1/31 For personal use only 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 4 No„mb,r 2014 ASX 8*Iney Noof./CH .' Of80® Compg,V Beoretn, Vedl Group L#,18* Our ref 14242/722 D.,Ermn,1//di,11 orm 104 - No . of oh,n, of M,m. of,lihe noal hold,r In · · · .' · with =dion 8718 of Ihi Corpomion; M 2001 (CN, vi h by bdgi m Form 804 (Non, of chst, 4/.1....ubal=10/ holdol) wIth ASX LM'/ 0.4/ Announolmsnt, 018=) h r*lon In Vbdi (*cup Umhd CACN 124 806 958) far Ind on blhlif ofmo =MaIM hold,rs 1, d h 8800/14 Fed/blbm Nim Aian,Ii, Pid„I, 461 2 9868 4881 n,nand.'gly"nAZoom 8..Xmy..4../Ul 4612 9868 4722 lb,ne@010*n,toom a:01 Lml 14 1 I* W I.W.. 10-0000 T le8834000 p4011=//00 2/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 /9 ///12 1/k#//M Fonn 604 -pllk'm" For personal use only Nonce of change of ! ' i of subita al holder MN-'ll. 1. 0*h•fe-¢0 p.... Ay""*am RE,lm Lp. I'* lo" LP.) N.*W-=40,ma*.4.1.....UN p®04*.ilip.,1-4-0.-IIILII-Mill imill'll.QUATZ.I.li•blpt-"",4 *.al---mo..#DIa-lo...... p./.mt*p./..pidn,Lp...."VI. LIJ R..mpvp"..4.INBA- 49"Imil.IN'.1 an.0 P........NOD*-= AB..IN...... Ap...np'Whi)"0.."IN.... ..'.-p-1.1. 11= I-B ofFW I C•*14 mit B =1 Ftsn iV C»*1,/Th* 8 k ///// ////////P/la//6/NON11/1///// I.h.'-moollmt=.....maU.1,#. R/////A/"/4/0//IMP/thmide/1/11041/ 11.k.....WOmal,in'k Pal...Ill-WW/IMM--p.-".Il Ill1lin4 ..=8 T..flm .......o.VM n..............•................."........M...............Wa .....I ........4.4.......4........b.....I.......4-m".E 1 0-1"..M --no. mon.. I.. .u'lls .Ill lu16 Blia 1 m Ps..of-0, 1-4.-h..Milm-1.......mi...Ia../.--I ...................U...........2...... ................= D-0 In.m.1 *=0 00'.1.I...1 .-0 .0.00 ...rellam Im.1/11 ..4...4.. Mplm-I 91 14 ..U.C..Lp. Mmiapl...4 4.1.. :diA...42%.8. d../.a Ck**/ m14• Cos 0... -Ild .A mA -Ill./... FU....0 :MIBIL-" :6..=..4 5:'M..F#.m 0.1. -hed =As==A I,814012119,2 3/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 '"Un. .....U. m--/1 N tull- em.- U=I u#11///m=, Ual/*I u-,0, Mo=U./=/0 ./ U*IMI- U.In 0 t./.id. .AT A For personal use only Rpw... m1 := m al Ud ..8. A,Ill'/I-. ef... -,1 d .Amm=,A Pep RI, WI. b 0&'1 l m*4 '1'11 m G'* t mi. molm. .Am-nA 91IM I. iv.l' M .... . mnA 91 14 mi -m. 4...... 0-11 . -chld .m= A ......... -M/m . mn.M m.. Aug/LIM.M..IN mo* ads 4-IM.21 I. 5/gr"44.1 ZION. IM- in 1.. h./.li p/pd h %1 14 u=9.-- Plil"'01'/ 0./. ./.01. IA-l=ll A HO.Of ml./.1 P.I.. m / I//Il' .... ..0 m//// h..101 m//-9 p./.Ill ./. .Ed.C..Lp.... pi.Cl.Lp. ....-0 *20.-- .......Im ...=.0-- LU140121191 =*-4.,64 4/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 .......LA... b111-1-* .......LP.Amill.DLP. '40- pd...PLP. M-:-1 *Illy Almil .4.-Ii- For personal use only M.I.U.mli. Twi -1---M. 96"0 - D..1. Ua A,K. L ml @ Tlir ==. .Illit 10=.-Il 1984,11Ill=' 10'84,00 I.-Idap .....Ullh'. -m /NUOI I 411* .........M.01/111/ mt. m =:.E r =r,-·, ,#B· pguiWO.'Lp.... Ill'll..-1 R. ivQ'. M p- W., Lp, M.ING..Lp. I.* pg'Im d *01,1 imos.--- - '11'8-.'Z W ANG;'UIANW'- *m= n.1 w/NI -WN.U.m.. /// &1 " /' illuto 00-1.lilli.4 Pund N CD*nii Th,t s h Amdrvoe*.m. 80 00•Ill,lall S*Oolnwl,Ill,2 .bm e mm 0 aori."9 0*.BON 110.0-2=/./. -BA .-1..111/-4 .ph../.0. ite»ts*-,11== PS' mhomi lp -m 1.814012119.2 Rpha ,mi 4W.U./ 6-- 1,1, .i, E ilpl 8 lii i"I! iii. IiI ;il 14,3 ' . 11HH#l i i 11lilllii lil1iiiii i Ill;Iii;; 11/1//11! ''RRRRqqR i ilillilii i 11 l,ll!l,!li livilili i 5SSSW55„4 E f/ . e...0 j .S i !1 ii5[*ES5 li ipill li I ailili il{ rily/jili7- i i i S[EE55 i ii i1 1 1 1 li r. C r. n +61282206700 Ar i , 1 A jim i l i i i li 1 t i i ! "'il 1 1 I i 1111 _£i M E 3 For personal use only / ,3 3 3 E ...D --/8- 2014-Nov-04 10: 5/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 6/31 ......m 49.In ....1 4/0/. 0.=.. M.... M ........................4......,Ii..............."....4./.mqi ................M.9..1..".M...d.-1-h.......imbl.lil/*Hd. ..0.9 v...............8//,Im-Il-Ill / - ./.m..... lillia........m--un--M..=04 0......M.........0.1....4......../..............2.0...Im.'/'.1 m G...4/•Mp./....gl=..........1.st......I--.2,m For personal use only . IA3140121192 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 7/31 Ann=,1. A For personal use only TWI * Al,=an A 1 26 plges Qwl*W t plgi) m el Falm 804 N ll al 00,8 al Ml at DAIlli Holcl *n,d b,m..... R ao w- 1;3140121192 r, 1 6** PI,mfo A d W W..M. PN L -d 8/31 For personal use only 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 COheek(WAN CONMDENCE 29 Ock*er 2014 Thl PEP Shleholde = 900 ln M** 1 (=oh,Vend04 ..El Bale of Shar= In Veda Group Umbd MSN 28 124 808 968) 1, Introduction Thh <re,m,It * mi lh• I=,Ii md con*am Non *14 lh,V,nda„ I *00 4 lill 1 el,lge Goldull 810, All#il*l Ply Ud MaN 21 006 797 len (L,ad Illnlgle to Ipo••of 104004000 Id#U Ady Bild ac y al== h Vidi GioN Lluild 6ABN 28 124 808 868) (Comp=i,) hid by Fe Vindor 0,10 Ihif (hle) Ind ihe L=d M,me,r .... prectnl. ape 1 of....1....pro,Ids .de."M breof,.4/ to *I:L h . wathe !11 of- Igi=11.ilt 1 . Sah of.h.. 11 T. V dom ¥-IMIth. 8- ... ande. L=t ....=b M rn-Bme "'dthell./.bvp o-*M.--Wth, 8,* S . itme pibi ofA 18 piraili St=i[8118 Pim i Ind , 08 =18 4 the 8,1. Sh,r= by .- 81/.*M".nihm .b-* R... 