Trinity Times February 2015 Message from Pastor Leslie: Ash Wednesday “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return.”-Genesis 3:19. " These are the words you will hear as the imposition of ashes are made on your forehead. It would be tempting to fall into despair, hearing these words and feeling the shape of the cross made on your brow, not to mention seeing yourself in the with such a mark. It seems rather stark, and indeed it is. Any time we have to face our own mortality, it is stark. These next days of Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday, we will enter into the exploration of what it means to be children of God, children who strive to hear what God wants for us, do what God calls us to do, as we live lives according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is not easy, indeed, it is terribly difficult. And so is life, even here in this beautiful place we call home. We face disappointment, illness, grief, jealousy, everything that makes us human. The good news is that our Lord and Savior, Jesus, lived a fully human, fully divine life; meaning that no matter what we go through in life, Jesus can relate and has promised to be with us. Just remember, what happened to Jesus happens to us. During this holy season of Lent, come and explore the ways God speaks to us, as we gather in the name of Jesus. I believe that one of our greatest resources are the Psalms. Not only do I love to study and pray the psalms, part of my Lenten discipline is to preach from scriptures we do not usually preach from during the rest of the year and for me that is the Psalms. Our tradition at Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity is to sing and pray the Holden Evening Prayer Liturgy during the season of Lent and to have a homily. This year our texts for each Wednesday during Lent (following Ash Wednesday) will be Psalm 22, 19, 107, 51, and 31. As we enter into the holy season of Lent, I invite you to linger in the places that are not so easy, to look a little deeper into what it is that God might be calling you to do or experience, to be truthful in a way that maybe you haven’t been before, and to come to worship within the body of Christ. Come and explore what it is that God might be calling you to do, think, feel, experience. May the peace of Christ accompany you as you explore the wilderness, Pastor Leslie ~From the Piano Bench~ When I was a kid I was totally a medical drama fan on TV. . .I would hear that familiar background theme, either Dr. Kildare or Ben Casey, smile and set myself down for an hour or ½ hour of quality dark medical entertainment! I remember clearly, “ man, woman, birth, death, infinity” in the voice of Sam Jaffee, a great character actor . . .and of course, then came “subdural hematoma” (whatever that still is?. . .no I know…I looked it up on Google. . .LOL). Then as we all aged, we began watching the equally dark and edgy House M.D. Everything old is new again. What’s the comparison? Well, at Easter, my thought always goes to our poor Lord Jesus, who died on the cross for us, “death”, and was resurrected “reborn”, into who knows what “infinity”. With the order of those words changed that seems to make more sense to me. Especially during this upcoming high holy season, I look for something deeper than the notion that He was born, he died and was buried. . .that just doesn’t cut it for me anymore. As I’ve written in over 9 years of this newsletter, if you remember, I don’t really like Easter, until it’s over. Then, I feel reborn, refreshed and renewed. One Easter Sunday, I received a call before I was to entertain at Kobe’s Steak House, that my Father had had a stroke and was in ICU in a hospital in San Diego. Being the good employee that I try to be, I worked the night at the piano bar and then got into my car and drove to San Diego at 11PM at night. Needless to say, I have many memories of that time with my Dad. There have been other times when Easter season has crept upon my life and challenged me to stand with God, to see what I was made of. This season will be stressful also since Jack and I have planned a trip to see a friend of mine who is very ill, and then see Jack’s kids. So, instead of focusing on the sad, the heavy and the negative, I will embrace the death, rebirth and infinity of the holiday. Our choir and soloists will present beautiful music, and truly the music of Lent is some of my favorites. We will lead you musically through a very sensitive