DELA,VARE VoL. III. E, APRIL, Published Monthly during the Colleb'e Year, by the Press Association of Delaware College. EDITORIAL BOARD: V. B . WOOLLEY, ' 5. W. DuHAMEL,' 6. E . H. ECKEL, '86. I s5. next i sue of th REVIEW. 2 th of May. 'V e h p will m et with th su .s one. It i our intention tablish a regu lar urs o f 7· Th ftx d i. the pia eat sta t d int rva l ·. o mmunity will but aid ur end avor we a n feel ju tifi ed in se urin g th e Lest talent t b had. ASS() ' I ATE EIJ ITOR S : S. A. Buchana n, ' 7. H . H. Curtis, '87, I. J 'AL. I :'\TER-C< Jl .I.E<; l ATE. R . E. D M ar anville, '87, EX ' II A:'\l:E. C. B. Evans, '86, l JE AI. r- IN IS. Business Manager 'VILLIAM DuHAMEL, A ss't Busines.:; Manager C. B. EVANS, . n. EvA:\s, • 6. - H. T . Pt!.l.l :\<:, •g5 · . U ' II A :\A:\, 87. h. E. E:\1ARA:\\' II.U:, ' 7· rresiclc nt, ic -Presi d e nt , . 'cc retnry, Treasu rer, CIR LATION, 1,000, W'Pui.Jli heel in the int re. Is of Deb ware College. Arti le soli citetl fr m th e Alum ni. 'end us your subscription a: so n as p ·ibl e. Subscn}tio1t $ I. oo a Year. Silwlt! Copies, IO cents. For adverti sing rat es, :md all communi cations, address DELA TVARE COLLE(;E RE VIE IV, 1\'EWARJ.:, })EI .AWARE. -- ----- -::::=-:-===========-=:::: T HE 1 EV I • W ha , at thi. time, many auses ~ r o ngratulatin g it lf and it fri nds. In th e first pia e, we a n not but f 1 xt rem _ly g rateful for th e u ess whi h attend d No. I of the R ev iew Le tur Course . Miss H elen Potter gave g n ral satisfaction, and th e r e ipts of the entertainm nt w re more than w had dar d to hope ~ r. W e thank the pear le of Newark an d the surrounding country for their liberal patronage and en ouragernent, and a sure them that we hall end avor to repay th eir generosity by se uring the ervi es of fir. t- la s art1 ts for future o aions. 'Through the same mana ge ment that we ob tain ed the ngagem nt of Mi s Helen Potter, we hav e ured ~ r a le ture the s rvi es of Mr. H oward Ma berry, th e well -known orator, who has gained for hims lf a wid e- 1 read reputation, through hi pl a ing and ultivat d art. The subject of his lecture will be announced in the B UT we were till more gratifi d to learn that th e$ ,ooo a1 propriali n bill had pass d b th house. of th e eg i latur and is now b ·orne a law . Th 1 lan of a king fairly and squarely [! r :1. tated a mount with whi h to repair our build in gs, was th e plan pr po. cd and advo ated y th e R ·V IEW, and was the plan that was adot ted and su eded. 'Ve therefo re fe 1 some satisfa tion in believing th at we were at least a factor in bringing abo ut the result obtained. It is but me t that others. sh uld r eive the deserts that arn est lab or and kind words for a noble obj t d e rve, and no man des rve mor I rai se than ·M r. Theod o re A rm stro ng, th e man whom thi s hundred was fortun ate enoug h to se ure as its rep r enta tive. N xt in order orne our truste s, who rtainly did all in th eir I ower to obtain the a ppropnatton. The Dr!awarran, Milford Cltron ic!e, New Era, D elaware L er~1 rer and Plzz'ladelpht'a Press were ea rn t in th ir hampionship for D elaware's higher edu atio n. Let praise rest upon our r pres ntative, our trust es, the pre s, and the men who saw fit to a. t their votes in the legislative halls ~ r what cannot but be of g r at good in furth rin g the au e of the only institution of higher edu ·ation whi h the State possesses . :May the tim e soon orne when they hall see that D laware allege, and the edu ational interests of the tat e, have bee n so advan ed as to more than repay the outlay. We ea rnestly believe th at th e y will see it very soon, a nd we are sure tha t, with a well -fitt d and omfo rtable building , th oml>in d ~ rts of tru tees, fa ulty and students will a use a n wand glorious e ra in the hi tory of D lawa re ollege. Let us all strive to make it so, rem embering that every- 4 .DFLAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. t h i ng w ' d in t h i.- 1i r 'c t ion i.- d c n for t h g d of ot tr. 'tat' and c Htntr ' · for ,,, ' r · in:-.titttt ion of so und 1 'a rnin g r ·n ct.· n dit upon its Stak and 1\:'atiun comm ·nsttralc with th e numl>·· r t fits tnt alt tmni. 1> ·law~u ·a ns if you clc sir th e futur pr< sp ·r it four littl · I>ianHnd ,'tall' tak • a n inte rest in and ;~id l kla\\'ar, ( 'olkg' for fn m hu loo r.- ar to com ' the men who ar, to ma k, y ur lea 1 rs and 1,1 \\'- mak T:-. of a ft> \\' yc:1r:-. hence. T i l EN w arc pleastd to IH lL that\\' ha,· · s 'Cu re 1 th' ~c r\'i ce.- f a soldier fur Ht r in stru ction.- in drill :1nd one wh om \\'l' belie ,· t h' fttll 0111 ] ctent. I> rill ha.- its ad\'(>cates an d its opp n •nt.-. i\lan · arc cnthu:-.iasti('all · in fay r of it whil ot hers a rc jt1.t a: .tr n•h· again . t it. But drill b th' charter of th ~ ·ity and (:1 : th er i.- no get tin uph ld it an<..l ai m t d th ei r luty. l )i. orderly lrill i.- ol>j ·c ti onahl ' t al l nnd is cxc cdi n ] , irkso me while a well disciplined ompa ny i.pi a:ant t mnn · and not 1 jcctionnhl ' t any. \\' hcth cr ·ott like it c r n t do ·our <..luty, an<..l "' :11' ' SU re th at )' ll wiJJ : C 1l 1i k it, anJ w!IJ flnJ pJcaSill' ' in wh at will rdk t CJ:cdit upon your \. lma l\fat ' 1'. J '1'1~ f. gislatur . ~ H ooo JPl ropriati n t g th r \\' ith " ·hat th 1\ lumni \ :sociat i n has accumu lat ·cl is a h p ·ful 1> g innin g · hut 1 ·t it I>' disti net I y un<.krst >od it i.- on! a /Jt;~r/nn/ng. 1 ·h wa n..: ( 'olleg r '('Ci \·es n ri <' h I ·gnci ·s fr >m w ':t lthy 1) ·la \\'arca n.- eithe r durin g th ir !if · r at thL·ir death. It is s<1id that the ! ~oar I of Tru.- t ' ·s rL prL'sent.- some milli on.- of lollnrs. o ne would han· supp s d that it rL'JH' 'se nll'd tw c nt s, for :til the benefit that th ' ('nile!!' has r 'C ·i,· ·<..1 from it.- hands. \\' ' a" k: \\' as J tt lgL' A.-a J>a (' k ·r a fool o r n t \\'h •n hL' gn ,·c in I if an d at 1·a th t Lehi gh l 'ni \'Lr. it · ? \\ ' hat ha · 1\ \\' Ca:-. tl ' c un ty Ion C r 1) ·!awar' C lkgc? Th cit , f \\' ilmin a t n alone ha sso ooop'o pl· and milli on. o fd ollar.- inpri,·ate purses. \\' hy han.: not s 111 ' o f the.' · in . r Jll c 1 do \\'n t l';cwark? ·lawar km \\·n except l>y na me t hund r d. f gc n ro us and intelli nt \\ ' ilmin rt nian s. \\'c venture to 1 think that . m nt rpr i.- in g innu ntial, and trusty agent f th e Coli 'rre c uld gat her a few / thou ·nnd 1 liar.- in aim .- t no timL if he mnde ft'I'SrJI/rl/ rlfj//t·a//(11/ t the \\'ea llh y men thr 11 rhut thi.- 'tate 'rh o fa,·o r hi gh r educati n a nd ha\'C a . park r State l rid in th eir 'ollc<1'C . In dec 1, ne ntl man . pea k in to 11 ab ut the finan c. f the 'a llege ai d h w uld ne hundred dolL r. if . u ·h a li t were Th cr a r Ill re like him. L t th em be Oll rht ut. L t th 1Jan b tri d. It ne d only 1 u.- hin to mak it u e d. I t ha b n don 111 It a n b d ne h r . Il O l R n be n ba. c ball an, ::1thl ti c gr uncl. hav jllt in ,. r . ni hav·· anu we .·hal l ·xp t 11111 ·h fr m thi - ·car'. t am, an<.l our xp elation. ca n nly ht; rea lized by th e hard ann .- t ad trainin g f the men wh mp it. w rk hard m n. w 1 E would a am all th at t ntion of many l LE 1u tion f wny and m an i one whi ·h I f our Alumni t th <: fa t that th ey ha\·c ha 1 1'] lex 'd th Tru. tee. ·en t tb ir ub · ription t th K EV J E \ for thi s 'o il g · for many · ars. y ar. Ev ry dollar will a1m u in rai i11 rr the ted t appl) . h ld a fl ur .