of compilation, however, Openreach does not represent that it is complete and Communications Providers should check with Openreach for the latest available information. Openreach reserves the right to modify delivery criteria and delivery dates. © British Telecommunications plc 2014 Content and Enquiries • This pack provide an overview on the Openreach Concept to Market (C2M) and customer engagement framework – Covering C2M, Industry forums, and the communication framework – The current copy is held on the Openreach portal in the Product Developments section • Any enquiries can be directed as follows Subject Contact Copper Industry Forums Tony Birkbeck Ethernet Industry Forums Emma Sibbick NGA Industry Forums Emma Sibbick Customer IT Engagement David Rush C2M Generic Framework Neminder Matharu SOR Process Phil Lockett Generic Customer Engagement Framework TCR SoR Demand Story Manages communications/ prioritisation of new requirements Input CP Customer IT Solution Development Forum Defect and generic IT issues Modifications to solution within defined Scope (CPPG for Copper) Product & Commercial Group Forum Process Workshops Requirements Workshops Requirements capture build collaboration plan Review Service Performance Technical Communication Forum B2B & Portal Assessment review, high level & low level process review Capture Feedback Service Forum Modify Solution Post Project Review CE Testing Justify Identify opportunity Define Specify, design & plan solution Justify idea G0 Trial2 Develop G1 Product & customer commercial collaboration Develop and test solution G2 G3 Perform trial (Delivered and ready for use) Customer solution collaboration Launch Perform launch, handover and review G4 Service Management Delivery and Consumption Reviews TCR = Technical Change Request G5 Customer Engagement – Lead CP Role Initial Concept Initial Estimate Justify Early Design Define Identify opportunity G0 G1 IBC To co-ordinate CP input to Stories To lead on compliance (of Design to Demand/CE Stories) and follow-up actions To ensure Industry are kept aware of progress & issues (via Industry fora) [To re-visit and agree volume forecast] To liaise with CPs on the identification of market volumes1 To seek agreement to SOR at Industry fora To submit SOR on Tracking Tool To ensure SOR process is followed To provide endorsement of Design (in consultation with other prospective CP consumers) To sign off Demand, CE and acceptance criteria [To re-visit and agree volume forecast] To ensure volume data has been re-visited To agree a target date for consumption To agree testing/Trials involvement To reach commercial agreement at Industry fora To agree Plan for Consumption Trial2 Deployment to live Perform trial (Delivered and ready for use) Develop and test solution G3 To attend Sprint Show & Tells/process walkthroughs/ wargaming as lead Industry representative To lead on compliance (Detailed Design to Demand/CE Stories) To agree timeframe for parallel development and test schedule To agree Trial criteria (entry/exit) Launch G4 Post Project Review Perform launch, handover and review G5 To lead CP involvement in Trials To participate in a post implementation review. To ensure regular feedback to other CPs (of Trial progress/issues) To participate in Consumption Reviews To review and provide feedback on documentation To sign off Trial (against pre-agreed exit criteria/compliance to Stories) To actively engage in Customer Testing as lead CP To be point of reference for feedback to Openreach & Industry of overall experience To agree how to reinvest learning points with Openreach To agree that the project can be closed from a C2M perspective To sign off test results (against Demand/CE Stories) 1 The Lead CP is not directly responsible for data volumes (and will not necessarily have access to commercially sensitive data) but, as co-ordinator, the LCP should ensure that market proposition has been fully addressed Summary of Lead CP role Trials & Preparation OIB To attend Design Show & Tells as lead Industry representative To secure endorsement of Stories at Industry fora Testing G2 To engage with CE team on Story de-composition & acceptance criteria To seek, on behalf of CPs, clarification of an SOR Dev Sprints Develop Specify, design & plan solution Justify idea To provide details of new requirements and [latest view of volume data] market potential Full Final Detailed Design Estimate Design SE NSE CHECK COMMERCIAL DECISION (AT GATE 2) SOR Submitted 3 i. To act as Industry interface for the registration and progression of an SOR ii. To fully engage in the collaborative process through to testing and acceptance 2 Trial 3 Lead If applicable, otherwise the phases combine CP may be engaged on non-SORs by agreement Blue bullets are Lead CP activities Black bullets are collaborative activities Copper Product CP Engagement New requirements All CP originated changes for Copper must be presented at CPCG at the concept stage as a draft SOR, this will be reviewed at the following CPCG(s) for submission or withdrawal Likewise any Openreach change (products or any other) that has a commercial impact on the CP will also be presented to the CPCG Requirements Review Once CPCG agree submission, the Demand Stories are agreed via the Copper Products Process group (CPPG) Initial assessment, feasibility or design starts, and when complete, the proposal will return to the Process Group Design Review Once the Design is complete (or at a stage that can be shared), the CPPG will agree it against the Demand Stories Sense Check Before G2, once design is complete and before the change enters development, the change will go back to CPCG for a sense-check to ensure the change is still required and will be consumed by CPs. Development CP impacts may be realised at this stage, and are flagged as part of the CPPG (for Copper) or Solution Development Forum (for non-Copper), with the Technical Change Forum following up with further communications If a price is affected then the change will return to CPCG as required in order to agree changes Delivered When a delivery is completed for an SOR, the change will return to CPCG before it is signed off as Delivered on the SOR tool. CPCG then have a month to review implementation and confirm any issues or defects, the following month the CPCG will confirm delivery or not Reject SOR Any proposed rejection must be advised back to CPCG after which CPs are given one month to review the proposed rejection Before this, the Product Manager leading the SOR must inform the lead/originating CP of the proposed rejection Openreach/OTA contacts for the forums are: New CP changes (CPCG): Alison Walpole / David Halliday Requirements review (CPPG): Jane Rutter/Jim Reilly IT Solution Development Forum (SDF) This is the Industry acknowledged body responsible for validating the development of fit for purpose solutions which enable our customers to easily order and assure our products Its aim is to share and validate early solution designs against the acceptance criteria of the Customer Experience Stories, which have been created and agreed by Openreach as a result of the agreed requirements from the NWG, and EPCG Also to maintain a clear focus on the customer journey to achieve the outcomes within the Customer Experience Story It aims to optimise the solutions to improve the end-to-end customer journey for the Openreach NGA and Ethernet Service products to the benefit of our customers and Openreach The SDF is held by release prior to EIP 3, with ad hoc sessions where required The intended CP audience is systems, design, operational, service and product specialists IT Technical Communications Forum (TCF) This is the Industry acknowledged source of technical information on CP impacting changes for CPs consuming Openreach Products via EMP. • It informs CPs on what Openreach has committed to provide and outlines to CPs the features of each change and the detail of how CPs may consume the change. Key responsibilities of the TCF(s) are to provide a technical explanation that: • Makes it possible for CPs to consume our new products and product changes • Enables a programme of multilateral CP customer engagement and IT communication associated with each EMP release across all products • Minimises unexpected barriers to CP consumption The TCF is held by release and aligned with EIP3 publication The intended CP audience is systems, design, operational, service and product specialists
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