time, where we are challenged to stand time and again with the Lord. For me, the Lord is my only answer, and I will always choose to do what the Lord has placed in front of me. I pray that all those decisions are always God’s will not mine. Have a blessed Lenten season, and let’s look forward to a glorious Easter together! In Christ’s Arms, Francine Blessings on Alii Drive Aloha and greetings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. On Sunday, December 28, 2014, Lee Lorenz, Marjorie Winfough, and Brenda Kuessner went on a mission trip with me from Coconut Grove to the Palace beach and back. We were equipped with pizza, chips, fruit cups, cold bottles of water, first-aid kits, dental kits, and laundry kits, plus sandwiches and hot dogs that Lee brought as an added blessing. Each time we encountered one of our homeless brothers and sisters, Lee, Marjorie, and Brenda took turns serving the various blessings as a demonstration of God’s love. After Christian received his blessings, he said, “Thank you for taking care of us!” This mission trip served 24 people in need. On Saturday, January 17, 2015, Kelsey Mordecai, Dave & Gini Duval, and Dave & Diane Turner, went on a breakfast mission trip walk with me. For this mission trip, we made stops to serve our homeless brothers and sisters by the following places: the McDonald’s parking lot, the Aloha gas station, the Palace beach, Hale Halawai, and the library. At each stop, Kelsey, the Duval’s, and the Turner’s served a combination of blessings that included special kits provided by the Turner’s and the Duval’s, breakfast sandwiches, eggs & fruit (provided by the Duval’s), fruit cups, coffee, cold bottles of water, first-aid kits, and laundry kits. Two highlights from this mission trip were sharing a pillow and blanket with Freddie by the Aloha gas station and sharing a pair of sandals with Darren by the library. Darren told us that his sandals had recently sustained a blowout, so this pair of sandals was just what he needed. And I told him that the Lord has a way of knowing just what we need! This time of year lots of people start thinking about their taxes, which got me thinking about the need for Peter and Jesus to pay the temple tax in Matthew 17:24-27. Here, Jesus directs Peter by saying, “go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.” Now I don’t know about you, but going to the lake, throwing in my line, catching a fish, and looking in the fish’s mouth is not where I would think to go and not what I would think to do in order to get money needed for any kind of taxes. Yet, that’s where Jesus tells Peter to go, and that’s what Jesus tells Peter to do. Then it’s up to Peter, and it’s a matter of whether Peter will to listen to the Lord, act on his faith, and follow the Lord’s directions. In our own lives, the Holy Spirit can direct us to God’s provisions for our own needs, and the Holy Spirit can also direct us to share God’s provisions with others in need, but it’s up to us to listen, act, and follow when the Holy Spirit leads us. And in some cases, God’s provisions can come in unexpected places, at unexpected times, and in unexpected ways. For example, most people would not think of getting a new pair of sandals, laundry supplies, and a cup of coffee by going to the library, throwing out their line under the big tree, and catching the first fishers of men walking by, but the Lord did because He had an appointment for us to share these things with Darren on our mission trip walk. And when we opened our mouths, we shared the most important provision of all; we shared God’s love with Darren. In our HERO ministry, we start every mission trip by praying and asking for God to direct us step by step according to His will, but seeking God’s direction isn’t just for mission trips. It’s something you can do each day in your own life. So as you continue your walk with God in 2015, I would like to encourage you to start each morning and end each day by saying the following words: “HERE I AM, LORD! SPEAK, FOR YOUR SERVANT IS LISTENING!!!” Thank you for supporting the HERO’s/Making Change for Change ministry. If you would like to join me for a walk, please email me at: [email protected]. Remember, going on a mission trip can be as close as taking a walk down Alii Drive and helping someone in need. May the grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, be with you all. With aloha, submitted by Cindy Hill LCHT Music Department Presents Plans for 2015! The year was 