H.01 Mayor and Council External Correspondence Summary February 2, 2015 FROM TOPIC DEPT. A.T. # G. Valou, External Relations, Metro Vancouver Board in Brief CLERKS 124304 38 T. Dixon, Annual Giving Coordinator, Canadian Cancer Society Permission to Canvass – Daffodil Campaign CLERKS 124246 39 K. Carter, Ombudsperson, Province of BC Files Closed from October 1 to December 31, 2014 CLERKS 124259 40 D. Lemelin, National President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers Request for Support to Save Canada Post HR&CP 124267 41 J. Jacobs, Media Relations, Ministry of Energy and Mines Government Supports Investments in HR&CP Lower Mainland LNG Projects 124328 42 43 M. Fox, Marketing Manager, Spice Radio Raise Your Hands Against Racism Initiative PR&C 124285 U. Thompson, Species at Risk Coordinator, Environment Canada Consultation on SARA Listing Process for Terrestrial Species 2014 and 2015 CA&E 124260 44 45 J. Delf, President, The Delf Group Intersection of Delta Street and 47A Avenue ENG cc: POL 124257 46 K. & R. Martin 4529 Savoy Street, LU007315 CP&D 124258 F:\CorpRec Corr-Other\Agenda - Regular\2015\2015-02-02\1Correspondence Summary.doc 38 ^metrovancouver ROARn IN RRIFF SERVICES AND SOLUTIONS FOR ALIVABLE REGION 4330 Klng5way,Burnaby.BC, Canada V5H4G8 604-432-6200 LJ \--//^ | \ L-/ 11 M LJ I \ I L— IJJIj www.metrovancouver.org C-. X> I ro For Metro Vancouver meetings on Friday, January 23, 2014 ^ Please note these are not the offidalminutes. Board in Briefis an informal summary. Material relating toany ofthe § following itemsis available on requestfrom Metro Vancouver. 9? For more information, please contact Greg Valou, 604-451-6016, Grea. [email protected] or Jean Kavanagh, 604-451-6697, Jean.Kavanaah^metrovancouver.ora Greater Vancouver Regional District Metro Vancouver 2015 Appointments to External Agencies APPROVED Each year the Metro Vancouver Board appoints representatives to a number of external agencies. The Board approved the following appointments to external agencies for 2015: a) b) c) d) Agriculture Advisory Committee: Harold Steves, Richmond Board of Trustees of the Sasamat Volunteer Fire Department: Darrell Penner, Port Coquitlam Delta Heritage Airpark Management Committee: Ian Paton, Delta Experience the Eraser Lower Eraser River Corridor Project Steering Committee. Heather Deal, Vancouver; Bob Long, Langley Township e) Flood Control and River Management Committee of the Lower Mainland Local Government Association: Lois Jackson, Delta; Dave Murray, Pitt Meadows; Mae Reid, Coquitlam f) Eraser Basin Council: Barbara Steele, Surrey; Richard Walton, North Vancouver District (Alternate) g) Eraser Valley Regional Library Board: Maria Harris, Electoral Area A h) Lower Mainland Local Government Association: Raymond Louie, Vancouver i) Municipal Finance Authority: The following ten directors, and alternates, with associated share of 47 total votes. Representative Alternate Representative Votes Malcolm Brodie, Richmond Harold Steves, Richmond 5 Derek Corrigan, Burnaby Colleen Jordan, Burnaby 5 Greg Moore, Port Coquitlam Jonathon Cote, New Westminster 5 Richard Walton, North Vancouver District Jack Froese, Langley Township 5 Mike Clay, Port Moody Richard Stewart, Coquitlam 5 Raymond Louie, Vancouver Tim Stevenson, Vancouver 5 : Darrell Mussatto, North Vancouver City Michael Smith, West Vancouver 5 Judy Villeneuve, Surrey Mary Martin, Surrey 4 Wayne Baldwin, White Rock 4 Lois Jackson, Delta Richard Stewart, Coquitlam Linda Hepner, Surrey 4 J) Pacific Parklands Foundation: Craig Hodge, Coquitlam k) Western Transportation Advisory Council: Greg Moore, Port Coquitlam; Raymond Louie, Vancouver (Alternate) genda TYPE; ^^0 FILE# DEPT: C AT» This is provided for Council's information. Comments: Xf i 5? AejiAl^ /ne^^ 1 g»^^metrovancouver ROARn IN RRIFF ^1^ SERVICES AND SOLUTIONS FOR ALIVABLE REGION LJ 4330 Kingsway,Burnaby,BC, Canada V5H 4G8 604-432-6200 / / \ I \ L-/ M N U I \ I L_ I www.metrovancouver.org Election of the GVRD Representative to the 2015 Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Executive The Board held an election to select a Metro Vancouver representative for the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Executive. The UBCM was established to provide a common voice for local governments in British Columbia. Its annual convention continues to be the main forum for UBCM policy-making, it provides an opportunity for local governments of all sizes and from all areas of the province to come together, share their experiences and take a united position. The ongoing administration and policy determination of the UBCM is governed by an Executive Board of 21 members, one of whom must be a member of the Metro Vancouver Board. Director Wayne Baldwin, Mayor of White Rock was elected as the Metro Vancouver representative. Mayor _Council From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Dona Packer Tuesday, January 27,2015 8:43 AM Mayor & Council FW: Board in Brief - January 23,2015 Board in Brief - January 23,2015.pdf From: ExternalRelatlons rmailto:[email protected] Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 3:50 PM Cc: Jean Kavanagh; Greg Valou Subject: Board in Brief - January 23, 2015 Attached is the Metro Vancouver Board in Brief - January 23,2015 for your information. Material relating to any of the items is available on request. Please contact Jean Kavanagh, External Relations, at 604.451.6697 or, Greg Valou, External Relations, at 604.452.6016. This message is provided in confidence and should not be forwarded to any external third party without authorization. If you have received this message in error, piease notify the original sender immediately by telephone or by return email and delete this message along with any attachments. 