'm... F*.4 '114Id lo Cliui 17, lo imd,nv,R, md · F=.. by *Id ply · · co,po orA".." 4 ,- : t (or U. Le,d M./.1 *.d bo-§ , vvml o lm 2.10,) 0,#9 61,none»Trl' (= ck/4/d he/Thilbleh 8oh/*fo Corauch,n, =th, p,U= le// bl v,rm,) (Balin. 811.1..1 h ··· : , · v hthi #ri gl til · The [.®•d Mlligir . ,.i alil.* I,i id *or- thmt#'101,1Ryof pl,ohmer* th, ommtom•mi nut=np v,lhe. Mall=* dUl olm,0 2 Ild, Sltle *0 01* MO* r- MI Al La,/ Mill„'1 r=pecOI r-id bodli·. : · - md All,Ii (I dui h o t= 124 ...4.*ment./ 9.00...d./.9.-4...1*.8 ,Bh du.- 21,h,1 b, =*1,0 lo oliui 24), on th, T de 04 by wg of gne or moi epIoW cloilh,0 (ht moof*no, wth th Oper*N Ridi ofAEDQ / mi Bal, F4108, wel Iellismect to *low on I T40 bal h Igoord==wlh tho ASX elliIBmin 0.*N Fllms (88¢U n,nt..k.0 (b) h Nipid d Im, M.Ii,lold mill (= d#nld l i 0*100 2.71 in moo,ili 4* a=lm 2.8. 9/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only u all# to dii= 11, by &00pm on th•8•lill* Dal# the LM Mmnag= /1/ =Tinge ibr mi *14 10 Igh Wndort or = e=Ii Vendor *,4 of•1 -=44 qi Im thi ..MIce m..#th....4 8* m...#=Id byth/*.or (8) Cm/Il< U» nimblr of RI#004 8h Adned by I V,ndor h wall dlul 17, ir I# 1118 01, Vmdo¢I Rolle:Ove ProporUon (= diltid b-*1 i =iy Ihs pmbh ind•r diu,0 4 Mgoew Mn my GST pl ble on e=e fhes), hy.,th. -011.ab=*.....I,d Amds) d ,y of.8,1, *-0 (IdliN MD RIabiald eh=,Ii, 11=14 b,N mid by *I i,lis,2 Vendor. For *» F.- dth. *vn•* 0.-p•ellve Prope,Son... Wndorse..9.8. Shlrl buu Iold by thi Vin or adld/ by thi lot,1 m,nber of 81* 8 im 111,/4//il Th. L.id M,n,gor rnIi oon thi Bili h - · : . v/Rh lhe Inil,WI Id out h 8ohidil 2 (T ntibl® (lmilli th,Vendom conier h Mill to a */MI% 18 Account OpenAg On orbo ,emeT m. m. L=d ...uns nhWM.* v. 411,vap•nmao=#hthan /im'V,ndomb , wIh 0 Liuml --- - snd do,t •ush.*Mos-N,0 er . 1... 00 -4/6,ea- 8. 9:,1 ... Mlh mis Igre,mlit Ilann./ Of'.9 Ill,11* Inveleors and plrmitild junldialloin Thl Laid Milig,# Id# th.8*byvi ofmc#•r *lop,rlal (D 1 M AL#* Who do nd need .7 + · •.:. M "· wider Pt 60.2 0< thi Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporeweets Actk /oll."'AM/"/s' *40'*kni'/ · ·- '· hwib hm' Permil,d J,/Idlgilarm BI dilhed b,IM but noteliont,sre (othir thmth. Un. *- h .....ma.0-n'b#=i 1....of aeols! rilglav UR, be ...#d.**th, 7 d,Dary, ugl,4 or g d any prolplcal or other 000l 1' ter.9*...4 ...hcrm¥ vA . or./.D.alhy,/g'Imil././.18/mull"./luoy"uh L lantdch ..VIn/"AM#*.01. and ..oble · 7, b..hum 0©mpl, I dil,1111*by L L=f I/,zip; md b im me Vindora Md Ai b, =Midmie v,m, 8,0 *,Ip omr r-lollons piovlded 19 mi L=d Mmieer biloi thi Ioial#On 4 0* Igi,Inlait Pimlleid Juilicllations m, 8, A D,nm AI,* G,mi,V, HoN 1(01# Ir-4 M*, Ulmllbot& Nelliiilizidi, N,# ZI,Imds Non, „ abWIpc,Z al'le//4 il"/Cln"IL UI'.d A,1/,8,"h*= Cl/glud/Mg /A#.d ' .r. Fli)* 0*16* md Unled *,gdorn. (b) hiviligr - 11/L=d Mal.w/nmn-hlvalk,rs-0I. m.. Mhsrthm .. ...H.V.In r,oti,br-red 10/31 For personal use only 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 1 ·-* on tb* ABX h =mrciance ¥* an/2*d)) 00,*rn, b,ok,dp intgwd./"d & ,. "· Ild W."0** 0) 00 th.. ..bl.nl••m, e!1!,•c *,men of e..m 18 cd -»81* MM-,ble•m,1,11» MIVIript,ghm tell ·· W*Iti 1 ...0 *- -ca m..80 rand Id,r tradlv proiliklm ofthe and Tal,ovm M 1976 Aot.,dm. Fm*NA. r» -9 th th, bl- cof/,/2/./rev,=hhi .' t. . 0,0",var , cm,/8 I.ill".4 =.101*I.M. L=d A ra#. ac *m,lon of the relev t c•Ek,t, #th• Vendor re*rred to h N=/ 320 1 mi *pkibl Wllold beN *Iid whin Ind h UI I., e */Wndor c.lom,n o(00 Conduot,nd miehodolos. The 8018 wl be conclil-d by th• Lad M,moer, h 00„,cilill wli the Vendore md h 0,*4 m *HOVE M IhiVIngdo,s Ind h adfliral to bi ghm In 0/..di'.Evt torn prolill'IMIWI /1,1 1///iall'i , .r,.., . '.' . Ind to lh• Lild Mm er mi# gim Npbr kilbrm,ion lo thi Vendors md b Idl m, lbat Up PIWOWI•§ d Ihe 8,* h**, Illgllillijoll II IO UI Lud Wig an,=t viav• on dln,nd md ··"· 01,0Wh m..IND ori * in .,Viwit multprovlde I,EA Nomilion Ivan r,=ombil r,qumt by thi Vendo,8 or h advhim, (d) Aneaollons.Aloo,lo.ofe..le=.Ap h.,sml=tber,ldebye» La•d Mm=/hco,EMW wmle' Wndom '0 ha ,am providedmlt ne alooilill atmil Sh=08 m,y h m,di v a Igil plmll,/ (md miy 4 I 1001*)#t"/M//h#1*pl,01==M#w/el/Vil=,00-8) b.4.3..0/4.Nimnmore 1896 0#.Iued i.14-d thi Compim vlt=*the pik, co,Iin of tho Wndo,z Conmmellon lillir. Thi La,d Mmnig, •F••i R wa ady ••00» 8,10 Sh,m 16'll'rul.0 Inyl//I-le**Il, 8h/01// il,ki /1 r/liwilrilli#/Ill,o1 m I 2.9*/M.=ull .'. cne'll,480( W'h d.1.21%')m pemon,ip.'Idn 1,-on orp,tor'the Iamdll h m'bm"# hmiN #ths Vendo,* ( N r-ommde. L=d.4//0. mq.,mendsd b, IN..i'".In.th"lihgi.Kh.B..nentnotk, b. U....9.,4."hhld'r 4*0.® (0O On LIblt Nc*a«hilandina INII*W •he h thh A,eement ml nianb•, 1 8,1• ahsm v,hloh nlu be pirl:lu by Ee L=d Mmig/ iwil the bir= 4 *I AB=nit (Pilmi i[ 8hims) 1 .8....t (a) Ihi Bilingi SMr-; Ind .) then,/lm, n *eritheals m.. M.....Amet, d Mm ,r thi Lid -IPor .* 4 h Mllih bib, ob id k, nal*the ™®® , A[=*ma• l-®r®®060,128 efe Fc, 1 * mon, md T,kloam Al 1975 (000 (FATA): or 11/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only bm,sh by thl Lld -m or iny of 12 Iloall of loolonaOB al the Corpollions Aot 2001 (COO (Corpoldons AcO. T..0 ..p-=.0..b--2/0/4- Vanders.0,=.nl §0 ......d'VIN,®,18„re m .