Islamic International Dental Colle e. Islamabad Islamic International Medica! College, Rawalpindi MDS 0 erative Dentist Nuclear Medicine, Oncology & Radiotherapy FCPS Nuclear Medicine, FCPS Radiotherapy Ph.D Pharmacology, MHPE. M.Sc Pain Medicine Institute (NORI) Islamabad 4. Palastan Institute of Community 5. Peshawar Islamabad Medical & Demal College, ISiamab2d Ophthalmology, HMC, MPH General. Community Eye Health M.St Periodontology, Oral MedIcine Surgery M.Phll Community Dentistry. MDS Oral & MaxiRo1acial 6. Pakistan Institute of Ophthalmology, AI SMa Trust Eye Hospital. Rawalpindi FCPSOplr.t>almoogy,DOMS, MSPH 7. Army Medical College. Rawalpindi FCPS Community Medicine, Ph.D Community Medicine, SCIence of Dental Malerial, M.Phil Science of Dental Material. 8. Shaheed ZUIfiQar Ali Shuno Medical UnIVersity, PIMS. Islamabad MO Cardiology/Neurology Pu I mo no 10 g y. P s Y C hi a try. Rheumatology, MS Radiology, Anesthesia, CardiaC Surgery 9 AJNafees Medical eonege,Isra Uruve"ity, Hyderabad FCPSOphthalmology,Anatomy, Gynecology & Obstetncs,General Surgery, Minimal Invasive Surgery.Urology, Otorhinolaryngology, MS Gynecology & Obstetrics, Ophthalmology. General Surgery, Otorl1inolaryngology,Mlnimal invasive Surgery, Urology / M.Phit Physiology, M,Phil Phannacology, .t:::Jl' 10. Isra University, Hyderabad Anatomy.1 Pharmacology, Ph.D FCPSOphth~mology, Surgery Paediatrics, Orthoped ie, Community Medicine, Gynae & Obst, Ph, 0 Physiology, M,Phii Community Medicine, MPH, Ph.D An3tomy, Ph.D Haematology, Pharmacology. MD Radiology, MS 2nd Fellowship in Pediatrics Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology. 2nd Fellowship In Vrtreo, Retina. EN! fl, 12. 13, 14. Institute of Basic SClences, Or. A a Khan, KaraChi Diploma Physictry & MO Physictry Tabba Heart Institute, Karachi Sartlad University,~Iamabad & PeshawarCampus Dow Medical College. Karachi FCPSCardiology,Canf~c Surgery,CardiacAnesthesia Master of Public Heal1tJ FCPS (Paediatrics), (Medicine), (Neurology), (Psychiatry), (Physical Medicine & Rehabililation), (Cardiology), (Dermatology) (General Surgery), (Anesthesiology). (Ophthall]lology), (Plastic Surgery),(Neurosurgery),(Cardiac Surgery). (Orthopedics), (Gynecology & Obst'lricS), (END. Diploma in Echo, Cardiography,D,Derm, DCCM,DFM, DD,DMRD, 15 Dow International Medical Coneg"!. Karachi FCPS (Medicine), (Pulmonology), (Gastroenterology), (General Surgery), (Anesthesiology). (Ophthalmology).(Orthopedics Surgeri), (Gynecology & Obstetrics), (ENT), (Radiology), Ph.D Pharmacology, MD Radiology, DMRD 16. Ziauddin Medical College, Karachi • I., ~. :-_. 17, Capital Hosprtal, COA, Islamabad MPH, OMJ. MS Orthopedic, Rheumatology •• Diagnostic M.Phll Community Medicine. MD Radiology, MCPS (Paediatrics). (Anesthesiology), FCPS (Anestllesiology),FCPS (PaediatriCS), (Chemical PathologY),(Clinlcal Pathology),(Histopathology). (Haematology), (MicroblologY),(General Surgery). (NephrolOgy). (Family Medicine), (Neurology). (Gastroenterology). (General Mellicine), (Diagnostic Radiology),(Obsfetrics & Gynecology) FCPSRadIOlogy,Orthopedic. Surgery, ENT, Medicine. Paedi3trics. CPS ~ PMJJ{" ~~)4i 27/J2-/b)lj 18 CMH, Rawalpindi.' MH,"Riiwalpir,d1, Armed-"Forces';jnStiMe 'of