39 Canadian Societe Cancer canadienne Society du cancer Agenda FILE # 0\\aC -oiQ (ji u z: January 14, 2015 -13 IS O Ufid£5__ Mayor and Council The Corporation of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, BC V4K 3E2 Comments; eebrUfi^u IU<^ /fleet! jy Re: Permission to Canvass From April 1 to April 30, 2015 the Canadian Cancer Society holds its annual Daffodil Campaign. During the month the Door to Door fund raising drive takes place. The dollars raised assist the Canadian Cancer Society in providing funds for cancer research, services to people living with cancer, education, information and advocacy for heaithy lifestyles. Hundreds of voiunteers participate each year. At this time I am requesting permission to canvass In the Corporation of Delta from April 1 to April 30, 2015. I look forward to your positive response to the request. Sincerely, Tim Dixo Annual Giving Coordinator Canadian Cancer Society This request is made by the Canadian Cancer Society on an annual basis. Council has granted permission to canvass in Delta during the month of April for the past several years. Phone: 604.533.1668 Cell: 604.791.3323 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cancer.ca Fraser Valley Region #202 - 20434 64'" Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 1N4 1 888 939-3333 I cancer.ca T 604-533-1668 F 604-533-8511 TF 1-888-222-2240 O UD Canadian Societe Cancer canadienne du cancer Society M ' a Fraser Valley Region Prevention Health Promotion initiatives continue to be held throughout the Fraser Valley. In2013/14, a primary focus was on flavoured tobacco. Volunteers collected signatures lora petition to support a ban of all flavoured tobacco products to reduce the number of tobacco related deaths in BC. Tanning is Out volunteers in the Fraser Valley were at community events, schools, beaches and activities throughout the spring and summer educating the public about sun safe initiatives to reduce the risk of skin cancer. The Sirl Dus committee continues to raise awareness and education for South Asian women on screening mammography. in November 2013, 98 women were screened at the Delta/Surrey indoCanadian Seniors Centre. WelinessFits is a comprehensive workplace wellness program available for small and large business at no cost to the business. The program continues to be promoted greatly by both the Surrey Board ofTrade and several Chambers of Commerce throughout the Fraser Valley. Volunteer Dave Campbell and Cops lor Cancer volunteer and Team Captain Trevor SalesjoinAbbotsford mayorBruce Banman, MLA and Minister ol Finance Michael de Jong and Canadian Cancer Society Regional Director Allan Mugford at the openingof the new Canadian Cancer Society Abbotsford communily office. Support Transportation Volunteer drivers transport patients to and from cancer treatments Number of clients 486 Number of drivers 110 Financial Support Financial assistance for travel and accommodation during treatment Clients 84 Amount UWOfls Subsidized symptom management drugs (provided by BC Cancer Agency) Cancer survivors celebrateand lightback against cancer byparticipating in the opening lap at the Relay Forlife in Delta. Clients 91 Accommodation Convenient, affordable accommodation near cancer treatment centres Client slays 98 Giving Relay For Life Cops for Cancer Daffodil Campaign (including door to door) S 54,720 $ 605,000 $ 376,000 $ 500,000 Cancer information Service Ride25urvive $ 432,000 Clients Independent Fundraising Events $ 217,000 Up-to-date information aboutcancer and local services 914 CancerConnection Emotional assistance from trained survivors Volunteers The Canadian Cancer Society delivers programs and initiatives with the support of over3500 volunteers in the Fraser Valley. This year the Society built volunteer capacity through our Workforce Leadership Program by training volunteers in the seven leadership modules. The Sociely awarded 14 volunteers withCommunily Impact Awards and five volunteers with Divisional impact Awards in the Fraser Valley in 2013. Clients matched 143 Camp Goodtimes Clients Volunteers FRASER VALLEY REGION: 202 - 20434 64th Avenue, Langley BC V2Y 1N4 147 40 1 888 939-3333 I cancer.ca 40 General Inquiries: (250) 387-5855 mbudsperson Toil-Free: 1-800-567-3247 B.C.'s Independent Voice For Fairness www.bcombudsperson.ca Fax: (250) 387-0198 Her Worship Lois E. Jackson Mayor Corporation of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Cres. 947 Fort Street PO Box 9039 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W9A5 TYPE Ol DEFT 35 A.T.# DELTA BC V4K3E2 Comments: Z!'^ KD AleefiVj O CO Files Closed from October 1 to December 31, 2014 ru Corporation of Delta 1. Requests for Information or Assistance 0 2. Complaints with No Investigation 1 a. Assistance and/or referral b. Refused (discretion) • More than one year between event and complaint • Insufficient personal interest • Available remedy • Frivolous /vexatious / trivial matter • Can consider without further investigation • No benefit to complainant or person aggrieved • Complaint abandoned • Complaint withdrawn c. Statute barred (FIPPA, Police Act, etc.) d. Not a matter of administration e. Pre-empted by existing statutory right of appeal, objection or review 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. Complaints Investigated a. Not a matter of administration b. Pre-empted by existing statutory right of appeal, 0 0 objection or review c. Investigation ceased (discretion) • No findings • More than one year between event and complaint • Insufficient personal interest • Available remedy • Frivolous/vexatious/trivial matter 0 0 0 0 • Can consider without further investigation 0 • No benefit to complainant or person aggrieved • Complaint abandoned 0 0 • Complaint withdrawn • Complaint settled MAYOR'S OFFICE ® . r JAN 1 0 2015 This is provided for Council's information. RECEIVED 0 Page 2 d. Investigation completed - Findings - Substantiated • Remedied in whole 0 • Remedied in part 0 • Not remedied 0 • Recommendations made - remedy to be implemented over 0 time e. Investigation completed - Findings - Not substantiated 0 4. Ombudsperson Initiated Investigations a. Investigation ceased (discretion) - No findings b. Investigation completed - Findings - Substantiated 0 • Remedied in whole 0 • Remedied in part 0 • Not remedied 0 • Recommendations made - remedy to be implemented over 0 time c. Investigation completed - Findings - Not substantiated 7/p; 0 Tier- Kim S. Carter Ombudsperson Province of British Columbia 09/01/2015 41 cupul sttp 377, rue Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1Y3 tel./tel. 613 236 7238 fax/t6l6c. 613 563 7861 January 15,2015 Ms. Lois Jackson A g.". nino-o'/gg' Mayor TYPE: 4500 Clarence Taylor Cres DEPT Delta, BC V4K3E2 A.T# Corporation ofDelta ^ . \ /) Comnnents: Dear Ms. Jackson, c35 rxj 7-1 Re: Request for Support to Save Canada Post ro UD Over a year ago, Canada Post Corporation announced a plan to change public