=dmlo wmi.lam.17 w. 'e»@T. 1 .,v,n, b.'M"nt, US...EN./P'wg.Un.... -lu.nmanum".0",0.U. 8 res, such /lar,nce b be r red b h th' A,=mmt = th, M=blot,d Ohmr=, th, Vandom r= 10 Mlian my RIililcld 81 m on a p,0 I h* =*ab the *Iirm ofthl, U -'. Mven= An,o i R,MOpm onth.8§ mere/ 0.-IM/mi /4/Ill le no Vondors li th- Rliplill Promorions mn mlot# Iqu IM Ihi niniti of Rial,1910 81== 014 ml•*1,d by * 8* Ph (Advin. Amo;m# No Illit wl be piyiwi an lim Advin *ad Mil Vendor rn;•t 0,#repoth. Re,peoev* ProporUon oft N. ce Amol. n .0/th. ./Im#.011 Wndorrem- m. .=.ch of .. /4. Ra. #.1 The.1. 1.Adv'w'"2*w/not be r« vabl, m "w *mu'*13= h r® motcf R®*1 d mwasno d b,e» B@ 0 (-d,lk»d kto ,18(0 b 1081 '04' 4/no,p,04*4*wh di"' 2.8(c %,*I/*"luthim,•er* such =risrtkna whin Il Raililolid mmi=,m,bammkL ir , 1/h,du ria,liaa a.Ind or h/-#han, Mi lo d eh Mor'the=.* wh,re M ¢Mdend or cli*ulon w= anno oed on or *hr th, Tridi 04 th•n th• Vendor mM pi, the *,4 Inad d thi f,o®t v ine L,ad *Im in *mt/M..Amon#immi./.ma (b) I.-4 The Ls,d M ed- nt,Uo -*.9.ce. of= of ml R/010 all== I Igld I** r•piyrn=* of m• Adv==Amou* by lho Vend- (on . 0,0 ra ball,1 Imlicllil,1/,t reo®t of Ulo•I C. '.- . IM#....4 "41/."/.m. Ft//irkillit'hil"//4 Chil'th L=divilill:/Ir'll, 4 = q,rt kr tho Vendom h tho ordimy oo *,4 mi Lid Mmugb hilieis, 48 - '.- eh i hy ttic Ihi I 80 9,• •= 0., rth, dl ofthls 0 10 (End *.ThIVIndor• nuRocri*•*b r . . deli Lid Mlmiat *0 6,111#Ir mlenild ellcm 01 Ail Rilpaolve Pmpo ons) h o,der k, Lib ny suoh /4 pluvldd U.& I di mu be dlidid by 720 pm on Ihi m,CID.1.; (d) E=oullon ...,R,-la •her=. 11. L=d ......hie».b 4 lh. I."*ad 8h,m ........4 *I.yd.. =more p,di· · I .000„2„ MA . Op.,Ii# Rl- of th, ABX md ths ABX 841,ment Op,allm *4 *M by wi, of I or mom Ii, brok=,d .'. on -Ae*cn-condmon m.neahert nor/V".m/Non R, b-E, M.4 .h.... B /04#.1.le' A..m .Hm//M", cr#dul Wnhmr * a pemon &1 Ae lm»Id 811 18. 8110 n•, of RI, 1-d 8h m ao' h mb minw,«9¤,cm• T +Sh* )*iMT ,•pr wlmil on,thlhthe 1 (e) ,h-..04 Ind,mnl ibrR,*1*d OhaM,* ThD Le,d M,n,o nutk •ror*Al Vendo,s h Vihortld ba#I,n th®aolud p,108 ric,hid for =ch - 1 - · 8h,re,old 01=1# I Fed md ml el Pb h Iooo,rhi,oi v di„I 1*4 AN,uoh bid,I,vadimouit 1, be *d loth, Vmdi on =m•rnme h =r-tee Wmt .- 18(4 m [n r=t l' R=*Imblillhlnlih The pitils 2· · ' :L thli i lL,ld Aill-r do- ng* =Bil• IV bli,Ii h Ihi R„litid el=*Is 01=0 cr my 4/W h hin 12/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only M.Vt=04.*-h) bl -Ad.m -10. ........i u.8. I.ourm.. Bit ....8-h .W.omred./.t Iht m notilth, Unlid 8 se Ind I no: *W W ihelooountor h 0» Unt,d Sll/ A 'emhere , -"- (m d** h RAI Sm< the US. 8801@11 AO of 1933 (US. 8004:Alls, AM) h rell,Inoi on Magtilm 8 imd,re» U.8. Bigull= A (Rig,Wli, 8); and (b) lo p,mom h thi Un d .. =*.re =IN.th,moot#obelld peraci h #» Unlid I/I ® torn thi Li M=qi 1-Ignibl bdivi lo bi Bill liltlililloi d bu,Ii ®Ih), = d•Med ki FDJ» 1«A w,derihe U.8. 8.111"* Act in.' .r· mmpt#nmer.-h..... 48. U.8. 8-m•*1- Ad plnullt *0 Fld• 144A ther,uld,4 or ® tht,re d,• or Mldi 0,1,Ilid, I=Ipor*•d or In k,#14 idit kl the 0=1=, #Im=**mmnIwM hid #Walbin,mor lmtor per,or.ell.MIX'U.8. p,mo, 0.6/,»d al R*ON.kng).Intllohths,hm4.nds...9/WAM.tmid :. t.. V'wh Oil m=N d Ridi 9020*2)(D of Regillon 8 (E¥ble U.8 Pimd ManNII,) h relation on **b a ' Ofmr and Acceplanai 11 By th,Wn:lois · 0 - UN Aollmsit mdpro.4*W acopy afthi Mlen* kt •=1*n, Soth,L=1 - r, ths/*- *B.*tr"00. 4--4**al *IN/ =110:he L,/ Mm/erth' 8-m m// //*me'l/*do ,es 2.1(b) 11 •Ub#04 *0 0|lul 2.7) h =10,11:I,N v,ththe Mcins Ind oornlvor» let out l ittul U AOO•P nced.1 Byth..8..mmoll#.aprn=20rloolr*N#dth Aglm. * conlpli< I dau,• 8/0,) mi Lid *n,ger agal* the alk It ma h dim 3.1. M I.*Im/*be=•-40.9..F ImIW to Paolio Equay PIIitiiI,s R, d Ul GP 61•ra•,) Linled (PEP % lothi I* 1*®•0 lor eit I<," · h #011 1, a lomned - 1/' C=d 1 gompleold 84 re ook . m ..mlk, .n./.%%1 1011 11*.th, 0,0,1,lon of h.adm# 1- I ·· :- · ofth.Im"OHhih....C .0 - . fonvora ..Wil .....4 I *u./. te Wn# Ildlvo i dilaibd h /Ildi 1. U poll"lion .....1.4/#'4104 ./med."m.04 4. phoe v re '. . of E„ L„d Al,„,i„093/PX,100 of the ofFer h 13/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only TI.N.....al Ls,d ....08.Wndom ...*uponth. PEP nl reciliN h L=d hlg„l oollullol of0» Vend# 0- h '., 2 . Wih Clm.. U(b)' p." udoo. h co„Ild.1,/on of perfom*Ig ts obig,ilo,Y anclirthh .91.=11.ri thi Lsed ..WI .....auch fal .thi ./.- (b) &1 The Fill * I=91 be= ill* al m ll 00*6 / =M =2 4 Uwlr olhw ol** pook•t./9.n...Ql/n'l /100'/Ill//1/4//fll.gn..".I/"IO. '·v. Input T= Crill NVfl= IM me pliths lall B bl MIbl in Al L=d Illp Ind =9 dhar /111< I ...loth•....imdere. 4-Ink, b• •ad .,10,mul, d b be maili,Ili of WIT. Howivir, Ily Ino,Im payiblo lo Ihe L=d Mi,Ilir,indire,h W....MA.W ..«....cot./1- hil #th• L• d Mmn•OK th' 11©lmt p bismthe L•/...=W- ©thl,plov lon o m.A m•ntmt•t b• r,d,md b,th. Inolaof.7 4./Imib wl oh thi W ..mion,1* dl."./.IR (orths i t marnber of 01• Ion» GST 04, d Ilid, #I Lid Minlglr h I nul<* 11 elillid for m loqiallion h comic on„th M costor,Bera u T./4. N.,4*m.. Unith Nre,r,1.Mul... m**, thil.Nm.