www.InyaTrust.com deq drb*d ;xf .;xf . aere.,t. dO-t, dpdrlduo dOed add0 - 2075 G^\ - fon- 2015 Exominotion FIRST Preporolory DistridlevelS.S.l.C. Class : 10 th Std : S0CIALSCIENCE Suhject Time:3.00hrs. Qalhro? Prl cx R e gN. o .i \ \ L Total Marks Obtained Max. Marks. 6,"6ry dJDddd d& ;iJ ud-rrrob.u - - de9dq$ fdrl ila(!, dotrorq$rldfu .t eruddddr.sDl, wddd Oede>Rd. dOoftdd -_t-- drdr uudddd; f-oL3.drd e3rf,,fldieJddqSre deooJxroh udqbaiedr. d.dnodddr .1..-_ot---__r5---oo_.__----G'- 1Ql1-=-1Q Four altemativesare aiven for each statement. Choosethe correct answer and write it alongwith its alphabeton the dotted line provided : 1. The organizationthat aims to fight against poverty,hunger and malnutrition all over the world is ad€;nduod r.lddd, d|ldr d.ld.l oda&d3ob sdJd d.neuodel ro&daod iof, o t o A) wortd Heatthorgani-zation"a4sdnert dof^ d d -(D_ Bl FoodandAgriculturalOrganizationood dril do&{of^ C) International LabourOrganizationoodoeqo&,eo$roS)Fd do+ D) UnitedNationschildrenemergencyfund. oJ.5&f{6 erudd: 2. Occupationof one country by anothercountryand using the former for the selfish purposeof the latter is a ?^,odJded{ drd.n*od.l dedd ;rodrufodrdJddJ4dgt, iord'rua*fl dJdJdoln ed d B,l*"oetlrd d e (B) Aggressionel3{drec A) Apartheiddsora3et'beJ (D) Inrperialism;;aafry% *e* ."C) Colonialismdiodd.l aotodd wea: egl'Inlrtlilm 3. The EqualWagesAct was establishedin the year dd,rdd dedd uoo3r arD0rluod ddr A) 1e76 (B) 1e86 (c) 1e61 (D) 1e47 wdd , IQa[ 4. The profounderof Wealth Drain Theory is dod8d f.nedr"ld Snaoodd {Saadddr A) Bipin ChandraPal a3.ld a3o{,aaet' B) AurobindoGhosh eld.)odne +rneaf C) Lala Lajpat Rai uoo ociddrnattc D) DadabhaiNaoroji UDUtD?JDob ddd.ned erudd: -0 -JAN-2015 HSN-SOCTAL l OTHSTD. www.InyaTrust.com PREP-1 Pag€'t,{it www.InyaTrust.com 1fi 1'r regionof Kashmiroccupiedby Pakistsq,l* S. ThcNorth-West &glloU t"erl,{r$q ro*rad udra"rldrd m9redd ;oofu{ o {deddd,l -G r o('F'€oA) Akshayichin, ,-.ril"aseoo Fak-occupiedKashmir aro# u{,Ald uo9red . (D) Aksh*f* C) Ladake;crad B) l:r' ira {m dc i,. A) :::': aad B c wdd : -t 6. During October,the temperaturestarts dropping in wdp d r ttnddOelf.n"eu cf 3od€dd_erueo,nodd D because erudd i.' --o d.noJrrd'&dsorle$ A) The Sun rays fall verticallyon the SouthernHemisphere U.A q oo?r;raflaledrdd d* mdrrtnedd dree-3 ,5 c^I B) The Sun rays fall obliquelyon the SouthernHemisphere l,dobER dSraadr rtnedd dreeJ aledrdd c) The Sun rays fall verticallyon the equator 11. l dedcdd ded;rohddrqoad ddp d.ree.3 D ) The Sun rays fall verticallyon the NorthernHemisphere oocJ;rrh erud;mdr flnedd dree.3aled.tdd 12. I wdd : I Huni,tlol'^tw, AEddd ,Su SSeear (B) 38,72,263Sq. Kms / ddd &.AJe. Sq.Kms / cJdd 3..tre. A) 37,82,263 (D) 87,32,263Sq. Kms / ddd t. jltf,. Sq.Kms / e3ddt..tre. C) 32,87,263 7. The total area of India i's wdd : B. The author of PlannedEconomyfor India is qnddf* o3.nedderf,rdrd{d;{dd ddgr (B) Amartya Sen ,rfr{rr JawaharlalNehru addcreeroet' dddJ C) Sir. M. Visveshwaraiahdcf.ao. Sddreddrd"ft, A) drffi.u, D) Sir.C.V,Ramandct6.3.S.uodrd '* t . :.' .