2005, the month was August and the new Music Director walked into a little room behind the pulpit. There were some nearly empty metal file cabinets, some with music scores (octavos) and some with scripts for high holidays. The M. D. dug into the cabinets and discovered that the music department needed some TLC quickly. She had almost no idea what to choose for the Sunday services, so she used whatever she could find. Word of mouth helped, and also researching the internet, but mistakes were made. The small choir of about 8 willing singers laughed good-naturedly at the goofs and poor choices the M.D. made e.g. Christmas songs sung in November. . .ah well. . .! Many years have passed since those early rocky days and now we not only have a dedicated room for the music department, we also have a wonderful collection of music available to this M.D, and the future ones to come. The room is now called the Music Library, because well, it is truly a library. We even have 2 official librarians; Nancy Wright and Marj Winfough. We have enough music to fill the five 4 drawer file cabinets that our recent fundraiser earned the money to purchase. Also, we will be able to reuse an older vertical cabinet but. . . listen to this. . . Every holiday, we tear through all the drawers looking for the right songs etc. to fit the liturgy, the readings and the festivals. Now, we will use this added cabinet to have all Christmas/Advent music together, the second drawer will hold Lent/Easter music. The bottom drawer will hold our soloists selected sheet music, and also the music for lesser holidays. But saving the best for last. . .Nancy and John Wright’s son, David is going to build a software/ spreadsheet program, where every piece of music will be listed by alphabetical order, crossreferenced to the holidays and biblical readings. . .well, I am just overwhelmed by how fantastic this will all be. We also want to thank John Wright, Dave Winfough and Jack Alexander for heavy lifting at different times during this project. It is so nice to see a dream come true and having this music department enjoy an organized, clean and computerized filing system is a huge dream of mine. I thank everyone who has lent a hand in the making of this dream into a reality. . .Francine Alexander; Music /Director We welcome the Lutheran musical group Dakota Road will be leading our worship services and giving a concert in-between on February 15. Dakota Road Music is a worship and music publishing, leadership and performance company that specializes in original faith filled music. Their songs of faith and love, hurts and hopes have put them at the heart of the movement toward using a wide variety of musical gifts to lead worship and to inspire people to "Do Justic, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly with our God". Their songs, ranging from sacred to silly, touch people of all ages and walks of life. Larry Olson & Karol Baer have been partners in music and life for over 20 years. Together, they bring a playfulness and passion for music that is expressed in rich & diverse songwriting and powerful vocal arrangements. Their songs comes alive with stories of rural roots, ponderings of parenthood, stirrings from our global family and journeys of faith. Together and with their band Dakota Road they have released over a dozen recordings with many of their songs being sung all across the U.S. & beyond. FREE LIFE TOUCH PICTORIAL DIRECTORY We are now ready for you to sign up, on line for your photo session for the pictorial directory. The dates are Friday February 27 and Saturday February 28. You can either sign up on line by yourself or have one of our members sign you up after each church service this Sunday. Members, associate members and friends of the congregation are encouraged to participate. For the computer savvy, here is the link: lutheranchurchoftheholytrinity/index.php?page=10 We will need some hosts and hostesses to help with the photo sessions in two hour shifts. on February 27 and 28. Please contact Karen at the office if you can help either Friday or Saturday. Instructions: 1. When you click on the link you will arrive at a page that has a pull down on the left hand side. Click “Select Number in Group” and click on the appropriate number. 2. A calendar will appear. Click the date you want, from the two un-shaded dates, and a schedule will appear on the right hand side of the page. 3. Select the un-shaded box next to a time you want and a sign up screen will appear. 