*Um.../. aupply (*uppaM mult Ilet» a wid imc ki**» 6 Oil plty provl*< 0,0 001,Ild,failm for Mt=ki."4"4.4 n..."4..lodbyth.a:ppaarm.q#Wei eST wmd n,hould a,Eol 1 d-NOXRnot be mT*dto) thi r=ftnor th,t bleal®*, thi.· .' 7· 1--· . i. 100.0/.ble suppo, th."mouideST"Blb. byth. med- ln 00,1,1,oaortilm Ihi Ima.hi m::9 Ind =v guir d.1,/. · '. ', · i by th.R.**li n. Gn'm."m./* mr•.,m...me....Me...01./GST,1 % 011 thialiW li Ith h Nipid of thi m•bl•aupply (OBTAmo[¤10. m"Nof ak#d b ricalpt d a dd tg hE* 8» Rupld Iul=t p•y the GOT Arnold h cormicaon wlh, Imalle 9* mf i b th• 4,0/ 10 the R,010* * thi i mi M ths R,®1=I ml•t p,¤*de , . · · , . mr 11/ m=bli •uppm (indir me Oh,r pr on, ofth.4-n•1* or"h.4/*h 6 bul..."10..4...M, I I.*clcekr.m.. m"* U plit Dmarino= If th• GST p.j,IN by e» Suppner h, oorm,c,1.4# thetimble sup* diars from. GBT Arno PIld by ths R,®I,rt indir thlo *mi th, SUpplar mu Mpiy =11 I lo ll» Ms®ld or al R**IM ml# piy arly diclincy b e» alppal I *proprIB ¥,Sib 6 builri••a d,ya orml Supplar p,ovlul Ihi Rad** wm, I Mflm ne 80** Ng•:IW thi #brmoe I lthieST plylla Whs,ithi /Ii,rm helieST payl lor,Iub ium in 4/11* I# Ihow, mndoo noit t on provided by Bi alpl imd,r th d=•0!m* Ackld,m : i U Di nid Tern» "*.0.*Alt'./.qi""b'm. GET.w. 14/31 For personal use only 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 Thi ralar,nc= 10 935r' In cm,r *I u=d In ml Ali,1* (e=,00 Me*Imt Ild HT Am ® MI ihi min,ke gEM 10 moi linni by mi A Ni# Th Sbilim (Gool md SIlvia= TI Act 1999 (= In,nd,d *vm Ilne to *4 Holalri liy gltor a Upl thlt l h,t,d I I alpiati aupply *r esT plxpoees Orbdbu amlall< GBY pmkfi 10 * pe"de) I. beh d. a eaps. eup/tri.Fps ofed, *t. 8. U Rell".noll A /*c,nce b =,lul*W dor= ( cluc maupp) rmal) by a p•ty Mildes a re mnoo lo •mll,IhNdo.40, Ir hot vahm#.W.* Undirtakl! i &1 'loilial lin Eloh Vandor ...mil-Rwmn*Remo»**Dorth. Nreement unlime .WH.*me mnnolm-*40. Comp=* 1-10111 mmb*whh##INni, 81 Deo,mber2014*Ae* 8hi B=m#F ,10¢), DIal h d or mvefal Hy plld Ilq *9== hold by I l ithl Co,Im=V (Rlm,!nk, Shar=) *me'lof thea- 81-8 F..ak,t *-4 I l cid,r 19 1*f dlm=Id iom ilgd ' 1 -' ·' '- tmd,r a Con,il,9 *m mmh .rapl,Chme CA harb,bura k, M.* 1 ...rmil 4 *imb# ah==byth,Conplm .. ·-,, · b'p/ I'//"crof////as:///ro/"'r':re/'C/:/r/'//1/ /1 ...6.wmal..6/01.00.*mAcRor...p..i m.ach,1. of L uider P,t 51 <em Ootporaoons Ac4 04 a "08, U,n,Nr, ord,pol,IM a"*d 'IN"h.. 1 ./co on ths ..meth.th. IN---.0/*h.....propo=. h".imm .*MI'*Wh=*ad•: R•MIN 8..< thi Ib d =V R=irk// 81 ,8,1 ··· ,' , Imithl, mmilt i *4 #Ii,W u dlmoial k, an Anlhli d I Vendorthit li idlit lo a r•pr-r¢,4...dw.".Cygn mil.Flihm..in. *Im.'Imb dium &1M m Yped al Ihe M,m,IN *== soK MI*,1* or /,m=eL Porth.=.c, of.ydo, IN...d#me Al! 1 bi h Ip* 4 0» Emo#P«Igd. liah pIN lo Bl Afinit ·'* , ' :4 thi me twinierd ,1 Id •Ill,4 4 clal= 0,1* b nd *I,W 10 md dosi nt ghi thi Lid MIi,* miy poiw 00 4."'l of, cr con ol th. dhpoe,1 of. /ho Msm.king ah./ . U"".Allic" . reprel•niall Ind =rsly tome xe•1*m/thi Lid -iigi' wodd be h M.Ad.*i....m"...uoh pOAW, .4.br=oh ofm.....h md wir,4 h ki *94<Hil<,10= wd: 0* gh, rhek, ad/Im dmigi =,d mi p.,0.0 INmawlidge M in Ouch ·- . dii,Iig= I In *08#8 r,sne**r a bte# ofth, reprelents//onand w,1,/1*. (O) e=h p,14 Ilmo*lodgl etat e»,Ip„Il,Illor Ind wi,Ii,rly h di,uiI il,j hm bean -d I or*d-0.-* conse-oe, de.V,Mom oF, orde. ag v,Rh, ary mwwn.Ilng Bt.W•. held by t E.Ch p.tytoth' Agr,In# mima,Ilidg= thi *I L=i MI:Im b nc er med b I Ims*of 15/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only krabremoh dth. ./ . md,%,rm/4 h am 8.1(•1 (d) For Ili p poeis ofdau,I &1(81 'Dit, m Ipect ofe» 'RI„,I*W Shari/, n'//fle *,I./gi, 8* orothin *01• ot (D ...Soffs..4.*4...wam/#90/ m.*b.'*d-f--eA , reuch .... illd to condmom or *liwM zibli or Iiqul= the V,ndork, all„,IA liI„/4 or *,In dipole *, or .Meor,Fe'.1-m-*-m 4 (M FIR,nl N Sh'll 7. RBprlinloi ind W* 7.1 .......1*w.Id. h V.,dors N ....4.Um..ha -ch.mald.*aw . a.../..or h thl ome vNre diul 17 lpAl h Nlpe * ofthl L=d MI ,r, 8 Btlinell DOI Ith Ul End O.M, -h 1/W,dor ripraill Ind wiI,Ii,ts ID ml L=i lallwE*It ®®011 ofml fol *-88.#4 =11..4 ne/m- (boly oorpomil) Ii' a body.. r. 0..9.4"/pll.of ..:. 7.. 4,1Ry =da, Ind 4.*NIM¢ iml C..04) RM.M *Ap *.0 00*-Im.hbel.....00 090"*0.-*-t tM, -emm-4(0) (agthorM Rhm ..4... MA. n bye» Snere**/co,per-acam IM h M..<Kn....8 /mothe h .ty.No p.9..9/.0 " Cm*got 1, 1 (d) .i· 81* 01 · *1.Initilwavveligiwi.mi,1 Idli- I#,1, pld=id Mi 4-Urcalls:thmal.*m, Im. (M#nemltlp, - ,/ , , )/'thereol,Imd hoki,rmdiole kilawn/of thi 8,al lum nl d *MIsn ne 80hldz* 1 ind wa Uilldarm, M Ifi ........m® of#me 8.EN'. m."d./dilms, ohsols, =oumr-- *.dpr ,r*14*. re& -n Of 0,0. - 1 ) h the r•011&14 . ..- d th'Comp•V; (*,li Ohami) blawkg Ili by 4 Ihe 84, ali„, wl r,dE 44 h d mip.ob .*hild/MWI'q...di.ON'- .4alttom.