€ wdd : 9. The Lady who is known as the 'Queenof IndianTelevisionsector is qnddd dndddrd f,re{,delelQdd, xoQSd qod aodr dddr dddddr * 4 'g ,....A1 Ekta Kapoor arod{pcf B) Kirdn MazumdarShah 8dr6€ d;eild.uurdd (D) JayaBachaana;olrD eJqJtr C) Sudha Murthy d"lqnatrn3r ? € g g .E e € d g uudp €t<lavahc-pt , H S N- S O C I A L - J A N - 2 0 1 5 14. :a it :a .i€ {t x 3 ; l ;€ l OTH STD. PREP-1 ;r **{*e** i. *l Page :o c'.* + t I www.InyaTrust.com www.InyaTrust.com .;9. 3:;:i' .i :i, andinstitutlons who havemore.bank 10,Trrders,Businessmen normallyhave g$'5!;pnoacttons drj.l.ua"odr d&aDt$ ddnrd m-oddd. uordcg-dldc Adyo.ehd nad.nd"mh ozto:loz)rD dr and dd8d.ruad. dodojcddo @t A) B) C) D) ie uuql : L RecurringDepositAccountcrddr deJgJ eJad TermDepositAccount09uddeds.Joad SavingsBankAccounttnldqooJcayod burrent Accounttyoo eyod ^l Crrf pn$ o4f fnLrnJ Answer the followinq ouestions in a sentenceeach : dr *dhd 4Jolood"r 49$Jrdnorodnodc odrd*sud-O,* 14 x 1 = 14 : 11. What is Kalachakra? uoerdd.rodde$ ? 12. What led to the rise of capitalismin Europe? oJ.\nd.ne.bdO_, aroerao 0 ?Jodarod aedj* uodpdedJ ? 13. The personwho gavethe populistsolganof "Peace,Food and Land" "uoo3, er6Dd,d.,oA)" .)o?JeJddd flnedd r0eBddud6 ? 14. In which year did the Right to EducationAct come into force ? 9d*o ddc*uoob aroDrluod ddr qfDd;dr ? az - HSN"'SOCIAL- JAN .2015 " 'I OTH STD. .-PREP.1 www.InyaTrust.com www.InyaTrust.com 15. Name the organizationwhich is symbolically headed by the British crown' pao€eJdaofl quJqp d'odo$ t"Oddddr4d.no8drd agde9d iaadd dodr otndl 22. wh ?.r 16. Why was Pre-natalGenderDeterminationTestAct enacted? drid4lpdr e)orl d0e-*.r{3uo{d uaobsfrdf e;aDrlddel uadeadedr ? 17. Which act prohibitsthe appointmentof child labourer? ofDddr uroeltraarrdd dedrdddJ4ddobe) erd0rluo6drd uoo3J^ f, Wh 23. W at) ? 24. 1g. Which are the branchesof the South-Westmonsoon winds that enter India ? qoddddf 4degdrd ded, d.Ddd.nnrc d-DdJdrl.Jaddr dderrld-r ofnddl f SOdh-.uo roq'co, t.','n,"+hr,!: enf inclia ai a ', 19. Whatis intensivefarming? A lll _ ;oddedr ? Faod e3epaob 25. = &'Y' la ( 'BlackDiamond'Why? 20. Coalis called af ? aodr ddotDsad. ddr dOderdr - -""--O\'/cJ uorrod 5 "L MHSN- SOCIAL " JAN - 20{ 5 l OTHSTD. PREP.1 www.InyaTrust.com Page :" -:!**g*; o' "* l}{gN www.InyaTrust.com udendd aoddedr ? What is Positivechangeof the economy'? dadnnu;d ";rrl1' 'art of cultivatingland' ? What is calledas the u$narobdl", wdrdr atDdrd dcrfl adodr ddotDddr ? '23. What is meantby 'Women'sJob ParticipationRate'? , d-r&€obd a.:arfdbdJ.rfob dd aoddedr ? : 24. I Nameany two promotionalorganizationsto supportthe entrepreneurs. .:d d.r uudr.ardd {dd rd doiittd.r., diE&. y At\ 'A- Et|lthrJ ft,rhet(nrc' Jt ^/2tl >k (rnrrl-l - ttt .Ynl.0 ifrlrrttv?l bnr, qy' Answer the followino questions in 2-3 sentence each : *-*OAnl €,gofnoal 4g"obdn"r2-3 auodrd* uud-03: 15 x 2 = 30 ZS. "scientific developmentsled to sea voyages" Justify this statement. '' dalD obDdf,sd",go,0d LJddedrlqtDuadra" . * de€f qbdr.ridJQr,$. 