WEEKLY ISSUED RETAIL NOTES *DP=WITH SURVIVORS OPTION NATIONAL SECURITIES Established 1947, MEMBER FINRA/SIPC TONY GUGLIELMO 732‐807‐2354 TINTON FALLS NJ 07753 OFFERINGS ARE SOLD TO CLIENTS AT $100 Issuer Term Coupon Freq. Maturity Next Call Cusip Alcentra Capital *DP 7NC1 6.50% S/A 01/15/22 01/15/16 01374TAA0 Price Close Settle Moody/S&P 99.25 01/28/15 12:00 PM 01/29/15 NR/NR Alcentra Capital Corporation is a Business Development Company. As such, they file their documents under Rule 497 which requires the physical delivery of the Final Prospectus and any Supplements to the Prospectus unless the customer has previously opted to receive all such correspondence related to their brokerage account electronically. Dealers can request hard copies be sent to their customers by sending an email to [email protected]. Calvert Investment Calvert Investment Calvert Investment Calvert Investment Calvert Investment 1YR 3YR 5YR 7YR 10YR 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.25% 3.00% Ann Ann Ann Ann Ann 02/01/16 01/31/18 01/31/20 01/31/22 01/31/25 NC NC NC NC NC 13161GBF8 13161GBG6 13161GBH4 13161GBJ0 13161GBK7 99.95 99.60 99.50 99.50 99.50 01/30/15 12:00 PM 01/30/15 12:00 PM 01/30/15 12:00 PM 01/30/15 12:00 PM 01/30/15 12:00 PM 02/04/15 02/04/15 02/04/15 02/04/15 02/04/15 NR/NR NR/NR NR/NR NR/NR NR/NR Due to Blue Sky regulations, the current offering of the Calvert Community Investment Note cannot be offered or sold in the following states: Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Washington. Calvert Investment Notes are not mutual funds, not FDIC insured and should not be confused with any Calvert Group sponsored products Calvert Community Investment Notes are issued by the Calvert Social Foundation. Bank of America *DP 25YR 3.60% S/A 02/15/40 NC 06050WGR0 98.25 02/02/15 12:00 PM 02/05/15 Baa2/A‐ GE Capital Corp *DP 6NC5.75 2.00% S/A 02/15/21 11/16/20 36966TLF7 99.325 02/02/15 12:00 PM 02/05/15 A1/AA+ Goldman Sachs Group *DP 11YR 3.00% Mon 02/15/26 NC 38143C2X8 99.05 02/02/15 12:00 PM 02/05/15 Baa1/A‐ Goldman Sachs Group *DP 23YR 3.50% Mon 02/15/38 NC 38143C2Y6 98.25 02/02/15 12:00 PM 02/05/15 Baa1/A‐ International Finance *DP 5NC6MO 1.00% S/A 02/15/20 08/15/15 45950VFD3 99.75 02/02/15 12:00 PM 02/06/15 Aaa/AAA STEPS: 1.000% beg. 2/6/2015, 1.250% beg. 2/15/2017, 2.000% beg. 2/15/2018, 4.000% beg. 2/15/2019, 6.000% beg. 8/15/2019 International Finance *DP 10NC3 1.50% S/A 02/15/25 02/15/18 45950VFE1 99.25 02/02/15 12:00 PM 02/06/15 Aaa/AAA Green Bond; 1.500% beg. 2/6/2015, 2.000% beg. 2/15/2018, 3.000% beg. 2/15/2021, 4.000% beg. 2/15/2022, 5.000% beg. 2/15/2023, 6.000% beg. 8/15/2023, 8.000% beg. 2/15/2024, 10.000% beg. 8/15/2024 National Rural *DP 12YR 3.00% Mon 02/15/27 NC 63743FVK9 98.95 02/02/15 12:00 PM 02/05/15 A2/A National Rural *DP 15.5YR 3.50% Mon 08/15/30 NC 63743FVL7 98.65 02/02/15 12:00 PM 02/05/15 A2/A Prospect Capital *DP 5.5NC1 4.75% S/A 08/15/20 01/15/16 74348YPV7 99.25 02/02/15 12:00 PM 02/05/15 NR/BBB Prospect Capital Corporation is a Business Development Company. As such they file their documents under Rule 497 which requires a physical delivery of a Final Pricing Supplement, Prospectus and Prospectus Supplement to all customers unless the customer had previously opted to receive all such correspondence related to their brokerage account electronically. Dealers can request hard copies by sending an email to (1) [email protected] and (2) [email protected] with “Prospect Capital” in the subject line. For Broker/Dealer Use Only Securities offered through National Securities Corporation, Inc (NSC). Member FINRA/SIPC Investment Advisory Services offered through National Asset Management, Inc. (NAM) Insurance Services offered through National Insurance Corporation. (NIC) Tax advice offered through Gilman Ciocia, Inc. and not through NSC, NAM or NIC. Gilman, NSC, NAM and NIC are affiliated entities Securities and investments involve risk. Certain tax and/or estate planning strategies may be used in an effort to reduce the overall risk to one's portfolio. However, risk related to securities and investment products can never be completely eliminated.
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