* Coont,00 Rdoes not =Mels Compill 0, mi pispoi= imID claue• 7.1@1 conlid livhg m• rn=*U ghlt h IOOAA d lh, Co,por ons A 01) Cpoii,r 00 =1) R hi u» colpor*• •*ixly Ind pOAir10 * 0» 8 al=es indw #lb lallolllt Ird no pm„011 hn a Ilitlkg IUIX wl,di,/ am*0mlor 001=v,W to =los,Im or 19 be #Irid for ocd,Ii Uia 8* 8hiwi1; 16/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only (D (D 00 (no hlldort,mang ofml,ai) / thi *» ct «llailllon ofe A,e lll by thi Vinder, *18 140 dthe 8,10 8hv= wi ne* con,mu* a vio on by It d DMIlon 3 of Part 7.10 dthe Corpor*tor, 4 a'Uill.) WillillibUM'.of ./Uit ih..be.nv.Iny ::·. . ' ..bul'.lof 04 liu* thor, il no 991,Int propold to 19*loe li = Ull•• 1/ 81/ I ud Ind R h= ihervd b, lild,mnm,dod d ibl=Ill d ult #U* (braeoll of lal R". p•lb,m. ob'*bm -d•re ve,m,nt,o =b =m®4 V#lh al ·,,-· '*'. hi h AL*F - 4 h pi,imilirthi ,· · · ",'. Mind thi FATA, 5* Unld Stal= *Ame,10, md mi j,11,dloloim mdI M diu= m non, of 4 ./ of INIM- .any pe.m .IN on b• f d .ld#Im (dhi .Ith,Laed ...MIN....VI.0,180% on Wid.v ©f th.4..m.hon,m... no : 1 1. h..©1 •red or•011 or".Mawor < .d Ai 8,h 8*- h thi Ur Id N/4 -, I, bm of *14 80&* on' or 'gened at#NK #lih th, rn=IN af Rld, 502(0) inder the U.8 8.10/.Alt On)· v,lh r.sp.ot thole S,l all,Ii Idd h mlince on - 4 r. 8, norm ef 4 •9 of . M..4.19 ".2 .cIN 0,1 b, - 4.70. m (00/mm 11. Ild W./=IM.W .-"19."lon ben,0 of.'de.4 .6,% om I r,mal no Ill„Ill,V,Ing,0 h= er,g•d orIl Ii,mqi h iny 'WIN,gld -ima *Rdf (mO mmll,d m h %*90203) IlHbUL BecullasADD; 00 to Al b=t at b la alN dge, U» Comp=V l i or• n Dihili ki = d.hd in Fil, 405 Und're» US. 8,clall Bki.n u.W.. n01.Ub.Imil. U11 n..1.* mr,le (= dle•d m MI' 80R@ unwthe Ua .30. AgO A U. N. m.. cr,rva,-t,ofth..mil. /.4..Fl"b ... (0) M) n,lher' nor2r of ' A h WEIn or.... chow,Wh#,.W · '*',bi ipeo d to, o,u= or riia h tho ac on d,*»d or thi ,*ht of th,/811. Stim.I // 919/Ion Of /ny prloe ofe» nw**/Mon or 11 jill/* s non, of it =W of b Allih or Il pe,lon I-, m bihil of =W of0,=11 (d* 0#WI ./.WIN....a "m'.4 on hhid.v of *In, m lo vil=ntmlk= no rell,Illl,b orv=,Ir*, hl *OW my amr m bly, 4.ad' ./aidi md none *th.n". I.il' 01/00.4,0*1/ ••lor/lhe»Unl,d m/-04 "forel'•cooll,lorben,m of, •Vp•mon h B. Uj....8001* h =-%1-MIU.-bdm.- ah,res ili a miI,/ It/ v dd Mqu,l *I o#ar md =11 d Ihe 8- m== IM be L' 1 (q) · uider thi U.5 8Iol m= Act /11/ct k, - by the L.*1 'Ifigir v/hlig"IMI/84 9"dir/Ii'-I--7-2* Al.".4.."gul/..7/!•sh".#.01...4./40*. thi * 1*2* Ai 811, ems by tal Li Minigi, h thi &22=LI mmner ooilmi),FIll d by mh AF,mit ind,rU» UEL 8•ailli AA & blng under/od Bi lm.. .pr,=, on .v=r•*abl "Veub=qued rmled theaa'Il bal Wil #*Am. Comp v b nimw#*gIrgM, #ootto A.*4././08/"Im.4/' not. =0.0.4/.sn 91%,stmirt comp=Ir un/U.8. Inviiliner¢ Comp•¥Act of 1*106 19 Ihi b=t of b krm,lidg•, th• b), 86=m n dglf *br Moil pinlitt lo Rdi 144 Ind I nd of * s,me o I =clilli 1, d on a nsioml 17/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only 8/,0/"1<*'I .. ' - t . 4:ick/rthaotk,n 80//1/:I US, S•0lV/,Il ED'Al=t» Act of 1934 (Bcohill;AcQ or* cl h m U,8, mform,b,8 *dini„k* .u. dhn M le the belt of 1• Im•1.dali the Cornploy ls ax."9* *Twn ,®90¢1 Und/r 8.-r-"on 13 or 16(d) of *t• a«Ill,®A* plnlirt k, Rule 1203·») 01emlmd1r. and•,nMU= of Did Ilaligw A,/9.1.*trIN....4.-7/, US .0/*lum. 81/m/DIN '10/00/ V'he', Ch-27'Pphs h r..Pe'le»L,dMIn ,r, 8 &*//N"-r the End D I ), th, Lead MI er,IHII,IVI te tho /h,domelt -ch cfmo Iill,0 0 milll boor'll (bo* =,07.)It'.body=per-WIN.le".midiy.*all»d .nd ddy hall"kilm.*.1.plaos d '· (b) (=PIC'4') R hm Al l,gi c•pidy Ind piww lo =1§,r blo #* AFIm* In b om,01*th.blamm th. A =¢c-** (2 0.010,1 )1....4 =..h•ve Wean byin.....quhd, d- ·· .action 8/ I M..0=.....6. b •r*, A.A.W.ma.0 b O."Ihgix: ale. 1 (d) .7. Alum. Nre•mit · · 0*.MI.) 1 hid'll./1.4/.IN..1/.dh)*lin/'ll"y#WRIMI h #tor .Wel Indh•. 00mplid.*hth.Imm..nd ,· 40.In.lim.*W.Int 0/gr.•n.WI.A.9.Ve) 01//4/..nlert· · digdm itroiabls 0/ k h •coord#noe wih b *Ims; M (bl.4 of Im,10» L.d la.Ii/' 41 perfo,m la ob Inderthh .gn..r.'*(/nd/migni mai",M,0,01'El,4 "Wil'rel//,dbodl. ··.'· 1 Id Al.. .i m . marml) .. ..44/el ,0,00/*I .4 h#*. 1 Uill li h Au,Wql* h /*Im• Colpor-mA//0/I FATA Ind r,1#0 001* m• UNild el= d Amido• mdm•Nmalolion• spiolled h cla„I• 18@ ; pro,Ided *d #I Laid Min,gi MI nd bi h brimh O/th//W//"1.10.000'///d„/""t/nyb,"//3,1,0/"./2/Cr·· . -· 3 · 0,by/n /0 or ang./bn or a Vmdor v#doh · · : 1 -· .- 1 a bm..0" by . V ndorroll. Iliiiigillii mil ziiclirligil,gli h gliu,Ii 7.1; &11, Q[B or h nd h Ae Unald 8tific 00 1 /maiNII*ss m/mi KI all Ib d lhi 8* 8 •i havl n* bin ind * not....muall. U.5 "34.kildn naebed.Ior/*1 m th. Un&,d'81...4 or 01.0000 orb,lix ... mth.Unt,d #$' emept plsm,Int to en el•nmaorl *orn, or ki I vin,I,041011 nc* miwed 4 01• d thi Uk Seol*mes AC* non• of £ 1, NMIDI nor iny pollon Id*W o bih,0 1 iny dm,m hi mial 0/.'tworohredle./4.0 non, ofth,ny.m.010/ O/"stil croff,oreal e,• 8* 81,2,es h thi Urthd al.8, d .9.'llf 80801'llon' or :TA.VIC'*hm=*, :Lial=d re» unall. (D 81 *hts md =ha of 0» 8,b 81 = h Ihi Unn,d 8#Ih by li Ind I,y al h Aflll= wi b• Illhld throt* h U.a b,&*®dill,r MI/< 18/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only 00 4 . M......9 -2.N on beh d..ofe=n h.....0,0. mi WI ulm md di dh Id.al#m 8• Shic< (1) *10" lh•=lil.,4.grlo, or forths.cllutorb./.f' 00 p.mons /10» 4*wr»,81 of el U.8. 81•oldilm Act tmder RUI 144 thillirlder, or (8) to Eljili US Pts,d Manlger* h r•Imoe on R*1000,1 84 md 00 lo p•mom lhK Ile 11* h 40 Unild 8 8 md Ire M md i not mi# RrIhi logout or b,# al, pm,si Il mi Ur2/ 81,i h ' hor,t),1,1/k"i' (mdehd h Mul•*:"10 umderthe U.