-tandard of our paper. th in. titu ti n ha. rcr had a hand-to-n10uth ·xist n · . R . rt t th har e he 11 th R some tim we have sc n 111 n wspar rs hith crt pr 1>1 ' 111. ] ~ut it i.- ar el · t and ha,·e h ard nside rabl du.- u ·s ian UJ on •r n wi lh th .~ c frequent but n . aril · m ~wr rraduat a.- a .- u · . .- in busi n ss li~ . app r priati n. in it.- he nd whatever h~ .- at any 1Ju ·ine.· .- rn n and :p ·ially rn n ycd m n, arc time y t be n riven t D Jawar 'all ' i · but in lined to look upon th ·all 'g :rraduat with an infinit ·imal fa tor of what i ne d d to make ·on id ·raul . 1: pi ion. Hi .~ diploma of , B. or it a pr pcrly built arrL nged, qui 1 ed 1 and offi. . 13. . i.- of littl e cons qu n , for it is considered ccr d in titution of hicih r du ation. 1a certific t f lti profici n ' Y in all the theories T DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. 5 an 1 g i s, that ha b n 1 r IXl at ·d sin th yon 1 th r ·a ·h of m n y. rnan of int lli fall f Tr y whil it signi fie s n thing as t hi: g ' JH' at thi.· •nli ght n 1 and pr gre:si\'(.'! pe1 i 1 practi ability and pr fi ·i n y in th us of that will 1 ubt th advanta r and n' s:it f colquality, m : t valuaLic t busi n ·ss m n- · mm n legial· 1u ali n, wh n there ar .- man in the s ·nse . But it is a n ti all· f::1. ·t that th e m ·n race for pr min cn ·e and stati n ; and at th e sa me who hav th m st suspi ·i n ~ r and 1 ast faith tim' ri e th' y utli fr ·sh fr m . ll cg a pr p r 111 th ·oll g rnan arc th s wh sc ) outh was nsid rati n and entertain n ·id rate cxp taith r pass' 1 in p v rty r th eir n ·ernin g him. w r :u ·h a. n t t p rmit th ·m t pursue a f hi rh r e lu ·ati n. The rr at mi stak ·la:s of m n whi ·h d : g r ·at Jnjusti · J II ~ library whi ch in itself is a brrr and 111 . 0 ·oil g rraduat · is th hi g h ·tandard rai s d by loo kin g r 0111, ha: r• ntl y und . rrro nc · nth ·m, ·x pc<'tin g ·ac h g ra luat' to com up t it , side ral> le r ' pairs. A n w and el ·gan l Bru s:e Is and <· nsid Ting a ll th .. t 1 not as failur ·s. N w arp l has been pl:1c'' 1 upon the no r th \ old it is human natur· ' ' C suppos· to ·x p·ct an 1 r ·- fashi n ·d and dilapi lat ·d ·urtains r •plac · 1 Lly quir · of oth 'l'S wh ·n n ·'s wn soc ial and fi1 an - n ·w and han lsomc n ·s, th · b oks r ·-a rran g · I, cia! p siti on is assu r ·d, a g r ·at 1 ·al more than w • and th e w o 1-\\' rk th r ughly cl ·a n ·d. \\' ith would lik · rcq uir •d of us if thin gs w·r · rc rscd. th ·se impr v ·m ·nt: lhe library \\hi h beret fore . 'o it is with th l>usin .-.- ma n an 1 col kg· gra 1- pr '.'ent ·d a rath ·r ch · ·rl ·ss ;-~p i ·< ran , has 1J ·e n uatcs. Jt is tak en ~ r g rant ·d that a man wh 11<-H k one of th ' prettiest roo m: in the Llui lding. has spent ~ ur y ·ars in : tudy ~ h uld I> · fitted to st 1 fr 111 th e r st rum on · mmcn ·m ·nt 1)ay into th e unting-roo m and cope with th e old A~fO~G tht: impr vemcnt. that ha\ C he ru n xperi nc d hc::td: in th e manag ·ment of Llusin :s, t be mad· is th • planting of tre s upc n gra1 1 I with th intri cate 1 roll! ·ms f daily li~ , I the back ca mpu s in that part whi ch wa: the 11 lea rly by out and d~::fmc th e path t : u · ·c:: and ball rr und. Thi s will ' ive Dclawar 'ollc re live in a sph r f ·ultur and kn ,rl cd r • far in quite a pr se ntabl ap pca ran ·e to the trav ·I rs on ad van of his ea rs and stati n. Thi s i · unju:t I the n w railroad. JJd aware 'oil ·g , with lui!] . to th e youth who i.- am bi ti u: t .-h i n · in th e in 'S improv d its rear gr unds as hands m ·Iy world and thinks ( ri rrhtly) th at an edu ati n of a I laid out as it: front, scat ·d in a ·Just r of bcautihigh ord r, i. req ui.-i t to high stat i n. L t th ful trc s, will i in b ·auty with other in stituti ns light think r. of · 11 g youths r m ml er P oeta of better fin an ial ond ition s. 11a/lfs 110 11 jad!fs, and th e ame ma 1 said of other Ia s s f m n, for if th material i: not in ET i l 1 e rem em b ·red that a .~ell/ltJJtall is a a man, no am unt of di ·i1Iin e and · ll crr train'Cntleman wh cr vcr h · i:, no matter \\'h el h ·r ing will rai him to th standard that the proshe is on the . tile or steps of th e · II ·g' and pering publi hav d e id d that th e li e re gradthat y llin rafter pa:se rs-by r thos apt)r a ·hin r uat mu t attain l.lefore l.lein cr on:id r ·d a : u an hardly b termed rrcntlemanly to sa th e y t, in fa ·t, the gr at . tout ry again. t the ·oll rre lea:t. .\ few unruly and th oughtless student: in graduat in bu ·in . life, ·om . fr m th ·c men a:c.:s lik th e: will injure th r putati n f th who . 1 aim i · th ama . .·in g f Jar r ~ rtune. 'olle e and th ma ·: of students to a d grcc that and a failur in thi. attainm nt i. a failur in life. Mon y i. a 1 w rful fa ct r in thi · w rid· yeti.- th d v t i n f a 1ife t t h a ll m ttl at i n f it a l i fc n bl and w rthil . 1 ent? Th c men Ia k the finer will soon 1 c alJle to glo ry in imr rov d s nsil iliti . f natur ne s !') t an ap1 re c1at1 n Luildin ,,. and r unds. f high int ·11 tual . tandin ' f r all th m n y a man ·an amass a n n t Lluy :o m f th hi h :t urs pl a ur . Int ·11 ·tual tandin g, th pl a:u r and not fail t · en ourag the I e tur T L wE D gratifi ation of the hard ' orking stud ent are be- Ll your pres 11 e. f)ELAWARE CoLLE(JE REVIEW. U nlo thee un cca ·in g lays S ha ll as nd till : pccch d th fa il. 1!ai l, o-ed u a li n, hail ! A COMMENCEMENT EPISODE. A 'O-ED CAT ! NAL ll\' ARIST !' IlA NE. L l A~ AT IR E. J NE 1 M. A. S C E~E- 7iie Collc,t;t: Chnpcl. 'jOlt the platform is senterl th e S en at11s Acntlemiots-th e R1;~r/tt R evt•rend, R t'Vercnd, nllfl 1/on ornble Visito?'S and T1'11slas, lh e J'rovost and i 'itotlty , all(/ a lllt!llber of ll11mni n/1(/ .-11111111/(C; also the (;rrulu nlin,~; 'lass ofjive y o1111g ilt/en audfotw yo nn,~; I Vom t'll. fu th e fro nt pews are Sf!tl tt.•d the ( lu!.•rg radllnles of both S<' ts. 7iie ?'C!IIainiu.~r pnrts of the aw/itoritll/1 nrcjilled w ith th e f riends of students and ordiunry v isitors. 7ii e f}-ovosl sttps fo rward, 1't!III OVt!S h1's ~!firial" morltw-board," fll/(1 spt•aks ns fotlo·ws: THE PROV T. 'Ti: min t! alo ne that's grea t in all th e world, B th at incased in woman 's frame or man 's. \~l h y should th ac cid ent f birth be m ade Th :ole ril ri on f the me nta l power: . J\ s play: the g uil e less child f ither :e x \ Vit h oth e r chil dren inn oce nt as th on; As late r years tak e both t : )ll)o l-h usc ga te, A nd th ere tog th e r leave them to rem a in ; So, why sho ul d, later, so m e ·tern mand ate say : Man 's pat h i · tht•rc, but this is woman 's way? HOR S OF W EARY ST UDE T • In tell ectua l elude, \\'ill you e ver c n lmlc? THE PR V . T. THE PR YOST . Friend s, Patrons, Visitor: , Tru : tccs, Approv ' rs of o-cdu c. ti ona! sc he mes, \ V · gr ·e l ) e a ll. T o your admiring gaze W e sho w wit h pride th e w of a nd we b w weave, ] 11 th ese intelli ge nt a nd sturdy yo uth s, A nd no less lJrighl a nd cultiva ted ma id s. ' - clu ati on, goddess late ly ll rn, li as f:tn ·s no w scatte red ov •r all th e Janel. W e arc her pri sls; h r myth log ic form Th e hand f Art has ni ch ed in ped im e nt Over our c II ge d oo rs ; and in our hearts \ Vc have ·ct up h r shrin e,;; I ud p. 