4 .J,n, ; H S N - S O C I A L- J A N - 2 0 1 5 lOTH STD. PREP-1 \e www.InyaTrust.com Page : 05 www.InyaTrust.com 26. The "Treatyof Srirangapatna"was'inevitablefor Tippu Explain. 9_,edoddul*m e"{od b3dlsrler&aaobr;rofldrad ? 27. what were'theteachingsof the Brahmosamaj Drdrd;tnad ?.1neddrlqDdrdr Z OR what are the contributionof Annie Besantto the TheosophicalSociety? er&a3fotsd A obDio.p det' f'.n uiob eJt$d utdrl€ ed.r ? & j30. j 31. 28. What was the immediatecause of the First World War ? .)dts d.nder d;aaof\rdi, - b - d -daFd.ecd uadeartdedJ ? dJ :i HgN*,$OCIAL - JAN - 2015 " l O T HS T D . 8e www.InyaTrust.com PREP-1 Pade:,06 HS www.InyaTrust.com "Profiteeringbrings loss both for producerand consumer" Explain? drdr-ngddOedrDtt" d4 truoUDdtodrdd. SdO$. e;Ddenedddd r ruoddd huQt flol,." 0 zl u;d/ What are the principlesof Panchasheela? eetod dd;lendJdJ ? do aJD v tf'lnn'aQha,U^,on tJ 3 1 . E x p l a i nt h e i m p o r t a n c eo f w o m e n ' s s e l f h " t p g r o u p s . -gd - ob detm d rleJao,du De,d ob dJ"r$d0.3. dr &eD :r06 F'ISN-,SOCIAL - JAN - 2015 ' 10THSTD. ee www.InyaTrust.com PREP-1 Page : 07 www.InyaTrust.com 32- Namethe importantpeaks.inthe greater Himalayas? d;aa &atD erojcdo do d;ud.rd g$ddeDdjdj r a '+ 9 * @ 33. what are the effectsof soir erosion ? dJrdddddd dOmo*rl*ddr in 34- where are the evergreenforests Z I t iru rvo ; found in fndia ? -6 &d"dod ,.lo r d uodr rtqba,ndddga g^dodrald.rdd? hr lo. r (Yl 37. 't : HSN- SOCIAL PREP-1 0a www.InyaTrust.com Page : www.InyaTrust.com What is Remotesensing Technology? What are the uses of remote : s e n s i n gt e c h n o l o g y dnd dode8;odded.l ? edd addJ nrdoLnerldddl39s. ia bU )nflo 1ffa 4'an 16. What are he causes for floods ? Which are the flood-proneregions in India ? { ;ro d rld.l eruo brorl el to d sarlqtr drdJ e"dd dr d 4d ed rl d dJ"L.ld DS. by the governmentto controlmigration? d clf, oJcr0ob o-d,o t* d ro s d d ndren oBd.rd 9 dr rlqDd dJ f ".: ) .. .-.--...,..,,.. 08 HSN,soctAL-JAN-201s ioTHsrD. pREp-1 *$iiffi . ,i .,::=:.,-..-. .ta i' www.InyaTrust.com I www.InyaTrust.com 38. What are the differencesbetween liberalizationand Globalisation? wrroDeddeafu_e;d8eddod^* edrd **rdddedc ? 39. Writeanyfourfinancialinstitutionsthat providefinancialassistance t o s e l fe m p l o y m e netn t e r p r e n u r s . doJco wanrerld* decuad.lddd &edrd Ds* dof rlddld€.3. .1 y Answer the followina ouestions in i-6 sentence each : dr f,qrhddrSolrdodr4dfbd,&54 6x 3 = 18 pdrdd_@d_On: 40. what werethe factorsthat disturbedthe religioussentimentsof the soldiers duringthe 1857revolt? 