Sunday worship guide and news - Westminster Presbyterian Church

westminster presbyterian church
February 1, 2015
4th Sunday after Epiphany
10:30 am
Lord, without your wisdom,
we would be speechless;
without your peace,
we would be heartless;
without your presence,
we would be graceless.
Coming Into God’s Presence
Life of the Church
* call to worship
Leader: Thinking we know all the answers,
yet wondering if we haven’t missed something:
People: we enter this sanctuary of Truth.
Leader: In the company of sinners,
in cahoots with saints:
People: we gather as God’s people.
Leader: Standing by folks of deep, abiding faith;
seated with those who stumble through the Kingdom:
People: we lift our praise to God.
* hymn #93
Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness
* Please stand as you are able.
prayer of confession
God our God: we fill our souls with the empty sounds of our culture,
and wonder why we are so empty when we need words of hope, of grace,
of comfort. We are careful to follow the prescriptions our doctors give us,
yet pay little heed to your hopes for us. We puff out our chests over what
good people we are, yet do not notice how our pride trips those who seek
to follow Jesus.
Forgive us, Holy One, and be gracious to us:
astound us with your words,
so we may learn your ways;
nourish us with your mercy,
so we may be filled with life;
enter our empty souls,
till they overflow with praise for your Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
(Please continue in silent confession.)
assurance of PARDON
Of all the astounding works of God, this may be the most wonderful:
God is gracious and merciful – to us!
What has this to do with us? Everything!
What is this? Good news, of the very best kind!
We are forgiven. We give thanks to our God with all our hearts. Amen.
* GLORIA PATRI (Hymn #733)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be; world without end.
Amen, amen.
The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you.
Hearing God’s Word
A Time with the CHILDREN
Children of any age are welcome at the front of the sanctuary. Then those age 4 through 2nd grade may
meet their teacher at the back of the sanctuary for Sunday Celebration, a time for Bible stories and crafts.
Parents, please pick up your children in room 115, near the Greenview entrance, following worship. On
Communion Sunday, the first Sunday of each month, Sunday Celebration does not meet, so that our children
may join the Body of Christ in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
Reading from the Gospel
Mark 1:21–29; pew Bible, page 35 in the New Testament
This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
reading from the Hebrew Scriptures
Isaiah 40:21–31; pew Bible, page 668 in the Old Testament
“Grasshopper Eyes and Eagles’ Wings”
Rev. Dr. Judy Shipman
But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:31a)
* hymn #438
On Eagle’s Wings
The Response to God’s Word
Moment for Mission Presbyterian World Mission
Katherine Simpson
Please pass the friendship pad and sign your name. We welcome all here in worship with us.
Please join us next Sunday also: Christian education for all ages is at 9:15 am, and worship is at
10:30 am, with coffee and conversation before and after worship.
Doxology and Prayer of Dedication
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
praise God, all creatures here below;
praise God above, ye heavenly host:
praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
sacrament of communion
All who seek relief from the burden of their sins and who desire closer fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ
are invited to participate in the sacrament of Communion. Communion juice is alcohol-free. Bread in the
cups on the Communion plates are gluten-free.
Come, Taste and See
Westminster Choir
Chris DeSilva
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
Leader: May the God of wondrous deeds be with you!
People:And also with you!
Leader: Let us give thanks to our God.
People:We lift our whole hearts to God, holding nothing back.
Leader: Join in praising God, who is merciful and gracious.
People:In the company of our friends and fellow followers,
we rejoice in the one who is our God.
Leader: . . . Great is the mystery of faith.
People:Christ has died,
Christ is risen,
Christ will come again!
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
Words of Institution
Sharing Christ’s Offering of Life
Prayer for the Church
With gratitude, with deep gratitude, for these gifts of bread and wine,
we give you ourselves, O Lord. You have renewed our faith and given us
strength to do your work, to live your words, and love even those who
wrong us in your holy name. Amen.
* hymn #425
Christ Beside Me
Leader: Now, take the word of God into the world.
People: We will place hope in the arms of others.
Leader: Now, take the word of Jesus into the world.
People: We will follow to serve beside him in all the broken places.
Leader: Now, take the word of the Spirit into the world.
People: We will bring others near to the kingdom where all are welcome.
. . . and all of God’s children say, “Alleluia! Amen!”
This Week’s News
Members of Riverside Community Gathering thank you for the freshly baked bread
offered from our celebration of Communion today and shared with them this Wednesday.
Souper Bowl Sunday activities fill hungry tummies. Today following worship our
children will collect cash in soup pots to help feed the hungry in Washtenaw County.
And then come enjoy lunch prepared and served by our young people, as a gift to us all.
Share the Love! Pick up scriptural Valentine’s cards today and write messages to our
HEART and Riverside Community Gathering guests, to members of our church family,
or to friends and even to strangers. Return the completed cards for HEART and church
family members by next Sunday, February 8; mail or deliver the other cards yourself
(envelopes will be available) “…if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is
made complete in us.” (1 John 4:12 NIV)
HEART Rotating Shelter Week is February 9–16.