'a ns rise, A nd with th e in n:c f mr praise we : in g 1 I cr cha rm s, her triumph , hopes a nd pl a n:. Fair godd ess, hea r th e music f onr clan ·. HOR F PROFE ORS. Ge ntl e goddess, thee we : in g ; In thine arm: ourselves w e tlin g. Th ou hast charm w cannot na me ; '" h that know: them us will blame ? l f by chori c so ng to the e, r by genuflected kn ee, W e ur aclorati n pay,\\i ho sha ll frown and bid u. my ? I not life a wcclcr heam; Do n t re citati o ns ·ee m Like a lov r's willing task, Wh en in m a id n : mil · w bask? 'W ith unint ere. ling ch urls We would min g le bright-ey c1 g irls : Th n Refi neme nt : gentl e hand Will assuage th e ra bbi ba nd. \ hen flirt a ti n catch our eye, W e agree t pass th m I y · For in our myth logi , Th ee " c h ld as pr geni e ( f Min erva, goddess wi se, Jlanoplietl in Learnin g's guise, And f ll ym n, nu ·-. prung, By aspiring mai lens ·un g . In our new panthc n, thou Rear' ·t a loft th y nobl e brow· Late t of divinitic · Whom unnum bered pilgrim knees liow befort in lowly prai e, n ut 'gainst such hc rcsi s as thi s be hurl ed The po wer f i\t hanas iu: 'ga insl the wo rld. \\ide : tancl our portals, the refore, unto al l - 'H R OF STUDENT . "At your earliest c nveni e nc give us a call. ' THE PR V Be . till! irrcv re nt sco ffe rs T. f all g I. F PR FESS RS . T o the ~ ll y of r ga rd in g geml ·r \1 e th e lesser co ll ege · su rren ler,- HOR OF ST DENTS • . uch as f rin (·eton an 1 J i1 lt , , , here th e stu d nl: are ma l·, And co-eds are not see n to appear : n ut th e m enti on of th ese May our l r vo~ t displ ease , . ·o 11Visconsin shall ha ve a loud ch eer. Boo-b o-hoo ! Feelin g very bl ue; B o-bo -boo ! D on 't we pity y u! Vet to comprehend a ll, L et us kn o k d \ n th wall That : huts ut th e bla k son f th e . · uth; Eclu c. ti on sh uld be, Like th e lcmc nt:, fr ee, Irrcsp clive of skin or of m outh. vVe affirm a nd decla re That ~ r n egroes t sha re Our advantage ..; o iTe red fo r knowleclg , W ul d be no m o r·~ al Jsurd Than this joke y u have h eard, f mi xed cla:ses recitin g in coll ege. T H E PR VO T. ui ct th e re I do dema nd, • 'uch disgrace I ca nn t stand. H ORU OF DU Th ough o ft with fri volity And ·ca ncl alous j llity Profe ·sors we shoc k; ES. 7 l)ELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. -====-:===--=-==--== In th cla:s f Eighty-Fi,·c. llut supp he no g irl : wer ' here, There w uld uc no h ys we fea r, 1\n l ur ollcgc co ull nol thrive.- \\ e alway. with gravity Excuse ur depravity, nd call for ld Il ock. \ ith cigarettes : mokin(l'ly We greet th m pro okingly On every street; \Vith blamlnc. we : mil e t them, And take ff' our tile to th em, \ hcn evcr we meet. S LO- rEDlN X ~R I ND.' " OLE l\1, 1 lH.:g t stale ·1y wn sad fat Wh en : itting l:.tte }.ngaged in the !'> tmly of book. Professors arc dear to us, nd ev en their sneer to u: Much happin ess bring: ; \V know th ir j un<lity From their pr fundity M st certainly springs. T : il me clown In drcs-.i ng gow n 1 ~ so h·etl to drown All th ught in Pi crian brooks. Demerits arc naught t us, Though often th •y' n.; ln·ought to us l'or insulcnl !-. on:-; ; 1lut summ oning" h ·ek ' again, \V c go in to seek nga in The favor of Pr fs. '\1 th ou(!'hts will stea l From logic to. ~farj ric c:ray. Ju.t hO\ f fee l J an't rcvcn l; Adjusting our lia r high, And eye gla~s so s holarly, nd smuotl,ing our hin; P •rh nps we nrc re ady nowll ey! h ld th rc! 1 • stendy now! T o hea r you ' pitch in.' Ti l E l'RO\' .' T. real ple a~ ttr to-dny [ de rive ln pre : ~.:nting t you Eighty -Five. CH R . 0F ,T D 1 NT . . Hurrah! hurrnh! for Eighty-Five, Ei ghty-l,.ivc, Eight y-Five. May : ht: ever, ever thriv e, Ev r thrive, ,. r thri \Yh cn her fellow. go to wive, (;o to wive, go to wiv , They shou ld choose from Eight y-Five, Eighty-Five, Eighty-l,.iv . nc chap will be left to clrivc, l. ft to driv , le ft to drive All al n , by Eighty-Five, Eighty-Five, Eighty-l,. ivc. But it ncecln t him d ]Wive, 1lim deprin:, him <1 prive, f his prid in Eighty-Five, Eighty-Five, Eighty-Five. Then here . a che er for Eighty-Fi,·c, Eighty-Five, Fighty-Fi,·cllurr.lh ! hurrah! for Eighty-l"ive! ow go ahead and let her drive. HOR f E I HTY -F JVE. ft in earnest, ft in jc:t, I lave you heard the truth exJ'fes. eel: In : mall buncll s trcn : ures come. In our la:s is v rilicd ( \ hi h we say with ,. ,, lling pride) \ hat may h unknown t some. Laddie .~ five and Ia ·:c. four,We CO\ll<l wbh there had been more T try, in vain, \\' ith f·v ·r ·cl hr:1 in, ~ly mind to trai n T o a t in a logi cal wny. ] lut soo n r fin d ·:\ r y n ·c k ·nt win cl (( >f cn ur!-. •, in min cl) By anm f a h ·nutiful girl. }\ ki s~, mcthink -;, ' pon m !;Thc litt k !llin x !And then 1 am a ll in a whirl. Th en : yll ogio.; m And l'l atoni -.m 1\ ncl S]'i no; ism Arc Jllix cd in my feverish th ught. I dread, alas! A flunk in cia: . , Alth oucr h to pas: As h ead of my section I 've sought. Lut thcr she' ll sit Ri ght oppo-;ite, And never hit The rea»Oll why l,ad ly 1 mis:ccl. Th rc a: n's lear, A ncl now is · qu · r, \ hy llunk-. appear 'Mong!-.t fell ,,.., who dr ·am th y w ere ki -;sccl. CHOR S F "SWEET C:JRL ' RAD AT ~: ." 'Mid st th e grad uatin.g n!n.c, Don 't we . hcd • n a1r di\'In c, lad in shee ny !-> ilk-. that !-> hine J.'l oun ccd with fur!Jcl u\r -. ~o line! In our golde n lo k: \\' C l~vinc Ja queminots a ncl gla nt1n . . Should . om kni ght : ay wher .th YlllC \ oos th whisp'ring, frn grn nt plll C , 1 "1 am thin e , IJc min ·, be min ', Each of u: would m;1k ·a sign pp : ite of "1 de cline.' CH R S OF ' - EDS. h would that we were there with you,' Ah, mi:erie; DELAWARE COLLEGE l~EVIEW. 8 Oh, would thnl we were al ·o lhrough,Ah, mi:erie. ' hal car· we ~ r mel. llurgic, 1\h, llli "ierie, go ld en Th e lh di ~ J..: s with fili gree, h, mi : cric. ri mol culnr, h, mise ri , \\' ith K pier\ In"'" is on a par, ,\h, mi ~cric. l Ioral inn cl •s we find a bore, h, llli "ieri c, ' 'Vc wi~h them in Sa n . 'alva<lor, Ah, mi ~ cri c . ( :reck pa radigm · a nd pro~od ic , \ h, mi.., ·ri ·, '\' e n ·vcr wa nt agn in tu sec, \h , tlli ~e ric. If Eu Jill never hnd hcc n b rn, 1\h, mi ~cric , You neve r \1' uld ha 1· · h ·ani us mourn, J\h, mi:-.c ri c. nam · of IJOtnni c, h, mi ~c ri '. And lik ·wi~c. too roo log ie, \h, mi sc ri c. Hut wh en \1' . pin on whirltng to ·, h, tra Ia In ' c' rc at ur lJ st, as you mny kn w, h, tra Ia l::t. Jn knn is- ourt, in h rsc mnnship, Ah, tra Ia In, ' ' re neve!· kn own t mnke a slip, h, tra Ia Ia. Th n put us in 1\h , ml Ictus tnkc h, baza n r.~ , ur el men!, tra 1::t Ia, 1ur naturn l !J nt, tra Ia Ia. ' ' hy wnste we tim e on s icnc , prny? h mi ·eri c· an w , ah, :1;1 we mak e it pay? \h , miscric . .n- 'ducatit n's pbns may do, h, miscric, Uul what is gn in cd when all is through ? Ah, mis ric. h, teach us what :1 rrirl sh ultl kn w, Ah, mi ~cric, T talk with as , to co k, to ·cw, h, mi ·eric. I ut this, we say can n ! he lht l th r is, in wh at you sny . Som · thing, whi ch, a noth er day, \V shnll vi ·w di~ uss, a nd weigh; .\l ean whil · we would kindl y prny All a good word to c nv ey. On which sid e ur l>r ·ad is butt ered fay );c gu '-,sed th ough llC\' r uttered. ' II R . ' F T ' DENT • i-.. tt't t!Ji-., jollyTili -, f: tmily jnrEach nl.tll t1n hi~ l'olly \\' ill I ·t a igar. :\1111' \Ve know they a.r' ableTh ese d •ar, darling gir lsT :-hake ncn,-,-, table Th ' ir feminin ' curk Th ey ~p ·ak out so l11·n,· ·ly\\ hy, ldc:-s th eir d •ar It Th nt the !-'acuity gravely J-'r 111 ~ ltllnl •r up:-.larts. 