4. Fill out all the information on the screen and when you click “Finalize Portrait Session” you are signed up. HERO Ministry Our Kona Vision Event will take place on Saturday, March 21, 2015, at the Old Airport Events Pavilion. The event will run from 9am-3pm with set-up from 8-9am and cleanup from 3-4pm. Like last year, we will be offering free eye exams, free glasses, blood sugar and blood pressure screenings, breakfast and lunch, free haircuts, and more!!! Please consider putting your faith in action by coming together with us as one body to serve the less fortunate. Pray and ask God what He has planned for you and whether it’s His will for you to serve or support this event in one of the following ways even if it’s just for an hour or two: breakfast cooks, breakfast servers, beverage servers, photographer, giveaway area attendants, gophers, shampoo station, foot washing station, lunch servers, kitchen cleanup, general cleanup, table & chair break down, pre-event kit makers (first-aid, dental, hygiene, and laundry kits), and financial supporters. No matter what role the Lord has planned for you, it’s a great way to show your love for God, love for neighbor, and love for community. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Cindy Hill at [email protected] or (808) 896-4576. GOD’S WORK OUR HANDS!!! This Year's Lenten Observances We will observe Ash Wednesday at 7pm February 18. During Lent, we will then have Soup Suppers at 6pm and Holden Evening Prayer services at 7pm. There will be a sign up sheet on the kitchen bulletin board for those that wish to bring soup or bread to the Soup Suppers. There will not be a Soup Supper on Ash Wednesday. Lenten Adult Forum The Study of Lent, taught by Dan Mahraun, will be offered between services starting Sunday, February 22 and continuing through Lent. Everyone is invited to attend. Thursday Night Bible Study All are welcome to join Pastor Leslie in the conference room at 5:30 on Thursdays for Bible Study. This season we will be studying Luther’s Small Catechism and the supporting scriptures. If you are not confirmed in the Lutheran tradition, I encourage you to come to this study to learn what it means to be a Lutheran Christian and to study some of Luther’s works. If you would like to be confirmed as an adult at Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, please speak to me about how we can adjust this particular course to meet your needs and to follow the guidelines of Adult Confirmation. All are welcome, regardless of whether or not you seek confirmation, it’s a great time to come and learn, share and grow. WORSHIP ASSISTANTS 1 Bulletins and Sanctuary Flowers 8 15 22 Marlene Strobehn and Friends --------------------> -------------------> -------------------> Larry and Karen Klone Dave and Roseanne Woodliff Doug and Arlene Rode Lent No flowers 8AM 1 8 15 22 Altar Guild Jean Mallion Diane Shaw Judy Ross Dorothy Davis Ushers and Greeters Dick and Bev Brumm Larry and Karen Klone John and Bonnie Molsberry Ken and Pat Bansemer Communion Assistants Randy and Nancy Mulvaney Cathy Westwood, Marion Newton Bill and Diane Shaw Dorothy Davis, Judy Ross Dave Woodliff Earle Marsh Tom Bierlein Dan Mahraun Lay Readers 10:15 AM 1 8 15 22 Altar Guild Judy Gardner Marlene Strobehn Lee Lorenz Julie Adams Ushers and Greeters Larry and Connie Krupp Marlene Strobehn Michelle Strobehn Randy and Nancy Mulvaney Heinz Friebel Jackie Murray Communion Assistants Jackie Murray, Kelsey Mordecai Tom Mistr, Marj Winfough Lee and Colleen Johnson Tom Mistr, Marj Winfough February Birthdays February 10 Kay Hess February 2 Arlene Rode February 14 Elizabeth Bennett Dan Mahraun February 18 John Bennett February 3 Glenn Joahnsen February 19 Kelsey Mordecai February 5 February 21 Allison Bennett Jack Alexander February 6 Kelly Hart February 7 Stevie Hayward February Calendar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Worship 8a, 10:15a Adult Forum and fellowship between services AA 10a & 7p Al 12:30p Yard Work 7a AA 10 & 7 Al & AA 7p AA 7p PIC 1-5p AA 5p Bible Study 5:30p AA 7p Choir 6:30p 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Worship 8a, 10:15a Adult Forum study, and fellowship between services. AA 10a & 7p Kona Moms 8:30 Yard Work 7a AA 10 & 7 Al & AA 7p Family Visitation 8a PIC 1-5p Al 12:30p AA 7p Bible Study 5:30p AA 5p Choir 6:30 AA 7p 15 16 17 Worship 8a, 10:15a Adult Forum, and fellowship between services. AA 10a & 7p Al 12:30p Council 6p Shelter 4:30p AA 5p 18 