& 8,01:ilbi ACO h · · r - %vet Rigfluct, 8, mi h Id o=i, has gay Idd md ,#1 ty d hi aili 8%,:Is lo pai== 1** h/9//'Euld 'Cordkm on L/' VW/d-»dh cbm"21< * I/h speollthoee 8*8h ,s,/d h //a= gn Reou lor 8, non•ofl h AN.m nor.V .1 .N on beh,50.Vofm 1 hi.... ... 81'lge in Iny VIC M 8-U #brr Il Mlm h d#14 h Rdl 44 imdir e'UABIEd*'k#=4 On) 7J n•ther R nor =,y of h Allalis hi tilom orill 4 *47 or M*, IV •:Son **lodto, ortht migM *7 be Iqi,olid to, cat,eorrma hthi *ba1860,1 or rn */4 de= prio* d the 8,18 81=- h viol lon of ar •PPI=bll .W. M,0.lice .. IN/* ar r amb.. uwrs#.0.-m/*.0 P... f•lad 0,1 0. mbom pr=INIa- /0- anile I 0,1/N Im thh .....0 w. conunu'lor®on'hele · . r. 'ne,¥/"/0///h p/#"mdhg///·:-L "· Undwf ihl Igriiiniit The *ovi'Mgle,Iilll*Ii Ind Iriino,8 00 hus h H fome Ind *Pld .Wh'IN./.Adel .-rned 7,4 Noenc lon 8•* "M ./. 0/1 In w e. dhw"*. M./Wit beo * ,mwo d .W i 018,010**g O0 nrng prior k, ths .. , I -. O/Al .fa of U» 8* 81./.E M ./.*ee-4 /¥ of..RngoN --- n• mdu, 8•i (b) 94**regoN ....Am ornwrmIN ..4. rn- Ry tmt» gr UndiMIng, IVendorlm....thel=ul-# not Mor'.im#.0.80-n, ./9-IM.-* . .cmlnl Ibli hora..0, #.Comom- Af.... 41** li al'. the Aax l.*W Rlle* 19/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only M myhgl .1.W M Venh, Ind .. ofABIC orthe ABX, = 0,.y .,ply to bil*no th. L..d...d .Wh..of .vu.*2-*/A IMn *11/0.A,re,mer* 10011 4*-ir#** r./!n, dth.N •ement Indimaty &1 Boh Wndor¥- v hthe ./Im'.m# Rv. .M. L,md /.1.0 . Allated Red= Corpor- (m *,at term 1, dianed h th, Co,porlion, AgO, Ind thet - .i· amon md mployi= Ond,mnlaid Pa,01•) I,dii,i:Illid igi ,¥ I. ... ... 00, CO,hn domm'.-1-- IN · '//1/8 '*1'g h comed'Mhwn/Wa"/)'m"/m"h//x#L"i.,rm Aw* I a mi<l of I bid ofml AB,Iner* by Z M*W Iq #* ef =9 al thi /809. : 1 "· ory'rr- /.gw/n byi/ne.,/I/1/4//ev'L./dwlm/g/r"/// O/of poo...4 oh g= md -mv h Rmv.."*-or ols"connIOUon wel 'Naltrgill,9, diq,ho cr d,Ilidlig •n,auclt 00004 d,mid or d* mr#14 R b I dilieW:In wdi ah AQI,=11,It Th• hdemrity h clm,Ii 0 1 do•i not Ild to ind li no 10 WY I m Winn ,ed„t 4 L==cf m linilnnmid P46 #I =41* IV Loo•= Plia reluild f l) IV p„4 or lk»v#doll U» Ind,Imm,d Pity h Mqi*,d to ply for ily (O) iny Trul h impid d Ima th, MITI* would bl l g mid or · . (d) : . Und,r Iny : ' .7. :../.V - or pubicty midis *Mail h relition 19 the Ill ofm• 8,1,8h== v,Nmt Al Milm,Fprod d Ihe Vandl Or I adilim (other mit =11 < Id,AirS,Imil* or Bd*1, 1, I,1,11on lo m.../m. 8,10 m..mil=alb'jud..0. 00"W.m .4.. tw n' permlt:.Ls,d....obt iluoh nTI 11 •p Di or (e) 'br=ch #th'Lead M rd#'¥aml.•avete'ledmi,uoh blmoh remli kin In * orom lon on thi pitof •Vandoror a pi,Ion *IU on Wi of80 Vmdor, In the Lid h gi look r-Oid:li 4,0, 10 ivold or *Igto e»com,ran= 4-*11, 01 h /0== L== does not holudi * d=, p or ool ofIA=*ton,ul:lired,01* =• Il=* dmo L=d MINI0/*14 il *Ig#lons lilld•ue• 11B)1 bil; of Ihe Vendors Ind in IndinnNI,d P,tv n,=2 nd *i• iny =00# *,I# 2 Ilin m v hk h ele indenv*,1 a e 0,1 b orwO[ be aoug / witout #' prk;r,%91 1 oon,"d i the Wndo" or the [=1 M..84. /0.*/UU# on.I mi 0 be ' U · i r WIN K The Merruly h 8- »• 9.118 a oor***tg r,ht,1 11 mag„,b md Mopmderit Rom tho f.*-0.*mc.th 4--Indsl v--n croompl,O,"1.Ft...UN./.1// not n.0..dily':rth. L.Id N'.1,9/r,O /,cUY..p....lornllk. .nedw-**M d* U The bdi11* h chime al l, grlild to ihe Ls,d Mm rba for hil Ind on Ul* mr -41 4 thi Indemnmod Pilla 20/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only U 81*led to c •i 9.7, the perles Br= A,/ Il forsy rli4,n 010 kldinrily in dil= 9.1, li imv bl, or Mumol# 00 hold hiIi#I= iny Illd,lnnllid Pity igihi Iny Loii= agil I.he» Indlm"* RIN...Bbe t n,"0 (0(h,rm....#.1.4 thi r.ip,GOve proporU 00(Viliiillon, of he Vendor, md mi la=11*0 PIN orthe Indemnmld P, a m ral-n 10 thi rili„Ia Lce®®0 wl bi I agled, orWIW · .d-,n- by..dof oonlp, IraIum/4."amm../.5 4 hel*Ilial, d or oel bohimM 0/fha V doll Ind thl 111*Ii,YInt;/ Pity orths Ind•milm,d P,hs h Fi Ict Illilll»d of, h,vb, pilold, rigid lo rililk WA Im * =-b #orr- 'Idc,po,hma,loco,re .9.1-n = a7 The Valiciall lall wlla =011 4 Ul illd,lmal,d Pilibl W ln no Ivld d lh• L,Id ....4 .-1.-dd P=- be .4.0 =..Under.u= Um =iy LoiN h m •ggre • Ing,za W Iia,el thi dth• 1 • p•M lo me Lid ...dere. AGrHm• U Il m Indl,1111 0 Paz pay• m =94 ill lihlon to LOINI Iher• 11 •fal 19 01,11:ibl,Oon *Cm a Venclor Lmder dilli £8 mi Vinder, agl- pr npt to red<,ilic„. th• b,d.,191/ Perty #br tlit snoist U il a V d= pi, m Inicit lo Ihi Indenll,d PIBI h *tion lo Loi= wh•re R li dil/ 10 =litilionnom thi lider mid P,H= ind=*I U Mi Indinvll,d Pa,61, mti pronl* Mirrili,ii,8 thi Vindom for Illmt m,1044, 10. An . 10,1 The Vendole Ind lh• Li•d Mlli d oon,ul loh o = h,Iip,4 4Ily 11Illcld p 80 1,1.Ie, byqdO»moon nk,em= ofth,8..= Th®Mor,***Ini.ad me Wndom,r lt b•ab ,d pr/*th..0 ..p.4.9 -I. or IUm# hpublf b, r,1*lonlothl 8* d thleall Mills Ind =4 I " WEhe ....4 or Ilgirt mu,t be h I.I. . ., " , M<*8-0. /. 4-* me l d." .4 Evoth,r-* 1U Th.0..dk kul.<.r".Wh 'll//I:,Illugnal"/09.. ,Q-L .., Undifth Nre/m„* phA. adw././8.1.114.noill.ld 00/rn../.pll .0,/I'll//"lohn ..pen.. ' .:. Vh"r'"'rwl» 10 1," Wndor'pro.,ded „®01 "'H':1-"'rw'M" tm 'M ·· · - . '9*h .1 bal-**INo S= AM- ell....Ull•r md /0 11*Ct -,0 4. / i / ./h othir pull* /%,1,bls 4/9"n//0" kl "/.00n '2 11» . . 