'V e hate th n slumming t ur. , at church J\h, tra Ia In, ' Ve shin e a. planetary stnrs, Ah, tra 1:1 ln. ·rr R • F I'R FE . H \\' ha\'e da.ughll'r~ to !Jc taught, nd it \1' :1~ 110 harm, II' • th oug ht, Th at to n.: ' itati ntl', they !Jc brought, \\' h •r · yo un g g ntl •nt ·n hav e . t ug hl Tren:-. ure whi h :1 11 IH.:' ·r I c ), ught. 1n , \h mi s ·ric, \ Vhcrc youths :wcl mai I · nr tau ght n · one, Ah, mi eric! nh 1 mi · ~:ric! ·art-.~ :\ow i!-> n't thi..; jollyThi ~ fantily jarF ~1 ' h m. 11 on hi -, l'ullv \\ill I ·t a iga r. ' T II E I'R \' 0 "1'. Kind fr ie nd s, jud g · not with h a r~ hn •s: Jf ur rul e ; nse mly s ncs in whi ch onfu: ion r ig ns And which our h. nd is 1 araly t. d to stny, ompcl us t omit what n xt ~ h ould co11t , Th e grncl uatio n th c-.,es of the lass. AltiH ugh o- ducatio n is our p t, \\ e ktiO\\' full w II th stud ·n t ~ hate its name. \\ c a lw ay~ ite to th em Curn dl, a sc hool Of rank ollcgiatc, wh •r yo un g \\' >men nrc, Hut with irrcv'r ·nt scoff :- th e s omful cry : " \\' • ar · not lik · Clwndl, ncl a nn ot be." Our s tud e nt ~ ha.v dropt o ff ~ arc dropping still, And, th ough II'C do it ll'ith un gra ious, ir, \\'c mu ~ t ac kn oll'l cdgc 1-'ortutt · to lJ ·gl um. Th e 'han ellor with special new: ha · ome. THE ITA T :ELLOR. \ hal your expectant face s turned to mine . 'et:m to awai t, [ C::l ll \I ith ·a~c di 1inc . In Ht cl!li ng of Trustee..,, on,·en ·d hy us, \ c di d 'u edu a ti nn's cla im · dis u-. · 1\n d noll' to yo u with pka :-ur ' \1' · proclai m Th rc~P lu tinn unt o whi ch w ca me · ll<'llt'<'!in-llt /lt, ·s,• ro/1,-_-,· doors lo 7i'UIIIt'll c·!oSt'. Th ough thu-, \I' · say, ·\\. · arc nut II'Oma n's foe~ · ]}ut year~ of trial ha v · r ,,·ea led it true: o ·duc.1ti on t.:verywhere \\' lll't do. ------···------ ' Vhen r a! n 1>1 n .· a , mpani e · that ima in ary on of birth the imaginar . ce m. t mix with rea l, an 1 b ·omc · real too.-L ord Grcz·illt . I) ELA'WARE COLLE(JE REVI ·~Vv'. 9 the J ."t n r't of .'tate /.Jilitia) has acc·pt ·d the po.-ttion of military in stru ·tor at th ·>lie 'C. Juni >r l bll thi.- y ar Jut a n · mcnt H p \\'ill l>c i,·cn l>y the ·ntir' at Ex ·hangc Jlal l on th e 17th of Jun . " \\ hy?" k y-Llu pink ribbon. l +( . La'' n t nnis is reviving. " lVIar ·u , far us, my own d ar lov d one ! " rilling is b oming mu h more p JU!ar. Arbutu.- rathering i fashionable, but littl e arbutu. i.- [ und. 2 \ Fr ·.-hman on ' Broa 1way" wa. t h r 'Cl p1 ·n t of an adYe rti scm nt of 'l\ lrs. \\ ins! w'.- .·oothing 'y rup for ' hildrcn Tc ·thin g ." J low ~ignil.l an t ~ "Pet·" i. arri d right away with ba ·e-ba1l or rnethin r cl · . Th e .\nnual .i\fc ling of the H ard f Tr ustees u rs on l h · 1 Gl h f I u n . 1\ ful l all c n 1a nc ' is n t ,,.n in 1 J.tl1 'arol ina sh i1 1 ed Ia ·t ye:ll' eX]> ctcd as .-omc w ci~hty . . , - 11attcr.- a rc IJ<.:f rc that body. 1 oJ ooo ooo ·igar ·ttc .'c nc lurin' drill. Fir. t. 'tttcl ·nt: ' \\' hat i.Hurrah fur the .'<is· r-grindcr in the Ath n-d )in up n the p rticu ?' .'cc ncl .'tttd ·nt : xan wtng. , 'itz- ."iL:Z- S I ZZ . in ·tru ·tion ." in military ta ·ti< s, r Alexander ha.- a ' p ny" whi ·h h ha · wittily ailed Hu e ' phalu.- ." :\ st ud ·nt who w;ts tcm ]>t · 1 to lea\·' hi s stu li ·. . ny man \rh will ·all up n a young cbrn. cl an d w a I k i n t he b r i r h t m o o n I i rh t 'r i t h a fa i r an 1 endeavor to get in throtwh the back d r- dam.-cl, 'ra.- heard to .-ay: ' Cct thee lJchin I m' mo on li rht.'' wcll. t Th e fart of ' I iff'' g rm(1/11g !lt/11 is opp all laws of phy.-i lo(ry. \\' at ·h him at tab le. Three hundr ·d thou .-and pairs >f r llcr . kat . , it i. ·tat d, are now manufa ·turcd in this · untry each month. It i.- '.-t i11 atcd that luring th e .- tay of C:or lon, th ph to rr:1phc r, (a nd we !Jitish whil · rL" Iating it) that the joke (?) up n ' lJrcaking th<.: glas.-" wa. tt n If Gi,..J-O time.-. It i · the b li f f the Buddhist. f ylon if a woman behave. herself 1 roperly sh eve ntually be m a man. Th H n. ' harl ·.-Em ry .'mith wh o dL·]i,·crul th r::ttion t th · D ·Ita J>hi . 'ocil'ly at its 49th "F/re! FIRE. Pshaw! I'd lik t anni cr~a r y, will addr ·s.- th ' und ·r rra l11a ·s of have tho e st ud ent by th e La ·k of th ei r ne ·k · Butler ni,· r.- ity, Jn lian apoli s, duri ng the 'om and I'd mak parks fly." men ·em en t w ck in Junc ne:-.l. I magi nary s en e. Prof. : ar the Ep de of H ra "ritten." '' In liamet r and I aramete r . '' th e first me lin er of th e third term, th e mo re 'la.·s ·I Tl · I th e ~ ll owin rr t ·nn ofti crs: J' r<.:."idcnt . 'a mucl .\ dam.- Bu chanan · \icc Prc: id nt, lfenry ]>avis · .·ce re ary \\' illiam ;, 1>a rlington Lane !I all JJcnton · 'l'rca. urcr Purn ell. Th y un ladie: of Elkt n gav an in~ nnal dan · · at th hou : c of ~lt. .- .'alli c ~ l anly, n Thursday ,·e n in(!, :\ pril . Th e ·t1tirc ~1fl . ti r wa.a .- u ·c.-: and wa.- he . rtily enjoyed by al l \\:ho atTheDa · Ball nine has arran d f r a game tend ed. It rcnccts 11U ch ( rcdit upon th e fair with o er nfer n · \. a lemy about the mid - manager: who tend ered il. dl of May. They will play in ove r. .'tudcnt in Physic." : ' l'r f. d c. n't th <J uality apt. Tho . e 'ray ( re ntly r igned from of the mass in thl! law of gra,·itatiun ha,·e ·ome- IO DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. ommo ti on in the st r ts be ame perto d ' ith it?" Pr f. : " o, r tain ly M n jumped from th ir bed , hurri d \ hat 1 sesscd y u with that idea?" 'tuin shirt . I v s with bu kets to th e s ene, wom n " )h nothing, on ly I thought gree n ton e and hildren flo k d t witn s::~ th e work of d emust h ave some virtue a: attra tors.'' st ru ti o n · in fa t most of the town aJ proa hAn addi ti nal argu m nt in fav r of wa rmin g d th ampus to s e-the boys gathered arottnd th e 'o ll egc b y h a ters, and d in g a way with th ~ an imm ns bonfire, singing songs and hee ring claware L gislature, whi ·h had innum eraiJ I stove. f all kinds and dcgr c o f lustily for th just pass d th e oil ge apr rot riation bill. ng ry? sa ~ ty, i._ th rc ent fir whi ·h o urr d in o ne of th e st ud ·nts' roo ms. F rtun at ly it was di . · v- \ hy th cttrsol:l' r marks made on erning " th e c rcd h y th J ani tor ju. t b fore th e names rca ·hed devils dan in g like fi nd around th e fire" would hav fill d a olum on" fan y u sin g." ft er th bedding of the o ·cupant. th e fir had abated, and thinking not en ugh Th e Dcla \\'a re 'ollcge Base all ' lub d feated hon r had yet IJe n 1 aid th e L gislatur , an imth H. t '• .• 'urv yors' in , on the 22 nd in . t. proml tu 1 ro e . ion wa form d, a nd oil ge songs with a sc rc of 28 to 2. ur boys played a ve ry and ·he r. made hid ous mor of the Hi ght. At good game f r so early in th e sea· n. Th ·ur- two o' ·I k the town was again (l ui t. But th e vey rs had s me go d men among:t th em, but p a ·e ful remainder of th night wa not sufh ad had littl 1 ra ·ti ce t ge ther, h n their d feat. fi ie nt to o 1 th rage of some of the most d Th e gam was give n up by th em at the nd of th e mon st rativ in r Jation to fir ext in gu i: hin g, so vari u · town co m mi. s1 n rs a nd mag istrates wer ftfth tnning. ail ed upon next day. we r, th e ·loud I asIn speaking f th raduati d a way, a nd verything 'vas er n , ea h [! llow holdin g on t the ftv dollar bill wh i ·h he ex r e t la:s f 'os f ~atcrs n Hi g h P alo' on })1z/(1' P uss say : " .Prof. },e inhart, d to go into the hands of the t wn treasu r r. ]a t of J) cl:lwar 'o lJ cg ') l S n of th e b ·t 111 n wh o co uld h:.1v · b en put in th e offi e he h Ids .. ' ~ .