Thank you to the individuals, families and small
groups who have signed up to help, as well as to
those who have generously given gifts of insulated
gloves, hats, heavy socks, hand and foot warmers,
hand cream, lip balm, travel size toiletries. A few
people are still needed for snacks and fellowship on
Sunday, February 15, and for Saturday and Sunday
morning and evening transportation: Sign up online
( or on the mission bulletin
board or contact Katherine Simpson or Jim Thomson.
 –
International Cuisine Nights: Enjoy great food while spending time with friends both
old and new, Saturdays, February 28 (Italian menu) and March 28 (Japanese cuisine),
at 6 pm. Nursery and child care are provided. Please sign up in the fellowship hall entry,
by February 8.
Conquering the Impossible is the theme at the next Men’s Breakfast, Saturday,
February 14, at 8 am. Find out how wounded veterans are using their hearts and minds
to summit some of the world’s tallest mountains and overcome the disabilities war has
dealt them. Sign up in the fellowship hall entry, so we can plan for food.
Eden in Snowflakes is presented by Tom Clark, aka Dr. Snowflake, at this month’s Sixty
Plus meeting, Friday, February 21. Lunch is at noon and is followed by our program. RSVP
to Phoebe Vance (971-4870 or ) or sign up in the fellowship hall
entry. All are welcome, whatever your age!
Offering counters training is Sunday, February 8, 11:45 am–1:30 pm, in room 30 on
the lower level. Gordon George and Dave Wright will teach the ropes to both new and
seasoned counters, ensuring that all are on the same page.
Mission Highlight: Presbyterian World Mission brings God’s global family
together to heal the wounds of poverty and violence and proclaim God’s saving
love in Jesus Christ.
Presbyterian missionaries have planted churches, built hospitals, and started
schools on every continent. Those seeds sown have developed into self-sustaining
churches and institutions led by local Christians: More than 94 million Christians
belong to churches founded or co-founded by PC (USA) mission workers.
Today, nearly 200 mission co-workers in approximately 50 countries are engaged
in equally vital ministries of sharing faith and working against poverty and violence.
In collaboration with U.S. Presbyterians and global partners, World Mission inspires,
equips and connects communities of mission practice to engage in God’s mission:
to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, help the most vulnerable, and promote
reconciliation amidst cultures of violence.
Adult Learning
Presbyterian Understanding and Use of Holy Scripture Rev. Shipman leads this study
seeking an understanding of Presbyterians’ use of Scripture as the rule of faith and life. It
aims to formulate principles guiding the interpretation of Scripture – principles rooted
in the confessional documents defining the Reformed tradition. This holds the promise
for Presbyterians to regain common ground, though is not intended and should not be
expected to result in unanimity in every aspect. Meets Sundays, February 1, 8 and 15, at
9:15 am in room 30 on the lower level.
Ecclesiastes seems a mysterious book with unanswered arguments and cynical
observations about life. Yet “the Teacher” provides strong words in defense of a life
devoted to the living Lord. Sundays at 9:15 am in room 32 on the lower level.
Vanishing Grace: What Ever Happened to the Good News? Philip Yancey’s book
explores the question “Why does the church stir up such negative feelings?”, then offers
grace-filled ways of presenting the gospel. Meets Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the library.
Women’s Bible study group is reading and discussing An Altar in the World, by Barbara
Brown Taylor, the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, 1–2:30 pm. Please join
us – contact Alice Chambers.
Thursday book group began last week a three-week discussion of The Language of
Flowers, by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. This New York Times best-seller is a page-turner and
romantic at times. It’s also a shattering look at how growing up in foster care can badly
warp responses to life. All are welcome, for this or any future book discussions. Meets
1–2:30 pm, in room 118.
Riverside Community Gathering Set the written word down and live the gospel in this
faith-based community outreach. Each week we join approximately 40 people to eat,
pray and share our lives. Meets Wednesdays, 4:30–5:45 pm, at First Presbyterian Church,
300 N. Washington St., Ypsilanti. Please contact Mike Beckman for more information.
This Week at a Glance The calendar is also online and is updated daily.
Today, February 1
Sunday school for all ages, 9:15 am
Thursday, February 5
Thursday book group, 1 pm
Coffee, tea, lemonade and fellowship,
10:15–10:30 am and 11:30 am–noon
Friday, February 5
Worship with Communion, 10:30 am
Morning prayer, 8 am
Souper Bowl Lunch for the congregation
provided by the youth, 11:45 am
Wednesday, February 4
Sunday, February 8
Sunday school for all ages, 9:15 am
Riverside Community Gathering, 4:45 pm
Coffee, tea, lemonade and fellowship,
10:15–10:30 am and 11:30 am–noon
Wednesday Night Live!, 5:45 pm
Worship; Sunday Detectives, 10:30 am
Choir rehearsal, 7:30 pm
heart volunteer training; offering
counters training, 11:45 am
Alpha, Omega and junior Disciples Dates to remember
Check the Westminster web site for full schedule information.