11. event ofbrminaoon 11.t Right of -,.' r · I, 4 iry Ine IdN ihi Rhk PIW (m dehd kl clau= 114 a nnclor h k, ddil d iiy 1 m..ms. d condmon, of- 4.ment or br=hes .ty r,pre,*n 00n, %%,flmb or m..# It orn,de b, R m.#I.,emer ,n thi .0 .."14.mbl #* 4*11#*Illi coet orllmlylo baltliylvil biollfu l®ly tibl RI* Pldod by *ple walin noioi tothi Vindom. 11,2 I.Inany No m,It Ilid h dilm 11.1 mmli eia Li Min,o,rlo =liolli ls :Ir,„Inilion #0* i,Zia, kl the ban, 8ds opWon ofAi Lid MI=W, 1: M *=Idd./Mely be *eel,d'h .Im ,ruvameaffoot on: 21/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only th• 1*-/om to *me th* 8 h *. 0%:lama-*-Ath,C,np•w-*.. (I) .d#.9/4.MOn./ 0,/ ......Wom. L=1 ...m. th// Cl:,1,9/,41://Idl,torliral (Ill,r : 2-· :' hiv. ilj ..4.... Whs,Z I==,-m vah mil *um® 11, the L®®d Minqi' ,ml„I Icb m,ns indar adIAO.In".t .. lh• . ' 6 - of*i Laid Wim Il mii Nreement Midal* Indi ain ./ - orm. L.,d,a./=#Im/ml,Agr=m•11 hloal* 018 n- 40/10.h.1,4.Mo.......MI##4 11A .*PI For 01, pupom oful *ima, mi WI P«lor nle,ns me ps¢lod · · · ' · on thi I.*d#.4.-#.1.all#le,lort (a) 9,lillin an lho Ti le 0* Id mit*ni orme ®0610 orold, (or If moithm ons mild Io,IN, thi ocalifier=of lh, Sist ipidd cio,Il* d #0 8, Shir= ral,rid lo h clium 2*4 11. /18=1 neous 11,1 Enth r=milit T. ..mgoon,th me ent'.mlith.pa...h =*ct r, .0 . ,· 1 -- L Ill),0011,#lom on th,t mati,r. Supecied= IU p,ev us L 112 ™1/.m,rA hpi. #emb.iN.80 , dos, MI .oh.MIMI to mi no„,00:haili *11,Seon of cout. -n**1 Mliddion h Ne,# Boue, WW.s, Ind .*...IM# 01 mth. co sal conv 11**4 1U No=*nmem No pidyniay ign 81 IW*, or .' -1 "· coniect d Ihi diur pfiL underthb L .. . - , out mi prlorv,r n 114 Arw noo»,spp, con=t i t. ...Im* be h ./B 118 ././crah/ · .. In cENri,8,15,1 wah Allflll Inthi' - - .th, m'Aillili•' mi„,8 p.mion:'Itenreot y, or'Mdlialy*Mrot,h on' or mor• •rrm 14 oc *, or 11 , · ',·T . , or 11 ilder co on mid wl& I persm "conh'or (,tolucfN u» tirms 'Dor*rold bt,nd 'imd,r 00,11,lon coriticW v,Rh') mill,il m. poele••10 *•otor *« ofth. POA rb .dorommethe..hium For personal use only 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 22/31 1-- Fl...MiN of apeg,on, v,h,0-0,K,hth.Nnml*<-4. # corl,Id or igi,cy or callidi md e» IM *mor I d=nod ID *hk a · '. ' '.. tU Bil.11'... t», h INI Ilin•nt'mill<lm Dlt m,m, I dly on *IR 1tY (•0 ASX 'open#hap hs,cu • Ild / Il••op•n forgener, b *N bu*•1• k]%*ley, Aulhh W/1 '/4/m In thls •G Iinlitt M Ii,/11, =11 #**Idp I *rcor rli,Ioi dy md do nt el 0,) a r/,Iw= lo logbillon orlo I p,wWon of bill,lill blold= I modlidn or rH„,16611•* all4 i I/#Imi provl,lo,1 .ub 1»d lor I Ind • rigul,Oon or ..V--.4..t (M a r-n606 'dolit and 7 * m AL,Ili,Il.,13,11.1qi (d) a f rmo, B i *t or ohl@im t 'll or more p aons oor m th *h or »osest'*4 80.*.4 n..4. 8,-** Im. - 04*lay, N..Ol(h Wa. Al...ana 128 8./.Ii,4 Swi::mummivt==A645= not bdil mi remil*, pigvhlons al #11 Wieemird nor /4 u= v,8¢Ry or ./."*de•tprovilion ki anyolher Elolm iM Wilv,r Ind vlimtion A pro,4,10,1 of ar WOR vi id ,/Iderthle Agii,imail mIV not be 1110 M I.h-*h.In'.le..v,t 0, m.-I, cw M) .0=0*%;TIN®nod hy#.p 1 Nom/g.r T.<Al .d ob -m *thop,tl= w. notmfp. thets,m lon or *don ofm. *mt, An,provhlon eflhh-n,f . ta bi p«10(11),d orobi,vid by • p•* .hav# emot'hrth..4.*4#1 A..IM#*.r.In.... Mb- .di./.d'"WN onat.v. 1111 Count»11»r¢B 1* Ilollit mly bl-=-lid h =11 Mink of ximi,9.IL Al oviltll/lil *90* ... t•101" b · . 1- i on../..r..t 23/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only 1112 I 8.*t Vendor :, · ' 2, ut 0.00.4/. nicb d:od m:oaW,w*,oru .th,b,mal IV"ax, m. nonixi,00.4/Zon whk#th. L•ad......mth. no n/1 0/'Lill'llplill'LIZI'll'll'll//1, lilih '. ... <I'li//' Ill'lld r'llit" I b,moh al I V · ' -4 - · al ocilldectlily md Iny *NI,[ Chhms wil poldi of A. Li Mmnig•; (b) douM#bm'Vddm/Wnclorm,yhm 81,110» L,ad M,ne,ri no procae... mq..lum#q..% *bg.02....Cd- L=i Mmug, h re,pect of Iny alilm M a Widor mq hive Iglht the L=d ..1/ CM (d) th=.d#wam.....Imm m.*#...Fl •m. =41= di= bid h ul Igiii,1ts,imd Ai Lid Ili,„B hi notmi h not .ri dulls or ·: -4 " · 0 'll'ly or al"".0..) m reepect of R olh•r 1 010,8 9/=* 8/ out h thl, A emi,li h pi,fomilig *h ABI:IX Ihi Lid Mm er, 1* 0,1 Inl I IHI, 9,4 ,1 provldid lo 1 by oron blhdof the V,ndom and b*,71,=Ikv h the :A- don,Im *01-4.-d,#./0 0.-ne, Id the L,0 ..... not of ilic/7 /1/om,/IM<:1/or milip, Iny re/419/1/lk//tilora*. Ill#&/Ill' or ./ , . ' IM#. Wndom.. b,sol* r=.0/ the L.1 M"gr m per n th" " 4 / 7 . . -' ' . by * A/"ment h %%48, -4-INI .0 .9*.. /**Nem• -R- ...11 dl9. be....d,re 4.Im.Imls ofe Ao:,Ii„Iit md n h g h ul *semmtwl bi gonilruid I =to g athe L=i Mmigw or m,iy of b =loollil volll PO••r I more thin 2096 h thi Compil. In p=*di, eie Lemd MIni/' wl not hivi th• powir b goinlii, croortrolthi •=01= d • dg12 to wiv e=,hed to or h paaw to *po= of, or comol thi =rolle of the wAW *1 *poll 44 Iny S•Ii Slif= h •.. d 20,6 of *te Ii= ind **W h #I lilit ligH mo lld M,nm, In 4* S Sl=Ii ....dolow#. ..imth.bld..... poiI.i,-90 iliei/ h thi Cguipi:V h =Ne of20%; md m .....A M.".pr. a n t i ./VA..-/-3.R-I-- .nd'· : · 1 .h.oylm .mv .10/9 Im, h Ilflo l Ailll* Bl Lld MlilBl' il Inglad h plillm *vlk I/W v*IW Mial 8091):h dl liviiliviectii,Iiiigiil,Int It oN Id bral,/ le[Mil Ind f-lol/ plluNW Ind blnllb oolm,-ig h bih comp.