postal service as we know it, and the government endorsed this plan. As a result, the corporation has dramatically hiked postage rates and is planning on eliminating door-to-door delivery, closing and downsizing post offices, reducing post office hours, and destroying thousands of decent jobs in communities throughout our country. These major changes will be bad for seniors, people with mobility issues, charities, small businesses and many other people who rely on public postal service. The Canadian Union of Postal Workers wants the federal government to reverse the Canada Post plan, and to look instead for ways to increase service and revenues in areas like postal banking, as other postal administrations have done. At the very least, we think the government should properly consult with the public about what kind of postal service they need before allowing Canada Post to make such major changes. CUPW has attached a fact sheet with more information about Canada Post's plan. The union has also attached a resolution that it would like your municipality to consider passing. To date, over 400 municipalities and municipal organizations have passed resolutions opposing Canada Post plan for cuts, or calling for a halt to door-to-door delivery cuts until there is proper consultation. CUPW hopes you will think about joining and building on these efforts by passing our or your own resolution. Thank you very much for considering this request. Thanks as well if your municipality passed an earlier resolution in support of postal banking or improving the Canadian Postal Service Charter. If you would like an electronic version of the resolution, please contact Brigitte Klassen at [email protected]. Please call me at 613-236-7238 if you have any questions or concerns. In solidarity, Y Denis Lemelin National President MAYOR'S OFFICE JAN 2 0 2015 h / c.c. RECEIVED National Executive Committee, Regional Executive Committees, National Union Representatives, Regional Union Representatives, Specialists The Canadian Union of Postal Workers is requesting Council's support for reversing changes to services announced by Canada fhkthe copeDecember 225 Post. At 15, 2014 Regular Meeting, Council resolved that a representative from Canada Post be invited to a Council Workshop to make a presentation on the community mailbox transition in Delta. Canadian Union of R)stal Workers Syncficatdestrav^leursettravalDeusesdespostes The struggle continues La lutte continue clc/ctc - ftq • uni CUQUJeSttp 377, rue Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1Y3 tel./t§l. 613 236 7238 fax/tel6c. 613 563 7861 SAVE CANADA POST - STOP THE CUTS WHEREAS Canada Post and the Conservatives are taking an axe to long-treasured postal services - killing good jobs, eliminating door-to-door delivery, drastically increasing postage rates and closing, downsizing and reducing hours at post offices: WHEREAS Canada Post did not properly consult on these changes, effectively eliminating any opportunity for input from the people who will be most affected; and WHEREAS closing and downsizing post offices, reducing post office hours, and eliminating door-to-door delivery will reduce service and eliminate thousands ofjobs in communities throughout our country. WHEREAS Canada Post offers a public service that needs to be protected; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the (name ofmunicipality) write a letter to the Minister responsible for Canada Post that calls on the government to reverse the changes to services announced by Canada Post, and to look instead for ways to increase service and revenues in areas such as postal banking. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED TBLVT (name ofmunicipality) ask the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to request that the federal government consult with the public about what kind ofpostal service they need before allowing Canada Post to make such major changes to public postal service. MAILING INFORMATION Please send your resolution to: Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport, Place de Ville, Tower C, 29th Floor, 330 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N5. Please send copies of your resolution to: Denis Lemelin, President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers, 377 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1Y3 Your Member of Parliament. You can get your MP's name, phone number and address by calling 1-800 463-6868 (at no charge) or going to the Parliament of Canada website: http://www.Darl.gc.ca/common/index.asp?Language=E. Brad Woodside, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, 24 Clarence St, Ottawa, Ontario KIN 5P3 /bk cope 225 Canadian Unicvi of Postal Workers Syrxficatdestravailleursettravailleusesdespostes The struggle continues La lutte continue clc/ctc • fto • uni unreasonable and bad for the corporation's business. It would have been wiser and more reasonable for Canada Post to adopt gradual increases to keep up with rising costs. pmst Canada Post has announced a plan to: 1. Attack the public postal network. Canada Post plans to use more private post offices while streamlining the public postal network. This means closing and downsizing public post offices, as well as reducing their hours. Canada Post has closed about 40 urban and 75 rural post offices since 2012. This is the largest number of closures we have seen since the Conservatives closed about 1,500 rural and urban post offices in the eighties and nineties. More closures are expected. The corporation is also reviewing all urban offices to see if they can be made smaller and operated 3. Make our country the first in the world to eliminate door- to-door delivery. Canada Post plans on taking away doorto-door delivery from over five million Canadian households and replacing it with community mailbox (CMB) delivery. There is a great deal of opposition to this plan, which will create huge problems for many Canadians, especially seniors and people with mobility issues. According to a recent poll, sixty per cent of people oppose the delivery cuts. In spite of this, Canada Post is determined to wipe out home mail delivery within a five year period. So far, Canada Post has announced its plans to convert more than a million households. The bulk of conversions will occur after the 2015 federal election. The federal government fully supports this major cut to public postal service. with fewer workers. In addition, it is rural communities. 