Wed, Feb 4 Wednesday Night Live! arts and crafts
Sun, Feb 8 HEART orientation, 11:45 am, sanctuary
Wed, Feb 11 Youths co-host HEART community, 6:30–8:30 pm
Flowers at the front of the sanctuary are given by Westminster members and
friends in honor or in memory of a loved one, or to commemorate a special occasion.
Choose a date – especially one early in the year! – and sign up next to the elevator.
Take the flowers home after worship, or the deacons can deliver them to an athome or ill church member.
Prayer Requests
arranged by deacon prayer group
Nancy and Ken Brady, Jim Brady’s brother’s
Gail Holleran, Connie George’s cousin and
Shirley and Jim Brady’s neighbor
Holli Winclechter, Leslie Williamson’s cousin
Jasen Adams, Patty and Peter Quiroz’s
grandson; and Laurie and Jim Adams, Jasen’s
Ralph Bolhouse
Dave Patton, Connie George’s friend
Bob Shier, Lisa Shier’s dad
Jeral Shipman, Rev. Judy Shipman’s husband
Floarea Burnaz, Elvira Babcock’s mother
Robert Sykes, Molly Crankshaw’s and Martha
Kloosterman’s father
Rev. Tharon Daniels Eileen and Earl Fulton’s
pastor in Arizona
Cherie Vogler, Carol Hufnagel’s mother
Herb Hammond, David Hammond’s brother
Walter Weikel, Dot MacArthur’s brother-inlaw
Dale McClinton, Gail Arnold’s friend
Keith Begg, Virginia and Earl Begg’s son
Annie Renfer
Alice and Al Chambers
Jim Shelton, Jennifer Young’s father
Tanya Carr, Alice Chamber’s friend
Merrill and Nancy Tyler, Linda Brown’s
Cliff Gordenier, Ron Renfer’s brother-in-law
Douglas Granowicz, Virginia and Earl Begg’s
Susan Wiedmeier
Abigail Hermann, daughter of Greta and Jeff
Buck’s friends
Lynette Wright, daughter of Alice Chamber’s
Gary Jackson, Carol and John Jackson’s son
Jennifer Young
John McKeown
Louise and Larry Woodruff
Angela Elizando, Damon Self’s mother
Kathleen Menery, Mary Ellen Lloyd’s friend
Mary Ellen Lloyd
Laurie Orlow, Elizabeth Tidd’s sister-in-law
Marcia McCay, Mary Ellen Lloyd’s friend
Mary Rochette, Irene Rochette’s mother-inlaw
Catherine McNabb, Joe Neely’s mother
Ann Brundage
Heidi Grebe, Carolyn and Don Fitch’s friend
Don and Carolyn Fitch
Kaden, Susan and John Vandenberg
Annetta, Riverside Community Gathering
prayer matters
We offer four avenues for prayer support for you or a loved one:
• Sunday printed worship guide (posted online as well, as a PDF)
• rotating prayer list: individuals with continuing health concerns are added to
the printed worship guide list several times through the year
• prayer chain: prayer requests are emailed to 70 Westminster prayer warriors
• confidential prayer requests may be shared with pastor and staff members
To request prayers, please contact April Wright, deacon, (761-9320
). You can also join our email prayer chain by
contacting April. Please continue to share updates on those for whom we are
praying for accurate postings.
Carol and Dave Franklin greeted you as you entered worship this morning. Vickie and
Dave Gross provided our sanctuary flowers in celebration of family. The rose celebrates
the December 29 birth of Violet Kathleen Albers, granddaughter of Betsey Ready.
we welcome our visitors
Children’s Ministries
We’re grateful you’re worshiping with
us today and hope you experience the
comfort of God’s presence and love.
Infant and toddler care is in room 106, near
the Greenview entrance, 9 am–11:45 pm.
Visitor information is available in the
main entry, on the media center near the
elevator and on our website.
We extend a cordial invitation into our
fellowship to all seeking a church home.
We welcome into our membership all who
love Jesus Christ and accept him as Lord.
Please note your interest on the friendship
pad at the end of each pew.
hearing and vision assistance
An usher will be happy to provide you with
a wireless unit for hearing assistance or a
large print worship guide.
adult education, Youth events
Details for today and coming weeks are
in this worship guide and on our web site.
Sunday Detectives (grades 3–5) meets
at 10:30 am on the second and fourth
Sundays of each month in room 113 (near
the Greenview entrance).
Worship bags available in the main entry
contain a variety of quiet-activity items to
promote scriptural thinking while keeping
young children happily occupied.
events, calendar, building use
Submit all news and events items to
Marti Burbeck (
). Submit all building use
needs to Margaret Compton (
Sunday Celebration takes place during
worship except on the first Sunday of the
month. Please see the order of worship
for details.
westminster presbyterian church
1500 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 | 734-761-9320
Rev. Dr. Judy Shipman, Interim Pastor