*..0/dwuu,1/ Inth..1,01.m.dth...1,1//BIL-d Miigg h MI,4 Inploy=, snd oll - mg be provili , or moy bi h mi **n 04- .*imc,8/ a.*lad-a 10/V,ndormdmq-h,/=trk.seMo= Ildrnly•om.al debE Id eq*.oul. (orre od d,rh h• .mil).th. /EMI."A om =co tmd form/accol dwol/m- .. ma/"val' how bu mid shod posibi h Iuoh =oillis. 24/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only 12.13 Trlmt,/ /1/ation of U,bii,W h mI *u,/ 1114 0» Wm Tri=E m-m,aoh of018 * 11* 8 ,bhhod overme *,ses hthooompqbendll*om=d by thi blowN f * md T,Ii:Ii m....#11...aul =AM ..... AM.W. '54 plolb Eqly Amd 01 W*lf PW Trut Pdo Egdh Pi,13„, Pic,Ic 8*Ry Pluin 8$*Illardary FInd 01 Find 111 *u,k,m ) Pty CAAM,laila) U,R Til» Umild My :·cilc Equi, P=#1=8 :ind t1 Co-maibnoit Trui P:Y romo ECM*Y Pi,v,Irs Puld N 0,1r *,Dner Jrult Ps,tn,rs P< IV F:101/,IN Pty Ud Paon, Ec*ly Trut 11.Th*Ie,r*Ir"le.Agrseme, ct*ho,p*.--cf=*100. Tnl ind h no alhl IHI*. A Imb* mi*U indor or ll col nloHon v,Ih thb AGre/n/4 /®•pla Imb/%4//tg uu/r#Id/1/ 1114 h /n//1 /wh/n crd,beer.med ..8.n.me.......lioh 'can be.Wout of thi Iiill ofthint*04*of.Wlloh tho l**® li =*=ly M for mi :IMY, Thi in on ofmi Thili/0 labIO lil= de,paeiv aihip,ov lon d :hhAglin"IL CM No pl* mlyau•th•Thili h •ly ouploRy oal min I liullne oft:» Th* M#Z#th,Ippo 11,rdof a f,0, er(m,Mh *hm p,cp«41 the Th,0, I .il./1, In .."*/0/Irs or "Vill" p.lon * A.lhtl..RY pr h my l®*danon, adminlah,ion ar m=igin* al or Inhclk,9 1» Th,•,Ii C=* h"/m#prop, ofihelhi# Thi prov,lorm ofth» claule 1118 do not ip*to =* · +'1 1 · orlibily ofthi Di.- . int-*.Int....=.lv thed=dgomi TRist or by opir-,1 of 10# them ID a fiduallon h #;i *It of Ihi Tru * hldsmnnemolofth....dth.Th<.alliefth.T .4/4 . n.glginglor *Imoh In=L TI»Tn#....b -oh tn...th. a,¥tof h.mit.= r•Farrid b h Ii 0) abovi Ond nnfM ind 101<*Ililies t / 1 wa noll) Ioh of IX#.....som.1/ · .r : on.*h#*Ul/gn/"li F.M.On.Id ..V!!1 111,/1 25/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only Yon Im'*, ell--m....Ul .= Schl lut/'1 26/31 For personal use only 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 -0-#P Re=4k.-WN #:3.11:Ull=t a.#- Pind I Wlerall,lq Unit Th: 41.ocordifil lah.egdon 127 d h Corpol*lons Ac* 2001 (Cett "91"'9,0 1-0$ IV*3<Ii/'y!*'9# M"In, Pul narne d dredor F!101=d eard,8 MI. 4-puor*nr hIOUWAP--Mmw' (Al'*Ii..'40*01- m.ill.*Ammo *42-44-*Wn 6A1=tr •11 W#m/haooordance•*h ••coon 127 1 thi Co,por- » M 2001 (000: *44* or n" mi"'I R.r m ef*sc or 7L 8 .bncfdompar4,••c.4.- Rkilwd OIa,dal han,me ofoompeny I l. ' - . Inlculld by PioNIc Eqid# Pi tni,= Pimd N W..MIND/=tru.•*arp.mo EquIR,Pillnlil PI=IN AuIe li Ii) Unlt T t h · · · : - I/h *010,1 127 c e» Cotpcr:tion, Act 2001 (CUO: 4/nil# Tlnelms All-dor 8%,In al Inpq =cra •*r Fmok•d Gm,cial Klrsne ofoompmy , 1 "3 ·- · 27/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only .i.PM-mAR-I Ii"Inli'Mos"el "Illion 127':fllilt.*: i Ad 2001 (Clh# - mil..:/IMI"*:04,9/2= nmal M/-ne/*• or Fllol-dq./.i M. - 4,0,1..¥ dilipnk.- 28/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only e=0*d by li i Cal,Ii,-mat M, Unilid .......WA..........Pund I ./I.. Thile . m amord,no, *11 =aeon 127 of * M 2001 (08* 4*4*all Tony DONI Pl ne of..ginr -- 4 O017ply .2...Win- 8•mlcollo R..mor-mcm=Na= E-MA ..Coh,v=bnlpv Lknmad =hetiI *r,=mo ** Pidilim puid W MA-..8.. 4/.-Wel 8/1*0 127 of Aot 2001 (00* svt,&,re of Tony Dum Pll .."/ Of .hu.1 *t#Zil al mIWIW =cilll le,Oll amm ICog Pullm» d C¤1*Sll 29/31 For personal use only 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 P/*"'/4/LP.b,crh lullidai 0,mral,I<Inir of . ...Cm Of t-M.*(/L *I d 06 r Owr 4 m0=6-ire..er_N m.=0 8„milld by Flomo 1411 PIUIM Fi* IV 0,61 1 } Lbnw.-d-4 Plm ill Pl/til,I Pa* IV LP. by erin 40*nor Oholw *Ia,01 4%1/15"6PA'98./t# amo ,d by-4-P ,Irs W. /FIM Ul,died=gin ,1 p,Ill/of P.......0*In....Impll""Illy'.0 IL,P, byarh IM n,== *. - ==ii,RIFI--hs.litLI- 018.g' CJLMIROtia (kqi¢AA,1 30/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only Bohodule 1 Vindoisoldtom NAR.MI'll/001*Zoom .11 Utz VIi'MI paomo ** plit,t, pid m "1.2,0,40) pv La,1 31 Lh.-Ill-.4.-IM 128.130 Phip Sh,t m Min'Zilli ll,*Thit .W 000 6,272*78 Pa-0 m4* P• 611,8 FW m - 1 ) Pv Mald.M.#Pa *Pal8,®01,9111<,IN Ful 11 **9* U*Th= Lmt 81 gla#782 E Cohlvalan,r Pty Un= . tuille *r LK 81 128-130 Ptlp ah* 8*W NeW BOO Pick E:,le, PII:iblem FU 1 m CO#11400,1tmlN Thst B ..Co-Intml..,u-0. =I.* P.'In.I. Alti N .. ' 1 p.-44 p.:,..1. P* W-9& Uil-*P=.4 W..<UIT lt r Iu ii'l P i r l " v i 128•180 PI 8 t .'*1'4= 72901 0031 1»100 RI *M NaV 2000 Loval 81 U 751 Lml 31 0 978 12M80 PWIP *iI* ,1 NM 2000 1*1 10 Mip I. KP h %*F NSNEOO Adk a#*,Parbm Ftnd m LP. OIL Ls</m aWN '*Am84 2/N-/Ii *MI. h- Jm MA hulnk.hel/,2/47 'P... P-om.Flim*NLP. 9 9..1 IN.... ... Jamly JE2 IRA Pica, 801 Piln,Ii alilli„,lilly And In LP. 28 *#.. ... .sal"M IUl,748 31/31 2014-Nov-04 10:11 ClaytonUtz +61282206700 For personal use only Sch.U' 2 ™,8.ble 324. ' r. , 'r':Tezicke:'.7-'k , go. OPI On .. i. .mE Im, 1 .; ·,-,L 'f, ,- W. 2 00 014 Bo .. Va< SOc*1914 m...81-I.. W.*2,00,2014 a......rrt® Mo,6 >No*2014
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