1857d dodotrd fr&dd p.lrrd d.rdnerpddd.r*{t3nestd ooddco{{ ? Howdid the uniformsystemor of the Britishherpin developing patriotismamongthe Indians? "a.ini3I"tion t9tJdd addndd erdddd dddfooJ.Drpd3eotrdd derl o;y:oJcgo$dr4rJ0l,dr ? er#j**tsq,Sg* H S N , S O C I A L. J A N - 2 0 1 5 1OTHSTD. 'PREP-,I E www.InyaTrust.com j F a n www.InyaTrust.com 41. What are the objectivesof Indianforeign policy ? eaddd Sdeaoorl &e8ob atmo?otnd nrdoedrldedr ? OR ' iththis T h e r e l a t i o n s h i pb e t w e e nI n d i aa n d S r i L a n k aa r e h i s t o r i c a l W statementdiscuss the relationship. qradd 9,eootrod unod+dJ acSmidaadJdr. dr de€dob edeJobqlds * Sdd anod{ d dr"L.ld03. H S N- S O C I A L. J A N . 2 0 1 5 lOTH STD. . PREP-I P a g e: 1 1 " 0a www.InyaTrust.com rf t I www.InyaTrust.com 42. "Practiceof untouchabilityis a social evit,' Discuss ,/llf g auodcFoalDdd &dJfu. SdrirF$. OR Differentiatebetween paid work and unpaid work d.nod&ddJdJdnod&d drsdJRdJd dordddtggi. IWt' 43. Describethe importanceof roads in fndia. gqb- -dr. ao,due. 4nddd q d{Ild - a - d€,1. -'D r d OR what are the changesresuftingfrom the use of advancedtechnotogy? ilqD0d do$Fdd Detdoboderdude;nddrldedr ? HSN- SOCTAL- JAN - 2015 l OTHSTD. PREP-1 $a www.InyaTrust.com Pago'rll www.InyaTrust.com g l I t I t i of development'why ? 44. p* c^pita income cannot be a true measure fga'd;Ddd-rl?drJc ad ? dsarrDobdcr?id%oJ, OR poor rural in organizing* what is the role of women self help groups ? women and making them financiallyindependent d'd qdr &eD ro,Sr eecu d dJt €,qb d.:",uQr d ;o;J eloalrldm.! d'D € 3. dd aa o$ rleJaad,d dr"..g PREP-1 HSN. $OCIAL www.InyaTrust.com www.InyaTrust.com 45. What are the functions of a Bank ? otd e;roooR tDob r dend;dr ? Write any four differencesbetweenLife insuranceand GeneralInsurance. 03. Cds dr rl-o ;o d.n * s d, rln e d.:d nnel* d o, d rleJ dJ"rg {..;---* . +.i': 1\t , * Hvtyurdi* d bilU 1/oAuhtu - JAN - 2015 PREP-1 www.InyaTrust.com If.#.,eG www.InyaTrust.com 4 in sge+Lnne .tqhs-wtw, 1Q-;ro$a{ rl,soJ.nortu{,9ocdl-d-a*9- trud-D:': movement r r fG a n d h i j ia n d s u b h a s c h a n d r aB o s e i n t h e f r e e d o m , r e n t .E x P l a i n . draad, ro oQed drdf drafoat do{ tln edd aQd --df i#o4 ., fu euoUidO'-r J ?J b.t .)dJ&r3. l, o. -------"'--'-: ^ $One{n'J' - b \l 'AJvtn p Qt "rl f,rv'l'c iro-i[ - t*nb; llcg. - - -,,, k t -_ -* A- -_ V - * lvt ,no,a hrtttnt d nmo )r )P V,J Pma 0,'l-lll, *,. - -- * ,----,,",-'-*rsrs{d&@.<}Fcd,+g!Fry'+v-t-:j+i+5.ili; f^t - JAH,30 i":t.:, -*T[1, www.InyaTrust.com PREP-1 P a g e :1 5 www.InyaTrust.com 47. Qfaw an outline nd locate the followin e'ad dd d dJltudJ4atd cb' * f Oh d a) IndiraPoint qo8cn aoobot# c) Narora dd.neuo {eJrld dr"Lrb dr.g;. b) 1l$*t Kolkatta d.o eer.go 64 ! l j 1 i - , . t ''; a 0 lrta.rro,^ { j ! l l'tli<o" l''' tr' i j r ' I f ,\b HSN - SOCTAL- JAN - 2015 - { OTHSTD. www.InyaTrust.com PREP-1 P a g e :1 6
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