4. Destroy 6000 to 8000 decent jobs. 2. Introduce huge postage Canada Post would need fewer dramatically reducing hours of service in rate hikes. On March 31,2014, the price of buying one stamp increased by 59% while the price of buying a book or coil of stamps increased by 35%. The price for pre-sorted and incentive letters increased by 15% and metred mail increased by 19%. These sudden and dramatic increases are unfair. employees if it goes to community mailbox delivery. It expects to eliminate 6000 to 8000 positions. Closing and downsizing post offices and reducing post office hours will also reduce the number ofjobs in communities throughout the country. Our communities and our economy cannot afford to lose thousands of decent paying jobs. The future of Canada Post Postal banking The Canadian Union of Postal Workers Canada Post and the Conservatives should consult on their plan to change public postal service as we know it. The public owns Canada Post. They have a right to input. This has not really happened in any meaningful way. Canada Post engaged in some discussions, but they were completely inadequate. The corporation held inviteonly meetings in 46 communities and conducted a largely online public consultation on its future, focusing on cut. Since this time, over 400 municipalities and municipal organizations have passed resolutions or sent letters protesting the cuts or asking for a halt until there is meaningful consultation. Moreover, many thousands of Canadians have signed petitions and sent messages to their Members ofParliament (MPs). People have asked their federal representatives to tell Canada Post to stop the cuts and consider alternatives such as postal banking. Cutting might help Canada Post with its money problems in the shortterm but it is not a good long-term strategy and it certainly won't improve the future ofpostal service in our country. The corporation should be following the lead of other postal administrations by innovating and introducing new revenue-generating services. For more information, go to: Save Canada Pmst^ (CUPW) believes that our country needs improved financial and banking services and that Canada Post is well placed to fulfill this need. Moreover, the union thinks that adding financial and banking services at Canada Post will help the corporation preserve public postal service and generate revenue. CUPW is not alone. Close to two-thirds of Canadians support Canada Post expanding revenue-generating services like bill payments, insurance and banking, according to a poll fi:omApril 2014. Many municipalities like the idea too. About 600 municipalities have passed resolutions endorsing the addition of financial and banking services at our public post office. Not only that, three former Canada Post Presidents have spoken favourably about the corporation getting more involved in financial services (i.e. Michael Warren, Andre Ouellet and Moya Greene). In recent years, Canada Post has even conducted studies on postal banking that appear to indicate that getting into financial services would be "a win-win strategy" and a "proven money-maker" for the corporation. This positive assessment was obtained through an Access to Information (ATI) request. Unfortunately, 701 of 811 pages of the ATI request were redacted. To date, Canada Post President Deepak Chopra has refused to release the 811 pages in their entirety. Learn more. Check out Why Canada Needs Postal Banking at https://www.policyaltematives.ca/public ations/reports/why-canada-needs-postalbanking cupe 1979/cope225 A l?LE« Ck^m::£Sk^,, (it British dept Columbia at # NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release ""T; ^ Ministry of Energy and Mines 2015MEM0002-000070 January 23, 2015 Government supports investments In Lower Mainland LNG projects VICTORIA-The provincial government is providing regulatory support for proposed expansion at FortisBC's Tilbury liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility in Delta, and proposed upgrades to FortisBC's natural gas transmission infrastructure in the Lower Mainland. The projects will create jobs and investment in Delta, Squamish and Coquitlam. FortisBC is proposing to invest an additional $400 million to further increase natural gas liquefaction capacity at its Tilbury LNG facility in Delta to meet future domestic and export demands from LNG customers. The company also intends to advance planned upgrades to its existing natural gas transmission infrastructure in the Lower Mainland to accommodate higher demand for natural gas arising from the development of the Tilbury Island facility, and will construct and operate the new Eagle Mountain pipeline to transport natural gas from the Eagle Mountain compressor in Coquitlam to the proposed Woodfibre LNG facility in Squamish. To provide certainty that will support final investment decisions by LNG proponents and large volume natural gas customers and allow FortisBC to move forward in planning the business aspects of LNG projects, government has exempted these proposed projects from the requirement for a certificate of public convenience and necessity review. FortisBC will still be required to obtain all necessary environmental approvals and other permits as well as consult with the public and First Nations. Government has also introduced a natural gas transportation tariff that establishes the rate for LNG proponents and large-volume natural gas customers, including Woodfibre LNG. The rate ensures that large industrial proponents will cover the full cost of the new investment and operational costs to serve them in addition to a portion of the costs of the existing system. These customers will also contribute to lower delivery costs for other FortisBC customers due to the large quantities of natural gas moving through the pipeline system. Quotes: Bill Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines - "Our goal is to create jobs and economic development by making it easier for LNG proponents and other natural gas customers in the Lower Mainland to access and use natural gas. FortisBC's proposed capital investments will help meet the increased demand for natural gas and LNG in the Lower Mainland and provide additional certainty to support final investment decisions by LNG proponents." This is provided for Council's information. 