· ~·''·''·'"·"~ - ''·"' . ' '-'~·'"·''·' ·' ··"~'""''•''•-''•''"'"•'"•''"'' • • ' ,, ... : and hi s lal r: in bringin r the Hi cr h · ·hoo l to th sta te f c ·II ·ncy it has r a ·h ,d a r app re iated hy all ' ho have any knowled ge of th e wo rkin gs of th at in:t ituti on." thin g n t. d ' nt: fronts I RE [ E IV !. 1: , :~·:,·: u <ll' R E. ~ HOWARD M cS HERRY ~ l:~·. THUR > DAY EVENI NC: , _ ~ .... , , " ' , , ' , . • , Of.LE<:E < R 1 I .. ' , • .. 1 ~~* Ml~<ly!',:..S, 188 $. :;·. 1 • , ' " o \ , o ' , , ' ,., ' , . , , • ' . , • ' '\,I'> , I ' , . ' ' • I ' • ' ' • I ' • I 'I • I'\,. I ' . , I \ • I 'I 0 I 'I • ~ I'~ o The ab ove will be a ftr t- la.. lec ture, and we know fr rn th rq utati n Mr. 1\[a h rry ha. a quir d, th:.1t all who attend will 1 e p lea ed and ben ftt d. H e is under th nnnag ment of th nit d tat . L y ·cum ureau from whom we also ured 1\1is I len P tt r. Dc:lta Phi debuts. DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. --- .-..··---Do not paint the insid tor , h l-hou c r hur gi ll' s \Vood 'ta in s. vVhile th que tion ha be n gra ly di s u. ed in ertain quart rs wheth r or not our t a h r f Latin are ab le to read it, LATLNE, under th ed itor hi I of Profes or ' dgar humway, of Rut gers, ha. ontained from month to month a hoi election of original es ays, dial ne , letter , poem~, et . , in Latin. . Appl ton\) . ' o. After graduatin g at thi Coll ge, our young men and women who int nd nt ring business, urs of bu: ishould pr par ~ r it by taking a ne training in th e Bryant and tratton Philadelphia usin es 'o ll ge. o pains are pared to maintain th hi gh re1utation of this in. titut ion for thorough and pra ti al in st ru tion, and ar ful attention to th interest of the pupils. \ rite to them for a ir ular, and wh en you ar in I hiladelphi a all and pa a pleasant hour examining th College. In the bottle discont nt s ek for omfort, cowardi e for courag , ba hfulness for confiden . --folmsoll. l I h..ev . Th · rna. (~. Iuq h y \\'a ·hapbin in . A. in 186 1, did in 1 68 at lev r, el. l. a)· g n w, M . . , IS lrof. of urg ry niver:;ity of Pa. ·. :raham wa. principal f th' w L 1d n ad rn y and aft rward s of an .\ ·ademy :ll H arri sl.mrg Pa. , wh re h di 'd in 1 47· G r . J n .·, J. D., " a· a .'urg on in th late wa r and afl rwards a dru gg ist at Monro , l\l ). , ''h ere h · lied in 188 L. 11 n. \\.G. \\'hi teley is Jud ge of the 'ir · ~ tit urt f 1 clawar . H on. C e rg P. Riddl e was nit d . ' tat'.' 'enat r from D cla \\'atc at th e tim e of hi death in 1867. L uis 1( ·L ane is now Pr :idc nl f th e Dank f evada, . 'an l'ran is ·o, 'a!. ian I vc llayc:, Esq. is a law y r at J) v ~ r , el., and a Tru tc f th e 'oil' rc. \\. \\. Ferris wa: principal f th N •wa 1• th n of the cadcmy at New Ca:Ll ·, a:ht r f Lh Hank at 1 cla\\'arc 'it ·, he di ed in 187 3· · \\. l . Evan · wa · for man yea r: a n er ·han t at Pott ·t ' n, Pa ., wh r he die 1 in 1882 . P ·tcr B. JJclan y, '1. D., wa · a 'urg n 111 Navy and died "hile on duty in th 11 xi _tn war in r )48 . I uk rav es wa. prin ipal of the ' lin t n F mal In ·titut , 'linton, ·., where he di ed in r 69. \ . 1 . lark is a farm r at t. ; org s J . : 1. Cha . Brooks lives in Philad elphi a, l'a . amue l H. Bla k \\ aS a farm er at Glasg w, 1., wher he died in 1862. \\. . I aw:-,on, E q., is Pr sident of th ational Bank at 'lilton, Pa. Amo: 'laymaker, E..;q., is omm is: i n r for the Ea. t rn i. tri ·t of I e n nsylvan ia. ll e re. ides at Lan aster, Pa. J. ]atl ' 1 a farm rat Perry, { nr c unly, Mi .s uri. J. . Blandy was a pr ~ ss r in the 'hi cag M di al 'oll eg , h di ed at 'hi ·ago in 187 2. J. T. M 'ttllough, E s<!-J i. a lawy rat Elkt n, I d. J. . 1\ trn r \\a a i il en rine r, he di ed at ak land, G a. in 1882. Rev. 1. . Bellliv :at.' otts ill , Va. J. . Le 'evre is a farm er at l irk\ ood, el. > lJ ELA vVAR E C<)LLE(i E f{ EVIEW. 12 --- -- ---========: Amh rst loses fi v of last y ar's nin Th e Mr. ".Moody will visit Prin ton this month. faculty head the lJase lJall sul> Til tion li t with It is r port d that Providen e is to start a daily $zoo . pap r. Th niv rsity of P nnsylvania is endeavo rin g The new abinet contains one Yale man and to rai s · $5o,ooo ~ r a gymna ium. $ro,ooo has one Harvard man. already b en s ured. The presid n y of Bowdoin has been refu. ed ]~a. :c t.t , ~ r.m rly third base man of th Brown by Prof. Hardy, of Dartmouth . nt rs1ty 11111 , will play with the Providen ·e It i. rumor d that x-President Arthur will be L eag ue lea rn thi s ycL r. offered th pr ·idency of U nion "oll g . n int r- oll giatc base ball asso iation ha I H .. A. Garfi ld has be n le te~ .Ia orator, hcc n ~ rrn 1 lJy 'orn 11 , 1 0 ·he ter, Hobart, and h1s brother la s marshal, at \Vtlltams. Jl amilton, nion and 'y ra usc. The tud nts of nion 'o llege thr aten to ) · d 1 tl · , . send out n xt month a minstr 1 troupe of thirty I o an, 1 · 1 111 1<: .' 1p111a s .n w ptt ·11er, state. memb rs. tha l h 'has be n lralJ1lll r all Wl11ter and Xpe tS tO I , , do 1 ·tter pitchin g thi s yea r than ev r befor e. Hi I J woof the Har ard fa ·ulty, Prof. Farlow ar~d ~.~g is ~s, hci1rht .o j~ , and w ight 202 pound. Prof. ray, hav gone on a four months' tnp wh en in hi s 1 es t co nditi n. to Mex1 o. Tl \\ ·1r · t · . . d enator Anthony bequeath d to rown Univer11 g . am 15 pra ~ 1 111 g. 11ar ' sity his library of po try amountin cr to G ooo 1 . 1ams 1 an] , smart1n g und er th 1r tr atme nt 111 b tn g reUl ' · · 1 1 · · . I vo 1um s j a1so, $ 1 2,ooo. ' fu:c cl acl mt:: Jon to t 1c nt ' r- ol1cg tat A:s tati n th club int nd s to show its str ngth thi s . Prof. ylvest ~·of xford is decbred by Engseaso n h dcfcati ng th mern ber of the a . 0 ·ia- 11 h men . o.f s~ 1 n to be the gr ate t living ti n in exhil>ition game. . mathemat1 Jan 111 th world. Th e ba:c hall manag ment f Harvar] offer . Th total. valu~tion of l~t 1 ro1 e~ty of. Harvard tin , pri zes thi s sprin r fur ex ell 11 c in battin g. 1 ollecre \\ht h yt . lds an 1~1 om , IS e ttmated to 'J'h first prize will lJe a :- 5 bat, to b give n t be about fl\e m~ll10~ do.llats. . . th e memb r f the fir: t nin , who shall make th e Lombard n1ver tty IS the happy rcctp1 ent of a h 'S t batt in r average ~ r the y ·ar. Th se . nd pow rful and valu,able mi ro ~ ope , giv n by the prize will I e a $ 15 up , to 1J giv n to the mem- p ople of t. I au ! Chur h, Chicago. bcr of th fir. t nine makin g th I ·t battin a\ r1Vlillard odge, who di d rec ntly at Kala~~ ~.,.' in ham pi nshij gam ·. The third prize will mazoo, Michigan, bequeath d $4o,ooo to the be a >~ 10 up, t b award d t,) th member of Ivi ich igan Femal~ eminary at that I Ia e. · th .s · nd t 'am makin g the best batting average I tud nt somet im s a t rud ly even in laid old 1 England ; 8o were re dunng th y ar. ntly su 1 ended at xford, \ numh r f young so i ty ladies of Philad 1- for lo ·king some ·oil ge offi ·ers in a room. -E~. 1 hia ha\ rga ni zcd an athl ti club t be kn wn B ys will b boys, where' r they bw. a: th ' 1) itf"cnh 11. c-. 'quare F mal e-. thl ti .. oThe late G v rnor oburn of Maine has b . iati~n. \h all i~ t ~e ngagcd and ~ 1 rfec tly 1u athcd $2oo,ooo to olby 'niversity ·' $j o,o o <~J_POlnte 1 ry mna: Ju.n 1: to.b lh sp.c · ~a l f atur to\\ ayland eminary; and $to,ooo to the Maine o.l t.h ' pb c. t .th me ttn g at wh1 h th .a otate Agri ultural and M hani cal Coil g . ' J:ttJ n wa. rgan 1zcd there was a h at d d 1. ·usI d t 1 k 1 · · :i n n th ( uc ·ti n of roller sl·atin Of I.1 n or r o 1 .. t 1C growmg mtempera~ e 1 · .t . 