Pathology, Armed Forces Institute 01 Cardiology, Rawalpindi, Army Medical College, Rawalpindi. Armed Forces Institute of Ophthalmology, Armed Forces Insbtute of Menta! Health, Armed Forces Instrtute of Renan medicine ,Armec Forces Institu1e Of Radiology & Imag,ng, Armed Forces Postgraduate Medicat Institute. Armed Forces of Bone Marrow Transplant Centre, Armed forces InstiMe of Urology, Rawalpindi, AI< CMH Muzatfarabad, CMH. Abbottabad •• Peshawar, Kana, Nowshera, Kharian. Siarkot. Lahore, Okara, Multan, Bahawalpur, Malir, Quetta, Army Cardiac Centre, Lahore. 19. PNS SMa, Karachi fCPS HaematolOl/Y MCPS Gyn & Obs ,FCPSPaediatrics Surgery MCPS Pulmonology, fCPS Chemical PatholOl/Y PhD Virology, FCPS Clinical Cardia Electrophysiology, FCPS Chemical Pathology MCPS community .medicine ,FCPS Vitreoretinal Surgery MCPS ophthalmology ,FCPS psychiatry MCPS psychiatry, fCPS Physical and Rehabilhation Medicine'. fCPS Radiology MCPS Radiology ,FCPS Communily Medicine MCPS Communily Medicine , fCPS Ctinical Hematotogy ,FCPS NephrolOl/Y,fCPS Radiology MCPS Radiology ,FCPS Paediatrics MCPS Paediatrics, fCPS Plastic surgery MCPS Dermatology, fCPS Surgery, FCPSSurgery ,Psychiatry MCPS Radiology.fCPS SurgeryMCPS Psychiatry,FCPS Eye MCPS Eye, fCPS Cardiac Surgery. fCPS Paediatncs MCPS Paediatrics, FCPS Paediatrics MCPS Paediatri<:s. fCPS Medicine MCPS Radiology ,FCPS surgeryMCPS !'pediatncs, fCPS EyeMCPS ENT fCPS (Medlcine),(Surger~),(Dbstetrics & Gynecology)", (Ophthalmology), (E NT), (Psychiatry), (Radiology), (Dermatology), (Anesthesiology) .(Chemlcal pathology), (Microbiolo (Hlstopatholo gy), (Haematology). (Neuro Surgery),(Nephrology),(Paedlatrlcs). MCPS (Dermatology), (Radiology); (Psychiatry), (Paediatrics), (Obstetrics & ,Gynecology). (Anesthesiology) m, 20. Federal Government Polyclinic, PGMI, Islamabad fCPS Surgery. Gynecoklgy & Obstetrics, Intemal Medicine, Paediatrics, Histopathology, MCPS Gynecology & Obsletrics MS Surgery,-' Urology, ENT, Orthopedic, MO Internal Medicine, Histopathology, Paediatrics, OGO, MCPS Periodonlology, Master of Science, MasterofPhilosophyin Periodontology. 2) . Ziauddin College of Dentistry, Karachi MDS programs _ 22. 23. Liaquat College of Medicine & Dentistry. Karachi MDS Programes Dow Medical College, Karachi Dental Programes 24 25. Altamash Instrtute 01 Dental Medicine, Karacl1i '. AI Tlbn Medical College, and Allbraheem EyeHospital, Karachi 26. 27. Akhter Saeed Medical College, Lahore FCPSGynae & Obs!. FCPS Physiology,MCPS Gyna. & Obst CPE.lnsti1ule of Cardiology, Mullan FCPS & MCPS (Anesthesia) Dental Programes Basic SciellCes programs, Medicine &Attied. Surgery & Allied 28. 29 KRL Hospital,lslamabad 30. Punjab Institu;:e 01 Cardiology. Falsa!abad J1. Saldu Group of Teaching Hospital, Swat 32. Khyber College 01Dentistry. Peshawar FCPS Oral & MaxiHofacial Surgery,Prosthodonbcs, 33 ISlamic International Medical College. Rawalpindi FCPS Porgrams. Physiology. Surgery, Medicine. Gynae & ObSl, Pediatrics, Anesthesia, MCPS Programs, Gynae & ObSl, Paedialrics, AtIesthesia 34. Aga Khan university medical college karachi fCPS Medicine & Allied, Surgery & Allied, Paediatrics & Allied ENT,Dnthopedic. Chemical Pathology Haematology & others. MCPS Obstetrics & Gyriaecology. • FCPSSurgery & Allied and Medicine &Affied and Dental Programs Sardar gegum Dental College & Hospital, Peshawar Pakistan Association Ziauddir1 Medical University Khayber I FCPS Cardiology, FCPS Cardiac Surgery FCPS Punjab Institute University, Peshawar of Cardiology,lahore Aga Khan university medical college karachi Medicine, Dow University ,Karachi Isra University of Health Sciences,Lahore Medical Surgery. Prosthodontics, I fCPSJMCPS ENT.FCPSIMCPSGynae &Obst, FCPSJMCPSEye of Pathologist,Lahore College FepS Programs. Oral & Maxillofacial Orthodootci, OperaLlve Dent1stry Association Surgery, FCPSJMCPS of health sciences,Karachi. Camp,lslamabad for Excekkence in Medical Liaquat University I' .Islamic International Paediatrics, Orlhodontics i ' •• Islamabad I I, FCPS Educaiion , Islamabad of Medical & Health Sciences,Jamshoro Medi~1 College,Rawalpindi Gandhara University, Peshawar Certificate of continuing medical education {CME} of only those DAV institutiOns will be entertained which shall be registered with PM&OC. No renewal of PM&DC registration wUlbe considered without certlficates 01CMEanerrt sl Januar,., 2015. Note:, Please visit PM&DC website' for complete details ot all the Postgraduate qoalifications i.e!!!I'iW.Pl!lII!iJ!llIJ!! . REGISTRAR PAKISTAN MEDICAL AND DENTAL COUNCil 6-1 0I4,Mauve Area, Islamabad, Phone:~51.91 06165. Email: [email protected] .••.•..••.~.- .------~,'.- . "30 - cJg - /..--D/3 p-.J - :/f" - rev., Iidal.ion/rcccn [Iic~lion. The lenn CPO acknt>'Vlcdgcs the wint::-ranging competencies needed 10 practice high quan~ medicincldenti!'":lry, iucluding tnl..'dicnl, manngcrial, ethical. social and personal :;kills. CPD therefore incorporates the concept of continue medical education (CME). which generally is la ell to refer only (0 expanding the knowledge and skill required by doctors. PM&DC has entered in in ;;Im:w era 10 d~vclop standards and guidelines on the usc of CPO ~~ a I l:md£llory rcquircllll:nt under "celioo 16B ofPM&OC (AI~CndlT1cnt)Act 20 12, License 10practice "hall be gl\'l:n only tn those mcdicllVdental prnclitioncrslspccinlists who have l:urnplClcd .1[ k:as[ .5 credil hours/year (tor GPs) and 10 credit hou~Yt:ar (for SPCCi;llisls) of rfailllng or eME (Continuous Medic,,1 Education) by a recognized ()"J/Profcsslonal bndy. To estahlish ,1 robllsl rcgul ••tllry frdmcwork of compulsory CPD being Jlart of legislation, The McoicaI/D.::nl,,1 inslllllli(llls:org;mizations in Pakistan ifdcsimus to gel registered shall apply to PM&DC opportunities practitioncrs. Ccrtilicatcs for inliilll OfCOllliIlUI)US (If rt'gistrafion before 30th Sep'c,mber 2013, which provide prolcssionill development to the registered medical and dental continue.: medical education (CME;J of only those DAllinstituli()ns' will be entertained whichsh<lll be regislered with PM&DC. No r~newal ofPM&DC reg:istr3lion be considced without ccrtiticalcs ()fCME ancr J 1st December 20 13. will , For further infolml.ltiiJn ano application [anns please visit our\vcbsitc: Registrar P<lkistan Medical and Dental Council G-10/4, Mauve Area, Islamabad Phol1e:051-910616Y,9106167. ~ax: 051-9106159 PIDO)No.835/13 ~I
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