42 Rich Coleman, Minister of Natural Gas Development- "The Province is taking the steps needed to establish a liquefied natural gas sector in British Columbia. FortisBC's proposed investment in their pipeline system \A/ill serve new LNG facilities and will help transport B.C.'s natural gas to global markets." John Walker, executive vice-president. Western Canadian Operations, Fortis Inc. - "Last year Fortis Inc. subsidiaries in British Columbia invested more than $500 million in energy infrastructure with a substantial focus on LNG and natural gas pipeline projects and are expecting to exceed that amount in 2015. The Province's regulatory support maintains robust environmental reviews and commitment to ongoing public and First Nations consultation while enabling us to provide potential industrial customers with greater certainty around project development and delivery." Media Contact: Jake Jacobs Media Relations Ministry of Energy and Mines 250 952-0628 Connect with the Province of B.C. at: www.gov.bc.ca/connect 43 I-"- U1 Mayor Council From: Sent: To: ^ Mike Thursday, January 22, 2015 10:21 AM Mayors Council . . /-n\ nH-'^A/<^P #% FU Pit nWIO'rXO %¥- • K » § Cc: Lauren Munden o Subject: Spice Radio "Raise YOur Hands Against Racism" Initiave ^ Attachments: Hoti News Release.docx Dear Mayor & Council Spice Radio is a Hybrid Community Radio Format servicing the affluent and fast growing South Asian Community in the Lower Mainland. It blends a mixture of News, Entertainment, Sports and Traffic with the Hottest Hits from India's Bollywood Music Charts. it is our mission to not only be reflective of our community but to also participate and to be involved in our community's events. In conjunction with Hoii on March 7^^ we are going to get 10,000 people to place a coloured hand print and signature on rolls of newsprint to create a colourful visual statement against racism. These colour mosaics will then be left on display until they aretaken to be included in the Walk Against Racism onCommercial Drive March 27'^. (News Release Attached) The celebration of Hoii fosters in a message of unity and brotherhood. On this day people visit friends and relatives to wish each other a Happy Hoii. irrespective of it being a Hindu festival, Sikhs, Muslim, Christians and Jains Join the festivities bringing in almost the whole nation together. The Festival of Hoii can be regarded as a celebration of theColours of Unity & Brotherhood - an opportunity to forget all differences and indulge in unadulterated fun. It has traditionally been celebrated in high spirit without any distinction of cast, creed,colour, race, status or sex. It is one occasion when sprinkling coloured powder ('gulai') or coloured water on each other breaks all barriers of discrimination so that everyone looksthe same and universal brotherhood is reaffirmed. This is one simple reason to participate in this colourful festival. On the day of the hand-printing, we will have entertainment, and celebrities coming out to add their handprints to the Mosaic and interact with the public making the day a fun family event What are we looking for from you? Aplace for usto be located on March 7^^ to have the people come and place their hand prints into the mosaic. Access to civic dignitaries (Mayor, Council, Police, Fire) to add their handprints and pose for photo opps and potential interviews on Shushma Datt's morning show. Mayor's decree promoting Hoii Day on the 7"^ of March and the Anti-Racism Campaign Volunteers to assist in finding appropriate places to hang ( produced banners identifying the location of the hand printing. We can have these available days in advance) on the 7th of March. Alocation and help with displaying the Mosaics between Hoii and the march onthe 27^''. Possibly dignitaries from your community to march with uson the 27^*^ and display the mosaic from your community. DEPT: A.T.#:ZIgU^3 1 Comments: Vtt!^- /7ieef>y^ Michael Fox Marketing Manager Spice Radio on AM1200 \lO' Holi is a spring Hindu religious festival that has become popular amongst non-Hindus. The municipality has a policy not to make proclamations in support of any specific cause or event, as requested by the organizers of this initiative. On January 15, 2015 Council adopted a full list of municipally supported events for the coming year. The number of events is substantial and will require significant resources to fulfill the approved mandate. Taking on additional events would require further resourcing or displacement of events already approved. Spice Radio on AM 1200 wants to "Raise your hands against Racism" in conjunction with Holi Festival in Lower Mainland On March 1,2015, Spice Radio on AM 1200 in partnership The Province Newspaper want us all to Raise our Hands against Racism at the Holi Festival. The colourful festival of Holi is celebrated on Phalgun Purnima, which comes in February end, or early March. Holi Festival has an ancient origin and celebrates the triurnph of 'good' over 'bad'. The festival bridges the social gap and renews sweet relationships. On this day, people hug and wish each other 'Happy Holi'. At City Hallsall over the Lower Mainland we will invite everyone to come and celebrate Holiand put a colourful handprint and sign our anti-racism Tableau. We will then with help from our volunteers take the tableaus to the walk against racism to be held on Commercial Drive on March 21st. Celebration of Holifosters in a message of unity and brotherhood. On this day people visit friends and relatives to wish each other. Irrespective of it being a Hindu festival, Sikhs, Muslim, Christians and Jains join the festivities bringing in almost the whole nation together. The Festival of Holi can be regarded as a celebration of the Colors of Unity & Brotherhood - an opportunity to forget all differences and indulge in unadulterated fun. It has traditionally been celebrated in high spirit without any distinction of cast, creed, color, race, status or sex. It is one occasion when sprinkling coloured powder ('gulal') or coloured water on each other breaks all barriers of discrimination so that everyone looks the same and universal brotherhood is reaffirmed. This is one simple reason to participate in this colourful festival. Shushma Datt C.E.O. i.t Media