1. , . . f. ·t d d gl. t e among the students, the fa ulty of Lafay tt olt 1 amu · e- lege 11a · ommen e d pro ee d'lllgs agaw · ·t several tl1 11 ) 111 mucts' cl ut 'e. n · . n un m nl as vu 1 rar an pr JUdi ·1al t health and the 1. · . . · . f sc . 1 f tl d. · · 11uor d ea 1er on t h e 11arge o f e11·mg to mm01s. . v Ja 1c 1 a 1n p11 · 1 ·wn. w re 01)1111 11 . 1~ca d t b..k up their argum ent · !Jut as tw nty 'l~h c fa ulty o.f \V !lesley will n t allow the flv ,. t 111 fav r of r ll er katin g a rink will tunent to publtsh a paper. - Ex. The ·tudents a ljmn th rr ymna: ium. Th ·lub me:nb r "ill abo hav our heartf lt ympathy · for we con ider oll . e journalism on of the things essential to form a ridin g ch · in the s1 rin g, a nd dail rid e will b taken thr ugh the park, in plea ant weath - olleg su e . r. Th ' .h -law: of th .a iation . ay that gen Pet rhou e 11 ge, the old t of th e seYenteen tl r~1 cn wdl n t b adn:llt.ted to the rink or gy mllege in amb rid ge Univ r it y, England, has na: 1um a ~1d. that . nly ndmg ma t r mplo) ed by ju t c lebrated the six hundredth anniversary of th . a. . .·wtton "1~1 a company the m mbers on it founding. It was establi hed in the reign of thetr ndmg excur 1011 • King Edward I. 1 1 1 5 9 1 DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. Th e Lafi~l · dlc inform ot\\ ithstanding full it an't l>e made full r. thi:; l>rilliant r mark, the Lafi7J•dlt' i. till n our l>e ·t ex ·hang s. The April numb r is extremely good. The tendency with olle:::-c p:1.pc r.~ gcncraJiy is to lin! too mu ch on !-.ciss r diet a nd till up ll'ith advertisements. \ college p:1.pcr, t he su cc .~s ful, ught to he " f the Loys, fur the boys and by th · hoy,;." With out th e b ~ t , it will I ;c a gre ll dc:1.l, both in in terc.;t and p :1. t ro na ge.- /~· . Fd. of .· ldd,~hic il/in·or. I", ) f pr s nt farnc think little f futur less· th prai · that we r -c iv aft ·r w • arc l>uri d, lik e th I . ie: tint arc . trewcd vc r ur (r ravc, g ratif) ing t th e livin p- hut th ·y are nothin to the dead · th d 'ad arc r nc either to a 1 Ia wh re th ey h ~ar th . . m n , r wh ere if th ey do, th y will de .. ; pi s th em. - C'o!!on. ----··--- 'om pan ·, 2 3 . · u t h ~H h . l. , l hila ., ar 1 r par ~ d t furn i.. ; h call gc mortar\V e :hou ld think that th edit rs of th Collr![r hoards and g "·ns at greatly rcdu ·eel pri ces. Aft:ssagt.' auld find a mor fitting subjc ·t for an Tho. e \\'i sh in' to join a club t proc ur · thcs col edit rial than r 11 r skat ing. A· it i:, in the I r:r a · ssoric: will pl a: apply to the Business Mar h number a olumn is taken up with a roller Manag r of the RE\' 1EW at n ·e. skating announ ement. fth Phila \Vc are always glad t re eiv th e Q11een' s Typc \\' ritColle._~e J o11rnal. Th Mar ·h numb r i: rq let with g od arti 1 s. It i: printed on good pap r. In short, it i a model allege p.:q r. In our ex ·hange. for the la lJle int res t i: shown by th e truly m ri an game. }Jase aod h althlul xe r is , and w this interest di. played. The lVIar h numl>er of th intere ting i ·ue. t month , on id ra paper: toward. the ball is a vig rou arc pl as d t see Colby Eclw is a v ry n, rtainly wi eld: a 1 ,,. rful inOu n tn thi . w riel f ours. 1 ro '.:io n:· , a a kad c: a n all that fund of gay trip) ·n· furni sh ·d ut by tail r·, barb r. and tire wom· n, m ·· hanically infl.uen e the mind into v<..:n rati n; an cmp ror in hi night · ap would not meet with half the rc pect of an emperor with a rown.- Goldsmilll. DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW . 14 The Purest Drugs gAR i?ET~ AT RETAIL. John & J as. Dobson, - AND- F amily Medicin es. Mi\ . FACT UR E RS , 80 9 - 13 Ch s tnnt St., p I ll L I ) 1·: Ll I I I l }\ . 1\11 gr.1<1c ; in our Sl'lck at iow , t p ri ·c ;. :-;pt: ci:. l 1:.trg:1 in to offer :1l :! 0 pe r ~·:1 lu t: -. t:lll. market IJt::CJ w Jly l uyi n!; of U<; ;a vt: int rllledialc prolits. )' OU LADIES ' A J.l. FO I' M ERR IC K'S e ~go rd $pool ~otton - .1\:\ 1>1, A - ·r · ~ ·r 1 Perfum ery, T il et rti clcs, etc ' ' JJ ow an alwn S win m n Y at p k r ?" AT LOWES T PRICES. wri te.· a n anxi tl. · .- ub.-crib r t a \\' e: l rn editor . I ' J l ow d o 1 kn w ? ' rcpli ·d th ' journ ali. t: " If EDW. g, JAY, Druggist, l c uld d o thn t, d you sttl]l c l ' dlJ ~ o l e nou g h 'E /t r_.JNA~l E L. t ed it n n ·wspa p r ?" I >• • all at a ny hour of tby 'hi ag is Gee rnin brid al c upl ·.- t ,-isit. l>r n I, a man a n put sh rt o f fr z ' 11 ro ·k.-. - a fashion nbl place ~ r After catin r th e ' hi ·ago up with aim . t an ythin g I Yo11!.·crs 5'/a/c' ·llti~/1. :>r night. 1 1 . E. S. GILMOUR, HARD \JU ARE \ : uh-:cr ib r . 'nd .- u by mail th ~ 11m in g A ·o , an~ w c r., lt c ha.· 1 r bnbl .- hip] cd th on un hum by xprcss . " n w r: nc is a min I pott r' s ·lay and th e other is a pot f min r' Opp\. ile \Va ·hingt 11 II tel, ·lay." - 1arrislm 11t !£era/d. NEW ARK, DEL. Harness. \NI - LOOI l a-G LASS \ V.\ R E -1' ( HJ~l S , 81~ C:h ~~~ :1ut St., :l-hilada Best Glothing IN Philade lphia. 602, 604 an:i. G06 IJH E.ST N UT S r R rET . "Best in th e W orld .' ' 'The Appeal,' ELKTON , MD. The RepubLcan Paper of Cecil Com1ty. A ~;oocl A Dublin 1 rofc i nal man add ressed a n arti - LD TIMF. YARA . . an , wh wa · waitin in hi . hall, rath r bru 1ucly, ' Hnll a ou fell w, do you want me?" Th Young Americ a, a n ·wcr wa. , ' r honor, I am waiting for a Yara Matic, g nt leman." CIGARS~ [i r th e Mi\ . FA T :u-: 1 ~LV llV Batc!tclor Bros. 12 I atlverti ing m dium . 401 2J $1.00 PER YEAR. xoc sc . • 'E ' ():\I) • ' TJ, EET, PJIILA LJJ.:.'LJ'llll. IS DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. If you want to get g d fittinO', w 1l mad uits, got MULLIN & SON, 6th and M arket Streets, Wilmington, Del. , where y u will find a lar('f'c assortment of the 1J st _,. ods in Pi of lJoth •oreign and 0 1:1 sti makes, from whi h you an s le ·t and have .fade to mad a in every !.:fir. 'of 1JU1'tion rder. r, yo u an buy of them ReadylothinCY, the b t to ue found, at the Lowe t Of the ash Prices. W01'1cl . DUB ELL Goods House :-:E<· ~ sporting No. 23 South Sih Street, Phil ad lphia. ' 8 au Ball, Cricket, L awn Tennis, Gjmnasium Fislu'ng 'Iack!e awl General Sporting Goods. Goods se nt C. ., on receipt of price. 'end for Illu tt·at ed atalo(l'ue. ~ l .it ~ ·- - ST RE . . 23 . • T il 8th T. I·actory, t ancl 12.~.) ~3e:lch . trcct, -f _ •:. 1'1/IL.·I D!:.LI'J!f.·l. --. ,__ 1219, 12:1 BLATCHLEY PUMP! BUY iifBEST. BLATCHLEY'S +THE HATTER/f+ No. Do no~t'A"uerl iuto b'l~i~~~r.!~l:;t;~·;, ill~, r~~:.t bou 'i i tb Trt:do. C. o. LATCHLEY .Mot \.:f'r, 308 MARKET ST. , Philod'a. \ ·1·ite to u.o ~or nnmo cf u ~ro~t Ago ut. 1h. la Stork and Lowest Prices in lite City. - DELAWARE- Steam Marble and Granite "'VVORKS. MONUMENTS, 1,0MBS, ffili\-C~O PORCELAH~·UNED p E. THIRD STREET, ' ~ ton, 7RIPI-E ENAM E L. SEAML. ES5 lUBE . COPPER·I- iNE D 2 The Largest Stock, U ·t: Newc ~t e , &c. De . . i(l'ns and Lowest Pr!cc! in the 'tate. ~ALL W ORK G APANTE · FIRST CLAs:·. DAVIDSON & 5th and King ERO-;, treets, WILi\11 ! 'G T ON , DEL. DELAWAR E COLLEGE REVIEW. -- __:;._:_.=....:...=.:====--- -- - ----------~~--~-- =====~===- Partridge & Richardson \V(J ' LI> Lih..E TO II i\ E Y O SEE T Jl EIR . ·T ) T OF ' I SPECIAL ANNOUNCE~IENT. '.\' ' d •,ire to mploy a (! • w : ludcnt.