Yard Work 7a Ash Wednesday Service 7p 19 20 21 AA 10 & 7 Al & AA 7p AA 7p Shelter 4:30 PIC 1-5p AA 7p Bible Study 5:30p Choir 6:30p 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Worship 8a, 10:15a Adult Forum and fellowship between services. AA 10a & 7p Kona Yard Work 7a AA 10 & 7 Al & AA 7p AA 6:30 Al 12:30p Soup Supper 6p PIC 1-5p Directory Pictures Directory Pictures AA 7p Bible Study 5:30p Lenten Service 7p Choir 6:30p LCHT COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 16, 2014 Meeting called to order at 6:00pm by Ken Ross, President. Members Present: Secretary – Prop. Mgmt Ken Ross - President Michelle Strobehn Jackie Murray – Vice-President John Bansemer Milt Sylwester – Treasurer Pastor Leslie Mahraun Peggy Andersen - Stewardship Melody Mistr - Worship & Music Judy Gardner - Cong. Life Members Absent: Heinz Friebel – Evangelism Margaret Meyer – Social Ministry Visitors: Francine Alexander – Music Dir. Jim Gardner Karen Lathrop – Church Secretary Devotion: Judy – “For the Time Being A Christmas Oratorio” – What it means to follow the star of Bethlehem. January – Karen February – Melody March – Michelle April – Margaret May – Jackie June – Milt Secretary Michelle, Minutes for November: Accepted as submitted and amended. Pastor Leslie Submitted written report 1) We have received the first of an annual gift of $20,000 2) Ted Leaf has given us $250.00 for paint for the sanctuary. 3) The Kona Mom’s Club held a Garage/Rummage sale at the church without approval, they were told that it was inappropriate and they are not to have any type of fund raiser on Church property. They must also keep the children under control. 4) We need a policy that LCHT we do not hold non-affiliated weddings and funerals on site except at the Pastor’s discretion. Motion Passed Treasurer Milt, See written report. 1) Revenue is improving as the visitors return. President Ken, 1) Jean Hull e-mail report on the Caroling event. Vice-President Jackie, 1) Nothing new Cong. Life Judy, 1) Coffee fellowship is great. We are thinking about occasionally moving the fellowship out into the lanai to encourage mingling. Education & Youth Open position Property Mgmt John, 1) Still working on changing the light bulbs in the sanctuary and other campus areas where needed. 2) There will be bug spraying tomorrow. 3) The TV by the gate will be taken care of. 4) He is working on a list of projects for “Spruce-up Day” 5) He will get with Randy about mounting the bulletin boards Evangelism Heinz, Absent Stewardship Peggy, See written report 1) we have 40 boxes of offering envelopes, they will be on a table outside the sanctuary with a sign-up list. 2) Only about 20 Stewardship commitment pledge cards were turned in. Social Ministry! Margaret M, Absent – Submitted written report 1) Visitation ministry has new coordinator. 2) HEROS- mission walks monthly- 2 in December 21/28 (bulletin for this) 3) Still looking for venues for dinners 4) HEROs vision project Working now with Project Vision's new Big Island Community Outreach (Coordinator.) They are supplying RV and physicians, Dr Susan Senft agreed to help again w her assistant. BP and diabetes screenings are a go. There will again be a rep for insurance to help sign up. HIHAF (Hawaii Island HIV/AIDS Foundation may come to help test and educate for HIV. Lions club may help again as well. So, a lot happening- we still need some money for glasses or a donation. ! Worship & Music Melody, 1) Everything is going well. We have Communion servers and ushers through January. 2) We are going to do Easter orchids, people can indicate if they are “in Memory of or in Honor of” someone, this will be announced on Palm Sunday if requested. 3) We need Poinsettia for Christmas. Karen to purchase from Lowe’s. Office Karen, 1) Wes Thomas Associates have not picked up paperwork or started their surveying for the road. Old Business 1) A “Rental Fee” scale for the Church facility use was passed as amended. 2) Bazaar raised about $1,000 New Business No new business Next meeting: January 20, 2015, 6pm in the Conference Room Meeting adjourned at 7:25pm with the Lord’s Prayer Submitted by Michelle Strobehn, Council Secretary The Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, ELCA Leslie Ann Mahraun, Pastor Francine Alexander, Music and Choir Director Karen Lathrop, Administrative Assistant 77-165 Lako Street ~ Kailua-Kona HI 96740 # 808-329-5733 email: [email protected] website:
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