Broadcasting. " As an immigrant to Canada I met many obstacles in my career and although things are getting better I look forward to the day that racism is finally eradicated for good. Ifeel it is incumbent on media and politicalfigures to help in this process. Asa holder of a public broadcasting licence it is our responsibilityto do everything we can to serve the public interest". About Spice Radio on AM1200 Spice Radio is a Hybrid Community Radio Format servicing the affluent and fast growing South Asian Community in the Lower Mainland. It blends a mixture of News, Entertainment, Sports and Trafficwith the Hottest Hits from India's Bollywood Music Charts. It is our mission to not only be reflective of our community but to also participate and to be involved in our community's events. Together We Can and Will Make a Difference! For more information please contact Bernie MerkI 604-306-3432 or Michael Fox 604-639-5495 44 Mayor Council Subject: Mayor Lois Jackson Friday, January 16, 2015 3:57 PM Mayor & Council FW: Consultation on SARA Listing Process for Terrestrial Species 2014 and 2015 Attachments: 2014_15ListingConsuttationLetterLocalGovsjan2015.pdf From: Sent: To: oi Cm T? z: crn -a O From: SAR [PYR] rmailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 2:47 PM To: SAR [PYR] Cc: Thompson,Undine [PYR] Subject: Consultation on SARA Listing Process for Terrestrial Species 2014 and 2015 cn CO Good Day, Please accept the attached letter regarding the Consultation on Listing of new Species under the Species at Risk ActUom Laura Maclean, A/Regional Director, Canadian Wildlife Service (Pacific and Yukon Region). Respectfully, Undine Celeste Thompson, M. Env Species at Risk Coordinator | Coordinatrice des especes en peril Species at Risk Recovery Unit | Unite de retablissement des especes en peril Pacific and Yukon Region | Region du Pacifique et du Yukon Environment Canada I Environnement Canada This message is provided In confidence and should not be forwarded to any external third party without authorization. If you have received this message in error, please notifythe original sender immediately by telephone or by return email and delete this message along with any attachments. genda PE: DEPT: A.t #: Comments; Staff will review the proposed changes and report back to Council as required. 0 1^1 Environment Canada Environnement 1 ^ 1 Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Pacific Wildlife Research Centre 5421 Robertson Road Delta. BO V4K 3N2 16 January 2015 Re: Consultation on SARA LIstina Process for Terrestrial Species 2014 and 2015 Environment Canada is committed to working with local governments to ensure the protection of species at risk and their critical habitats and is seeking comments on the potential impacts of amending Schedule 1, the List of Wildlife Species at Risk under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). On October 15, 2014, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife In Canada (COSEWIC) submitted 56 assessments of species at risk to the federal Minister of the Environment. On January 13, 2015, the Government of Canada posted the Ministerial Response Statements for these species on the Species at Risk Act {SARA) Public Registry. We are now launching public consultations on the amendment of Schedule 1, the List of Wildlife Species at Risk under SARA. A complete set of statements and the consultation path for each species are available at: httD://www.reaistreleD-sarareaistrv.ac.ca/default.asD?lanq=En&n=F4D833A7J_. Environment Canada is seeking comment on the proposed amendment of Schedule 1 resulting from assessments of 25 terrestrial species. Sixteen of these are newly eligible for addition to Schedule 1 while four are being considered for up-listing to higher risk status and five are being considered for down-listing to a lower risk status. Fifteen terrestrial species at risk have had their current Schedule 1 status confirmed. These are not included in this consultation process, as no regulatory amendment is required. Fisheries and Oceans Canada is conducting separate consultations for eight aquatic species. An additional seven aquatic species are status confirmations for which public consultations are not required. Additional information on the listing and consultation processes for terrestrial species, as well as the possibility to amend Schedule 1 by adding or reclassifying species, are available in "Consultation on Amending the List of Species under the Species at Risk Act -Terrestrial Species: January 2015". This document also includes a questionnaire that will provide you with guidance on the types of information and comments we are seeking. It is posted on the SARA Public Registry at: http://\AAvw.r0aistreleDsarareaistrv.Qc.ca/document/default e.cfm?documentlD=1287. You are invited to submit comments on the potential impacts of amending the List of Wildlife Species at Risk according to these COSEWIC status assessments. Your comments will be considered and will inform the Minister's recommendation to Cabinet. Please provide remarks by April 15, 2015 for species under a normal consultation process. Six terrestrial species will follow an extended consultation process. Please provide remarks by October 15, 2015 for species following an extended consultation path. There will also be an opportunity to provide comments during the 30-day public Canada • ^ • Environment Environnement Canada Canada consultation period associated with pre-publication in Canada Gazette Part i. More detailed information on individual species is included in the COSEWIC status reports, which will be available on the SARA Public Registry early in 2015. The Public Registry also provides more general Information about SARA. if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Species at Risk Coordinator, Undine Thompson, by email at [email protected] or by phone at (604) 350-1900. Yours sincerely. Laura Maclean A/Regionai Director Canadian Wildlife Service Pacific and Yukon Region 5421 Robertson Road Delta, BC, V4K 3N2 Canada The Minister of the Environment's Response to Species at Risk Assessments Submitted b... Page 1 of 5 1^1 S^SanaSa"^ SuSSiad?