- :-o ne! fri f Dela· \\' ~ r 'oil ·g to ~u li ·it <; uiJsc ripti uns for ntr valuahl l1ook ' Jlll s,•tf1Jt l!/ _,. flllt'r;llt'(J'," duri ng the va ation m nths. The follo\\'ing ·nd or,. •m ·nts \\'ill ·how th e har:l l ·r f th e \\'r• rk: 11 '11 /lare l>'rtt n•, 11/s/or/ot! l ,,·dtl1't'r, JlJ tt.~'ltlaj>s t't, i\~ J:, say s : " I ha\'e rc:1d m:1ny 11ooks c n (:re k, 'f' roj:1n, a nd J.~oma!1 a nli <j uit i •s. I onsicl ·r th e ' 1\lu ~ um f \nti quity' :1 nHJ,t compl ·tc T he ·:: uru.., :1 1Hl l. ctt e r , uil ·d to th ~Y encra l n..:ad ·r th:1n a ny uth cr 11 ith '.l'hich I :1 m :Hq uai nt d.': l'n·s/,/, 11/ J. '1: /l 't~rt!, D. 1)., of I I ·~ ·s /, ·r/1 lfm·y l ttlltl Cclil<::.,'t', says · " 1 l:lk • grc:1t p!c .1 ~ ur ' in cnclur..,i ng the favor. ah!t notice, of it \\'hi h lw1·c I c ·n gi 1· ·n by m:l ll)' college pr ·,idc lth, :tnd f sha ll 1 · ha ppy l o hal'c :1 ny f our : tuden L AND La (l;\li ' LE'n : ST<> K <>F Fancy and · Staple Goods) 1\T \'EI \. \' L O \\' PRI ' E.· . N . B. A Great V ar iety of CORDED PIQUES, 15 to Go cents p er yard . :::THE "B.· c HIV · STO E··S !'' 11 .J outh 8th J' Street ~ ell1ploy the p •r iod of vac:1 ti un in ·a m·:J...,si ng ft r th work. It \\' il l ill nt y opini on 1 a re:1 l I e11·l it tu a ny h usL:hold to : ~u~,c~s a up;: uf thi-; xce ll ·nt !Joo k.' J~ ·, ·s it!,· llt Ridt,:r.l J1!t1hi•at'11, /J. D . of 1/amj>t!ot S/J ''':1• ('oil,.~,,·, Sll_l'S : ' I Is wide di s-,c ntin a ti on a mung om pc1lple 1·, ould lend to c ttl :t q ~ · thei r 1·i ' ll'o; and incrca..,c th eir intclli g ·nee on illlpnr tant subjects now litt le UIHlcr~ t o d." J h ·sit!mt Jam ,·s flft·Cos!t, JJ . J ., ./, l. D., of lh11 rdo 11 oil<~',', soys: " T he te-.,t im oni es of such men a. J lr. l'acbrd of this college, :J. tHl 1'm f: i\Ia rc h f J.a f:1y ctte 'ol· lege sati~fy tnc th a t th e ' ;\l u,.;eum of ,\nti quit y" i ~ a m o~ l • ~. lu ·, l ,lc \I'D rk, full of infumt:J.tiu n, and tru -.t\\·o rt lty. I ~ho uld lik to h . r of stu de nts of this oll cge s eking to Jl i'O ill nlc it s sa k i11 th c:i r ,·:1c:1ti on-;. T hey co uld not J,c more It 1111r.ddy or u,.; d,t!l · llljl! o~ eel." ?§'T or full k rill :;, :u td infonn ati on, :1ddress our General ,\ gcnl, \\ '~ 1. J>L· Il.\ llt-:1, ( I :u ,, in~:, · i\lam ger of N ,v/t~i',) .\~:\\' : Irk , I h.:l., or the l'ul ,li ::. hers. W. P. GRANT & CO., 5~ Kl :\c; S 11u ·: ET, J\1 EXA:\111":1.\, \ ·A. 1'1.'I f. ..IJ) / :1, I'll I . /. A v\lORD. Jl :w y u 1· •r th nu;<:1L what th e eh:1 nces Wl uld IJe of sa ving your f.unily h me, lm. rn, store or fact ry, if you . udclc nl y a wok son1 night to find either of them n ftrc? l low long would it take to gi1· th ' abrm :>II(] g t th • Fir IJ.:! p:ntmcnt ther ·? J l1.1t stnp :.n 1 think nf this cal:l mity and th ·n you will re. li t~.: th Fearful Chances y u arc: :aking every clay of y ur life. These Grenades \Vhen thr wn i1 to a fi re, g ner~lc a gas whi ch imm clint ly extinL·ui she · th e fir . Th ey :lrt: small, 11 :1! , nncl no 1-':1 lory, i\1 ill, . 'tor , 1\csidence, r llam, should Ia: with ut them. T hey arc ill\'aluaule · a . 'entinc:I th at n 1·er ,;Jeeps. Ahvays Ready! Reliable! Prompt! Powerful! nn he u. eel by a ch ild. They will not freeze; will not injure fle .- h or fabric, l)ul sure dc :1. th t fire. Price $IO T e: timoni al: sent fi·e AGENT. li! J per no.zeu. n applicat i n. TI 'ANTED EVERYTV.!IERR .: Fltll p:1rli cubr. gil'en ancl order taken by th e Dusine:; 1\lan :l~er of the R <·v /cw. GEO. LOVERING & CO ., GE:\EHAL A GE :-/1'<' , 92.> Chc. tnut Street , Philn{l ·111hin, rn. DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. CHAMBERS E. KEMBLE, No. 8 East Fourth St., Wilmington, Del., DEALER. IK Fire Arms, Ammunition &. Sporting Good~ OF ALL KINDS. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. RrELECTRIC BELL HANGING and G:ls Fitting. Orders by m:lil will receive prCimpt attention. BIRDS AND ANIMALS Stuffed :md Mounted in the beit ityle. THOMAS M. DE. Get the Best Work and Accept Authority. Mit.rc~sr£R·s t5 l~!=1o~:E ~11 STANDARD ~ ~RA~ -DEALER IN- Fine Cigars snd Tobacco. IMPORTED and HAVANA ,CIGARS a specialty. OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS' HALL1 NEH'..tRK, DELAWARE. Allen & Ginter's Br:1nds a Specialty. UNABRIDGED S. I. SWEET QUARTO DICTIONARY, liAS ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL LINE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE OIOTIONARY OP THE ENQL.ISH LANQUAOE. SMOKINg AND ~HEWNig TOBA~go, Fine and Cheap Cigars, WITH A SUPPLEMENT, EMBRAOINQ 1204 ADDITIONAL PACES, AND OVER 112,800 NEW WORDS AND A VOOABULA"'Y OF SVNO• NYMES OF WOROS IN GENERAL USE. CIGARETTES and PIPES. A1AIN STREET, NE !VA}-:K, DEL. (Two cloor~ c:\sl of Chonte Street.) ONE MI.LLION Copies will soon be sold.-Twenty Years of Congress By JAMES G. BLAINE. The only history of our government from 1861 to 1881. Hon. John S. Wise, M. C. from Virginia, says: " Wllon~er talus it up, no matier wlletller lie be Mr. Blaine's friend or enemy, ·will~tn~er put in dowu until lu lias read lilt whole." l1r$2oo PER MONTH paid good responsible agents. Apply at once. The Henry Bill Publishing Company, Norwick, Conn. --t~THE THE NEW EDITION OF WORCESTER'S DICTIONARY OONTAINS THOUSANDS OF WORDS NOT TO BIE POUND IN el'NY OTHER DIOTIONARY. fULLY ILLUSTRATED, AND CONTAINS FOUR FULL·PAOE ILLUMINATED PLATES. LIBRARY SHEEP, MARBLEO EDGES, $10.00. POll aALI IV ALL IIOOICKLLIIII, OR WILL II liNT, C.O.RRIAQI ,1111& ON 111011.., Of! THI PRICI IV d. B. LIPPINCOTT 711 & Co., AND 717 MARKI!T IT .• PuaLISHERI, PH!LADILPHIA. WILMINGTON ROLLER. SKATING RINK ..ELEvENTH and MADISON STREETS. THREE SESSIONS DAILY. MUSIC MORNING, AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Admission Io Cents. 9·30 A. M. to 12M., u IS " 2.30 " " 5 P.M., 7 U H 10 U " 20 " 'TEN CENTS EXTRA FOR USE OF SKATES. ~ . Competent Instructors always present to teach beginners. m""Exhibitions of Fancy Skating frequently eiven. H. VV. B.I:C.A.BI.J~LEY, Manaaer. DELAWARE COLLEGE REVlE\V. -:~ SPECIAL MENTION.~ RELIABLE ADVERTISE R S with whom transactions by mail can be conducted with absolute s afety. BRYANT & ~TRATTON d' I 0 Cll ~ BUY A FINE Business gollege, Ready--~~ade s, . BU I LD E 1007-10 11 Ches tnut St.. FIIILAD EL PJII.·l. Philadelphia Bndge Depot. Wm. P. W alter's Sons, 1233 M rket St., Phdiidelphia. C~l:l~ o' s & rd Chosts, S~w3 , Turnin ~ L1 :h~ '• lso. Sond 1tmp fo ~ CA hl ~au a. Somerset, C OL LEGE & Oppo: it e Delaware College, NE IYA R K , DEL. Liver y , F eed and S a le STAB LE;:;. Good tcnm. with or without ~ r iv er: , lo hi re. Fune rals attended. ll cavy h auling lone. H OR S E S FED. CHE u TNUT Street, I'l!II. A D F.lPJ!I ..t. +LUMBEn, l I:\ T ic 1:-IS FO R T ransien t B OAR. DE RS. E. W. EWIS, - Proprietor. CHOOL BADGES, 7 22 Scroll ~Delaware House,.;. A CCU M~ l l J ~ cob LI~~ E,+ C O AL:~ Building Supplies. Ladies' D epartment Ofo' Z, JAMES :BELT, l't lR A bdomin a l 'nppor t er s . U te rir;,e c; t, p~ ort •r s. E la stie ' Lo-.;kings. T r uss e: , B r aces. Syr inges , &c., & c. *Lady Attendant.! LARGES T 8 TOCK· l 0 15 Che£tn u t <=' ~~ TRY THE JAMES & WEBB Printing and q t ~ta. donery n '!JO, P r inters, C"' tereotyper s , Stationers, D oo~cl/nders, Bookseller s and B lank Book !\1:Lnnfacturars. 224 MARKE T S T REET, WILM U\ ~ T O N, DEL. avi u g A TD I' l I I LA DFLI ' II 1.\ 1 I'A. PLATED WARC. OF ALL KINDS. Frank $iddalls Transparent goap. D01 'T BE A GLAM. G. N . BU S B Y & CO., 5 10 AR C H S TREE T, l 'I I I I.ll i : I.I 'll f.\. ~--------------- S. H . BAYNAR Ds Music and Jevrolr) Bicycles,A~ITricycles > Y E L OC P EDE Purchn.,cr:> t. ughl to ride fre t:. vVAR,E-ROOMS, TI-3:E SOUT H-W EST COlt .. ER OV FIFTH & MP. RKET S ts. ~~eeldy Times Ilair r c oitn oo, - orrOSlTE M . E. CJIU'RCIT,- ~T AI ·s TilE Weekly Nev-1s EDV/ ARD M cPIKE , Man ufactur ing Co. 81 8 CHE ' T :r: U T S T ., Knives, Forl<s Spoons, &c. 520 COMMER CE ST. C JNO. T. VA N $if'T "Tonsorial Artist..r. Silvervvare, '"0 fxl PIIILA DEL PIII A . o n, NF.\\'A R K D E L. ::3 ·~] tr eet LO\VE. T PRICEco . Wr1ght 0 0 .::s ..,u ~TEigER\V1~LT, 'l'o'l +CARRIAGE+ u i~ :X: ~ Trru ns Young Men and Ylm. D. Rogers, ~on &~o., ..... :! E ghoe. PHILADEL P HIA, P A W omen for Business . t1 u I L\ S 1:-1 ST OCK A r! :\ F. J.I:\ E OF o t B, ~ 1 e , *DRESS GOODS, ! FIRE G_OGE~1ES, &C & C., W h ich h e will sr,ll a t t h e Lowest Gash Prices. M St. and New Londo n Ave., A .E T ~ ARI{, DEL. - --------H. B. HART, 8 11 A rch S t., ~~- :'llLAJI:LI'a : A, 1'.4.. BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, ~ELOGIPEDE$. Vol. III. JUNE, Editori:d, de to liscr., yn1 1.-ms, Ia~;. i J.! Tmining LocJ.I, I> e./ LH I • 1/ - xsss. No. g. DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. ~When ~ure ments, be the weather is warm, and you need Refreshand visit MRS. S. A. ROACH'S Palatial Ice Cream Parlors} Where you cnn be supplied with choicest Ice Creams, Cakes and Confections. liiAIN STREET, NEfVARK, DEL. C. F. Albert is the oaly AME"ICAN V JvLIN i'fiAKER that received a Prize (Guld Metl.1l) at the Paris Exhibition, 1878. ru you want to £Ct a good Meal, when you are in Philadelphia, at a reasonable price, do not fail to try one of J AS. McGOLDRICK'S DINNERS, SUPPE~S OR :B~EAKFASTS Every seasonable Ment and Gnme on band. Also, first c1asa OYSTERS, cooked in every style. Happy Thought Tobacco. T!I£ '\VAVE-LINE PLUG. BLACK DUDE, (lltt ruw sty/~ o.f Blade TobacctJ., The above brands are unexcelled for qu~lity and convenience. Paper tag on each plu~. Save your tags for the Christmas Hoiiday premiums. 13\,.Circulars mailec.l on application to 72S JAYNE STREET:. F. X. KELLY, Jr., General Agent, Between Market and 01estnut and 7th and 8th Sts., I-3 PHIL~ DELPHIA. Arch Strut, Pltiladdplu·a. ESTABLISHED 1840. SIMONS, BRO. & CO., MANUFACTURERS Fine Jewelry, Cane Heads, CHAINS, THIMBLES · D1AMOND!S, "W ATCI-1E8, &C. 611 and 613 Sansom St., Philadelphia. Ht JDSEP~I Cl LLDTTS STEEL PE~JS · DOZIVED '!'li~ GOLD MEDAL, Paris Exposition, 1878. Ilia Cclebf·aled }tumbert:, 303- 101- 1 '7o-811- 332, style~~ n.,ny be lmd Cl/ all and /,18 olltt:1• cl6alars tl~t"Quglu~tct fl,e 'II:01'lJ. loan &tt.LO'l'f • SolfB, l'•w York. w~~'Yif11tm !ltt9a. NE\VARK, DEL. JA)IES A. WILSON, Proprietor. Fl.RST CLASS LIVERY ATTACHED. Teams to hire at all houn. and at fair prloee. J) ELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. ---------------------. Fine Cabinet Photographs N"E""W'" ARK:. DEL. JOHN E, LEWIS, CLU Proprietor. T~ KET, ATTENTION , STUDENTS T ON I'RESE TATION of this Check and the payment of S3, you will be entitled to om dozm of our best Cabinet l>flotog rap!ts of your elf. 'atisfaction in every case. ~ ut thi out and bring it with you. THE . TADLE having been recently rearranged, afford the best accommodation to be had in the State. Mr. Lewi ' eleven years experience as a caterer to the publi c has hefiued him to run his house on the l.Jest anrl :no "t modern style. @~Hack to meet all trains. Westcott & Cu 111 ntings, JOHN A. WILSON'S DELAWARE SUPER-PHOSPHATE -AN- DELAVv ARE SOLUBLE BONE, ./~RE THE M T Popular Brands of Fertilizers Ever Sold in this Market. JO:H:N .A. ""W'"ILSON"::. FRONT and MARKET and FRONT and T A TN ALL Streets, \ VILMIN TON, DELi\ \VARE. SPEAR'S New Golden Sun !'IRE-PLACE HEATER. V\ ITH THE ORIGINAL AN"TI-CLINKER GRA. TE - FOR HEATING- TWO OR MORE ROOMS. This Stove is supplied with our well-known ANTI-CLINKEk GRATE, by which a perpetual fire ca n be kept going the entire Winter, without the necessity of dumping the grate and kindling a fresh fire. This tove gives a bottom as well as a top view of the fire; with this improvement we can always see through the windows in the base, and tell when the fire requires raking. Also, .'pear's Improved OPl'. N RATE ·, both raised fire nnd ]ow down. Improved Backs and J ambs. Anti-Clinker COOKING }{A ' GE. ~Portable and Brick gased Furnaces.~ ALL KINDS OF HEATING STOVES. All of these contain new fe atures never be fore ofTerecJ to the puLlic. List. JAMES SPEAR, "or sale by TH Zl L • R, IOI4 & Ew RK , I -~~~-. ~~RKET STREET, WIL~~GTON, Del._ Send for Circulars with full description and Price xox6 ltlarkct St., Philadelphia. EL. I'JELAWARE CO LLEGE REVIEW. LANDRETH'S SEEDS ARE THE BEST. rth,,, n.nd W EVERYTHh.VG OF TIIE BE T. SEED ANDIMPLEMENTS F R F RM I • ARD • R Jlluslraled and I cscriptive Catalogues fre upon application. vcr 1cres unclcr ultivat ion growing L 1 RETll' .:) 'Al' DE I 'EED. ·. 1 1 500 ~ FO UNDED J781. D. LANDRETH & SONS, No. 21 and 23 South Sixth Street. BRANCH STORE : D laware Avenue and A rch Str e t, Philadelphia. Books of Permanent Value R ,:yse's Manu al of AMERICAN LITE RATURE. Royse's M anu al of ENGLISH LIT ERATURE . Berard's N W HISTORY o f the Un ited States. APPLETON'S YOUNG CHEMIST. A PPLET ON' S QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS . MONROE'S VOCAL GYMNASTICS. Powell's H ow to Talk. Powell's How t o Write. ~.'E J) FOP J) • S f'IPTIVE TAL G E. LARGEST OLD BOOK STORE IN A:\ I ER I L!A! 111ailing Departn1.ent. If yo u ca nn ot get to th eity, write statin g what Rook .· yon want, unci w will n n ~ wer immediately. It co. t onl 'a trill e xtn1 to !'IOnd b.)O I< s by mail, and w e m a}, !l HJ uia : ty of fillir·1g mail on] rR, fully a ppreciatinrF th valu f prompt and cm·eful attentiou to tbe d mand of every co rr 10.1po ndent. • RY' DB Y T RE, No. 9 SOUTH 9th S TREET, PHILADELPHIA. CO,VPERTIIW AIT & CO., 1<'[1{ l'L 'JJJ.JSIJERS, 'T DOOR UELOW 1\[AflKJo:T T. 628 and G3o Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. +STAIN ED* GLASS.+ ALFRED GOODWIN 8[ GO,, "l20I rurarl.:et St., Phila(lclphia. CHURCHES and DWELLINGS . SE D FOR /LL USTIU JJ'J:.:D WALNUT STREET, P//ILADELP//IA. Marine, Inland and Fire INSURANCE! A ss ts January 1st 1884, $ , 8 1,053.06. H ARLE. PL TT, Pr sit! nt. P. CARLT 1 HEN R\', \ M. . l'L TT, Yi cc-Pr · nt. 2cl \"i cc Pre ·idcnt. REVILLE E . FRYER, Sc r tary. g ncie. in th nriucipal citi · f the nitcd tates. TS. NC> BEN"ZINE. I.~ CAUTSCHI'S MUSIC BOXES ARE THE BEST. IIENllY GAUTi"CIII & i"Oi"J~, .IIa nuf• c ""'.,.' 1030 Vbetttuut Street, ¥1l.lLA1Hi L11 HlAo Sond at~mp f~ r Illustu.tod MU ICAL D XE ·,and all other Musi· cal Instruments, carefully repaired. "'·· n~~!Ui~,~~- 1210 (0HESTNUT STI\EET, r_r on 't be put oll' wiLh auy otllor goods. doaler will snpply tllew. OPERA GLAS R. SPECTACLES, E J'E CLAS' E, TELE COPFS, !lfi 'ROSCOJ :ES, JJ!lt GJC LANTER.l'l.. , SPY GLA E , FIELD GLASS'R), TJIERJl10Jl1E TAR), BAR OlliE T.ER ' and DRA !ft7NG IN. TRUJI1ENTS. ft@ _ r~nan~·t LUCAS'. ..i (0HESTNUT STREET. l?HILAD'A. Capital $J,OOO,ooo. Insuran ce Company of North Ameri ca. 232 924 Catalog-ues M ailed on Anolication. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual. No. QUEEN & CO., ED. Your P//IL .t~DELP/1/A . tjT'LIFE- IZE PHOT Gl' PII.' by the Instantaneous Process a specialty. ( Sl'ECIJ\.L RATES TO S TUDENTS.)
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