^"^ Canada Species at Risk Public Registry Home > Documents > Related Information >TheMinisterjoftiie^nvironmeri£sResgons^^£ecie^tJR^ The Minister of the Environment's Response to Species at Risk Assessments Submitted by COSEWIC in 2014 Accessible version of the tables. Table 1: Terrestrial species (25) assessed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada and eligible for an amendment to Schedule 1 or reclassiflcation Taxon Species Range Scientiflc Name Consultation Path Species eligible for addition to Schedule 1 (16) Endangered (4) Tweedv's Lewisia Lewisiopsis tweedyi BC Normal Arthropods Orecon Branded Skiooer Hesperia Colorado oregonia BC Normal Arthropods Gvdsv Cuckoo Bumble Bee Bombus bohemictis YTNTBCABSKMB Normal Vascular Plants ON QC NB PE NS NL Amphibians Eastern Tieer Salamander fPrairie ooDulation) Ambystoma tigrimm MB Normal Threatened (5) Lichens Eastern Waterfan Peltigera l^drothyria QCNBNS Normal Arthropods Audouin's Nieht-stalkine Tieer Beetle Omus audouini BC Normal Western Bumble Bee Bombus occidentalis occidentalis BCABSK Normal occidentalis subsoecies Mammals Plains Bison Bison bison bison BCABSK Extended Vascular Hare-footed Locoweed Oxytropis lagopus AB Normal Arthropods Plants Special Concern (7) Lichens Western Waterfan Peltigera gowardii BC Normal Vascular Nahanni Aster Symphyotrichum NT Normal YTNTBC Normal BC Normal ONQC Normal j Plants nahanniense f 1 Arthropods Western Bumble Bee Bombus occidentalis 1 mckavi subsoecies mckayi 1 Amphibians Wanderinc Salamander Aneides vagrans I Birds http://www.registrelep-sararegistry.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=F4D833A7-l 1/16/2015 The Minister of the Environment's Response to Species at Risk Assessments Submitted b... Taxon Species Range Scientific Name Page 2 of 5 Consultation Path Species eligible for addition to Schedule 1 (16) Endangered (4) Birds GrasshoDoer SoaiTovv. Dratemis subsDecies Ammodramus Western Grebe Aechmophorus savartnarum pratensis BC AB SK MB Normal YTNTNUBCABSK Extended occidentalis Mammals Gulo gulo Wolverine' MB ON QC NL Reclassifications: Up-list (4) From Threatened to Endangered (3) Arthropods Dakota Skinner Hesperia dacotae SKMB Normal Mammals Caribou (Central Mountain Rangifer tarandus BC AB Extended Rangifer tarandus BC Extended nonulation) ® Mammals Caribou (Southern Mountain nonulation) - From Special Concern to Threatened (1) Vascular Clethra alnifolia Sweet Pennerbush NS Normal Plants Reclassifications: Down-list (5) From Endangered to Threatened (1) Amphibians Ascaphus montanus Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog BC Normal From Threatened to Special Concern (4) Vascular Water Pennywort Hydrocotyle umbellata NS Normal Moimon Metalmark (Prairie Apodemia mormo SK Normal Rangifer tarandus YTNTBC Extended Bison bison athabascae YTNT BC ABMB Extended Plants Arthropods nonulation) Mammals Caribou (Northern Mountain nonulation) - 1Mammals Wood Bison http://www.registrelep-sararegistry.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=F4D833A7-l 1/16/2015 The Minister of the Environment's Response to Species at Risk Assessments Submitted b... Page 3 of 5 The Wolverine was formerly considered by COSEWIC as 2 populations (Westem and Eastern populations).The Eastem population is currently listed as Endangered on Schedule 1. The Westem population is not listed under Schedule 1 ofSARA. In May 2014, COSEWIC considered Westem and Eastem populations as a single population and designated it Special Concem. If Schedule I is amended to reflect this change the former Eastem population would be down-listed from Endangered to Special Concem, and the Westem population would be added to Schedule 1 as Special Concem. 2. The three Caribou populations included in the present consultationdocument(Northern Mountain,Central Mountainand Southem Mountain populations)were recently restmcturedby COSEWIC.In this restructuration, nine subpopulationsformerlyincluded in the Southem Mountain population, currently listed Threatened, are now included in the Northem Mountain population, currently listed Special Concem. Although COSEWIC's last assessment for the Northem Mountain population is also Special Concern, this reclassification would mean a down-listing of these nine subpopulations from Threatened to Special Concem. Please refer to the status history sections ofthe COSEWIC assessment summaries,reproducedin this document, for details on the restructurationof these three populationsofCaribou (formerlycalled Woodland Caribou). Table 2: Terrestrial species (16) recently reassessed by COSEWIC (no consultations - species status conflrmation) Taxon Species Range Scientific Name Consultation Path Status Confirmations (16) Extirpated (1) Amphibians Eastem Tieer Salamander Ambystoma tigrinum ON None; status confirmation (Carolinian nonulation) Endangered (9) Arthropods Arthropods Mormon Metalmark (Southem Mountain nonulation) Apodemia mormo Sand-verbena Moth Copablepharonfitscum BC None; status confirmation BC None; status confirmation Amphibians Small-mouthed Salamander Ambystoma texanum ON None; status confirmation Birds Birds Birds Mammals 1 Mammals Lanius ludovicianus ONQC None; status Loecerhead Shrike Eastem subsnecies ssp. Pinina Plover circitmcinctus subsnecies circumcinctus Pinina Plover melodm subsnecies Charadrius melodus melodus QCNBPENSNL Little Brown Mvotis Myotis lucifugus YTNTBC ABSKMB None; status ON QCNBPENSNL confirmation YTNTBC ABSKMB None; status ON QCNBPENSNL confirmation ONQCNBNS None; status Northem Mvotis confirmation Charadrius melodus Myotis septentrionalis ABSKMBON None; status confirmation None; status confirmation ! j Mammals Tri-colored Bat Perimyotis subflavus confirmation Threatened (4) L Amphibians | Coastal Giant Salamander Dicamptodon BC tenebrosus http://www.registrelep-sararegistry.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=F4D833A7-l None; status confirmation 1/16/2015 The Minister of the Environment's Response to Species at Risk Assessments Submitted b... Page 4 of 5 Taxon • Species Range Scientific Name Consultation Path Status Confirmations (16) Extirpated (1) Birds Birds Loaserhead Shrike Prairie subsoecies Lanius ludovicianus Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatnis None; status ABSKMB confirmation excubitorides BC Pacific Ocean None; status confirmation Molluscs Dromedary Jumoina-slue Hemphillia BC None; status confirmation NUQCNBNSNL None; status dromedarius Special Concern (2) Birds 1Reptiles Harleauin Duck (Eastern Histrionicus DODulationl histrionicus Eastern Milksnake Lampropeltis triangulum confirmation pNQC None; status confirmation Table 3: Aquatic species (8) assessed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada with consultation Species Taxon Scientific Name Range Consultation Path Species eligible for addition to Schedule 1 (8) Endangered (4) Fishes (marine) Fishes (marine) Bocaccio White Hake (Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Sebastes Pacific paucispirtis Ocean Urophycis tenuis Atlantic DODulationi Fishes (marine) Extended Extended Ocean Porbeagle Lamnanasus Atlantic Extended Ocean Fishes Rainbow Trout (Athabasca River (freshwater) DODulations) Oncorhynchits myfdss AB Extended Atlantic Extended Threatened (1) Fishes (marine) White Hake (Atlantic and Northern Gulf of Urophycis tenuis St. Lawrence noDuiation) Ocean Special Concern (3) Fishes Unarmoured Threesoine Stickleback 1 (freshwater) 1Fishes Giant Threesoine Stickleback j (freshwater) j Fishes j (fi-eshwater) Gasterosteus aculeatus BC Extended Gasterosteus BC Extended ONQC Normal aculeatus Cutlio Minnow Exoglossum maxillingua http://www.registreiep-sararegistry.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=F4D833A7-l 1/16/2015 The Minister of the Environment's Response to Species at Risk Assessments Submitted b... Page 5 of 5 Table 4: Aquatic species (7) recently reassessed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (species — Species Taxon Range Scientific Name Consultation Path Status Confirmations (7) Endangered (3) Mammals North Atlantic Rieht Whale (marine) Fishes CoDoer Redhorse Eubalaena Atlantic None; status glacialis Ocean confirmation Moxostoma hubbsi QC None; status (freshwater) Molluscs confirmation Pleurobema Round Pietoe ON None; status confirmation sintoxia Special Concern (4) Fishes Green Sturceon (freshwater) Mammals Steller Sea Lion (marine) Molluscs Yellow Lamnmussel Acipenser BC Pacific None; status medirostris Ocean confirmation Eumetopias jubatus BC Pacific None; status Ocean confirmation Lampsilis cariosa NBNS None; status confirmation Fishes (freshwater) Banded Killifish rNewfoundland DODulations) Fundulus NL diaphanus None; status confirmation Date Modified: 2015-01-13 http://www.registrelep-sararegistry.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=F4D833A7-l 1/16/2015 45 Mayor Council From: Jennifer Deif [[email protected]] ^ To: Subject: Mayor & Council Coi Intersection z: Sent: Monday, January Jar 19,201511:24 AM ^ UD My office Is located at 5018 47a Ave In Ladner. Iwant to tell you how dangerous the Intersection of Delta Street and 4lZa Ave Is. Moments ago we heard the familiar sound of tires screeching to a stop outside and followed by a terrible crashij and screaming. We once again dialed 911 for an ambulance for a couple trapped In their car. Thank God no one was seriously hurt. Unfortunately this Is not the first time, of even the second or third time we have heard a terrible accident at this intersection. Furthermore, many, many times we hear tires screeching as trucks and cars speed west towards River Road and are not watching the crosswalk at Delta Street. Delta street terminates at Memorial Park and we often see young families using this crosswalk to cross over 47a, strollers, kids on bikes and elderly people are a common site. The cars and trucks screech and lock up their brakes as they barrel towards people In the crosswalk. This intersection needs a traffic light. Someone Is going to get killed here. Jennifer Delf President The Delf Group Merchantsof Fine Wine Office: 604.940.9557 genda ^ Jf\ piLE Moblle:604.562.1111 Web: www.delfwlnes.com Twitter: @delfgroup Facebook: Best Value Wines TYPE DEPT C^C AT. # Comments: fih/OLdrXf Mt The pedestrian crosswalk across 47A Avenue at Delta Street will be upgraded in 2015 with pedestrian activated amber flashing lights. Staff will respond to the requestor. 46 Mayor ^Council From: Kristina Van den Kerkhof Sent: Sunday, January 18,201511:11 AM Co: M°ayor&*uncil Fwd: file#LU007315 Subject: ^ A FILElR2ffib20/Lm^'73(<' FH h* # V,V1A.' ^ I Revised - Corrected file number TYPE: PERT: J /T Kristina A.T.#: Comments: Begin forwarded message: ^ g • ' j . ^ 2. if ^ "hD O From: Kristina Van den Kerkhof Date: January 18, 2015 at 8:00:11 AM PST To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]> Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: file#LU0073415 Atm: Robin Pallett, Mayor and Delta Council Members I would like to state my concerns for the proposed amendment to the property located at 4529 Savoy street. My husband and I strongly oppose the application to build two single family homes with coach houses in the rear of them. We are also against any proposal that includes anything other than single family homes on Savoy street. Currently Savoy street is made up of all single family homes and one duplex. My husband and I purchased our home located at 4511 Savoy street (just a couple doors down from 4529) in the summer of 2013. We were drawn to the wide quiet street with single family homes. We fell in love with the peaceful neighborhood as we felt it would be the perfect neighbourhood to raise our family. Our children would feel safe to ride their bikes, away from traffic and congestion. At the time we had one child and we were planning for another (we now have a 4 year old son and an 9 month old daughter). We would not like our quiet street to be lined with parked cars and traffic. By allowing this parcel of land, that was originally built as a single family home, to go ahead with construction, it will set the precedence for the neighbourhood, in turn other builder applications with the same idea will be allowed to go ahead as well. We are strongly against this to go ahead. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Kristina & Ryan Martin 4511 Savoy Street Delta V4K 1P4 The subject application is to amend the OCP and rezone the subject property in order to facilitate a 2-lot subdivision, and to construct a single family dwelling and a coach house on each new lot. The lots would be accessed via the rear lane. The application is currently under review. Planning staff have responded to the authors of the email, advising that their comments will be considered as part of the review of this application and will be summarized in a forthcoming report to Council regarding this application.
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